
How to disable Internet traffic saving. Using data on samsung, saving traffic. Make sure you don't overpay for traffic

Increasingly, smartphones are used not only in everyday life, but also in the work environment, so it is important to pay attention to how much data they consume. It can be a personal smartphone at the workplace or issued by the company, in any case, traffic costs money. If its consumption level is not optimized, the money will be wasted.

Unlimited tariffs for mobile Internet are expensive, most often tariffs are applied with a certain amount of traffic, for which you need to pay extra for exceeding. There are also tariffs with payment for each megabyte. In this case, it is especially important to minimize traffic consumption.

Fortunately, the settings of the Android operating system allow you to reduce traffic consumption without a significant impact on the quality of work with the device. The 12 recommendations on this issue will be described below.

  1. Traffic consumption diagnostics

    Before you can solve the problem, you need to understand it, so open your smartphone settings and find the section called "Data transfer". Look for the section here "Mobile data".

    You'll see a detailed overview of which apps have been using your bandwidth the most in the last 30 days. If you wish, you can set the period for which you will view traffic consumption. Social networking apps, browsers, video and audio streaming programs, and the Play Store are the most common spenders.

    Click on an app or service to take a closer look at data consumption. It shows how much is spent in the active mode, and how much in the background.

  2. Disable unnecessary background activity

    When you find out what and how much traffic is spent, it's time to solve this issue. First, cut down on unnecessary data usage in the background. Social networks and news apps differ in this, as they most often check for content updates at regular intervals. You can disable this behavior, usually you won't notice much difference.

    Open social and news apps one by one and check their settings to save data. For example, in the Twitter app on Android, there is a section in the settings called "Data usage". Click on it and uncheck the box "Sync data", this will not prevent you from receiving notifications, for which there is a separate settings section.

    Apps like Flipboard have a section called "Reducing data consumption", which is by default set to "Full Use". Change the option to "On demand" or "Do not use mobile data", because you don't need to update the news if you're not looking at the app.

    If you have an app that consumes a lot of data in the background and cannot be controlled in any way in the settings, like Facebook, use system-level control. Open section Settings > Apps and select the desired program. On the screen that appears, click on the section "Data transfer" and turn off the switch "Background mode". This will prevent the program from running in the background unless you are connected to a Wi-Fi network.

    You need to be careful about disabling background activity. For example, if you disable it in the messenger, you will not receive messages when the smartphone screen is off. Surely you do not want to miss messages from your contacts. The same applies to Facebook, until you start it manually, you won't know that there are new activity notifications from other users.

  3. Stop autoplay

    Video consumes a lot of data, and many applications have a bad habit of launching it as soon as you turn your back. Social networks like to play videos automatically when you scroll through the news feed, but you can disable this.

    In the Facebook application, you can open the main menu and in the settings there are options to prevent autoplay. On Twitter, you'll find a similar option under Data Usage, where you can turn off image previews in your feed and disable high-quality video when using mobile networks. Instagram, Snapchat and other social networks have similar settings. Find them and turn them off.

  4. Data compression when working on the mobile Internet

    Next, you need to force the browser to spend less traffic. The Google Chrome browser on Android has a feature called "Traffic Saver", enabling which compresses the data as it is sent to you. This not only saves traffic, but also makes sites open faster. This option is available at the very bottom of the settings window.

    If you want to save traffic even more, use the Opera or Opera Mini browsers. They have their own options for compressing web pages, videos, and limiting file downloads to Wi-Fi networks only.

  5. Optimize your music apps

    Do you have the Google Play Music app? Open its settings and look for the "Mobile network quality" option. Install "Low" or "Average" and make sure that this sound quality is enough for you.

    Here, make sure the option is enabled. "Wi-Fi Only Transfer" and consider the option "Streaming Music Caching". It forces you to download each song you listen to on a device for local storage, so that when you listen again, you don’t have to waste bandwidth again.

    If you often listen to the same songs, enable this option. If not, it is better not to touch it so as not to waste extra traffic, especially when choosing a low audio quality.

    Play Music isn't the only app with these settings. Spotify, Pandora, and other music services and podcasts have similar controls. Always look into the settings in such applications and limit their traffic consumption.

  6. Savings on YouTube

    Continuing the theme of streaming, open the YouTube app and in the settings open the section "General". There is an option called "Saving traffic" to use the mobile Internet to broadcast video only in low quality, and leave HD for Wi-Fi networks.

    On the same page, disable the option "Autoplay".

  7. Download multimedia content in advance

    The best option to reduce your mobile data consumption when streaming is to avoid it altogether, and many apps allow you to do so. You just need to download the content in advance via Wi-Fi, so that it is stored locally on the device.

