
Woe from wit - what does it mean? Alexander griboyedovgore from mind The work of grief from mind completely

Pavel Afanasevich Famusov state manager
Sofia Pavlovna, his daughter.
Lizanka, maid.
Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin, the secretary of Famusov, who lives in his house.
Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.
Colonel Skalozub, Sergei Sergeevich.
Natalia Dmitrievna, young lady, Platon Mikhailovich, her husband, - Gorichi.
Prince Tugoukhovsky and Princess, his wife, with six daughters.
Countess grandmother, Countess granddaughter, — Hryuminy.
Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.
Old woman Khlestova, sister-in-law of Famusova.
Parsley and several speaking servants.
A multitude of guests of all kinds and their lackeys on the way.
Famusov waiters.

Action comedy in verse "Woe from Wit"

Step 1

Phenomenon 1

Living room, there is a large clock in it, on the right is the door to Sofia's bedroom, otkudova
one can hear a fortopiano with a flute, which then become silent. Lizanka in the middle of the room
sleeps hanging from the chairs. (Morning, a little day breaks)

Lizanka (suddenly wakes up, gets up from his chair, looks around)

Day is breaking! .. Ah! how soon the night passed!
Yesterday I asked to sleep - refusal,
"We are waiting for a friend." - You need an eye and an eye,
Do not sleep until you roll off your chair.
Now I just took a nap,
It's day! .. tell them ...

(Knocks on Sofia.)

Hey! Sofya Pavlovna, trouble.
Your conversation has come during the night;
Are you deaf? - Alexey Stepanych!
Madam! ..- And fear does not take them!

(Moves away from the door.)

Well, the guest is not invited,
Perhaps the father will come in!
I ask you to serve with the young lady in love!

(Again to the door)

Yes, disperse. Morning. - What?

What time is it now?


Everything in the house rose.

Sofia (from his room)

What time is it now?


Seventh, eighth, ninth.

Sofia (from the same place)

Not true.

Lizanka (away from the doors)

Oh! cupid * damned!
And they hear, they don't want to understand
Well, what would they take away the shutters?
I will translate the clock, even though I know: there will be a race,
I'll make them play.

(Climbs into a chair, moves the hand, the clock strikes and plays.)

Phenomenon 2

Lisa and Famusov.


Oh! master!


Master, yes.

(Stops clock music)

After all, what a minx you are, girl.
I could not think of what kind of trouble it is!
Now the flute is heard, now like a piano;
Was it too early for Sophia ??


No, sir, I ... just by chance ...


Just by chance, take note of you;
So, right, intentionally.

(Presses up to her and flirts)

Oh! potion, * darling.


You are a spoiled person, these faces suit you!


Modest, but nothing but
Leprosy and the wind on my mind.


Let go, the windy ones themselves,
Come to your senses, you are old people ...



Well, who will come, where are we with you?


Who should come here?
Sophia is sleeping, isn't she?


Now I have it.


Now! And the night?


I read the whole night.


See, what whims have started!


All in French, read aloud, locked.


Tell me that it is not good for her to spoil her eyes,
And it's not very useful in reading:
She has no sleep from French books
And the Russians hurt me to sleep.


What will rise, I will report,
Please go, wake me up, I'm afraid.


Why wake up? You wind up the clock
You play a symphony for the whole quarter.

Lisa (as loud as possible)

Yes, fullness!

Famusov (grips her mouth)

Have mercy on how you scream.
Are you going crazy?


I'm afraid it won't come out of that ...



It's time, sir, you know you are not a child;
The girls' morning sleep is so thin;
You creak the door a little, whisper a little:
Everyone hears ...


Famusov (hastily)

(Creeps out of the room on tiptoe.)

Lisa (one)

Gone ... Ah! give from the gentlemen;
They have troubles for themselves for every hour,
Pass us more than all sorrows
And lordly anger, and lordly love.

Phenomenon 3

Lisa, Sofia with a candle, behind it Molchalin.


What, Lisa, attacked you?
Making noise ...


Of course, it's hard for you to part?
Locked up until the light, and everything seems small?


Ah, it really is dawn!

(He puts out the candle.)

And light and sadness. How fast the nights are!


Grieve, know, there is no urine from the outside,
Your father has come here, I have died;
Spun in front of him, I don't remember what I was lying;
Well, what have you become? bow, sir, weigh.
Come on, the heart is out of place;
Look at the clock, look out the window:
The people have been knocking down the streets for a long time;
And in the house knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning.


Happy hours are not observed.


Don't watch, your power;
And what is the answer for you, of course, I get.

Sofia (To Molchalin)

Go; the whole day we will endure boredom.


God be with you, sir; take your hand away.

(Breaks them apart, Molchalin collides with Famusov at the door.)

Phenomenon 4

Sofia, Lisa, Molchalin, Famusov.


What an opportunity! * Molchalin, you, brother?



Why here? and at this hour?
And Sophia! .. Hello, Sophia, what are you
I got up so early! but? for what care?
And how did God bring you together at the wrong time?


He just came in now.


Now from a walk.


Friend. Is it possible for walks
Further to choose a nook and cranny?
And you, madam, just jumped out of bed,
With a man! with the young! - Busy for the girl!
Reads fables all night
And here are the fruits of these books!
And all the Kuznetsky Most, * and the eternal French,
From there, fashion to us, both authors and muses:
Destroyers of pockets and hearts!
When the creator delivers us
From their hats! cheptsov! and studs! and pins!
And bookstores and biscuit shops! ..


Excuse me, father, my head is spinning;
I can hardly catch my breath from fright;
You deigned to run in so quickly,
I got confused ...


Thank you humbly
I ran into them soon!
I got in the way! I scared!
I, Sofya Pavlovna, am upset myself, the whole day
There is no rest, I rush about like crazy.
According to the position, in the service of troubles,
The one sticks, the other, everyone cares about me!
But did I expect new troubles? to be deceived ...


Who, father?


They will reproach me,
That I always chew to no avail.
Don't cry, I'm talking about:
Didn't they care about yours?
About education! from the cradle!
Mother died: I knew how to borrow
Madame Rosier has a second mother.
I put the old gold lady in charge of you:
She was smart, quiet disposition, rare rules.
One thing does not serve her to honor:
For an extra five hundred rubles a year
She allowed herself to be enticed by others.
Madame's strength is not.
There is no need for another model,
When the father's example is in the eyes.
Look at me: I do not boast of folding;
However, vigorous and fresh, and lived to gray hair,
Free, widows, I am my master ...
Monastic people are known for their behavior! ..


I dare, sir ...


Be silent!
Terrible age! Don't know where to start!
All have contrived beyond their years.
And more than a daughter, but they are good-hearted.
These languages ​​were given to us!
We take tramps, * both to the house and on tickets, *
To teach our daughters everything, everything -
And dancing! and singing! and tenderness! and sighs!
As if we are preparing buffoons for their wives. *
You, visitor, what? are you here, sir, why?
He warmed the rootless and introduced him to my family,
Gave the rank of assessor * and took him to secretaries;
Transferred to Moscow through my assistance;
And if it weren't for me, you would have smoked in Tver.


I will not explain your anger in any way.
He lives here in the house, great misfortune!
I went into a room, got into another.


Hit or wanted to hit?
Why are you together? It is impossible to accidentally.


Here, however, is the whole case:
How long ago you and Liza were here,
Your voice terrified me extremely,
And I rushed here as fast as I could ...


Perhaps he'll put all the fuss on me.
At the wrong time my voice caused them anxiety!


In a vague dream, a trifle disturbs;
Tell you a dream: you will understand then.


What's the story?


Tell you?


(Sits down.)


Let me ... see eh ... first
Flowery meadow; and I was looking
Some, I don't remember in reality.
Suddenly a sweet person, one of those we are
We will see - as if the ages are familiar,
He appeared here with me; and insinuating, and clever,
But timid ... Do you know who was born in poverty ...


Oh! mother, do not finish the blow!
The poor man is not your match.


Then everything disappeared: the meadows and the heavens. -
We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle
The floor opened up - and you are from there,
As pale as death, and hair on end!
Then the doors opened with a thunder
Some are not people and not animals,
We were apart - and they tortured the one who was sitting with me.
He seems to me dearer than all the treasures,
I want to see him - you drag with you:
We were seen off by the groan, roar, laughter, whistle of monsters!
He shouts after! .. -
Awoke. - Someone says -
Your voice was; what i think is so early?
I run here - and I find both of you.


Yes, a bad dream, I see.
Everything is there, if there is no deception:
And devils and love, and fears and flowers.
Well, my sir, and you?



With papers, sir.


Yes! they were missing.
Have mercy that it suddenly fell
Diligence in writing!


Well, Sonya, I'll give you peace:
Dreams are strange, but in reality they are stranger;
You were looking for herbs
I came across a friend sooner;
Get the nonsense out of your head;
Where there are miracles, there is little stock. -
Come, lie down, sleep again.

(To Molchalin)

We go to sort out the papers.


I only carried them for the report,
That cannot be used without certificates, without others,
There are contradictions, and much is not practical.


I'm afraid, sir, I'm deadly alone,
So that their multitude does not accumulate;
Give free rein to you, it would have sat down;
And for me, what is the matter, what is not the matter,
My custom is this:
Signed, off your shoulders.

(He leaves with Molchalin, passes him forward in the doorway.)

Phenomenon 5

Sofia, Lisa.


Well, here's the holiday! Well, here's the fun!
However, no, now it’s no laughing matter;
It is dark in the eyes, and the soul froze;
Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.


