
Works on the Russian language and literature. Composition “Characteristics of Mitrofan in D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth The artistic image of Mitrofan in the comedy undergrowth

Denis Fonvizin wrote the comedy "Undergrowth" in the 18th century. At that time, in Russia, the decree of Peter I was in force, prescribing that young men under the age of 21 without education were forbidden to enter the military and public service, as well as to marry. Young people up to this age in this document were called "underage" - this definition formed the basis of the title of the play. In the work, the main character is Mitrofanushka the undersized. Fonvizin portrayed him as a stupid, cruel, greedy and lazy young man of 16 who behaves like a small child, does not want to learn and is naughty. Mitrofan is a negative character and the funniest hero of the comedy - his awkward statements, stupidity and ignorance cause laughter not only among readers and spectators, but also among other heroes of the play. The character plays an important role in the ideological concept of the play, so the image of Mitrofan the Undergrowth requires a detailed analysis.

Mitrofan and Prostakova

In Fonvizin's work "Undergrowth", the image of Mitrofanushka is closely connected with the theme of education, since in fact it was the wrong upbringing that caused the young man's malevolence and all his negative features. His mother, Mrs. Prostakova, is an uneducated, cruel, despotic woman, for whom material wealth and power are the main values. She adopted her views on the world from her parents - representatives of the old nobility, the same uneducated and ignorant landowners like herself. The values ​​and views received through upbringing were passed on to Prostakova and Mitrofan - the young man in the play is depicted as a “sissy” - he can’t do anything himself, everything is done for him by servants or his mother. Having received from Prostakova cruelty towards servants, rudeness and the opinion that education occupies one of the last places in life, Mitrofan also adopted disrespect for loved ones, a willingness to deceive or betray them for a better offer. Recall how Prostakova persuaded Skotinin to take Sophia as his wife in order to essentially get rid of the “extra mouth”.

Whereas the news about the girl’s large inheritance made her a “caring teacher”, supposedly loving Sophia and wishing her happiness. Prostakova is looking for her own self-interest in everything, which is why she refused Skotinin, because if the girl and Mitrofan, who listens to his mother in everything, would marry, Sophia’s money would go to her.

The young man is as selfish as Prostakova. He becomes a worthy son of his mother, adopting her "best" features, which explains the final scene of the comedy, when Mitrofan leaves Prostakov, who has lost everything, leaving to serve the new owner of the village, Pravdin. For him, the efforts and love of his mother turned out to be insignificant before the authority of money and power.

Influence on Mitrofan father and uncle

Analyzing the upbringing of Mitrofan in the comedy "Undergrowth", one cannot fail to mention the figure of the father and his influence on the personality of the young man. Prostakov appears before the reader as a weak-willed shadow of his wife. It was the passivity and desire to transfer the initiative to someone stronger that Mitrofan adopted from his father. It is paradoxical that Pravdin speaks of Prostakov as a stupid person, but in the action of the play his role is so insignificant that the reader cannot fully understand whether he really is so stupid. Even the fact that Prostakov reproaches his son when Mitrofan leaves his mother at the end of the work does not indicate him as a character with positive traits. The man, like the rest, does not try to help Prostakova, remaining on the sidelines, thus again showing an example of weak will and lack of initiative to his son - he does not care, as it was all the same, while Prostakova beat his peasants and disposed of his property in her own way.

The second man who influenced Mitrofan's upbringing is his uncle. Skotinin, in fact, is a person that a young man could become in the future. They are even brought together by a common love for pigs, whose company is much more pleasant for them than the company of people.

Mitrofan's training

According to the plot, the description of Mitrofan's training is in no way connected with the main events - the struggle for Sophia's heart. However, it is these episodes that reveal many important problems that Fonvizin highlights in the comedy. The author shows that the reason for the stupidity of a young man is not only bad upbringing, but also bad education. Prostakova, hiring teachers for Mitrofan, chose not educated smart teachers, but those who would take less. The retired sergeant Tsyfirkin, the half-educated Kuteikin, the former groom Vralman - none of them could give Mitrofan a decent education. They all depended on Prostakova, and therefore could not ask her to leave and not interfere with the lesson. Recall how a woman did not even let her son think about solving an arithmetic problem, offering "her own solution." The scene of a conversation with Starodum becomes an exposure of Mitrofan's useless teaching, when the young man begins to invent his own grammar rules and does not know what geography is studying. At the same time, the illiterate Prostakova also does not know the answer, but if the teachers could not laugh at her stupidity, then the educated Starodum openly ridicules the ignorance of mother and son.

Thus, Fonvizin, introducing scenes of Mitrofan's training and exposing his ignorance into the play, raises the acute social problems of education in Russia in that era. Noble children were taught not by authoritative educated personalities, but by literate slaves who needed pennies. Mitrofan is one of the victims of such an old-fashioned, obsolete and, as the author emphasizes, meaningless education.

