
Why does a person choose? Why does a person choose other people according to criteria. Why does a person come to esotericism

Maxim: “Recently I began to realize that I have a problem. Things have gone uphill, for several years now my wife and I have been living well in terms of material prosperity. There is a feeling that everything is working out and everything is right. If not for one point that my wife drew attention to: I have no real friends left. All with whom we are friends are people who depend on me financially in work and in everyday life. Among them all, I hold the highest position, and some even fear me. Or rather, they are afraid that I will fire them. I am sure that they are faithful to me. But it's a little strange that I'm not interested in people of my same level, or even higher. My wife thinks that this is very strange, and she wants real communication with people, and not the hypocrisy that surrounds us. The wife believes that at the first opportunity or benefit, these people will betray us, and it will hurt. I really have some kind of problem, why do I choose only people who are dependent on me as friends?

Yes, this can actually be a problem. But, perhaps, such a choice of friends is, just the same, in order to maintain their self-esteem at a certain level. Because people are definitely dependent, they are definitely lower status. Perhaps there is an unconscious fear here: if a person communicates with equals or with those who are much higher in status, his self-esteem will fall. He guards himself in an unconscious way from discomfort.

In fact, Maxim does not understand if this is a problem? Presumably, this is most likely a consequence of the situation. Is this a problem, or leave it as it is? He writes that it is strange for him.

If it's just weird and doesn't make him uncomfortable right now, maybe it's not worth changing anything just yet. Maybe this is a transitional period, and he will eventually get used to his status. Perhaps neither he nor his spouse will be worried that they will be left alone, they will not have friends. Due to the fact that wealth, material security has appeared, they have not yet got used to it.

Welcome to my realm, says the pale giant. - I am Hades. I have sent messengers for you to escort you to me, and I hope they did not disturb you.

He looks like Zeus, only younger. And, frankly, prettier. It's okay, because they are brothers.

We know we're in hell! says Oedipus.

Hades smiles.

This is a rather primitive view of my realm! I think you have received too much negative information about me.

You are the 13th god, says Edmond Wells. - The 13th lasso of the Tarot, the lasso of death.

And, finally, I hear reasonable words. I'm really connected with death... But isn't there rebirth in death? Take a good look at your 13th lasso. This card depicts a skeleton that cuts off everything that appears above the ground so that young grass can sprout. So winter heralds spring. Really, Persephone?

You need to accept death as something that brings new life, - the woman says in an unexpectedly piercing voice.

And all those people we saw crying and groaning on the ceiling? I ask.

Hades shakes his head.

They are chose to suffer.An amazing paradox... Hell is a concept invented by people to punish themselves. Everyone you saw voluntarily crossed the Styx and chose to suffer. When they get bored, they can leave and come back to life how and where they want.

We don't believe you! says Oedipus.

Sadly, it's true. The only thing keeping them here is their own will to be punished. You underestimate the power of guilt.

I don't believe you either! exclaims Aphrodite. - In the human soul there can be no such desire for self-destruction.

Who said that? Is that you, my dear cousin?

Hades gets up and approaches Aphrodite.

You seem to be a little shriveled? And he touches the wrinkles around her eyes. Aphrodite pushes his hand away.

Here the souls experience physical suffering, and you make them suffer from love, but the result is the same, right? People are suffering.

Aphrodite doesn't answer.

I repeat: we are all free to live in a world without hell, but some invent their own hell because they want to suffer. Hell exists only in the imagination of people. And thanks to their fear, guilt and masochism.

Hades looks at us without blinking. Persephone nods, as if she herself is not happy to admit that her husband is right.

Do you mean to say that they themselves chose torment, they themselves wanted to be walled up in the ceiling, so that only the head remained outside? Edmond Wells asks incredulously.

The lord of hell repeats:

Of course. Masochism has many causes. You yourself wrote about it in your Encyclopedia, Professor Wells. Here is one of those reasons. While you are suffering, you are living a brighter life, more attached to reality, more aware of life itself. Another pleasure for a masochist is to feel sorry for himself. While you are suffering, you can demonstrate it to your loved ones, feel like a hero and a martyr, - continues Hades.

He claps his hands and the torches flare. They float in the air, illuminating paintings depicting Christian martyrs: they are devoured by lions, hung by their feet, beaten with whips, and quartered.

In the days of early Christianity, a decree had to be issued forbidding them to denounce themselves. They sought to share the suffering of their prophet. I didn't come up with this. This is what you came up with.

The torch illuminates images of self-flagging Shiites, Spanish Catholic integrists beating themselves with nail-strap belts. In Indonesia, crazy-eyed people pierce their bodies with spears to the sound of tom-tom. More modern images follow: goth rockers with piercings that leave no living space on their faces, punks dancing on broken bottles. Africans who make ritual incisions on their skin, a man in a circus who stuffs a sword down his throat, people who walk on hot coals to the cheers of the crowd.

“We don't want to look at shocking pictures of a world we know too well.

Are you saying that evil doesn't exist? Is there just a lack of self-love? I ask with interest.

You alone are to blame for your misfortunes. You came up with them and implemented them with your own hands!

Then, quieter, he continues:

You are so hard on yourself... To everyone who comes here, I suggest that you show indulgence to yourself, forgive yourself for the bad deeds that you committed in a past life. But they do not listen to me and do not find any excuses for themselves.

Hades has a sad smile on his face, full of compassion.

I like to talk about my mission. You are so accustomed to judging everything and everyone that you also judge me, the so-called devil. For you, I am the main villain, while it is you who are truly evil. Well, ask questions.

Why can't the whole world be kind? I ask.

Great question. Here is the answer. Because if the world is only good, there will be no merit in the fact that you do well.

Why do serial killers exist? asks Oedipus.

Great question. Because before (and even now) they had a special mission. Listen to me, this is, of course, just the point of view of the "devil", but it is worth something. Human society is arranged like an anthill. All of its members have a very specific task. Previously, states needed aggressive and energetic commanders. They grew out of angry, aggressive "children of anger", children who were beaten as children. A child who is beaten is angry at the whole world, and he will give all his strength to take revenge. When he grows up, he will become a monster warlord. And he will surpass the cruelty of other commanders, whose psyche was not undermined in childhood.

Does this mean that society produces cruel parents in order to get "children of wrath" that are needed in order to fight? Oedipus is amazed.

Quite right. The problem is that in the modern world it is no longer necessary to fight for the redistribution of borders, to conquer new lands. "Children of wrath" who want to kill can no longer become conquering commanders. This is how serial killers are born.

But not everyone who was traumatized in childhood becomes a murderer! I notice.

Yes, the energy of hatred can find different outlets. Psychoses and neuroses transform the personality in such a way that a person becomes capable of what others are not capable of, of what normal people cannot even think of. Do you think that Van Gogh would have devoted himself with such passion to the search for color if he had not been crazy?

This is a rather peculiar point of view, says Edmond Wells. - So you are saying that only a neurotic personality is capable of bold artistic experiments?


But there are normal, happy, calm people who create extraordinary works.

Hades raises his eyebrows in surprise.

Yes? And who is it?

Well, if we take examples from Earth-1, then Mozart, for example.