What is the rumor to me? Whoever wants to judge so
Yes, the father will force you to think:
Obese, restless, quick,
This is always the case, and from now on ...
You can judge ...


I'm not judging by stories;
He forbids you, - good is still with me;
And then, have mercy on God, just at once
Me, Molchalin and everyone out of the yard.


Just think how willful happiness is!
It happens worse, get away with it;
When sad nothing comes to mind,
Forgotten by the music, and time passed so smoothly;
Fate seemed to take care of us;
No concern, no doubt ...
And grief awaits from around the corner.


That's it, sir, of my stupid judgment
Never favor:
But that's the problem.
What is a better prophet for you?
I repeated: there will be no good in love
Not forever and ever.
Like everyone in Moscow, your father is like this:
He would like a son-in-law with stars, but with ranks,
And with the stars, not everyone is rich, between us;
Well, of course, besides
And money to live, so he could give balls;
For example, Colonel Skalozub:
And the golden bag, and marks the generals.


How sweet! and I have fun with fear
Hear about frunt * and ranks;
He hasn’t uttered a clever word for a while, -
I don't care what is for him, what is in the water.


Yes, sir, so to speak he is spoken, but painfully not cunning;
But be a military man, be a civilian, *
Who is so sensitive and cheerful and sharp,
Like Alexander Andreich Chatsky!
Not to embarrass you;
Long gone, do not turn back,
But I remember ...


What do you remember? He is glorious
He knows how to laugh everyone;
Chatting, joking, it's funny to me;
You can share laughter with everyone.


Only? as if? - I was drenched in tears,
I remember, poor man, how he parted with you. -
What, sir, are you crying? live laughing ...
And he answered: “No wonder, Liza, I cry:
Who knows what I will find on the way back?
And how much, perhaps, I will lose! "
The poor thing seemed to know that in three years ...


Listen, don't take too much liberty.
I'm very windy, maybe I entered,
I know and I blame; but where did she change?
Who? so that they could reproach with infidelity.
Yes, with Chatsky, it is true, we were brought up, grew up:
The habit of being together every day is inseparable
Tied us with childhood friendship; but then
He moved out, he seemed bored with us,
And he rarely visited our house;
Then he pretended to be in love again,
Discerning and distressed !!.
Oster, smart, eloquent,
I'm especially happy with friends
Here he was thinking about himself high ...
The hunt to wander has attacked him,
Oh! if someone loves whom,
Why should the mind seek and travel so far?


Where is it worn? in which parts?
He was treated, they say, on sour waters, *
Not from illness, tea, from boredom - more freely.


And, probably, happy where people are funnier.
Whom I love is not like that:
Molchalin, I'm ready to forget myself for others,
Enemy of insolence - always shy, timid
I kiss the night with whom you can spend this way!
We sit, and the yard has turned white for a long time,
What do you think? what are you doing?


God knows
Madam, is this my business?


He takes his hand, presses to his heart,
Sighs from the depths of his soul,
Not a word of freedom, and so the whole night goes by,
Hand with hand, and he does not take his eyes off me. -
Laughing! is it possible! what is the reason
I am so laughing for you!


Me? .. your aunt has come to mind now,
How a young Frenchman ran away from her home.
Darling! wanted to bury
My annoyance, I could not:
I forgot to blacken my hair
And after three days she turned gray.

(He continues to laugh.)

Sofia (with chagrin)

They'll talk about me in the same way.


Excuse me, really, how God is holy,
I wanted this stupid laugh
I helped to cheer you up a little.

Phenomenon 6

Sofia, Lisa, servant followed by Chatsky.


Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is here for you.


Phenomenon 7

Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky.


A little light on my feet! and I am at your feet.

(She kisses her hand hotly.)

Well, kiss, didn’t you wait? speak!
Well, for the sake of? * Not? Look me in the face.
Are you surprised? only? here's the trick!
As if not a week had passed;
As if yesterday together
We have no urine to each other;
Not a hair of love! where are so good!
And meanwhile, I can't remember, without a soul,
I am forty-five hours, without squinting my eyes,
More than seven hundred versts swept by - wind, storm;
And he was completely confused, and fell how many times -
And here is the reward for the exploits!


Oh! Chatsky, I am very glad to see you.


Are you for the sake? good hour.
However, who is sincerely happy about that?
It seems to me, so in the end
People and horses shivering,
I only amused myself.


Here, sir, if you were outside the door,
By God, no five minutes
As we remembered you here.
Madam, tell yourself.


Always, not just now. -
You cannot reproach me.
Who flies by, open the door,
On the way, by chance, from a stranger, from far away -
With a question I, at least be a sailor:
Have you met you somewhere in the post-carriage?


Suppose so.
Blessed is he who believes, warmth to him in the world! -
Oh! Oh my God! if I'm here again
In Moscow! you! but how can I recognize you!
Where is the time? where is that innocent age
When it used to be a long evening
You and I will appear, disappear here and there,
We play and make noise on chairs and tables.
And here is your father with madam, behind the picket; *
We are in a dark corner, and it seems that in this!
You remember? we will shudder that the table creak, the door ...




Yes, and now,
At the age of seventeen, you blossomed beautifully,
Inimitable and you know that
Therefore, they are modest, do not look at the light.
Are you in love? please give me an answer
Without a thought, fullness to be embarrassed.


Yes, at least someone will be confused
Questions are quick and curious ...


Have mercy, not you, why be surprised?
What new will Moscow show me?
Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.
He wooed - he was in time, and he made a mistake.
All the same sense, * and the same verses in the albums.


Persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light!
Where is better?


Where we are not.
Well, what is your father? all english klob
An ancient, faithful member to the grave?
Has your uncle jumped off his age?
And this one, how is he, is he a Turk or a Greek?
That black masted, on the legs of the caravilines,
I don't know what his name is,
Wherever you go: right there,
In dining rooms and living rooms.
And three of the tabloid faces, *
Who have been younger since half a century?
They have a million relatives, and with the help of their sisters
They will become related with all of Europe.
And our sun? our treasure?
On the forehead it is written: Theater and Maskerad; *
The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove,
Himself fat, his artists are skinny.
At the ball, remember, we both opened
Behind the screens, in one of the more secret rooms,
A man was hidden and clicked a nightingale,
Singer in winter summer weather.
And that consumptive, kindred to you, the enemy of books,
To the scientific committee * which settled
And with a cry he demanded an oath,
So that no one knows and does not learn to read and write?
I am destined to see them again!
You will get tired of living with them, and in whom you will not find stains?
When you wander, you return home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!


Here I would like to meet you with my aunt,
To re-read all the acquaintances.


And Auntie? all girl, Minerva? *
All maid of honor * Catherine the First?
Pupils and mosek is the house full?
Oh! let's move on to education.
That today, the same as since ancient times,
They bother to recruit teachers of the shelf,
More in number, cheaper?
Not that they are far off in science;
In Russia, under a great fine,
We are told to recognize everyone
Historian and geographer!
Our mentor, * remember his cap, robe,
Index finger, all signs of learning
How our timid minds troubled,
As from an early time we used to believe
That we have no salvation without the Germans!
And Guillaume, the Frenchman, blown away by the breeze?
He's not married yet?



At least on some princess
Pulcheria Andrevna, for example?


Dancemaster! is it possible!


Well, he is also a gentleman.
We will be required to be with property and rank,
And Guillaume! .. - Here today is the tone
At conventions, at large, on parish holidays?
The confusion of languages ​​still prevails:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?


A mixture of languages?


Yes, two, you can't live without it.


But it's tricky to tailor one of them, like yours.


At least not inflated.
Here's the news! - I take a minute,
I am revived by a date with you,
And talkative; is there no time
That I’m more stupid than Molchalin? Where is he, by the way?
Have you not yet broken the silence of the press?
There used to be songs where the newcomers are the notebook
If he sees it, he sticks to it: please write it off.
However, he will reach the known degrees,
After all, today they love dumb.


Not a man, a snake!

(Loud and forced.)

I want to ask you:
Has it ever happened that you are laughing? or in sorrow?
A mistake? did you say good about someone?
Though not now, but in childhood, maybe.


When is everything so soft? and tender and immature?
Why so long ago? here's a good deed to you:
The calls have just thundered
And day and night in the snowy desert,
I'm in a hurry to you, headlong.
And how do I find you? in some strict rank!
I endure coldness for half an hour!
The face of the most holy praying mantis! .. -
And yet I love you without memory.

(Minute silence.)

Listen, are my words all the pegs?
And leaning towards someone else's harm?
But if so: the mind and the heart are out of tune.
I'm in eccentrics to another miracle
Once I laugh, then I forget:
Tell me into the fire: I’ll go as if to dinner.


Yes, good - burn out, if not?

Phenomenon 8

Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky, Famusov.


Here's another!


Ah, father, sleep in hand.


Cursed dream.

Phenomenon 9

Famusov, Chatsky(looks at the door Sophia went through)


Well, you threw out the thing!
I haven't written two words for three years!
And suddenly it burst out like from the clouds.

(They hug.)

Great, friend, great, brother, great.
Tell me, your tea is ready
Gathering important news?
Sit down, announce quickly.

(They sit down.)

Chatsky (absently)

How prettier you are with Sofya Pavlovna!


You, young people, have no other business,
How to notice girly beauty:
I said something in passing, and you,
I have tea, hopes raised, bewitched.


Oh! not; I am a little spoiled by hopes.


"Sleep in hand" - she deigned to whisper to me,
So you are planning ...


I? - Not at all.


Who was she dreaming of? what?


I am not a guesser of dreams.


