
The hare's foot - Paustov's meaning of the fairy tale. Topic: "Konstantin Paustovsky "Hare's Paws" What the heroes feel and experience."

Konstantin Georgievich is a great Russian writer. He loved to travel and reflected his impressions of what he saw and people in his stories. His animals teach people kindness, compassion, responsiveness, and love for their native land. You will become acquainted with one of his works by reading the summary. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” in 1937. But until now this story cannot leave the reader indifferent.

Brief biography: the development of a writer

To understand why K. G. Paustovsky wrote “Hare’s Paws,” you need to know at least a little about the author himself.

He was born in Moscow in 1892, on May 31. Konstantin's father worked as a railway statistician. According to the writer himself, the mother was a stern and domineering woman. Talking about his family, Konstantin Georgievich said that they loved to engage in various arts - they played the piano a lot, visited theaters.

Due to the fact that the family broke up, Konstantin, from the sixth grade, was forced to work on an equal basis with adults in order to earn money for his studies and for a living. The boy became a tutor. And he wrote his first story in 1911, it was published in the magazine “Lights”.

Even as a child, Kostya dreamed of traveling. Over time, he realized his dream, visiting many countries. Impressions from these trips and meetings with different people formed the basis of many of his essays. But, as the writer himself later admitted, there are no better places in Central Russia.

Paustovsky said that he writes more and more willingly about simple unknown people - shepherds, ferrymen, artisans, forest guards, “watchmen and village children - his bosom friends.” That’s why K. G. Paustovsky created “Hare’s Paws” - a story in which a boy and an old man are trying to save a little hare. But not everything is so simple in this work...

The beginning of the story

It's time to reveal the summary. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” to clearly show that there is no need to do evil, since you will have to regret it later. This work shows the nobility of ordinary people, one of whom stumbled, but then corrected himself.

Paustovsky’s work “Hare’s Paws” begins with an introduction. The reader is presented with a boy living in a village on Lake Urzhenskoye. The child's name is Vanya Malyavin.

A child brought a small bunny wrapped in a boy’s cotton jacket to the veterinarian. From the very first lines there is pity for this little creature; the author writes that the hare was crying, his eyes were red from tears. But the veterinarian didn’t even ask what happened; he shouted at the boy, saying that he would soon be carrying mice to him. The child could not stand it and replied that there was no need to swear, this hare was special, his grandfather had sent him to cure him.

When the veterinarian asked what happened, the boy replied that his paws were burned. Instead of helping the animal, the veterinarian pushed the child in the back and shouted after him that he did not know how to treat them and advised them to roast the hare. The boy did not respond to such cruel words. This is how the story begins: The hare's paws were damaged due to a forest fire. The reader will learn about this incident later.

Ivan's compassion

After leaving the veterinarian, the boy also began to cry. Grandma Anisya saw him. The child shared his sadness with her, to which the old woman advised him to contact Dr. Karl Petrovich, who lives in the city. Vanya quickly went to his grandfather to tell him everything.

On the way, the child picked herbs for the pet and asked him to eat. Ivan thought that the bunny was thirsty, so he ran with him to the lake so that he could quench his thirst. Let's continue with the summary. Paustovsky also created “Hare’s Paws” so that children would learn compassion from a young age. After all, the boy Vanya felt sorry for his long-eared friend, so he tried to cure him, feed him and give him something to drink.

Searching for a doctor

At home, the child told grandfather Larion everything, and the next morning they set off. Arriving in the city, the old man and grandson began asking passers-by where Karl Petrovich lived, but no one knew it.

Then they went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist gave the doctor’s address, but upset the travelers by the fact that he had not been accepting patients for three years. Larion and Vanya found the doctor, but he told them that he was not a veterinarian, but a specialist in childhood diseases. To which the elderly man replied, they say, what difference does it make who is treated, a child or a bunny?

Meeting with a doctor, recovery

The doctor began to treat the hare. Vanya stayed with Karl Petrovich to look after his ward, and Larion went to the lake in the morning. Soon the whole street learned about this incident, and after 2 days the whole city. On the third day, a newspaper employee came to the doctor and asked for an interview about the hare.