    If you have a Google Play Music subscription, you can download YouTube videos to watch at any time. In YouTube settings, find the section background & offline. If you don't have a Play Music subscription, this section is missing.

  8. Navigation offline

    What else does not hurt to download in advance is Google Maps. The next time you need to navigate, open the Maps app over Wi-Fi. Choose the route you need and download the desired map.

    You can manage downloaded maps in the application settings in the "Downloaded areas" section.

  9. Play Store

    Apps need to be updated. But at the same time, the size of the updates can be large, so you can accidentally use up a lot of traffic on the mobile Internet.

    To prevent this from happening, open the Play Store, in the settings set the auto-update option to "Only via WiFi".

  10. Fixing Leaks

    It's time to think about unused applications. They need to be removed or at least disabled if they cannot be removed, especially if they are in the list of traffic consumers. They may consume some data, but why is it necessary?
  11. Checking Account Synchronization

    In the settings, open the section "Accounts", click Google and select your account. Here you will see a long list of what is synced with the account. Most likely, you have never used some services. Disable their synchronization, if there are several accounts, repeat the process.
  12. Radical measures

    If you want to save as much as possible, Android from the version has a Data Saver system tool that prevents most applications from using the mobile Internet if they are not open on the screen and are not actively used. They won't be able to run in the background, including notify you of incoming messages, unless you're on Wi-Fi or add apps to your exceptions list.

    This is a drastic measure if you want to at least temporarily reduce traffic consumption to a minimum. The option is located in the Android settings.

Smartphones are not just a means of communication through voice calls and text messages. The spread of the Internet has given many opportunities for using gadgets: watching movies, business correspondence, sending files, etc. To save traffic, smartphones have a special mode that the gadget can switch to automatically. If this is not necessary, you need to be able to turn it off. Let's figure out: what is a special mode, how to disable traffic saving on a Samsung phone, what programs exist for these purposes.

Data saver is a feature that allows you to reduce the amount of data used by limiting its transmission and reception. There is a limitation in the background. For actively used applications, access to mobile traffic remains, but is limited. They go into a kind of sleep mode and are activated when certain actions are performed. For example, images may not be displayed until the owner of the phone touches them.

Not all mobile Internet tariffs are unlimited. Often, users add only a few applications, instant messengers or social networks to the kit in order to use them without any restrictions. The rest of the content is paid depending on the number of megabytes downloaded or sent. In this case, spending control will significantly save megabytes by the end of the billing period. The user will be spared from buying additional ones, will not remain “offline” at a crucial moment.

How to enable traffic saving

To enable Data Saver:

After activating the function, a warning icon will appear in the status bar, notification messages at the top of the screen.

In order to keep the uninterrupted operation of some services, services and applications in this mode, you need to allow them to work in the background. In the "Mobile Internet" tab, set exceptions for programs, allowing unlimited access.

How to disable data saving on samsung

Function disable algorithm:

  • sequentially go to the tabs that are indicated above;
  • Move the slider to the "OFF" position.

The most effective work will be if the balance is observed, in which the disconnection of traffic savings on the Samsung Galaxy is set for some applications and programs that are actively used.

Thus, Android will keep the amount of data transfer, but the smartphone user will be able to continue working without restrictions.

Special programs to save traffic

There are special applications to disable the function. Most popular:

  • Opera Max for Android is a free utility available for download from the Play Store. The name is clear - the utility is related to the Opera browser. Compresses data on the servers of the platform of the same name, then they get to the user's smartphone;

  • Onavo Extend. How the application works: the gadget sends a request to the provider, the data is sent to the server and returned in a compressed form. Compression does not affect the quality in any way, but the volume is seriously reduced. Before you begin, you must give the application permission to send information to the Onavo server. For secure operation, the connection is made through a VPN;

  • Data Status - compression is performed on third-party servers. Feature of the utility: visual detailing of the work. On the screen, you can track the amount of sent and compressed data, network testing graphs, possible connection points, etc. by graphs;

  • Osmino Wi Fi - the program itself finds an access point and connects. In this case, the utility will do without a password from the found network. Advantages: Russian interface, speed test and an updated list of access points located nearby;

  • WeFi Pro is a smart software that activates Wi-Fi automatically. The smartphone owner can independently set the application parameters by highlighting priority networks.

The function of economical consumption of traffic on a Samsung smartphone allows you to save money and memory space. You can activate it yourself or program the gadget to automatically change the status depending on the conditions set. There are special programs that work automatically.

Consider a question from a blog reader: “I have unlimited internet, but Android is blocking the 5 Gb traffic limit. Is it possible to remove the restriction so that Android does not block traffic and how to remove it?