Don't trust her, everything is empty.


I believe my own eyes;
I have not met a century, I will give a subscription,
So that it was at least a little like her!


He's all his own. Tell me in detail
Where have you been? Wandered for so many years!
Where is it from now?


Now I don't care!
I wanted to go around the whole world
And he did not go around a hundredth.

(Rises hastily.)

Sorry; I was in a hurry to see you sooner,
Didn't go home. Farewell! An hour later
I will appear, I will not forget the slightest details;
You first, then tell you everywhere.

(In the door.)

How good!


Phenomenon 10

Famusov (one)
Which of the two?
"Oh! Father, sleep in your hand! "
And he says it out loud to me!
Well, it's my fault! What did I give the hook!
Molchalin daviche introduced me into doubt.
Now ... yes, half out of the fire:
That beggar, this dandy buddy;
Notorious * motto, tomboy,
What a commission, * Creator,
To be a grown-up daughter's father!


Step 2

Phenomenon 1

Famusov, servant.


Parsley, you are always with a new thing,
With a ripped elbow. Get out the calendar;
Read not like a sexton, *
And with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.
Wait a minute. - On a sheet of paper, write on a note,
Against next week:
To Praskovya Fyodorovna's house
On Tuesday I’m invited for trout.

How wonderful is the light created!
Philosophize - the mind will go round;
Either you take care, then lunch:
Eat for three hours, but in three days it won't cook!
Note, on the same day ... No, no.
On Thursday I am called to the burial.
Oh, the human race! fell into oblivion
That everyone himself must climb there,
In that little casket where you neither stand nor sit.
But who intends to leave the memory on his own
A commendable life, here's an example:
The deceased was a venerable chamberlain,
With a key, he knew how to deliver the key to his son;
He is rich, and he was married to a rich man;
Survived children, grandchildren;
Died; everyone remembers him sadly.
Kuzma Petrovich! Peace be upon him! -
What aces live and die in Moscow! -
Write: on Thursday, one to one,
Maybe Friday, maybe Saturday
I must baptize at the widow's, at the doctor's.
She did not give birth, but by calculation
In my opinion: should give birth ...

Phenomenon 2

Famusov, servant, Chatsky.


A! Alexander Andreevich, please
Sit down.


You're busy?

Famusov (to the servant)

(Exit Servant.)

Yes, we put various things in the book as a keepsake,
Forget it, look.


You are something you have not become merry;
Tell me why? Arrival at my wrong time?
What Sofya Pavlovna
Was there any sorrow? ..
There is vanity in your face, in your movements.


Oh! father, I found a riddle:
I'm not cheerful! .. In my years
You can't squat down on me!


Nobody invites you;
I just asked two words
About Sofya Pavlovna: maybe she's not well?


Ugh, Lord forgive me! Five thousand times
Confirms the same thing!
Sophia Pavlovna is not more suitable in the world,
That Sofya Pavlovna is sick.
Tell me, did you like her?
Sprayed the light; do you want to get married?


What do you need?


It would not be bad for me to ask
After all, I am somewhat akin to her;
At least from time immemorial *
It was not for nothing that they were called father.


Let me devote myself, what would you tell me?


I would say, first of all: do not whims,
In name, brother, do not run wrongly,
And, most importantly, come and serve.


I would be glad to serve, to serve is sickening.


That's it, you are all proud!
Would you ask how the fathers did?
They would study at the elders looking:
We, for example, or the deceased uncle,
Maxim Petrovich: he is not that on silver,
I ate on gold; one hundred people at the service;
All in orders; rode something forever in a train; *
A century at court, but at what court!
Then not what it is now,
Served under the Empress Catherine.
And in those days, everyone is important! forty poods ...
Take a bow - we become dumb * do not nod.
A nobleman in case * - even more so,
Not like the other, and drank and ate differently.
And uncle! what is your prince? what is the count?
Serious look, haughty disposition.
When do you need to curry favor
And he bent forward:
At the kurtag * he happened to encircle himself;
He fell, so much so that he almost knocked the back of his head;
The old man gasped, his voice hoarse;
He was bestowed with the highest smile;
They deigned to laugh; how is he?
Got up, recovered, wanted to bow,
Suddenly fell in a row - on purpose,
And the laughter is even greater, it is the same in the third.
BUT? what do you think? in our opinion - smart.
He fell painfully, got up well.
But, it happened, in whist * who is more often invited?
Who hears a friendly word at court?
Maxim Petrovich! Who knew honor before everyone?
Maxim Petrovich! Joke!
Who deduces the ranks and gives pensions?
Maxim Petrovich. Yes! You, the current ones, are nootka!


And sure enough, the light began to grow stupid,
You can say with a sigh;
How to compare and see
The present century and the past century:
Tradition is fresh, but hard to believe,
As he was famous, whose neck often bent;
As not in war, but in peace they took with their foreheads,
They knocked on the floor without regretting!
Who needs it: so arrogance, lie in the dust,
And to those who are higher, flattery was woven like lace.
The age of obedience and fear was direct,
All under the guise of zeal for the king.
I'm not talking about your uncle;
We will not disturb him ashes:
But in the meantime, whom the hunt will take,
Though in the most ardent servility,
Now, to make people laugh,
Daring to sacrifice the back of your head?
A peer, and an old man
Another, looking at that jump,
And crumbling in shabby skin,
Tea said: “Ax! if only me too! "
Although there are hunters everywhere,
Yes, today laughter frightens and keeps shame in check;
No wonder the sovereigns favor them sparingly.


Oh! Oh my God! he's carbonari! *


No, the light is not like that today.


Dangerous man!


Everyone breathes more freely
And in no hurry to fit into the regiment of jesters.


What he says! and speaks as he writes!


Have patrons yawn at the ceiling,
Show up to be silent, rummage around, have lunch,
Substitute a chair, raise a handkerchief.


He wants to preach liberty!


Who travels, who lives in the village ...


Yes, he does not recognize the authorities!


Who serves the cause, not persons ...


I would strictly forbid these gentlemen
Drive up to the capitals for a shot.


I will finally give you rest ...


Patience, no urine, annoying.


I scolded your century mercilessly,
I give you the power:
Throw away the part,
At least our times in the bargain;
So be it, I won't cry.


And I don’t want to know you, I don’t tolerate debauchery.


I have finished.


Good, I covered my ears.


What for? I will not offend them.

Famusov (quick twister)

Here they scour the world, beat their thumbs,
Come back, expect order from them.


I stopped ...


Perhaps have mercy.


It is not my desire to prolong the debate.


Let your soul go to repentance!

Phenomenon 3

Servant (included)

Colonel Skalozub.

Famusov (sees and hears nothing)

They will bury you
On trial, how to drink will be given.


Someone has come to your house.


I'm not listening, on trial!


A person with a report to you.


I'm not listening, on trial! on trial!


Turn around, your name is.

Famusov (turns around)

BUT? riot? Well, I'm waiting for sodom. *


Colonel Skalozub. Would you like to accept it?

Famusov (rises)

Donkeys! a hundred times to tell you?
Accept him, call him, ask him, say that he is at home,
Which is very happy. Go, hurry up.

(Exit Servant.)

Say a hundred, sir, beware of him:
Famous person, respectable,
And he picked up the signs of darkness;
Beyond his years and an enviable rank,
Not today tomorrow general.
Please, behave modestly in front of him ...
Eh! Alexander Andreevich, it's bad, brother!
He often favors me;
I am glad to everyone, you know,
In Moscow, they will add forever three times:
It's like marrying Sonya. Empty!
He, perhaps, would be glad to have a soul,
Yes, I don't see the need myself, I'm big
The daughter will be given away neither tomorrow nor today;
After all, Sophia is young. However, the power of the Lord.
Please, do not argue with him at random
And give up those wicked ideas.
However, it is not! whatever reason ...
BUT! know, went to me in the other half.

(Hastily leaves.)

Phenomenon 4


How fussing! what agility?
And Sophia? - Isn't there really a groom here?
Since when has it been shy of me as a stranger!
How could she not be here !!.
Who is this Skalozub? their father is very delusional with them,
Or maybe not only that father ...
Oh! tell the end of love
Who will go away for three years.

Phenomenon 5

Chatsky, Famusov, Skalozub.


Sergei Sergeich, come here, sir.
Please, humbly, it is warmer here;
You have grown cold, we will warm you;
Let’s unscrew the fragrance as soon as possible.

Skalozub (deep bass)

Why climb, for example,
By yourself! .. I am ashamed, as an honest officer.


Is it possible for my friends not to take me a step,
Sergei Sergeich dear! Put on your hat, take off your sword;
Here's a sofa, lie back.


Wherever you order, just to sit down.

(All three sit down. Chatsky is at a distance.)


Oh! father, to say so as not to forget:
Let us be ours,
Though distant, - inheritance cannot be divided;
You did not know, and I even more so, -
Thank you, your cousin taught me, -
How do you feel about Nastasya Nikolavna?


I don't know, sir, it's my fault;
She and I did not serve together.


Sergey Sergeich, is that you!
Not! I crawl in front of my relatives, where I will meet;
I will find her at the bottom of the sea.
In my presence, foreign employees are very rare;
More and more sisters, sister-in-law of the child;
One Molchalin is not my own,
And then what is business.
How will you begin to imagine to a cross, to a place,
Well, how not to please a dear little man! ..
However, your brother was my friend and said,
That you received the darkness in your service.


In the thirteenth year my brother and I were different
In the thirtieth Jaeger *, and then in the forty-fifth.


Yes, happiness, who has such a son!
Has, it seems, a medal in his buttonhole?


