
General idea of ​​the image of the world. The idea of ​​the “image of the world” in psychological science. See what “Image of the World” is in other dictionaries

The concept of “image of the world” was introduced by A.N. Leontiev, considering problems of perception. In his opinion, perception is not only a reflection of reality; it includes not only a picture of the world, but also concepts in which objects of reality can be described. That is, in the process of constructing an image of an object or situation, the main importance is not individual sensory impressions, but the image of the world as a whole.

Development of the concept of “image of the world” by A.N. Leontiev is associated with his general psychological theory of activity. According to A.V. Petrovsky, the formation of the image of the world occurs in the process of interaction of the subject with the world, that is, through activity.

Psychology of the image, in the understanding of A.N. Leontiev, this is specifically scientific knowledge about how, in the process of their activities, individuals build an image of the world - the world in which they live, act, which they themselves remake and are partially aware of; this is also knowledge about how the image of the world functions, mediating their activities in the objective real world. He noted that the image of the world, in addition to the four dimensions of the reality of space-time, also has a fifth quasi-dimension - the meaning of what is reflected for the subject in the known objective intrasystem connections of the objective world.

A.N. Leontyev, speaking about the “image of the world,” wanted to emphasize the difference between the concepts of “world of images” and “image of the world,” as he was addressing researchers of perception. If we consider other forms of emotional reflection of the world, then we could use other terms, such as, for example, “the world of experiences” (or feelings) and “the experience (feeling) of the world. And if we use the process of representation to describe this concept, then we can use the concept of “representation of the world.”

Further discussion of the problem of the “image of the world” led to the emergence of two theoretical positions. The first position includes the concept that every mental phenomenon or process has its own carrier, subject. That is, a person perceives and experiences the world as an integral mental being. When modeling even individual aspects of the functioning of private cognitive processes, cognitive processes are taken into account. The second provision complements the first. According to him, all human activity is mediated by his existing individual picture of the world and his place in this world

V.V. Petukhov believes that the perception of any object or situation, a specific person or abstract idea is determined by a holistic image of the world, and it is determined by the entire experience of a person’s life in the world, his social practice. Thus, the image (or representation) of the world reflects that specific historical - ecological, social, cultural - background against which (or within which) all human mental activity unfolds. From this position, the activity is described from the point of view of the requirements that, when performing it, are placed on perception, attention, memory, thinking, etc.

According to S.D. Smirnov, the real world is reflected in consciousness as an image of the world in the form of a multi-level system of a person’s ideas about the world, other people, himself and his activities. The image of the world is “a universal form of knowledge organization that determines the possibilities of cognition and behavior management.”

A.A. Leontyev identifies two forms of the image of the world:

1. situational (or fragmentary) - i.e. an image of the world that is not included in the perception of the world, but is completely reflective, distant from our action in the world, in particular, perception (as, for example, during the work of memory or imagination);

2. non-situational (or global) - i.e. an image of an integral world, a kind of scheme (image) of the universe.

From this point of view, the image of the world is reflection, that is, comprehension. The image of the worldview of A.N. Leontiev considers it as education related to human activity. And the image of the world as a component of personal meaning, as a subsystem of consciousness. Moreover, according to E.Yu. Artemyeva, the image of the world is born simultaneously in both consciousness and the unconscious.

The image of the world acts as a source of subjective certainty, allowing one to unambiguously perceive objectively ambiguous situations. The system of apperceptive expectations that arises on the basis of the image of the world in a specific situation influences the content of perceptions and ideas, generating illusions and errors of perception, as well as determining the nature of the perception of ambiguous stimuli in such a way that the actually perceived or represented content corresponds to the holistic image of the world, the semantic structures structuring it and the resulting interpretations, attributions and predictions regarding a given situation, as well as current semantic attitudes.

In the works of E.Yu. Artemyev’s image of the world is understood as an “integrator” of traces of human interaction with objective reality.” From the position of modern psychology, the image of the world is defined as an integral multi-level system of a person’s ideas about the world, other people, about himself and his activities, a system “that mediates, refracts through itself any external influence." The image of the world is generated by all cognitive processes, being in this sense their integral characteristic.

