
Properly ride roller skates. Rules and Basic Elements of Roller Skating Technique

One of the modern and quite popular areas and varieties of sports and outdoor activities today can rightly be considered roller skating. Why exactly active? Yes, because roller skating, in addition to the equipment itself, requires: the presence of a certain dexterity, coordination of your body, all its movements, the ability to maintain balance and even a certain level of physical fitness. In addition, during such walks, the whole body is trained, regardless of the chosen riding style. And there are many styles. These are sports equipment. They provide for individual, pair or synchronized performance of skaters. Today, even competitions are held at the national and world levels among athletes. There are also arbitrary roller-skating techniques - skating for yourself, for relaxation and just the usual physical training of your body. After all, a roller skate after a hard day is a great way to get fit and emotionally relax.

Despite the fact that the styles and techniques of riding for each skater are different, they can be distinguished in several large areas: sports skiing and the type of outdoor activities.

Rollers as a sport

This is one of the types of roller skating that originates from figure skating on ice. Sports competitions are held in various disciplines: synchronized skating, doubles, men, women. Various elements of the dance are performed here, such as steps, spins, spirals, and jumps. There may also be individual or synchronous execution of individual figures and elements.


A separate subspecies of figure skating is the dances on roller skates. There can be a variety of dance styles - from classical to modern. Everything is important here: the correct implementation of the dance technique, the beauty and spectacle of the performance, and in pair dancing, the correct and coordinated or synchronized movement of the partners.

Speed \u200b\u200bskating or speed skating

This is overcoming the track with great speed. As a rule, this is a team sport, because rollerblading at high speeds is not even interesting for one. Competitions are held on a regular track or on the track. In essence, it is speed skating.


This is one of the types of speed skating. This is the same high-speed overcoming the site, however, scooters drive along the usual city streets. There are steep descents, climbs, overcoming curbs, steps, steep turns. And, of course, the sea of \u200b\u200badrenaline.


This is also one of the subspecies of speed skating. This is a descent from a steep mountain. The beginning of the distance is at the top, and the finish line is at the foot of the slope.

Slalom (style slalom)

Another variety of sports roller skating. The roller should speed on a flat surface between the chips. The official name of this style during the competition is freestyle. According to the requirements of WSSA, competitions are held on tracks with 14 cones, the distance between which is 1.2 m. Allocate:

  • classic slalom - artistic performance for a given music for a certain time of the program with tricks and complex elements;
  • speed passage of the site for a while;
  • synchronized skating - pair performance to music. The coordinated movement of participants during the execution of the program, the synchronous execution of all elements is important here.
  • freestyle battle - a comparative performance of skaters to music according to an arbitrary program, which includes complex tricks and elements.

For this style, when selecting shoes, an indicator of maneuverability is very important, which is achieved due to the installation of wheels by rocking, in the center there are smaller wheels, along the edges are large.


Fairly free riding style. It means fast movement with overcoming obstacles. Rollers compete, performing long jumps, heights, from a springboard or just simply move at high speed, while simultaneously performing complex tricks. It also demonstrates braking styles, overcoming the track with many tricks and turns.

In addition to the listed types, roller skates are applicable in other areas in sports. They play hockey, various games, compete in biathlon.

Rollers as a type of outdoor activity

Of course, in order to ride in one of the listed sports techniques, you need to have a sufficient level of physical fitness, dexterity and many years of practical training. But for all those who are just starting to train, one should learn the simplest techniques of roller skating:

Recreation (rest)

Most beginner skaters, as well as those who are not keen on doing tricks or breaking records, but just want to relax, relax in their free time, ride in the style of recreation. In fact, this is the most common walk along the streets of the city or park avenues on roller skates at a slow pace. Today, recreation for many replaces the usual walking. Yes, and skates for this style require the simplest and cheapest, and, accordingly, affordable for most.


The technique of ice-skating “fitness” is somewhat similar to recreation. This is also the usual “tricks” without tricks in the city or park, with one exception - speed. Scooters who ride in this style love faster walks and sometimes reach speeds of up to 30 km / h. For such trips, good skill and physical preparation are already required. It’s best not to take the most common casters for fitness. If for the “rest” the most important criterion is comfort, then here it is very important that such rollers are also reliable enough and also equipped with good bearings for high-speed trips.

In order to ride for yourself, you do not need to adhere to any particular style or try to perform complex stunts, learn synchronized skating, learn how to go downhill, overcome bends. Only one thing is important here: that it brings you pleasure and only positive emotions.

Skating, even in its recreational version, requires certain equipment and safety precautions. Only under such conditions can you enjoy this type of outdoor activity and become a real skater.

Outfit for Roller Skating

Skating rules start at the central point: protective equipment is equally necessary for a beginner and an experienced skater. It can prevent serious damage in the event of a fall, and sometimes saves life. In addition, the presence of protection allows the beginner to feel more relaxed and think about the implementation of the elements of riding, and not about how to protect yourself from falling.