Indeed, it’s a shame when you pay for unlimited Internet, but in fact you are modestly content with what is installed in Android.

Where to look for traffic settings

To get to the appropriate settings, we will open nesting dolls in turn, one by one. The largest of these is "Applications" (given for Android 5.0.2):

Rice. 1. Open Applications in Android

Having opened Applications in Android, we find Settings there:

Rice. 2. Android Settings

In the settings we need "Data Usage":

Rice. 3. Open "Data Usage"

How to remove the traffic limit on Android


That, in general, is all the wisdom of installing warnings and limiting mobile Internet traffic on Android. I must say that the established warnings and restrictions are valid on Android for any type of Internet use, whether it is accessing the Internet on Android, or accessing an access point for “distributing Wi-Fi”, using mobile applications with Internet access, using e-mail, etc. All traffic will be taken into account by this access control system.

Unfortunately, the traffic counted by Android may not match the traffic counted by the mobile operator itself. In my practice, it was when Android had not yet limited Internet access, and the mobile operator had already drastically reduced the speed of the Internet or turned it off altogether.

To avoid this discrepancy (whether we like it or not, mobile operators and Android devices will still always count traffic differently), on Android it is useful to set traffic limits a little less than the mobile operator suggests.

In particular, in fig. Figure 9 shows setting a limit of 2.9 GB with a given limit of 3.0 GB from a mobile operator. With this setting of restrictions, there will be no contradictions between Android and the mobile operator, and Android will notify in time, and then turn off the Internet, without waiting for the mobile operator to do this.

While mobile internet is relatively inexpensive these days, don't get in the habit of not keeping track of your usage. Unlimited home operator, and accordingly the habit of using everything to the maximum, can be expensive abroad, where the Internet is roaming.

Many operators abroad or in roaming charge per megabyte. There are also "conditionally" unlimited tariffs: they give a certain and rather limited amount of traffic per day or month. When exceeded, the speed drops very much, and using the Internet turns into torture. Therefore, it is important to be aware of expenses, manage them and suspend them at the right time. In general, caring about traffic is a useful skill.

What can be done?

1. Disable applications that consume too much data (sometimes in the background)
There are applications that are constantly running, but in the so-called "background". Even with inactive use, they are constantly transmitting and sending something.
How to find them? Menu item "Settings" -> "Data transfer" -> "Mobile data transfer".

You will see a general graph of mobile traffic costs and a list of applications by consumption rating. What should be done? Click on the application and turn off the "background mode".

2. Set alerts and smartphone traffic limit
The sequence of actions: "Settings" -> "Data transfer" -> "Payment cycle".

The billing cycle is the date when the fee is charged and a new package is provided. By specifying it, the system will reset the traffic counter.
How to activate? Turn on “Warning settings” -> “Warnings” -> select the limit, upon reaching which, the system should inform you about it.

3. Disable app update via mobile network

Sequence of actions: Go to the settings of the Google Play app store -> "Auto-update applications" -> Select the option "Only via Wi-Fi".

4. Enable data saving in Android
The sequence of actions: "Settings" Android -\u003e "Data transfer" -\u003e "Traffic saving".

Most applications will no longer be able to run in the background, this will reduce data consumption.

5. Enable data saving in individual applications
Did you know that almost all tools from Google can save precious megabytes of mobile Internet?

Google Chrome
Sequence of actions: Go to Google Chrome settings -> "Saving traffic" -> Enable.

Sequence of actions: Go to YouTube settings -> "General" -> Enable the "Traffic Saver" mode.

Google Maps
Steps to follow: Go to Google Maps settings -> Turn on Wi-Fi only and follow the link "Your offline maps".

Offline maps are a great way to save internet while roaming. We recommend downloading not only the area of ​​your residence, but also other places that you plan to visit in the near future.
To do this: click "Other area" -> use the pan and zoom gestures to select the area to download and click "Download" -> click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the menu "Downloaded areas" -> "Download settings" and select "Only WiFi.

Google Photos
The sequence of actions: settings "Google Photos" -\u003e "Startupload and synchronization" -\u003e disable the option "Use mobile Internet".

Google Music
The sequence of actions: Google Music settings -> in the "Playback" section, lower the quality when transferring over a mobile network -> in the "Download" section, allow you to download music only via Wi-Fi.

Google Movies
The sequence of actions: settings "Google Movies" -\u003e "Streaming over mobile network", turn on "Show warning" and "Limit quality" -\u003e "Downloads", select "Network" and select "Only via Wi-Fi".

6. Keep track of the rates and options of your carrier
You may have an outdated rate. If you monitor the offers of your operator, you can get more MB for less money.

