
C.C. Ketch: what did I do wrong? C. Catch Biography C catch Biography Personal Life

The star of the 80s, the singer from Germany Si Si Ketch celebrated her 48th day in the summer
birth. The singer who is actually called Carolina Katarina (from here
two letters "C" in a pseudonym) Muller, is still actively touring, but
mainly, of course, in Russia, where she is still popular. Caroline
looks great, ten years younger than its true age - this
exactly! Excellent physical shape and blond
hair. Personal life of C.C. Ketch like many stars, unloved
topic for discussion. It is known that in 1998 the singer married
your yoga instructor. The marriage did not last long - only three years.
After that, the couple parted.

In the photo: This is what C.C. Ketch looked like at the peak of her career.

love is always present in the personal life of C.C. Ketch. About this singer
spoke more than once, adding that it was love experiences and joys
help her to be in such good physical shape. But the first marriage
while he was the only one in the personal life of C.C. Ketch. Children at the singer
it seems not, in any interviews or biographies
children of C.C. Ketch are not mentioned.

In November, the singer was again on tour in Russia. According to the interview, in
Si C Ketch's personal life is all right. She's in love again, but the name
he hides the chosen one as usual. C.C. Ketch also stated that she was married in
in the near future, he is definitely not going to, but does not want to think about more
long term. Now the singer constantly lives in Spain, leads a healthy
lifestyle, seriously engaged in yoga and meditation, adheres to
vegetarianism. The musical career of C.C. Ketch has not yet been completed
plans, especially since a surge of interest in music has begun all over the world


The eighties of the last century are the years of the era of crazy "disco". In fact, this style of music appeared a little earlier, in the 70s, but it was ten years later that its apogee happened. He took over the whole world.

And for us, residents of the post-Soviet space, it is also a reminder of the turning point of eras, because it was during the years of "disco" that the period of stagnation and restructuring fell. The country has changed dramatically. How have our idols changed?


German by mother and French by father, she became famous all over the world after her first hit “Maria Magdalena” appeared in March 1985. It became a hit number 1, Sandra began to be called the "European Madonna". And along with fame, she also found personal happiness: she married her producer Michael, they settled in Ibiza and gave birth to two children.

In 1990, Michael started a new project - "Enigma", where Sandra's vocals were used as an accompanying voice.

After a divorce from her husband, she gave up her musical career and only from time to time performs at festivals with her old hits.


In fact, the parents were seriously involved in raising their daughter and expected gratitude from her in the future in the form of a good diploma and a prestigious position.

But everything turned out that Samantha made a scandalous and at the same time dizzying career. Which began with a photo for the yellow British newspaper Sun, on the third page of which pictures of British beauties were published. Then naked Samantha was filmed for advertising, she appeared on television and became an international model.

For a long time he met Australian Peter Forster, they adopted the boy Simon, but he died, having drunk a bottle of alcohol by mistake. Samantha and Peter never got married. And then there were rumors about her unconventional sexual orientation.


After leaving school, she went to work at a garment factory: her parents wanted her to devote her life to tailoring and considered it promising. Would they imagine what prospects a musical career opens up!

Once, at a music competition, the German composer and member of the Modern Talking group Dieter Bohlen became interested in her voice, invited her to his studio to listen - and away we go!

Several years ago, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Si Si Ketch shared the secret of how she manages to look so stunning despite the years: “The secret of my beauty is love! To look good, you have to fall in love more often! Love is the most important thing in life, whoever this love is, whatever it is for you "


Who would know where you will find, where you will lose! In February 1983, Dieter went to a recording studio and asked if there was a suitable artist for one of his compositions. Thomas answered. And their friendship stretched over many years.

Although, how to say friendship is rather cooperation, and even competition, because over time they began to pull the blanket each over themselves, there were many disputes, and subsequently Dieter even spoke unflatteringly about Thomas in his book, after which he achieved substantial compensation through the court for unproven insults and removal of the most controversial passages from the book.

Over time, Bohlen took up the production of C.C. Ketch. And he became famous for such a juicy detail that twice ... ahem ... he broke his penis. Both times during sex, which he honestly admitted in his book.


