
Event-based educational formats for working with schoolchildren. Event-based pedagogy in a children's educational and health center. Message on GMO

Municipal preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 7 “Zhuravushka”

G. Rtishchevo, Saratov region

Teacher Bobina T.Yu.

Preschoolers are the first stage in education. The Federal State Educational Standard is focused not only on supporting the “diversity of childhood,” but also on the variability of developmental forms of this support.

Today, the teaching community is faced with the task of affirming the priority of the child’s individuality. In the transition period that the entire preschool education system is going through, new guidelines have been identified aimed at:

Promoting the development of the child in interaction with parents;

The desire to make children's lives more interesting;

Formation of an initiative, active and independent child;

Reducing and simplifying the content of education for preschool children by establishing targets for each educational area.

We consider the event-based approach as a productive pedagogical technology for organizing and implementing significant events in the life of a preschool team and an individual, using which we can ensure the achievement of targets defined in the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education.

The idea of ​​the event approach was borrowed from the pedagogical system of A. S. Makarenko, who noted that bright and exciting events that evoke a positive emotional response in the minds of children of all ages are of great importance in a person’s life.

Construction of the educational process on the basis of a complex thematic principle, close to the so-called “event” principle, will make the life of kindergarten children more interesting, and the educational process more motivated. The implementation of comprehensive thematic planning is based on the following approaches:

A striking event in nature, the social life of society or a holiday;

Vivid events specially modeled by the teacher by introducing new, unusual, interesting items;

Events that form a child’s sense of citizenship (Russia Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day);

Phenomena of moral life (Days of “thank you”, kindness, friends);

Phenomena of the surrounding nature (Days of water, earth, birds, animals);

World of Art and Literature (Days of Poetry, Children's Books, Theater);

Traditional holiday events of family, society and state (New Year, March 8th, Spring and Labor Day, Mother's Day);

The most important professions (days of educator, doctor, day of food industry workers, day of builder).

Currently, in the pedagogical environment there is interest in the concept of “educational event”, which is associated, first of all, with its effectiveness in the development of the child’s personality.

What is the essence of the concept of “educational event”?

At the same time, any of the participants in an educational event is really a participant, and not a spectator: everyone has their own meanings, their own activities, their own experiences, but the field of choice is such that the child should have unlimited possibilities in choosing limited (content and time) resources.

According to B.D. Elkonin, “an event is not a consequence and continuation of the natural course of life. The event is connected precisely with the interruption of this flow and the transition to another reality. That is, the event must be understood as a responsible action, as a transition from one type of behavior to another, from one idea to another, from misunderstanding of another to its mastery and acceptance. The event cannot be understood as an accident. The event involves very serious, difficult and intense work and experience.”

Justification of the integrative possibilities of educational events:

1. During the implementation of educational events, modern educational technologies are used: project-based learning, problem-based learning.

2. Educational events contribute to the integration of the educational process.

3. Educational events form an effective educational space aimed at the formation of a holistic, diversified personality.

4. Educational events allow you to systematize, generalize and bring knowledge into a single harmonious picture of the world around you.

5. Educational events help to increase the teacher’s motivation for teaching activities and the child’s motivation for learning.

6. Educational events develop a creative attitude towards one’s own activities, provide an opportunity to adequately evaluate it, and develop skills of self-development and self-learning.

7. Educational events contribute to the successful socialization of the individual.

The teacher’s activities to implement eventfulness can be organized at various levels: in the process of continuous educational activities, individual and group forms, etc.

The peculiarity of a teacher’s activity is that it is flexible, differentiated and includes elements of spontaneity and improvisation, requiring a number of professional skills, including the ability to observe the activities, behavior and relationships of children, analyze current events, and interpret the results obtained.

Stage 1

– determining the topics of educational events. Activities are recorded in comprehensive thematic planning, the annual work plan of the institution, plans for educational work,

Stage 2

– determining the goals and objectives of the upcoming educational event, planning the stages of preparation.

Ideally, joint activities between the teacher and students should be organized here, but in practice this does not always work out that way. Therefore, the teacher himself determines the goals and objectives of the educational event. If several teachers participate in this event, then they organize this activity jointly.

The goals of organized educational activities of different content and form, traditional and non-traditional, are being determined. The teacher determines what additional resources he needs to carry out the educational event (joint activities with other teachers, parents, etc., their joint activities are also planned, a model for achieving the goal is developed, the means necessary to achieve it are determined, the activities at each step are detailed, taking into account individual characteristics of the individual, relationships in the group and readiness for the event.

Stage 3

– preparation for an educational event.

In the process of preparing for an educational event, students acquire knowledge and skills that will be necessary when conducting an educational event. Creative workshops are held here, children are given special tasks, children prepare creative works, and thematic materials are viewed.

Stage 4

– holding an educational event, the most wonderful and long-awaited moment of action.

