
Composition of Diamonds in the work At the bottom (Image and characteristics). Composition of Tambourines in the work At the bottom (Image and characteristics) What we learn about the past of tambourines

Bubnov's characterization of the play "At the Bottom" and got the best answer

Reply from ~ [master]
Bubnov is a cap, one of the inhabitants of the flophouse, where he lives on credit. He tells about his past that he was once the owner of a dye shop, but his wife got along with the master, and B., in order to stay alive, chose to leave. The metaphor of “paint gone” resounded in his speech denotes the current position of the characters in the play - “former” people who have lost any social role. Regarding Luke, B. declares that people lie out of a desire to “touch up the soul,” but one should not hesitate to tell the truth. B. is characterized by wingless and somewhat cynical fatalism. He does not accept moral responsibility, claiming that he has no conscience because he is "not rich."

Answer from Jessica jones[guru]

B.'s position is skepticism, fatalism, he always belittles a person. He is cruel, does not want to retain any good qualities in himself. There is not a drop of compassion in him. To the dying Anna's request to be quieter, he replies: "noise is not a hindrance to death ...". He believes that "all people on earth are superfluous ...". From the point of view of B., it is at the absolute day of life that the true essence of a person is revealed, a layer of civilized, cultural life flies off him: "... everything faded away, one naked man remained." Apparently, by this he wants to say about the animal essence of man. B. sees in him only low, selfish, unwilling to take into account the development of social, cultural life. In this case, his phrase can be considered significant: "It turns out - no matter how you paint yourself, everything will be erased ... everything will be erased, yes!" Having descended to the very bottom of life, B. no longer believes in a person, he takes a passive, not only external but also an internal position.

Answer from Asatryanka[newbie]
Capsule, one of the inhabitants of the shelter. We learn that in the past he was the owner of a dye shop. But circumstances changed, his wife got along with the master, and in order to stay alive, he had to leave. Now this man has sunk to the very bottom.
B.'s position is skepticism, fatalism; he always belittles a person. He is cruel, does not want to retain any good qualities in himself. There is not a drop of compassion in him. To the dying Anna's request to be quieter, he replies: "noise is not a hindrance to death ...". He believes that "all people on earth are superfluous ...". From the point of view of B., it is at the absolute day of life that the true essence of a person is revealed, a layer of civilized, cultural life flies off him: "... everything faded away, one naked man remained." Apparently, by this he wants to say about the animal essence of man. B. sees in him only low, selfish, unwilling to take into account the development of social, cultural life. In this case, his phrase can be considered significant: "It turns out - no matter how you paint yourself, everything will be erased ... everything will be erased, yes!" Having descended to the very bottom of life, B. no longer believes in a person, he takes a passive, not only external but also an internal position.

The drama "At the Bottom" is a landmark work in Gorky's creative biography. Description of the heroes will be presented in this article.

This work was written at a crucial time for the country. In Russia, in the 90s of the XIX century, a serious erupted. The masses of impoverished, ruined peasants, after each crop failure, left the villages in search of work. Plants and factories were closed. Thousands of people were left without means of livelihood and shelter. This led to the emergence of a large number of "tramps" who sank to the bottom of life.

Who lived in the shelters?

Enterprising slum owners, taking advantage of the stalemate in their lives, have figured out how to make good use of the stinking basements. They turned them into shelters where beggars, unemployed, thieves, vagabonds and other representatives of the "bottom" lived. This work was written in 1902. The heroes of the play "At the Bottom" are just such people.

Throughout his entire creative career, Maxim Gorky was interested in a person, a person, the secrets of his Feelings and thoughts, dreams and hopes, weakness and strength - all this is reflected in the work. The heroes of the play "At the Bottom" are people who lived at the beginning of the 20th century, when the old world was crumbling and a new life arose. However, they differ from the rest in that they are rejected by society. These are people of the "bottom", outcasts. The place where Vaska Ashes, Bubnov, Actor, Satin and others live is unattractive and scary. According to Gorky's description, this is a cave-like basement. Its ceiling is stone vaults with crumbled plaster, sooty. Why did the inhabitants of the shelter find themselves "at the bottom" of life, what brought them here?

