
Azimuth to the object by compass. Orientation of movement on the ground by azimuths: orientation angles. How to use a magnetic compass

Azimuth is the angle formed between the direction towards any terrain object and the direction to the north.

Azimuths are counted from 0 to 360° clockwise.

So, in Fig. 1 azimuths will be:

On a deciduous tree 50°

To factory pipe 135°

To the road sign 210°

On coniferous wood 330°

Determination of azimuth by compass

To determine the azimuth on the ground, you need to:

stand facing in the direction of the object to which you want to determine the azimuth;
orient the compass, that is, place its zero division (or the letter C) under the darkened end of the compass needle;
by rotating the compass cover, aim the sighting device at the object;
Against the pointer of the sighting device facing the object, read the azimuth value.

To determine a given azimuth on the ground, you need to:

set the pointer of the compass sighting device with a point above the division corresponding to the value of the specified azimuth;
turn the compass so that the sight pointer is in front;
- turn yourself along with the compass until the zero point coincides with the northern end of the arrow; the direction of the viewfinder pointer will be the direction along the given azimuth.
The alignment of the sighting line with the direction towards the object (target) is achieved by repeatedly moving the gaze from the sighting line to the target and back. It is not recommended to raise the compass to eye level, as the measurement accuracy will decrease. The accuracy of measuring azimuths using Andrianov's compass is plus or minus 2-3°.

Azimuth movement

To move along a given azimuth you need to:

study on the map the area between the starting and final points of movement and outline a route that is easily recognizable by local objects;
draw the chosen route on the map and determine the azimuths of all route links;
determine on the map the length of each link of the route in steps (a pair of steps is on average 1.5 m);
write down all data for movement in the field book in the form of a table or schematic drawing

Having arrived at the starting point, you should:

navigate by compass;
set the pointer of the movable compass ring against a reference equal to the azimuth of the first link of the route (in our example - 335°);
smoothly turn the compass until the zero division coincides with the northern end of the arrow; then the sighting device will show the direction of movement in azimuth - 335°;
in this direction, select an object and go to it. Having approached the object, you need to check the orientation of the compass and continue the path to the first turning point;
At the first turning point, you need to set the compass azimuth to the next turning point and move to it in the same way as from the starting point.

Determining azimuths on a map with a protractor

First, the landmarks chosen along the route of movement are connected by a straight line, but so that this line intersects at least one of the vertical lines of the kilometer grid. No rice. 196, the direction "barn - ravine" crossed the kilometer line marked 61, and the direction "barn - bridge" crossed the line marked 60.

Then use a protractor to measure the angle from the north direction of the vertical line of the kilometer grid clockwise to the direction towards the object. In this case, the protractor is applied to the vertical line of the kilometer grid so that the mark (dash) on the protractor ruler coincides with the point where the drawn direction intersects the vertical line of the kilometer grid, and the extreme divisions of the protractor (0 and 180) align with the direction of this line.

In the figure, in the direction "barn - ravine" the azimuth is 65 °, in the direction "barn - bridge" 274 ° (180° + 94° = 274°).

Magnetic needle deviation or direction correction is the angle between the vertical line of the kilometer grid and the compass needle (magnetic meridian). Data on the declination value of the needle is always given under the southern (lower) side of the map frame in the form of a diagram and text.

Determination of magnetic azimuths

This is done in contrast to the above on an oriented map, taking into account magnetic declination. Magnetic declination is either eastern with a “+” sign or western with a “-” sign. Knowing the magnitude and sign of the deviation, it is not difficult to combine the direction of one of the sides of the frame of the map sheet (western or eastern) with the direction of the true meridian (Fig. 197). When the sides of the map frame are aligned with the direction of the true meridian, the map will be oriented accurately.

In practice they do it like this:

install a compass on one of the sides of the map so that the north-south line of the compass scale coincides with the direction of this side of the frame, and the zero (C) on the scale is directed to the north side of the map frame;
release the brake of the compass needle and, when the needle calms down, turn the map until the needle points to its northern end opposite the zero division (C) of the compass scale,
rotate the map without moving the compass so that the northern end of the arrow is opposite the division corresponding to the magnitude and sign of declination for a given map sheet (in the figure, the map is oriented at declination - 10, west);
the map oriented in this way is fixed;
connect landmarks with straight lines: ravine - barn, barn - stone;
set the compass on the drawn straight line between the landmark so that the “north-south” line of the scale coincides with this direction, and the zero division (C) is directed in the direction of movement;
when the arrow calms down, count on the scale against the northern end of the arrow; subtract the resulting reading from 360°, this difference will be the magnetic azimuth.

Measuring the distance between landmarks

Measuring the distance between landmarks is done as follows:

determine the length of segments on the map with a compass or ruler;

using the map scale, they find out what distance the segments on the ground correspond to;
For example, on a map at a scale of 1:25,000, the measured distance between two landmarks is 6.4 cm. The scale value is 250 m in 1 cm.

The distance will be 250 x 6.4 = 1600 m.

The movement begins by finding the desired azimuth of the direction of movement. In the direction of movement, it is advisable to select and remember the most distant landmark possible. While moving, the distance traveled is counted (usually in pairs of steps).

If the landmark is not at this point, a sign or one or two fighters are left at the exit point, and the landmark is searched within a radius equal to 0.1 of the distance traveled from the previous landmark.

When moving, additional landmarks are used: power lines, rivers, roads, etc.

Avoiding obstacles, depending on the conditions, can be done in one of the following ways:

If there is visibility through an obstacle:

notice a landmark in the direction of movement on the opposite side of the obstacle;
bypass the obstacle and continue moving from the noticed landmark, determine the width of the obstacle in any way and add it to the distance traveled;
In the absence of visibility through an obstacle, for example, when going around a forest blockage, as well as in conditions of limited visibility: fog, rain, etc.