For the third of August; we sat down in a trench:
It was given to him with a bow, around my neck *.


A kind person, and look - so grip.
A wonderful man, your cousin.


But I have firmly picked up some new rules.
Chin followed him; he suddenly left the service,
In the village he began to read books.



I'm quite happy in my comrades,
Vacancies * are just open;
Then the elders will turn off others,
Others, you see, have been killed.


Yes, with what the Lord will seek, he will exalt!


It happens that my luck is happier.
In our fifteenth division, not far away,
At least tell about our brigadier general.


Have mercy, what are you missing?


I'm not complaining, I didn't go around,
However, they took them behind the regiment for two years.


In pursuit of the regiment? *
But, of course, in what else
To reach far behind you.


No, sir, there are older ones in the body,
I have been serving since eight hundred and ninth;
Yes, to get ranks, there are many channels;
As a true philosopher, I judge about them:
I just wanted to be a general.


And gloriously judge, God bless you
And the rank of general; and there
Why postpone further
Talk about the general?


Marry? I'm not averse to it.


Well? who has a sister, a niece, a daughter;
There is no translation for brides in Moscow;
What? multiply from year to year;
Oh, father, admit that hardly
Where the capital is found, like Moscow.


The distances * are huge.


Taste, sir, excellent manner;
All their laws have:
For example, we have been doing it from time immemorial,
What honor is there for father and son:
Be bad, but if you have enough
There are two thousand generic souls, -
He and the groom.
Be another at least quicker, inflated with all sorts of arrogance,
Let yourself be reputed to be a wise man,
And they won't be included in the family. Don't look at us.
After all, only here they also value the nobility.
Is this one thing? take you bread and salt:
Who wants to come to us - if you please;
The door is open for the invited and uninvited
Especially foreign ones;
Though an honest man, though not,
For us equally, dinner is ready for everyone.
Take you from head to toe,
All Moscow ones have a special imprint.
Take a look at our youth,
For young men - sons and grandchildren.
We scold them, and if you disassemble them, -
At fifteen, teachers will be taught!
And our old men ?? - How enthusiasm will take them,
They will condemn deeds that a word is a sentence, -
After all, the pole * everything, nobody blows in the mustache;
And sometimes they talk about the government like that,
What if someone overheard them ... trouble!
Not that novelties were introduced - never,
Save us God! Not. And they will find fault
To that, to this, and more often to nothing,
They will argue, make some noise, and ... disperse.
Direct chancellors * retired - according to the mind!
I'll tell you, to know, the time is not ripe,
But that will not do without them. -
And the ladies? - sunsya who, try, master;
Judges to everything, everywhere, there are no judges above them;
Behind the cards when they rise up in a general revolt,
God grant patience - after all, I myself was married.
Command before the frunt!
Attend send them to the Senate!
Irina Vlasyevna! Lukerya Aleksevna!
Tatyana Yuryevna! Pulcheria Andrevna!
And whoever saw daughters, hang everyone's head ...
His majesty the king was Prussian here,
He wondered not in the way of Moscow girls,
Their good nature, not their faces;
And exactly, is it possible to be more educated!
They know how to dress up themselves
Taffeta, marigold and haze, *
They will not say a word in simplicity, all with a grimace;
French romances are sung to you
And the top ones bring out the notes
They cling to military people.
But because they are patriots.
I will decisively say: barely
Another capital is found, like Moscow.


In my judgment,
The fire contributed a lot to her decoration *.


Do not remember us, you never know how they are crumbling!
Since then, the roads, sidewalks,
At home and everything in a new way.


The houses are new, but the prejudices are old.
Rejoice, do not exterminate
Neither their years, nor fashion, nor fires.

Famusov (To Chatsky)

Hey, tie a knot as a keepsake;
I asked to be silent, the service is not great.

(To Skalozub)

Excuse me, father. Here's - Chatsky, my friend,
Andrei Ilyich's deceased son:
He does not serve, that is, he does not find any benefit in that,
But if you wanted it, it would be businesslike.
It's a pity, it's a pity, he is small with a head,
And he writes and translates nicely.
One cannot help but regret that with such a mind ...


Can't you regret someone else?
And your praises annoy me.


I am not the only one, everyone also condemns.


And who are the judges? - For antiquity years
Their enmity is irreconcilable to a free life,
Judgments are drawn from forgotten newspapers
The times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea;
Always ready to play
They all sing the same song
Not noticing about myself:
Older is worse.
Where, tell us, fatherland fathers, *
Which ones should we take for samples?
Aren't they rich in robbery?
They found protection from court in friends, in kinship,
Building magnificent chambers
Where they are poured in feasts and prodigality,
And where foreign clients will not resurrect *
The most vile traits of the past.
And who in Moscow did not have their mouths shut
Lunches, dinners and dancing?
Is it not the one you are to whom I still have from the veil,
For some incomprehensible plans,
Was the child taken to bow?
That Nestor * noble villains,
A crowd surrounded by servants;
Zealous, they are in the hours of wine and fight
And honor and his life saved him more than once: suddenly
He exchanged three greyhounds for them !!!
Or that one else, which is for ventures
I drove to the serf ballet in many wagons
From mothers, fathers of rejected children ?!
Himself immersed in the mind in Zephyrs and Cupids,
Made all of Moscow marvel at their beauty!
But the debtors * did not agree to the postponement:
Cupids and Zephyrs all
Sold out one by one !!!
These are the ones who have lived to see gray hairs!
That is to respect whom we should be in the absence of people!
Here are our strict judges and judges!
Now let one of us,
Of young people, there is an enemy of quest,
Requiring neither places nor promotion,
In science he will stick a mind hungry for knowledge;
Or God himself will stir up a fever in his soul
To the creative arts, high and beautiful, -
They immediately: robbery! fire!
And he will be known as a dreamer! dangerous !! -
Uniform! one uniform! he is in their former life
Once covered, embroidered and beautiful,
Their weakness, misery of reason;
And we will follow them on a happy journey!
And in wives, daughters - the same passion for uniforms!
I myself have long renounced tenderness for him ?!
Now I cannot fall into this childishness;
But then who would not be involved in everyone?
When from the guard, others from the court
They came here for a while, -
The women were shouting: hurray!
And they threw their caps into the air!

Famusov (About myself)

He will get me into trouble.


Sergey Sergeich, I will go
And I will wait for you in the office.


Phenomenon 6

Skalozub, Chatsky.


I like, with this estimate
Artfully how you touched
Moscow's prejudices
To the favorites, to the guards, to the guards, to the guards; *
They marvel at their gold and sewing, as if they were suns!
And when did you fall behind in the first army? in what?
Everything is so fitted and the hoists are all so tight
And we will start officers for you,
Some even say, in French.

Phenomenon 7

Skalozub, Chatsky, Sofia, Lisa.

Sofia (runs to the window)

Oh! Oh my God! fell, was killed!

(Loses feelings.)


Who is it?


Who is the trouble with?


She's dead from fear!


Who? where is it from?


Hurt yourself on what?


Didn't our old man make a blunder?

Lisa (fusses around the young lady)

To whom it is appointed, sir, destiny cannot be avoided:
Molchalin sat on a horse, foot in the stirrup,
And the horse rears up
He is on the ground and right in the crown.


The reins were tightened by, well, a pitiful rider.
See how he cracked - chest or side?


Phenomenon 8

The same, without Skalozub.


How can I help her? Tell me quickly.


There is water in the room.

(Chatsky runs and brings. All the following - in an undertone - beforeSofia will wake up.)

Pour the glass.


Already poured.
Let go of the lacing more freely
Rub her whiskey with vinegar
Spray with water. - Look:
Breathing became freer.
What to tell?


Here is a fan.


Look out the window:
Molchalin has been on his feet for a long time!
The idle thing worries her.


Yes, the young lady is unhappy in temper:
Can't look from the outside
How people fall headlong.


Spray with more water.
Like this. Yet. Yet.

Sofia (with a deep sigh)

Who is here with me?
I'm just like in a dream.

(Hastily and loudly.)

Where is he? What about him? Tell me.


Even if I broke my neck
I almost killed you.


Murderous by their coldness!
I have no strength to look at you, to listen to you.


Will you order me to torment myself for him?


Run there, be there, help him try.


So that you are left alone without help?


What do you want me for?
Yes, it's true: not your troubles - fun for you,
Dear father, kill it all the same.

(To Lisa)

Let's go there, let's run.

Lisa (takes her to the side)

Come to your senses! where are you going?
He's alive, well, look out the window here.

(Sophia leans out the window.)


Confusion! fainting! haste! anger! fright!
So you can only feel
When you lose your only friend.


They come here. He cannot raise his hands.


I would like to kill myself with him ...


For a companion?


No, stay if you wish.

Phenomenon 9

Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky, Skalozub, Molchalin(with a tied hand).


Resurrected and unharmed, hand
Bruised slightly
And yet, everything is a false alarm.


I scared you, forgive for God's sake.


Well I didn't know what would come of it
Irritation for you. * They ran in headlong. -
We shuddered! - You fainted,
So what then? - all fear out of nothing.

Sofia (without looking at anyone)

Oh! I see very much: from the empty,
And I'm still trembling all over.

Chatsky (About myself)

Not a word with Molchalin!


However, I will say about myself,
That is not cowardly. It happens,
The carriage will fall down, - they will raise: I again
Ready to ride again;
But the slightest thing about others scares me
Although there is no great misfortune from
Though unfamiliar to me, it doesn't matter.

Chatsky (About myself)

Asks for forgiveness from him,
What if I regretted someone!


