
Gone With the Wind. Book reviews "" by Alexander Ripley Scarlett description

The novel begins with Melanie Wilkes' funeral scene. Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler stands apart from all the mourners, seized with grief and the consciousness of her own loneliness: it was only on the day of Melanie's death that Scarlett understood and appreciated her. The bitterness from the loss of her only friend in her life is compounded by regret from understanding that Ashley Wilkes has not loved Scarlett for a long time (and hardly ever loved at all), and her true love, Rhett Butler, left her and Atlanta, admitting that his strong long-term feelings to his wife, Scarlett, left, "worn out."

Struck by the loss, Ashley rushes to the brink of the grave, Scarlett stops him, once again demonstrating "inappropriate" from the point of view of the "good society" of Atlanta present in full, closeness to Ashley.

After the funeral, Scarlett leaves for Tara, where she learns that her old nanny Mamushka is dying. Scarlett sends a telegram to Rhett asking him to come and say goodbye to the old maid. Near Mammy's deathbed, Rhett, at her request, promises to take care of "Miss Scarlett" and love her, but immediately after the old woman's death he breaks all hopes of his wife: he is not going to return to her, his promise was given only to calm the dying woman, everything between him and Scarlett it's over.

After Rhett's departure, Scarlett meets old friends - the Tarltons and Fontaines. The latter are very happy - after many years spent "on the run" after the assassination of Jonathan Wilkerston (the former manager in Tara, who became a "carpetbagger" and bosses in the Bureau of Free People), Tony Fontaine came to visit his family from Texas.

Also, thanks to Will Bentin, a rapprochement is planned between the sisters Scarlett and Suulin.

Scarlett returns to Atlanta, where he discovers that India Wilkes does not want to let her into the Hamilton house, although half of this house belongs to Scarlett and her son Wade Hamilton. Nevertheless, she fulfills Melanie's dying request - and cares about the "impractical" Ashley, especially since a financial crisis is brewing in the US economy and the Wilkes enterprise can easily go bankrupt. With the help of Uncle Henry Hamilton, Scarlett secretly organizes the construction of low-cost cottages for which Wilkes' sawmill must supply building materials. Willy-nilly, India also has to participate in the Wilkes support plan. The financial well-being of Ashley and his son Bo is secured.

After Melanie's death and Rhett's departure, Scarlett also realizes that she has no one to communicate with. She breaks off all relations with the "carpetbaggers" and "sticklers", driving them out of her house in the midst of a party. But at the same time, she is still not accepted in the living rooms of the "Old Guard" of Atlanta. Wanting to "shake things up" Scarlett attends a masquerade ball, where she unexpectedly meets Rhett. But her hopes of reunification fail again: Rhett patiently explains to her that he has returned only to quell the rumors that swirl around his departure and keep the appearance of family. Rhett leaves again. Left alone in her huge house, Scarlett begins to drink slowly. Several months pass before she realizes that she is rolling down and pulls herself together. Some time later, she receives another “duty” letter from her aunts - Pauline and Eulalia, who live in Charleston. From it, she learns that Rhett also lives in Charleston with his mother. Scarlett decides to stop waiting and follow Rhett herself. In the end, she is his wife and nothing prevents her from visiting her mother-in-law.

In Charleston, Scarlett finds a warm welcome at Eleanor Butler's home. Rhett's mother does not know about the breakup between her son and daughter-in-law, Scarlett takes advantage of this, and Rhett, not wanting to upset Eleanor, is forced to endure his wife's presence. The relationship with Rhett's younger sister Rosemary is much more difficult than with Eleanor: Rhett does not hide the true essence of relations with his wife from her. Rosemary is an intellectual, straightforward and independent spinster, although not explicitly, but sits on Rhett's side.

Scarlett tries to enter the high society of Charleston and at first it seems that she succeeds. She even tries to flirt with one of the married gentlemen, hoping to make Rhett jealous and return to her. But she soon realizes that she was too naive: Charleston is a much more "European" city than the puritanical and rustic Atlanta, and one of her new acquaintances directly advises Scarlett not to advertise her romance "on the side" with demonstrative flirting, but simply to secretly meet with her lover, on people pretending they barely know each other. Scarlett also receives a rebuke from Rhett: he does not care if his wife even cheats on him, but he does not want his mother to chew because of the rumors around Scarlett. Rhett proposes to break up completely, that is, to divorce. And he backs up his proposal with half a million dollars in gold as compensation. Humiliated by her defeat, Scarlett agrees. By agreement between the spouses, Scarlett must leave after the end of the big Season in Charleston, and before her departure, Rhett undertakes to behave with her like an impeccable spouse.

In the last sunny days of the Season, Scarlett persuades Rhett to take her on a yacht ride. However, during a walk to the sea, a storm breaks out, the yacht turns over and sinks. Rhett and Scarlett miraculously manage to escape and get out to a deserted shore, where they, overwhelmed by the joy of salvation, make love, and Rhett, in a half-forgotten state, admits that he still loves Scarlett ... However, after just a few hours, he again denies his wife reunion: he says that their night on the shore was an accidental coincidence - "I kissed you like a sailor who has gone ashore after a long voyage kisses the first woman who comes across." After that, Rhett leaves Charleston and leaves his wife a letter in which he says that he will not return until Scarlett herself leaves.

Scarlett decides to take her aunts to Savannah for her maternal grandfather's birthday. In addition, she should have visited the Savannah monastery for a long time, in which her youngest sister, Carrin, took monastic vows, in order to resolve the difficult situation with the third Tara, to which Carrin has all rights and which may be at the disposal of the monastery. However, Scarlett decides to inform Eleanor Butler of her departure not personally, but only by leaving a note for her. She, and everyone else, will never find out that this note was destroyed by Rosemary right after her departure ...

In Savannah, Scarlett lives in the house of Pierre Robillard. She does not like her cold and prim grandfather; she is annoyed by the way he treats the aunts, and the way the aunts curry favor with him. She decides to find relatives of her father - Gerald O'Hara, and meets a huge family of Irish merchants, who noisily and joyfully welcomes their relative, "the real noble Lady O'Hara". For the first time in a long time, Scarlett feels needed by someone. Even realizing that all Savannah O'Haras are ignoble people by local standards, even vulgar (this is especially evident in contrast to Pierre Robillard and his lifestyle), Scarlett begins to spend more and more time with them. She receives a letter from Henry Hamilton, who informs her of the receipt of half a million dollars from Rhett and that Rhett himself is looking for her to settle the divorce. Henry Hamilton, a principled southerner and opposed to divorce, does not intend to "get her hands dirty with divorce" and recommends that she find another lawyer for this case.

Scarlett decides not to return to Charleston to her aunts, to wait for Rhett in Savannah - he will still find her to sign the divorce papers. As a result of negotiations with the abbess of the monastery, she manages to obtain the rights to Carrin's share in Tara. She also rejects the "lucrative" offer of Pierre Robillard to become his "companion" until his death in exchange for a promise to make Scarlett the sole heiress of his huge fortune. Scarlett leaves her grandfather's house. Another O'Hara arrives in Savannah - Colum, the priest, one of the most respected members of the clan. Communication with him has a strong impact on Scarlett, and Colum invites her to go to Ireland. Scarlett agrees - she wants to see her father's homeland and play for time until the divorce.

On the ship, she realizes that she is pregnant - the child was conceived on the night that they spent with Rhett ashore after the yacht wrecked. Now she is sure that the relationship with her husband will be restored - now Rhett will never leave her. But upon arrival in Ireland, Scarlett receives a letter from which it follows that the divorce between them has already been filed - Rhett achieved this in a way known to him alone. But the joy of coming to the country of her ancestors is so strong that Scarlett decides to stay for a while before returning to America and informing Rhett about the child.

However, soon another news comes - shortly after the divorce, Rhett married another woman, young Anna Hampton, who had long and selflessly in love with him.