Let us assume that the movement was made at an azimuth of 65 ° and 340 pairs of steps were taken before stopping in front of the obstacle (in Fig. 198 this is point 1.) After studying the area, it was decided to make a detour on the right side. Using a compass, determine the azimuth of the direction along the obstacle (from point 1 to point 2), continue moving in this direction, counting the pairs of steps to the right edge of the obstacle. In the figure, the azimuth is 145° and the distance traveled is 180 pairs of steps. Having made a stop at point 2, use the compass to determine the direction corresponding to the initial azimuth along which the movement was made to the obstacle (65 °) and continue to move until the obstacle is exceeded. Counting in pairs of steps is carried out from point 2 to the stopping point behind the obstacle (point 3). In the figure, the distance traveled is 270 pairs of steps. From point 3, movement is made to the left along the reverse azimuth of the direction from point 1 to point 2.

Bypassing obstacles in azimuths

in the figure, the back azimuth is 325 °) until a distance of 180 pairs of steps is covered (in the figure to point 4). At point 4, determine the direction according to the original azimuth (65 °) and adding to the distance traveled to the obstacle the distance from point 2 to point 3 (Fig. 198 this is 340 pairs of steps + 270 pairs of steps) they continue moving to a new landmark.

Soldiers need to remember that reverse azimuth differs from direct azimuth by 180 degrees. For example, Am = 330, the return azimuth will be 330 - 180 = 150. am= 30, the return will be 180 + 30 = 210.

Converting the length of each section between landmarks into pairs of steps: from landmark 1 to landmark 2 will be 1200 m. 1200: 1.5 = 800 p.s. (1.5 m is the average length of 2 pairs of steps).

Drawing a detected object on a map

This is one of the most important moments in the work of a scout. The accuracy of determining its coordinates depends on how accurately the object (target) is plotted on the map. A mistake will cause fire from weapons in an empty area.

Having discovered an object (target), the reconnaissance officer must first accurately determine by various signs what has been discovered. Then, without stopping observing the object and without detecting yourself, put the object on the map.

There are several ways to plot an object on a map.

Visually: an object is plotted on the map if it is located near a known landmark.

By direction and distance: orient the map, find your standing point on it, indicate on the map the direction to the detected object and draw a line, determine the distance to the object, plot this distance on the map from the standing point. The resulting point will be the position of the object on the map. If it is graphically impossible to solve the problem in this way (the enemy is in the way, poor visibility, etc.), then you need to accurately measure the azimuth to the object, then translate it into a directional angle and draw on the map from the standing point the direction at which to plot the distance to the object. To obtain a directional angle, you need to add the magnetic declination of a given map to the magnetic azimuth (direction correction).

Drawing an object on a map using a straight line

Straight serif. In this way, an object is placed on a map of 2-3 points from which it can be observed. To do this, from each selected point, the direction to the object is drawn on an oriented map, then the intersection of the lines determines the location of the object (Fig. 199).

Hi all! Continuing the topic of terrain orientation, as promised, I propose an article about azimuth and how to determine it. On any hike or journey, when using a map, if poor visibility or the terrain does not allow you to visually compare the map and the terrain, determining the azimuth and moving along it will greatly facilitate the task of orientation. So, what is azimuth?

Azimuth is the angle between the direction of the geographic meridian and the direction to any distant object from the observation point (denoted as Am). Azimuth is measured in degrees and can range from 0° to 360°, usually measured clockwise. Azimuths can be forward and backward. Direct azimuth, measured from 0° clockwise, shows the direction from the observer to the object. Reverse azimuth shows the direction from the object to the observer. To obtain a reverse azimuth, you need to add 180° to the forward azimuth if the forward azimuth is less than 180°, or subtract this value if it is more than 180°. Example: direct azimuth to a lonely tree is 330°, then the reverse azimuth will be: 330°-180°=150°. To quickly determine landmarks, you need to remember the directions of the main and intermediate sides of the horizon in degrees, clockwise: North - 0° (or 360°, if counterclockwise), East - 90°, Northeast - 45°, Southeast - 135°, South - 180°, South-West - 225°, West - 270°, North-West - 315°.

When determining the cardinal directions (horizon), it is necessary to take into account that the geographical and magnetic poles of the earth do not coincide; they are located at some distance from each other. Therefore, the compass needle does not point exactly to the North, but slightly to the side, to the North Magnetic Pole. The same thing happens with the South Pole, in the southern hemisphere of the earth. To avoid confusion in calculations, you need to know that any map is oriented to the geographic pole, and the compass needle points to the magnetic pole. The difference between them is several degrees, this angle is called Magnetic declination. Magnetic declination may be Eastern; the compass needle deviates east of the true (geographical) meridian and is designated “+”. Or Western, the arrow deflects to the west and the designation “-”. This difference must be taken into account when transferring the azimuth obtained on the map (true azimuth) to the azimuth along which you will walk using a compass (magnetic azimuth). When converting true azimuth to magnetic, with an eastern declination, the true azimuth must be reduced by the amount of declination, and with a western declination, increased. The magnitude of the magnetic declination is not the same in different areas, for example: for the Moscow region it is +7, +8° (eastern declination), but in general in Russia it varies within significant limits. There is a site where you can determine the magnetic declination for any point on earth.

To determine the azimuth on the ground using a compass, stand facing a landmark, the direction to which must be determined by rotating the compass, aligning the northern end of the compass needle with the zero division on the dial (compass dial). Next, leaving the compass body motionless and making sure that the needle does not move away from the zero division, we rotate the sighting device until the rear sight is aimed at the object whose azimuth needs to be determined. We mark near which number on the dial the triangle pointer stopped, combine the object, front sight and rear sight into one line, the resulting angle between the compass needle and the orientation object will be the desired azimuth.