The scenario of the educational event itself is developed by the teacher.

Vivid visibility (design of an exhibition of children's works, design of the event venue according to the theme, creative play action, unexpectedness and surprise) are mandatory criteria for preparing an educational event.

Stage 5

– reflection, the effect of participation in an educational event.

Following the results of the educational event, an exchange of views is held on participation in the event, participants share their impressions and express their opinions about the experience. At the assessment stage, the results obtained are analyzed, the effectiveness of the educational impact is determined, the positive and negative experiences of organizing and implementing the event are taken into account, and taking into account the analysis, adjustments are made to the educational process.

The value of an educational event is that it creates a holistic unity of the educational process, and its content reflects the picture of everything studied, acquired, accumulated, formed in the creative, speech, cultural, emotional sphere. The educational event also presents a holistic picture of the child’s personal qualities - performance, perseverance, diligence and the qualities of interpersonal communication - creative cooperation, kindness, responsiveness, empathy. Preparing for an educational event is a creative process and joint activity of the teacher, children, parents, where everyone finds a place for themselves and learns new possibilities of their personal qualities.

This includes the joint design of corners, stands, exhibitions of drawings, and crafts.

The integrative result of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is the creation of a comfortable, developing educational environment that ensures high quality education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for students and their parents.

The development of the information and communication environment of an educational organization contributes to the unification of information and educational environments, the integration of modern technical teaching aids with classical traditional forms of work, the creation .

Information and educational environment(IOS) is a systematically organized set of information, technical, educational and methodological support, inextricably linked with a person as a subject of education.

The most important condition for updating the content of education, expanding

educational content is the formation of an “Event-bank” - a bank of educational events using ICT (didactic materials: games, exercises, assignments, electronic versions of visual aids, presentations, e-books, tests, videos, etc.; methodological tools: electronic technological lesson cards, an electronic library for teachers, a package of diagnostic techniques with interactive tasks, materials on working with parents, etc.)

Use of electronic educational resources (encyclopedias, textbooks, websites, virtual museums), complexes of educational and educational computer games;

Educational, didactic, role-playing, creative games using electronic toys and multimedia aids;

Use of ICT in celebrations and entertainment;

Creation by a teacher-psychologist of computer presentations for parents of pupils and teachers on certain problems in the development of the personality of a preschool child;

Organization of a virtual museum and virtual excursions.

Presentations of teachers’ activities with illustrated display of photo and video fragments from the life of the group;

Implementation of parent-child projects;

Presentations of events taking place at MDOU;

Creation of a child’s electronic portfolio;

Organization of an electronic library for family viewing;

Activating interaction between parents and teaching staff through visiting the kindergarten website.



“Kindergarten No. 7 “Zhuravushka”

“Event-based approach as a way of developing preschool children in accordance with educational targets in the information and educational environment of a kindergarten”

Teacher Bobina T.Yu.

Stages of organizing educational events in preschool educational institutions:

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

information and educational environment.

Introduction of ICT into the educational process:

Improving interaction with families of pupils through ICT:

Implementation of parent-child projects;


Municipal preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 7 “Zhuravushka”

G. Rtishchevo, Saratov region

“Event-based approach as a way of developing preschool children in accordance with educational targets in the information and educational environment of a kindergarten”

Teacher Bobina T.Yu.

Preschoolers are the first stage in education. The Federal State Educational Standard is focused not only on supporting the “diversity of childhood,” but also on the variability of developmental forms of this support.

Today, the teaching community is faced with the task of affirming the priority of the child’s individuality. In the transition period that the entire preschool education system is going through, new guidelines have been identified aimed at:

Promoting the development of the child in interaction with parents;

The desire to make children's lives more interesting;

Formation of an initiative, active and independent child;

Reducing and simplifying the content of education for preschool children by establishing targets for each educational area.

We consider the event-based approach as a productive pedagogical technology for organizing and implementing significant events in the life of a preschool team and an individual, using which we can ensure the achievement of targets defined in the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education.

The idea of ​​the event approach was borrowed from the pedagogical system of A. S. Makarenko, who noted that bright and exciting events that evoke a positive emotional response in the minds of children of all ages are of great importance in a person’s life.

Construction of the educational process on the basis of a complex thematic principle, close to the so-called “event” principle, will make the life of kindergarten children more interesting, and the educational process more motivated. The implementation of comprehensive thematic planning is based on the following approaches:

A striking event in nature, the social life of society or a holiday;

Vivid events specially modeled by the teacher by introducing new, unusual, interesting items;

Events that form a child’s sense of citizenship (Russia Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day);

Phenomena of moral life (Days of “thank you”, kindness, friends);

Phenomena of the surrounding nature (Days of water, earth, birds, animals);

World of Art and Literature (Days of Poetry, Children's Books, Theater);

Traditional holiday events of family, society and state (New Year, March 8th, Spring and Labor Day, Mother's Day);

The most important professions (days of educator, doctor, day of food industry workers, day of builder).