Scarlett is deeply shocked by the news and decides to take revenge on Rhett Butler: she will stay in Ireland, give birth to a child alone and tell Rhett about him only when this child grows up and has time to love only her, Scarlett. In order not to deal with the difficulties that the status of a divorced woman entails, Scarlett asks Colum to tell everyone that she is a widow awaiting her late husband's posthumous child. Together they travel to Ballyhara, to the land where Gerald O'Hara grew up. There, in a run-down town, Scarlett meets her grandmother, Kattie Scarlett O'Hara, as well as an even larger number of her close and distant relatives than in Savannah. The land of Ireland has a calming effect on Scarlett. She decides to stay in Ballyhar, buy it out and rebuild the city, rebuilding it and allowing many Irish families to live and work on their land, driven from their farms by English landowners.

Scarlett's plans find warm support among her relatives - "finally, the money is in the hands of an Irish woman", but Colum is most pleased with them - Scarlett's cousin is a member of the secret Irish brotherhood of the Fenians - fighters for the freedom and rebirth of Ireland. Colum intends to make Ballihara the heart of the Fenian conspiracy, inviting his fellows to live there.

After buying out the land, Scarlett also rebuilds Big House, the house of Ballyhara's mistress. Mrs. Rosalyn Fitzpatrick ("Mrs. Fitz"), who is also Colum's assistant in his secret affairs, becomes its steward. Gradually, Scarlett is also initiated into the presence of a secret society, but Scarlett asks Colum not to get involved with weapons and violence. Colum gives her his word, but in fact breaks it: he sets up an armory and a powder warehouse in the Ballyhara church.

In just a few months, Ballihara is reborn from desolation, filling Scarlett's heart with joy and peace: she feels like she has found a home and a new life.

Meanwhile, her pregnancy is difficult, not at all like the previous ones. On the night before All Saints Day (Halloween), premature and very difficult labor begins. The doctor does not have time to arrive, and the urgently called village midwife is unable to help the woman in labor. Unexpected help comes from the village sorceress, Grain, who saves both the mother and her child ... The baby girl is called Cathy Colum O'Hara, and Scarlett, who first took her in her arms, finally feels something that she did not experience with any of the three previous children: unconditional motherly love. Scarlett vows to herself to raise her daughter free and to love her, even if she does not look like herself.

After that, she visits the old witch to thank her. Grain reports that after the "Caesarean section" she performed to save the mother and the child, Scarlett will never have any more children ... Meanwhile, rumors begin to circulate in Ballyhara that the child born on Halloween night was replaced by the witch who took him - and by gender Big House makes its first steps not at all by O'Hara's daughter, but by a devilish "changeling" ...

Some time after the birth of the child, Scarlett briefly returns to America. In Atlanta, she finally explains it to Ashley. She does not love him, but she has friendly feelings and kindness towards him. Scarlett decides to sell all of her property in Atlanta with the exception of her son's inheritance. In Tara, she comes to an agreement with Will Bentin that the estate should be inherited by the only grandson of its founder Gerald O'Hara - Wade Hamilton (Will and Sullin have only daughters), she draws up all the papers for the land and transfers the custody rights of Wade and Ella to the Bentins. But she does not even tell her sister and son-in-law that she gave birth to another child - she left Kat in Savannah with the O'Hara family - Scarlett is afraid that Rhett will find out about Kat and take her away.

Sailing from Savannah back to Ireland, at the last moment before the departure of the ship, Scarlett sees Rhett, seeing off his acquaintances at the pier - and he also sees her. After she herself makes acquaintance with Rhett's friends - these are English aristocrats who inform her, in particular, rumors about the marriage of the charming Mr. Butler: he was married to a fabulous beauty who left him for another man, and his current marriage is a consequence of an accidental violation of social conventions - he married a girl whom he accidentally compromised. Nobody knows that Scarlett is Rhett's ex-wife, but she herself takes pleasure in learning that everyone thinks that Scarlett was abandoned by Rhett, and not vice versa.

... In the summer in Ireland, the new owner of Ballyhara goes to the fair to buy horses. There she unexpectedly meets Rhett again and, on some of his questions, realizes that, having seen her on the ship, he tried to follow her path and establish her whereabouts. This cannot but rejoice, but he is still married, and Scarlett herself has long felt that love for Rhett is no longer the final meaning of her whole life - now she has Kat and Ballihara, and this makes Scarlett stronger. At the same fair, Rhett introduces her to his friend - the English nobleman Bart Morland, selflessly in love with horses, and besides, Scarlett's neighbor herself. After Rhett's departure from Ireland, Scarlett begins to communicate with Bart and gradually she acquires acquaintances among the English landowners. Soon, at one of the parties, she meets a certain Mrs. Montagu, who offers her her services. Charlotte, who comes from a very good but impoverished family, ensures her existence by becoming a "professional guest and friend" for her clients: she helps to enter a better society, knows thoroughly secular etiquette and the requirements of the aristocratic circle. According to Charlotte, a woman like Scarlett, an American widow of indescribable beauty and with a lot of money, can become a European celebrity with her help ... And Charlotte herself, thanks to their cooperation, will ensure herself a comfortable existence for the rest of her days. Scarlett accepts Mrs. Montagu's offer. After a while, Charlotte manages to transform the life of her ward: she turns the Big House into a model of elegance, organizing not only its complete decoration, but also hiring a whole staff to maintain the estate in accordance with the requirements for a good home; she transforms Scarlett's wardrobe; finally, she takes Mrs. O'Hara out into the world. As Charlotte predicted, Scarlett's appearance is causing a sensation in the high society of Ireland: Scarlett is the acclaimed star of the Season of Dublin, she is introduced to the Viceroy, her living room is the most desirable place in the capital of Ireland. Among her many fans, Scarlett especially singles out the English officer Charles Ragland, who does not hide that he is madly in love with her.

Meanwhile, in Ireland, resistance to the British government is growing: a wave of violence against the landlords is sweeping across the country, estates are on fire, there are frequent cases of attacks and even murders. In response, the British authorities are increasing their military presence, and cruel reprisals follow at the slightest provocation. So Scarlett herself becomes a witness to the monstrous punishment of an Irishman who struck an English soldier in a bar: the unfortunate one is pinned to death with a whip in the square with a large crowd of people. Scarlett comes to the aid of the widow of the deceased Harriet Kelly: she gives her a place in her house. Harriet, a young Englishwoman who was a governess on a wealthy estate, but escaped with an Irish groom. In an Irish family, she faced rejection and alienation - so she gratefully accepts the help of Mrs. O'Hara. Her son Billy becomes a friend of little Kat. After some time, Scarlett understands that Harriet is very close to Ashley Wilkes in character, interests and outlook on life. She organizes the move of the Kelly family to America, and after a while she receives the news that Ashley proposed to Harriet.

The fact that "our O'Hara" spends a lot of time with English landlords, as well as the very appearance of Englishwomen Charlotte Montagu and Harriet in Ballyhar, causes discontent among the residents of the town. In addition, Kat is still considered a changeling, children adopt their parents' fears and Kat faces aggression from local boys. Nevertheless, the girl grows up very lively, inquisitive and beautiful. Scarlett does not restrict her in anything, Kat is allowed to go where she pleases. She befriends the sorceress Grain, and also prefers to spend time in a mysterious tower, where, according to rumors, the ghost of the former owner of Ballyhara, who was killed by an Irish tenant, wanders ...

Scarlett meets another of her neighbors - Count Fanton. Luke reminds her of Rhett with his appearance and character: he is just as smart, confident in himself, always calm and, it seems, does not know fear. Fanton - one of the richest and most noble people in all of Britain - begins to show Scarlett's attention.

Scarlett also continues to see Charles Ragland, he worries her, but she realizes that this is not love and in the end decides to end their romance, which had just begun.

