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Online tv training dance lezginka. How to learn to dance lezginka

Lezginka - this name actually hides not one, but a whole collection of dances of the peoples of the Caucasus, as well as musical accompaniment for them. And today she captivates the hearts of everyone who even once saw her, and the origins of this folk style lie in the dances of Caucasian warriors, which each nation called in its own way: halkhar, lekuri, tymbyl kaft and other names. Today it is popular folk dancetransmitting a unique Caucasian flavor.

And although initially Lezghinka was exclusively male dancing of warriors, gradually a girl began to enter its pattern. So two types came together: performed exclusively by men and pair dance, in which a woman and a man perform not only certain dance steps, but also play their roles. So, no one has the right to forbid a girl to dance a lezginka.

Why should girls try?

For those whose parents or relatives belong to the peoples of the Caucasus, the ability to dance lezginka is an occasion for a father and mother to be proud of their daughter. And a separate pride of parents will be the recognition of the fact that the girl knows how to dance lezginka correctly. However, all of the above does not mean at all that only people from the Caucasus should be able to dance this folk dance. Lessons of dance Lezginka for girls today can take every resident of Russia and not only, for various reasons:

  • they want to show their skills in the family circle;
  • honor the traditions and culture of their family and ancestors;
  • want to dance in pairs as part of large events;
  • keep fit;
  • develop their own plasticity;
  • study the culture of other peoples and nationalities;
  • going to attend a large event of the peoples of the Caucasus.

Where can I learn?

How to teach a girl to dance lezginka? To do this, it is not at all necessary to go to the historical region of Lezgistan and try to find a place where a young man from a beautiful legend once tried to express his feelings for his beloved in the language of dance.

Today, in the era of progress and the Internet, video lessons of Lezginka for girls for beginners can be easily studied at home. And then, if necessary, take care of tailoring colorful costumes and finding a partner. Lezginka dance lessons for girls for beginners allow you to master the basic techniques in a short time.

What do you need to know?

Even having studied everything dance moves   of this direction, you need to try to convey the very spirit of this dance. A man can portray an eagle, show his own daring in lezginka. But how should a girl dance lezginka? It’s not enough to learn how to dance a lezginka beautifully for a girl, it’s necessary to remember that in the pair version you can’t even touch the man with your fingertips, and also show him special interest. She must remain humble.

Why is it worth doing at home?

Firstly, this can be done without leaving your home at any convenient time. Musical accompaniment will not be difficult to find, and in extreme cases it is allowed to perform to the rhythm of the drums or clap your hands. In addition, you can practice in front of a mirror to convey the very spirit of this cultural phenomenon: happiness, joy and expression of sincere love. It is very important to reveal your acting talents in combination with the movement and pattern of this folk dance.

In order not to rearrange the daily routine and not spend a lot of money on an individual teacher, you can try to learn how to dance a lezginka to a girl at home. To get started, you can watch a video of how professional dancers do it, and then look for video tutorials on how to dance girls lezginka. You should not immediately choose a difficult level, just start the first independent classes with video lezginka for beginners presented below. The knowledge and skills gained will allow you to learn how to dance the most fiery Caucasian dance and to feel easily and freely representative of any nationality.

Video lessons

Lezghinka dance is a real performance that imitates competition between men. It requires endurance, strength and good physical preparation from guys, and from women (yes, they can also dance lezginka, but movements are completely different) - smoothness and grace of movements. The man who at least once saw the performance of Lezginka by dexterous, strong and energetic men will definitely want to learn how to perform it in order to impress others.

The history of this dance goes back to pagan rituals and cults, and one of its main elements is the image of an eagle (it appears when the dancers spread their arms and lift themselves on their socks). This is an indispensable element for those who want to learn this dance.

Once upon a time, men to raise their morale performed lezginka, like a ritual martial dance. And he also allowed the guy to get acquainted with the girl (Caucasian girls could not go out alone). At weddings, the girls performed this dance, and when they were about to leave, the guys blocked all the way with all kinds of movements in the dance. At the same time, they should not have touched the girls - they could even have killed a guy for such a liberty.

Today Lezghinka is a gorgeous sight, a symbol of love and happiness, as well as opportunities for the strong half to show their agility and strength.

For Caucasians, the question “how to learn lezginka?” Never arises at all - they know all the movements since childhood, and even a child will be able to dance him correctly.

But if you have not been taught from infancy to create this indomitable and proud whirlwind of movements, this does not mean that you yourself cannot learn. This will not be easy, but possible.

Seven steps for independent learning lezginka

  1. You need a professional video lesson that details how to learn how to dance lezginka yourself. You don’t need to look for it at all, at the end of this article UchiDoma will provide them for free.
  2. Lezginka is not an ordinary dance. He cannot be danced with a strict mind and a cold heart. The dancer must have acting talents. Incendiary music and a lively pace of dance embody the hot blood of a noble, original, proud people. If you have the same sharp emotions - half the job is done.
  3. Learning to dance this dance for a boy and a girl is an equally capacious task. It is worth noting that the movements for the two sexes are different.
  4. Watch the video tutorials very carefully and more than once. If you know how to tap dance, then you will understand that during lezginka every hit of the foot on the floor should be in time with the music. The rhythm is frantic, but professionals can withstand such loads.
  5. Through the Internet you can download music for your workouts. Without the proper musical accompaniment, you definitely will not learn to dance lezginka.
  6. Before starting classes, put on comfortable, loose clothing and, of course, open your mind. If you do not warm up, you can pull something.
  7. Engage, engage, and engage again. Exercise regularly. If you set a goal, then you will certainly achieve it. But it is necessary to develop coordination of movements, body flexibility and the will to win. Remember that arm movements are just as important as legs. They not only add sharpness, but also help to maintain balance.