Currently, in the pedagogical environment there is interest in the concept of “educational event”, which is associated, first of all, with its effectiveness in the development of the child’s personality.

What is the essence of the concept of “educational event”?

At the same time, any of the participants in an educational event is really a participant, and not a spectator: everyone has their own meanings, their own activities, their own experiences, but the field of choice is such that the child should have unlimited possibilities in choosing limited (content and time) resources.

According to B.D. Elkonin, “an event is not a consequence and continuation of the natural course of life. The event is connected precisely with the interruption of this flow and the transition to another reality. That is, the event must be understood as a responsible action, as a transition from one type of behavior to another, from one idea to another, from misunderstanding of another to its mastery and acceptance. The event cannot be understood as an accident. The event involves very serious, difficult and intense work and experience.”

Justification of the integrative possibilities of educational events:

1. During the implementation of educational events, modern educational technologies are used: project-based learning, problem-based learning.

2. Educational events contribute to the integration of the educational process.

3. Educational events form an effective educational space aimed at the formation of a holistic, diversified personality.

4. Educational events allow you to systematize, generalize and bring knowledge into a single harmonious picture of the world around you.

5. Educational events help to increase the teacher’s motivation for teaching activities and the child’s motivation for learning.

6. Educational events develop a creative attitude towards one’s own activities, provide an opportunity to adequately evaluate it, and develop skills of self-development and self-learning.

7. Educational events contribute to the successful socialization of the individual.

The teacher’s activities to implement eventfulness can be organized at various levels: in the process of continuous educational activities, individual and group forms, etc.

The peculiarity of a teacher’s activity is that it is flexible, differentiated and includes elements of spontaneity and improvisation, requiring a number of professional skills, including the ability to observe the activities, behavior and relationships of children, analyze current events, and interpret the results obtained.

Stages of organizing educational events in preschool educational institutions:

Stage 1

– determining the topics of educational events. Activities are recorded in comprehensive thematic planning, the annual work plan of the institution, plans for educational work,

Stage 2

– determining the goals and objectives of the upcoming educational event, planning the stages of preparation.

Ideally, joint activities between the teacher and students should be organized here, but in practice this does not always work out that way. Therefore, the teacher himself determines the goals and objectives of the educational event. If several teachers participate in this event, then they organize this activity jointly.

The goals of organized educational activities of different content and form, traditional and non-traditional, are being determined. The teacher determines what additional resources he needs to carry out the educational event (joint activities with other teachers, parents, etc., their joint activities are also planned, a model for achieving the goal is developed, the means necessary to achieve it are determined, the activities at each step are detailed, taking into account individual characteristics of the individual, relationships in the group and readiness for the event.

Stage 3

– preparation for an educational event.

In the process of preparing for an educational event, students acquire knowledge and skills that will be necessary when conducting an educational event. Creative workshops are held here, children are given special tasks, children prepare creative works, and thematic materials are viewed.

Stage 4

– holding an educational event, the most wonderful and long-awaited moment of action.

The scenario of the educational event itself is developed by the teacher.

Vivid visibility (design of an exhibition of children's works, design of the event venue according to the theme, creative play action, unexpectedness and surprise) are mandatory criteria for preparing an educational event.

Stage 5

– reflection, the effect of participation in an educational event.

Following the results of the educational event, an exchange of views is held on participation in the event, participants share their impressions and express their opinions about the experience. At the assessment stage, the results obtained are analyzed, the effectiveness of the educational impact is determined, the positive and negative experiences of organizing and implementing the event are taken into account, and taking into account the analysis, adjustments are made to the educational process.

The value of an educational event is that it creates a holistic unity of the educational process, and its content reflects the picture of everything studied, acquired, accumulated, formed in the creative, speech, cultural, emotional sphere. The educational event also presents a holistic picture of the child’s personal qualities - performance, perseverance, diligence and the qualities of interpersonal communication - creative cooperation, kindness, responsiveness, empathy. Preparing for an educational event is a creative process and joint activity of the teacher, children, parents, where everyone finds a place for themselves and learns new possibilities of their personal qualities.

This includes the joint design of corners, stands, exhibitions of drawings, and crafts.

The integrative result of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is the creation of a comfortable, developing educational environment that ensures high quality education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for students and their parents.

The development of the information and communication environment of an educational organization contributes to the unification of information and educational environments, the integration of modern technical teaching aids with classical traditional forms of work, the creationinformation and educational environment.

Information and educational environment (IEE)is a systematically organized set of information, technical, educational and methodological support, inextricably linked with a person as a subject of education.

The most important condition for updating the content of education, expanding

educational content is the formation of an “Event-bank” - a bank of educational events using ICT (didactic materials: games, exercises, assignments, electronic versions of visual aids, presentations, e-books, tests, videos, etc.; methodological tools: electronic technological lesson cards, an electronic library for teachers, a package of diagnostic techniques with interactive tasks, materials on working with parents, etc.)