Heroes of the play "At the Bottom": table

herohow did you get to the bottomcharacter characteristicdreams

In the past he owned a dye shop. However, circumstances forced him to leave. Bubnov's wife got along with the master.

He believes that a person is not able to change fate. Therefore, Bubnov only goes with the flow. Shows often skepticism, cruelty, lack of positive qualities.

It is difficult to determine, given the negative attitude towards the whole world of this hero.


Life made this heroine become a prostitute. And this is the social bottom.

A romantic and dreamy person who lives with love stories.

For a long time she has dreamed of pure and great love, continuing to pursue her profession.


He was a real baron in the past, but he lost his wealth.

He does not perceive the ridicule of the inhabitants of the shelter, continuing to live in the past.

He wants to return to his former position, once again becoming a wealthy person.


A cheerful and always drunk shoemaker, who never tried to rise from the bottom, where frivolity led him.

As he himself says, he does not want anything. He says about himself that he is "good" and "funny".

I am always happy with everything, it is difficult to say about his needs. Most likely dreams of a "warm breeze" and "eternal sun".

Vaska Ashes

This is a hereditary thief who was imprisoned twice.

A weak character, a man in love.

She dreams of leaving for Siberia with Natalia and becoming a respectable citizen, starting a new life.


Sank to the bottom due to drunkenness.

Quotes often

She dreams of finding a job, recovering from alcoholism and getting out of the shelter.

LukeThis is a mysterious wanderer. Not much is known about him.Teaches compassion, kindness, consoles heroes, guides them.She dreams of helping everyone in need.
SatinHe killed a man, as a result of which he ended up in prison for 5 years.He believes that a person needs respect, not consolation.She dreams of conveying her philosophy to people.

What ruined the lives of these people?

Addiction to alcohol killed the Actor. By his own admission, he used to have a good memory. Now the Actor believes that everything is over for him. Vaska Ashes is a representative of the "thieves' dynasty". This hero had no choice but to continue his father's work. He says that even when he was little, even then he was called a thief. Former furrier Bubnov left the workshop because of his wife's betrayal, as well as out of fear of his wife's lover. He went bankrupt, after which he went to serve in one "government chamber", in which he embezzled. One of the most colorful figures in the work is Satin. He was a telegraph operator in the past, and went to jail for the murder of a man who insulted his sister.

Whom do the denizens blame?

Almost all the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" are inclined to blame not themselves for the current situation, but life circumstances. Perhaps, if they had developed differently, nothing would have changed significantly, and all the same, the hostels would have suffered the same fate. The phrase uttered by Bubnov confirms this. He admitted that he actually drank the workshop.

Apparently, the reason for the fall of all these people is their lack of a moral core that makes up a person's personality. You can cite the words of the Actor as an example: "Why did he die? I didn't have faith ..."

Was there a chance to live a different life?

Creating images of the heroes of the play "At the Bottom", the author gave each of them the opportunity to live a different life. That is, they had a choice. However, everyone's first test ended in the collapse of their lives. The baron, for example, could improve his affairs not by stealing state funds, but by investing money in profitable business that he had.

Satin could have taught the offender a lesson in another way. As for Vaska Ash, would there really be few places on earth where no one would know anything about him and his past? The same can be said for many of the denizens. They have no future, but in the past they had a chance not to get here. However, the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" did not use it.

How do the heroes comfort themselves?

Now they can only live with unrealizable hopes and illusions. Baron, Bubnov and Actor live The prostitute Nastya is amused by dreams of true love. At the same time, the characterization of the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" is complemented by the fact that these people, rejected by society, humiliated, are endlessly arguing about moral and spiritual problems. Although it would be more logical to talk about because they live from hand to mouth. The author's description of the characters of the play "At the Bottom" says that they are occupied with such issues as freedom, truth, equality, labor, love, happiness, law, talent, honesty, pride, compassion, conscience, pity, patience, death, peace and much more. They are also worried about an even more important problem. They talk about what a person is, why he is born, what is the true meaning of being. Luka, Satin, Bubnov can be called the philosophers of the shelter.