Next, we will consider methods of moving on the map, using a pre-planned route, along azimuths. The number of landmarks and the choice of route are determined depending on the nature of the terrain, tasks and conditions of the upcoming movement. The main thing is to choose a route that would provide quick access to the designated landmark (object). Therefore, it is advisable to choose a route without unnecessary turns, with sections that are most convenient for movement, taking into account avoidance of obstacles encountered on the ground. And so, we select landmarks and connect them with straight lines (example in the figure); if they do not intersect the grid lines on the map, they need to be continued until they intersect, this is done to facilitate the determination of azimuth angles. After this, on the map, for each section of the route, we determine the directional angle and, by introducing a direction correction, we convert it to magnetic azimuth, which we write down on the map opposite the corresponding section. We measure this angle clockwise, using a protractor or compass. This is done this way: we lay the map with the route drawn on a flat surface, orient it as accurately as possible according to the compass, taking into account the direction correction. Then, without changing the orientation of the map, we apply a compass to the first line of the route, so that the North - South direction coincides with the drawn direction, while North should be directed in the direction of movement. After the compass needle has calmed down, we take a reading along the compass dial, under its northern end, subtract the resulting number from 360° and obtain the magnetic azimuth of the desired direction. For example (in the figure), in the first section the magnetic azimuth is: 360°-340°=20°, the azimuth of the second section: 360°-30°=330°, in the same way, sequentially, we determine the azimuths of all other sections of the route. Next, we measure the length of each section, on the ground this can be done using the method, pairs of steps (average length of 2 pairs of steps = 1.5 meters), example: if the distance of the section is 1200m, then in pairs of steps it will be: 1200: 1.5= 800 pairs of steps. It is also advisable to record the time of passage of each section on the clock. All data is also recorded on the map, against its plots.

When moving along azimuths, on the ground, you may encounter all sorts of obstacles (forest debris, swamps, lakes, etc.) that are easier to bypass than to overcome. Therefore, you need to be able to avoid obstacles without losing your orientation. Let's consider two ways to avoid obstacles: 1 when the opposite side of the obstacle is visible (Fig. a), 2 when the opposite side of the obstacle is not visible (Fig. b). In the first case, everything is simple: we notice a landmark in the direction of movement, on the opposite side of the obstacle, and without losing sight of it, we go around the obstacle, continuing to move along the planned route, from the landmark that we used when going around (Fig. a). The second case is more complicated, we proceed as follows, example: (Fig. b) let’s assume that the movement was made in an azimuth of 50° and 340 pairs of steps were taken before stopping in front of the obstacle. After studying the area, it was decided to go around the obstacle on the left side. Using a compass, we determine the azimuth of the direction along the obstacle (from point A to point B), and continue moving in this direction, while counting a couple of steps to the right edge of the obstacle. In the figure, the azimuth from point A to point B is 320°, and the distance traveled is 142 pairs of steps. We stop at point B, determine by compass the direction of the original azimuth along which you were moving until you meet an obstacle 50°, continue moving until you go beyond the obstacle and count in pairs of steps, from point B to leaving the obstacle to point C, in the figure , the distance is 238 pairs of steps. From point C we move to the right, we already have data on the azimuth of movement from point A to point B, we translate them into reverse azimuth (in the figure the reverse azimuth is 140°) and move from point C, along the reverse azimuth, counting exactly 142 pairs of steps , this will be point D, at point D, we again determine using the compass, the azimuth direction of the initial movement is 50° and continue moving along the intended route. Be sure to save data on avoiding obstacles and add distances to the route, this will help calculate the distance traveled when moving back along the same azimuths.

If the situation allows, it is best to avoid obstacles using linear landmarks, these can be clearings, rivers, streams, power lines; their azimuths are determined and marked on the map in advance, this will significantly facilitate the orientation of your movement on the go. At the slightest doubt about the correctness of movement, in both of the above cases, it is necessary to stop and clarify your location by carefully comparing the map with the terrain; an example of correct comparison of the map with the terrain is shown in the figure above.

To accurately orient the map, you can use an ordinary pencil, attaching it to the symbol of a landmark on the map (example in the figure, a bridge), and align its direction with the direction of the landmark on the ground. Then check whether all local objects and landforms located on the ground, to the right and left of the bridge, have the same location on the map. If all conditions match, the map is oriented correctly. And lastly, the main reasons for orientation errors are not faulty equipment, but the lack of skills and experience in using this equipment. Constant training and improving your knowledge in this area will help you find your way to the place you need in a critical situation. To start orienteering training, you don’t even have to leave the house, just determine the point of your location in the room and from it determine the azimuths of the objects in this room.

    You need to first understand what azimuth is. Read the definition below:

    As you can see, it is very easy to find the azimuth on the map. Determine the north direction, and then measure a clockwise angle from North to the object, as shown in the figure:

    First you need to learn how to use the map. We were taught at school that the top edge of the map is north, the bottom edge is south, east is on the right, and west is on the left. And at the same time they taught how to navigate the terrain: you need to stand facing the sunrise, then the south will be on the right, and the north on the left. Well, from the back - west. But if we need to determine the azimuth from the map, that is, the angle between the point we need and the meridian we are on, then we need a compass or protractor. We install the compass at the point of our stay, its arrow points to the north, and determine the angle by degrees on the reel. Or draw a line between the points: your location is the object - the nearest meridian. The protractor must be applied to this meridian and the angle determined by degrees.

    In order to move around the area using a compass, you will need to determine the azimuth from the map. This is important both for ships and aircraft that make long voyages and flights, and for travelers on foot who need to find their way in conditions of poor visibility, for example at night, when it is impossible to move along a landmark.

    In order to determine the azimuth, you need to take

    • travel map
    • compass
    • protractor
    • pencil
    • ruler

    Azimuth is the angle between the meridian of your location and the direction to the object. It is defined in degrees from zero to three hundred and sixty and is counted in a clockwise direction.

    In order to determine the azimuth, namely the direction to the object and, probably, the direction of your movement, you need to know your current location. Mark it on your map, based on the data indicated on the map.

    Now you need to find a landmark in the direction in which you need to move. Typically, straight-line movement in azimuth is possible only by air, as well as on the open sea. But on land this is only possible in the desert or open steppe. Therefore, mainly movement on land occurs along a broken line, while skirting natural obstacles. For this reason, the azimuth along the route will need to be periodically adjusted.

    To determine the azimuth, take a protractor, preferably a transparent one, as well as a pencil and ruler. The ruler must be placed on the map so that the point where you are and the landmark are on the same line along the ruler, and then draw a line with a pencil until it intersects with the next meridian. Now you should attach the protractor with its base to the meridian line. Now bring the central line to its intersection with the line you have already drawn in the direction of the desired landmark. On the arc of the protractor, in the same place where it intersects with the same line, take readings (in degrees). This is the desired azimuth.