Introduction of ICT into the educational process:

Use of electronic educational resources (encyclopedias, textbooks, websites, virtual museums), complexes of educational and educational computer games;

Educational, didactic, role-playing, creative games using electronic toys and multimedia aids;

Implementation of parent-child projects;

Use of ICT in celebrations and entertainment;

Creation by a teacher-psychologist of computer presentations for parents of pupils and teachers on certain problems in the development of the personality of a preschool child;

Organization of a virtual museum and virtual excursions.

Improving interaction with families of pupils through ICT:

Presentations of teachers’ activities with illustrated display of photo and video fragments from the life of the group;

Implementation of parent-child projects;

Presentations of events taking place at MDOU;

Creation of a child’s electronic portfolio;

Organization of an electronic library for family viewing;

Activating interaction between parents and teaching staff through visiting the kindergarten website.

Primary school teacher, secondary school No. 3

Sevostyanova Lyubov Vladimirovna

Pavlovsk, Voronezh region


Today the teaching community is faced with the task of establishing the priorityindividuality child. In the transition period to the Federal State Educational Standard, which the entire education system is experiencing, new targets have been identified aimed at:

·​ the desire to make children's lives more interesting;

·​ promoting the development of the child in interaction with parents;

·​ formation of an initiative, active, independent child.

It is these guidelines that require new types of interaction with children, parents, teachers, and the surrounding society.

How does an “educational event” differ from an “event”?

In the encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher, underevent is understood“a conditional generalized name for any more or less organized interaction between children and teachers, which has a goal, content and a corresponding implementation methodology.” Parents were grateful spectators. The question arose of how to make parents active participants in educational relations. And here the idea of ​​an event approach, borrowed from the pedagogical system of A.S., comes to the rescue. Makarenko,who noted that bright and exciting events that evoke a positive emotional response are of great importance in a person’s life.

What is the essence of the concept of “educational event”?

The essence of an educational event is that special conditions are organized to create a “product of joint activity”, during which children, together with their parents, experience a significant event, gain experience, knowledge, show initiative, independence, and enjoy their successes and the successes of others. Any participant in an educational event is truly a participant, not a spectator: each has their own meanings, their own activities, their own experiences.

How did B.D. think? Elkonin “The event is not a consequence and continuation of the natural course of life. The event is connected precisely with the interruption of this flow and the transition to another reality. That is, the event must be comprehended as a responsible action, as a transition from one type of behavior to another, from one idea to another, from misunderstanding of another to its mastery and acceptance. The event cannot be understood as an accident. The event involves very serious, difficult and intense work and experience."

An educational event is

·​ Meaningful creative action.

·​ Discovering the meaning of what is happening for each participant.

·​ That which develops and that which develops.

·​ Something that is created together, but individually understood.

·​ The way of human life creation.

·​ Unique, it cannot be repeated.

Stages of implementing an educational event

Stage 1 Determining the topic of the educational event. Are recorded in the annual work plan of the institution.

Stage 2 Determining the goals and objectives of the upcoming educational event, planning the stages of preparation. Defining goals determines what additional resources are needed to conduct an educational event, determines the means necessary to achieve it, and develops a model for achieving the goal.

Stage 3 Preparing for an educational event. During the preparation process, children acquire knowledge and skills that will be necessary during the training. Creative workshops are held here, children are given special tasks and the children prepare thematic materials.

Stage 4 Conducting an educational event. The brightest, long-awaited moment of action. The script is developed by teachers. Venue decoration, creative collaboration. And as a result - the design of an exhibition of activity products.

Stage 5 Reflection. The effect of participating in an educational event. As a result, opinions are exchanged about the experience and impressions are shared.

Justification of the integrative possibilities of educational events:

1. During the implementation of educational events, modern educational technologies are used: project-based learning, problem-based learning.

2. Educational events contribute to the integration of the educational process.

3. Educational events form an effective educational space aimed at the formation of a holistic, diversified personality.

4. Educational events allow you to systematize, generalize and bring knowledge into a single harmonious picture of the world around you.

5. Educational events help to increase the teacher’s motivation for teaching activities. and the child to learning.

6. Educational events develop a creative attitude towards one’s own activities, provide an opportunity to adequately evaluate it, and develop skills of self-development and self-learning.

7. Educational events contribute to the successful socialization of the individual.

The event-based approach is considered as a pedagogical technology for organizing and implementing significant events in the life of the school community and the individual.

The teacher’s activities to implement eventfulness can be organized at various levels: in the process of routine moments, individual and group forms, etc.

The peculiarity of a teacher’s activity is that it is flexible, differentiated and includes elements of spontaneity and improvisation, requiring a number of professional skills, including the ability to observe the activities, behavior and relationships of children, analyze current events, and interpret the results obtained.