Once this pretty Italian girl pulled out a lucky ticket: she won a beauty contest and became "Miss Liguria". Then she received an invitation to one of the TV channels owned by Silvio Berlusconi. Subsequently, it was he who helped Sabrina break into show business.

Or maybe it's her non-standard appearance after all. With a height of 155 cm, the girl had a large chest of the fourth size.

Several incendiary hits and thousands of candid photos on the covers of magazines and in the cabs of truckers did their job - Sabrina became the star of the 80s.


The lead singer of the group, as well as the co-author of some of the group's songs, was born in Jamaica, but has lived in England since childhood. Who knows how her fate would have developed if her parents had not emigrated to Europe. So she got into the Caribbean music quartet, which won about 200 gold and platinum discs, was entered in the Guinness Book of Records for sensational sales in the UK and some other countries.

Currently, Liz officially owns the rights to perform under the Boney M brand and continues to tour. is actively involved in charity work through its fund to help children and adolescents from disadvantaged families. The singer also spends a lot of money on supporting education.


In Russia - or rather, then the USSR - also had its own "disco" stars. Electroclub, Forum, Tender May, Fairy, Combination, Freestyle, Kar-man, Mirage ...

The last group is one of the most famous, and from time to time they still give concerts. Over the years, many vocalists have changed, but Natalia Gulkina was the first to appear on the stage with Mirage's songs.

A couple of years later, she gave way to other soloists, and she started her own project - the "Stars" group, in which "Disco" became the most popular composition (in the video below).

Our website and the largest publication in Russia TELENEDELYA with a circulation of 1,611,000 have prepared an article. everyone who has not read it, a unique opportunity to do it right now.

Photo: Cinetext / Russian Look, Interfoto / PHOTAS,

23 years ago, a simple song "I Can Lose My Heart Tonight" appeared in the rotations of European radio stations. She instantly took off to the top of the charts, turning the unknown Caroline Mueller into S.S. Catch is the queen of 1980s disco. Marina ROMANOVA tells about the fate of the singer.

C.C Catch

C.C. Ketch Received Everything She Dreamed Of As A Child: Recognition And Popularity (Hong Kong, 1987)

Full name: Carolina Katarina Müller
When and where was born: July 31, 1964 in the city of Oss (Holland)
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 50KG
Family: not married. Mother - Corrie Müller, housewife; father - Peter Müller, owner of the Orbit-music music agency
Education: graduated from housewives courses, two courses from the University of Cologne (department of design and construction of clothes)
Career: on stage since the age of 16. In 1984 she joined the Optimal quartet. In 1985-1989 she collaborated with Dieter Bohlen. Has released 6 albums. The debut - "I Can Lose My Heart Tonight" - was released in 1985. In 2002 she recorded songs with the group "Otpetye scammers" and singer Abraham Russo
Flavors: food - grilled vegetables; drink - mineral water; color - yellow and green; clothes - jeans, trousers; favorite animal is a cat; book - "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell; hobby - yoga

“God, what is this to me? Why are you so unfair to me? - a young woman shouted through her tears, standing in the church. - What did I do wrong? Where did you go wrong? " Tears ran down her cheeks. “What's wrong with her? Maybe someone died with her? " - whispered sympathetic parishioners, looking at the upset beauty. They were right. The girl cried, having lost the one whom she had dreamed of for so long - the child.

Due to nervous breakdowns, her pregnancy was interrupted in the fifth month ...

Get out of hell

My name is Carolina. Caroline Katharina Müller, a 14-year-old green-eyed girl, modestly stopped at the doorstep of her new class.

Your German is disgusting, Fraulein Müller, ”her teacher said sternly. - You will have to work hard on yourself to achieve positive results. Until then, sit down at the last desk.

Carolina passed, sat down. For the love of this school, this city and this country, she will still have to fight!