    If you don't have a protractor, you can also use a compass, using its graduated card.

    But that's not all yet. For example, as a result of calculating your direction to an object (azimuth), you received 30 degrees. This is the true azimuth, which is usually different from the magnetic one. Therefore, if you point your compass at 30 degrees, you will be heading in the wrong direction. Therefore, you need to find on the map the note closest to your location with the value of magnetic declination, which is expressed in degrees and can be either negative or positive. Now enter the correction and move boldly, now guided by the compass.

    Attach a compass to the map, where there is a north and south arrow, and see what azimuth points to the object you want to know!

    We are required to:

    • compass;
    • map;
    • understanding where we need to go (direction of movement);
    • memory to remember the following information.

    We take our compass and put it on the map. We turn the compass so that in the end the arrow lies along the line Serer - South. By the way, the magnetic meridian runs along this line. Now the last step: we determine the angle between the line of the magnetic meridian and the direction of our movement (we count from the north, and always clockwise!).

    It’s easy to determine the azimuth on a map, but it’s much more difficult to follow it in reality! There’s even a saying: I’m walking along the Azimuth, i.e. on a bad road next to a good one.

    Azimuth they call the angle between the direction to a point and the direction to another point, an object from the observer’s position.

    Azimuth can be magnetic or geographic.

    The easiest way to determine azimuth is by compass, the second way is to use protractor and map.

    Place the compass at the point where you are now and look at the direction in degrees to the object where you want to go. For a more accurate determination, it is better to use a tourist compass (transparent) with a ruler to determine distances. You can draw a line on the map with a pencil from your point of location to the point where you want to go - then the azimuth will be more accurate. On some maps there is an arrow to orient the map in the north-south direction. If the arrow is not marked, then the top edge of the map is always north, the bottom edge is south.

    Once upon a time I knew how to use a compass, and I even had one, you know, the one with a watch strap and placed on the wrist, and it also had a phosphorus needle. A very wonderful thing, but to determine the azimuth you definitely need a transparent compass with a bulb (preferably a Board - that is, it is rectangular in shape like a Board).

    We will also need a topographic map, and it is better if it is on a large scale. This makes it easier for subsequent work and gaining the skill to use and apply, since it will be somewhat more difficult to understand on a world map.

    Now, having stopped on the ground and laid out the map on a flat surface, we apply the compass to the map. To do this, we draw a line from the point where we are currently located to the point to which we plan to move and where we want to be after some time. Now that we have drawn the line, we can do it with a pencil, or we can do it mentally, but now we apply the compass with a ruler. Any compass designed to determine azimuth has a ruler with a red stripe, and we combine this stripe with the line of movement. Now we fix the positions of the compass with our fingers, holding it securely in one position, pressing a little. Next, we must now orient the compass bulb in relation to the north and south of the map. For this purpose, lines are drawn on the map. These lines go from the bottom of the map, from the south, to the top of the map, to the north. Considering that the compass bulb is transparent, and there are also lines and degrees on the bulb, we turn the bulb and combine the north poles of the map and the compass bulb (combining the lines).

    Now that the compass is oriented along the course of movement, as well as along the poles of the map, you need to align yourself, along with the map and compass, relative to the poles. That is, turning in space, we make sure that the magnetic needle of the compass becomes its tip to the north.

    And now we can determine the azimuth, which is measured along the clock line from the red mark on the compass. In other words, the azimuth corresponds to the degree division of the card around the horizon, which is three hundred and sixty degrees. And now it’s enough for us to look carefully at the numbers, and the one that will be, as it were, in the center of the forward direction, will be the desired azimuth value in our given position, achieved as a result of correct orientation in space and on the ground. In one of the video examples attached, this figure is around two hundred and twenty-nine.

Determination of azimuth by compass

To determine the azimuth on the ground, you need to:

Face in the direction of the object to which you want to determine the azimuth;

Orient the compass, that is, place its zero division (or the letter C) under the darkened end of the compass needle;

By rotating the compass cover, aim the sighting device at the object;

Against the pointer of the sighting device, facing the object, read the azimuth value.

To determine a given azimuth on the ground, you need to:

Set the pointer of the compass sighting device with a point above the division corresponding to the value of the specified azimuth;

Turn the compass so that the sight pointer is in front;

Turn yourself along with the compass until the zero point coincides with the northern end of the arrow; the direction of the viewfinder pointer will be the direction along the given azimuth.

The alignment of the sighting line with the direction towards the object (target) is achieved by repeatedly moving the gaze from the sighting line to the target and back. It is not recommended to raise the compass to eye level, as the measurement accuracy will decrease. The accuracy of measuring azimuths using Andrianov's compass is plus minus 2 3°.

Azimuth movement

To move along a given azimuth you need to:

Study the area between the starting and final points of movement on a map and outline a route that is easily recognizable by local objects;

Draw the chosen route on the map and determine the azimuths of all route links;

Determine on the map the length of each link of the route in steps (a pair of steps is on average 1.5 m);

Record all movement data in the field book in the form of a table or schematic drawing.

Having arrived at the starting point, you should:

Navigate by compass;

Set the pointer of the moving compass ring against a reference equal to the azimuth of the first link of the route (in our example - 335°);

Smoothly turn the compass until the zero division coincides with the northern end of the arrow; then the sighting device will show the direction of movement in azimuth - 335°;

In this direction, choose some subject and go to it. Having approached the object, you need to check the orientation of the compass and continue the path to the first turning point;

At the first turning point, you need to set the compass azimuth to the next turning point and move to it in the same way as from the starting point.

Determining azimuths on a map with a protractor

First, the landmarks chosen along the route of movement are connected by a straight line, but so that this line intersects at least one of the vertical lines of the kilometer grid.

Then use a protractor to measure the angle from the north direction of the vertical line of the kilometer grid clockwise to the direction towards the object. In this case, the protractor is applied to the vertical line of the kilometer grid so that the mark (dash) on the protractor ruler coincides with the point where the drawn direction intersects the vertical line of the kilometer grid, and the extreme divisions of the protractor (0 and 180) align with the direction of this line.