The value of an educational event is that it creates a holistic unity of the educational process, and its content reflects the picture of everything studied, acquired, accumulated, formed in the creative, speech, cultural, emotional sphere. The educational event also presents a holistic picture of the child’s personal qualities - performance, perseverance, diligence and the qualities of interpersonal communication - creative cooperation, kindness, responsiveness, empathy. Preparing for an educational event is a creative process and joint activity of the teacher, children, parents, where everyone finds a place for themselves and learns new possibilities of their personal qualities.

According to Furyaeva

allocate two formats in education: educational and event-based. The project-event component in education is being strengthened. Let us turn to a more detailed consideration of the concept of “educational event”. An educational event is a form of organizing educational activity that is structured as an intense meeting of real and ideal forms (Mirkes, Mucha)

An event is learning in action. It involves inclusion in proactive forms of generating and formalizing knowledge. The event involves various forms of communication, interest in the creation and presentation of a specific product. Event formats include: business games, immersions, olympiads, educational tourism, trainings, educational projects, programs. In the real process of education, it is important to coordinate educational and event modes. The specificity of the event format, in contrast to the usual educational format, lies in the following seven characteristics relating to tasks, participants, the organization process, the nature of the activity, and internal effects. In the event-based form of organizing the educational process, special tasks are articulated that are focused on activities to solve current problems, to fix key contradictions, gaps, etc. Professional specialists are necessarily included in education. Particular attention is paid to reproducing the structure of organizational culture and active non-judgmental communication.

The entire educational process is an active activity, product-oriented and involving the implementation of various types of tests. In this sense, an educational event is a space of competent trials. It cannot have a complete set of tasks and mode of action. There is uncertainty here, there is a high intensity of communication, emotional experiences, semantic richness and openness. In fact, what is happening has a huge energy potential, which gives the effect of an extended spring, the tension of all participants involved at the limit of their capabilities.

Event-based education requires special support, which involves:

A specially built space of reflection (detection of deficits and successes);

Formulating a task for your own promotion (diaries, stories, newspaper, magazine, etc.)

An important characteristic of education organized in an event format is the educational result . It records personal and activity growth, the emergence of new formations in the field of experience of subjectivity, the acquisition of reflexive experience of self-determination and resource management. A new type of reflection is aimed at identifying one’s own deficiencies and determining a method of effective action in a situation of uncertainty. In general, upbringing and education make sense if they are filled with real events. As you know, the main sign of an event for a person is the presence of meaning, determined by the memory and experience of the past, as well as goals, dreams, plans and hopes for the future. Physical time devoid of eventfulness is a time of decay, decomposition. It is not retained by human memory, which is event-based and not chronographic. And then this emptiness is filled with either boredom or vanity. Instead of events, life is filled either with aimless searches for entertainment and pleasure (time is being killed), or it is not filled with anything (it drags on, it drags on). Events are not activities in which goals are not lived. The goals of the event are determined and set by adults, so the events do not become events for children.

This approach should also be considered as one of the aspects of the activity approach. Its essence is to transform any planned event into something interesting for everyone, capable of leaving an unforgettable impression.

In the event approach, the unit of design is the educational event. There are different definitions of this phenomenon in the literature. "Educational event- a special form of organization and implementation of educational activities, structured as an intensive meeting of real and ideal forms of generation and design of knowledge” (B. D. Elkonin).

The idea of ​​the event approach was borrowed from the pedagogical system of A. S. Makarenko, who noted that bright and exciting events are of great importance in a person’s life.

Principle eventfulness suggests that the process and content of professional development have the same characteristics defined in the studies of E.M. Safronova, as:

a) personal significance of any phenomenon, matter, someone’s action,

behavior, actions for a person;

b) the impact of some fact or phenomenon on the emotional sphere of the individual,

the ability to “touch a nerve”, to “leave a trace” in memory, perhaps even in


V) internal dialogical nature of a fact, phenomenon, action, affecting

value-semantic, moral sphere of the individual, which entails

the need to make a decision, to make a choice based on moral principles, and not blindly following known truths, but only having realized

having experienced and accepted them independently into your inner world as a kind of moral guideline;

G) affirmation in activities (intellectual-cognitive, meaning-seeking, artistic-creative, reflective-analytical and

etc.) the dignity of the individual, his self-worth;

e) a kind of “spiritual and moral catharsis” that occurred due to contact with an aesthetic object, or an object of moral value; achievement by a student of a result that is significant for him, success in any area of ​​activity (participation or victory in a drawing competition; independently completed work of a creative nature for the first time), that is, everything where a person achieved success on his own or with the help and support of a peer, teacher, parents .