The future pop star was born and raised in Holland, in the town of Oss. When the girl was 8 years old, the family moved out of town - to the small village of Geffen. And then there was a whole string of transfers from place to place - almost every year. The girl's father, Peter Müller, worked in Germany: there, in the 1970s, there was an active construction of housing throughout the country. And Peter worked as a grinder of clinker products - the material from which bricks and tiles for pavements were made ... He kept leaving for the next construction site, and after him his wife began to collect suitcases. To the requests of her daughter, who did not want to part with her friends, she only answered: “Honey, the family should be together. Well, how are we without dad? "

So they finally ended up in the city of Bünde in North Rhine-Westphalia. Karolina really liked it here - quiet beautiful streets, friendly people. But the school ... She always liked English - this language was spoken in her family. She understood a little French. But German, my father's native language, was not given in any way! The diary was full of failures, classmates scoffed, slipping dead frogs and spiders into the bag of "stupid" Karo ...

At home, the girl cried with resentment, her mother sighed, and dad calmed his baby. “You’ll show them all,” he said. "You will definitely achieve a lot!" And he held out a microphone to his daughter.

My father had a tape recorder and a bunch of phonograms "minus one", that is, the melody of the song without words. Every day the girl arranged solo concerts. The parents believed that their baby would definitely become a singer.

But after graduating from school, Karolina entered the Faculty of Design and Design of Clothes at the University of Cologne: she liked drawing no less than singing. And at the same time, she began to earn money at a garment factory. Later, having already become a star, she recalled that time as the most nightmarish in her life: “The bullying of classmates was just laughter compared to the atmosphere in the factory. We were constantly shouted at, we worked 15 hours a day. "

“Hey you, how are you there,” the shop manager once asked her. "Today you will be sewing buttonholes." Carolina silently set to work, carefully drawing out each stitch, and he stood with a stopwatch and urged: "Faster, even faster, mediocre!" Karo finished her work, packed her things and left, never to return to this hell. She worked at the factory for three years.

The whole world learned about her!

On the day when Carolina left the factory, she did not want to go home - and she looked into the bar where her friend Madd worked.

How are you, baby? - He asked, handing the girl whiskey and cola.

Disgusting, - said Caroline through tears.

Relax, we have great musicians playing today. Do you want me to introduce you?

She asked for more whiskey. The alcohol warmed up the girl. She famously danced to the songs of an unknown German group. Oh, how she danced, how she sang! After the concert, a guy approached her:

Baby do you wanna sing and dance in our group?

Of course, - answered Caroline and left him her phone number.

The next day she felt bad. She realized two things: that she would never drink again in her life and that more than anything in the world she wants to become a singer!

The girl began to build her career: she enrolled in guitar courses, took up jazz dancing and began to take part in all competitions for young performers. Parents supported their daughter in everything. The father left his previous job and became the manager of Carolina. He even opened the Orbit-music agency, which organized concerts and competitions for young talent.

At competitions Karo was noticed, encouraged in every possible way and even offered contracts. But when the girl and her father came to the office of the record companies and read these contracts, it turned out that the conditions in them were completely unfavorable for the singer. The producers just wanted to cash in on it. And then Carolina went to work for producer Peter Kent in his Optimal quartet. Four girls, who had known each other since the talent contests, sang simple songs. The people liked them, they were often invited on tour. The girl group released two singles in Germany - "Er War Magnetisch" and "The Goodbye" and toured the country.

Before Carolina (second from left) became C.C. Ketch, she sang in the Optimal girl quartet (rare archive photo, Germany, 1984)

Once the voice of Karolina was heard by one of the founders and soloists of the already famous group Modern Talking Dieter Bohlen. He asked: "What is this birdie with a diamond voice?" It turned out that Dieter had been looking for a suitable "material" for producing for a long time. “This is our little Caroline! Golden girl! - answered Peter Kent. "Don't you dare offend her!"

Dieter Bohlen helped C.C. Ketch achieve world fame

The next day, Karolina came to Dieter's studio to audition. And an hour later she signed a lucrative contract. Together they came up with a pseudonym. Carolina wanted to keep in her stage name C C - the first letters of her name are Carolina Katarina. And Dieter added "Catch" (translated from English - to catch. - Approx. "TN"), deciding that this word in its sound is ideal for the name of the future queen of the stage.

On May 31, 1985, the first single of the future pop star, written by Dieter Bohlen, was released. The song instantly hit the European charts. About S.S. Catch was recognized by the whole world!