I'm sorry, but you didn't know him. And I was. He was completely nuts. In his youth, he was suppressed by his father, who turned him into a kind of learned monkey and forced him to perform in front of aristocrats and monarchs. Mozart suffered from a mental disorder throughout his life. He lost his entire fortune in cards.

Leonardo da Vinci?

At 19, he was going to be burned at the stake for homosexuality. He also had big problems with his father, who crippled his psyche.

Joan of Arc?

A religious fanatic obsessed with hallucinations.

King Louis Saint?

Saint? Yes, he was a killer. He created a reputation for himself as a "good king" by hiring the monk Egelart as his official biographer, who stuffed his writings with propaganda. Louis was an animal, a choleric, he organized massacres and massacres in order to rob those whose wealth he envied. Never confuse a man with a legend about him.


His overbearing father turned him into an aggressive paranoid. He later stole his son from his sister-in-law and forced him to become a musician until he tried to commit suicide. He had monstrous fits of anger, he was domineering and despotic. He couldn't stand it at all when they argued with him.


Schizophrenic. Megalomania. At night, he changed into women's clothes, because he felt uncomfortable in the guise of a man.

Gandhi? Would you say that Gandhi was a neurotic?

He had a rigid mind. He believed that only he knew the truth. Nobody wanted to listen to anything. He tyrannized his wife, could not stand objections.

Mother Teresa?

Taking care of others is one way to hide from yourself. I think you have seen many such people in the Angel Empire. She not only ran away from herself, but, as you can see, she only cared about the poor. It is easier to solve the problems of housing and subsistence for the poor than to fiddle with the complex mental states of wealthy people or politicians.

Edmond Wells says sharply:

All these are the words of the devil. You want to blacken the white. The people you mentioned are saints.

But Hades does not let himself be confused.

Most of these "saints" of yours have come here to cleanse themselves of dirt, although mortals who are at the 3rd and even 4th level consider them saints. I saw how horrified they were to find that we all know about their true lives. I tried to convince them that they should forgive themselves. I didn't get anything. And then I put torture chambers at their disposal, and they demanded the most cruel punishment for themselves.

The god of hell waves wearily.

You judge. Me not. I have absolutely nothing against you. Honestly. All these stories about the devil are just slander, fables to frighten the children and keep the power of the priests. When will you finally understand this?

Hades points his scepter at the screen, and the banks of the Styx filmed with a hidden camera appear on it, where naked people torture each other.

Do you see the devil around here, devils? See the executioner? If it depended only on me, I would have forgiven all these sinners long ago. It is impossible to shout to someone who does not want to listen. I dream that this place does not exist at all, that these people are born into the world again, become babies, so that they can learn new things life after life.

You are lying!

You are judging me again. In fact, I dream of retiring. But the world needs black to make white more visible. Truth?

Yes Dear! You even tried to strike once!

Yes once. I proposed to close this place of suffering. Everyone on Eden agreed, even Zeus. But the souls of the dead rebelled:

"And there can be no question of closing hell, we need it."

Oh, how indulgent the gods, how cruel mortals!

We can't take our eyes off the screen. We begin to get used to what we see. You can get used to everything.

All souls are here of their own free will and can leave this place at any time, reminds Hades.

What test awaits us? asks Edmond Wells.


Yes, what must we do to continue on our way?

There will be no test. Go through this tunnel, it will lead you to the top of the mountain.

No test?

The giant in the black toga repeats:

Of course, no test. I always thought that the only test is the need to make a choice. Everyone gets exactly what they want. The problem is that everyone usually makes the wrong choice of desire. Have you noticed this?

Bernard Werber, "Secret of the Gods"

Esoteric secrets to the site

There are people - ardent skeptics. Or those who believe in God. There is a person who does not care, he does not argue, does not prove. He has no time - he works, improves himself. What is esotericism? Religion? Faith in God? In people? To the supermind? Or maybe in yourself? Many do not think about such things, and when they think about it, they do not find answers to their questions.

Esotericism is secret knowledge that is not available to people who are ignorant of magic, mysticism, and the occult. At least that's what they used to be. Knowledge and skills that everyone could not have. Only the chosen ones.

Having read various tapes on the Internet, you can get only scattered data and a weak idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat esotericism is. Only by deciding to change yourself and your life for the better, gathering your strength and going through a course of video seminars built by experts so that everything falls into place, you can succeed.

The concept of esotericism and why you should not be afraid of it

Esotericism is a huge section of human life, helping to find oneself through the knowledge of the world. Its study is not given to everyone. It's not just religion or science. This is the same thread that connects all the nuances and aspects of the ordinary world and the area of ​​unknown magic that surrounds us.

The very first such secret society was the Pythagorean school. It was divided into ordinary and esoteric. Her secret part took a lifelong oath not to disclose what the members of the society were taught. And what kind of knowledge they received there, humanity still does not know. Now the esoteric is not hidden from everyone. There is available information presented in video seminars or master classes. Why are people afraid or unwilling to touch the unknown and explore the unknown areas of their own lives?

Consider the main criteria for human unwillingness:

  1. Many do not want to learn a new religion. In fact, esotericism is not only a religion, although it is closely related to it. It helps to reveal oneself and one's own hidden inner potential. Yes, there is religion here - faith in yourself and the world around you.
  2. Lack of faith in the ability to change your life. Thought is always material. And desires are always fulfilled. Everything is possible - you just have to believe and go through this difficult path to knowledge.
  3. Reluctance to acquire new knowledge, as there is already success in personal life. Esotericism makes it possible to gain success not only in one area of ​​human activity. It allows you to balance all the criteria that are extremely important. To achieve the desired and the most intimate comprehensively.
  4. Fearful attitude to the concept of magic. It is worth noting that the unknown is not only magical. It's just unfamiliar. After passing the seminar, it becomes clear that what is often considered magical is what seems incredible, impossible.
  5. Lack of free time. Naturally, it takes a lot of time to get through the training. But in the future, the hours spent will pay off handsomely. Life is balanced, everything falls into place and everything happens in its own moment.

An already established branch, science, like psychology, has long reckoned with esoteric opinion. He resorts to her methods. Favorably refers to the practice of secret knowledge.

What gives esoteric knowledge?

Why is it believed that esoteric knowledge is not given to everyone? Only the chosen ones? Because not everyone is ready to say goodbye to the old world, three-dimensional space, a sense of the shaky stability of their lives. Each person is the smith of his own happiness. Those who understand this strive for the best.

What is esoteric - answers to the site

To transform yourself. From within. Starting with thoughts. And thoughts are what happens to us. Esoteric practices give people not only knowledge. They help to feel the surrounding space. Start thinking differently than before. Wake up one day and realize what is happening. What you need to do to be successful in your desired industries. Understand that the world is not three-dimensional. He is generally limitless. Consciousness is omnipotent.

Why does a person come to esotericism?

Different paths can lead to this or that knowledge. Events, people, chance? In any case, esotericism appears in a person's life when it is needed. The reasons may be different:

  1. Search for new, unprecedented sensations. When it becomes boring, the world loses its attractiveness, others do not bring their former joy. Esotericism will help you look at everything in a different light, see something new and believe in a miracle.
  2. Search for a method of treatment. When conventional medicine fails. When the pills didn't work. And we are talking not only about habitual diseases, but also about constant depression, about the disease of life itself, when, no matter how hard a person tries, he cannot achieve his goals. The man turns in despair. And esotericism, magic, rituals help to heal.