When the little ear finally recovered, Vanya took him home. This story was quickly forgotten, only a professor from Moscow really wanted his grandfather to sell him a four-legged celebrity. But Larion refused.

What happened then in the forest?

Next, a brief summary moves on to the main events. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” in such a way that the reader learns about the cause of the eared ear burns closer to the end. From this moment it becomes clear that the story is being told on behalf of Konstantin Georgievich himself. He says that in the fall he visited his grandfather Larion and spent the night in his house on the lake. The old man could not sleep, and he told about the incident.

This was back in August. One day my grandfather went hunting, saw a hare and shot. But providence wanted him to miss and the hare to run away. The old man walked on, but soon he smelled burning, saw smoke and realized that it was a forest fire. Hurricane winds contributed to the rapid spread of the fire. The old man ran, but began to stumble and fall. The fire overtook him.

Will the old man be saved?

Larion felt that the fire was already grabbing him by the shoulders, but then he saw a hare jump out from under his feet. He ran slowly, it was clear that his hind legs were injured, as he was dragging them. The old man rejoiced at the beast as if it were his own. He knew that animals have a special sense; they sense where to run to escape a fire.

With the last of his strength, the elderly man ran after the hare, asking him not to run quickly. So the little eared one brought Larion out of the fire. Once on the shore of the lake, both fell exhausted. Then it was time for the old man to take care of his savior. He took his little friend in his arms and carried him home. When Ushastika was cured, the old man kept him with him.

The ending of the story is predictable for some, unexpected for others. Larion repented that he was guilty before the animal. After all, it was the same hare with a torn ear that he almost shot.

This is an interesting story written by K. G. Paustovsky.

"Hare's Paws": main characters

The work begins with an acquaintance with Vanya Malyavin. The author then talks very briefly about his grandfather. These are the two main characters of the story. Undoubtedly, the third is the hare, who behaved heroically and nobly - he saved Larion, despite the fact that he almost killed him at the beginning of their meeting. But good begets good. And in a difficult moment for the animal, the old man did not leave his savior, he overcame various obstacles - the indifference of people, the long way to help the animal.

There are also minor characters here. Some of them, like grandmother Anisya, Karl Petrovich, are positive, since they did not remain indifferent to the misfortune of others. Against the background of the nobility of these people, the murderous indifference of the veterinarian, who almost killed the animal, because he did not even examine it, is especially clearly visible.

Analysis: “Hare's Paws”, Paustovsky

In his work, the writer raises important issues, talking about the indifference of some people and the kindness of others, about the close relationship between nature and man. Analyzing the internal form of the story, it can be argued that at the very beginning the story is impersonal. Towards the end of the work it becomes clear that it is written on behalf of the author.

Analyzing the main characters, we can say that the author told little about their external appearance, but gave the reader the opportunity to see the internal state of these noble people. The writer said that the old man walked in boots and with a stick. It was with a high sense of responsibility. Vanya is also a good and caring boy, he sincerely worries about the hare, which speaks of the child’s responsiveness and kind heart.

If we analyze natural landscapes, it is clear that the author presented them in two forms. The first is the heat, the hurricane, which started a strong fire. The second is a cold autumn, October night, when it is so good to sit with a cup of tea in the house and talk, as Konstantin Georgievich and Larion did. Natural descriptions help the reader to be completely immersed in the story, to be at the scene of events with the characters. This concludes the brief retelling.

Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” for readers of all age categories. Both adults and children will benefit from reading this interesting and instructive story.

What are the main ideas of the story "Hare's Paws"? What is he talking about?

It is about the need to protect nature and treat it with care. She is not always in a state of harmony and peace. In this story, nature acts as a terrible element, which is very difficult to fight back. A fire in a forest poses a threat to plants, animal life and even humans. This is why it is so important to follow the rules of careful handling of fire in the forest; this must be done very carefully.

People should come to the aid of each other and animals. Animals also sometimes save a person, and a person must respond with good for good.