Let me tell you the message:
There is some kind of princess Lasova here,
Horsewoman, widow, but no examples
So that many gentlemen went with her.
The other day I got hurt in fluff, -
Joquet * did not support, he thought, apparently, flies. -
And without that, as you can hear, she is clumsy,
Now the rib is missing
So he is looking for a husband for support.


Ax, Alexander Andreevich, here -
Appear, you are quite generous:
Unfortunately for your neighbor, you are so indifferent.


Yes, sir, I have now revealed it
By my most diligent endeavor,
And sprinkle and scrub;
I don’t know for whom, but I resurrected you!

(Takes his hat and leaves.)

Phenomenon 10

The same, except for Chatsky.


Will you come to us in the evening?


How early?


Early; home friends will come

Dance to the fortopian, -
We are in mourning, so the ball cannot be given.


I will, but I promised to go to the priest,
I will take my leave.



Skalozub (shakes hands with Molchalin)

Your servant.


Phenomenon 11

Sofia, Lisa, Molchalin.


Molchalin! how my reason remained intact!
You know how your life is dear to me!
Why should she play, and so carelessly?
Tell me, what's wrong with your hand?
Should I give you drops? do you need peace?
Send to the doctor, should not be neglected.


I tied it up with a handkerchief, it hasn't hurt me since then.


I'll bet it's nonsense;
And if it were not for the face, there is no need for bandaging;
Otherwise, it's not nonsense that you can't avoid publicity:
On a laugh, look, Chatsky will lift you up;
And Skalozub, as he twirls his crest,
Tells you fainting, add a hundred embellishments;
He jokes too much, because nowadays who is not joking!


Which one do I value?
I want - I love, I want - I will say.
Molchalin! as if I didn't force myself?

You entered, you didn't say a word,
With them I did not dare to die,
Ask you, take a look at you.


No, Sofya Pavlovna, you are too frank.


Where to get stealth from!
I was ready to jump in the window to you.
What do I care about whom? before them? to the whole universe?
Is it funny? - let them joke; annoying? - let them scold.


This frankness would not harm us.


Do they really want to challenge you to a duel?


Oh! evil tongues are more terrible than a pistol.


They are sitting with the priest now,
If only you fluttered through the door
With a cheerful face, carefree:
When they tell us what we want -
Where as one can believe willingly!
And Alexander Andreevich, - with him
About the old days, about those pranks
Turn around in the stories:
A smile and a few words
And whoever is in love is ready for anything.


I dare not advise you.

(Kisses her hand.)


Do you want? .. I’ll go to be nice through my tears;
I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand the pretense.
Why did God bring Chatsky here!


Phenomenon 12

Molchalin, Lisa


You are a merry creature! alive!


Please let me in, and there are two of you without me.


What your face!
I love you so much!


And the young lady?


By position, you ...

(He wants to hug her.)



I have three things:
There is a toilet, a cunning job -
There is a mirror on the outside, and a mirror on the inside
All around there is a slit, gilding;
Pillow, beaded pattern;
And a mother-of-pearl device -
Needle cases and little knives, how cute!
Pearls pounded in white!
There is lipstick for the lips, and for other reasons,
With perfume bottle: mignonette and jasmine.


You know that I am not flattering with interests;
Better tell me why
You and the young lady are modest, but from the hawk rake?


Today I am sick, I will not take off the harness;
Come to dinner, stay with me;
I'll reveal the whole truth to you.

(Goes out the side door.)

Phenomenon 13

Sofia, Lisa.


I was at my father's, there is no one there.
I'm sick today and I won't go to dinner
Tell Molchalin and call him
So that he came to visit me.

(Goes to her room.)

Phenomenon 14


Well! people over here!
She to him, and he to me,
And I ... I am the only one who crushes love to death, -
And how not to fall in love with the barman Petrusha!

Step 3

Phenomenon 1

Chatsky, later Sofia.


I’ll wait for her, and I’ll force a confession:
Who finally loves her? Molchalin! Skalozub!
Molchalin was so stupid before! ..
Miserable creature!
Has he really grown wiser? .. And he -
Hripun, * strangled, bassoon, *
A constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas! *
The fate of love is to play blind man's buff.
And to me ...

(Sofia enters.)

Are you here? I am very happy,
I wanted it.

Sofia (About myself)

And very out of place.


Surely they weren't looking for me?


I was not looking for you.


Can't I inquire,
Although inappropriate, there is no need:
Whom do you love?


Oh! Oh my God! the whole world.


Who is nicer to you?


There are many relatives.


More and more me?



And what do I want when it's all decided?
I climb into the noose, but she's funny.


Do you want to know the truth of two words?
The slightest strangeness in whom is barely visible,
Your gaiety is not modest,
You immediately have the sharpness ready,
And you yourself ...


Me myself? isn't that ridiculous?


Yes! a formidable look, and a harsh tone,
And there are an abyss of these features in you;
And the thunderstorm above itself is far from useless.


I'm strange, not strange who is?
One who looks like all fools;
Molchalin, for example ...


Examples are not new to me;
It is noticeable that you are ready to pour out bile on everyone;
And I, so as not to interfere, will evade from here.

Chatsky (holding her)

Wait a minute.

(To the side)

I'll pretend once in my life.


Let us leave this debate.
Before Molchalin I am not right, I am guilty;
Maybe he is not what he was three years ago:
There are such transformations on earth
Of reigns, climates, and morals, and minds,
There are important people, they were reputed for fools:
One in the army, another a bad poet,
Other ... I'm afraid to name, but recognized by the whole world,
Especially in recent years,
That they have become clever wherever.
Let the mind in Molchalin be brisk, a brave genius,
But is there that passion in him? that feeling? is that ardor?
So that, besides you, he has a whole world
Seemed ashes and vanity?
So that every heart beat
Has love accelerated towards you?
So that thoughts are all, and all his deeds
Soul - are you, are you pleasing? ..
I feel it myself, I can't say
But what boils in me now, worries, enrages,
I would not wish for a personal enemy,
And he? .. will be silent and hang his head.
Of course, he is humble, everyone is not frisky;
God knows what secret is hidden in him;
God knows what you invented for him,
Than his head has never been stuffed.
Perhaps the qualities of your darkness,
Admiring it, you have given it;
He is not sinful in anything, you are a hundred times more sinful.
Not! not! let him be smart, smarter hour by hour,
But is he worth you? here's one question for you.
So that I can bear the loss more indifferently,
As a person who is growing up with you,
As your friend, as your brother,
Let me be sure;
From madness I can beware;
I'm pushing further to get cold, to get cold.
Don't think about love, but I'll be able to
Get lost in the world, forget and have fun.

Sofia (About myself)

That reluctantly drove me crazy!


What to pretend?
Molchalin could have been left without an arm,
I took part in it vividly;
And you, having happened at this time,
Didn't bother to calculate
That you can be kind to everyone and indiscriminately;
But maybe there is truth in your guesses,
And I warmly take him under my protection;
Why be, I'll tell you bluntly,
So incontinent on the tongue?
In contempt for people so undisguised?
That there is no mercy for the most humble! .. what?
Happen to someone to call him:
A hail of barbs and jokes will burst out of yours.
To joke! and a century to joke! how will you become!


Oh! Oh my God! Am I one of those
To whom is the purpose of all life - laughter?
I have fun when I meet funny ones
And more often I miss them.


In vain: it all refers to others,
Molchalin would hardly bore you,
When would have come to terms with him in short.

Chatsky (with heat)

Why did you recognize him so briefly?


I didn't try, God brought us together.
Look, he has acquired the friendship of everyone in the house;
Serves for three years under the priest,
He is often uselessly angry,
And he will disarm him with silence,
From the kindness of the soul, he will forgive.
And by the way,
I could look for merriments;
Not at all: from the old people he will not step over the threshold;
We frolic, we laugh,
He will sit down with them all day, glad not happy,
Plays ...


He plays all day!
He is silent when he is scolded!

(To the side)

She doesn't respect him.


Of course, this mind is not in him,
What a genius for some, but for others a plague,
Which is quick, brilliant and soon opposed,
Which light scolds on the spot,
So that the light at least says something about him;
But will such a mind make the family happy?


Satire and morality - the meaning of all this?

(To the side)

She does not give him a dime.


Wonderful property
He is finally: compliant, modest, quiet.
Not a shadow of concern in my face
And there are no misdeeds in my soul,
He does not cut strangers at random, -
That's why I love him.

Chatsky (to the side)

Naughty, she doesn't love him.


I will help you to finish
Molchalin image.
But Skalozub? here is a feast for the eyes;
There is a mountain behind the army,
And the straightness of the camp,
A hero in face and voice ...


Not my novel.


Not yours? who will solve you?

Phenomenon 2

Chatsky, Sofia, Lisa.

Lisa (whisper)

Madam, follow me now
Alexei Stepanych will come to see you.


Excuse me, I must go quickly.



To the hairdresser.


God bless him.


The forceps will catch cold.


Let yourself ...


No, we are waiting for guests for the evening.


God be with you, I remain again with my riddle.
However, let me come in, though furtively,
To your room for a few minutes;
There are walls, air - everything is pleasant!
They will warm, revive, they will give me a rest
Memories of what is irrevocable!
I will not sit up, I will come in, only two minutes,
Then, think, a member of the English Club,
I will donate whole days to rumor
About the mind of Molchalin, about the soul of Skalozub.

(Sophia shrugs her shoulders, goes to her room and locks herself, followed by Lisa.)

Phenomenon 3

Chatsky, later Molchalin.