Why is Mitrofan the central character?

As it becomes clear from the title of the work, the young man is the central image of the comedy "Undergrowth". In the system of characters, he is opposed to the positive heroine Sofya, who appears before the reader as a smart, educated girl who respects her parents and older people. It would seem, why did the author make the weak-willed, stupid, with a completely negative characterization of the undergrowth the key figure of the play? Fonvizin in the image of Mitrofan showed a whole generation of young Russian nobles. The author was worried about the mental and moral degradation of society, in particular, young people who adopted outdated values ​​from their parents.

In addition, in The Undergrowth, Mitrofan's characterization is a composite image of the negative features of modern landowners Fonvizin. The author sees cruelty, stupidity, ignorance, sycophancy, disrespect for others, greed, civic passivity and infantilism not only in outstanding landowners, but also in officials at the court, who also forgot about humanism and high morality. For the modern reader, the image of Mitrofan is, first of all, a reminder of what a person becomes when he stops developing, learning new things and forgets about eternal human values ​​- respect, kindness, love, mercy.

A detailed description of Mitrofan, his character and lifestyle will help students in grades 8-9 in preparing a report or essay on the topic “Characteristics of Mitrofan in the comedy “Undergrowth””

Artwork test

Undergrowth Mitrofanushka is one of the main characters in the comedy by D. I. Fonvizin. The image of a cunning, hypocritical, stupid and lazy fellow of 16 years old, the son of provincial feudal nobles, is used by the author to reveal the problem of educating young people. Fonvizin argues that a person's personality depends on the environment of his upbringing, the psychological and spiritual climate in the family, life and education. Thanks (or through the fault) of the popularity of this comedy, the name Mitrofan (resembling a mother) has become synonymous with an ignoramus and a sissy.
The upbringing of such bumpkins among the nobility was facilitated by the rewarding of the nobles for their service with “local salaries”. As a result, they settled on their estates, lived on income from land and serfs. Their children got used to a well-fed and quiet life, in every possible way evaded the sovereign's service. On January 20, 1714, a decree was issued ending the allocation of local salaries to noble officers and requiring the nobles to educate their children in order to prepare for service.
This decree was the punishment for the poor "trap" Mitrofan, who is soon 16 years old, but he is still underage and has been studying unsuccessfully at home for four years now with random ignoramuses-teachers. Mitrofan prefers teaching to drive pigeons or, at worst, to marry. As a result, according to "arithmetic", he "took nothing" from the retired sergeant Tsyfirkin. Mitrofan barely reads the book of hours under the dictation of the half-educated seminarian Kuteikin, who himself “feared the abyss of wisdom,” but does not consider tobacco smoking sinful and even interprets Holy Scripture to prove this. The main rogue is the teacher of French and "all sciences" - a German (former coachman of Starodum) Adam Adamych Vralman. His last name speaks for itself. He, as a foreigner, is honored in the house and paid more. Prostakova is very pleased with this teacher, who "does not captivate a child." She is confident in the success of her son’s education, who even now knows so much that he will “cock up the kids” himself. And he has been longing to get married.
Mitrofan is not as stupid as it might seem. He comprehended the main science (life science) perfectly. Mitrofan perfectly understands who and how to please, he is used to humiliating himself in front of influential people. Let's remember how he "pities" his mother, because she was tired, "beating the father." He learned to be hypocritical, to get out. Do not deny him and resourcefulness. Having no idea about nouns and adjectives, he replied that the door that is attached to the wall is an adjective, and the door that has been standing “by the closet for six weeks” is “for the time being, a noun.” Submitting to the will of the new ruler over himself - the human rights activist Pravdin, he, with indifference to his fate, agrees to go to military service.
Mitrofan is rude and cruel. He allows himself to yell at teachers and servants. Teachers came to him - he grumbles: “Catch them!” Tsyfirkin, who really wants to teach him something, he calls a "garrison rat." The old serf nanny Eremeevna receives only abuse and slaps for all her cares about him. And after he failed to kidnap Sophia, he, along with his mother, intends to "take on people" - to flog the servants. In this "life" science, Mitrofan went further than his mother. His spiritual deformity was fully manifested at the end of the play, when, realizing that his mother had lost her former power and strength, he treated her with disdain and black ingratitude. To her words: “You are the only one left with me, my heartfelt friend, Mitrofanushka!” - he answered: “Yes, get rid of you, mother, how you imposed yourself.”
It should be noted that the undergrowth of Fonvizin is not a caricature. The author did not exaggerate anything, did not exaggerate the properties of his character. There are plenty of such Mitrofanushki everywhere. They are tenacious and fruitful, like all human sins.