The concept of “image of the world” is found in a number of works by foreign psychologists, among whom the founder of analytical psychology, K.G. Cabin boy. In his concept, the image of the world appears as a dynamic formation: it can change all the time, just like a person’s opinion about himself. Every discovery, every new thought gives the image of the world new contours.

S.D. Smirnov deduces the main qualities inherent in the image of the world - integrity and consistency, as well as complex hierarchical dynamics. S.D. Smirnov proposes to distinguish between nuclear and surface structures of the image of the world. He believes that the image of the world is a nuclear formation in relation to what appears on the surface as a sensually (modally) formed picture of the world."

The concept of “picture of the world” is often replaced by a number of terms - “image of the world”, “scheme of reality”, “model of the universe”, “cognitive map”. In the research of psychologists, the following concepts are correlated: “picture of the world”, “model of the world”, “image of the world”, “information model of reality”, “conceptual model”.

The picture of the world includes a historical component, a person’s worldview and attitude, holistic spiritual content, and a person’s emotional attitude to the world. The image reflects not only the personal, worldview and emotional component of the personality, but also a special component - the spiritual state of the era, ideology.

The picture of the world is formed as an idea of ​​the world, its external and internal structure. The picture of the world, in contrast to the worldview, is a collection of ideological knowledge about the world, a collection of knowledge about the objects and phenomena of reality. To understand the structure of the picture of the world, it is necessary to understand the ways of its formation and development.

G.A. Berulaeva notes that in the conscious picture of the world there are 3 layers of consciousness: its sensory tissue (sensory images); meanings, the carriers of which are sign systems formed on the basis of the internalization of objective and operational meanings; personal meaning.

The first layer is the sensory fabric of consciousness - these are sensory experiences.

The second layer of consciousness consists of meanings. The carriers of meaning are objects of material and spiritual culture, norms and patterns of behavior enshrined in rituals and traditions, sign systems and, above all, language. The meaning records socially developed ways of acting with reality and in reality. The internalization of operational and subject meanings based on sign systems leads to the emergence of concepts (verbal meanings).

The third layer of consciousness is formed by personal meanings. Objective content carried by specific events, phenomena or concepts, i.e. what they mean for society as a whole and for the psychologist in particular may differ significantly from what the individual discovers in them. A person not only reflects the objective content of certain events and phenomena, but at the same time records his attitude towards them, experienced in the form of interest and emotion. The concept of meaning is associated not with context, but with subtext, appealing to the affective-volitional sphere. The system of meanings is constantly changing and developing, ultimately determining the meaning of any individual activity and life in general, while science is primarily concerned with the production of meanings.

So, the image of the world is understood as a certain aggregate or ordered multi-level system of a person’s knowledge about the world, about himself, about other people, which mediates and refracts through itself any external influence.

The image of the world is a personally conditioned, initially unreflected, holistic attitude of the subject to himself and to the world around him, carrying within himself the irrational attitudes that a person has.

The mental image contains hidden personal significance, the personal meaning of the information imprinted in it.

The image of the world is largely mythological, that is, it is real only for the person whose image it is.


1 Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute - branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University"

2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian State Technological University" - Lesosibirsk branch

The article provides a theoretical analysis of research into the category “image of the world” in the works of domestic psychologists. It is shown that the term first used in the work of A.N. Leontiev, is studied within the framework of various humanities, where it is filled with different semantic content. Comparing the concepts of “image of the world”, “picture of the world”, “multidimensional image of the world”, the authors highlight the characteristics of the image of the world: integrity, sensuality, processuality, social and natural determinism. According to the authors, in modern Russian psychology the most attractive is the approach proposed by V.E. A scrap within the framework of systemic anthropological psychology, where a person, understood as an open psychological system, includes an image of the world (subjective component), a way of life (an activity component) and reality itself - the multidimensional life world of a person. In this case, the multidimensional image of the human world acts as a dynamic system construct that unites subjective-objective perception and is characterized by a single space and time.

systemic anthropological psychology.

multidimensional image of the world


image of the world

1. Artemyeva E.Yu. Psychology of subjective semantics. – LKI Publishing House, 2007.

3. Klochko V.E. Self-organization in psychological systems: problems of formation of the mental space of the individual (introduction to transspective analysis). – Tomsk: Tomsk State Publishing House. University, 2005.