Fanton is becoming an increasingly frequent visitor to the Ballihara estate. On one of his visits, he meets Kat and, obviously, the girl makes a strong impression on him. Soon, Luke proposes to Scarlett. But at the same time, he claims that he is not in love with her - he had no idea of ​​marrying his neighbor, an American, who nevertheless comes from the ranks of the Irish poor. All he originally counted on was a short adventure. But after meeting with Kat, he realized that Scarlett is the woman who will give birth to him an heir: a strong, strong, intelligent and cheerful child. Thus, Scarlett for him is just a female, and Kat is the prototype of the future son. In return, he is ready to give Scarlett his name and title, the highest position in society not only in Ireland, but also in Britain and in Europe in general, in a word, raise the daughter of an Irish farmer to a dizzying height. He also undertakes to arrange the future of Kat. Despite the fact that Luke's offer looks offensive, Scarlett after a while decides to accept it: she intends to get a title and position, and Luke is not going to tell Luke that she cannot have children.

The news of the engagement of the American O'Hara and the Earl of Fanton has the effect of an exploding bomb, Scarlett is frantically preparing for the wedding.

Meanwhile, the British authorities are looking for the headquarters of the Fenians and are gradually reaching Ballyhara and Colum O'Hara ...

... While on a business pre-wedding trip in Trim, Scarlett accidentally meets Bart Moorland, he is crushed - his Irish tenants burned down his stable along with all the horses. She tries to console her friend when Rhett unexpectedly appears - he is drunk, ironically greets the future "Countess" and seems to no longer pay attention to Scarlett. However, after his departure, Bart asks to excuse Rhett, who recently experienced a terrible grief: his wife Anna died in childbirth quite recently, the child was also not saved, but Rhett held on bravely all this time, but only this morning at the hotel, right after reading the latest newspapers, unexpectedly started drinking ... The whole picture is forming in Scarlett's head with a dizzying speed: after the death of his wife, Rhett immediately came to Ireland for Scarlett, and got drunk when he read in the newspaper about her upcoming wedding with Earl Fanton ...

Scarlett realizes that she cannot find Rhett in Trim, and decides to quickly return to Ballyhara - sooner or later Rhett will find her there. She throws her suitcases at the hotel and rides home on horseback ...

Meanwhile, street battles are going on in Ballyhar: troops entered the city, which were ordered to defeat the Fenian nest and capture Colum O'Hara. Scarlett, who has flown on a horse into the city, finds herself between the Irish rebels and the English soldiers, in whose commander she recognizes Charles Ragland. Scarlett's hopes that Charles will betray his duty and leave her city and her cousin alone turn out to be short-lived: Charles is killed in front of her eyes, the soldiers left without a commander continue to pursue Colum. Colum, realizing that he cannot leave, wants to blow up himself and his pursuers, but dies before he can fulfill his plan ... The torch from Colum's dead hands is raised by Mrs Fitz, who runs to the church and blows up the powder warehouse located there, and at the same time herself and the British soldiers ... After the death of Colum and Rosalyn, Scarlett finds herself without defenders - the inhabitants of Ballyhara blame her for the arrival of the British and go to Big House to deal with Scarlett and her little witch-daughter ... Scarlett Rhett saves - as she thought, he came to Ballyhara for her ... In the confusion, she tells him about his daughter, and now together they are trying to get ahead of the rebels, rushing to Big House ... There they miraculously find Kat, and a smart girl helps the adults get out of the house and take refuge in a mysterious tower ...

Scarlett and Rhett spend the night talking next to their sleeping daughter. They ask each other for forgiveness and again confess mutual love.

In the first rays of dawn, Scarlett sees the burnt out Ballyhara and Big House ... After the death of Colum, this was her last connection with Ireland. The awakened Kat indicates the way to escape from the tower. Rhett, Scarlett and Kat three of them set off to meet a new life ...


  • Scarlett O'Hara- the main character of the novel. At the time of the beginning of the novel - the wife of Rhett Butler. The novel covers the period of her life from 28 to 35 years old. During the course of the novel, Scarlett moves from America to Ireland, where she becomes the mistress of the town of Ballyhara and gains fame in secular society. After a divorce from Rhett, she has a child from him - daughter Kat.
  • Rhett Butler- Scarlett's beloved man. A rich and well-to-do man. The age during the action of the novel is from 45 to 52 years (their age difference with Scarlett is 17 years). At the beginning of the novel, Rhett intends to divorce Scarlett, which he succeeds, despite all the obstacles and unwillingness of Scarlett herself. After the divorce, he marries Anna Hampton, whom he loves and respects in his own way, but does not become completely happy with her; rather, he tries to forget himself in a new marriage from the wounds Scarlett inflicted on him over the years. After Anna's death, he goes to Ireland with the intention of returning Scarlett.
  • Earl Luke Fenton- one of the richest and most distinguished aristocrats in England. Cruel, cold-blooded, socialite to the tips of his nails. Offers Scarlett a marriage deal in exchange for giving him a strong and strong heir son.
  • Colum O'Hara- Scarlett's cousin from his father's side, a priest. Head of the Fenian Brotherhood, freedom fighter for Ireland. Killed at the end of the novel by English soldiers.
  • Rosalyn Fitzpatrick is a friend of Colum who runs Ballyhar. Member of the Fenian conspiracy. At the end of the novel, he dies, blowing himself up in the church along with the English soldiers.
  • Katie Colum O'Hara- daughter of Scarlett and Rhett. The novel describes the period of her life from birth to 5 years. A very intelligent and developed, independent, but lonely child.
  • Grain- a sorceress and sorceress from Ballyhara, saved the lives of Scarlett and Kat during childbirth. Patroness of Kat. He enjoys the dislike of the townspeople.
  • Charlotte Montagu- An Englishwoman from a good family, who provided herself by providing a secular career for wealthy people intending to enter a secular society. Made Scarlett her protege, ensured her outstanding popularity in aristocratic circles.
  • Charles Raglan- English officer, in love with Scarlett. At the end of the novel, he was killed in a clash between his soldiers and the inhabitants of Ballyhara.
  • Bart Morland- Irish landowner, Englishman. Scarlett's neighbor. A passionate lover of Horses.
  • Anna Hampton- the second wife of Rhett Butler. Teacher in Charleston, favorite of Eleanor Butler. After five years of marriage with Rhett, she died in childbirth with her child.
  • Ashley Wilkes- the widower Melanie Hamilton, with whom Scarlett was unrequitedly in love for many years, until she realized that her feelings were just a myth. Towards the end of the novel, he proposes to the Englishwoman Gariet Kelly. Beau Wilkes' father.
  • Gariet Kelly- a former English governess who escaped from an aristocratic house with her lover - an Irish groom. Billy Kelly's mother. Widowed after her husband was screwed to death by English soldiers. Romantic and gentle nature. For some time she worked for Scarlett as Kat's governess, later moved to Atlanta, where she accepted Ashley Wilkes' offer to marry him.
  • Billy Kelly- son of Gariet Kelly, friend of Kat.
  • Eleanor Butler- Rhett's mother, a socialite from Charleston.
  • Rosemary Butler- Sister Rhett, born of the adultery of Eleanor Butler. An old maid, an intellectual.
  • Pierre Robillard- Ellyn's father and Scarlett's grandfather. At the time of his meeting with Scarlett in the novel, he is 94 years old. The man is despotic and cold.
  • Pauline and Eulalia- nee Robillard, Scarlett's aunts, sisters of her late mother Ellen.
  • Henry Hamilton- Uncle of Scarlett's first husband, her lawyer. He conducted all of her affairs in Atlanta, but stopped working with her, not wanting to pursue a divorce case.
  • O'Hara family- Scarlett's relatives through her father, Gerald O'Hara.
  • Will Bentin- the husband of Scarlett's sister Sulin. "Hunger" by origin, but a practical and sharp-witted person. He does business in Tara, brings up three daughters, as well as Scarlett's children - Wade Hampton and Ella Loreena.
  • Sulene O'Hara Benin- Sister Scarlett. Reconciles with his sister during the course of the novel.
  • India Wilkes- Ashley Wilkes' sister, spinster. Leads the household of a widow's brother. At the end of the novel, he is rumored to be courting a Yankee gentleman.

