
The diagonals of the square are equal and the intersection point is divided. What quadrangle is called a square? State the basic properties of a square

Umyar / Aug 30 2013, 11:16:47

  What angles are called adjacent, vertical? Draw these angles and list their properties.

What elementary geometric shapes do you know? Give them definitions and portray them.
  Show with the help of the drawings all the ways of arranging two lines on a plane. Explain in each case which angles are formed.
  Define the angle. Angle units? What is the outer and inner corner area? Give examples (in the drawing) of points that belong to each of these areas. What is the full angle? What is an angle bisector?
  Define a line. Which lines are called perpendicular? Portray them. What can you say about two lines perpendicular to the third line?
  Define the angle. What angles are called equal? How are angles measured? What types of angles do you know? What are the boundaries of their degree measures? Draw all kinds of angles.

Shaginyanvlad / 02 Aug. 2013, 11:16:34

  Option 1

1. Explain which body is called a cylinder. Derive the formula for the full surface of the cylinder.
  2. The height of the cone is 6 cm, and the generatrix is \u200b\u200binclined to the plane of the base at an angle of 30 °. Find the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe cone by a plane passing through two generators, the angle between which is 60 °.
  3. The radius of the ball is R. Find the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe cube inscribed in the ball.

Option 2

1. Explain which body is called a cone. Derive the formula for the area of \u200b\u200bthe full surface of the cone.
  2. The radius of the ball is 8 cm. Through the end of the radius lying on the sphere, a plane is drawn at an angle of 45 ° to the radius. Find the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe ball with this plane.
  3. A cube with an edge a is inscribed in the cylinder. Find the axial sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe cylinder.

Option 3

1. Explain which body is called a truncated cone. Derive the formula for the area of \u200b\u200bthe full surface of a truncated cone.
  2. The section of the cylinder by a plane parallel to the axis cuts off an arc of 90 ° from the base circle. Find the cross-sectional area if the height of the cylinder is 6 cm and the distance between the cylinder axis and the secant plane is 3 cm.
  3. A regular tetrahedron is described near a ball of radius R. Find the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe tetrahedron.

Option 4

1. Explain which surface is called a sphere and which body is called a ball. Derive the equation of a sphere in a given rectangular coordinate system.
  2. The radius of the circular sector is 6 cm, and its angle is 120 °. The sector is folded into a conical surface. Find the area of \u200b\u200bthe full surface of the cone.
  3. The axial section of the cone is an equilateral triangle. A triangular pyramid is inscribed in the cone, the base of which is a rectangular triangle with legs 12 cm and 16 cm. Find the height of the pyramid.

Option 5

1. List the possible cases of the mutual arrangement of the sphere and the plane. Prove that the section of a sphere by a plane is a circle.
  2. The axial section of the cylinder is a square whose diagonal is 12 cm. Find the area of \u200b\u200bthe side surface of the cylinder.
  3. A cone is inscribed in the sphere, the generator of which is equal to l and the angle at the apex of the axial section is 60 °. Find the area of \u200b\u200bthe sphere.

Option 6

1. Formulate the definition of a tangent plane to a sphere. Prove tangent plane theorems (property and feature of a tangent plane).
  2. The cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe ball by a plane passing through its center is 16∏. Find the area of \u200b\u200bthe sphere.
  3. The diagonal of the regular quadrangular prism is 4 cm and is inclined to the base plane at an angle of 45 °. Find the area of \u200b\u200bthe side surface of the cylinder inscribed in this prism.

“Rectangle Area” - Equal figures have equal areas. Measurement of segments. Shapes having an equal area are called equal. If the figure consists of two parts, to find the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole figure, you need to add up the area of \u200b\u200bthe parts. Equal figures. If the figures are equal, then they are equal. Unequal figures have different areas.