4. Klochko V.E. The formation of the multidimensional world of man as the essence of ontogenesis // Siberian psychological journal. – 1998. – P.7-15.

5. Klochko Yu.V. Rigidity in the structure of a person’s readiness to change lifestyle: dis. ... candidate of psychological sciences. – Barnaul, 2002.

6. Krasnoryadtseva O.M. Features of professional thinking in the conditions of psychodiagnostic activity. – BSPU Publishing House, 1998.

7. Leontyev A.N. Psychology of image // Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 14. Psychology. – 1979. – No. 2. – P.3-13.

8. Mazlumyan V.S. Picture of the world and Image of the world?! // World of Psychology. – 2009. – No. 4. – P.100-109.

9. Matis D.V. Reconstruction of the dynamics of a person’s image of the world using psychohistorical analysis: dis. ... candidate of psychological sciences. – Barnaul, 2004.

10. Medvedev D.A. The image of the world as an internal factor in the development of the personality of a student at a pedagogical university: dis. ... candidate of psychological sciences. – Stavropol, 1999.

11. Serkin V.P. Five definitions of the concept “image of the world” // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Ser. 14. Psychology. – 2006. – No. 1. – P.11-19.

12. Smirnov S.D. Psychology of the image: the problem of the activity of mental reflection. – M.: MSU, 1985.

13. Tkhostov A.Sh. Topology of the subject // Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 14. Psychology. – 1994. – No. 2. – P.3-13.

The term was first used by A.N. Leontiev in 1975, characterizes the image of the world as a world in which “people live, act, remake and partially create,” and the formation of the image of the world is “a transition beyond the immediate sensory picture.” Analyzing the problem of perception, the scientist identifies, in addition to the dimensions of space and time, a fifth quasi-dimension - intrasystem connections of the objective objective world, when “the picture of the world is filled with meanings” and makes the image of the world subjective. It was with the development of this phenomenon that A.N. Leontiev connected “one of the main points of growth” of the general psychological theory of activity.

The concept of “image of the world” is used in a variety of sciences - philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, linguistics, in each of which it acquires additional shades of meaning and is often interchanged with synonymous concepts: “picture of the world”, “scheme of reality”, “model of the universe”, “cognitive” map". The development of the problem of the “image of the world” affects a wide layer of philosophical and psychological research, and the projection of this problem is found in the works of many domestic scientists. To one degree or another, the formation of the “image of the world” phenomenon was influenced by the works of M.M. Bakhtin, A.V. Brushlinsky, E.V. Galazhinsky, L.N. Gumileva, V.E. Klochko, O.M. Krasnoryadtseva, M.K. Mamardashvili, G.A. Berulava, V.P. Zinchenko, S.D. Smirnova and others.

The lack of formation of ideas about the phenomenon under study is also confirmed by the fact that in psychological dictionaries there are different interpretations of the image of the world: a holistic, multi-level system of a person’s ideas about the world, other people, about himself and his activities; an integrated system of a person’s general ideas about the world, other people and himself, a scheme of reality in the coordinates of space and time, covered by a system of socially formed meanings, etc. However, the authors agree, noting the primacy of the image of the world relative to any specific image, in other words, any image , appearing in a person, is determined by the image of the world already formed in his (human) consciousness.

In a number of studies devoted to the analysis of the category image of the world, this phenomenon is considered through the prism of “representations of the world” by V.V. Petukhov, typology of life worlds by F.E. Vasilyuk, subjective experience of E.Yu. Artemyeva, “pictures of the world” by N.N. Koroleva, “pictures of the world order” by Yu.A. Aksenova and others.

E.Yu. Artemyeva considers the image of the world as a formation that regulates all mental activity of the subject, and the property of which is the accumulation of the prehistory of activity (Artemyeva, 30). According to the author, there must be a structure that can be a regulator and building material for the image of the world, the role of which is the structure of subjective experience. In this context, the scientist identifies a surface layer (“perceptual world”), a semantic (“picture of the world”), and a layer of amodal structures (the actual image of the world). Let us note that in the future the level structure of the image of the world is analyzed in the works of F.V. Bassina, V.V. Petukhova, V.V. Stolina, O.V. Tkachenko and others.

