
Congratulations to the class teacher on the last call. Poems about teachers: thanks, goodbyes, congratulations on Teacher's Day Short comic poems about physical education teachers

School events dedicated to subject teachers are not complete without reading beautiful poems. They can be told to teachers by children, high school students. So they can express gratitude to the first teacher or their favorite primary school teachers. But students can separately recite poems about teachers of mathematics, physical education, literature, physics, chemistry. Among the proposed works and video examples of reading short poems, you can pick up both funny and comic texts. Also below are offered cute, touching to tears verses that will evoke warm positive emotions in teachers.

Short and beautiful poems about teachers - for children and high school students

Original works in poetic form for children and high school students must be different. After all, children can be shy when reading poetry, it is quite difficult for them to memorize texts with complex words. But high school students will be able to beautifully pronounce both short and long works.

Beautiful poems with short texts for children about teachers

To the one who teaches, gives knowledge,
Today all words and congratulations.
Teacher, you chose hard work
We wish you strength, good luck and patience!

Congratulations my teacher
The smartest, dear.
I wish you good health,
Our man is golden.

Few are given to teach children,
But you can take this path.
Let no worries torment you
Let it be easy on the heart.
Patience, fighting spirit,
And on a holiday - nice to relax!

Beautiful and short poems for high school students about teachers

High school students, unlike elementary school students, can tell teachers short poems with a deeper touching meaning. The following texts are perfect for learning by teenagers:

Teaching is a great talent
And he is excellently given to you,
Enjoy your work
Good colleagues and children.

Thank you for the knowledge you gave
Thank you for everything you taught
You showed us all facets of science.
So let your life flow without boredom.

You are a teacher, and this is pride -
To wear such a title
We congratulate you with all our heart,
We wish you to be happy!

Funny and comic poems about their subject teachers - examples of texts

At any holiday, each of the teachers will be pleased to hear personal poems about subject teachers. At the same time, the listeners will be most delighted with funny and cool texts that tell about the difficult working days of teachers.

Examples of funny poems about subject teachers

For subject teachers teaching literature and languages, you can pick up beautiful poems from the following examples. All of them are quite interesting and include simple texts.

Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky -
You opened them for us
We know prose and poems,
Tale and blank verse,
We love literature
We respect you very much
You accept congratulations
Happy teacher's day from us!
We wish you a lot of happiness
fulfillment of a dream,
You gave us a lot
Warmth and kindness!

We hear from you, our dear teacher
Magical speeches, beautiful books.
In the mysterious world of literature
You are our mentor and conqueror.
Thank you for your lessons, words,
May goodness and success always await you!

We are dictations, essays,
We will write presentations
After all, in Russian the teacher
Became closer and closer to us,
Congratulations on teacher's day
Teacher from the heart
We promise no mistakes
We won't do it again!

Comic poems dedicated to subject teachers

You can pick up comic poems about teachers of physics, chemistry and biology in the options below. Small works will be easily remembered by middle and high school students.

Stamens and pistils, the kingdom of mushrooms,
Animals, types of protozoa,
And we wouldn't know about it
Without your most important lessons,
Biology teacher, success, victories
And we wish you happiness
World teacher's day has arrived
And with this we congratulate you!

In a whirlwind of physical reactions
With you we boldly go.
After all, with a wonderful teacher
We won't blow up the school.

Happy profession day
We want you today.
Great love for physics
We will save for years.

We love to cheat with you
It's definitely not a secret.
After all, smarter, more beautiful, better
There is no chemist in the world.

We wish you good health
New creative victories.
Joy in your work
And happy, long years.

Beautiful to tears poems about teachers from famous poets - texts of works

Both modern and famous classical poets have many poems that tell about the important profession of a teacher. Such beautiful works will ideally complement any holidays dedicated to your favorite teachers.

Texts of beautiful poems to tears from famous poets about teachers

Poems about beloved teachers, touching to tears, must be learned and rehearsed very well before the performance. Then the works of famous poets will be a really great addition to a school holiday or extracurricular activities.

Andrey Dementiev

Don't you dare forget the teachers.
They care about us and remember.
And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
Waiting for our return and news.
They miss these infrequent meetings.
And no matter how many years have passed,
Teacher Happiness Happens
From our student victories.
And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
On New Year's Eve we do not send them congratulations.
And in the bustle or simply out of laziness
We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.
They are waiting for us. They are watching us
And rejoice every time for those
Who again passed the exam somewhere
For courage, for honesty, for success.
Don't you dare forget the teachers.
May life be worthy of their efforts.
Russia is famous for its teachers.
The disciples bring glory to her.
Don't you dare forget the teachers!

Robert Rozhdestvensky

Good luck, rural and urban
respected teachers,
Good, bad and none
captains on the ship's bridge!
Good luck to you, debutants and aces, good luck!
Especially in the morning
when you enter the classrooms,
Some are like in a cage, others are like in a temple.
Good luck to you, busy things,
which can not be completed anyway,
Tightly shackled
Instructions and shouts from the city government.
Good luck to you, different looking,
with tricks and without any tricks,
loving or hating
these - be they three times ... - children.
You know I still believe
that if the earth remains alive,
the highest dignity of mankind
will someday be teachers!
Not in words, but in things of tradition,
which tomorrow's life to match.
The teacher must be born
and only after that - become.
There will be talented-daring wisdom in him,
He will carry the sun on his wing.
Teaching is a long-range profession
Home on Earth!

Marina Tsvetaeva

The cold hands crumpled the apron,

All turned pale, the darling trembles.

Grandma will be sad: granddaughter

Suddenly - a unit!

The teacher looks, as if not believing

These tears in the lowered gaze.

Ah, the unit is a big loss!

First grief!

Tear after tear fell, sparkling,

A page floats in white circles...

Does the teacher know what

Is pain a unit?

Poems touching to tears about beloved teachers - examples of texts for children

For some children, the support of teachers helps not only in their studies, but also in their personal development. Therefore, for children, for any extra-curricular event dedicated to teachers, it is recommended to select beautiful touching poems. They will help kids express gratitude to all their teachers.

Texts of poems touching to tears about favorite teachers for children

Poems about teachers, touching to tears, selected for children should be simple and understandable. Then the student will be able to tell it expressively and really beautifully. Each of the proposed easy texts can be easily remembered by both a child and a teenager:

You are knowledge, a diligent servant of children,
You are the best, kindest, beloved teacher.
I wish you health, patience,
You make the world a better place every day.