I will speak as concisely as possible, otherwise I will have to read the towel) So ...

1. Ripley writes maybe not better than Mitchell, but very worthy, for an author who reproduces someone else's style, and does not easily use his own. The very preparation for writing this book is worthy of respect. Ripley did a great preliminary work.

2.Territorially, the plot on the one hand goes far beyond the framework of the world outlined by Mitchell And the author pays not so much attention to our good old familiar scenery - Atlanta and Tara. On the other hand, the book really benefited from the transfer of the action to Charleston, Savannah and Ireland.

3. The main character. I did not notice any drastic changes in character and actions. Scarlett, except for a few points: a kind of indifference to the American Tara. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but after so many years, when Scarlett with teeth and claws clung to the Earth, dear to her heart, it is so easy to part with her - this is unthinkable)
Further, in attempts to get the man she likes, Scarlett knows no equal and still misses such a chance to bind Rhett to herself like a child ... I would even say he wasting it. Pride by pride ... and yet. So be it, let's count it on account of being blinded by falling in love.
Also ambiguous is the blindness in relation to the daughter and some neglect of her, after the insane love of the first months. Probably there is some truth in this, but how much it should have taken the boys who threw stones at the girl that not a single rumor about this reached the mother. By the way, this moment was thrown out of the film and I will not say that the film lost a lot from this.
In general, Scarlett is Scarlett, albeit a little different than Mitchell saw her, but still Scarlett.

4. Rhett. Objectively speaking, as in the first novel, most of the time Rhett is present nominally in Scarlett's thoughts in the motivation of her actions and mood swings provoked by untimely memories. For the rest, he performs his main role - he clings to his wife, brings her, but at a critical moment rushes headlong to help. Even here I sit and understand that there is nothing more to say about him. For GG we have Scarlett and we look at the world through her eyes.

On the contrary, it raised reasonable questions:
- The desire to teach Felton a lesson by marrying him looks a little feigned. Scarlett that there is no longer what to live for? Except to be satisfied with one last joke?
- The weakness of Colum O "Hara. His susceptibility to depression and latent lust for power were not transferred to the film, and I was surprised to discover the gray side of the character.
- Kat's some crazy. No, I understand that all talented people are a little ... that ... But here the author somehow went a little too far with the wildness of a child.
- Rhett Butler, periodically delirious about the flowers that he will revive in the estate Somewhere Wilkinism breathed ... Add to this the round eyes of Scarlett, who practically planted the same gardens with rice in her mind ... That picture. Maybe Scarlett just swapped one Ashley for another? ...

6. The idea that it is necessary to change quietly or not change at all - was accepted by Scarlett with hostility. And although I won't say that in reality Scarlett went against this thought ... But by God, she chased Ashley so much, including when she was married, and if he had surrendered, no marriage bonds would have stopped her ... I don’t know, there was some uncertainty on this issue.

7. The landscapes and descriptions of the scene are absolutely divine. Here you simply cannot convey the enthusiasm you have to read and then watch in the film.

8. No less divine is the historical excursion into the history of Ireland, its distant and not very past + disturbing present, developing in the confrontation between the English and the Irish.

9. The ending, for my pretentious taste, is somehow crumpled ... The incomprehensible coincidence of the discovery by the British authorities of the Fenians and the unplanned return of the torn Scarlett to Tara are far-fetched and allegedly attracted, and the bloody and open denouement of the "Irish resistance" left in disheveled feelings and caused displeasure ... That there were no collisions on the horizon, and then suddenly the denouement immediately ... As if the author was a little tired of writing ... and he decided to get even with the text as soon as possible.

10. Well, and most importantly, of course, everything ends more or less well as a whole, and no doubt it is highly desirable for our heroes. The lovers were reunited. Fireworks and everyone is dancing.

Total: The novel is good. And even very much. Of course, it was not without stretches and adjustments, but where can we do without them in such a large-scale epic. The characters are nevertheless sustained at a decent level, the narration is moderately exciting, the emotions are strong, the landscapes are verbose and colorful. Therefore, I advise)

P.S. White paper, small font. For those who don't like to strain their eyes, running through the lines, it can be uncomfortable to read.


Scarlett cycle (6 books) (Mitchell Margaret, Ripley Alexandra, Hillpatrick Julia)

Scarlett cycle (6 books)

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Mitchell Margaret, Ripley Alexandra, Hillpatrick Julia
Year of issue: 1936-2007
Genre: Contemporary prose
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of books: 6

Description: Katie Scarlett O "Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler -
the protagonist of Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone with the Wind, written in 1936, one of the most famous female characters in American
literature, which has become a symbol of enterprise, temperament and ability to survive.

* Mitchell Margaret - Gone With The Wind
The great saga of the American Civil War and the fate of the wayward and ready to go on the heads of Scarletg O "Hara was first published 70 years ago and is not obsolete to this day." Gone with the Wind "-
the only novel by Margaret Mitchell for which she - a writer, emancipator and defender of women's rights - won the Pulitzer Prize. This book is about the fact that love of life is more important than love;
then, when the push for survival is successfully completed, love becomes preferable, but without love of life it dies too.

* Ripley Alexandra - Scarlett
Dozens of writers fought for the right to write this book, but the publishers opted for the American Alexandra Ripley from South Carolina. A true southerner, Ripley is like no one
the other, was able to understand the thoughts and feelings of the famous Scarlett, the heroine of Margaret Mitchell's novel "Gone with the Wind", and to continue the story of her life, full of events, passions and experiences.
The novel "Scarlett" immediately became a super bestseller and became one of the most popular sequel novels. It was filmed (TV series "Scarlett", as Rhett Butler - Timothy Dalton)

* Telor Rita - Girl from the Ohara clan
"The story of the birth of this book can be a separate exciting plot. In the attic of a house that once belonged to hereditary southern planters, the writer Rita Taylor
an old manuscript was found entitled "Ellen - Scarlett's Mother, or the Awakening of the Wind."
The sensationalism of the find was that the manuscript, written by Matthew McLaren, turned out to be the prehistory of the famous novel by Margaret Mitchell, and Matthew McLaren himself was the younger,
the legend said that he was a member of this family clan. After reading the manuscript, Rita Taylor was delighted. She, as a woman, was pleased that the chronicle of the life of the famous Scarlett's ancestors
written from a male point of view, although, as she managed to find out, Matthew's wife Helga played an important role in the creation of the novel. Desiring to make an exciting manuscript available to the reader
public, Taylor adapted the old McLaren syllable for the modern reader, and the novel The Girl of the O'Hara Family was born.

* Hillpatrick Julia - Scarlett's Last Love
D.Hilpatrick's novel "Scarlett's Last Love" is the final part of the novel "Gone with the Wind".

* Hillpatrick Julia - Rhett Butler
Continuation of the novels by Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind" and Alexandra Ripley's "Scarlett".
"Rhett Butler" is a novel about tragic events and loneliness of a person, about his kind and sublime soul.

* Donald McCaig as Rhett Butler added 03/21/2014
For the first time in Russian! The long-awaited new love affair between Rhett Butler and Scarlett O Hara!
Rhett Butler, the hero of Margaret Mitchell's immortal novel "Gone with the Wind" ... His name evokes a variety of feelings, such a complex and multifaceted image was created by the writer.
Renegade, renegade, rebel, gambler, ardent lover, southerner - and still a mystery to readers.
And now, finally, before you is the long-awaited continuation of the famous story. Rather, the same story, but seen through the eyes of Rhett Butler and presented by the American writer Donald McCaig.
It tells about Rhett's early years and the formation of his character in an uneasy relationship with an oppressive and ruthless father. Here are the explanation for many of Rhett's actions, which
puzzled readers of Mitchell's novel. Both new characters and heroes already well known to us, companions of Rett at different stages of his life, appear here.
In this book, the story of Rhett Butler begins 12 years before meeting Scarlett O'Hara. Rhett's relationship with Scarlett for McCaig turned out to be no less turbulent than that of Margaret Mitchell.

there are no books written about these heroes:
M. Mitchell "Scarlett's Childhood" 1994
The soft coloring of the relationships between the heroes, the wonderful carefree life of rich families before the most terrible upheaval in the history of the American South will give the reader an opportunity to escape from
the problems around him and really relax while reading this beautiful novel.