Esotericism and magic are ancient sciences. This is knowledge accumulated over many years and centuries. This is a great wisdom that can be comprehended by anyone who really wants it. And help yourself overcome difficulties. Let go of gravity and be free. Achieve results and be happy.

It is easier to say what esotericism is, as follows. This is an attempt to explain the complex structure of the visible and invisible world and the processes that take place in these worlds and affect a person, his actions and even fate. Almost everyone has heard of the extraordinary experience of altered consciousness. Most modern commercial practices for achieving financial success, the practices of fulfilling human desires or shaping events are built on this principle.

Esoteric practices are aimed at achieving a sustainable expansion of human consciousness, which would allow for a more perfect perception of the world. In a narrower, applied sense, all esoteric teachings are aimed at studying the inner world of a person, his hidden abilities and developing specific techniques for self-realization and spiritual development. There are esoteric currents in all world religions, although there are many independent esoteric systems.

There are theoretical worldview systems that consider only the spiritual development of the individual through the accumulation of special knowledge and meditative practices. There are currents aimed at achieving the final result with the help of rites, rituals and other things. These include the occult, which involves the use of magic, appeal to the unrecognized forces of spirits, natural forces and the inhabitants of parallel worlds. An interesting attitude to the question of what esotericism is among representatives of religious systems. For example, there is an opinion that any esoteric practices are prohibited by Christianity, and the appeal to such knowledge or practices is regarded as a grave sin, for which harsh punishments are provided.

But such an attitude of the church does not stop those who see esotericism as a means to solve their life problems. This state of affairs, in our opinion, is also due to the fact that the official church imposes a strict ban without explaining the real possibilities of esoteric practices. At the same time, there is a huge number of specific rites related to the so-called church magic, which are available for review and are widely used. It is useful for a modern person to know the answer to the question: “Esoterica - what is it?”, As this is an opportunity to learn more about one’s internal structure, nature and the world around. Knowing about the esoteric methods of cognition, a person will not be afraid to make mistakes, and problems will not seem to him an insurmountable obstacle to happiness.

I recently met a woman who loves white very much. And I thought: but people, in general, do not think about why they prefer this or that color. They say: "I just love him" or "I like him" or "He suits me." Although it has long been known that, based on favorite colors, it is easy to draw a psychological portrait of a person or his psychological state at the moment.
Everyone wants to be in balance. And for this, the so-called "harmonizers" are used. They are different. COLOR refers to one of them. Trying to stay in a state of harmony, a person SUBCONSCIOUSLY resorts to using color as source of certain energy which he lacks at the moment. Therefore, JUST SO you can not want any color. The body gives a signal that it needs balancing, harmonization. It is worth paying attention to this, and analyze what our subconscious says. And what it says, read on for each color. I propose to consider each color in two aspects: subconscious and unconscious.
In the "subconscious" that deep thought will be formulated in a VERY concentrated form, or rather, thoughtform, which DOES NOT allow a person to remain in balance, in harmony with himselfloves certain color and subconsciously selects it. But a person does not always, say, wear the same color. So in the "unconscious" it will be shown how the state of a person manifests itself outside, what he shows to others in other words, why a person chooses one color or another in a certain period of time.

Subconscious: Desire for Purity.
A person subconsciously feels that he has "dirty" thoughts, thoughts or actions.
He thinks or does something for which he reproaches himself, which he considers unacceptable behavior for himself. The desire to be cleansed, to seem or be purer than it actually is, makes a person resort to surrounding himself with white. (Brides do not count, because there are traditions here, although the roots are the same). The self-esteem of such a person is quite low, because. he dissatisfied with myself. But he wants others to be happy with him.
Unconscious: Therefore, wearing white is trying to show everyone that he:
- wants to be liked
- wants to easily adapt to the society in which he is,
- Strives for harmony and peace.
Briefly speaking, trying to show himself better than he thinks he is inside.
So, when you catch yourself being dissatisfied with something, feel free to get a long-forgotten white blouse out of the closet or buy a new white cardigan. White color will nourish you with the energy of purity
And if you are not satisfied with the "weather" in the house or for some reason strain relations between family members, lay a large white carpet in the cabin, or you can put white upholstered furniture, the situation should return to normal.

Subconscious: Desire to lead.
A person is NOT a leader by his qualities, but he subconsciously wants to manage, command, impose his will. Such people are easily excitable, impulsive, want to draw attention to themselves by any means, manipulate people. By and large, all these qualities are due to the disguised feelings of inferiority.
Unconscious: Therefore, wearing red, he wants to show that he:
- self-confident, knows his own worth,
- decisive, takes responsibility,
- strong-willed, imperious, altruist.
Briefly speaking, maximizes self-esteem and self-worth in the eyes of others.
So, if there is a reason to think: why do I rate myself so low? who or what underestimates my significance, does not take into account my opinion and does not fulfill my requirements ?, then a red blouse or shirt, some red scarf or red underwear will help you feel more confident (no one sees him, but self-esteem rises unambiguously). If a feeling of inferiority is caused by someone from the household, buy some red thing in the house.

Subconscious:Desire for creativity.
A person has been sucked into the routine of life, he wants to wake up, feel "action", add emotions, actions, colors. Orange color gives people the energy of action. Such people are energetic, impatient, competent in many areas, passionate dreamers, purposeful, practical and intuitive. Oddly enough, in the subconscious of such behavior lies inability or unwillingness to relax, fear of loneliness, fear of getting bored, not being able toentertain, entertain.
Unconscious: Wearing orange wants to show that he:
- full of life
- a generator of ideas and extraordinary solutions,
- "perpetual motion machine"
- "man - a holiday."
Briefly speaking, the swamp of his life fills with movement and seething.
So, having caught yourself in a state: what, bored? life jammed? want a holiday? Or has the decline begun? boldly resort to the help of orange clothes or surround yourself with orange things.

Subconscious: Desire for lightness.
A person is too focused on himself, he is crushed by problems "lying on his shoulders", he has become pessimistic, picky or cynical. The desire to drop this burden, to become lighter, more mobile and more cheerful, pushes you to choose yellow. This color gives a person such qualities as friendliness, calmness and ease, sociability, courage, curiosity, lightness. Such people easily adapt to any conditions of life.
Unconscious: Choosing yellow wants to show that he:
- decisive
- quickly and easily solve their own and other people's problems,
- an optimist
- benevolent.
Briefly speaking, increases the "wing span" for more lift.
Therefore, feel free to put on yellow clothes, a scarf, a bag or shoes and show everyone that you are not in words, but in deeds, already in the process of "fastening your wings", and now no life's problems can bring you down to sinful earth...

Subconscious:Wish for Peace.
A person is under annoying foreign influence (at work or in the family), but in every possible way he is looking for a way to assert himself. He is cautious and non-confrontational, and himself prefers to observe rather than act, so as not to get into a difficult or simply stupid situation. Such a person will quickly sit on the sidelines than rush to solve life's problems.
Unconscious: Putting on green tries to prove to himself and others that he:
- self sufficient
- not afraid of everyday difficulties and vicissitudes of fate,
- active and assertive
- inspires confidence.
Briefly speaking, calms the hectic life around him and is not influenced by others.
Therefore, if you feel tired or the pace of life becomes too fast, surround yourself with the calming energy of green.