S.D. Smirnov believes that the image of the world is a holistic formation of the cognitive sphere of the individual, performing the function of the starting point and result of any cognitive act, specifying that the image of the world “cannot be identified with a sensory picture.” The scientist notes the main characteristics of the image of the world: amodality, integrity, multi-levelness, emotional and personal meaningfulness, secondary nature.

S.D. Smirnov identifies the following characteristics of the image of the world:

1. The image of the world does not consist of images of individual phenomena and objects, but from the very beginning develops and functions as a whole.

2. The image of the world in functional terms precedes actual stimulation and the sensory impressions it causes.

3. The interaction of the image of the world and stimulus influences is built not on the principle of processing, modification of sensory impressions caused by a stimulus with the subsequent binding of an image created from sensory material to a pre-existing image of the world, but by testing or modification (clarification, detailing, correction or even significant restructuring) of the image of the world

4. The main contribution to the construction of the image of an object or situation is made by the image of the world as a whole, and not by a set of stimulus influences.

5. Movement from images of the world towards stimulation from the outside is a mode of its existence and is, relatively speaking, spontaneous in nature. This process ensures constant testing of the image of the world with sensory data, confirmation of its adequacy. If the possibilities of such testing are violated, the image of the world begins to collapse.

6. We can talk about the continuous procedural nature of the movement from the “subject to the world,” which is interrupted only with loss of consciousness. The difference between the approach developed here is that the image of the world generates cognitive hypotheses not only in response to a cognitive task, but constantly.

7. It is not the subject who adds something to the stimulus, but the stimulus and the impressions caused by it serve as an “addition” to the cognitive hypothesis, turning it into a sensually experienced image.

8. If the main component of our cognitive image is a cognitive hypothesis formed on the basis of the broad context of the image of the world as a whole, then it follows that this hypothesis itself at the level of sensory cognition should be formulated in the language of sensory impressions.

9. The most important characteristic of the image of the world, which provides it with the ability to function as the active beginning of the reflective process, is its activity and social nature.

V.S. Mazlumyan, analyzing the relationship between the concepts of “image of the world” and “picture of the world,” notes that the image of the world is an individual emotive and semantic refraction of the social Picture of the world in the mind of an individual. Moreover, the image of the world is not a simple body of knowledge, but a reflection of individual shades of feelings and moods of the individual, forming the basis for a person’s orientation in the world and in his behavior.

YES. Medvedev puts three inextricable components into the concept of “image of the world”: the image of the Self, the image of the Other, the generalized image of the objective world, where all components are contained in the human mind at the logical and figurative-emotional levels and regulate the subject’s perception of the surrounding reality, as well as his behavior and activities . At the same time, a person peers into the world around him, which, under his investigative or simply observing gaze “here and now,” gives birth to something new.

In modern psychology, a detailed analysis of the development of ideas about the essence of the phenomenon “image of the world” was made in the works of V.P. Serkin, who defined the image of the world as an incentive and orientation subsystem of the entire system of activities of the subject. The scientist, relying on the reasoning of A.N. Leontiev, identifies the following characteristics of the image of the world:

1. The image of the world is built on the basis of highlighting experience that is significant for the system of activities implemented by the subject.

2. The creation of an image of the world becomes possible in the process of transforming the sensory tissue of consciousness into meanings (“signification”).

3. The image of the world is a plan for the internal activity of the subject, i.e. integral individual system of human values.

4. The image of the world is an individualized cultural and historical basis of perception.

5. The image of the world is a subjective predictive model of the future.

According to A.Sh. Tkhostov, the image of the world is a phantom of the world, which acts as the only possible way of adapting to the world; at the same time, the image of the world cannot be assessed without the context against which the cognitive hypotheses of the subject are updated, objects are structured and as a result the only possible reality of a person is created.