D. Hilpatrick. "Son of Rhett Butler" 1994
The life of Scarlett O "Hara and Rhett Butler, the heroes of M. Mitchell's novel" Gone with the Wind ", continues in their children.
in dramatic situations, they retain goodness, faith in justice, passion - that which they inherited from their parents.

Hillpatrick Julia "We'll Call Her Scarlett ..." 1994

Created with


Harry Potter series (7 books out of 7) (J.K. Rowling)

Format: audiobook, M4B, 128kbps
By Rowling Joan
Year of issue: 2006-2011
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Union
Artist: Alexander Klyukvin
Duration: ~ 128: 28: 54
Description: “The Harry Potter books have practically broken the line between child and adult reading,” wrote one English newspaper. And indeed it is. The tale of an English boy who entered the School of Wizardry is the most successful bestseller not only in the history of children's literature. Joan Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, somehow managed to bewitch both children and their parents. Seven Wonderful Books by Joan Kathleen Rowling, oh ...


Virus. Cycle of books (Sergey Gataulin)

Series: cycle "Virus"
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Sergey Gataulin
Year of issue: 2012
Genre fiction
Publisher: Written by pen
Russian language
Number of pages: ~ 1500
Virus (virus-1): It is inscribed in our reality, like a mathematical formula or a physical law. Part of DNA, it consumes energy and makes human bodies operate in "emergency lighting" mode. Because of it, we accumulate errors and break down like damaged mechanisms. He is a biological entity and a universal program. Changing it, people upset the balance, and the Universe itself opened the hunt for them. The disease is about ...


Igor Borshchenko - A selection of books (6 books)

Author: Igor Borshchenko
Year of issue: 2012-2013
Genre: Medicine
Publisher: AST, Astrel, Metaphor, VKT
Russian language
Number of pages: 6 books, ill.
Description: A selection of books where the reader will find a unique methodology of the candidate of medical sciences Igor Anatolyevich Borshchenko. The technique is unique in its simplicity and accessibility. It is suitable for everyone who suffers from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for patients who have been injured or have undergone surgery on the spine and joints, for those who experience pain in the back, arms and legs. It can be recommended ...


Cycle "Dictators" (8 books) (Superproduction in the style of fantasy !!!)

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Year of issue: 2003-2007
Genre fiction
Publisher: different
Number of pages: 18
Description: This book, which won the Hugo and Nebula awards, tells the epic story of the desert planet Arrakis. In Dune, we find ourselves at a time when thinking machines are already in the distant past, and Great Houses rule entire planets, millions of light years can be covered in a matter of minutes and the most precious substance in the known universe is Melange Spice. Melange or spice is known for its geriatric properties (that is, it protects against aging). Planet Arrakis, also called ...


Cycle "Svarog" 12 books (Alexander Bushkov)

Year of issue: 2001-2009
Genre fiction
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Author: Alexander Bushkov
Performers: A. Kovalev (1); Zaborovsky Y. (2,6,7,8); Mushkatina L. (3); Gerasimov V. (4,9,10,12); Savitsky N. (5); beckham48 (11)
Duration: 152: 23: 36
Description: Bored without serious "cases" for which the superpower was preparing him, in a provincial military unit, Major of the Airborne Forces Stanislav Svarog subconsciously craves for battle. An old Mongolian shaman helps him find what he wants - one fine day Svarog is transferred to another world. The world where the lars live - powerful sorcerers who rule the world. They are practically free ...


Strategy. Cycle of 5 books (Denisov Vadim)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Denisov Vadim
Year of issue: 2013
Genre fiction
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: zba68 (Boris Zuev)
Duration: 82:09:20
Description: Some forces came to the conclusion that the results of human civilization are disappointing, humanity is unable to rise to a new level - a dead end. Earthlings were asked to start over and on different terms. In the populace there is not a group of people, but whole mono- and multinational enclaves, one way or another ranked and settled. Are the "entry" conditions the same, what are the evaluation criteria, what is the purpose of the process and is it clear ...


Cycle: Forgotten Kingdoms (59 books) (R. Salvatore, E. Cunningham, etc.)

Format: FB2, doc, OCR without errors
Author: R. Salvatore, E. Cunningham and others.
Year of issue: 1993-2011
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Fantasy
Number of books: 59
Description: The many-sided and varied world of Toril. Its central part, the Forgotten Kingdoms, is better known, a world where the deities staged their showdowns, where empires collapsed and new states rose. A world of intrigue, secrets and great adventures! The most elaborate fantasy world, based on the world of the same name role-playing games on the AD&D system. It is in this world that the events of the cult role-playing games Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwi ...


The Chronicles of Amber. Complete cycle of 11 books (Roger Zelazny)

Format: FB2, txt, eBook (originally computer)
Year of issue: 1998
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: different
Number of books: 11
Description: The Kingdom of Amber cannot be found on any map. It is mysterious, enigmatic, but there is no world more real than Amber. The rest of the worlds, including the Earth, are only his Shadows. The exception is the Kingdom of Chaos. It and Amber - as the negative and positive poles of the world. Amber is the world of the sword, Chaos is the world of magic. The Fiery Path is the symbol of Amber. Logrus is a symbol of the Kingdom of Chaos. But these are not just symbols, not just sources of strength and power. They are the Gods of these worlds, holding on to their confrontation ...


Piranha cycle. 12 books out of 15. (Alexander Bushkov)

Year of issue: 1997-2009
Genre: Detective. Action movie.
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Executor: Zaborovskiy Y. (1,2,9,10,12); Gerasimov V. (4,11,15); Sushkov V. (7,8); Savitsky N. (13,14)
Duration: 191: 53: 39
Description: Books about the adventures of the combat swimmer Kirill Mazur. "... A good cycle about the Russian James Bond and John Rambo rolled into one by Kirill Mazur, nicknamed Piranha. Hurricane action, constant dynamics and tension in the plot ...". 1 piranha
Reads: Zaborovsky Yu.
Audio bitrate: 64 kbps
Playing time: 13:14:48
About the book: Roman
Piranha: First Throw` - opens a series of exciting bestselling ...


Cycle of interactive books "Versum": Yadro-1. Beast Code (Dmitry Yankovsky)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Dmitry Yankovsky
Year of issue: 2013
Genre fiction
Publisher: Versum-Media LLC / The performance was created at the Lenfilm studio
Performer: Vladimir Maslakov, Stanislav Voynich, Svetlana Sheichenko, Sergey Parshin, Sergey Kupriyanov
Length: 01:07:38
Description: Not every good deed turns out to be good. Environmental inspector Ilbert Delpy, whose interference in the affairs of the powerful corporation "Amnium Enterprise" turns out to be a disaster, is fully aware of this. A catastrophe that from an unexpected side reveals the inside out to Ilbert ...


The cycle of books about the Servants of Light, book-2, New Day (Platonova Tatiana Yurievna)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Platonova Tatiana Yurievna
Year of issue: 2014
Genre: Esotericism, Adventure, Philosophy
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: genagame
Duration: 17:02:22
Description: The heroes of the book are faithful servants of the Light who are at a combat post in the world. The most serious questions discussed by the knights of the spirit will tell you how to behave in life, and, possibly, will help you to understand your inner world and even find a way out of the impasse in which you find yourself. The first book


Terry Pratchett. Cycle Discworld: 36 books + 7 stories (Terry Pratchett), Igor Knyazev]

Format: audiobook, M4B, 96-128kbps
By Robert McCammon
Year of issue: 2015-2018
Genre: Detective
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Igor Knyazev
Duration: 125: 19: 32
Description: The action of the novels of the series "Matthew Corbett" begins at the very end of the 17th century in the North American British colonies. Matthew is an orphan from an orphanage, endowed by nature with an analytical mind, irrepressible curiosity, a passion for reading and knowledge. Starting as an assistant judge, young clerk Matthew, due to circumstances, rapidly gains a harsh experience in detective affairs. Soon, he himself begins to conduct investigations ...