She was 21 when she met her first love. It was in Berlin on the set of one of the television programs. Karolina was the first to notice the guy in tattered jeans and asked the make-up artist who it was. “The drummer from the Aquamarine group. It seems his name is Frank, ”she replied.

Their happiness lasted three years - until Frank betrayed her (with music producer Frank Freund, 1988)

After filming, Caroline approached Frank. They spent this evening together. Two weeks later, he moved to live with her, and a month later became her music producer. He was her first love, the first man, the first to leave a scar on her heart.

The popularity of C.C. Ketch grew every day. Her debut album "I Can Lose My Heart Tonight" was well received by the audience. Singles topped the charts in Belgium, Spain, all of Scandinavia and the countries of Eastern Europe, she is adored by the youth of the Soviet Union. She did this, she earned the love not only of her country, but of the whole world. Men adored her, girls imitated her. Her cat eyes drove everyone crazy.

In 1988, C.C. Ketch changed her image: leather jackets, leggings, rivets were replaced by wide trousers and long nails, and her new short haircut became the standard for girls in the 1980s.

Before the European tour in 1988, C.C. Ketch radically changed her image. She entrusted this to the Cleopatra salon in Paris, where she specially flew for one day. Her new hairstyle became the standard for many girls in the 1980s.

“Where are we going to start, Karo? Frank asked, scheduling her future tour. " “I would like to be with Bunde,” replied Caroline.

The hall was packed to capacity - the whole town was gathered here! Karo knew that those who once poisoned her life would also come to see her. And suddenly she began her speech in front of the audience:
- My German is still bad, Frau Stolz! And I still can't sew a buttonhole in 10 seconds, Herr Limberger. But I want to say thank you to all of you - for helping me make a choice in favor of music ...

"I will destroy you!"

“Dieter, can I write some songs? I have some sketches, ”she once timidly turned to her producer Karo. "No!" - he answered sharply. He believed that all poetry and music should be under his control. Offended, Karo decided to break the contract with Dieter Bohlen.

O! It cost her a lot! The first tangible blow struck her ... Frank, who preferred to stay with Dieter, offered him a drum position in his new project Blue System. And upon learning that Karo was expecting a child, Frank said: "I have nothing to do with this." He absolutely did not want the child to tie him hand and foot. Moreover, he doubted that Carolina could be as successful without Bohlen.

And Dieter was angry in earnest. “I'll take everything from you! he shouted. - I will destroy you! You will still crawl on my knees! "

A string of ships stretched out. Dieter took away the rights to all the songs that he wrote, and attempted the stage name of the singer - S.S. Catch. Karo held on as best she could. Only her parents encouraged her at this time. “Be strong, daughter! You will show them all! " - consoled, as in the good old days, father.

Carolina defended her stage name, paying Dieter Bohlen $ 5 million. But she lost the most precious thing she had - Frank and the baby she carried under her heart.

Subsequent work of C.C. Ketch was no longer so successful. She released a new album, which reached 26th in the German charts. But the fans bought it out - by inertia. In the early 1990s, the singer first visited the USSR as a guest of the Step to Parnassus festival, then took part in the filming of the Bravo-91 program and in the Chernobyl Children - Our Children festival-action, among the organizers of which was Karolina's father. Over a hundred artists from Germany, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, Italy, Sweden and others took part in this concert. After releasing her sixth studio album, Carolina left the music industry, as it seemed to her, forever.

She moves from Germany to Great Britain, to London. She begins to engage in spiritual development, a year later she marries her yoga teacher. But after 3 years the marriage falls apart

God never sent them children, which was the main reason for the divorce.

10 years later, in 2001, Carolina decides to return to the stage. Life again confronts her with Dieter Bohlen. “I knew that you would come back,” is all that Dieter said when Karo called him.

Together they released an album of her most famous hits in a new modern arrangement, recorded two singles and ... scattered again. Returning to the big stage, Karolina began to appear on TV, her joint tour with the groups Bad Boys Blue, Fancy and Silent Circle showed that the audience still loves her and is looking forward to the release of the new album.

The singer is desired and loved, but God still has not given her the most important thing: a loving husband and children. Karo is said to be engaged to her current young boyfriend, but whether or not there will be a wedding is unknown.