Oh! Sophia! Could it be that Molchalin was chosen by her!
And why not a husband? There is only little intelligence in him;
But to have children
Who lacked intelligence?
Serving, modest, there is a blush in his face.

(Molchalin enters.)

There he is on tiptoe, and not rich in words;
What divination he knew how to get into her heart!

(Addressing him.)

We, Alexey Stepanych, are with you
Couldn't say two words.
Well, what is your lifestyle?
Without grief today? without sorrow?


Still with.


How did you live before?


Day after day, today is like yesterday.


To the pen from the cards? and to the cards from the pen?
And the appointed hour of the ebb and flow?


As I work and strength,
Since I have been listed in the Archives, *
Received three awards.


Lured by honors and nobility?


No, sir, everyone has their own talent ...



Moderation and accuracy.


The most wonderful two! and are worth our all.


You were not given the ranks, failure in the service?


Ranks are given by people,
And people can be deceived.


How surprised we were!


What a miracle is there?


We felt sorry for you.


Wasted labor.


Tatyana Yurievna told something,
Returning from Petersburg,
With the ministers about your connection,
Then the gap ...


Why does she care?


Tatiana Yurievna!


I am not familiar with her.


With Tatyana Yurievna !!


We haven’t met her for ages;
I heard that it was absurd.


Yes, it's full, is it, sir?
Tatyana Yuryevna!!!
Known - moreover
Officials and officials -
All her friends and all her relatives;
You should visit Tatyana Yuryevna at least once.


What then?


So: often there
We find patronage where we do not mark.


I go to women, but not for this.


How courteous! of good! sweet! simple!
Balls can not be richer.
From Christmas to Lent,
And summer holidays in the country.
Well, really, what would you like to serve with us in Moscow?
And take awards and have fun?


When in business - I hide from fun,
When fooling around - fooling around
And to mix these two crafts
There are darkness of artisans, I am not one of them.


Forgive me, but I don't see a crime here;
Here is Foma Fomich himself, is he familiar to you?



Under three ministers there was a head of the department.
Translated here ...


The empty man, the most stupid.


How can you! his syllable is used here as a model!
Have you read?


I am not a reader of nonsense,
And more than exemplary ones.


No, I happened to read so with pleasure,
I'm not a writer ...


And it is noticeable throughout.


I dare not utter my judgment.


Why is it so secret?


You shouldn't dare in my years
Have your own judgment.


Mercy, we are not guys,
Why are the opinions of others only holy?


After all, one must be dependent on others.


Why is it necessary?


We are small in ranks.

Chatsky (almost loud)

With such feelings, with such a soul
Love! .. The deceiver laughed at me!

Phenomenon 4

Evening. All the doors are wide, except for Sofia's bedroom. A number of illuminated rooms are revealed in perspective. Servants fuss; one of them, the main one, says:

Hey! Filka, Fomka, well, hunky!
Tables for cards, chalk, brushes and candles!

(Knocks on Sofia's door.)

Tell the young lady quickly, Lizaveta:
Natalya Dmitrevna, and with her husband, and to the porch
Another carriage drove up.

(They disperse, only Chatsky remains.)

Phenomenon 5

Chatsky, Natalia Dmitrievna, a young lady.

Natalia Dmitrievna

Am I not mistaken! .. he definitely, in the face ...
Oh! Alexander Andreevich, are you?


Look with doubt from head to toe,
Did three years change me that way?

Natalia Dmitrievna

I thought you were far from Moscow.
How long has it been?


Today only ...

Natalia Dmitrievna


How will it happen.
However, who, looking at you, won’t be surprised?
Fuller than before, prettier fear;
You are younger, fresher;
Fire, blush, laughter, play in all features.

Natalia Dmitrievna

I'm married.


How long ago would you say!

Natalia Dmitrievna

My husband is a lovely husband, so he will come in now,
I will introduce you, would you like?


Natalia Dmitrievna

And I know in advance
What will you like. Take a look and judge!


I believe he is your husband.

Natalia Dmitrievna

Oh no, sir, not because;
By itself, according to his liking, according to his mind.
Platon Mikhailitch is my only, priceless!
Now retired, he was a military man;
And everyone who only knew before affirms
What about his courage, his talent,
Whenever I would continue my service,
Of course, he would have been the Moscow commandant.

Phenomenon 6

Chatsky, Natalia Dmitrievna, Platon Mikhailovich

Natalia Dmitrievna

Here is my Platon Mikhailitch.


Old friend, we have known each other for a long time, this is fate!

Platon Mikhailovich

Great, Chatsky, brother!


Plato dear, glorious,
A commendation sheet to you: you behave properly.

Platon Mikhailovich

As you can see, brother:
Moscow resident and married.


Forgotten the noise of the camp, comrades and brothers?
Calm and lazy?

Platon Mikhailovich

No, there are still activities:
On the flute I repeat a duet
A-molar ... *


What did you say five years ago?
Well, constant taste! husbands are the most expensive!

Platon Mikhailovich

Brother, get married, then remember me!
Out of boredom you will whistle the same thing.


Boredom! as? Are you paying her tribute?

Natalia Dmitrievna

My Platon Mikhailitch is inclined to different occupations,
Which are not now, - to the teachings and reviews,
To the arena ... sometimes misses the morning.


And who, dear friend, tells you to be idle?
In the regiment, the squadron will be given. Are you chief or headquarters? *

Natalia Dmitrievna

Platon Mihalitch my health is very weak.


Weak health! How long has it been?

Natalia Dmitrievna

All rumatism * and headaches.


Movement over. To the village, to a warm land.
Be on horseback more often. The village is paradise in summer.

Natalia Dmitrievna

Platon Mikhailich loves the city,
Moscow; why in the wilderness he will ruin his days!


Moscow and the city ... You are an eccentric!
Do you remember the old days?

Platon Mikhailovich

Yes, brother, now it's not like that ...

Natalia Dmitrievna

Oh, my friend!
It's so fresh here that there is no urine,
You flung open all over and unbuttoned your vest.

Platon Mikhailovich

Now, brother, I'm not the same ...

Natalia Dmitrievna

Obey once
My dear, zip up soon.

Platon Mikhailovich (coolly)

Natalia Dmitrievna

Platon Mikhailovich

Now, brother, I'm not the same ...

Natalia Dmitrievna

Platon Mikhailovich (eyes to the sky)

Oh! mother!


Well, God judge you;
Surely, you became the wrong one in a short time;
Was it not last year, at the end,
Did I know you in the regiment? only morning: foot in the stirrup
And you run on a greyhound stallion;
Blow the autumn wind, either from the front or from the rear.

Platon Mikhailovich (with a sigh)

Eh! brother! it was a glorious life then.

Phenomenon 7

The same, Prince Tugoukhovsky and Princess from six daughters.

Natalia Dmitrievna (in a thin voice)

Prince Pyotr Ilyich, princess! Oh my God!
Princess Zizi! Mimi!

(Loud kissing, then sit down and examine each other with
head to toe.)

1st princess

What a beautiful style!

2nd princess

What folds!

1st princess

Fringed trim.

Natalia Dmitrievna

No, if only they saw my satin turtle!

3rd princess

What an esharp * cousin * gave me!

4th princess

Oh! yes, barge! *

5th princess

Oh! lovely!

6th princess

Oh! how sweet!


Ss! - Who is this in the corner, we went up, bowed?

Natalia Dmitrievna

Visitor, Chatsky.



Natalia Dmitrievna

Yes, I have traveled, recently returned.


And ho-lo-stay?

Natalia Dmitrievna

Yes, not married.


Prince, prince, here. - Livelier.

Prince (turns the auditory tube to her)


To us on Thursday evening, ask soon
Natalya Dmitrevna's acquaintance: there he is!


(He leaves, winds around Chatsky and clears his throat.)


Here are some kids:
They have a ball, and the father dragged along to bow;
Dancers have become terribly rare! ..
Is he a chamber cadet? *

Natalia Dmitrievna


Natalia Dmitrievna

Princess (loudly that there is urine)

Prince, prince! Back!

Phenomenon 8

The same and Countess Hryumina: grandmother and granddaughter.

Countess granddaughter

Ax! Grand 'maman! * Well, who arrives so early?
We are first!

(Disappears into a side room.)


Here he honors us!
Here is the first one, and he considers us to be no one!
Evil, in girls a whole century, God will forgive her.

Countess granddaughter (returning, directs a double lorgnette at Chatsky)

Monsieur Chatsky! Are you in Moscow! how were they all like that?


What should I change for?

Countess granddaughter

Unmarried returned?


Who should I marry?

Countess granddaughter

In foreign lands on whom?
ABOUT! our darkness, without distant references,
They marry and give us kinship
With the masters of fashionable shops.


Unhappy! Shouldn't there be reproaches
From imitators to milliners?
For daring to prefer
Originals to lists? *

Phenomenon 9

The same and many other guests. By the way Zagoretsky... Men
come, shuffle, step aside, wander from room to room, and so on.
Sofia comes out of himself; all to meet her.

Countess granddaughter

Eh! bon soir! vous voila! Jamais trop diligente,
Vous nous donnez toujours le plaisir de l'attente *.

Zagoretsky (Sophia)

Do you have a ticket for tomorrow's show?



Let me hand you over, in vain who would take
Another to serve you, but
Wherever I rushed!
To the office - everything is taken,
To the director - he is my friend -
With dawn at six o'clock, and by the way eh!
Already in the evening no one could get it;
Moreover, to this, I knocked everyone down;
And this one finally kidnapped by force
One, the old man is frail,
My friend, a famous homebody;
Let him sit at home alone.