May work never bore you,
May your students love you.
After all, happy is the one who teaches children,
God bless you, take care!

I want to truly love my work.
To be like a balm for the soul.
And so that all the love, patience, care
Fully students returned to you!

Short poems about primary school teachers - examples of texts for children

For beloved teachers who instill a love of learning in kids, you need to prepare beautiful poems for any school holiday. These should be short, kind texts that will help express the gratitude and gratitude of the kids to the teachers. Among the options discussed below, you can find many good poems about primary school teachers.

Children's poems with short texts about primary school teachers

Kids can tell simple and interesting poems about primary school teachers, both exactly following the example, and supplementing them with their personal congratulations, wishes and thanks. The following texts are perfect for children to learn:

You are an elementary school teacher
For children, father and mother.
Happy Teacher's Day
And I want to wish you
Lots of endurance, patience,
Kindness and beauty
Respect, health.
Let dreams come true!

You teach younger kids
Such funny little rascals
Cheerful, cute, good-natured,
But still sometimes naughty!

We wish you patience in work -
You will need it, we know for sure.
And on Teacher's Day is beautiful
May the sun shine brightly on you!

Many times in first class
You were always in a hurry
The world of beauty to open
For children for the first time.

Not easy primary grade
Accept from scratch.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Keep it up always!

Funny and funny poems about a wise math teacher - texts for high school students

Most high school students work quite hard to understand all the intricacies of mathematics. And only with the support of an experienced teacher, they will be able to master the basics and deal with the complexities of higher mathematics. Funny and comic poems will help to congratulate such wise and understanding teachers.

Funny and cool poems for high school students about a math teacher

Among the proposed poems, you can pick up very beautiful and original poems that every math teacher will like. From such texts, teachers will certainly come to sincere delight.

Science Mathematics is an exact science,
He won't make mistakes, that's the thing
The one who counts well wins
Every mathematician knows this for sure!

That today is Teacher's Day, we also know for sure
Congratulations to our Mathematicians,
Happiness to you, health, in the profession of success,
Sparkling fun, joy and laughter!

sines and cosines,
Roots, logarithms
By your efforts
They stick to our hearts.

Explain brilliantly
Complex science.
We forgot in class
What is boredom.

Congratulations on teacher's day
From the bottom of our hearts we rush you.
Let the children please you
Achievements of peaks.

We do math
Queen of all sciences
But you can't deal with her without you,
Teacher, you are our best friend!

Gathered together to congratulate you
We are happy teacher's day now,
We wish you good luck, happiness,
We will always remember you.

Comic poems about a physical education teacher - with examples of short texts

Comic verses will help to please the physical education teacher, who helps the children to maintain their health in the norm, to develop physically. Both female and male teachers working with toddlers and high school students will be happy to hear cool works.

Short comic poems about physical education teachers

The proposed funny poems about the physical education teacher can be included in the congratulatory program, and read to your favorite teacher in honor of your birthday. You can choose good texts from one of the following examples:

We all love exercise
She gives us joy.
And a cool teacher
Fate gave us.

On Teacher's Day, we wish
You take the medals of life.
Your experience, enthusiasm and strength
Also give to children.

So that in a healthy body the spirit
Felt comfortable
So that the fire in the chest does not go out,
Learn to be friends with sports,
develop muscles,
Strength to have a large reserve.
You, physical education teacher,
Congratulations now.
And we wish you good health
Don't be sad, don't be sad
And students with love
Teach physical education.

One two three four five,
Let's build again!
We congratulate you
From the bottom of our hearts we wish:

Always be first
Do two hundred squats
Push up one by one
You have such an order from us!

Be not strict, not angry,
There are dinners with an appetite,
Do not drive small children,
And try to understand!

Do not be sad, but have fun
Strive to be a champion
To be loved and to love
Very bright life to live!

Cute and beautiful to tears poems about your first teacher - for high school students, children

For many children and high school students, it was the first teacher who became the best examples and the best support at school. That is why students want to give this teacher maximum attention at any school holiday dedicated to teachers. You can tell beautiful poems about the first teacher after completing your studies in elementary school, and when you say goodbye to an educational institution.

Texts of beautiful poems to tears for children about the first teacher

Cute and touching to tears poems for children about their beloved first teacher can be selected from the texts below. All of them include warm sincere words that are sure to evoke positive emotions in the congratulating teacher.

Our teacher is the first
We want to congratulate you.
We will tell you honestly and directly,
That you are the best with us.

Happy World Teacher's Day!
May great success await you
Let happiness be vast
And in the soul - always peace.

Children come to you from kindergarten,
You are the first teacher for them forever.
And no matter how many years have passed after school,
But they will never forget you.

Primary classes for you are your pride.
Today teacher's day has come,
We wish you health, patience,
Obedient kids and a lot of strength!

The first teacher
Essential conductor
In the school world, multifaceted,
Which is so big!

Everything will teach children -
Learn and make friends
So that friendship, craving for knowledge
Managed to save.

Thanks a lot
I wanted to tell you
fruitful work
Wish heartily!

Examples of texts of cute poems for high school students about the first teacher

During graduation, high school students should definitely thank the very first teacher for their support and help. You can choose touching poems about the first teacher from the following examples:

You have chosen hard work:
Called by God -
Teaching goodness and beauty
And the alphabet, and drawing.

All the colors of the world on Earth
You give your kids
And fully from the heart
You teach them lessons!

We wish you successful days
Good emotions, environment,
Prosperity, loyal friends
And all wishes come true!

You are the first teacher, you are our guide
Into the vast, wonderful world of knowledge!
Thank you for everything, for every moment
What are you doing with us at school?

There is no teacher more beautiful, kinder,
You are always full of happiness, strength!
We wish you many colorful days,
So that the smile does not leave your face!

You are an elementary school teacher
And the kids are coming.
You are the first to give them knowledge.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

May World Teacher's Day
Brings you happiness and warmth.
Let the children inspire
We appreciate your craft.

Video examples of students reading poems about their first teacher

In the videos below, you can see examples of reading beautiful poems to tears about the first teacher. These useful tips will help you prepare well for a speech in front of your favorite teacher:

Beautiful and touching to tears poems about teachers, funny and comic works are great for an unforgettable school holiday. They can be told in a generalized way for all subject teachers. And you can separately dedicate works to teachers of mathematics, literature, physics, physical education. Among the proposed texts and video examples, you can find short cute works for children and high school students. Original poems from famous poets about the first teacher and teachers of primary school, high school will help create an amazing festive atmosphere for all guests of the event.