In the figure, in the direction “barn - ravine” the azimuth is 65°, in the direction “barn - bridge” 274° 080°+94°= 274°).

Magnetic needle deviation or direction correction is the angle between the vertical line of the kilometer grid and the compass needle (magnetic meridian). Data on the declination value of the needle is always given under the southern (lower) side of the map frame in the form of a diagram and text.

Determination of magnetic azimuths

This is done in contrast to the above on an oriented map, taking into account magnetic declination. Magnetic declination is either eastern with a “+” sign or western with a “ ” sign. Knowing the magnitude and sign deviation, it is not difficult to combine the direction of one of the sides of the frame of the map sheet (western or eastern) with the direction of the true meridian.

When the sides of the map frame are aligned with the direction of the true meridian, the map will be oriented accurately.

In practice they do it like this:

Place a compass on one of the sides of the map so that the north-south line of the compass scale coincides with the direction of this side of the frame, and zero (C) on the scale is directed to the north side of the map frame;

Release the compass needle brake and, when the needle calms down, turn the map until the needle points to its northern end opposite the zero division (C) of the compass scale;

Rotate the map without moving the compass so that the northern end of the arrow is opposite the division corresponding to the magnitude and sign of declination for a given sheet of the map.

The map oriented in this way is fixed;

Connect the landmarks with straight lines: ravine - barn, barn - stone;

Place the compass on the drawn straight line between the landmark so that the “north-south” line of the scale coincides with this direction, and the zero division (C) is directed in the direction of movement;

When the arrow calms down, count on the scale against the northern end of the arrow; subtract the resulting reading from 360°, this difference will be the magnetic azimuth.

Measuring the distance between landmarks

Measuring the distance between landmarks is done as follows:

Determine the length of segments on the map with a compass or ruler;

Using the map scale, they find out what distance the segments on the ground correspond to;

For example, on a map at a scale of 1:25,000, the measured distance between two landmarks is 6.4 cm. The scale value is 250 m in 1 cm.

The distance will be 250 x 6.4 = 1600 m.

The data necessary for movement is drawn up in a specially designed route diagram, or in the form of a table.

The movement begins by finding the desired azimuth of the direction of movement.

In the direction of movement, it is advisable to select and remember the most distant landmark possible. While moving, the distance traveled is counted (usually in pairs of steps).

If the landmark is not at this point, a sign or one or two fighters are left at the exit point, and the landmark is searched within a radius equal to 0.1 of the distance traveled from the previous landmark.

When moving, additional landmarks are used: power lines, rivers, roads, etc.

Avoiding obstacles, depending on the conditions, can be done in one of the following ways:

If there is visibility through an obstacle:

Notice a landmark in the direction of movement on the opposite side of the obstacle;

Go around the obstacle and continue moving from the noticed landmark, determine the width of the obstacle in any way and add it to the distance traveled;

In the absence of visibility through an obstacle, for example, when going around a forest blockage, as well as in conditions of limited visibility: fog, rain, etc.

Let us assume that the movement was made in an azimuth of 65° and 340 pairs of steps were taken before stopping in front of the obstacle. After studying the area, it was decided to make a detour on the right side. Using a compass, determine the azimuth of the direction along the obstacle (from point 1 to point 2), continue moving in this direction, counting the pairs of steps to the right edge of the obstacle. In the figure, the azimuth is 145°, and the distance traveled is 180 pairs of steps. Having made a stop at point 2, use the compass to determine the direction corresponding to the initial azimuth along which the movement was made to the obstacle (65°) and continue to move until leaving the obstacle. Counting in pairs of steps is carried out from point 2 to the stopping point behind the obstacle (point 3). In the figure, the distance traveled is 270 pairs of steps. From point 3, the movement is made to the left along the reverse azimuth of the direction from point 1 to point 2 (in the figure, the reverse azimuth is 325°) until a distance of 180 pairs of steps is covered (in the figure to point 4). At point 4, determine the direction according to the original azimuth (65°) and adding the distance from point 2 to point 3 to the distance traveled to the obstacle, continue moving to a new landmark.

Soldiers need to remember that reverse azimuth differs from direct azimuth by 180 degrees. For example, Am = 330, the return azimuth will be 330 180 = 150 Am = 30, the return will be 180+30 = 210.

Converting the length of each section between landmarks into pairs of steps: from landmark 1 to landmark 2 will be 1200m. 1200: 1.5 = 800 p.s. (1.5 m - average length of 2 pairs of steps).

Drawing a detected object on a map

This is one of the most important moments in the work of a scout. The accuracy of determining its coordinates depends on how accurately the object (target) is plotted on the map. A mistake will cause weapons to fire into an empty area.

Having discovered an object (target), the reconnaissance officer must first accurately determine by various signs what has been discovered. Then, without stopping observing the object and without detecting yourself, put the object on the map.

There are several ways to plot an object on a map.

Visually: an object is plotted on the map if it is located near a known landmark.

By direction and distance: orientate the map, find your standing point on it, indicate on the map the direction to the detected object and draw a line, determine the distance to the object, plot this distance on the map from the standing point. The resulting point will be the position of the object on the map. If it is graphically impossible to solve the problem in this way (the enemy is in the way, poor visibility, etc.), then you need to accurately measure the azimuth to the object, then translate it into a directional angle and draw on the map from the standing point the direction at which to plot the distance to the object. To obtain a directional angle, you need to add the magnetic declination of a given map to the magnetic azimuth (direction correction).

Straight serif. In this way, an object is placed on a map of 2 x 3 points from which it can be observed. To do this, from each selected point, the direction to the object is drawn on an oriented map, then the intersection of the lines determines the location of the object.

Determination of coordinates and target designation

To indicate the approximate location of an object on the map, it is enough to indicate the grid square in which it is located. The square is always indicated by the numbers of kilometer lines, the intersection of which forms the southwestern (lower left) corner. When indicating the square of the map, the following rule is followed: first they call two numbers signed at the horizontal line (on the western side), that is, the “X” coordinate, and then two numbers at the vertical line (the southern side of the sheet), that is, the “Y” coordinate. In this case, “X” and “Y” are not said. For example, enemy tanks were spotted. When transmitting a report by radiotelephone, the square number is pronounced:

"eighty eight zero two."