Thank you for the ticket
And for the effort twice.

(Some more appear, meanwhile Zagoretsky goes to the men.)


Platon Mikhailich ...

Platon Mikhailovich

Go to women, lie to them and fool them;
I'll tell you the truth about you,
Which is worse than any lie. Here, brother,

(To Chatsky)

What are the more courteous names of such people?
Tenderer? - he is a secular person,
A notorious swindler, rogue:
Anton Antonich Zagoretsky.
With him, beware: carry * a lot,
And don't get into cards: he will sell.


Original! grumpy, but without the slightest malice.


And to be offended you would be ridiculous;
Besides honesty, there are many joys:
They scold here and thank you there.

Platon Mikhailovich

Oh no, brother! we are scolded
Everywhere, but everywhere they accept.

(Zagoretsky gets in the crowd.)

Phenomenon 10

The same and Khlestova.


Is it easy at sixty five
Dragging me to you, niece? .. - Torment!
I drove for an hour from Pokrovka, * no strength;
Night is the light of doom! *
Out of boredom, I took with me
Little arapka and a dog;
Tell them to feed already, my friend,
Dinner got a handout.
Princess, hello!

(She sat down.)

Well, Sofyushka, my friend,
What is my arap for services:
Curly! the hump of the shoulder blade!
Angry! all the cat grips!
How black! how terrible!
After all, the Lord created such a tribe!
God damn it; in the girl's * she;
Should I call?


No, sir, at another time.


Imagine: they are displayed like animals ...
I listened, there ... the city is Turkish ...
Do you know who has saved for me? -
Anton Antonich Zagoretsky.

(Zagoretsky moves forward.)

He is a liar, a gambler, a thief.

(Zagoretsky disappears.)

I was from him and the doors were locked;
Yes, master to serve: me and sister Praskovya
I got two arapchens at the fair;
Bought, he says, he cheated tea into cards;
And me a present, God grant him health!

Chatsky (laughing to Platon Mikhailovich)

It will not be good for such praises,
And Zagoretsky himself could not stand it, he disappeared.


Who is this merry fellow? From what rank?


This one over there? Chatsky.


Well? and what did you find funny?
What is he glad about? What's the laugh?
It's a sin to laugh at old age.
I remember you often danced with him as a child,
I scolded him by the ears, just a little.

Phenomenon 11

The same and Famusov.

Famusov (loudly)

We are waiting for Prince Peter Ilyich,
And the prince is already here! And I was huddled there, in the portrait room!
Where is Skalozub Sergey Sergeich? but?
Not; it seems not. - He is a noticeable person -
Sergey Sergeich Skalozub.


My Creator! deafened, louder than any trumpets!

Phenomenon 12

The same and Skalozub, later Molchalin.


Sergei Sergeich, too late;
And we were waiting for you, waiting for you, waiting for you.

(Leads to Khlestova.)

My daughter-in-law, who has been
It has been said about you.

Khlestova (sitting)

Have you been here before ... in the regiment ... in that ... in the grenadier's? *

Skalozub (in bass)

His highness, you mean
Novo-Zemlyansky Musketeer. *


I’m not a craftswoman to distinguish the shelves.


And the uniforms have differences:
In uniforms, edging, shoulder straps, buttonholes.


Come on, father, I'll make you laugh there;
We have a curious whist. Follow us, prince! ask.

(He and the prince takes away with him.)

Khlestova (Sofia)

Wow! I got rid of the loop quite a bit;
After all, your crazy father:
He was given three fathoms a daring man, -
Introduces, without asking, is it pleasant for us, isn't it?

Molchalin (gives her a card)

I made up your party: Monsieur Kok,
Foma Fomich and me.


Thank you my friend.



Your Pomeranian is an adorable Pomeranian, no more than a thimble!
I stroked it all; like silk wool!


Thank you my dear.

(Leaves, followed by Molchalin and many others.)

Phenomenon 13

Chatsky, Sofia and a few outsiders who continue


Well! dispersed the cloud ...


Can't we not continue?


What did I scare you with?
For the fact that he softened the angry guest,
I wanted to praise.


And they would have ended in anger.


Tell you what I thought? Here is:
All old women are angry people;
It is not bad that a famous servant is with them
Here it was like a thunderous tap.
Molchalin! - Who else will settle everything so peacefully!
There the pug will stroke it in time!
Here in time to rub the card!
Zagoretsky will not die in it!
You gave it to me to calculate the properties,
But many have forgotten? - Yes?

Phenomenon 14

Sofia, later G.N.

Sofia (About myself)

Oh! this person always
Cause me a terrible frustration!
To humiliate glad, prick, envious, proud and angry!

G.N. (suitable)

You are thinking.


About Chatsky.

How was he found on his return?


He is not quite all there.

Have you lost your mind?

Sofia (after a pause)

Not that at all ...

However, there are signs?

Sofia (looks at him intently)

I think.

How can you, in these years!


How to be!

(To the side)

He is ready to believe!
Ah, Chatsky! You love to play around as jesters,
Is it pleasing to try on yourself?


Phenomenon 15

G.N., later G.D.

Out of my mind! .. It seems to her! .. here it is!
No wonder? So ... where would she get it?
You heard?

About Chatsky?


You are crazy!

I didn’t say, others say.

Are you glad to spread it?

I'll go and inquire; tea, somebody knows.


Phenomenon 16

G.D., later Zagoretsky.

Trust the chatterbox!
He hears nonsense, and immediately repeats it!
Do you know about Chatsky?


You are crazy!


BUT! I know, I remember, I heard.
How can I not know? an example case came out;
His uncle-rogue hid him in the mad ones ...
They grabbed me into a yellow house * and put me on a chain.

Have mercy, he was here in the room now, here.


So they let him off the chain.

Well, dear friend, you don't need newspapers with you.
I'll go and spread my wings
I’ll ask everyone; but mind you! secret.

Phenomenon 17

Zagoretsky, later Countess granddaughter.


Who is Chatsky here? - Famous surname.
I was once familiar with some Chatsky. -
Have you heard of him?

Countess granddaughter


About Chatsky, he was here in the room now.

Countess granddaughter

I know.
I spoke to him.


So I congratulate you!
He's crazy ...

Countess granddaughter


Yes, he's out of his mind.

Countess granddaughter

Imagine, I noticed myself;
And even though you can bet, you are one word with me.

Phenomenon 18

The same and Countess grandmother.

Countess granddaughter

Ah! grand 'maman, miracles! that's new!
Have you heard of the troubles here?
Listen. Here are the delights! that's cute! ..

Countess grandmother

My t swear, my ears are sick w silt;
Ska w and by to more ...

Countess granddaughter

There is no time!

(Indicates Zagoretsky.)

Il vous dira toute l'histoire ... *
I'll go and ask ...


Phenomenon 19

Zagoretsky, Countess grandmother.

Countess grandmother

What? what? isn't there any w ara?


No, Chatsky made all this mess.

Countess grandmother

How, Chatsky? Who imprisoned?


In the mountains he was wounded in the forehead, lost his mind from the wound.

Countess grandmother

What? to the freemasons * in the clob? He went to P usurmans?


You can't make her understand.


Countess grandmother

Anton Antonovich! Oh!
And he P e w it, all in fear, in a hurry.

Phenomenon 20

Countess grandmother and Prince Tugoukhovsky.

Countess grandmother

Prince, prince! Oh, this prince, by P alam, myself a little t hears!
Prince, have you heard?


Countess grandmother

He hears nothing!
Though, mo w em, we saw, the chief of police is here * P eh?


Countess grandmother

In prison, the prince, who grabbed Chatsky?


Countess grandmother

A cleaver and a knapsack for him,
In sol t and you! No joke! changed the law!


Countess grandmother

Yes! .. in P usurmans he is! Oh! Cursed Volterian! *
What? but? deaf, my father; take out your horn.
Oh! deafness is a great defect.

Phenomenon 21

The same and Khlestova, Sofia, Molchalin, Platon Mikhailovich, Natalia
Dmitrievna, Countess granddaughter, Princess with her daughters, Zagoretsky, Skalozub, later
Famusov and many others.


You are crazy! I humbly ask!
By chance! how nimble!
Did you, Sophia, hear?

Platon Mikhailovich

Who was the first to divulge?

Natalia Dmitrievna

Ah, my friend, everyone!

Platon Mikhailovich

Well, everything, so reluctantly believe,
And I doubt it.

Famusov (entering)

About what? about Chatsky, or what?
What is doubtful? I am the first, I opened!
For a long time I wonder how no one will bind him!
Try about the authorities - and the field will tell you what!
Bow down a little, bend over a ring,
At least in front of the monarch's face,
So he will call him a scoundrel! ..


There from the laughing ones;
I said something - he began to laugh.


I was advised against serving in the Archives in Moscow.

Countess granddaughter

I have deigned to call me a milliner!

Natalia Dmitrievna

And he gave my husband advice to live in the village.


Crazy all over.

Countess granddaughter

I saw from my eyes.


I went after my mother, after Anna Aleksevna;
The deceased went mad eight times.


There are wonderful adventures in the world!
In his summer he jumped mad!
Tea, I drank beyond my years.


ABOUT! right…

Countess granddaughter

No doubt about it.


He drew champagne glasses.

Natalia Dmitrievna

With bottles, and large

Zagoretsky (with heat)

No, sir, forties barrels.


Here you go! great trouble
What a man will drink too much!
Learning is the plague, learning is the reason
What's more important now than when,
Insane divorced people, and deeds, and opinions.