... What did she do wrong?

Caroline's mom Corrie Muller accompanies her daughter on all tours (2007)

Si Si Ketch met the group "Reckless Scammers" on a tour in Siberia, in 2007

Having won the song contest "Hello, we are looking for talents!" The quartet became popular, the girls began to tour the country.

In 1985 in Hamburg, the popular German singer and composer Dieter Bohlen, the lead singer of the Modern Talking group, saw a performance. He heard Caroline and asked Peter Kent: "What is this birdie with a diamond voice?" “This is our little Caroline! Golden girl! ”- answered the producer. "Don't try to offend her!" Bohlen invited Caroline to record in his studio. The next day she arrived, began to sing - and an hour later she signed her first professional contract.

In 1985, 21-year-old in Berlin, on the set of one of the TV shows, Carolina met her first love - the drummer of the Aquamarine group Frank Otto. The singer noticed a guy in tattered jeans and asked the make-up artist who it was. And after filming I went up to him. The acquaintance grew into a whirlwind romance, two weeks later Frank moved to live with her. He also began to determine the schedule of her tour - with Bohlen's blessing, he became her music manager instead of his father.

By the way, he also brought the rising star, working with Bohlen himself, to the town of Bunde, where she was attacked by her classmates as a child. The whole city gathered for her concert! It was the moment of triumph for the singer, who had already been recognized as Si Si Ketch.

The popularity of the German singer C.C. Catch began in 1985 with the release of the single "I Can Lose My Heart Tonight".

The 1985 single "I Can Lose My Heart Tonight" immediately turned the German singer C. C. Catch into a disco star.

C. C. Catch - I Can Lose My Heart Tonight

Caroline Katharina Müller(German: Caroline Catharina Müller). Born July 31, 1964 in Oss (North Brabant). German singer of Dutch descent, best known by her stage name C. C. Catch... Performs songs in English in pop and disco styles. Since 2007 he has been living in London.

C. C. Catch - Cause You Are Young

Caroline Müller was born in the Netherlands. Jurgen's father was German and lived in Germany, and Corrie's mother was a Dutch citizen. She has three brothers.

Caroline lived with her mother in Holland.

"... I was born in Holland and lived there until I was 14, and then we moved to Germany - for 10 long years. Well, then I left for England, for London.", - she said in an interview.

After leaving school, the girl studied to be a designer and worked in a garment factory.

In 1979, her family moved to Germany, and since 1980, Müller has already performed in the female pop group Optimal from Osnabrück after winning a young talent competition.

Although her parents dreamed that their daughter would become a dressmaker, the girl herself always wanted to become a singer. Optimal's performance was even recorded on the radio. In 1985, after Optimal's performance at a music competition near Hamburg, German composer and member of the Modern Talking group Dieter Bohlen became very interested in her voice and on the same day invited her to his studio to listen. Shortly thereafter, she signed a contract with him, which was to start her solo career.

Caroline chose the pseudonym C. C. Catch, where the two "Cs" are the initials of her two names, the first and middle.

In the summer of 1985, on Carolina's birthday, the song I Can Lose My Heart Tonight was released as her debut single. The single became a hit in Europe. One year later, her first album, Catch the Catch, was released, on the cover of which her beloved cat is depicted.

C. C. Catch - Strangers By Night

At the end of 1986, the album Welcome to the Heartbreak Hotel was released.

In 1987, the song Are you man enough (album Like a Hurricane) appeared on all European radio stations.

In 1988, the album Big Fun was released. In the same year, Carolina had a falling out with Bohlen and terminated the contract. Bohlen demanded the right to her stage name, but the court ruled in favor of the singer. Carolina left for England, where she began to work with various producers.

C. C. Catch - Heartbreak Hotel

In Spain, Mueller met with Simon Napier-Bell (ex-manager of George Michael). Simon was very interested in working with her and soon became her manager. The new album Hear What I Say was prepared with new producers including Andy Taylor (ex Duran Duran), Dave Clayton (worked with George Michael and U2) and Joe Duorniak. The single Big Time was released from this album in 1989, which climbed to number 25 on the charts.

C. C. Catch - Heaven And Hell

During this time, BMG released the single Baby I Need Your Love alongside the Classics compilation.