If the position of a point (object) needs to be determined more accurately, then full or abbreviated coordinates are used.

Working with full coordinates. It is required to determine the coordinates of the road sign in square “8803” on a map at a scale of 1:50,000. First, determine the distance from the lower horizontal side of the square to the road sign (600 m on the ground). In the same way, measure the distance from the left vertical side of the square (500 m). Now, by digitizing kilometer lines, we determine the full coordinates of the object. The horizontal line has the signature “5988” (X), adding the distance from this line to the road sign we get: X = 5988 600. We determine the vertical line in the same way and get 2403 500. The full coordinates of the road sign are as follows: X = 5988 600 m, Y = 2403 500 m. Abbreviated coordinates: X = 88 600 m, Y = 03 500 m.

Another variant. The data of the Disguised Command Post (CCP) is known: X = 90,850, Y = 02,550. We carry out the calculation:

1. First, we determine the square in which the object is located.

2. We set aside 850 m along a vertical line, and from this point we draw a horizontal line.

3. Now we set aside 550 m from the horizontal line below and draw a vertical line. The intersection of the lines will be the desired ZCP.

A special coordinateometer is manufactured: a square with two mutually perpendicular scales. Labels on the scales show the number of hundreds of meters on the map scale. This square is used both when determining coordinates on the map and when plotting objects on the map.

The position of the target in the square is specified in two ways:

According to the “snail” - the square is divided into 9 parts, which are designated by numbers, a number specifying the location of the object inside the square is added when indicated to the designation of the square, for example: ZKP - 5015 and 7;

By letter - the square is divided into 4 parts, which are designated by letters, for example, mortar battery 4016 B.

Determining distances on the ground

Very often, a scout needs to determine the distances to various objects on the ground, as well as estimate their sizes. Distances are most accurately and quickly determined using special instruments (rangefinders) and rangefinder scales of binoculars, stereo scopes, and sights. But due to the lack of instruments, distances are often determined using improvised means and by eye.

The simplest ways to determine the range (distances) to objects on the ground include the following: - by eye; - by linear dimensions of objects; - by visibility (discernibility) of objects; - by the angular magnitude of known objects: - by sound.

By eye - this is the easiest and fastest way. The main thing in it is the training of visual memory and the ability to mentally lay down a well-imagined constant measure on the ground (50, 100, 200, 500 meters).

Having fixed these standards in memory, it is not difficult to compare with them and estimate distances on the ground.

When measuring distance by successively mentally setting aside a well-studied constant measure, one must remember that the terrain and local objects seem reduced in accordance with their distance, that is, when removed by half, the object will seem half as large.

Therefore, when measuring distances, the mentally plotted segments (measures of terrain) will decrease according to the distance.

The following must be taken into account:

The closer the distance, the clearer and sharper the visible object seems to us;

The closer an object is, the larger it appears;

Larger objects appear closer than small objects located at the same distance;

A brighter colored object appears closer than a dark colored object;

Brightly lit objects appear closer to dimly lit ones at the same distance;

During fog, rain, twilight, cloudy days, when the air is saturated with dust, observed objects seem further away than on clear and sunny days;

The sharper the difference in color between the object and the background against which it is visible, the more reduced the distances appear; for example, in winter a snow field seems to bring the darker objects on it closer;

Objects on flat terrain seem closer than on hilly terrain, distances defined across vast expanses of water seem especially shortened;

Folds of the terrain (river valleys, depressions, ravines), invisible or not fully visible to the observer, conceal the distance;

When observing while lying down, objects appear closer than when observing while standing;

When observed from bottom to top - from the base of the mountain to the top, objects appear closer, and when observed from top to bottom - further away.

When the sun is behind the scout, the distance disappears;

shines into the eyes - it seems larger than in reality;

The fewer objects there are in the area under consideration (when observed through a body of water, a flat meadow, steppe, arable land), the shorter the distances seem.

The accuracy of the eye depends on the intelligence of the scout. For a distance of 1000 m the usual error ranges from 10 to 20%.

By linear dimensions. To determine the distance using this method, you need to:

Hold a ruler in front of you at arm's length (50-60 cm from the eye) and use it to measure in millimeters the apparent width or height of the object to which you want to determine the distance;

Divide the actual height (width) of an object, expressed in centimeters, by the apparent height (width) in millimeters, and multiply the result by 6 (a constant number), to obtain the distance.

For example, if a pole 4 m high (400 cm) is closed along an 8 mm ruler, then the distance to it will be 400 x 6 == 2400; 2400: 8 == 300 m (actual distance).

To determine distances in this way, you need to know well the linear dimensions of various objects, or have this data at hand (on a tablet, in a notebook). The reconnaissance officer must remember the dimensions of the most frequently encountered objects, since they are required and for the angular measurement method, which is the main method for reconnaissance officers with the naked eye, the distance to targets (objects) can be approximately determined by the degree of their visibility. A scout with normal visual acuity can see and distinguish some objects from the following maximum distances indicated in the table. It must be borne in mind that the table indicates the maximum distances from which certain objects begin to be visible. For example, if a scout saw a pipe on the roof of a house, this means that the house is no more than 3 km away, and not exactly 3 km. It is not recommended to use this table as a reference. Each intelligence officer must individually clarify this data for himself.

When determining distances by eye, it is advisable to use landmarks whose distances are already precisely known.

By angular value. To apply this method, you need to know the linear size of the observed object (its height, length or width) and the angle (in thousandths) at which this object is visible.

Then the distance to the observed object is determined by the formula: P = Bx100/U, where P is the distance to the object; B is one of the linear quantities; Y is the angle at which the linear magnitude of the object (object) known to the observer is visible; 1000 is a constant coefficient.

For example, the height of a railway booth is 4 meters, the scout sees it at an angle of 25 thousandths (the thickness of a little finger). Then the distance to the booth will be 4 x 1000 = 4000 divided by 25, that is, 160 meters. Or a scout sees a Leopard 2 tank at a right angle from the side. The length of this tank is 7 meters 66 centimeters. Let's assume that the viewing angle is 40 thousandths (the thickness of the thumb). Therefore, the distance to the tank is 191.5 meters.