The protective kit includes knee pads, elbow pieces and wrist protection. Ideally, it is also advisable to have a helmet on. The most conscious scooters take with them a mini first aid kit.

Correct scooter rack

In the question of how to skate correctly, significant attention is given to a competent basic stance. It consists in the following: the legs are bent at the knees and are located at shoulder width, the body is slightly inclined forward, one leg is advanced forward about half an foot compared to the other. Bent legs work like shock absorbers. If you try to straighten your legs or bring your knees together, it almost always ends in a fall.

Ways of braking on roller skates

Without the ability to slow down, roller skating threatens to turn into a continuous series of falls for you. Note that inexperienced roller is generally better not to accelerate more than 10 kilometers per hour. There are quite a few varieties of braking, the simplest of which is braking on an obstacle. Such a role may be a pillar, a tree or someone from friends, if you went to your first classes in the company.

Second in a good way   for a beginner, it may be jumping out onto the lawn and jogging a few steps with fast attenuation of speed. And finally, the beginning skater needs to learn to use the standard brake as soon as possible, and then gradually add other braking methods to his arsenal.

Where to fall?

A special place in the technique of roller skating is occupied by the ability to fall correctly. When riding on roller skates, you should try to fall only forward. Fall should be as gliding as possible. The sequence of contact with the asphalt: knee pads, elbow pieces and only then protect the wrists. At low speeds, everything can be limited to only knee pads.

If you started to fall back, you need to try to twist so that the knee pads and elbow pads take the blow. As not the best, but acceptable option, you can fall on your side. Remember that the worst thing is to fall back on your straight arms.

Do I need a coach?

Of course, training in roller skating is best done under the guidance of an instructor. This will significantly reduce the number of falls and the risk of injury. In addition, an experienced trainer who knows the teaching methodology will immediately teach you the correct implementation of all the necessary elements, and you will not have to retrain later.

Exercises for the development of basic technology

The basic technique of roller skating is well developed when performing exercises such as skiing, a snake and a labyrinth. When skiing, the rollers must move parallel to each other. When one leg goes forward, the second is laid back for balance. When pushing on roller skates, you only need to push off with all four wheels.

To perform the “snake”, objects such as cans from under the cola are placed in one line at a distance of one and a half meters from each other. Further, with a slight acceleration, obstacles must be circled, making a kind of slalom.

In the labyrinth exercise, the banks are not arranged in a straight line, but on the entire site. The distance between them should be 2-3 meters. We must try to go around obstacles all the time, avoiding driving in a straight line. It is advisable to make a route through the maze and go through it. Performing all these simple exercises will help you understand and feel how to skate correctly.

Safety Rules for Roller Skating

In addition to the protective equipment mentioned above, the rules for roller skating consist of several more important points:

  • The rollers should be firmly fixed and laced, becoming as if an extension of your leg.
  • If you are an inexperienced skater, do not drive onto the roadway.
  • Do not ride on sand and puddles, this will very quickly disable the bearings.
  • Avoid driving on wet asphalt; it requires special care.
  • Always control your speed.
  • Be especially careful when small children appear on your way.

Compliance with all these rules, plus a certain amount of persistence in mastering the technique of skiing, will allow you to do without serious injuries and safely enjoy your freedom of movement.

Now sports and outdoor activities are gaining more and more popularity. Nowadays, almost every teenager knows how to skate not only on skates, but also on roller skates. And representatives of the older generation, who did not make this fun in childhood, also make up for lost time, enthusiastically becoming “summer skates”.

At the same time, skating on “summer” skates does not require serious preparation from you. Two or three lessons will be enough for any person to begin to move confidently on skates.

How to choose the right videos?

To learn how to roller skate, you, of course, will have to buy them. The stores have a huge selection.

  • If you are a beginner, then give preference to the most common fitness videos. They are distinguished by light weight and comfortable soft shoes. The wheels on them are located in one or two rows. They are ideal for easy riding on asphalt.
  • Freeskate videos will be useful to experienced runners who plan to perform various jumping tricks. Shoes on such rollers are made of plastic, into which a soft insert is inserted that perfectly fixes the foot. The wheels of the friskate rollers are mounted in a rigid frame that can withstand heavy loads.
  • Slalom rollers are “sharpened” for performing exercises aimed at high accuracy of movements. These skates are equipped with light boots and a reinforced frame, which allows you to control every movement. Slalom skaters, as a rule, ride on special road markings.
  • Aggressive rollers, on the contrary, consist of a large heavy boot and small wide wheels. These skates are suitable for very advanced users, and will withstand even the most difficult tricks and jumps, providing a soft landing for the roller.
  • Speed \u200b\u200bskating adapted for speed skating. On the contrary, they are very light and equipped with large enough wheels.
  • There are also curly and hockey videos.

As we already said, it is best for a novice skater to prefer the simplest fitness videos.