Characteristics of the main characters of the story “Hare's Paws”:

The hare suffered from a forest fire; its hind legs and abdomen were burned.

2. Grandfather Larion Malyavin is a hunter who almost killed a hare in the forest. Later, he found himself surrounded by fire and ran after the hare, hoping that it would help him get out. In gratitude for his salvation, he cured the hare.

3. Vanya Malyavin is the grandson of Larion’s grandfather, a kind and sympathetic boy. I took the hare first to the veterinarian, and then to the pediatrician. He helped cure the hare and took care of him.

4. The veterinarian is a heartless person. Vanya refused his request to cure the animal.

5. Grandma Anisya is a caring woman.

She advised Vanya where it was best to cure a burnt hare.

6. Karl Petrovich Korsh is a children’s doctor who has not practiced medicine for a long time.

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The boy brought a sick hare to the veterinarian and asked to examine it. The doctor initially refused, but Vanya began to explain that his grandfather had sent him. He really asked to cure the animal.

The hare behaved quietly, only cried and blinked his eyes, which became red from tears. It turned out that his paws were burned. The doctor refused to treat the sick eared one. Vanya Malevich took him in his arms and left the office. He leaned on the wall and cried. He didn't know what to do next. A grandmother was visiting the veterinarian and brought her goat. Grandmother Anisya took pity on the boy and the hare. She advised taking him to Karl Petrovich in the city. Vanya thanked the kind old lady and quickly ran back home. The road was not close, but the boy rushed through the forest to his grandfather. It was necessary to have time to take the animal to the city, otherwise irreparable things could happen.

The hare was in great pain and moaned. The sultry summer had melted, and forests were burning all around. The smell of burning, smoke and soot hung in the air. The next morning the old man and the boy set off. Vanya Malevich wrapped the animal in an old jacket and carried it from behind. The long-eared friend became completely silent, he was getting worse. Finally, the travelers entered the market square. They didn’t know where to look for Karl Petrovich and asked passers-by. Only, no one could accurately indicate the address to which to go next.

Grandfather and Vanya went to the pharmacy. It turned out that the old man in the white coat knew Karl Petrovich Korsh. This is a children's doctor, but he has not worked for three years. Vanya's grandfather told a story about a hare. If it weren’t for the animal, the old man would no longer be alive. He saved his life by leading his grandfather out of the forest during a fire, but he burned his paw. The pharmacist immediately looked into his notebook and gave the doctor’s address. Which cured the Hare.

Picture or drawing of a hare's feet

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The main character of Konstantin Paustovsky's story “Hare's Paws” is the old hunter Larion Malyavin. One summer he went hunting and came across a hare with a noticeable ear; it was torn. Larion shot at the hare and missed.

The summer that year was very hot and there were frequent forest fires. Larion Malyavin ended up in one of these fires. The fire spread at high speed, aided by hurricane winds. The hunter, running away from the fiery shaft, already thought that he would die in a fire, when a hare jumped out from under his feet, dragging his hind legs.

The hunter knew that forest animals know how to escape from fire and ran after the hare. The hare did not let him down and led him out of the fire straight to the forest lake. The hunter examined the hare and found out that its paws and stomach were burned. Grateful to the hare for saving his life, Larion decided to cure him. He sent his grandson Vanya to the veterinarian, but the veterinarian refused to treat the hare.

On the advice of grandmother Anisya, grandfather and grandson took the hare to the city, to doctor Karl Petrovich. At first the doctor also refused to treat the hare, saying that he was a children's doctor. But Larion managed to persuade the doctor, saying that the hare saved his life. The doctor began treatment, and soon the whole city knew that he was treating a hare that had saved the hunter’s life. A Moscow correspondent even came to the doctor and asked to tell him about the hare.

The treatment was successful, and soon Vanya Malyavin took the hare home to his grandfather. Since then, the hare has lived with the hunter, who considers himself guilty before his savior, whom he later recognized by his noticeable torn ear.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​the story is that you need to be grateful. And even if an ordinary forest hare performed a good service, you should thank him, which is what the hunter Larion Malyavin did.