Video lessons

For guys

For girls

Lezginka is an old Caucasian dance, which is most often performed at weddings. A person who has gathered on this solemn holiday to the representatives of the Caucasian nation needs to know at least a few basic techniques of Lezgi.

The combination of fiery music and this popular dance captivates the audience. Lezginka looks more colorful if it is performed in folk costumes. The main movements of lezginka can be studied using video materials provided on the Internet.

The video lesson “Lezginka for guys” opens the opportunity to learn how to express your emotions with dance. The credits of the video lesson indicate that it is intended for beginner dancers aged 5 to 100 years! The temperament endowed with the Lezginka performers is in full swing. The age and experience of the dancer in the study of Lezginka is not so important. Lezginka is a dance that comes from the heart.

Video lesson “Lezginka for guys”

What do you need to learn how to dance lezginka correctly?

In order to learn how to beautifully and incendiary dance lezginka, you must clearly learn these elements of dance:

  1. Beautiful posture.
  2. Direct look.
  3. Clear leg movements.
  4. Honed hand movements.

In the video material “Lezginka for guys”, the teacher will talk in detail about these 4 rules. He will talk about their significance in the dance and show what their correct performance looks like.

We study gradually

In this video, the mentor step-by-step demonstrates the components of Lezginka. It shows the complexes of movements in increasing order of difficulty. It contributes to the successful study of this. colorful dance. By carefully observing the teacher and repeating his gestures, the student will be able to gradually learn the positions and techniques of this colorful dance.

In the Lezgink section, free video tutorials on this dance are collected. Lezginka is an old, fast Caucasian dance, as well as music for it. Since ancient times, Lezginka is common among absolutely all Caucasian peoples. The dance of Lezginka is a kind of calling card of any Caucasian, an expression of the soul of proud, temperamental and courageous highlanders. The dance is most spectacular when performed in national costumes and accompanied by a musical ensemble. Lezginka melody is clear and dynamic, the pace is fast. Learning lezginka from online video tutorials will be useful for both beginners and more experienced dancers. You can watch video lessons from the Lezginka category for free at any convenient time. Some lezghin video tutorials have additional training materials that can be downloaded. Enjoy your learning!

Total materials: 13
Shown materials: 1-10

How to dance Lezginka. Part 11. Combination Four

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How to learn to dance lezginka?

The Caucasian folk dance called "Lezginka" is quite popular in our time. Sometimes it’s not possible to attend a dance studio or a professional choreographer due to lack of time or finances. But there are several ways to learn dance yourself. How to learn to dance lezginka - you will learn from our article.

the Internet

This method is absolutely free: in the vastness of the Internet you can find many video lessons, as well as training aids.


If you do not have time to look for the necessary lessons, then you can purchase a training disc in a specialized store. The price of such discs is low, and the program is effective: the course is composed of stretching exercises, basic dance elements   and repetition of important elements.

  1. First, determine what results and when you want to achieve. Decide what days you will be studying and how much time you can devote to classes.
  2. Clothing for classes should be as free and comfortable as possible.
  3. Before training, do the usual exercises for stretching, coordination and warming up the muscles.
  4. Eat light foods such as fruits or dried fruits before class.
  5. If you long hair   - collect them in a bunch.
  6. Keep a small bottle of clean still water on hand.
  7. Be a little actor. Lezginka is a dance of passion, so during the dance it is necessary to radiate energy and strength. When watching a training video or listening to Caucasian music - catch the right mood.
  8. When choosing a lesson, keep in mind that training for women and men is different.
  9. Start with the basics.
  10. View the movement from beginning to end, and repeat it not in its entirety, but in elements.
  11. Each kick to the floor during the dance gets to the beat of the music.
  12. Pay attention to your hands while dancing: the right hand movements help keep your balance.
  13. If in men the movements are clear and fast, then the movements during lezgina in women are smooth and gentle. Glance must be coquettishly fixed on the floor.
  14. First you need to pick up slow music for classes, over time increasing the pace.
  15. Pay much attention to practice and don't be afraid to be funny.

Dance features

In order to learn fast-paced dance quickly and clearly, study the features of lezginka:

  • It is customary to perform the dance in beautiful national costumes: for men it is a uniform caftan with open chest and pants that are fastened with a wide belt, and women wear a dress and a national headdress during the performance;
  • A true Lezghinka is performed to a musical ensemble and live music;
  • Ideally, a pair of lezginka is performed - a young man and a girl. The girl personifies the image of a gentle swan, and the guy - a formidable eagle;
  • As we noted above, the girl’s movements are smooth, while the man combines fast movements with slow ones;
  • Through dance, men demonstrate their strength, dexterity and courage, and girls - grace and beauty. Lezginka is considered a dance for body and soul.