The most attractive for our research is the approach proposed by V.E. Klochko within the framework of systemic anthropological psychology, where a person, understood as an open psychological system, includes an image of the world (subjective component), a way of life (activity component) and reality itself - the multidimensional life world of a person. According to the author, development consists of expanding and increasing the dimensionality of the image of the world, and therefore acquiring new coordinates. Particularly worth noting is the concept of “multidimensional human world,” which in the scientist’s understanding is the basis of a multidimensional image of the world. V.E. Klochko writes: “any image, including the image of the world, ... is the result of reflection. A multidimensional image of the world, therefore, can only be the result of a reflection of a multidimensional world,” i.e. human existence is larger and deeper than objectified reality, than what can fit within the framework of knowledge.

Thus, new dimensions are not added to the subjective image, but exist in the human world from the beginning. This interpretation brings together the ideas of V.E. Klochko with A.N. Leontiev, who called the derivative of multidimensionality the “fifth quasi-dimension” - a system of values, however, in V.E. Little by little, as the human world develops, more dimensions of meaning and values ​​are added. Similar ideas are found in the works of I.B. Khanina, for whom the multidimensionality of the image of the world is determined by the activity itself. In other words, the specificity and variability of activities (game, educational, educational and professional, etc.) determines the emergence and development of different dimensions of the image of the world. At the same time, a person as a system cannot develop in all directions at once; he must choose the network basis that suits him for certain purposes, is optimal in its internal correlation, commensurability, which indicates the selectivity of mental reflection.

O.M. Krasnoryadtseva, analyzing the concept of “image of the world” and discussing the origin of its multidimensionality, notes that it is thinking and perception that perform the functions that form this multidimensionality. According to the author, perception leads to the construction of an image of the world, and thinking is aimed at its creation, at producing dimensions, at bringing it into a system. At the same time, perception objectifies the external and inscribes it into the image of the world, and thinking projects the self of a person, his essential powers and capabilities into the objective world that has opened up to him. Thus, we can talk about the image of the multidimensional world and the multidimensional world itself as two poles of a single system, which is ordered through perception and thinking.

Thus, the multidimensional image of the human world acts as a dynamic system construct that unites subjective-objective perception and is characterized by a single space and time.

A number of dissertation studies develop the ideas of V.E. A scrap about the formation of a person’s image of the world. Thus, in the work of D.V. Matis not only identified the psychological mechanisms for reconstructing the image of the world and way of life (socialization, adaptation, language, religion, folk pedagogy), but also determined that the formation of the image of the world among different peoples has its own characteristics, conditioned by the traditional sociocultural space, and is determined by the entire course of history. ethnic development. The author believes that the formation of the image of the world occurs in stages, through the transformation of culture into it, while from the moment of birth its dimension gradually expands, and in adolescence, changes in the image of the world acquire a qualitative character.

ON THE. Dolgikh notes the uniqueness of the image of the world as a central category of art education, which allows us to talk about the possibility of forming an image of the world in the conditions and means of art education.

Yu.V. Klochko’s dissertation research shows that three components can be distinguished in the structure of the image of the world:

1. Perceptual layer, which includes spatial categories and time and is characterized by a multitude of ordered objects moving relative to the subject; the specificity of this layer is its representation in the form of various modalities;

2. Semantic layer, presented in the form of multidimensional relationships, the presence of meanings and qualities of objects, their characteristics; modalities are present and separated semantically;

3. Amodal layer, characterized by integrity and non-separation.

Thus, the concepts considered make it possible to characterize the image of the world as an integral multi-level structure, which includes a person’s ideas about himself, about other people, about the world as a whole and about his activities in it, while the integrity of the image of the world is the result of the reflection of objective and subjective images. Most researchers focus on the role of perception, which makes it possible to create a holistic vision of the world.


Loginova I.O., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy with a course of Medical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Pedagogics, Dean of the Faculty of Clinical Psychology, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after. prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnoyarsk;

Ignatova V.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Siberian State Technological University, Krasnoyarsk.