With the exception of Bubnov, all the characters in the work reject the "no-lodging" lifestyle. They hope for a lucky twist of fortune, which will bring them from the "bottom" to the surface. A tick, for example, says that he has been working from an early age (this hero is a locksmith), so he will certainly get out of here. "Here, wait ... wife dies ..." - he says. The actor, this chronic drunkard, hopes to find a luxurious hospital in which health, strength, talent, memory and applause from the audience will miraculously return to him. Anna, an unhappy sufferer, dreams of bliss and peace in which she will finally be rewarded for torment and patience. Vaska Ashes, this desperate hero, kills Kostylev, the owner of the shelter, because he considers the latter to be the embodiment of evil. His dream is to go to Siberia, where he will start a new life with his beloved girl.

Luke's role in the work

Keeping these illusions alive is Luke, the wanderer. He possesses the skill of a comforter and preacher. Maxim Gorky portrays this hero as a doctor who considers all people to be terminally ill and sees his calling in softening their pain and hiding it from them. However, at every step, life refutes the position of this hero. Anna, to whom he promises divine reward in heaven, suddenly wants to "live a little more ..." Believing first in a cure for alcoholism, the Actor takes his own life at the end of the play. Vaska Ashes defines the true value of all these consolations of Luke. He claims that he "speaks fairy tales" pleasantly, because there is so little good in the world.

Satin's opinion

Luke is full of sincere pity for the inhabitants of the shelter, but he cannot change anything, help people live a different life. In his monologue, Satine rejects such an attitude, since he considers it humiliating, suggesting the inconsistency and wretchedness of those to whom this pity is directed. The main characters of the play "At the Bottom", Satin and Luka, express opposite opinions. Satin says that it is necessary to respect a person and not humiliate him with pity. These words probably express the position of the author: "Man! .. It sounds ... proudly!"

The further fate of the heroes

What will become of all these people in the future, will the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" by Gorky be able to change something? It is not difficult to imagine their further fate. For example, Tick. He tries to get out of the "bottom" at the beginning of the piece. He thinks that when his wife dies, everything will magically change for the better. However, after the death of his wife, Tick is left without tools and money and sings gloomily along with others: "I won't run away anyway." In fact, he will not run away, like the other inhabitants of the shelter.

What is salvation?

Are there any ways of salvation from the "bottom" at all, and what are they? A decisive way out, perhaps, is outlined from this difficult situation in Satin's speech when he speaks about the truth. He believes that the purpose of a strong person is to eradicate evil, and not to comfort the suffering, like Luke. This is one of the most firm convictions of Maxim Gorky himself. "From the bottom" people can rise only by learning to respect themselves, gaining a sense of their own dignity. Then they will be able to bear the proud title of Human. It still needs to be earned, according to Gorky.

Declaring his faith in the creative powers, abilities and intelligence of a free person, Maxim Gorky affirmed the ideas of humanism. The author understood that in the mouths of Satin, a drunken tramp, the words about a free and proud person sound artificial. However, they were supposed to sound in the play, expressing the ideals of the writer himself. There was no one to say this speech except Satin.

Gorky refuted the main principles of idealism in his work. These are the ideas of humility, forgiveness, non-resistance. He made it clear what beliefs the future holds. This is proved by the fate of the heroes of the play "At the Bottom". The whole work is imbued with faith in man.

Bubnov is one of the inhabitants of the flophouse, a cap, who lives there on credit. In the past, he was the owner of a dye shop. However, his wife got along with the master, after which he chose to leave in order to stay alive. Now he has sunk to the very bottom and does not want to retain any positive qualities in himself. According to the play, he is cruel, devoid of compassion and in every possible way shows only his worst sides. Even to the request of the dying Anna not to make noise, she replies that noise is not a hindrance to death.