I knew how to please my teachers

I knew how to please my teachers,
He went to the torment, science gnawed granite.
But never knew where to fold
Where should subtraction be done?

Wherever I crawl, wherever I run,
One question torments me again:
Under the plus sign or under the minus sign
All that is realized, perceive?

Alexander Mezhirov

Our older friend

Our elder friend, our priceless friend,
Our permanent campfire!
fire mighty plant
Noisy with undying foliage.

And he is above our disputes,
And entertainment, and undertakings -
The life-giving fire
You saved our Prometheus.

You deserve this name.
You by your disinterestedness
We were infected and taught
Shine on others, burn yourself.

More than once, bristling evil feathers,
Like Prometheus among the rocks
Eagle of soullessness, mistrust
You shamelessly pecked.

But, having overcome adversity,
As before it shines, crushing the darkness,
Filled with supreme passion,
Inextinguishable soul.

Gives salvation from old age,
And our youth is alive
And on an undying plant
Noisy green foliage.

Love Orphan

Who teaches us?
Who is torturing us?
Who gives us knowledge?
This is our school teacher -
Amazing people.
With you it is clear and bright,
The heart is always warm.
And sorry if it's on time
The lesson was not learned.
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
All of our teachers
And we wish you all good health
From pranksters of children!

Who teaches us

Reach out to every heart

Reach out to every heart
Those whom you choose to teach
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those whom I could love!

And some overslept boy
Late for the first lesson
And a naughty girl in the past
Invite to the last call!

And many more years will pass
Maybe someone's fate
And the pain and hardships will disappear,
Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be weekdays of study
And the answers are at the blackboard,
Peace without violence and without malice,
And donated rose petals!

Mark Lvovsky

Like the know-it-all Olya

Like the know-it-all Olya
Be a school teacher.
Chalk on the blackboard to write
The letter "A" and the number "five"
And indicate with a pointer:
"It's a catfish! And this is a treat!
This is a fish! It's a beast!
This is a party! It's a door!"

"Ding-ding-ding!" - the bell rings
That's the end of the lesson.
And the students should
Wipe the chalk off the board with a rag.

Olesya Emelyanova

The teacher came to class

The teacher came to class
She's a little older than us.
And I took a lesson
That we forgot about the call.
We wanted to know more
And become adults faster
And choose the right path in life
And look into the future.
Perhaps one of us
Will enter the same way in the school class
And teach such a lesson
That everyone will forget about the call.

Vadim Malkov

Teachers! They are like a light on the way
What kind of fiery heart do you need
To have in the chest to bring light to people,
So that his trace could never be erased!
And how to measure their work, you ask
Millions of people's army.
There are many ascetics in Rus',
But there is no wiser and nobler than them!

Teachers! They are like a light on the way

not work, but renunciation

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,
The ability to give everything
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And in this to see the light and grace.
Teaching - when in the eyes of the cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: you tried not fruitlessly
And knowledge scattered not in vain.
Showered with colored rain of bouquets
And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,
Accept, teacher, not a word of hello,
And part of the soul from grateful us!


There is no more beautiful profession in the world -
You bring the source of knowledge to children.
And our teacher is our idol,
With which we know the world.
And on this day we want to promise you
That, having risen from school desks,
And we will be able to convey to people
Your work, the warmth of hearts and the search for excitement!

There is no better profession in the world

The teacher generously teaches us that

The teacher generously teaches us that
What will be very necessary in life:
Patience, reading, counting and writing,
And loyalty to the native Fatherland.

Viktor Viktorov

Teacher, the days of your life are like one

Teacher, the days of your life, as one,
You dedicate to the school family,
You are all who came to study to you,
You call your children.
But the children grow up, from the school bench
Walking the paths of life
And your lessons are remembered,
And keep you in your heart.
Beloved teacher, dear person,
Be the happiest in the world
Even though it's hard sometimes to get you
Your naughty children.
You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,
Accept our thanks!
We remember how you led us into people
From timid funny first-graders.

Mikhail Sadovsky

Teacher - three syllables

Not so much,

And how many skills it contains!

Ability to dream! Ability to hold on!

The ability to give yourself to work!

Ability to teach! Ability to create!

The ability to love children selflessly!

Teacher - three syllables.

But what a lot!

And this calling is given to you by God!

Nadezhda Vedenyapina

Teachers, teachers...

There are no better professions!

Stand firmly at the helm,

Opening the door for the child.

The teacher is the most faithful friend,

Will not give out, will not betray;

And if something happens suddenly,

He will give a hand to everyone.

How intense is this work:

Understand and teach.

Always go to the teacher

Students and doctors…

Come into the bright classroom when,

Can't be ignored

Always so cute

Tired eyes.

Oh, how brave is this work:

Bullies, naughty…

Sometimes they lie stubbornly in the eyes.

You must understand them.

Teachers, teachers...

There are no better professions!

Stand firmly at the helm,

Opening the door for the child.

You led us on the path of knowledge.

Giving us a lot of strength and mind.

How much effort have you put in?

May we always study well!

You taught us to write beautifully,

Solve problems and behave

Always calm, sensitive, patient

And you managed to find an approach to each.

You led us on the path of knowledge

Wishes for teachers

In a great life you opened the doors for us,
You taught us not only the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe in you!
We have received lessons of kindness!
Our journey through life has just begun
Thank you - it started the way it should.
We wish you health and good luck,
Students - good and obedient!

Natalia Ivanova

The cold hands crumpled the apron,
All turned pale, the darling trembles.
Grandma will be sad: granddaughter
Suddenly - a unit!

The teacher looks, as if not believing
These tears in the lowered gaze.
Ah, the unit is a big loss!
First grief!

Tear after tear fell, sparkling,
A page floats in white circles...
Does the teacher know what
Pain is a unit?

Marina Tsvetaeva

In memory of Innokenty Annensky

And the one whom I consider a teacher,
How the shadow passed and did not leave a shadow,
I absorbed all the poison, I drank all this stupidity,
And he waited for glory, and he did not wait for glory,
Who was the harbinger

an omen
He took pity on everyone, breathed into everyone

languor -
And suffocated...