Subconscious: Desire for peace.
The person feels that his feelings are out of control. And also there is a desire to get rid of unnecessary aggression. In this regard, it is the blue color that brings an atmosphere of peace and soothing of the senses.
Unconscious: Blue clothes and wardrobe details clearly demonstrate that wearing them:
- creative,
- full of imagination
- sensitive.
Briefly speaking, keeps himself in control, and feelings under control.
In our crazy age, full of worries and stresses, there is little that has such a calming effect as the blue color of the sky and sea lagoons...

Subconscious: Desire for self-confidence.
A person feels that he is completely self-sufficient and mentally stable, but becomes emotionally dependent, and he lacks a sense of self-confidence and the goodwill of others. Or as an option: a person gives the impression that he can do everything in the world, but in fact (on a subconscious level) he is a model of insecurity and isolation.
Unconscious: Many firms choose the blue color for their uniforms, because. he says that there is a person in front of you:
- responsible,
- smart,
- independent,
- benevolent
- has sufficient knowledge in his field.
Briefly speaking, professional and knows what he says and does.


See GREEN and BLUE respectively. Problems from two directions, which is quite common.

Subconscious: The desire to immerse yourself in your inner world.
A person is forced to live for a long time only in the present, but he understands that the future depends on the past, and he also wants to feel wiser and mentally stronger. All this gives the energy of purple.
Unconscious: Purple color in clothes says that in front of you:
- harmoniously developed person,
- emotionally sensitive
- spiritual,
- sensitive personality.
In short, a person who internal and external are in full accordance and harmony .
Recently, the need for violet energy has increased greatly, because. we practically do not have time, or even just the strength to be alone with ourselves.

Subconscious: Desire to be loved.
A person really wants to return to childhood, when he was loved not for something, but simply because he was born, because he is he, the one and only.
Unconscious: Wearing pink adds to himself the feeling that he:
- does not lack love,
- kind to others
- not capricious
- pragmatic.
Briefly speaking, in every possible way stabilizes his infantilism and immaturity in emotions.
It is very interesting to observe on which part of the body our women "wear" pink. After all, this, too, can tell you something. For example, a pink blouse indicates that we have a woman in front of us, subconsciously wanting hugs, touches, bodily sensations of love. Pink trousers - she is ready to "run" towards her love. Pink lipstick - she should "feel" love with her lips, kisses. Pink lingerie - the sexual component is important in love. Pink nail polish - love needs to be "touched": hold your loved one by the hand, stroke, caress. Pink jewelry - love should be "beautiful." Well, etc. etc.

Subconscious: Desire for comfort.
A person begins to subconsciously feel some danger or discomfort. The energy of the brown color wraps up, as if covering with a cozy checkered blanket (indeed, such blankets are mostly brown for some reason...)
Unconscious: At this point in time, a person wants to show that he:
- stands firmly on its feet
- appreciates traditions and family foundations,
- moderately proud and moderately self-centered,
- quite secretive and not much goes to frankness.
Briefly speaking, its own "cocoon" is created, and only something extraordinary can make a person crawl out of it.

Subconscious: The desire for constancy, stability, balance.
A person is tired of the frivolity and impatience of those around him. He wants to bring seriousness and prudence into his life. This is what adds the energy of gray. No wonder a man dressed in a gray suit involuntarily evokes respect.
Unconscious: Clothing of any shade of gray, from light to deep dark, indicates that we have a person in front of us:
- soberly looking at life,
- reasonable,
- not an upstart
- weighing and thinking before making a decision,
- credible.
Briefly speaking, a person who deserves respect, but also respects others.
Note that the famous and rich in good society resort to respectable gray with might and main. Thus, they add weight to themselves, and signal to others about their calm attitude and lack of aggressiveness.

Subconscious:The desire to hide.
NOT JUSTIFIED expectations from life, not received expected Attention from the family, unfulfilled expectations recognition from parents or children, from society, give birth to a depressive complex in a person. He wants to run away, close from the environment. Black color is associated with darkness, absorbs energy, so it gives the impression of hiding color, hiding color. They say: "Black slims." But he just does not emphasize the bulge. A well-chosen silhouette slims. Any tailor will tell you that. The hoodie, no matter how black it is, will not slim down ... But it will only show and tell everyone that its owner is in a protracted depression, even if subconsciously.
Unconscious: Wearing black clothes, show everyone that you are today:
- closed and not ready to "open the soul",
- melancholic
- not authoritarian
- are pessimistic.
But... Doing this every day is strongly discouraged. People will quickly get tired of seeing a pessimist in front of them, and they will soon turn away from such a person. Black is justified in daily wear only very DOSED or in the form of accessories.
I recently witnessed a woman who saw t-shirts in 12 colors on the counter and exclaimed, "God, what beautiful colors!" But her hand reached for a black T-shirt. To my question: "But what about the colors?" she, smiling at the situation, honestly replied: "They are not for me." Like this. This is a diagnosis...

Posted On 02/01/2018

many are guided by their parents when choosing a profession :)))) Your grandfather is a doctor, your father is a doctor, which means that you should become a doctor. So they suffer. Perhaps the average doctor could be a virtuoso pianist or a master of golden hands. Nobody guided me. She chose what is very happy.

meaningfully a person chooses a profession, if in fact he was born with some kind of talent, there are many examples of famous actors, writers, etc. rather parents, or without any considerations. Kozma Prutkov found an answer for any of our questions - many people are like sausages: what they fill them with, then they carry it in themselves.

A person chooses a certain profession: 1. forced 2. nowhere else 3 I don't care 4. Fantastic 6. They pay well AND THIS IS MY VOCATION, which happens very rarely!

Lucky are those who do what they love in life, because they also pay money for it !! ! and more often, mom-dad is arranged for an institute, then this person is forced to plow at work and engage in his hobby in his spare time. but! sometimes it happens that someone (sooner or later) realizes this and retrains, or changes jobs ... and some who plow all their lives and do not think ... longingaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Today we are meeting with Irina Vorobieva, Head of the TBS Consulting Motivation System Implementation Department. We asked Irina to tell in more detail about the motivation system she is implementing - what the motivation system gives the company, what features it has and how to avoid the risks associated with the introduction of a new system.

Why do we need a motivation system? What tasks does she solve? What, and most importantly, how do you motivate?

A system of motivation is needed by everyone and always. As a rule, it is always there, but, what is it like? How effective is it for your business? Whether the motivation system takes into account current tasks, business development goals, or vice versa - maybe it equalizes the achievements of productive employees and not so good, its conditions are beneficial for random people, not for professionals. Conduct such an analysis and, if you find confirmation of the above, urgently take action - create NEW motivation system.

The main task of the motivation system is to establish the correspondence between the results of the company's activities and the remuneration of personnel, taking into account the contribution to the overall result of each. The results of the activities are planned, thus, everyone is motivated to achieve the results.

The motivation system is needed for those who want to pay for the results of their activities, and not for going to work.