    The comedy "Undergrowth" absorbed all the experience accumulated by Fonvizin, and in terms of the depth of ideological issues, the courage and originality of the artistic solutions found, remains an unsurpassed masterpiece of Russian drama of the 18th century. Incriminating pathos...

    In literature, the comedy genre has a number of features that distinguish it from all other genres. First of all, the features of comedy lies in the plot, which, as a rule, is of a fabulous or even mythical nature. Comedies are much rarer...

    Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" is the first socio-political comedy in the history of Russian dramaturgy. The author exposes in it the vices of contemporary society. The heroes of the comedy are representatives of different social strata: state ...

    Pushkin called Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, one of the most remarkable figures of Russian culture, the playwright of the 18th century, the author of the immortal comedy "Undergrowth", a bold lord of satire and a friend of freedom. Fonvizin is a representative of the advanced, standing on...

    "Undergrowth" by D. Fonvizin and the reforms of Peter I. The real historical context of Mitrofanushka's words: "I don't want to study, I want to get married." "Undergrowth" is the first Russian realistic comedy. Before her, Russian plays were translations / adaptations of foreign ...

    In the Enlightenment, the value of art was reduced to its educational and moral role. Artists of that time undertook the hard work of awakening in a person the desire for the development and self-improvement of the individual. Classicism is one of the trends...

Mitrofan is an undersized, negative character in a comedy, a young nobleman. He is very similar to his mother, Mrs. Prostakova, brother Taras Skotinin. In Mitrofan, in Mrs. Prostakova, in Skotinin, one can notice such character traits as greed and greed. Mitrofanushka knows that all power in the house belongs to his mother, who loves him and allows him to behave as he wants. Mitrofan is lazy, does not like and does not know how to work and study, he only frolics, has fun and sits on the dovecote. Not so much the sissy himself influences those around him, but they influence him, trying to raise the undergrowth as an honest, educated person, and he fits his mother in everything. Mitrofan treats the servants very cruelly, insults them and generally does not consider them to be people:

Eremeevna. Yes, learn a little.
Mitrofan. Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off; I will again complain to my mother, so she will deign to give you a task in yesterday's way.

Mitrofan also has no respect for teachers. He strives only for his own personal benefit, and when he finds out that Sophia has become the heiress of Starodum, he immediately intends to offer her a hand and heart, and the attitude towards Sophia in the Prostakovs' house changes significantly for the better. And all this is only because of greed and cunning, and not because of a feat of the heart.

Mitrofan is depicted in the comedy "Undergrowth" very vividly, vitally, with many human vices, and Mrs. Prostakova simply does not have a soul in her son:

Ms Prostakova. ... We do not regret the last crumbs, if only to teach our son everything. My Mitrofanushka does not get up for days because of the book. Motherly my heart. It’s a pity, a pity, but you’ll think: for that there will be a kid anywhere ... The groom is for anyone, but still the teachers go, he doesn’t waste an hour, and now two people are waiting in the hallway ... My Mitrofanushka has no rest day or night.

The opposite of Mitrofan is Sophia, a young, kind, sensible girl.

The main problem that led Fonvizin to create the image of Mitrofan is education to a small extent - serfdom (in general, relations between people of different social status are implied).

    The comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin was staged at the theater in 1782. The historical prototype of "Undergrowth" was the title of a noble teenager who did not complete his studies. During the time of Fonvizin, the burdens of compulsory service increased at the same time as the weakening ...

    (Based on D. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “Undergrowth”) The name of D. I. Fonvizin rightfully belongs to the number of names that make up the pride of Russian national culture. His comedy "Undergrowth" - the ideological and artistic pinnacle of creativity - has become one of the classic examples ...

    The famous comedy of D. I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" is distinguished by great social depth and a sharp satirical orientation. In essence, Russian social comedy begins with her. The play continues the traditions of classicism, but later,...

    Mitrofanushka (Prostakov Mitrofan) is the son of the landowners Prostakovs. He is considered undersized, tk. He is 16 years old and has not reached the age of majority. Observing the decree of the king, Mitrofanushka studies. But he does it with great reluctance. He is stupid, ignorant and lazy...

    The problem of raising children, the heritage prepared for the country, played an important role in society in the old days and remains relevant to this day. Members of the Prostakov family are strangers to each other. They don't look like a strong, loving family at all. Mrs. Prostakova is rude,...

One of the main characters of the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs.

The name Mitrofan means “similar”, similar to the mother. Maybe with this name Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son is a reflection of Prostakova herself.

Mitrofanushka was sixteen years old, but his mother did not want to part with her child and wanted to keep her until the age of twenty-six, not letting him go to work.