Anna Akhmatova

Such is the profession - a teacher

Such is the profession - a teacher.
I don't think it's more important.
Teacher, master, educator,
Keeper of knowledge, creator of children's souls,
The teacher holds the whole world on himself.

He polishes generations every year,
Like a jeweler topaz, or diamond.
It would be appropriate to compare here,
Teacher without patience
Leave the profession at the same time.

How much effort does it take
To teach children something.
Sometimes the teacher cries out of impotence
And because labor in the country of Russia
He is not appreciated. How can you not cry.

But they yell at every crossroads
Him: “Shut up! Releasing marriage!
Those words are insulting, of course, biting.
So overexcited teenagers
Courage in anticipation of fights.

Maybe the accusations are true
And worthless to him, the teacher, the price.
After all, children smoke, deceitful, wicked,
Rude, cynical and lazy at heart,
But is it only teachers' fault?

Olga Panchishkina

And again in the gilding of poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students
To start a new life.

There is no richer and more generous in the world,
Than these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers
Although they themselves are almost gray-haired.

They are in the fate of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly pronounce every time
Simple three words: "This is my teacher."

We are all in his best hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder…
Live always in your students
And be happy, our captain is a teacher!

And again in the gilding of poplar

Teacher, school teacher!

You worry about us

Rush invisibly into space,

Go to the taiga to search

Into the desert along unsteady dunes,

In the sea foam road ...

We are your eternal youth

Hope, joy, anxiety.

You still have no peace

Devoted all his life to children.

teacher, school teacher

A cheerful bell sounded
In yellow-red September,
School doors opened
Our noisy children.
In a long life exam
On the track indirect
Will lead to the land of knowledge
Our teacher is the helmsman.

A cheerful bell sounded

Teacher, how much patience
You hide in your soul,
Anxiety, thoughts and doubts -
You have already experienced everything.
What should love be?
To dedicate it to children!
Each has its own character
And everyone needs to be understood.
After all, children need to give
From your heart a particle,
Wishing them well every day
Think about them and pray about them.
They need to be given knowledge
And teach you what to strive for
When it's hard for them to support
Do not let suffer, do not let lazy.
So that you, we want, do not be sad,
Resentment did not lay down like a stone,
And all the good that you put in
Giving back to you to return.

Teacher, how much patience

Soul beautiful and very kind,

You are strong with talent and generous with your heart

All your ideas, dreams of beauty,

Lessons, undertakings will not be in vain!

You managed to find the way to the children,

May you have success along the way!

Soul beautiful and very kind

A Word About the Teacher

"Sow reasonable, good, eternal..."
N. A. Nekrasov

I saw poets
in bronze and granite,
And met kings
on copper horses.
The names of the great
in gilding letters
Blaze brightly
in the rays of the sun.

I am for justice!
Should have put
Somewhere on the street
modest pedestal -
Monument to the Teacher...
And on it would be the inscription:
“Without him, Pushkin would
Pushkin did not.

Without him, there would be Matrosov
did not go under the bullets,
I wouldn't close my heart
Without him, people would
did not step into space,
And it would not be kind
unreasonable sowing…”

Life won't end
if there is a teacher:
Strict and not very
old, young...
If he comes
to the school dormitory
That won't stop
our earthly ball.

Kohl sometimes at night
he sits tired
With a pile of notebooks
future Tolstoy,
So, put it back
somewhere pedestals
With new names
in strings of gold.

So again Tchaikovsky
born somewhere
And magical music
delight souls.
So again Russia
who will be proud
So again the teacher
will visit the earth.

Remember teachers!
Does he need a lot?
News, smile,
say hello...
Years in his hair
attacked with silver
But in the soul of the teacher
the light won't go out.

Will he still
an asterisk for youth,
The heart won't get tired
beat in unison
With children's hearts.
Wisdom Wisps
He has sly eyes
will ignite.

Remember teachers
somewhere under the stars
Starship Confident
heading up!
Remember teachers!
And forever remember
Those cherished words:
“You are learning. Learn!”

Vladimir Evplukhin

For mentors

Not eternal life. The human term is short.
The veterans are leaving.
We are grateful to them for their honest work.
Their knowledge and experience will not die.
Aging and years in spite of
The older ones are followed by the students.
Years go by. The earth is spinning.
Teachers raise pupils.
Their wise look and kind hand -
The textbook is the main one for the student.
The work is immortal, the thread is uninterrupted.
The young ones will come to replace the elders.
And will be accepted at the abandoned post
Teachers hope and dream.
And therefore the commandment is so strong:
"Master, educate a student!"

Don't you dare forget the teachers

Don't you dare forget the teachers.
They care about us and remember.
And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
Waiting for our return and news.
They miss these infrequent meetings.
And no matter how many years have passed,
Teacher Happiness Happens
From our student victories.
And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
On New Year's Eve we do not send them congratulations.
And in the bustle or simply out of laziness
We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.
They are waiting for us. They are watching us
And rejoice every time for those
Who again passed the exam somewhere
For courage, for honesty, for success.
Don't you dare forget the teachers.
May life be worthy of their efforts.
Russia is famous for its teachers.
The disciples bring glory to her.
Don't you dare forget the teachers!

Andrey Dementiev

We don't always notice
How many worries we have
And patient work
The teacher gives.
With barely noticeable gray hair
On a dark blond strand
She stands in front of you
Stacking up notebooks.
And you love, like him, like me,
Her - and let's face it:
She is your second mother.
And who is more precious than mom?

We don't always notice

I'm still a small child
But I started going to school.
Learning has become excellent
And do excellent.
My teacher passes by
I'm waiting for a signal from him.
After all, I study "excellently"
Almost quite easy.
The teacher teaches us good
And we are trying to help him.
And we learn letters, numbers,
And we just rush to knowledge!
Teacher first, you are my friend!
Your profession is a ray of light.
That's why I love you
Because I appreciate your work!
Teach me and everyone
Appreciate the parents, the planet.
Love, dream, strive for the light!
And never forget you.
There is no better profession in the world!

I'm still a small child

You are needed, needed forever
Both youth and old man
To enrich them stubbornly.
This is how ore is mined.
So the spring of light is always waiting,
And that's how grains are grown.
Your work ... So the jeweler sometimes
Grinding a tiny diamond
This is how the brilliance of damask is reported.
Yes, the main thing in the current fate
The earth owes you.
Teacher! Let you a hundred times
Praise, give thanks
And they will lift you to the throne of songs,
So that with each generation henceforth
You magically look younger
In work, which is so wonderful!