The story teaches not to panic in extreme situations, but to always look for a way to salvation. Being an experienced hunter, Larion knew that forest animals know how to escape from fire. Therefore, without hesitation, he followed the hare and managed to escape from the fire.

In the story, I liked the main character, hunter Larion Malyavin, who spent a lot of time and effort to cure his savior, the forest hare.

What proverbs fit Paustovsky’s story “Hare’s Paws”?

Fire is not water - it will engulf you and you will not swim out.
Road help on time.
Debt good turn deserves another.

Konstantin Georgievich is a great Russian writer. He loved to travel and reflected his impressions of what he saw and people in his stories. His works about nature and animals teach people kindness, compassion, responsiveness, and love for their native land. You will become acquainted with one of his works by reading the summary. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” in 1937. But until now this story cannot leave the reader indifferent.

Brief biography: the development of a writer

To understand why K. G. Paustovsky wrote “Hare’s Paws,” you need to know at least a little about the author himself.

He was born in Moscow in 1892, on May 31. Konstantin's father, from a family of Zaporozhye Cossacks, worked as a railway statistician. According to the writer himself, the mother was a stern and domineering woman. Talking about his family, Konstantin Georgievich said that they loved to engage in various arts - they played the piano a lot, visited theaters.

Due to the fact that the family broke up, Konstantin, from the sixth grade, was forced to work on an equal basis with adults in order to earn money for his studies and for a living. The boy became a tutor. And he wrote his first story in 1911, it was published in the magazine “Lights”.

Even as a child, Kostya dreamed of traveling. Over time, he realized his dream, visiting many countries. Impressions from these trips and meetings with different people formed the basis of many of his essays. But, as the writer himself later admitted, there are no better places in Central Russia.

Paustovsky said that he writes more and more willingly about ordinary unknown people - shepherds, ferrymen, artisans, forest guards, “watchmen and village children - his bosom friends.” That’s why K. G. Paustovsky created “Hare’s Paws” - a story in which a boy and an old man are trying to save a little hare. But not everything is so simple in this work...

The beginning of the story

It's time to reveal the summary. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” to clearly show that there is no need to do evil, since you will have to regret it later. This work shows the nobility of ordinary people, one of whom stumbled, but then corrected himself.

Paustovsky’s work “Hare’s Paws” begins with an introduction. The reader is presented with a boy living in a village on Lake Urzhenskoye. The child's name is Vanya Malyavin.

A child brought a small bunny wrapped in a boy’s cotton jacket to the veterinarian. From the very first lines there is pity for this little creature; the author writes that the hare was crying, his eyes were red from tears. But the veterinarian didn’t even ask what happened; he shouted at the boy, saying that he would soon be carrying mice to him. The child could not stand it and replied that there was no need to swear, this hare was special, his grandfather had sent him to cure him.

When the veterinarian asked what happened, the boy replied that his paws were burned. Instead of helping the animal, the veterinarian pushed the child in the back and shouted after him that he did not know how to treat them and advised them to roast the hare. The boy did not respond to such cruel words. This is how Konstantin Paustovsky begins his story. The hare's paws were damaged due to a forest fire. The reader will learn about this incident later.

Ivan's compassion

After leaving the veterinarian, the boy also began to cry. Grandma Anisya saw him. The child shared his sadness with her, to which the old woman advised him to contact Dr. Karl Petrovich, who lives in the city. Vanya quickly went to his grandfather to tell him everything.

On the way, the child picked herbs for the pet and asked him to eat. Ivan thought that the bunny was thirsty, so he ran with him to the lake so that he could quench his thirst. Let's continue with the summary. Paustovsky also created “Hare’s Paws” so that children would learn compassion from a young age. After all, the boy Vanya felt sorry for his long-eared friend, so he tried to cure him, feed him and give him something to drink.

Searching for a doctor

At home, the child told grandfather Larion everything, and the next morning they set off. Arriving in the city, the old man and grandson began asking passers-by where Karl Petrovich lived, but no one knew it.