Stay always in touch with TEZ Telecom! Happy and comfortable travel.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to enable special modes in web browsers, as well as in mobile devices. This mode is especially useful in regions where the network is practically unavailable. Or if you are abroad on a business trip. In this article, you can read about how to enable or disable data saving on Samsung smartphones.

How to turn off data saving for Samsung

When we return home or find sources of unlimited traffic for accessing the Internet without taking data into account, traffic savings can be turned off. In Samsung models, this is done as simply as in any other Android smartphones.


  1. Go to phone settings. To do this, select gear icon on the main screen;

    Open Android smartphone settings

  2. Find the item " Traffic control" or "" and select it;
  3. Above the window with the chart in the settings window, you need to select the slider so that it moves to the “ Disabled".

    Disable Data Saver in Samsung

    No further settings need to be made. All your download saver settings will be cancelled.

    Internet download control function in Samsung

    If you are away from home and do not have access to unlimited Internet, you need to save traffic, not disable traffic saving. Most often we are talking about the mobile Internet, which today is available in almost every tariff for mobile services. Samsung smartphones have a built-in feature that helps control downloads.

    In many smartphone models from a popular brand, you can enable it as follows:

    1. Open your mobile phone settings. gear icon ( settings) can be found on the main screen or in the shortcut menu;
    2. We find the section "" or " Traffic control» and select it;

      Select "Traffic"

    3. A flow chart will appear in a new window. At the top are tabs with your valid SIM cards. Select the one in which you want to enable savings;

      Button to enable data saving in Samsung

    4. Move the slider to activate the traffic saving feature. Please tick the box below.
    5. Now it is possible to adjust the volume of downloads. Thus, if according to the terms of your mobile tariff, 3 gigabytes are allocated per month, then use the side controls to set this interval. The first regulator, which is below - this is a warning message from the system. You will receive it as soon as the amount of traffic spent on Samsung reaches this mark. The second slider indicates the number of downloads, upon reaching which the Internet will turn off.

      Samsung Data Limit Regulators

      Press the "Menu" button on your phone to display a context menu where you can select a limit for background processes. And also limit the various auto-sync applications and their other features to save money.

      What is background data in traffic settings?

      When setting the Internet traffic limit and turning off traffic savings, we come across such a concept as background data. Some users may not know what it is. Almost every mobile application is able to be updated over the network when the Internet is connected. This process is sometimes considered a background process if the automatic update setting is activated in the application settings. Thus, with the release of new updates, the application requests this data from the server to download. Then install them in the Samsung device.

      We do not control the uploaded data. And often we do not even know the amount of data that will be downloaded by the application. This process is a background process, as it is able to work in parallel with other running applications. The update process can be started at any time: when we play mobile games, watch Youtube or talk on the phone. The main condition for his work - connection to the global network.

      Background data limitation feature

      If saving every megabyte of mobile Internet is important to you, be sure to limit your background data.

      You can do this in the menu that we already opened in the previous chapter:

      1. We go to the settings, as we did when disabling saving your traffic on Samsung;
      2. Turn on the "" function;

        Check the box "Set limit"

      3. Press the "Menu" button in your device;
      4. We put a tick on the item "".

        Activating the background data limit in Samsung

        The system will try to notify us that from now on, with this active setting, we will have to update the applications ourselves. Also, some network dependent services will not work.

        Mobile applications to control Internet connection on Samsung

        Mobile app developers are making good money these days by creating alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. For example, most new smartphones "can" clean up garbage ( cache and junk files). But there are dozens of other mobile applications in the App Store and Play Market that offer not only cleaning up the phone's memory, but also other useful features. And they are really in demand.

        To save downloads when connected, there is also built-in utility. But by downloading the program from the mobile store, you will have a whole range of tools for tracking, controlling and distributing Internet traffic. Samsung has released a special program for its smartphones -. A full review of the application is the topic of a separate article.

        Samsung Max in Play Store

        Listen to our advice on how to control the consumption of gigabytes with the function to save megabytes of traffic disabled, so as not to overpay for mobile Internet and not exceed the limits set by the operator. After all, as you know, when using traffic of a certain norm, we will continue to use the Internet. But now on new terms that are beneficial not to us, but to the mobile operator. The first thing you need to do when using limited Internet is disable auto-updates for mobile apps.

        For this:

        Samsung Max app features:Explanation:
        Selective control. You can control the network connection for an individually selected application.
        Manual settings. You can set certain settings under which it will not be able to use more than the amount of data allocated to it.
        Setting a password. The application allows you to set a password for each application, as well as manage them. Specify in the settings whether you allow a certain application to access the Internet in the background. Or turn off the ability to use the network at once for the whole group.