Bibliographic link

Kazakova T.V., Basalaeva N.V., Zakharova T.V., Lukin Yu.L., Lugovskaya T.V., Sokolova E.V., Semenova N.I. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF WORLD IMAGE RESEARCH IN DOMESTIC PSYCHOLOGY // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 2-2.;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

In the works of researchers dealing with the problems of forming an image of the world, there is no established conceptual apparatus; there are a number of categories that do not have a single interpretation. Appeal to the sphere of formation of the image of the world is found in various fields of knowledge: psychology, pedagogy, philosophy, ethnology, cultural studies, sociology, etc. The category “image of the world” is found relatively recently and is designated as a “snapshot” of the work of consciousness, as the source of the emergence of images.

In the field of psychology, the theoretical development of the category “image of the world” is presented in the works of G.M. Andreeva, E.P. Belinskaya, V.I. Brulya, G.D. Gacheva, E.V. Galazhinsky, T.G. Grushevitskaya, L.N. Gumileva, V.E. Klochko, O.M. Krasnoryadtseva, V.G. Krysko, B. S. Kukushkina, Z.I. Levina, A.N. Leontyeva, S.V. Lurie, V.I. Matisa, Yu.P. Platonova, A.P. Sadokhina, E.A. Sarakueva, G.F. Sevilgaeva, S.D. Smirnova, T.G. Stefanenko, L.D. Stolyarenko, V.N. Filippova, K. Jaspers et al.

The concept of “image of the world” was first introduced in psychology by A.N. Leontyev, he defined this category as a mental reflection taken in the system of connections and relationships of the subject with the world around him. In his works, the image of the world is considered as a holistic, multi-level system of a person’s ideas about the world, other people, himself and his activities. A.N. Leontyev studied the process of the emergence of the image of the world, explaining it by its active nature, which defines the image as the moment of its movement. The image arises only in activity and is therefore inseparable from it; the problem of generating an objective image of the world is a problem of perception, “the world in its distance from the subject is amodal.”

Based on the provisions of A.N. Leontyev, his research N.G. Osukhova builds through the prism of a person’s subjective image of the world, comparing it with the concept of “myth” in the cultural sense that this term has acquired today. She defines the image of the world as “a person’s individual myth about himself, other people, the life world during his life.” This researcher considers this category as a holistic mental formation, noting that it exists at the cognitive and figurative-emotional level. Considering the components included in the image of the world, N.G. Osukhova identifies the “image of the Self” as a system of ideas and a person’s attitude towards himself during his life, including everything that a person considers to be his. In addition, the image of another person, the image of the world as a whole and the psychological time of the individual are considered.

A.N. Leontyev, revealing the structure of the image of the world, made a conclusion regarding its multidimensionality. Moreover, the number of dimensions was determined not only by three-dimensional space, but also by the fourth - time, and the fifth quasi-dimension, “in which the objective world is revealed to man.” The explanation of the fifth dimension is based on the fact that when a person perceives an object, he perceives it “not only in its spatial dimensions and in time, but also in its meaning.” It is with the problem of perception of A.N. Leontyev connected the construction of a multidimensional image of the world in the consciousness of the individual, his image of reality. Moreover, he called the psychology of perception specific scientific knowledge about how, in the process of their activities, individuals build an image of the world “in which they live, act, which they themselves remake and partially create; this knowledge is also about how the image of the world functions , mediating their activities in the objectively real world." .

Considering the dimensionality of the human image of the world, V.E. Klochko emphasizes its multidimensionality, revealing it as follows: “A multidimensional image of the world, therefore, can only be the result of a reflection of a multidimensional world. The assumption that the human world has four dimensions, and others are added to the image, making it multidimensional, is without any basis ". First of all, it is difficult to imagine the very process of introducing new dimensions to the emerging image. In addition, the main thing will be lost: the ability to explain the mechanism of selectivity of mental reflection. Dimensions characteristic of a person (meanings, meanings and values) represent objects included in the human world and are qualities of the objects themselves. This ensures their difference from the infinite set of objective phenomena, which simultaneously influence the human senses, but do not penetrate into consciousness, thereby determining both the content of consciousness at each moment of time and its value-semantic saturation" (55 ).