Could you give the results of the implementation of the motivation system? What effect did it give to the companies where it was implemented? Can you give specific examples?

There are always several effects from implementation. The most obvious and quickest effect is the optimization of the wage fund (PWF), which includes some reduction (5-10%) and some redistribution of PWF. At the same time, the best employees earn even more, the worst employees even less, that is, we exclude “equalization”, everyone “earns” remuneration, and does not “receive” a salary. The remuneration is put in full dependence on the efficiency of the company. There is no such thing that the company did not work well in the reporting period, and this did not affect the remuneration of the staff. And vice versa, of course.

The next effect that is important for business is that each employee, along with the performance of his functional duties, begins to “reverently” relate to indicators that directly affect his remuneration. This allows you to ensure the implementation of quantitative indicators (revenue, income, costs, time, productivity,% of defects, etc.) and qualitative ones (implementation of regulations, instructions, checklists, etc.). At the same time, an absolutely transparent system of control over the implementation of indicators is organized. Otherwise, the motivation system will not work.

I will give examples like this:

  • An important effect of the implementation of our integrated motivation system in a manufacturing company was the reduction of defective products in finished products, which was ensured by including indicators of the reduction of defective products at each stage in the motivation. Each site was responsible not only for the rejects at its site, but also for quality control of semi-finished products received at the entrance. In addition, all orders began to be fulfilled just in time;
  • in a logistics company, the productivity of warehouse workers was taken under control, which immediately ensured its growth (the number and volume of processed goods per unit of time) and revealed the most dexterous and professional employees. Yes, I believe that not only a seller or a financier, but also a storekeeper should be a professional. A “Portrait” of such a professional has been formed, now we know who to look up to. We understand who to appoint as a senior in the team, who can be mentored.

A good effect is the introduction of motivation in the project company. The imputation of project indicators to employees made it possible to complete a set of interrelated projects on time and within the planned budgets. True, to obtain the maximum effect, it is advisable to use project management tools in the company itself, otherwise there will be difficulties with planning the indicators themselves.

The qualitative effect of all implementations is to increase responsibility for business performance through a clear distribution of responsibility and a fair assessment of results.

If a person is punished with a ruble, does he lose a sense of confidence in the future? Is this an attack on the need for security, one of the needs of the lower levels of Maslow's pyramid? How does this affect the emotional well-being of employees and their attitude to work, as a result, the results of their work? Doesn't this lead to a decrease in the quality of service in industries that are especially sensitive to this - in the service sector.

Why immediately punish? So I'm more worried about those who work for three, but receive, like everyone else in this position. There is no task to punish, there is a task to clearly understand the capabilities of an employee, his competencies, results that can be expected, as well as his desire to work in a team for a common result. We want to pay for each of these components, not for the position. By introducing a motivation system, we gather a professional team ready to share the goals of the business. The main thing is the result. In this context, I am always concerned about the emotional component of these workers. Experience shows that they begin to work even better, and the climate in the company becomes healthy. Those who do not cope at all or are “not in the subject” leave on their own. They don’t even need to be expelled, which is also a big plus for managers.

How do you propose to motivate those who have actualized needs for social recognition, for self-realization? Does the proposed system of motivation motivate such people or, on the contrary, demotivate them? Or is it more correct to say that the implemented motivation system is suitable only for certain categories of personnel?

We believe that it is right if the motivation system works for all categories of employees, from the General Director to the most “simple” positions. In this case, we can say yes, we have implemented our own principles, there are certain rules for everyone. However, we are not saying that the rules are the same for everyone. The higher the position (or grade), the more appropriate it is to use “high-level” indicators, and evaluate the performance of these indicators not every month, but perhaps once a quarter or a year. To be honest, many do not like evaluation of their work. Especially those who do not comply with the agreements. In our case, recognition occurs through results, if this does not motivate you, then, apparently, you are not with us ... And self-realization should not be contrary to business objectives, this has to be taken into account.

Please tell us in more detail what tools you are implementing and why?

The tools are very simple and clear.

To determine the "value" of a position, we use evaluation factors, developed by us and adapted for a specific company. Then formed reward system- the ratio of the variable and fixed part of the remuneration, taking into account the relationship of the position to the business (sales, production, provision, service). The next tool is a table of indicators of the company, division, specific position, it describes all the indicators, methods for their calculation.

And two more tools, these are:

  • Activity scorecard(THE CODE) position, in which, subsequently, a comparison of planned and actual indicators will be made;
  • for the convenience of operating the motivation system, for each unit or area of ​​activity, a model, which contains the indicators of the department and performance evaluation cards for all employees.

That, in fact, is all. All tools are handed over to the client along with instructions for their use.

Tell me how the proposed system of motivation takes into account the situation on the labor market? Due to the shortage of specialists in a number of specialties, the level of salaries of personnel of the same skill level can vary significantly. And this has nothing to do with their diligence and qualifications. This is due to the current labor market conditions. For example, mid-level SAP implementers can earn the same or more than a highly skilled purchasing manager or logistician. If you do not offer such a specialist a market level of remuneration, then he will simply leave for another company, and it will be impossible to find a new one.

The terms of payment, the amount of fixed and variable remuneration for each position are formed taking into account market offers for each region. A sales manager in the Volga region "costs" a little less than in the capital, although both of them sell the same product. But the principles of formation of remuneration are the same for them. We work in the market and cannot ignore its rules.

How to make sure that, on the one hand, there are not too many indicators that motivate employees (in this case, the meaning of each specific indicator is blurred), on the other hand, so that employees attach importance to all aspects of their work, and not just those which are indicated in the list of indicators?

This is done as follows - the most important and relevant indicators for the business are set, it is these indicators that are the main ones in the employee's motivational scheme and significantly affect his remuneration. To account for the performance of the functional duties of the position and production discipline, indicators such as “Fulfillment of regulations”, “Evaluation of the manager”, etc. are used. Checked, it works.

How do you check that the developed indicators do not contradict each other? How to avoid a situation where the work of employees will resemble the famous fable about the swan, cancer and pike? Wouldn't a performance-based motivation system exacerbate this situation, if it exists?

The indicators are developed "from above", starting with the performance indicators of the company and decomposed to the indicators of divisions and individual positions. For quantitative indicators, I can not recall cases that confirm your fears. But we evaluate the quality indicators for contradictions in the context of positions and departments, as well as compliance with the company's values. Then, we always have group indicators, it’s not enough to fulfill our plan, everything must be done so that the unit as a whole fulfills the plan, this motivates us for mutual assistance, support, therefore, the mentioned fable is not about us.

It is no secret that there are always contradictions between different departments of the company, for example, between the financial and economic block and sales - the desire to minimize stocks and improve customer service, reduce accounts receivable and increase sales. There are many such contradictions. How are they resolved?

Such questions are considered at the conceptual level. At the beginning of the implementation process, together with the company's management, we decide what is more important for the business now, to increase the customer base or minimize inventory. Agree that priorities are different at different levels of development. For example, if we are growing our customer base, the stock reduction rate will not be included in the motivation, it will be replaced by the stock target targets to ensure customer satisfaction. But we have a special attitude to receivables - the company must maintain a given level of "receivables", always try to reduce this level. As far as real money is concerned, we are strict.