Dieter Bohlen released her single Good Guys Only Win In Movies. At the same time, Carolina released her next single, Midnight Hour.

C. C. Catch - Are You Man Enough

At the end of the same year, the album Hear What I Say was released, which was the last to be released by C. C. Catch. In terms of sales, this album surpassed the previous two, Big Fun and Diamonds.

C. C. Catch - Soul Survivor

In the summer of 1991, the singer first visited the Soviet Union at a charity concert in Moscow, which was dedicated to the Chernobyl accident. The concert was called “Children of Chernobyl - Our Children”.

C. C. Catch - Good Guys Only Win In Movies

At the same time, the companies Ariola Express and Hansa are releasing a number of compilations of the singer, such as Super Disco Hits, Super 20, and a creative break comes in the career of C. C. Catch. Already in 1998, Carolina returned to the music scene.

She began performing with Krayzee, a German rapper who performed with the group Touché. And Dieter Bohlen, who was reviving the Modern Talking group at that time, together with his studio team prepared an album with remixes of old C. C. Catch songs. This is how the collection Best Of 98 was released on Hansa. It contained both new versions of the singer's main hits and original versions of the best songs. No completely new songs were recorded.

In support of the album, three singles were released - C. C. Catch Megamix '98 (feat. Krayzee), I Can Lose My Heart Tonight '98 and Soul Survivor "98.

C. C. Catch - House Of Mystic Lights

In 2001, Karolina visited Moscow again, this time at a New Year's concert. Here she performed a megamix of her greatest hits.

C. C. Catch - Backseat Of Your Cadillac

In 2003 she moved to Germany and recorded her new single Shake Your Head 2003 with Savage Productions. The following year, the single Silence (feat. Leela) was released, reaching number 47 on the charts in Germany.

C. C. Catch - Nothing But A Heartache

In 2010, she released the single Unborn Love with Juan Martinez. Despite the fact that it was planned to publish a full-length album of the singer, where Martinez acted as the author of remixes of all the tracks (both new and old), and the vocals had already been re-recorded, at the last moment Carolina abandoned this project. The reason was the poor quality of the material. As a result, the tracks were distributed on the network by Martinez himself as a project by Juan Martinez & C.C. Catch.

In 2014, Carolina recorded a duet with Chris Norman (ex-Smokie) called Another Night In Nashville.

C. C. Catch Megamix '98

"Of course, I like something in my life more, something less, but my life brought me EVERYTHING, it gave me the opportunity to communicate with wonderful people", says Carolina.

She told about her life in London: “All those 10 years of my inactivity, I devoted, let's say, to myself. At first I just had a rest, then thanks to my husband (his name is Erivata, we have been married since 1998) I became interested in yoga and some other forms of meditation. I started to draw ... By the way, people often ask me: "Carolina, if you hadn't become a singer, then who could you have become, what profession do you still like?" Before, I always answered very categorically: "None! I can't imagine my life without a stage! ", And now, perhaps, I would answer that I would not mind becoming an artist as well.".

Albums C. C. Catch:

1986 - Catch the Catch
1986 - Welcome to the Heartbreak Hotel
1987 - Like a Hurricane
1988 - Big Fun
1989 - Hear What I Say

Singles C. C. Catch:

1985 - I Can Lose My Heart Tonight
1986 - Cause You Are Young
1986 - Strangers By Night
1986 - Heartbreak Hotel
1986 - Heaven And Hell
1987 - Are You Man Enough
1987 - Soul Survivor
1987 - Good Guys Only Win In Movies
1988 - House Of Mystic Lights
1988 - Backseat Of Your Cadillac
1988 - Nothing But A Heartache
1988 - Summer Kisses
1988 - Baby I Need Your Love
1989 - Big Time
1989 - The Decade 7 "Remix
1989 - The Decade 12 "Remix
1990 - The Decade Remixes
1989 - Midnight Hour
1998 - Soul Survivor "98
1998 - C. C. Catch Megamix '98
1998 - I Can Lose My Heart Tonight '98
2003 - Shake Your Head 2003
2003 - Silence (feat. Leela)
2010 - Unborn Love