Based on this, the carrier of the “event” can become:

a) joint creative activity, which has turned into co-existence, that is, into

cohabitation of reality;

b) a movie, play, book, article that will help you unexpectedly find

answer to an important question for personal growth when expressing one’s own

relationship to the world through the product of creative activity;

c) a “meeting” with a significant person, which can leave a noticeable mark

in life. All of the above levels of events can also occur when

organizing the process of forming operational experience.

Tatiana Goryacheva

Dear Colleagues! For the second year I have been the head of the city methodological association of teachers of preparatory groups for school. Due to the fact that 2013, by order of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, was declared the year of environmental protection, a meeting of the GMO was held in November under the title “Educational event with an environmental focus as a way to implement comprehensive thematic planning, allowing to individualize the educational process.” I present to your attention my message at this methodological association and a small photo report about the final event of the educational event in the kindergarten “Wild Animals Protection Day”. I hope my material will be useful, because in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, kindergartens will work according to educational events, just like schools.


The integrative result of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is the creation of a comfortable, developing educational environment that ensures high quality education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for students and their parents. Today, the teaching community is faced with the task of affirming the priority of the child’s individuality. In the transition period that the entire preschool education system is going through, new guidelines have been identified aimed at:

Promoting the development of the child in interaction with parents;

The desire to make children's lives more interesting;

Formation of an initiative, active and independent child;

Reducing and simplifying the content of education for preschool children by establishing targets for each educational area.

FGT assumed the need to build the educational process on the basis of a complex thematic principle, close to the so-called “event” principle, which would make the life of kindergarten children more interesting and the educational process more motivated. The implementation of comprehensive thematic planning is based on the following approaches:

A striking event in nature, the social life of society or a holiday;

A striking event in a literary work of art;

Vivid events specially modeled by the teacher by introducing new, unusual, interesting items;

Object of the subculture of preschoolers (an element of values ​​within the age group).

Sample topics (N.V. Fedina)

Events that shape a child’s sense of citizenship (Russia Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day);

Phenomena of moral life (Days of “thank you”, kindness, friends);

Phenomena of the surrounding nature (Days of water, earth, birds, animals);

World of Art and Literature (Days of Poetry, Children's Books, Theater);

Traditional holiday events of family, society and state (New Year, Spring and Labor Day, Mother's Day);

The most important professions (Days of teacher, doctor, postman, builder).

Currently, in the pedagogical environment there is interest in the concept of “educational event”, which is associated, first of all, with its effectiveness in the development of the child’s personality.

What is the essence of the concept of “educational event”?

At the same time, any of the participants in an educational event is really a participant, and not a spectator: everyone has their own meanings, their own activities, their own experiences, but the field of choice is such that the child should have unlimited possibilities in choosing limited (content and time) resources.

According to B.D. Elkonin, “an event is not a consequence and continuation of the natural course of life. The event is connected precisely with the interruption of this flow and the transition to another reality. That is, the event must be understood as a responsible action, as a transition from one type of behavior to another, from one idea to another, from misunderstanding of another to its mastery and acceptance. The event cannot be understood as an accident. The event involves very serious, difficult and intense work and experience.”

Justification of the integrative possibilities of educational events:

1. During the implementation of educational events, modern educational technologies are used: project-based learning, problem-based learning.

2. Educational events contribute to the integration of the educational process.

3. Educational events form an effective educational space aimed at the formation of a holistic, diversified personality.

4. Educational events allow you to systematize, generalize and bring knowledge into a single harmonious picture of the world around you.

5. Educational events help to increase the teacher’s motivation for teaching activities and the child’s motivation for learning.

6. Educational events develop a creative attitude towards one’s own activities, provide an opportunity to adequately evaluate it, and develop skills of self-development and self-learning.

7. Educational events contribute to the successful socialization of the individual.

The event-based approach is considered as a pedagogical technology for organizing and implementing significant events in the life of a preschool team and an individual.

In the event approach, the unit of design is the educational event. There are different definitions of this phenomenon in the literature. “An educational event is a special form of organization and implementation of educational activities, structured as an intensive meeting of real and ideal forms of generation and design of knowledge” (B. D. Elkonin). The idea of ​​the event approach was borrowed from the pedagogical system of A. S. Makarenko, who noted that bright and exciting events are of great importance in a person’s life.

It should be noted that the organization and implementation of EVENTS is considered as a relatively independent goal of training and education, which is to saturate life with bright, memorable events that evoke a positive emotional response in the minds of children of all ages.

The teacher’s activities to implement eventfulness can be organized at various levels: in the process of conducting educational activities, in the process of regime moments, individual and group forms, etc.

The peculiarity of a teacher’s activity is that it is flexible, differentiated and includes elements of spontaneity and improvisation, requiring a number of professional skills, including the ability to observe the activities, behavior and relationships of children, analyze current events, and interpret the results obtained.

Stages of organizing educational events in preschool educational institutions:

Stage 1

– determining the topics of educational events. Activities are recorded in comprehensive thematic planning, the annual work plan of the institution, plans for educational work,

Stage 2

– determining the goals and objectives of the upcoming educational event, planning the stages of preparation.