“Magic Square” - The order of the magic square. Latin squares. A magic square is a square consisting of n columns and n rows. Magic square 9 order. The magic square of Pythagoras. Pythagoras created a method of constructing a square, by which one can know the character of a person ... The Latin square is the square of n * n cells, in which numbers from 1 to n are written.

Rectangle and Square - B. What is the difference between rectangle No. 1 and rectangle No. 2? Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle. What are the opposite sides? b. 8cm 1. The perimeter of the square is calculated by the formula: P \u003d 4a.

"Mathematics Rectangle Grade 2" - 39. 2. 60. 6. Geometric material. 5. 4. 57. What is a perimeter? 48. 3. Not enough time to blow To the paper ship- Today the guys have a Lesson that is too important! The game of mindfulness. 54.45.

“Rectangle rhombus square” - A. Theoretical independent work Fill in the table, noting the signs + (yes), - (no). Verification test. Find: MD + DN. Given: ABCD - diamond. The correct answers to theoretical independent work. Rhombus. D. Solving problems in finished drawings. B. Answers to the verification test. Square". The purpose of the lesson: To consolidate the theoretical material on the theme “Rectangle.

"Lesson 2 class Area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle" - Area -? We are attentive! ? We are a great student! The standard for mutual verification and mutual control. R - ? O. b. Key. We are friendly! Щ. We are smart! We will succeed! Formulas Triangle cut polygon rectangle quadrangle square.

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SQUARE  m. equilateral and rectangular quadrangle; people call him round  quadrangle or cell. Divide the area into squares, to sites of this kind. || Squared numberits product from multiplying by itself. Square Pattern  or squares, in shallow straight quadruple huts. Square having the form of a square, four-sided, and moreover with equal parties  and corners; || multiplied by itself. Four is a square number  or magnitude of two; and two will be the square root of four. The mayor informed that there was no square fathom to measure the area with the police. Squared divide the area into squares; make (draw, cut) squares; take the square of the number, multiply it by yourself. Quadrature   g. the surface of any geometric figure, turned into an equal square to it. The square of the circle, the task has not yet been solved.  || Astronomer. distance of planets and the moon from the sun by a quarter of a circle, by 90 °. || View of the moon in a half circle, a quarter of a ball. Quadratic related to quadrature Quadrant   m. a quarter of a circle with a moving half-diameter, for measuring the height of the bodies; the shell is out of date; kind quadrant  there is still in artillery to raise guns by a certain number of degrees. Quadrant related to the quadrant.

What square, square  this is the meaning of the word squareorigin (etymology) square, synonyms for square, paradigm (word forms) square  in other dictionaries

square  - Dictionary of foreign words

2.   The product of two equal factors, the second power of the number. Nine is three squared. Squared ( unleash) - doubly (rudeness squared). Square - 1) in the form of a square; 2) relating to the second power of the number. || Cf. CUB.

3. polygon. Typographic unit of measurement (line length, font format, etc.), equal to 48 pips3 (about 18 mm).

square  - T.F. Efremova New Dictionary of the Russian Language. Explanatory

  what is a square


quadra aAt

1. m

a) An equilateral rectangle.

b) That the shape resembles such a rectangle.

2) A plot of land corresponding to parts of the grid on a topographic map.

2. m

The product of two identical numbers (in mathematics).

3. m

Unit of measurement for line length, set format, font sizes, etc. (in printing).

square  - The modern explanatory dictionary ed. "Great Soviet Encyclopedia"

  what is a square


(from lat. quadratus - quadrangular), 1) a rectangle with equal sides. 2) The second degree of the number (a), that is, a? A \u003d a2 .--- in the printing industry, 1) a unit of length used to measure fonts, the format of the set. 1 square \u003d 48 pips (approx. 18.05 mm). 2) A kind of whitespace material to fill large gaps in the lines .--- (Codratus) Ptolemaida (d. C. 273), warrior, Christian martyr, suffered in the persecution of Emperor Aurelian. Memory in the Orthodox Church on March 4 (17).