Mrs. Prostakova herself was stupid, insolent, impolite, and therefore did not listen to anyone's opinion.

“While Mitrofan is still in the undergrowth, while he is to be married; and there, in ten years, when he enters, God forbid, into the service, endure everything.

Mitrofanushka himself has no purpose in life, he only loved to eat, mess around and chase pigeons: “I’ll run to the dovecote now, so maybe either ...” To which his mother replied: “Go, frolic, Mitrofanushka.”

Mitrofan did not want to study, his mother hired teachers for him only because it was necessary in noble families, and not so that her son would learn the mind - the mind. As he told his mother: “Listen, mother. I amuse you. I will learn; just make sure it's the last one. The hour of my will has come. I don’t want to study, I want to get married” And Mrs. Prostakova always echoed him: “It’s very nice for me that Mitrofanushka doesn’t like to step forward, With his mind, let him sweep far, and God forbid! Only you are tormented, and everything, I see, is emptiness. Don't study this stupid science!"

The worst qualities of character, the most backward views on science characterize such young nobles as Mitrofan. He is also unusually lazy.

Mrs. Prostakova herself did not look for a soul in Mitrofanushka. Fonvizin understood the unreasonableness of her blind, animal love for her offspring, Mitrofan, a love that, in essence, destroys her son. Mitrofan ate himself to the point of colic in his stomach, and his mother tried to persuade him to eat more. The nanny said: “He already ate five buns, mother.” To which Prostakova replied: “So you feel sorry for the sixth, you beast.” These words show concern for the son. She tried to provide him with a carefree future, decided to marry him to a rich wife. If someone offends her son, she immediately comes to the defense. Mitrofanushka was one of her consolations.

Mitrofan treated his mother with disdain: “Yes! Just look what a task is from uncle: and there from his fists and for the watch book ”What, what do you want to do? Come to your senses, darling!” “Vit here and the river is close. I’ll dive, and remember your name.” “Dead! God is dead with you!”: these words prove that he does not love at all and he does not feel sorry for his own mother at all, Mitrofan does not respect her and plays on her feelings. And when Prostakova, who has lost power, rushes to her son with the words: You are the only one left with me, my heartfelt friend, Mitrofanushka! ". And in response he hears a heartless: “Yes, get rid of you, mother, how you imposed yourself.” “The whole night such rubbish climbed into my eyes.” “What kind of rubbish Mitrofanushka?”. “Yes, then you, mother, then father.”

Prostakov was afraid of his wife and in her presence he spoke of his son as follows: “At least, I love him as a parent, this is a smart child, that is a reasonable, amusing, entertainer; sometimes I’m overjoyed with him, I really don’t believe that he is my son, ”and he added, looking at his wife:“ In your eyes, mine do not see anything.

Taras Skotinin, looking at everything that was happening, repeated: “Well, Mitrofanushka, I see you are a mother’s son, not a father!” And Mitrofan turned to his uncle: “What are you, uncle, overeating with henbane? Get out, uncle, get out."

Mitrofan was always rude to his mother and snapped at her. Although Eremeevna did not receive a penny for raising a minor, she tried to teach him good things, defended him from his uncle: “I will die on the spot, but I will not give the child away. Sunsya, sir, just show yourself if you please. I'll scratch out those thorns." I tried to make a decent person out of him: “Yes, teach at least a little.” “Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off; I will again complain to my mother, so she will deign to give you a task in yesterday's way. Of all the teachers, only the German Adam Adamych Vralman praised Mitrofanushka, and even then because of the fact that Prostakov was not angry with him and scolded. The rest of the teachers openly scolded him. For example, Tsyfirkin: “Your nobility is always idle toil, if you please.” And Mitrofan snapped: “Well! Come on board, garrison rat! Get your asses back." “All butts, your honor. We’ll be left with tasks a century behind. ” Mitrofan's dictionary is small and poor. “Shoot them with Yeremeevna too”: this is how he spoke about his teachers and nanny.

Mitrofan was ill-bred, a rude, spoiled child, whom everyone around obeyed and obeyed, he also had freedom of speech in the house. Mitrofan was sure that the people around him should help him, give advice. Mitrofan had an inflated self-esteem.

No matter how smart and hardworking a person is, there is a particle of such Mitrofanushka in him. Every person is sometimes lazy. There are also people who try to live only at the expense of their parents, without doing anything themselves. Of course, many depend on the upbringing of children by parents.

To people like Mitrofan, I am neither good nor bad. I just try to avoid talking to people like that. In general, I think that such people should try to help with their difficulties and problems. We need to reason with him, make him learn. If such a person does not want to improve himself, learns and studies, but, on the contrary, remains stupid and spoiled, treats elders disrespectfully, then for the rest of his life he will remain undersized and ignorant.