To determine the angular value, you need to know that a segment of 1 mm, distant from the eye by 50 cm, corresponds to an angle of two thousandths (written: O02). From here it is easy to determine the angular value for any segments. For example, for a segment of 0.5 cm the angular value will be 10 thousandths (0 10), for a segment of 1 cm 20 thousandths (0 20), etc. The easiest way is to memorize the standard values ​​of thousandths:

Angular values ​​(in thousandths of distance)

Name of items Size in thousandths

Thumb thickness 40

Index finger thickness 33

Middle finger thickness 35

Little finger thickness 25

Cartridge width 12

Sleeve across body width 18

Simple pencil 10 11

Matchbox length 60

Matchbox width 50

Matchbox height 30

Match thickness 2.

Orientation by sounds

At night and in fog, when observation is limited or impossible at all (and in very rough terrain and in the forest both at night and during the day), hearing comes to the aid of vision.

Scouts must learn to determine the nature of sounds (that is, what they mean), the distance to the sources of sounds and the direction from which they come. If different sounds are heard, the scout must be able to distinguish them from one another. The development of such an ability is achieved through long-term training (in the same way a professional musician distinguishes the voices of instruments in an orchestra).

Almost all sounds that indicate danger are made by humans. Therefore, if a scout hears even the faintest suspicious noise, he must freeze in place and listen. It is possible that an enemy is hiding not far from him. If the enemy starts moving first, thereby giving away his location, then he will be the first to die. If a scout does this, the same fate will befall him. In the same way, an inexperienced or impatient hunter reveals his presence to the animal he is hunting. A skilled hunter surpasses animals with his endurance.

On a summer night, even an ordinary human voice in an open space can be heard far away, sometimes half a kilometer. On a frosty autumn or winter night, all kinds of sounds and noises can be heard very far away. This applies to speech, steps, and the clinking of dishes or weapons. In foggy weather, sounds can also be heard far away, but their direction is difficult to determine. On the surface of calm water and in the forest, when there is no wind, sounds travel a very long distance. But the rain greatly muffles the sounds. The wind blowing towards the scout brings sounds closer and away from him. It also carries sound away, creating a distorted picture of the location of its source. Mountains, forests, buildings, ravines, gorges and deep hollows change the direction of sound, creating an echo. They also generate echoes and water spaces, facilitating its spread over long distances.

The sound changes when its source moves on soft, wet or hard soil, along the street, along a country or field road, on pavement or soil covered with leaves. It must be taken into account that dry soil transmits sounds better than air. Therefore, they listen by putting their ear to the ground or to tree trunks.

Average range of audibility of various sounds during the day on flat terrain, km (summer)

Sound source Sound audibility Characteristic sound features (enemy actions)

The noise of a moving train 10

Locomotive or steamship whistle, factory siren 7 10

Burst shooting from rifles and machine guns 5

Shot from a hunting rifle 3.0

Car horn 2 3

The tramp of horses at a trot on soft ground 0.6

on highway 1.0

Human scream 1 1.5

Horses neighing, dogs barking 2 3

Spoken speech 0.1 0.2

Splash of water from oars 0.25 0.5

Clinking of pots, 0.5 spoons

Crawling 0.02

Infantry movement in formation:

on the ground 0.3 Smooth dull noise on the highway 0.6

The sound of oars on the side of the boat 1 1.5

Digging out trenches by hand 0.5 1 Hitting rocks with a shovel

Driving in wooden spears: Thumping sound evenly manually 0.3 0.6 alternating blows mechanically 0.8

Chopping and felling trees: Sharp knock of an ax, manually (with an ax) 0.3 0.4 squeal of a saw, intermittent with a chainsaw 0.7 0.9 knock of a gasoline engine, thud of a tree falling 0.8 1.0 on the ground of a cut tree

Vehicle movement: Smooth noise on a dirt road 0.5 motors on the highway 1 1.5 Sharp noise

Movement of tanks, self-propelled guns, infantry fighting vehicles: engines on the ground 2 3 simultaneously with the sharp metallic clang of tracks along the highway 3 4

Engine noise of a standing tank, BMP 1 1.5

Movement of towed artillery: A sharp, jerky sound along the highway 1 2 the rumble of metal and 2 3 the noise of engines

Artillery battery firing 10 15


Shot from gun 6

Mortar firing 3 5

Shooting from large caliber 3

machine guns

Machine gun shooting 2

Single shot from a 1.2 rifle

At night, sounds are well transmitted through the ground. There are certain ways to help you listen at night, namely: - lying down: put your ear to the ground;

Standing: lean one end of the stick against your ear, rest the other end on the ground;

Stand slightly leaning forward, shifting the center of gravity of the body to one leg, with a half-open mouth - the teeth are a conductor of sound.

A trained scout, when sneaking up, if only his life is dear to him, lies on his stomach and listens while lying down, trying to determine the direction of the sounds.

This is easier to do by turning one ear in the direction from which the suspicious noise is coming. To improve audibility, it is recommended to apply bent palms, a bowler hat, or a piece of pipe to the auricle. To better listen to sounds, a scout can put his ear to a dry board placed on the ground, which acts as a sound collector, or to a dry log dug into the ground. If necessary, you can make a homemade water stethoscope. To do this, use a glass bottle (or metal flask), filled with water up to the neck, which is buried in the ground until the water level in it. A tube (plastic) is tightly inserted into the cork, onto which a rubber tube is placed. The other end of the rubber tube, equipped with a tip, is inserted into the ear. To check the sensitivity of the device, hit the ground with your finger at a distance of 4 m from it (the sound of the impact is clearly audible through the rubber tube).