Advice 1: Why people choose the profession of a psychologist

Thus it is not necessary to identify sales with shipment. Sales are both the shipment and receipt of funds in accordance with the agreements, and a loyal client, etc. We just propose to consider the fulfillment of a set of indicators as a good result, and not just one.

Don't you think this system is too complicated and, as a result, unworkable? And if it really functions, then do not the costs of its operation exceed the effect of its implementation? After all, most likely it will be necessary to attract additional personnel to maintain this system, as well as monthly distract managers of various links to evaluate indicators.

Let's start from the end, what does it mean to "distract leaders"? Managers are needed to ensure that the performance of their unit is met. They must clearly understand how to achieve this, for this the leader must distribute the planned results among the participants. If the leader does not know how to get the result or who takes part in this result, we advise such a leader to be replaced by someone who does not consider such knowledge superfluous for himself (and the company).

I myself believe that if the system is complex, then something is wrong in it. Therefore, I can guarantee that the motivation system that we have developed (or will develop) is easy to operate and will take no more time to support than a manager without a system needs, and even less. Indeed, in order to evaluate the results obtained, understand the reasons for failures, draw the right conclusions, and plan further activities, the manager will have tools. So with the system it will be much easier to do, the manager uses our "Model" in which everything is planned, and all calculations are carried out in an automated mode, everything is visible, understandable, convenient and simple.

What is the implementation process? How to reduce the risk of staff dissatisfaction and related problems for the company? How not to lose experienced and qualified employees who will not agree with the introduction of the new system, and their loss will be sensitive for the company?

Frankly, the staff have “fears”, but we know how to deal with it. Firstly, we create a project team from the client, which includes managers, recognized leaders, we work with them, explain what will change, how profitable it will be to work well, etc. They, in turn, convey this to employees, in difficult cases, we ourselves hold meetings and clarifications with employees, provide support. Secondly, we always conduct trial operation. We calculate rewards according to the new system so that everyone can understand in real time how everything works and what is required of him, while we pay this month according to the old rules. After that, there are no problems.

I can assure everyone that qualified employees will not leave you, they will discover additional opportunities in themselves. In addition, when working on indicators and setting their values, we always involve these employees, they feel their involvement and necessity.

The implementation process is very simple:

  • Together with the management, we are developing a concept for our future motivation system. The concept takes into account business requirements, company development goals;
  • Further, in accordance with the organizational structure, we jointly determine the “value” of each position for the company. We involve managers and authoritative employees for evaluation;
  • At the next step, we independently develop a remuneration system and a scorecard, performance evaluation cards for each position, and coordinate the developments with the customer;
  • If everything is agreed - we make models, take a month for trial operation, conduct training, plan indicators, at the end of the month we compare the plan with the fact, calculate the reward;
  • That's it, the project is completed. Further, the customer independently acts in accordance with the instructions.

Does the proposed system of motivation suit all companies or are there exceptions? For example, can it be implemented in all industries, for companies of what scale of business, what level of automation is required? Or is it possible to single out some other aspects that limit the use of this system?

We do not see any fundamental limitations, as we have developed and implemented the system for different businesses (production, distribution, service, design companies, etc.), in companies of different sizes.

What is the role of consultants in the development and implementation of a motivation system, because you can implement this project yourself? What results does the customer get?

If the company has a group of specialists with the necessary knowledge and implementation experience, then you can implement the project yourself. Why is the group, yes, because every decision in development is so important, it directly affects the remuneration, so all decisions must be balanced, verified, consolidated.
But, as a rule, there is no such group in the company, this is one, and the second, you need to understand that the consultant’s opinion is always independent, and your employee may act with caution or unwittingly try to “please” the leaders on whom he himself depends. Decisions, in this case, will raise questions.

Here the proverb is very suitable, which says that boots should be made by a shoemaker, and pies should be baked by a pastry maker. By introducing a motivation system on its own, a company may lose its operational activities. There are such examples. And from the point of view of costs, it is profitable to implement with the help of consultants, projects to introduce a motivation system pay off very quickly - in two or three months, so that it is simply not optimal to “start” your team for this period.

And most importantly, what results does the customer get. Invaluable indeed.

I will not repeat what (what documents and materials) we physically transfer to the Customer, all this will be done in accordance with the subject and conditions of the contract. But this is only part of the results.

The main and most important results are the following changes:

  • The company has put under control the fulfillment of all indicators that are significant for it;
  • All indicators are planned, responsibility for their measurement is defined;
  • All heads of departments and employees of the company are informed about the goals and objectives of the company, understand how these goals and objectives are related to their personal activities, what results are expected from them;
  • The company receives additional management tools and uses them effectively;
  • Leaders in each position are identified;
  • You can plan the development of employees.

Finally, the company will become a more attractive employer for the best candidates. These specialists, who know their own worth, “on the shore” will accept the established rules and plans, will understand what their remuneration depends on, and that this remuneration can only be increased through even better results.

Actually what you need.

Learn more about how the staff motivation project is being implemented

Even if you embellish reality a little in order to present yourself in a more favorable light to the employer, it is still a lie, no matter how insignificant it may be. Could there be a middle ground here?

If you ask employers whether they consider lying on a resume or in an interview an acceptable way to impress, then, of course, they all answer in the negative. It is believed that lies harm candidates more than unfavorable truth. But to what extent does theory actually correspond to practice, and can there be a lie for good? If you look at it a little differently, then correctly presented information that emphasizes your strengths is another proof that you are interested in the job.

Truth to the detriment

Let's consider two questions, the answers to which can be considered justified in lying if the truth does not work in your favor.

"Why did you leave your previous job?". If the real reason is a terrible manager, layoffs, low pay, or bad relationships with colleagues, then another answer is more acceptable. After all, it is categorically impossible to speak badly about the former bosses or colleagues. Because the potential employer will project that relationship onto their company, and might think you were the problem, even if it wasn't. It is logical and correct to strive for a higher salary, but a recruiter may consider you a mercantile person who is constantly short of money. Although he himself would not have agreed to work here for the salary that you received. But those are the rules of the game. Layoffs are a fairly common reason for layoffs, and companies often get rid of the least significant and productive employees, one of which you will be considered. And even if you were laid off for absolutely no reason, it will be very difficult to prove it.

In order not to fall into a deliberately losing situation, some applicants explain their dismissal by personal circumstances or the desire to implement the acquired experience and skills that need to be named in a more interesting company at a new level. As a rule, this often turns out to be true, although not the main reason.

“Why are you looking for a job for so long?”. High competition in the labor market can make a good specialist look for a suitable position for a really long time, and it’s not at all your incompetence.

But the interviewer may have a completely different opinion on this matter. If during this period you took additional courses or trainings, worked as a freelancer without official registration, then first of all it is worth mentioning this. This will not only answer such a difficult question, but will also add a few extra points to you.

Why does a person choose a particular profession?

Circumstances of a personal nature are also a fairly good reason for a protracted job search.

Prohibited does not recommend attributing non-existent prestigious jobs and positions - you will be easily figured out. Tell the truth about professional qualities and skills. If you lack some knowledge, then it is better to admit it, but express your readiness and great desire to learn as soon as possible.