Scarlett (Ripley Alexandra)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Ripley Alexandra
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: foreign prose, novel
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Evgeny Ternovsky
Length: 38:20:50
Description: The story of Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler ended in mid-sentence. But millions of readers around the world did not want to part with their beloved heroes. Then Alexandra Ripley wrote her work - the novel-continuation "Scarlett", a book that has become famous and popular.
Add. Information: Read from the publication: M. DROFA, 1992
Translation from English
Cleaned: knigofil
Processed: knigofil Cover ...

The sequel novel follows the next phase of Scarlett and Rhett Butler's family life in Charleston and Ireland. The novel was written in 1991.


After the tragedy suffered, heartbroken and in complete despair, Rhett Butler, deciding to finally break up with his wife, leaves. At that time, Scarlett realizes that the only true love in her life was Rhett. Despite the fact that her husband does not want to see her, the young woman decides at all costs to fight for her happiness and return her beloved.

At Melanie's funeral, Scarlett rushes to console Ashley, which causes a wave of gossip and indignation among those around her. After promising Melanie that she will take care of Ashley and Beau, Scarlett starts building houses on the outskirts of Atlanta, on the land that Charles left her. She hires the most honest manager and asks him to order building materials only from Ashley, but not to tell who is the owner of the houses.

Scarlett leaves for Tara, where she discovers Mammy dying. Taking this opportunity, the heroine sends a telegram to Rhett with a message about the sad news. Rhett rushed in without keeping himself waiting. Scarlett tries to get her husband back by all means, but he is adamant and leaves. Scarlett drives to Rhett's mother, pretending that they are doing well. Without keeping himself waiting long, Rhett also comes to his father's house. The girl tries to learn good manners from Rhett's mother, to behave as befits in their society, thereby endearing her husband. One day Rhett offers her a deal. He'll give her half a million gold if Scarlett leaves after the season ends. Scarlett agreed, forcing Rhett to be nice to her in society all this time. In the last sunny days of the season, the couple go on a yacht to the open sea, where the boat sinks. Rhett has to save Scarlett. Once ashore, they spend the night in a coastal hut, and hope for reconciliation is reborn in Scarlett. To which Rhett refuses her. After a naval adventure, Rhett leaves at night, leaving Scarlett with a note of apology. In the morning, Scarlett also decided to leave with her aunts to Savannah for her maternal grandfather's birthday. She left a note explaining to Rosemary, Rhett's sister. But she didn't really like Scarlett and burned the note after she left.

In Savannah, Scarlett has a tense relationship with her grandfather and aunts. It is then that she meets her paternal relatives, O'Hara. She spends most of her time with them. One day she received a letter from her lawyer Henry Hamilton. He wrote to her that Rhett was looking for her, and also transferred half a million to her bank account, his lawyer wants to draw up documents for divorce, but he could not give Scarlett's address, because he did not know where she was. After that, he refused to cooperate with her. Upon learning of this, Scarlett did not return to Charleston with her aunts, but remained in Savannah to wait for Rhett. She transferred her money to a bank in Savannah, because Henry would not have followed them. At the feast of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, which Scarlett celebrated with her Irish relatives, Cousin Colum invited her to travel to Ireland and see the land of her ancestors. Scarlett agreed, but already on the ship found out that she was expecting a baby. She stayed in Ireland for several weeks. A couple of days before leaving, she received a letter sent from Savannah. It said that Rhett had divorced her. Scarlett, with her cousin Colum and cousin Bridie, went straight to Galway to await the departure of the ship. When they walked along the embankment, one captain - a friend of Colum, gave him his mail right next to the gangway. There Colum found a letter for Scarlett. After reading it, she fainted. Already at the hotel, Colum saw a newspaper clipping in the letter, where it was reported that Rhett had married Anna Hampton.

After that, Scarlett decided to stay in Ireland and take revenge on Rhett, not telling him anything about the child now, but to introduce them when he grows up. In order not to be embarrassed by the divorce, Scarlett decided to say that she became a widow and all the time dressed in a peasant mourning outfit. She was shown the land of her ancestors - Ballyhara, from which they were evicted several centuries ago. And also the tower, where, according to rumors, the ghost of its owner - an English lord who was hanged there - lives. Scarlett decided to buy Ballyhara and began to restore it. She hired farmers, renovated houses, cultivated fields, opened bars. And Colum in this city decided to create the headquarters of the Fenian brotherhood, people who fought for the freedom of Ireland. There, in one English church, he laid down all his weapons for the brotherhood, but Scarlett did not know anything about it. She herself decided to be the manager of her big house - Big House, but Colum sent her an assistant - Mrs. Rosalyn Fitzpatrick, because Scarlett is pregnant and she needs help. Mrs Fitz (as Scarlett called Rosalyn Fitzpatrick) hired several cooks into the house and began to look after the house. All of Scarlett's relatives were proud of the fact that she revived the land and called it “Our pride. Our O'Hara. "

Scarlett became heavier and heavier, she could not put on her shoes, because her legs were very swollen and she had to walk barefoot. She herself admitted that this pregnancy is not the same as the last three. Now she is very tired and unwell. In the evening, on Halloween, she began to give birth. Because of the holiday, no one wanted to leave the house and the doctor did not come, but Colum brought an experienced, according to him, midwife. Scarlett lost a lot of blood, the midwife thought the baby was dead and could not do anything. Ms. Fitz took her away and sent Colum to fetch a groom who knew how to give birth to horses. When the groom took the knife to get down to business, the sorceress Grain, who lived near the tower, and whom everyone was afraid of, entered the room. She drove the groom, gave Scarlett some medicine to drink, took a knife and got down to business. Soon she gave the baby to Mrs Fitz, stitched up Scarlett's wound and gave her more medicine, which made Scarlett feel good. All night Scarlett lay in delirium, she tried to regain consciousness, but she did not succeed, then she wanted to be given more medicine and she again fell into her sleep. Colum woke her up, she thought the child was dead, but Colum showed her her daughter. Scarlett immediately saw that she was incredibly similar to Rhett, she named her Katie Colum O'Hara. The young mother quickly recovered, the scar on her stomach healed quickly and did not bother her. When Scarlett came to Grain to thank her, she learned that she could no longer have children. But rumors spread around the city that Grain changed the child for a witch, and everyone became afraid of Kat and blamed her for her troubles. After that, Scarlett gradually returned to her usual rut, but was afraid that Rhett would not find out about Kat, because he could take her. In the spring, Scarlett went to America with Kat, but she left her in Savannah with her cousins ​​O'Hara, she wanted to make a will for Wade for 2 parts of Tara, and also sell her property in Atlanta. She sold the shop and her home that Rhett had built. She decided to leave only the construction of houses on the outskirts of Atlanta, because during the crisis they enjoyed excellent success and brought good money. When she was in Atlanta, Ashley came to see her. He found out where she was all this time, and then made her an offer, but Scarlett tactfully rejected him. When she boarded a ship in Savannah, she found out that they were going through Charleston and was seriously scared. After all, Rhett could find out that she was on the ship and take Kat away.