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A prescriptive study of an individual’s cognitive processes in the context of his subjective picture of the world, as it develops in this individual during the development of cognitive activity. This is a multidimensional image of the world, an image of reality.
Leontyev A.N. Psychology of image // Vestnik Mosk. un-ta. Ser. 14. Psychology. 1979, N 2, p. 3 - 13.

Psychological Dictionary. 2000 .

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    1. IMAGE, a; pl. images; m. 1. Appearance, appearance; appearance, appearance. God created man in his own image and likeness. I often remember her gentle Fr. O. of the young Chekhov is captured in photographs. It was a real devil in the form of... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Philosophical sociological. a category that covers the totality of typical types of life activity of an individual, a social group, and society as a whole, which is taken in unity with living conditions. Provides the opportunity to comprehensively, in interconnection... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia


  • The image of the world - the world of images, Rashid Dominov. The offered album is the most complete representation of the work of the famous St. Petersburg artist Rashid Dominov to date. The book, compiled by the author himself, includes his...
  • Image of the world. Texts, voice, memory. To the 80th anniversary of the birth of N. L. Leiderman (1939-2010), Leiderman Naum Lazarevich. The book by Naum Lazarevich Leiderman (1939-2010), an outstanding literary critic and founder of the Ural scientific school in philology, includes a collection of his selected articles on theory and history...

In 1979, an article by A.N. was published. Leontiev “Psychology of the image”, in which the author introduced the concept of “image of the world”, which today has a very large descriptive potential for all areas of psychology. The concept was introduced to summarize the empirical data accumulated in perception studies. Just as the concept of “image” is integrative to describe the process of perception, so the concept of “image of the world” is integrative to describe all cognitive activity.

For adequate perception of an object, it is necessary to perceive the whole world as a whole, and to “fit” the perceived object (in the broad sense of the word) into the image of the world as a whole. Analyzing the texts of A.N. Leontiev, the following properties of the image of the world can be distinguished:

1) the image of the world is “predetermined” for a specific act of perception;

2) combines individual and social experience;

3) the image of the world fills the perceived object with meaning, that is, it determines the transition from sensory modalities to the amodal world. Meaning of A.N. Leontyev called the fifth quasi-dimension (except space-time) of the image of the world.

In our works, it has been experimentally proven that the subjective meaning of events, objects, and actions with them structures (and generates) the image of the world, which is not at all analogous to the structuring of metric spaces, affectively “contracts and stretches” space and time, places accents of significance, disrupts their sequence and inverts . Just as two points far apart on a flat sheet can touch if the sheet is folded in three-dimensional space, objects, events and actions far removed in time and space coordinates can touch in meaning, appear “before”, although they happened “after” in terms of space-time coordinates. This is possible because “the space and time of the image of the world” are subjective.

The generative functions of the image of the world provide the construction of many subjective “variants of reality.” The mechanism for generating and choosing a possible (forecast) is not only and not so much logical thinking, but rather the “semantics of possible worlds”, directed by the nuclear layer (goal-motivational complex) of the image of the world.

For further use, here are five definitions of the concept “image of the world” that we compiled earlier:

1. The image of the world (as a structure) is an integral system of human meanings. The image of the world is built on the basis of identifying what is significant (essential, functional) for the system of activities implemented by the subject). The image of the world, presenting the known connections of the objective world, determines, in turn, the perception of the world.

2. The image of the world (as a process) is an integral ideal product of consciousness, obtained through the constant transformation of the sensory tissue of consciousness into meanings.

3. The image of the world is an individualized cultural and historical basis of perception.

4. Image of the world – individual prognostic model of the world.

5. The image of the world is an integrated image of all images.

A.N. Leontiev and many of his followers described a two-layer model of the image of the world (Fig. 1), which can be represented in the form of two concentric circles: the central one - the core of the image of the world (amodal, structures), the peripheral (sensory design) - the picture of the world.