You are needed, needed forever

I remember now:
I came to school in the first grade,
I hold a bouquet of flowers in my hands
I want to give it to the teacher.
I loudly "Hello!" said,
She ran towards the teacher
Gave her a bouquet of flowers
And don't forget to smile.
Our acquaintance took place
School life began with him.
I met my first teacher
She became my second mother.
I learned to write and read
The teacher was always there.
And if there's something I don't understand
She patiently explained to me.
And it went on for many years
I got a lot of knowledge
There is no better profession "teacher"
I made it clear.
I know many professions
But if you make a list
From the profession of "teacher"
It needs to be started.

I remember now

And here's the call
The school house is emptying quickly.
In the ringing silence
Last steps.
But in a quiet class you are all sitting at the table,
And again, your students are in front of you.
And in silence you think of them
Yesterday strangers, now relatives,
About their question, about your answer,
For something that doesn't have an answer...
And tomorrow the day will come again
And school joyful people
Fill the floors with noise
And whirl in the whirlwind of life!
Once upon a time on the third desk against the wall
I dreamed about the future and was in a hurry to become an adult
Even then you decided to be a teacher,
The difficult one chose the path, but he knew that he had enough strength.
And again at school silence,
And the old globe by the window
In the magazine suffix and case,
And so many fates and hopes ...
In your hands is the fate of the country, the fate of the land,
Your students' dreams will come true.
They sow bread, guide ships along the course,
Dedicate life to children, as you did ...
And again at school silence,
And the old globe by the window
In the magazine suffix and case,
And so many fates and hopes ...

And here is the call

Teacher. All her features
Clarified in the morning simply:
Solitude of quiet kindness,
The grandeur of ancient construction.
But again the speech is calm and easy,
And again breathe reflected brilliance
Hexameters of an old verse,
And the splash of foliage in the old biblical gardens.
Fatherland, will, that bitterest smoke,
What will wake us up late or early
But let me cry repentantly for once:
“Master, before your name…”


Teacher, what a beautiful word

Teacher! What a wonderful word.
It is our life and light and basis.
Shines for us as a guiding star
And leads into the world of new knowledge.

Teacher! What a lofty word!
We repeat it over and over.
Our senior comrade, our sincere friend.
He is the key that opens the fount of science!

You can learn everything in life
Implement many new ideas
But a teacher must be born,
To live on earth for children.

Nadezhda Vedenyapina

Being a teacher is a calling

Being a teacher is a calling.
You need to love children so much
To soul and diligence
Give them without a trace.
Be a role model
Interesting to explain
To have all desire
Answer in class.

Olga Poveshchenko

I’ll go to the blackboard to explain. And the heart, I know, will be young
As long as the sacred fire will be with him.
Your soul from all sorts of adversities
The healing flame will save.
It will help us along the way.
The trickiest riddles to beat.
It will still help, and more than once,
My teacher, continue you in business!
Teacher! Even after many years
The light you lit will not go out!

Teacher! Even after many years


Good luck, rural and urban
respected teachers,
Good, bad and none
captains on the ship's bridge!
Good luck to you, debutants and aces, good luck!
Especially in the morning
when you enter the classrooms,
Some are like in a cage, others are like in a temple.
Good luck to you, busy things,
which can not be completed anyway,
Tightly shackled
Instructions and shouts from the city government.
Good luck to you, different looking,
with tricks and without any tricks,
loving or hating
these - be they three times ... - children.
You know I still believe
that if the earth remains alive,
the highest dignity of mankind
will someday be teachers!
Not in words, but in things of tradition,
which tomorrow's life to match.
The teacher must be born
and only after that - to become.
There will be talented-daring wisdom in him,
He will carry the sun on his wing.
Teaching is a long-range profession
Home on Earth!

Robert Rozhdestvensky

If there was no teacher

If there were no teacher
That would not have been, probably
Neither a poet nor a thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

And still would probably
If there were no teacher
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.

And we would not be Icarus,
We would never take to the sky
If in us his efforts
Wings were not grown.

Without him, a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because we are very expensive
The name of our teacher! Decency and honesty.
Many wince from chatter,
empty briskness,
They teach by example
Elemental resilience…
They have a strong mental core
Respect their calling.
Some are deserving
Others, yes
Without any title!
When you comprehend that in personal destiny
Not all theorems are proven
Old teachers to you
They seem like family!
Invisibly shoulder support
Chicks of his tribe.
Talk to them - and there is something -
Yes, somehow there is no time.

Teachers are different

In big cities and villages
The bell rings in the morning
And the guys rush to school -
The lesson starts.
On the teacher inquisitively
Seeing so many different eyes!
Answers patiently
He's a hundred questions an hour!
"Why does the sun go down?"
"Where does the hippo sleep?"
"Does an elephant ever laugh?"
"Why is it raining? »
If it is difficult, he will help,
It is not clear - explain.
Whirlwind brawlers too
Reconcile very quickly.
No, the teacher is not a magician,
You just have to know a lot.
Don't be lazy tutorial
Also open more often.

Do you remember there was...

Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.
He put you in first grade
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand and now
In the hand of your teacher.
The pages of books turn yellow
Change the name of the river
But you are his student:
Then, now and forever.
(K. Ibryaev)

Teacher, the days of your life are like one...

Teacher, the days of your life, as one,
You dedicate to the school family,
You are all who came to study to you,
You call your children.
But the children grow up, from the school bench
Walking the paths of life
And your lessons are remembered,
And keep you in your heart.
Beloved teacher, dear person,
Be the happiest in the world
Even though it's hard sometimes to get you
Your naughty children.
You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,
Accept our thanks!
We remember how you led us into people
From timid funny first-graders.
(M. Sadovsky)

Reach out to every heart ...

Reach out to every heart
Those whom you choose to teach
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those whom I could love!

And some overslept boy
Late for the first lesson
And a naughty girl in the past
Invite to the last call!

And many more years will pass
Maybe someone's fate
And the pain and hardships will disappear,
Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be weekdays of study
And the answers are at the blackboard,
Peace without violence and without malice,
And donated rose petals.
(M. Lvovsky)

Teacher, what a beautiful word...

Teacher! What a wonderful word.
It is our life and light and basis.
Shines for us as a guiding star
And leads into the world of new knowledge.