In Charleston, before the departure of the ship, Scarlett saw Rhett, who was seeing off some ladies. As the ship began to sail, Rhett saw Scarlett in mourning on deck and smiled. In the summer, Ballihara's mistress went to the fair with Colum. There she looked for horses. At the fair, Scarlett met Rhett. To annoy him, I bought an excellent hunting horse from under his nose. There she met Rhett's friend in Ireland, Bart, and he invited her to hunt. Rhett was also on that hunt, where Scarlett won the main trophy. Once, Bart told Scarlett that Anna Hampton, Rhett's wife, had lost a child, which is why Rhett was unable to come to some races. After that, a woman came to her - Charlotte Mantagu, who decided to make Scarlett a high society lady. Charlotte completely remodeled her house, every single room. Changing wardrobe, Scarlett stood motionless for several hours for fitting at one of the best tailors. Charlotte began to take Scarlett to various events in Dublin, where she met the Viceroy and Viceroy of England and after that she was received everywhere with resounding success. All the newspapers were full of headlines about a wealthy American widow who was incredibly beautiful. On one of these nights, Scarlett ran into Rhett again. Then she cried all night. Scarlett met a very interesting young English officer Charles Regland, who showed her attention, but she tried to brush them aside. So she lived, torn between Ballyhara, farmers and secular evenings, and hunting. Scarlett once helped a woman named Garriet Kelly and her son Billy. Gariet's husband was killed while being punished with a whip for beating up an English officer. Scarlett hired Gariet as a nanny for Kat. Her son, Billy, became very good friends with Kat and influenced her very well. But somehow Gariet said that she was sending her son, studying in England, where she was from. Then Scarlett sent Gariet along with Billy to Atlanta. After a while, she received a letter from Gariet, which said that Ashley Wilkes proposed to her, and she accepted it. Scarlett was happy about this, and she could not get enough of the fact that Kat was growing up such a developed child. She loved her very much and fulfilled all the whims. But Kat was lonely, the children were afraid of her, they called her a witch and threw stones. She met Grain by chance and began to visit her. She also made the tower her secret place. Scarlett didn't even go there. She was glad that her daughter had a place where she felt good. On one hunt, where Scarlett allowed Charles to kiss herself, he told her that he would look into her bedroom in the evening, but the girl rejected it. But then she nevertheless let her know that she would be waiting for him, but in the bedroom she remembered Rhett and asked Charles to leave.

On the same hunt, Scarlett met one English count - Fenton, but despite the fact that everyone called him that, he introduced himself to her as Luke. Scarlett found out that he is the richest man in England, that no one could marry him, he is a very powerful and tough man. Fenton and Scarlett began to ride horses and arrange races together, at one such race Fenton passionately kissed Scarlett, after which she decided that he could replace Rhett with her. Fenton became friends with Kat and soon proposed to Scarlett, but it was a deal - he adopts Kat, and Scarlett gives birth to his heir. But she could not have children and therefore drove Fenton away. After a while, at one evening in Dublin, where Scarlett saw Fenton, she agreed to get married. She began to prepare for the wedding, Fenton sent her magnificent jewelry made of antique gold with huge rubies and Scarlett decided to sew a dress just for them. All the newspapers were full of headlines about the engagement of the richest and most desirable earl and the richest American widow. When the dressmaker could not get the lace she needed for the dress, Scarlett herself went to Galway to the nuns to pick them up. But there were horse races. On them, Scarlett met Bart and learned that he had a tragedy - his farmers, during his absence, burned down his stable with horses, and he was left with one horse, the best that was with him. He decided to sell it after these races and leave for England for good. Scarlett wanted to help him and buy the horse back to give him this horse in England. When the young woman approached the administrator to make an application, she found out that this horse was already applied for by Rhett Butler. After the races, Scarlett saw Rhett and went up to him, but he casually greeted her and left. Bart asked her not to be offended by Rhett, because in the spring his wife died in childbirth. This was the second unsuccessful attempt by Anna Hampton to have a child. The child died four days later. Then Scarlett understood why Rhett had come and why she talked to her like that. He found out about the upcoming wedding.

She missed the train from Galway to Trim, so she took the first train that followed. She drove to the town she wanted, from where it was only 50 miles to Ballyhara. There she bought a horse and rushed home. When she arrived, she saw that there was no light anywhere in the houses, and the streets were full of English officers. She was stopped by Charles Ragland with a shot upward and announced that they were catching the priest Colum. If they arrest him, no one will get hurt. But Charles was shot, then Scarlett fell to her knees beside him and began to figure out where to get a doctor to save him. But he died. Colum called her, but she did not answer. Shots were heard and the English soldier fell. Then someone hugged her from behind, she clenched her fists to defend herself, but it was Rhett. He took her aside and kissed her. And then he asked to take them out of here. Scarlett went home, but Rhett told her that he was there and there was no one there. Then Scarlett ran like a scalded one, she ran into the house and began to call Kat. Rhett tried to take her away, but she explained to him that Kat was his daughter. They saw torches by the windows of Big House. These were the farmers who staged an uprising, just like the rest of the farms. Scarlett found Kat in the kitchen. They locked the door and began to think about how to get to the stable. Kat showed them the way there through the tunnel. There they released all the horses, leaving the two best and left. Scarlett wanted to leave for Adamstown, but flames appeared there too. There was no exit. Kat invited them to her tower. The farmers drove up to the tower and decided that Scarlett and the little witch were there. They wanted to take revenge on Scarlett for what, then she communicated with the British, that she was going to marry Fenton and wanted to help Charles Regland. But being afraid of the ghosts in the tower, they simply burned the stairs. Scarlett sighed with relief and realized that they were saved. Then she put Kat to bed. Rhett pulled her aside and kissed her. He confessed his love to her and said that he really missed her. Scarlett was happy, she sobbed with happiness on his chest and felt his strength. She considered herself safe in his arms. They talked all night, and in the morning Rhett demanded an explanation, in fact, she loves him. Scarlett, forgetting all her grievances, confessed her feelings to him. But suddenly Scarlett looked out the window and saw that her entire city was burned, tears welled up in her eyes. Rhett offered to rebuild it, but Scarlett refused, admitting that she no longer considered this land her home. When Kat woke up she showed them how to get out of the tower. And they started a new life.