Ideally, joint activities between the teacher and students should be organized here, but in practice this does not always work out that way. Therefore, the teacher himself determines the goals and objectives of the educational event. If several teachers participate in this event, then they organize this activity jointly.

The goals of organized educational activities of different content and form, traditional and non-traditional, are being determined. The teacher determines what additional resources he needs to carry out the educational event (joint activities with other teachers, parents, etc., their joint activities are also planned, a model for achieving the goal is developed, the means necessary to achieve it are determined, the activities at each step are detailed, taking into account individual characteristics of the individual, relationships in the group and readiness for the event.

Stage 3

– preparation for an educational event.

In the process of preparing for an educational event, students acquire knowledge and skills that will be necessary when conducting an educational event. Creative workshops are held here, children are given special tasks, children prepare creative works, and thematic materials are viewed.

Stage 4

– holding an educational event, the most wonderful and long-awaited moment of action.

The scenario of the educational event itself is developed by the teacher.

Vivid visibility (design of an exhibition of children's works, design of the event venue according to the theme, creative play action, unexpectedness and surprise) are mandatory criteria for preparing an educational event.

Stage 5

– reflection, the effect of participation in an educational event.

Following the results of the educational event, an exchange of views is held on participation in the event, participants share their impressions and express their opinions about the experience. At the assessment stage, the results obtained are analyzed, the effectiveness of the educational impact is determined, the positive and negative experiences of organizing and implementing the event are taken into account, and taking into account the analysis, adjustments are made to the educational process.

The value of an educational event is that it creates a holistic unity of the educational process, and its content reflects the picture of everything studied, acquired, accumulated, formed in the creative, speech, cultural, emotional sphere. The educational event also presents a holistic picture of the child’s personal qualities - performance, perseverance, diligence and the qualities of interpersonal communication - creative cooperation, kindness, responsiveness, empathy. Preparing for an educational event is a creative process and joint activity of the teacher, children, parents, where everyone finds a place for themselves and learns new possibilities of their personal qualities.

"Educational event "Day of Protection of Wild Animals" at a preschool educational institution"

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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New pedagogical technologies Municipal budgetary educational institution Pavlovsk secondary school No. 2, Pavlovsk district, Voronezh region Teacher of history and social studies Chereshneva O.E.

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Technology is a detailed way of carrying out a particular activity within the framework of the chosen method. Pedagogical technology is a structure of teacher activity in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and involve achieving the predicted result.

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The criteria that make up the essence of pedagogical technology: an unambiguous and strict definition of learning goals (why and for what); selection and structure of content (what); optimal organization of the educational process (how); methods, techniques and means of teaching (with the help of what); taking into account the required real level of teacher qualifications (who); objective methods for assessing learning outcomes (is this true).

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Educational technology: fits easily into the educational process; allows you to achieve the goals set by the program and education standard in a specific academic subject; ensures the implementation of the main directions of the pedagogical strategy: humanization, humanitarization of education and a student-oriented approach; ensures the intellectual development of children and their independence; ensures goodwill towards the teacher and each other; A distinctive feature of most technologies is special attention to the individuality of a person, his personality; clear orientation towards the development of creative activity.

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Modern pedagogical technologies (PT) are divided into 9 main types: _________________________________________ PT based on the activation and intensification of student activities PT based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process PT based on personal orientation of the pedagogical process PT based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of the material Subject PT Alternative PT Nature-appropriate PT Technologies of developmental training PT of author's schools

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Priority technologies developmental training; problem-based learning; multi-level training; collective learning system (CSR); technology for solving inventive problems (TRIZ); research teaching methods; project-based teaching methods; debate technology; technology of modular and block-modular training; lecture-seminar-credit system of education; technology for the development of “critical thinking”; technology of using gaming methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games; cooperative learning (team, group work); information and communication technologies (ICT); health-saving technologies; innovation assessment system “portfolio”; distance learning technology; workshop technology; group training, etc.

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Modern pedagogical technologies Health-saving technologies Integrated learning technologies Project activities (individual, group, collective) Educational and research activities Collaboration technologies Personally-oriented technologies Learning based on educational tasks and situations Information and communication technologies (ICT) Differentiated learning technologies Business games Problem-based learning Student portfolio interactive computer technologies technologies Technologies for multi-level learning

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The following educational technologies have become widespread: Information (computer, multimedia, network, remote) technologies Projective and activity technologies Creative technologies Game technologies: simulation; operating rooms; playing roles; "business theater"; psychodrama and sociodrama Technologies of personality-oriented education Ethnopedagogical technologies Collective and group teaching methods Trainings Coaching (individual training, training) Network technologies