Teacher! What a lofty word!
We repeat it over and over.
Our senior comrade, our sincere friend.
He is the key that opens the fount of science!

You can learn everything in life
Implement many new ideas
But a teacher must be born,
To live on earth for children.
(N. Vedenyapina)


If there were no teacher
That would not have been, probably
Neither a poet nor a thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And still would probably
If there were no teacher
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we would not be Icarus,
We would never take to the sky
If in us his efforts
Wings were not grown.
Without him, a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because we are very expensive
The name of our teacher!
(V. Tushnova)


Our elder friend, our priceless friend,
Our permanent campfire!
fire mighty plant
Noisy with undying foliage.
And he is above our disputes,
And entertainment, and undertakings -
The life-giving fire
You saved our Prometheus.
You deserve this name.
You by your disinterestedness
We were infected and taught
Shine on others, burn yourself.
More than once, bristling evil feathers,
Like Prometheus among the rocks
Eagle of heartlessness, mistrust
You shamelessly pecked.
But, having overcome adversity,
As before it shines, crushing the darkness,
Filled with supreme passion,
Inextinguishable soul.
Gives salvation from old age,
And our youth is alive
And on an undying plant
Noisy green foliage.
(L. Sirota)


Touched by hand -
And immediately it will become easier
How does mom calm down
Like a good doctor heals.

I feel sorry for her! poor thing
She often gets sad.
Must be hard to put
Bad grade for me.

Put - after crying,
Probably at night
And in the morning to school, then
She comes sad.

All! I'm ready for the answer
I solved all the problems
Secretly to her table - candy!
Don't cry at night...
(O. Bundur)

Poems about the profession of a teacher

There are many of them - snub-nosed, dissimilar ...

A lot of them -
Snub-nosed, dissimilar,
Flying into the school in a crowd.
And it's not easy with them. But still
Any one is dear to his soul.
He led them
On the ladder of knowledge
Learned to appreciate the country
And see through the distance
And be friends with a smart book ...
Let someone become a builder
And someone is the owner of the rivers,
But my heart believes
Will put
Five to them tomorrow's century.
And, becoming adults, through the years
Guys remember well
And his severity, and worries, -
The hard work of a teacher.
(B. Gaikovich)

For mentors

Not eternal life. The human term is short.
The veterans are leaving.
We are grateful to them for their honest work.
Their knowledge and experience will not die.
Aging and years in spite of
The older ones are followed by the students.
Years go by. The earth is spinning.
Teachers raise pupils.
Their wise look and kind hand -
The textbook is the main one for the student.
The work is immortal, the thread is uninterrupted.
The young ones will come to replace the elders.
And will be accepted at the abandoned post
Teachers hope and dream.
And therefore the commandment is so strong:
"Master, educate a student!"
(Yu Kim)


Don't cry, don't whine tediously,
Though sometimes the Earth tilts.
How your "difficult" is pressing on your shoulders,
My friends are teachers.

Not a day of rest. Forget about yourself
Lead the souls of children forward,
And you do not have one extra minute,
And you have a heavy load of worries.

Notebooks, cultural trips, meetings,
Abandoned house ... We will forgive you.
You burn, illuminating the path to tomorrow,
And the torch in your heart is unquenchable.

Age of speed. Time frantically rushes,
Try to let go of the reins!
And I don't have the strength to quit
And I don’t have the strength to carry my heavy load.

Graying, with young hearts,
Those who do not know idle life,
You are afraid to evaluate yourself -
So I give you a five for life!

Human hearts, beat and knock,
To accomplish the main feat in life.
There is always a teacher in each of us
And teaches to live honestly and beautifully.
(V. Kosheleva)

Your friend

Do you have a good friend
There is no more reliable friend.
Ask about the north and about the south,
About what's around you -
He will answer everything.

Do you remember when he came to class?
Decided everything: severe!
But how much did he find for you
Simple, understandable words!

You at the desk alone
Explained the task.
Help your neighbor
And separated the fighters.

Do you remember, I led you on a hike
In the morning, at seven o'clock?
What bird sings
He spoke in the forest.

Autumn evening has come.
You're already in bed...
The teacher has just revealed
Your heavy portfolio.

You are fast asleep now
You have seen dreams.
And he, bending under the lamp,
Praise: "Five" this time,
Seryozha Ivanov!

Raised good guys
Your friend for many years.
He is now thanked
Collective farmer and poet
Noble scientist, horn,
Artist and combat pilot...

Trusted friend -
Your teacher!
(Y. Akim)

Beautiful and sweet poems have always been and will be a wonderful congratulation to our teachers. If you liked our selection of poems, then perhaps you will be interested in the following articles.

This page contains a collection of poems dedicated to teachers. They can be learned or used for decoration for Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, graduation - any holiday where congratulations and words of gratitude to teachers are needed!

Thank you teachers!

Thank you teachers

Because the earth is round

For Troy and for Carthage,

For benzochloropropylene,

For ZhI and SHI, for twice two,

for your kind words

Those that we now keep within ourselves,

We THANK YOU for everything!

What a proud calling -

Giving education to others

Give away a piece of your heart

Forget empty quarrels

After all, it is difficult to explain to us,

Sometimes very boring

Repeat the same

Check notebooks at night.

Thank you for being

They've always been so right.

We would like to wish

So that you do not know troubles

Health, happiness for a hundred years!

Soul beautiful and very kind,

You are strong in talent and generous in heart.

All your ideas, dreams of beauty,

Lessons, undertakings will not be in vain!

You managed to find the way to the children,

May you have success along the way!

Thanks to those who lead us to knowledge,

Who chose the hard way of the roads.

Thanks to those who proudly wear the title:

Teacher, educator, educator.


The tablet of knowledge is a blackboard.

And for ten whole years on that tablet

Pictures, numbers and words ran.

And someone's hand erased them.

To the left - the windows are almost the entire wall,

To the right is a door, as if the entrance to the stage.

And behind? But you look ahead.

Don't you dare look back - it will!

Valentin Berestov

Stand above life young

Keeping a beautiful unity

Age-old honor, holy duty -

Teaching and motherhood.

First awaken the souls

Let the thirst for knowledge wake up in them,

Then bring your pets

To a transparent-clean well.

Living water from the depths

You learn to draw with your hand,

To love your people and land,

Be masculine and good at heart.

You dedicate to the school family,

You call your children.

Walking the paths of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And keep you in your heart.

Your naughty children.