  • Scarlett O'Hara- the main character of the novel. Rhett Butler's wife. The novel covers the period of her life from 28 to 35 years old. She moves from America to Ireland. There she becomes the mistress of the city of Ballyhara. After a divorce from Rhett, she has a child from him - daughter Kat. She becomes a popular socialite in Ireland, is going to marry the Earl of Fenton, but still then remains with Rhett Butler.
  • Rhett Butler- the main character. A rich and well-to-do middle-aged man. Divorces his wife Scarlett and marries another girlfriend, Anna Hampton, because he compromised her. After Anna's death, Rhett returns to Scarlett in Ireland and learns about his five-year-old daughter.
  • Earl Luke Fenton is the richest man in England. Scarlett's groom. A very cruel and cold-blooded man, all his farmers are afraid of him and the whole of Ireland hates. Very popular in the secular society of England. All unmarried girls strive to marry him. Wanted Scarlett to give him an heir.
  • Colum O'Hara- Scarlett's cousin, a priest. The head of the Fenian brotherhood that fought for the freedom of Ireland. He was killed while trying to arrest by English soldiers.
  • Rosalyn Fitzpatrick- a friend of Scarlett and Colum, head of cooks and servants at Big House. She was a member of the Fenian brotherhood. She set fire to the church with ammunition and thus avenged Colum's death.
  • Katie Colum O'Hara- daughter of Scarlett and Rhett. The novel describes the period of her life from birth to 5 years. A very intelligent and developed, but lonely child.
  • Grain- a sorceress and sorceress from Ballyhara, who saved the lives of Scarlett and Kat during childbirth. She lived in a hut near Cat Tower, and all the inhabitants of the city feared her.
  • Charlotte Montagu- a secular lady, earned money by teaching manners and introducing girls and women into the high society of Ireland and England. Made Scarlett a socialite, changed her wardrobe and home design, introduced her to high society in Dublin.
  • Charles Ragland- an English officer, was madly in love with Scarlett. He was killed by the Ballihara farmers when the soldiers came to arrest Colum.
  • Anna Hampton- the second wife of Rhett Butler. Teacher in Charleston, favorite of Eleanor Butler. After five years of marriage with Rhett, he will die in childbirth.
  • Ashley Wilkes- widower Melanie Hamilton. Former "love" Scarlett. After Melanie's death, he had no desire to live, and when Scarlett saved him, it brought a lot of gossip to her. Over time, Scarlett will make an offer, but she will refuse. Later he marries Gariet Kelly.
  • Gariet Kelly- the widow of an Irish groom and a farmer who was killed by English soldiers. Romantic and gentle nature. For some time she worked as a nanny for Scarlett, later the hostess sent Gariet to Atlanta so that her son Billy studied at an American school. There she married Ashley Wilkes.
  • Billy Kelly- son of Gariet Kelly, friend of Kat.
  • Eleanor Butler- Rhett's mother. She loved her son very much, was attached to Scarlett.
  • Rosemary Butler- Sister Rhett. She loved her brother madly and elevated him in her own eyes. Disliked Scarlett. Remained an old maid.
  • Pierre Robillard- Ellyn's father and Scarlett's grandfather. An old and oppressive person. After his death, he left his fortune to his daughters Pauline and Eulalia - Scarlett's aunts.
  • Pauline and Eulalia- Scarlett's grumpy aunts, Allyn's sisters.
  • Henry Hamilton- Uncle Melanie and lawyer Scarlett. He conducted all of her affairs in Atlanta, but was negative about her divorce, after which he refused to deal with her.
  • O'Hara family- a huge, noisy and friendly family that includes Gerald's brothers - James, Daniel, their nephews Jamie and his wife Maureen, their children. And also Patricia, Colum, Kathleen, Bridget, Daniel and others.
  • Will Bentin- Sulyn's husband and Scarlett's friend. He does business in Tara, brings up three daughters from Sulyn, as well as Scarlett's children - Wade Hampton and Ella Loreena.
  • Suulin O "Hara- Sister Scarlett. For a long time she was angry with her sister for marrying Frank Kennedy. But in the end he forgives her.
  • India Wilkes- Ashley's sister. She hated Scarlett and spread bad rumors about her. Later she will marry some Yankee.


Alexandra Ripley


Lost in the haze

"It will be over soon, and then I can go home to Tara."

Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler stood alone a few steps away from the others who were mourning at Melanie Wilkes' funeral. It was raining and black-clad men and women held black umbrellas over their heads. They leaned on each other, women wept, sharing shelter and sorrow ...

Scarlett did not share her umbrella or grief with anyone. Gusts of wind blew cold streams of rain under the umbrella, on her neck, but she did not feel it, she did not feel anything, numb with loss. She will grieve later when she is able to withstand the pain. Scarlett kept her feelings, thoughts, pain away from herself, repeating over and over the words that promised to heal the wounds and give her the strength to survive until the pain passed: "This will end soon, and then I can go home to Tara."

"... Ashes to ashes, dust to dust ..." The priest's voice penetrated the barrier of numbness, the words imprinted in her mind. Not! Scarlett cried silently. No Mellie. This is not Melly's grave, it is too huge for her, her bones are no bigger than birds. Not! She couldn't die, she couldn't.

Scarlett literally tossed about with grief, she could not bring herself to look at the freshly dug grave, at the bare pine box, lowered into it. There were small semicircular dents on it, the marks of the hammers that hammered the lid over Melanie's delicate face.

"Not! You cannot, you must not do this, it is raining, and you cannot put it there so that the rain will drip on it. She was so sensitive to the cold that she shouldn't be left in the cold rain. I can’t look, I can’t bear it, I don’t believe that she’s gone. She loves me, she is my friend, my only friend. Melly loves me, she cannot leave me now when I need her so much. "

Scarlett looked at the people around the grave, and a hot wave of irritation rose up in her. “None of them cares about it as much as I do, none of them have lost as much as I do. Nobody knows how much I love her. Mellie knows though, does she know? She knows, I have to believe that she knows.

Although they will never believe it. Not Miss Merryweather, not Mead, not Whiting, not Elsingy. See them gathered around India by Wilkes and Ashley like a flock of wet crows in their mourning outfits. They calm Aunt Pittipat, although everyone knows that she cries out her eyes at the slightest provocation, starting with a loaf that is burnt. It would never occur to anyone that I, too, need support, that I was closest to Melanie. They act like I'm not here at all. Nobody paid any attention to me. Even Ashley, although I was there the two terrible days after Melanie died, when he needed my help. They all needed, even India bleating like a goat: “What are we to do with the funeral, Scarlett? What to do with food for guests? with a coffin? with porters? with a place in the cemetery? with an inscription on the grave? with a note in the newspaper? " Now they bowed to each other, sobbing and wailing. I won't give them the pleasure of seeing me cry alone. I shouldn't cry. Not here. It's not time yet. If I start, then maybe I will never stop. When I get to Tara, I can cry. "

Scarlett lifted her chin, clenched her teeth tightly, chattering from the cold, swallowed a lump in her throat. "It will be over soon, and then I can go home to Tara."

Sharp bits of Scarlett's shattered life were all around her here in Atlanta's Oakland Cemetery. A tall granite spire, a gray stone streaked with gray rain, was a monument to the world that had gone forever, the carefree world of her youth. It was a memorial to the Confederates, a symbol of the proud and reckless courage that led the South with fluttering banners to ruin. It was erected in honor of so many dead friends of her childhood, fans who begged for waltzes and kisses when she had no more problems than choosing a ball gown. It stands in honor of her first husband, Charles Hamilton, Melanie's brother. It stands in honor of the sons, brothers, husbands, fathers of all who got wet in the rain by the little knoll where Melanie was buried.

There were also other graves, other gravestones. Frank Kennedy, Scarlett's second husband. And a small, terribly small grave with the inscription: Eugene Victoria Butler and below - Bonnie. Her last and most beloved child.

The living as well as the dead were here, but she stood aloof. It seemed that half of Atlanta had gathered there. The crowd filled the entire church, and now spread out into a wide, uneven, dark circle near the mournful slash in the gray rain - an open grave dug in Georgia's red clay for Melanie Wilkes.

The first row of mourners consisted of those closest to them. Their white and black faces, with the exception of Scarlett's, were wet with tears. Old coachman Uncle Peter stood with Bilsi and Cook, as if forming a protective triangle around Beau, the little boy Melanie adored.

The older generation of Atlanta was there too. Tragically few descendants remained with them. The Meads, Whitings, Merryweathers, Elsings, their daughters and sons-in-law, Hugh Elsing, the only surviving son, Aunt Pittypat Hamilton and her brother, Uncle Henry Hamilton, their age-old feud is forgotten in the common grief over their niece. The youngest, but looking as old as the others, India Wilkes took refuge in this group and watched her brother Ashley with eyes clouded with grief and guilt. He stood alone, like Scarlett, in the rain, with his head uncovered, insensitive to the cold moisture, unable to perceive either the priest's words or the slow sinking of the narrow coffin into the grave.

Ashley. Tall, thin, colorless, his faded golden hair almost gray, his pale, shocked face as blank as his unseeing gray eyes. He stood up straight, as if he were saluting, the habit of many years in the gray uniform of an officer. He stood motionless, feeling nothing and not understanding.

Ashley. He was the center and symbol of Scarlett's ruined life. For the sake of loving him, she ignored happiness. She did not notice the love for her husband, because Ashley always stood in her way. And now Rhett was gone, and the only memory of him was the branches of warm golden autumn flowers lying on the grave. She betrayed her only friend, neglected Melanie's stubborn devotion and love. And now Melanie is gone. And even Scarlett's love for Ashley passed, as she realized too late that the habit of loving him had long supplanted her very love for him.

She didn’t love him and would never love him again. But now that she no longer wanted him, Ashley was hers, her inheritance from Melanie. She promised Melanie that she would take care of him and their baby.