Rice. 1. Two-layer model of the world image

Due to the difficulties of operationalizing the study of the image of the world based on a two-layer model, a three-layer model was used in our work - in the form of three concentric circles: the nuclear inner layer (amodal goal-motivational complex), the middle semantic layer and the outer layer - the perceptual world (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Three-layer model of the world image

The perceptual world is the most mobile and changeable layer of the image of the world. Images of actual perception are components of the perceptual world. The perceptual world is modal, but it is also a representation (attitude, prediction and completion of the image of an object based on the predictive function of the image of the world as a whole), regulated by deeper layers. The perceptual world is perceived as a set of moving objects ordered in space and time (including one’s body) and the relationship to them. It is possible that one’s own body sets one of the leading systems of space-time coordinates.

The semantic layer is transitional between surface and nuclear structures. The semantic world is not amodal, but, unlike the perceptual world, it is integral. At the level of the semantic layer E.Yu. Artemyeva identifies meanings themselves as the relationship of the subject to the objects of the perceptual world. This integrity is already determined by the meaningfulness and significance of the semantic world.

The deep layer (nuclear) is amodal. Its structures are formed in the process of processing the “semantic layer”, however, there is not yet enough data to reason about the “language” of this layer of the image of the world and its structure. The components of the nuclear layer are personal meanings. In the three-layer model, the nuclear layer is characterized by the authors as a goal-motivational complex, which includes not only motivation, but the most general principles, criteria of attitude, and values.

Developing a three-layer model of the image of the world, we can assume that the perceptual world has areas of perception and apperception (zones of clear consciousness according to G. Leibniz), similar to Wundt’s zones. We did not choose the term “regions of apperception” and not “zones of apperception” by chance. This term emphasizes both the continuity of the ideas of Leibniz and Wundt, and the difference in the content of the term. Unlike W. Wundt, today we can point not to associative and voluntary, but to motivational, goal-oriented and anticipatory determinants of the allocation of areas of apperception. In addition, taking into account what was proven by S.D. Smirnov’s position that perception is a subjective activity, we can say that the identification of areas of apperception is determined not only by actual stimulation, but also by the entire previous experience of the subject, is directed by the goals of actions of practical activity and, of course, by the determinants of cognitive activity itself. The areas of apperception are not at all continuous, as they were for Wundt. For example, in the experiments of U. Neisser it is clearly shown that when perceiving two superimposed video images, subjects can easily single out any of them according to the task, which is due to the anticipatory influence of the predictive functions of the image of the world.

Similar areas exist in the deep layers of the image of the world. It is possible that the psychological mechanism of changes in the perceptual world, and behind it - in deeper layers, is precisely the dynamics of the actualization of areas of apperception, the content of which in turn is determined by the motive (subject) of human activity. Parts of the perceptual world that are most often located in areas of intense perception, that is, associated with the subject of activity, are the most well structured and developed. If we imagine a model of a three-layer structure of the image of the world as a sphere in the center of which there are nuclear structures, the middle layer is the semantic layer, and the outer layer is the perceptual world, then the professional functional substructure is modeled as a cone, growing with its apex from the center of such a sphere (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Functional (activity) apperceptive subsystem of the image of the world

Stable activity-based functional subsystems of the image of the world are formed in any activity, but are especially clearly “manifested” when studying professional activity: a professional often demonstrates that he “sees,” “hears,” “feels” the features of his subject area (the knock of an engine, the joints of wallpaper, shades of color or sound, surface unevenness, etc.) are better than non-professionals not at all because he has better developed senses, but because the functional apperceptive system of the image of the world is “tuned” in a certain way.

Professional attitude towards objects and means of professional activity E.Yu. Artemyeva called the world of the profession. The basis of the proposed E.A. Klimov’s multifaceted structure of a professional’s image of the world is based on the thesis that professional activity is one of the factors in typifying individual images of the world: 1. Images of the surrounding world among representatives of different types of professions are significantly different. 2. Society is quantized into different objects in different ways in the descriptions of professions of different types. 3. There are specific differences in the picture of subject-related gnosis of different types of professionals. 4. Different professionals live in different subjective worlds(emphasis mine – V.S.).

E.A. Klimov proposed the following structure of a professional’s image of the world (Table 1):

Table 1: Structure of a professional’s world image

The seventh plane is the most dynamic under normal conditions, the first is the least. A professional’s image of the world consists of well-defined systemic integrity, the collapse of which leads to the loss of professional usefulness of ideas.