Sometimes the truth can be misunderstood and misinterpreted. In this case, not only will you lose the opportunity to get a job, but the employer himself may miss out on a good employee. This line is very thin and, of course, nothing can justify a lie, even if it is useful and beneficial to both parties. Remember that even a small lie on a resume or at an interview can be revealed over time and hit your reputation.

Related article: What is the best thing to keep silent about in an interview?

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1 What motivates people to work most effectively? Motivation

2 What do people like at work? Motivation

3 Why does a person choose a particular profession? Motivation

4 What can motivate a person to quit? Motivation

5 Which team is the most productive? What team is the most comfortable for people? Team preference

6 What qualities of character are most significant for successful communication with people? Environment Preferences, Successful Communication Model

7 Why do people strive to make a career? Career motivation

8 In what situations is a lie justified? Admission of deceit

9 Why do you think people return a loan taken from a bank? Motives for an honest act that is contrary to material interests

10 Why, at the same level of income, people steal in some companies, but not in others? Motives for an honest act/behavior

Why should an employee be fired immediately? Values ​​applied to the organization

12 Describe the most typical conflict in the team. What are its reasons? "Pain" points in terms of conflict or experience of the candidate

13 What is the most common cause of conflict with a client? Bottlenecks when working with a client

14 Which client is the most problematic for the company? Bottlenecks in customer service

15 The employee has worked in the company for a probationary period, he is completely satisfied with the management, but at the same time he submits a letter of resignation. Guess what it could be related to?

How and why does a person choose a particular profession?

Motivation + unacceptable moments for a person at work

16 the manager is on vacation or a long business trip, and people in his absence work as usual. What do you think this may be due to? Motivation + loyalty to work and company

17 What kind of people are more likely to be hired for good jobs? Success Model

18 Why do some people succeed and others fail in life? Success Model

19 What should be a good employee? Model of success (if the candidate identifies with an ordinary employee) or expectations from subordinates (if the candidate identifies with the manager)

20 What should be the ideal leader? The idea of ​​a manager that is optimal for a candidate

motivations: they are known to many, and they can be found in most serious management books. But for a correct and unified understanding of what follows, let us dwell on a few points:

We are talking about personal motives (needs and values) of a person, and not about the system of motivation that exists in the organization.

We consider the whole range of motivators, and do not dwell only on material incentives.

factor can be used to meet different needs of a person, depending on how exactly it will be presented.

Motives, needs and values ​​are individual, they cannot be absolutely identical for any social group or for all employees in the organization, so it is important for us to be able to identify and use the individual motives (needs) of a future or real employee.

So many managers tend to attribute their own motivation to their employees (again, this is due to the human tendency to project), which leads to a lot of management errors.

This situation can be avoided, first of all, by correctly assessing the future employee and his motivation during the interview.

Motives can change with the course of life and the development of a person's career, both under the influence of external, objective factors, and in connection with the development and change of personality. This means that the diagnosis of motivation must be periodically carried out again.

Motivators (hereinafter we use this term in the sense that is currently defined, although a number of researchers of motivation, such as Herzberg, share the concepts of motivation and hygiene factor) are those factors that increase the efficiency of a person’s work and / or his satisfaction due to the fact that , which correspond to his internal needs / motives, which are currently partially or completely not satisfied and require satisfaction.

For most people, motivation is based on several motivators that are related to each other in some way. When analyzing the map of motivators, we must take into account not one of the factors, but their sequence, priority in the aggregate.

Table 2 "Analysis of the map of motivators" shows frequently occurring groups of answers to projective questions regarding motivation, and the interpretation of these answers separately.

Analysis of a candidate's motivator map allows us not only to decide whether this candidate is suitable for us, but also to correctly influence him in the process of work.

table 2

Publication date: 2015-07-22; Read: 249 | Page copyright infringement - - 2014-2018 year.(0.001 s)…


Motivation is one of the most important and very difficult to change factors that should be taken into account when hiring a person and subsequently building a situational leadership system. We will not discuss theories in detail here.

No. p / p projective question Estimated factor
What motivates people to work most effectively? Motivation
What do people like at work?

Conditions for choosing a profession

Why does a person choose a particular profession? Motivation
What can motivate a person to quit? Motivation
Which team is the most productive? What team is the most comfortable for people? Team preference
What qualities of character are most significant for successful communication with people? Environment Preferences, Successful Communication Model
Why do people seek to make a career? Career motivation
In what situations is it justified to lie? Admission of deceit
Why do you think people return a loan taken from a bank? Motives for an honest act that is contrary to material interests
Why, at the same level of income, people steal in some companies, but not in others? Motives for an honest act/behavior
And Why should an employee be fired immediately? Values ​​applied to the organization
Describe the most typical conflict in the team. What are its reasons? "Pain" points in terms of conflict or experience of the candidate
What is the most common cause of conflict with a client? Bottlenecks when working with a client
Which client is the most problematic for the company? Bottlenecks in customer service
The employee has worked in the company for a probationary period, he is completely satisfied with the management, but at the same time he submits a letter of resignation. Guess what it could be related to? Motivation + unacceptable moments for a person at work
The head is on vacation or a long business trip, and people in his absence work as usual. What do you think this may be due to? Motivation + loyalty to work and company
What kind of people are more likely to be hired for good positions? Success Model
Why do some people succeed and others fail in life? Success Model
What should be a good employee? Model of success (if the candidate identifies with an ordinary employee) or expectations from subordinates (if the candidate identifies with the manager)
What should be the ideal leader? The idea of ​​a manager that is optimal for a candidate

motivations: they are known to many, and they can be found in most serious books on management. But for a correct and unified understanding of the future, let us dwell on a few points:

We are talking about personal motives (needs and values) of a person, and not about the system of motivation that exists in the organization.

We consider the whole complex of motivators, and do not dwell only on material incentives.

It is very important to realize that in real life the same factor can be used to meet the various needs of a person, depending on how exactly it will be presented.

Motives, needs and values ​​are individual, they cannot be absolutely identical for any social group or for all employees in the organization, so it is important for us to be able to identify and use the individual motives (needs) of a future or real employee .

So many managers tend to attribute their own motivation to their employees (again, this is due to the human tendency to project), which leads to a lot of management errors. You can avoid such a situation, first of all, by correctly assessing the future employee and his motivation during the interview.

Motives can change with the course of life and the development of a person's career, both under the influence of external, objective factors, and in connection with the development and change of personality. This means that the diagnosis of motivation must be periodically carried out again.

Motivators (hereinafter we use this term in the meaning that is currently defined, although a number of researchers of motivation, for example Herzberg, share the concepts of motivation and hygiene factor) are those factors that increase the efficiency of a person’s work and / or his satisfaction with account of what corresponds to his internal needs / motives, which at the moment are partially or completely not satisfied and require satisfaction.

Most people are characterized by motivation based on several motivators, which in a certain way correlate with each other. When analyzing the map of motivators, we must take into account not one of the factors, but their sequence, priority in the aggregate.

Table 2 "Analysis of the map of motivators" shows frequently occurring groups of answers to projective questions regarding motivation, and the interpretation of these answers separately.