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Event technology Authors: Troitsky Yu.L., Tyupa V.I. etc. The essence of the technology: development of a culture of subject thinking, enrichment of personal experience and value relations of students In order for the lesson to become eventful, the content must be presented in the form of textual eventfulness, a set of documentary works that imply ambiguity of understanding

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Stages of organizing educational events Stage 1 – determining the topics of educational events. Stage 2 – determining the goals and objectives of the upcoming educational event, planning the stages of preparation. Ideally, joint activities between the teacher and students should be organized here, but in practice this does not always work out that way. Therefore, the teacher himself determines the goals and objectives of the educational event. If several teachers participate in this event, then they organize this activity jointly. Stage 3 – preparation for the educational event. In the process of preparing for an educational event, students acquire knowledge and skills that will be necessary when conducting an educational event. Creative workshops are held here, children are given special tasks, children prepare creative works, and thematic materials are viewed. Stage 4 – holding an educational event, the most wonderful and long-awaited moment of action. The scenario of the educational event itself is developed by the teacher. Stage 5 – reflection, the effect of participation in an educational event. Following the results of the educational event, an exchange of views is held on participation in the event, participants share their impressions and express their opinions about the experience.

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Forms of organizing events in the lesson: “Basket of walnuts” The phraseological combination “a tough nut to crack” is used when talking about the essence of something that cannot be known at first sight and the problem of which cannot be easily resolved without enormous efforts or the help of other people. Some life issues are resolved without difficulty, like seeds, while other issues accompany a person throughout his life, often remaining unresolved. “Walnut” is a visual image of a difficult life question facing a schoolchild. Sometimes he hopes for someone’s help, often he is confident that he himself will cope with his spiritual obstacles. However, the moment of identifying a problem, formulating it, putting it forward as the main question of life is already the beginning of resolution. “Basket of Walnuts” is a conversation about what worries a schoolchild, what he stops in thought, what he cannot yet cope with - questions as strong as a walnut that cannot be cracked without a tool and without much effort.

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“Discussion swing” The essence of this entertaining form is to imitate a swinging swing: two partners alternately push the “swing” onto the board; The stronger the push, the higher the “swing” takes off. Two groups of children, located opposite each other, become partners. After a question for discussion is proposed, they alternately from each group express judgments on the proposed question - the “swing” begins to move the pile. Encouraging, correcting, directing, strengthening the children’s statements, the teacher maintains the progress of the discussion “swing” until it seems to him that the children’s strength has been exhausted. He stops the swing. “You can’t swing for long - your head will spin!” - sums up the discussion. The facilitator sets the rhythm of the conversation, maintains the playful element of the form, and sometimes comments on the progress of the discussion, supporting the participants in their efforts. He also helps maintain an elevated level, making sure that the “swing” does not “crawl on the ground,” but ascends in understanding the essence of the phenomena of life.

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“Impromptu Theatre” The methodology for organizing an impromptu theater is extremely simple. The text for the “Voice-over” is composed, usually fairy-tale, fantasy, detective, so that entertaining events unfold on stage. Then all the characters in the performance are recorded and marked on cards. These cards are distributed among the children who come to the performance, and they are immediately invited backstage. As the text, which contains information about the actions of the characters, plays, the actors appear from behind the scenes and perform everything that the “Voice-over” reports. It is necessary that the play has many actions, replacing one another, so that the turn of events is unexpected and, in the end, cheerful and a little funny. The characters are people, animals, plants, things, and natural phenomena such as wind, stars, clouds.

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In conclusion, reflection is required, the effect of participation in an educational event. Following the results of the educational event, an exchange of views is held on participation in the event, participants share their impressions and express their opinions about the experience. At the assessment stage, the results obtained are analyzed, the effectiveness of the educational impact is determined, the positive and negative experiences of organizing and implementing the event are taken into account, and taking into account the analysis, adjustments are made to the educational process. The value of an educational event is that it creates a holistic unity of the educational process, and its content reflects the picture of everything studied, acquired, accumulated, formed in the creative, speech, cultural, emotional sphere. The educational event also presents a holistic picture of the child’s personal qualities - performance, perseverance, diligence and the qualities of interpersonal communication - creative cooperation, kindness, responsiveness, empathy. Preparing for an educational event is a creative process and joint activity of the teacher, children, parents, where everyone finds a place for themselves and learns new possibilities of their personal qualities.

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The advantages of this method are obvious and, therefore, answering the question of whether educational events are needed in our school and whether we will continue to work in this direction, we say unequivocally “yes”, because there is a guarantee of obtaining new knowledge not provided for by the program; experience in joint activities of students and teachers is gained; this is an excellent way of motivation for the development of cognitive interest; the child acquires the skills of informed choice, partnerships, and interpersonal communications; the child learns self-expression, self-determination, self-realization and reflection; Every child is included in activities that have cultural content and that he likes. And finally, educational events help foster respect for the country’s history and cultural traditions. Thus, an educational event is a great way to organize school intellectual life in an interesting way.