Accept our thanks!

M. Sadovsky

You every day and every hour,

Dedicated to hard work,

One thought of us

You live with one concern.

So that the earth is famous for us,

So that we grow up honest

Thank you teachers

Thanks for all the good stuff!

There is no more beautiful profession in the world -

You bring the source of knowledge to children.

And our teacher is our idol,

With which we know the world.

And on this day we want to promise you

That, having risen from school desks,

And we will be able to convey to people

Your work, the warmth of hearts and the search for excitement!

For leading to knowledge

Ignoring the difficulties

Only thanks

We say goodbye to you.

We wish you well

And blue overhead

More joy, warmth,

Wins and fewer breakups.

And even if you suddenly cry

You want goodbye

Then know that the eleventh grade

He only says to you: "Goodbye!"

You carry worthy the torch of knowledge -

The children's country is grateful to you.

The whole sum of your deeds and undertakings

Let it be equal to personal happiness!

E. Zapyatkin

With time, culture and art

We walked in step to significant roles -

And we bow with a kind, bright feeling

The wisest of people - teachers!

E. Zapyatkin

We were given the keys to the future,

So that we can get ahead of time.

We were not taught to divide and take away,

Just add and multiply.

E. Zapyatkin


Teacher, the days of your life, as one,

You dedicate to the school family,

You are all who came to study to you,

You call your children.

But the children grow up, from the school bench

Walking the paths of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And keep you in your heart.

Beloved teacher, dear person,

Be the happiest in the world

Even though it's hard sometimes to get you

Your naughty children.

You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,

Accept our thanks!

We remember how you led us into people

From timid funny first-graders.

Mikhail Sadovsky

And here's the call

The school house is emptying quickly.

In the ringing silence

Last steps.

But in a quiet class you are all sitting at the table,

And again, your students are in front of you.

And in silence you think of them

Yesterday strangers, now relatives,

About their question, about your answer,

About what there is no answer

And tomorrow the day will come again

And school joyful people

Fill the floors with noise

And whirl in the whirlwind of life!

Once upon a time on the third desk against the wall

I dreamed about the future and was in a hurry to become an adult

Even then you decided to be a teacher,

The difficult one chose the path, but he knew that he had enough strength.

In your hands is the fate of the country, the fate of the land,

Your students' dreams will come true.

They sow bread, guide ships along the course,

Dedicate life to children, as you did

And again at school silence,

And the old globe by the window

In the magazine suffix and case,

And so many fates and hopes.

S. Vladimirsky

Reach out to every heart

Those whom you choose to teach

And the secret door will open

To the souls of those whom I could love!

And some overslept boy

Late for the first lesson

And a naughty girl in the past

Invite to the last call!

And many more years will pass

Maybe someone's fate

And the pain and hardships will disappear,

Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be weekdays of study

And the answers are at the blackboard,

Peace without violence and without malice,

And donated rose petals!

Mark Lvovsky

He is always on the road

In worries, searching for anxiety -

And there is never peace.

And a hundred questions on the threshold

And you need to give the right answer.

He judges himself more severely.

It is all earthly, but it is torn upwards.

Do not count, perhaps, how many fates

Intertwined with his fate.

I. Druzhinin

The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.

How long does it last, the last call?

The universe does not fit in the windows,

The school looks, but itself decreases.

Views fly over the distant steering wheel,

With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,

And over the country, as over the assembly hall,

The day is filled with blue and scarlet

School, farewell crystal bell ...


If there were no teacher

That would not have been, probably

Neither a poet nor a thinker,

Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

And still would probably

If there were no teacher

Undiscovered Americas

Remained unopened.

And we would not be Icarus,

We would never take to the sky

If in us his efforts

Wings were not grown.

Without him, a good heart

The world was not so amazing.

Because we are very expensive

The name of our teacher!

V. Tushnova

Dear teacher

We are smartly dressed today

You didn't see us like that.

We give bouquets to the teacher

Like once upon a time for the first time!

Dahlias, carnations, chamomile

All for you, dear teacher!

Bell to us first-graders

The last bell has rung!

Everything was once new to us:

And the primer, and the notebook in hand,

And the teacher, and the first word,

What did they write on the blackboard?

But we comprehended the secrets of knowledge

And we can now without problems

Find answers to questions

And the solution of any theorems!

The teacher's work was disinterested,

But we appreciated you highly!

You led us to the knowledge of truths,

To make life easy for us.

And today is the date

Thank you for saying this.

And for being straight roads

You taught us to choose!

We are today with an unknown feeling

Let's go back to school again.

And a little sad

Great graduation ball!

Oh, when will we have to again

Here are the paths to follow...

Goodbye dear school!

We are moving into adulthood!

The hard work of a teacher

A lot of them -

Snub-nosed, dissimilar,

Flying into the school in a crowd.

And it's not easy with them. But still

Any one is dear to his soul.

He led them

On the ladder of knowledge

Learned to appreciate the country

And see through the distance

And be friends with a clever book ...

Let someone become a builder

And someone is the owner of the rivers,

But my heart believes

Will put

Five to them tomorrow's century.

And, becoming adults, through the years

Guys remember well

And his severity, and worries, -

The hard work of a teacher.

B. Gaikovich

To my teacher

Pony tail, tousled bangs

And excitement is an outstanding look -

Trainee, young girl

You entered the class forty years ago ...

The tail was replaced by a strict styling,

Became a serious look over the glasses -

Eternal doodles in notebooks

Your dear mischievous...

At the temples, gray strands shine,

And the pressure jumps sometimes ...

But the eyes are shining - everything is in order!

And hurry up to class again.

N. Radchenko

Good luck to you, rural and urban,

Dear teachers -

Good, bad and none

Captains on the ship's bridge.

Good luck to you - debutants and aces,

Good luck! Especially in the morning

When you enter the classrooms,

Some are like in a cage, others are like in a temple!

You know I still believe

What if the Earth remains to live, -

The highest dignity of mankind

Someday there will be teachers.

Not in words, but in things of tradition,

Which tomorrow's life matches,

The teacher will have to be born.

And only after that become!

There will be talentedly daring wisdom in him.

He will carry the sun on his wing...

Teaching is a long-range profession

Home on Earth.

R. Rozhdestvensky

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

They care about us and remember.

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

Waiting for our return and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings.

And no matter how many years have passed,

Teacher Happiness Happens

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:

On New Year's Eve we do not send them congratulations.