When learning to recognize sounds, it is necessary to reproduce the following for educational purposes:

1. Extraction of trenches.

2. Dropping sandbags.

3. Walking on the boardwalk.

4. Hammering the metal pin.

5. Sound when the shutter of the machine gun is operating (when opening and closing it).

6. Putting a sentry on duty.

7. The sentry lights a match and lights a cigarette.

8. Normal conversation and whispers.

9. Blowing your nose and coughing.

10. The sound of breaking branches and bushes.

II. Friction of a weapon barrel against a steel helmet.

12. Walking on a metal surface.

13. Cutting barbed wire.

14. Mixing concrete.

15. Shooting from a pistol, machine gun, machine gun with single shots and bursts.

16. Engine noise of a tank, infantry fighting vehicle, armored personnel carrier, vehicle in place.

17. Noise when driving on dirt roads and highways.

18. Movement of small military units (squad, platoon) in formation.

19. Dogs barking and yelping.

20. The noise of a helicopter flying at different altitudes.

Location orientation

To navigate the area means to find the directions to the cardinal directions (north, south, east and west) and determine your location.

To find the direction according to the cardinal points, first determine the north-south direction; after which, facing north, the determiner will have to the right - east, to the left - west.

The cardinal directions are usually found using a compass, and in the absence of one, using the Sun, Moon, stars and some signs of local objects.

By compass

Using a compass, you can most conveniently and quickly determine north, east, south, west. To do this, you need to give the compass a horizontal position, release the arrow from the clamp, and let it calm down. Then its dark end will be directed to the north.

To determine the accuracy of the deviation of the direction of movement from the direction to the north or to determine the positions of terrain points in relation to the direction to the north and counting them, divisions are marked on the compass, of which the lower divisions are indicated in degrees (the smallest division is 3°), and the upper divisions of the protractor in tens of thousands. Degrees are counted clockwise from 0 to 360°, and protractor divisions are counted counterclockwise from 0 to 600°. The zero division is located at the letter “C” (north), there is also a triangle glowing in the dark, which replaces the letter “C” in some compasses. Under the letters “E” (east), “Y” (south), “W” (west) there are luminous dots.

On the movable cover of the compass there is a sighting device (sight and front sight), against which luminous indicators are mounted, which serve to indicate the direction of movement at night.

The most common compass in the army is the Andrianov system and the artillery compass.

Andrianov's compass allows you to make readings in degrees and thousandths. The inscriptions on the fixed scale of degree divisions (division value 3°) are given clockwise through 15°, and thousandths - in the opposite direction through 500 thousandths (5 00). The sighting device is movable.

The artillery compass is graduated only in thousandths with a division value of 100 thousandths (1 00) clockwise. The sighting device is stationary, and the scale (dial) rotates, which allows, without changing the position of the compass, to quickly align the zero division of the dial with the northern end of the magnetic needle. The mirror on the hinged lid allows you to control the orientation of the compass and count along the dial when sighting on an object.

A sports compass is very convenient for use by scouts, the needle of which is placed in a special liquid, so it quickly calms down and almost does not fluctuate when moving.

(?), ... systems management... and I.M. Zarutsky(cm. ...

 Question 1. What is orientation?

Orientation - determining your location relative to the elements of the surrounding space.

Question 2. Why is it necessary to navigate the terrain?

Orientation helps you find the right path and not get lost.

Question 3. What are the sides of the horizon?

There are four main sides of the horizon: north, south, east and west. Between them there are intermediate sides of the horizon: northeast, southwest, southeast, northwest.

Question 4. What is the name of the device that allows you to determine the sides of the horizon?

Compass. The magnetic compass needle allows you to determine the direction of north and south.

Question 5. What maps are convenient to use to determine azimuth over a small area of ​​terrain?

To determine azimuth over a small area of ​​terrain, it is more convenient to use large-scale maps.

Question 6. What is orientation?

Orientation means determining your location relative to the sides of the horizon.

Question 7. What are the main sides of the horizon?

There are four main sides of the horizon: north, south, east and west.

Question 8. What is azimuth?

Azimuth is the angle between the direction north and the direction towards a given object. Azimuth is determined using a compass and measured in degrees, plotted clockwise.

Question 9. What is azimuth measured in?

Azimuth is measured in degrees. Moreover, it must always be counted clockwise.

Question 10. What is the name of the device for determining the sides of the horizon?

Question 11. How is azimuth determined using a compass?

Install and orient the compass to the sides of the horizon. Now you need to outline the direction to the object of interest to you. Good compasses have a special sight (sight), with which you can determine this direction very accurately. Using the compass scale, determine how many degrees this direction deviates from north. This angle value in degrees will be the azimuth of the object. When determining the direction in which to move, they find some noticeable landmark ahead, the direction towards it must coincide with the azimuth. Such a landmark can be a bush, a separate tree, a lake, a well, a large stone - anything.

Question 12. Why is azimuth measured from the direction north?

Because the compass needle points north, and the azimuth is measured from the compass needle.

Question 13. What azimuth corresponds to the direction to the ENE?

The ENE direction azimuth is 67.3 degrees.

Question 14. How can you determine azimuth from a map without using a compass?

First, the landmarks chosen along the route of movement are connected by a straight line, but so that this line intersects at least one of the vertical lines of the kilometer grid. Then use a protractor to measure the angle from the north direction of the vertical line of the kilometer grid clockwise to the direction towards the object. In this case, the protractor is applied to the vertical line of the kilometer grid so that the line on the protractor ruler coincides with the point where the drawn direction intersects the vertical line of the kilometer grid, and the extreme divisions of the protractor (0 and 180) align with the direction of this line. Next, by decreasing or increasing the measured angles by the amount of magnetic needle deviation, we obtain magnetic azimuths.

Question 15. Create a practical task that requires the use of a compass.

Using a compass, draw up and diagram the road from home to school (shop, stadium).

Question 16. Using the topographic plan of the area on the flyleaf at the beginning of the textbook, determine the azimuth: a) from the flour mill to the well; b) from height mark 151.8 to height mark 129.5.

A) 76 degrees; B) 251 degrees.

Question 17. At what azimuth do you need to sail to get: a) from the island of Madagascar to the Somali peninsula; b) from the Hawaiian Islands to the island of Tasmania; c) from a point with coordinates 10° S. w. 160° W to a point with coordinates 10° N. w. 140° W d.?

A) North-west, 350 degrees. B) Southwest, 205 degrees. B) North-west 325 degrees.