Analysis of the map of the candidate's motivators allows us not only to decide whether this candidate is suitable for us, but also to correctly influence him already in the process of work.

table 2



In order to improve the efficiency of the public administration system, starting from 2016, the President and the Government initiated the transition from traditional work on instructions and manual regulation to a more modern and flexible project management. The design office of the Russian Government (Federal Design Office) plays a significant role in this process. It works on an ongoing basis and is designed to select the most important social and economic programs and projects, monitor their implementation and provide support to other government agencies in the implementation of new initiatives.

Structure and tasks of the Government project office

The existing management system in the Russian Federation is largely outdated and inefficient, the instructions of various leaders often contradict each other, and the principle of succession of tasks is violated. Therefore, at the initiative of the President of Russia, the bureaucratic apparatus is being reformed and put on a project track. This applies to both the state and municipal levels.

Project management will force officials to adhere to certain principles in their work, focus on the final practical result, and not carry out numerous activities “for show”. The principles of such management are limited time, finances and resources, the uniqueness of each new idea and focus on a predetermined specific goal.

Decree of the Government of Russia No. 1050 dated October 15, 2016 approved the Regulation regulating the organization of project activities in the Government of the Russian Federation. Among the permanent governing bodies in this area are:

  • The Presidium of the Council for Strategic Development under the President of the Russian Federation, which will form a portfolio of initiatives, decide on their start and end, evaluate the results achieved;
  • design office of the federal level;
  • departmental coordinating bodies and offices.

The Department for Project Activities of the Government acts as the Federal Project Office.

His powers include:

  • ensuring the activities of the Presidium of the Council and interacting with it in terms of maintaining priority programs (coordination of proposals, passports and plans for their implementation);
  • making personnel decisions - agreeing on the candidates for administrators, managers, executive secretaries and senior officials of each project, as well as presenting the composition of expert groups, public councils and project teams;
  • interacts with authorities at the federal level and the level of subjects of the Russian Federation, local authorities, various organizations regarding the monitoring of programs;
  • evaluates and monitors the progress and results of priority undertakings, prepares appropriate proposals and recommendations;
  • takes part in the work of coordinating bodies of the departmental level;
  • provides methodological support, issues the necessary recommendations, coordinates the creation of an automated information system on this issue, and also develops an incentive system for employees actively participating in the development of program activities;
  • coordinates the regulations prepared by the executive bodies of the federal level regarding the development of project activities and the appointment of heads of departmental offices.

The office quickly developed a number of practical recommendations, in particular, regarding the preparation of proposals and passports for priority programs, as well as the possibility and procedure for making changes to them.

In order to avoid red tape, the Government has set a strict schedule for the passage of important initiatives to avoid red tape: no more than 5 days from the date of receipt of the proposal from the ministry, or 15 days if there are comments. It is assumed that thanks to this approach, it will be possible to significantly reduce the number of interdepartmental approvals, respectively, to reduce the time to start the actual implementation of the idea.

In order to promote new initiatives in the regions, similar offices have already been established in all regions of the Russian Federation. In addition to regional (territorial) officials and regional representatives of federal structures, they also included representatives of business and the public. For them, trainings and trainings are provided with the involvement of government representatives and leading experts from international consulting companies.

The federal office should help authorities at all levels to organize work on specific large-scale initiatives without compromising their performance of their standard obligations.

The experience of those regions where the project method was introduced several years ago, and which have already passed their path of mistakes, for example, is taken as a model.

In addition, it is planned to identify pilot regions in which to work out “master plans” suitable for all subjects.

What directions does the Federal Office lead

To date, a number of priority areas have already been identified on the most important issues, for each issue an appropriate project committee is being created, the work of which is led by a curator - a relevant deputy prime minister. The strategic directions, the promotion of initiatives in which the Federal Office will monitor, in particular, include:

  • healthcare(initiatives to improve care for women in childbirth and newborns, the introduction of new information technologies in healthcare, the development of emergency medical care for residents of hard-to-reach areas, improving the quality of medicines and controlling their circulation).
  • Education(development of an up-to-date educational environment with the introduction of digital technologies, training of highly qualified workers and specialists taking into account new standards, increasing the innovative component in the activities of universities, the possibility of affordable additional education for children).
  • Rental housing and mortgages.
  • Urbanism and infrastructure(high-quality housing and communal services and the development of a modern urban environment focused on the comfort of residents, safe roads, a comprehensive solution to the problems of single-industry towns).
  • Export potential and international relations(a system of cooperation between business representatives from different countries, in particular, in the agricultural sector and industry).
  • Increase in overall labor productivity, development of entrepreneurial initiative and small business.
  • Reforming the supervisory and control activities of state bodies.
  • Ecology(preservation of wildlife and prevention of increased pollution of water, air resources and land).

During 2017 alone, more than 200 billion rubles will be allocated from the state treasury for these priority areas. There are also strong financial incentives and career advancement for those involved in successful endeavors, which encourage top management to prevent sabotage on the ground. It is assumed that the bonus of an official involved in the implementation of priority initiatives will depend not only on his immediate superior, but also on the project manager. At the same time, three types of bonuses are possible: one-time (for a new current offer), quarterly (for directly performed work, taking into account personal labor costs and role in the implementation of the program) and final (based on the results of implementation).

Another distinctive feature of the new organization of work will be personal responsibility for the implementation of the plan on the part of its leader. This may be, in particular, the deputy minister of the relevant profile, the director of the relevant department, or the head of a specialized organization, for example, one of the development institutions.

Problematic issues that will need to be addressed by the project office

Innovations always face certain problems that have to be solved both promptly and by introducing into legislation or by-laws. This case is no exception.

In particular, according to many experts, the following problems will fall on the shoulders of the leadership of the Federal Office:

  • Resolution of disputes about the leaders of specific ideas. Some ministers want to personally manage all the processes, but this is hardly possible due to their lack of time. Representatives of the office consider the level of deputy minister or department director to be the best option, who will be able to constantly allocate time for this work. However, the difficulty here may be the fact that then the manager in the framework of the implementation of the program will have to report to senior persons.
  • Establishing cooperation between local government and business. Businessmen consider it necessary to carry out, at least according to an abbreviated procedure, a regulatory impact assessment, and not be limited only to discussion in the project group. In this matter, office workers appeal to the quality and operational activities of the curator, the public and business council and expert groups, which are able to see additional risks and promptly initiate changes to the plan.
  • Regulation of the conflict of performers. With the introduction of new methods, the executive specialist may find himself in a difficult situation: he will have to simultaneously report to his immediate supervisor (minister, head of administration) and the head of the priority program being implemented. This will lead to an increase in the burden on the official and the emergence of conflicts. The solution can be an automated report on the program, without unnecessary paperwork, as well as the ability to work on a priority task in your free time (vacation, weekends, evenings and nights).

    Compensation for this will be the possibility of self-realization, career growth and tangible material incentives.

To solve the problem with personnel training, it is planned to organize a training center for project managers on the basis of the RANEPA. There, specialists from ministries, departments and regions will be able to acquire unique soft-skills in terms of the ability to work as part of a single team with horizontal connections.

It is assumed that the Federal and regional offices, working in a mode of constant interaction with each other, as well as with business structures, will be able to increase the efficiency of the Russian economy, support entrepreneurial initiative and solve the most pressing social issues.