And in the bustle or simply out of laziness

We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.

They are waiting for us. They are watching us

And rejoice every time for those

Who again passed the exam somewhere

For courage, for honesty, for success.

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

May life be worthy of their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers.

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget the teachers!

Andrey Dementiev

No time for teachers to grow old

Smoothly red leaves fly

In the blue squares of school frames.

First-graders again leaf through the primer -

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

The sun's ray jumps across our desks,

Cheerfully winking at us.

We are growing fast, which means -

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

Pulls us from the school threshold

To new construction sites, to starships.

We need to know so much more

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

The vast world has become our legacy,

The road ahead is wide and straight...

Next to endless childhood -

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

M. Plyatskovsky

Happy Teacher's Day Russia

Congratulations teachers

Children go to school

In life, the first road.

God gave you talent

He handed over children's fates,

I want enough

You have patience and strength.

Will be kindness, love

May your hearts be full

On Teacher's Day Thank You!

I speak for the whole country.

How to congratulate Teacher's Day

The teachers who taught us?

Do not fall into banality, do not dissemble

In what words to glorify their feat?

And is there a harder field -

Of us, lazy and arrogant,

Prepare a shift, sentries,

So that in the coming year of Russia

Children's laughter did not stop everywhere.

We congratulate you today

On an autumn, glorious day and hour.

We so hope to be

That's just like you!

We don't always notice

How many worries we have

And patient work

The teacher gives.

With barely noticeable gray hair

On a dark blond strand

She stands in front of you

Stacking up notebooks.

And you love, like him, like me,

Her - and let's face it:

She is your second mother.

And who is more precious than mom?

Your modest work knows no price,

Nothing compares to it!

And everyone praises with love

you by a simple name -

Teacher. Who doesn't know him?

The simple name is

That illuminates with the light of knowledge

I live the whole planet!

We originate in you

You are the color of our life, -

And let the years melt like candles,

We can't forget you, no!

Gratitude to teachers

Oh, how fast people grow up!

Not noticeably time runs.

But we will never forget you!

We say this to you from the bottom of our hearts.

All the knowledge that you have

We are from you - save, save,

Let's multiply and let them be

The most valuable luggage for us!

You gave us your heart and soul

Learned almost everything!

Today we want to bow

YOU - your teacher!!!

O. Struchkova

Thanks to those who taught us!

Left in the past school years,

Cheerful, carefree children's laughter.

We will never forget school

Let's remember all teachers.

We cherish every hour and every moment,

What was associated with care and kindness,

And everyone who has achieved something,

More than once will appreciate everything later.

Thanks to those who have dedicated themselves

High goal - to be a teacher,

Who taught us, loving the profession,

Be honest, smart and appreciate the good!

E. Yakhnitskaya

At the beginning of my life, I remember school,

There were many of us, careless children,

An uneven and frisky family.

humble, poorly dressed,

But the appearance of a stately wife

She kept strict supervision over the school.

Surrounded by our crowd

She talks to babies.

Her brow I remember the veil

And eyes bright as heaven.

But I delved into her conversations a little.

I was embarrassed by the strict beauty

Her forehead, calm lips and eyes,

And full of holy words.

Dychasya her advice and reproaches,

I misinterpreted myself

The clear meaning of truthful conversations,

And often I sneaked away

In the magnificent darkness of someone else's garden,

Under the arch of artificial porphyry rocks.

There the cool shadows did not live for me,

I dreamed my young mind

And idle thinking was a consolation to me.

I loved the light waters and the noise of the leaves,

And white idols in the shade of trees,

And in their faces is the seal of motionless thoughts.

Everything is marble compasses and lyres,

Swords and scrolls in marble hands

On the heads of laurels, on the shoulders of porphyry -

Everything inspired a sweet kind of fear

On my heart, and tears of inspiration,

At the sight of them, they were born before our eyes.

Other two wonderful creations

Attracted me with magical beauty:

Those were two demons of the image.

One (Delphic idol) young face -

He was angry, full of terrible pride,

And he breathed all the power of unearthly.

Another effeminate, voluptuous,

Doubtful and false ideal -

Magic demon - deceitful, but beautiful.

Before them I forgot myself,

In the chest, a young heart was beating - cold

He ran over me and lifted my curls.

Unknown pleasures dark hunger

I was tormented by despondency and laziness

I was chained - in vain I was young.

Among the youths I am silent all day

Gloomy wandered - all the idols of the garden

They cast a shadow on my soul.

A. S. Pushkin

In my room

Gennady Fish

In my room, shining with paint and varnish,

The school globe is visiting like someone else's child.

He stands on an oblique mounted axis,

And flies through space and time and through

Impenetrable distance, impenetrable darkness,

Why I look at him - I do not understand.

A school globe seems to be a simple thing.

Why is he so lonely and sinister?

To understand this, I opened wide

My windows are like six seraphic wings.

Still the blue of the sea, and the deserts are yellow,

And the ridges of the brown mountains are visible.

Distinguishable and sparkling with fire

All Europe, sleepless at night as during the day,

All contained in a moment, embodied in a myth,

Wearying the sages with their beauty,

Phoenician girl breathes while

And kisses the mighty muzzle of the bull,

Washed by Mediterranean gray,

Adored, not a stranger - mine!

School Globe! He was a school allowance

But I forgot my direct purpose.

And howled, sobbed on a short wave,

Telegraph pole buzzed in the sky:

- People! Two and a half billion people

The kindest eccentric, the blackest villain,

Miners, ministers, fighters, violinists,

Potters, astronauts, poets, doctors,

Lords of the waves, lords of fire,

Masters of speed, have mercy on me!

P. G. Antokolsky


O our mentors and mentors!

If you look at the path traveled,

Compliments and sentiments

We didn't spoil you at all.

We are so-and-so, vicious,

We grieve you to no end.

But under this rough shell

Grateful hearts beat.

Over the head over our oak

Having worked hard, having beaten more than once,

You stubborn your love

A strong oak turned into a diamond.

And of course your efforts

Our properties are both these and those

Glittered with different facets

Sorry, in all nudity.

We will neither flatter nor appease,

Ask for forgiveness for nothing,

After all, we, tea, will someday have to,

Maybe teach complete nerds.

Oh, our guardians, guardians,

Trustees and Benefactors!

If it seems to you that we are talking nonsense, -

You created us, we have nothing to do with it!