He deliberately chose this position, since he lost faith in the humanity of people. In his opinion, all people are "superfluous". Bubnov also claims that it is by being at the “bottom” that people show their true nature. Everything that is put on disappears and the person remains “naked”. Thus, he wants to emphasize the animal nature of man. He no longer wants to take into account the development of cultural and social life. He takes a passive position in everything. Bubnov's speeches are full of skepticism and fatalism. He openly admits that he has no conscience, just like he has no money.

The social drama of Gorky At the Bottom shows the lives of people who find themselves at the very bottom. All the heroes of the work live among various rabble in a flop. Here are thieves, cripples, beggars and strangers. They have become unnecessary, thrown out of society. Reading the play, you understand that there are no minor and main characters here. Each person is important here and his position is important. Tambourines belong to this type, whose we will give in our essay.

The image and characteristics of Bubnov

To understand the role of Bubnov in the play, you need to get acquainted with the work, where Gorky, in quotations, gives a description of the image he created. We know from the narrative that he was once a furrier, creating products from fur and leather. But his wife made a lover, and our hero runs away from sin. Indeed, at any moment the man could not stand it and kill both of them. So Bubnov turned out to be among other characters in a small basement. For a long time he eked out his existence in this place. Now he has a cap and often lives in debt, including not paying on time and for a flop. He is a fatalist and is sure that a person is powerless in the face of circumstances. He has only one thing to do, to accept the circumstances as they are, which is what the hero of the drama follows. The kartuznik is sure that if fate has written one thing, then there is no point in changing anything, because you cannot avoid what was intended. And it floats with the flow, no matter where it takes.

By nature, Bubnov was cruel, without a sense of support and the slightest sympathy. So, at the request of a sick neighbor not to make noise, he without a twinge of conscience throws cruel words that no noise can prevent her death.

Bubnov is a minor character in the play At the Bottom. He is a homeless man, forty-five years old, who lives in a shelter with other inhabitants. The reader discovers him at the very beginning of the story, sitting on a bunk, surrounded by the remains of accessories for making caps.

Previously, Bubnov owned a cap shop together with his wife. He himself was a furrier, worked with leather, dyed furs, which is why, according to him, his hands were yellow to the elbows and did not wash for a very long time. The prosperous and comfortable life of the captain Bubnov came to an end when his wife began an affair with one of the masters. The offended Bubnov tried to solve this matter with his fists: he beat his wife and fought with the master. However, their connection turned out to be strong, so for some time Bubnov lived in the so-called love triangle. He was already visited by thoughts about the murder of his wife, and he understood that it was impossible to live like this any longer. Then Bubnov decided to leave. The owner of the workshop was Bubnov's wife, so he was left on the street with nothing. From a self-sufficient person, Tambourines suddenly turned into a beggar. As well as other inhabitants of the shelter, Bubnov can be called a "former" person.

Now he tries to make money by making hats from the leftover material, but to no avail. He owes a lot for the shelter, because he drinks his earnings. He does not hide his weakness for alcohol. The drama of life left its mark on the professionalism of the cap - he is not able to sew in the same way as before, he is too lazy. Due to hopeless apathy, he does not immediately notice that he is sewing with rotten threads. He admits that before his hands were constantly at work, but now his hands are "just dirty."

Treason influenced Bubnov's worldview, made him a ruthless cynic and fatalist. According to Bubnov, it is in such difficult moments that the true essence of a person manifests itself. In the character of Bubnov, humility with his difficult fate is clearly noticeable. He does not see the point in lying, because a lie only "paints" a person, but sooner or later any "paint" will be erased. He could not survive the betrayal of his wife, did not find the strength to live on, but simply began to gradually sink to the bottom. Bubnov is not a stupid person, he perfectly knows how to understand people as if he sees right through them.

Tambourines as a character looks quite realistic both by the standards of those times and today. Perhaps Bubnov just needs some kind of catalyst, a new meaning of life, but so far he is not able to see it.


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