We are preparing equipment

For the first trainings, in addition to the videos themselves, you will need special protection. It is ice skating that you ride in a fur coat or down jacket that soften falls. When roller skating, the situation is different. The falls here are usually more severe, since you are already training in light clothing.

Therefore, before making your first race - do not stint and get special protection. Everything you need can be bought as a set, or separately.

   You will definitely need knee pads and elbow pieces. It is also advisable to purchase a helmet. When falling forward, the head rarely suffers, but if you fall on your back, then the probability of serious injury will be very high.

In addition, you need to purchase special protective gloves. They will come in handy during falls, when you will rest on your hands. Otherwise, after the first training session your palms will be broken and scratched from constant “encounters” with asphalt.

Your clothes should be comfortable, as closed and tight as possible. Wide sweatpants while rollerblading can cause serious injury.

Don't be stingy with getting good sunglasses. Soon you will start to drive fast enough and in such conditions it is unacceptable to squint or blink often. You should see the road well. And be sure to collect your hair so that it does not fall on your face, interfering with the review.

Getting ready for the first workout.

Do not make your first races alone. Even if there are no skaters among your friends, then let one of them be there to support you and raise you after the first falls. Yes! Get ready right away for the fact that you wandered the defense for a reason, and you will have to fall often enough.

   For your first training session, choose a place where on the one hand there is good smooth asphalt, and on the other, there are practically no passers-by. Believe me, you can’t immediately control the direction of movement, and in this situation there is a great risk of “knocking down” a couple of pedestrians ...

It is also important that there is not a lot of debris and leaves on the road. A dry branch stuck between the wheels of the rollers can easily cause a fall.

Before you step on the rollers, think well. You can even do a little run. Do not forget that there is before such exercises, do not eat hearty.

And one more important point. If you were ice skating before, then immediately realize that they have one fundamental difference from the rollers - the location of the brake. On winter skates, he is in front, and on summer - in the back. Often, it is the habit of slowing down with the “nose” that becomes the cause of private falls of skaters who are used to winter skiing.

Putting on the rollers remember that the leg in them should “sit” tightly, but at the same time not too tight. You should be comfortable.

Roller Exercises

  • "Catching up."

Stand on rollers and try to keep your balance. The person who will support you should be at a distance of one and a half to two meters. Push off slightly and roll slowly toward him. Try to stand on the asphalt with a complete “foot” so that all the wheels of the rollers are in contact with its surface.

   Remember, when rollerblading, your knees should be relaxed and your legs slightly bent. Torso slightly tilt forward. This will make it easier for you to keep your balance. Remember that if you start to fall, then you need to group in such a way as to fall forward and on bent arms. The most dangerous fall is back. Try to avoid it.

When you get to your assistant and he will "catch" you, repeat everything all over again, and so several times.

  • "Steps".

After taking one step, let your body ride a little. Then do the second. Movement should be light. Take your time at this stage to accelerate. Now it’s important for you to get used to the new “move” and feel the rollers, as well as learn to control your body while riding.

  • The ski track.

Standing on casters and legs spread shoulder-width apart imitate the movements of a skier. It is important that the legs move strictly parallel to each other. Take small, smooth steps first so as not to pick up speed. Then, when you get a little used to it, it will be possible to increase both distance and pace.

  • "Herringbone".

After some time, when you will confidently keep on the rollers, you can begin to ride the "Christmas tree", pushing forward and slightly to the side.

   When rollerblading, remember that this is a rather dangerous sport. Beware of cars, pedestrians and do not drive along unfamiliar tracks. If there is an unexpected obstacle ahead in the form of a pit or a border, the consequences can be very unpleasant.

Take your time, barely learning how to stand on roller skates, try yourself in performing various tricks. Remember, before learning to go such distances, you need to get used to the skates and master them to such an extent that you can ride on the "machine".

Indications and contraindications

Despite all the advantages of roller walks, there are people to whom such entertainment is contraindicated. First of all, videos are prohibited for diseases of the vestibular apparatus.

A person with such a diagnosis cannot maintain balance and will constantly receive injuries. Also, "summer skates" are contraindicated, for example, for three months after a concussion. With flat feet, you can only skate with special tabs.

Keep in mind that skating is a complete, serious workout that requires endurance. Therefore, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system should also be more careful with such loads.

   And of course, you should not get on the rollers if you have recently had injuries that have not completely healed. For example, shortly after fractures. The slightest drop in such a situation can lead to sad consequences.

The rollers also have a big plus. When riding, the load on the knees and ankles is much lower than when running. And this sport can be a wonderful fitness assistant for those who want to lose weight, but because of problems with joints and excess weight can not run.

That is why, before you go to the store for commercials, be sure to visit your doctor and ask if there are any contraindications for such training in your case.

On this I say goodbye to you! And remember even the most titled athletes, when they first got on skates or skis, and also stuffed themselves cones. Therefore, do not be upset and do not quit what was started, at the very first falls.

If you decide to learn to skate, then do not be lazy to train. And then sooner or later you will reach your goal!