Then they went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist gave the doctor’s address, but upset the travelers by the fact that he had not been accepting patients for three years. Larion and Vanya found the doctor, but he told them that he was not a veterinarian, but a specialist in childhood diseases. To which the elderly man replied, they say, what difference does it make who is treated, a child or a bunny?

Meeting with a doctor, recovery

The doctor began to treat the hare. Vanya stayed with Karl Petrovich to look after his ward, and Larion went to the lake in the morning. Soon the whole street learned about this incident, and after 2 days the whole city. On the third day, a newspaper employee came to the doctor and asked for an interview about the hare.

When the little ear finally recovered, Vanya took him home. This story was quickly forgotten, only a professor from Moscow really wanted his grandfather to sell him a four-legged celebrity. But Larion refused.

What happened then in the forest?

Next, a brief summary moves on to the main events. Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” in such a way that the reader learns about the cause of the eared ear burns closer to the end. From this moment it becomes clear that the story is being told on behalf of Konstantin Georgievich himself. He says that in the fall he visited his grandfather Larion and spent the night in his house on the lake. The old man could not sleep, and he told about the incident.

This was back in August. One day my grandfather went hunting, saw a hare and shot. But providence wanted him to miss and the hare to run away. The old man walked on, but soon he smelled burning, saw smoke and realized that it was a forest fire. Hurricane winds contributed to the rapid spread of the fire. The old man ran, but began to stumble and fall. The fire overtook him.

Will the old man be saved?

Larion felt that the fire was already grabbing him by the shoulders, but then he saw a hare jump out from under his feet. He ran slowly, it was clear that his hind legs were injured, as he was dragging them. The old man rejoiced at the beast as if it were his own. He knew that animals have a special sense; they sense where to run to escape a fire.

With the last of his strength, the elderly man ran after the hare, asking him not to run quickly. So the little eared one brought Larion out of the fire. Once on the shore of the lake, both fell exhausted. Then it was time for the old man to take care of his savior. He took his little friend in his arms and carried him home. When Ushastika was cured, the old man kept him with him.

The ending of the story is predictable for some, unexpected for others. Larion repented that he was guilty before the animal. After all, it was the same hare with a torn ear that he almost shot.

This is an interesting story written by K. G. Paustovsky.

"Hare's Paws": main characters

The work begins with an acquaintance with Vanya Malyavin. The author then talks very briefly about his grandfather. These are the two main characters of the story. Undoubtedly, the third is the hare, who behaved heroically and nobly - he saved Larion, despite the fact that he almost killed him at the beginning of their meeting. But good begets good. And in a difficult moment for the animal, the old man did not leave his savior, he overcame various obstacles - the indifference of people, the long way to help the animal.

There are also minor characters here. Some of them, like grandmother Anisya, Karl Petrovich, are positive, since they did not remain indifferent to the misfortune of others. Against the background of the nobility of these people, the murderous indifference of the veterinarian, who almost killed the animal, because he did not even examine it, is especially clearly visible.

Analysis: “Hare's Paws”, Paustovsky

In his work, the writer raises important issues, talking about the indifference of some people and the kindness of others, about the close relationship between nature and man. Analyzing the internal form of the story, it can be argued that at the very beginning the story is impersonal. Towards the end of the work it becomes clear that it is written on behalf of the author.

Analyzing the main characters, we can say that the author told little about their external appearance, but gave the reader the opportunity to see the internal state of these noble people. The writer said that the old man walked in boots and with a stick. He was a kind man with a high sense of responsibility. Vanya is also a good and caring boy, he sincerely worries about the hare, which speaks of the child’s responsiveness and kind heart.

If we analyze natural landscapes, it is clear that the author presented them in two forms. The first is the heat, the hurricane, which started a strong fire. The second is a cold autumn, October night, when it is so good to sit with a cup of tea in the house and talk, as Konstantin Georgievich and Larion did. Natural descriptions help the reader to be completely immersed in the story, to be at the scene of events with the characters. This concludes the brief retelling.

Paustovsky wrote “Hare's Paws” for readers of all age categories. Both adults and children will benefit from reading this interesting and instructive story.