And you will really go crazy from these, from some
From boarding houses, schools, lyceums, as you mean them,
Yes from Lankart peer learning. *


No, in St. Petersburg the institute
Pe-da-go-gic, * so, it seems, the name is:
There they practice splits and unbeliefs
Professors !! - our relatives studied with them,
And went out! even now to the pharmacy, as an apprentice.

Runs from women, and even from me!
Chinov doesn't want to know! He's a chemist, he's a nerd
Prince Fyodor, my nephew.


I will please you: everyone's rumor,
That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;
There they will only teach according to ours: one, two;
And the books will be kept like this: for big occasions.


Sergei Sergeich, no! If you stop evil:
Take all the books and burn them.

Zagoretsky (with meekness)

No, sir, books are different. And if, between us,
I was appointed censor *
I would lean on fables; Oh! fables are my death!
Eternal mockery of lions! over the eagles!
Whoever says anything:
Although they are animals, they are still kings.


My fathers, whoever is upset in the mind,
So all the same, whether from books or from drinking;
And I'm sorry for Chatsky.
In a Christian way; he is worthy of pity;
He was a sharp man, had three hundred souls.



Three, sir.


Four hundred.


Not! three hundred.


On my calendar ...


All calendars lie.



Not! Three hundred! - I don’t know someone else’s estates!


Four hundred, please understand.


Not! three hundred, three hundred, three hundred.

Phenomenon 22

The same all and Chatsky.

Natalia Dmitrievna

Countess granddaughter

(Back away from him in the opposite direction.)


Well, like from crazy eyes
He will start to fight, he will demand to be butchered!


Oh my God! have mercy on us sinners!


My dearest! You are not at ease.
Sleep is needed from the road. Give me a pulse ... You are not well.


Yes, no urine: a million torments
Breasts from a friendly grip
Feet from shuffling, ears from exclamations,
And more than the head from all sorts of trifles.

(Approaches Sophia.)

My soul here is squeezed by some kind of grief,
And in the crowd I am lost, not myself.
Not! I am dissatisfied with Moscow.


Moscow, you see, is to blame.

(Makes signs for Sophia.)

Um, Sophia! - Doesn't look!

Sofia (To Chatsky)

Tell me what makes you so angry?


In that room, an insignificant meeting:
Frenchie from Bordeaux, * pulling on the chest,
He gathered around himself a family of veche *
And he said how he was getting ready for the journey
To Russia, to the barbarians, with fear and tears;
I came and found that there was no end to caresses;
Not a sound of a Russian, not a Russian face
I have not met: as if in the fatherland, with friends;
Own province. - Look, in the evening
He feels like a little king here;
The ladies have the same sense, the same outfits ...
He's happy, but we're not happy.
Stopped. And here from all sides
Longing, and groaning, and moaning.
Oh! France! There is no better edge in the world! -
Decided two princesses, sisters, repeating
The lesson that they have done from childhood.
Where to go from the princesses! -
I sent desires odal
Humble but out loud
So that the Lord destroy this unclean spirit
Empty, slavish, blind imitation;
So that he sows a spark in someone with a soul,
Who could by word and example
Hold us like a strong rein,
From pathetic nausea on the side of the stranger.
Let me be called * an old believer,
But our North is a hundred times worse for me
Since I gave everything in exchange for a new way -
And manners, and language, and holy old times,
And stately clothes for another
On the clownish model:
The tail is in the back, in the front there is some kind of wonderful notch, *
Reason in spite of, in defiance of the elements;
The movements are connected, and there is no beauty on the face;
Funny, shaved, gray chins!
Both dresses, hair, and minds are short! ..
Oh! if we are born to take over everything,
If only we could borrow a little from the Chinese
Wise their ignorance of foreigners.
Shall we rise again from the foreign rule of fashion?
So that our smart, cheerful people
Although in language we were not considered Germans.
"How to put the European in parallel
With the national - something strange!
Well how to translate madam and mademoiselle?
Uhli madam!! " Someone muttered to me.
Imagine everyone here
There was laughter at my expense.
« Madam! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! perfectly!
Madam! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! awful! " -
I, angry and cursing life,
I prepared a thunderous answer for them;
But everyone left me. -
Here is a case with me, it is not new;
Moscow and Petersburg - in all of Russia,
That a man from the city of Bordeaux
Only opened his mouth, has happiness
To instill participation in all princesses;
And in St. Petersburg and Moscow,
Who is the enemy of discharged persons, pretentious, curly words,
In whose unfortunate head
Five, six, there are healthy thoughts
And he dares to declare them publicly, -
Lo and behold ...

(Looks around, everyone is spinning in a waltz with the greatest zeal. The old people scattered to the card tables.)

Step 4

Famusov has a ceremonial entrance in the house; a large staircase from the second dwelling *, which is adjoined by many side mezzanines; below to the right (from the characters) exit to the porch and the Swiss box; on the left, on the same plane, Molchalin's room. Night. Low lighting. Some lackeys bustle, others sleep in anticipation of their masters.

Phenomenon 1

Countess grandmother, Countess granddaughter ahead of them footman.


Countess Piggy carriage!

Countess granddaughter (while they wrap her up)

Well ball! Well Famusov! knew how to name the guests!
Some kind of freaks from the other world,
And there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with.

Countess grandmother

Train t eat, mother, me, great f oh, I can't do it
Ever t with P ala t but into the grave.

(Both leave.)

Phenomenon 2

Platon Mikhailovich and Natalia Dmitrievna... One footman bustles around them,
another at the entrance shouts:

Gorich's carriage!

Natalia Dmitrievna

My angel, my life,
Priceless, darling, Poposh, what's so sad?

(Kisses her husband on the forehead.)

Admit it, the Famusovs had fun.

Platon Mikhailovich

Natasha-mother, I doze at the balls,
A mortal reluctant before them,
And I do not resist, your worker,
I'm on duty after midnight, sometimes
To please you, no matter how sad
I start dancing on command.

Natalia Dmitrievna

You pretend, and very unskilful;
The mortal hunt to be known for the old man.

(Leaves with a footman.)

Platon Mikhailovich (coolly)

Ball is a good thing, bondage is bitter;
And who does not allow us to marry!
After all, it is said, to a different kind ...

Lackey (from the porch)

There is a lady in the carriage, and she will deign to be angry.

Platon Mikhailovich (with a sigh)


Phenomenon 3

Chatsky and footman ahead of him.


Shout to serve it soon.

(The footman leaves.)

Well, the day has passed, and with it
All the ghosts, all the fumes and smoke
The hopes that filled my soul.
What have I been waiting for? what did you think to find here?
Where is the beauty of this meeting? participation in whom is alive?
Scream! joy! hugged! - Empty.
In a cart so and so on the way
An immense plain, sitting idly,
All something is visible ahead
Light, blue, varied;
And you go for an hour, and two, a whole day; that's brisk
They rushed to rest; overnight: wherever you look,
All the same smooth surface, and steppe, and empty and dead ...
It's a shame, there is no urine, the more you start thinking.

(The footman returns.)


You see, the coachman will not be found anywhere.


Go, look, don't spend the night here.

(The footman leaves again.)

Phenomenon 4

Chatsky, Repetilov(runs in from the porch, at the very entrance falls from all
feet and hastily recovers).


Ugh! blundered. - Ah, my Creator!
Let me rub my eyes; where is it from? friend!..
Heart friend! Dear friend! Mon cher! *
Here are farces * how often there were pets to me,
What idle talk I am, what stupid, what superstit
That I have all the forebodings, omens;
Now ... please explain
As if I knew I was in a hurry here,
Grab, I touched the threshold with my foot
And stretched out to his full height.
Perhaps laugh at me
That Repetilov is lying, that Repetilov is simple,
And I have an attraction for you, a kind of ailment,
Some kind of love and passion,
I am ready to lay my soul
That you won't find such a friend in the world
So faithful, she-she;
Let me lose my wife, children,
I will be left with the whole light
Let me die in this place,
May the Lord pique me ...


Yes, full of nonsense to grind.


You don't love me, it's a natural thing:
With others I do this and that,
I speak with you timidly
I am pathetic, I am ridiculous, I am an ignoramus, I am a fool.


What a strange humiliation!


Scold me, I curse my own birth,
When I think about how I was killing time!
Tell me what time is it?


An hour to go to bed to go to bed;
If you came to the ball,
So you can go back.


What's the ball? brother, where are we all night until broad daylight,
Shackled in decency, we will not break out of the yoke,
Have you read? there is a book ...


Have you read? task for me,
Are you Repetilov?


Call me vandal: *
I deserve this name.
He valued empty people!
Himself raved about dinner or a ball for a century!
I forgot about the children! cheated on his wife!
Played! lost! taken into custody by decree! *
The dancer was holding! and not one:
Three at a time!
Drank dead! didn’t sleep for nine nights!
He rejected everything: laws! conscience! faith!


Listen! lie, but know the measure;
There is something to come to despair from.


Congratulate me, now I know people
With the smartest! - I don’t prowl all night long.


Now, for example?


That one night doesn’t count
But ask, where have you been?


And I myself will guess.
Tea, at the club?


In English. To start confession:
From a noisy meeting.
Shook a hundred be silent, I gave my word to be silent;
We have a society, and secret gatherings
On Thursdays. The most secret union ...


Oh! I, brother, am afraid.
How? in club?



Here are the extraordinary measures
To drive away both you and your secrets.


In vain fear takes you
Aloud, we speak loudly, no one will understand.
I myself, as they clash about the cameras, the jury, *
About Beyron *, well, about important mothers,
I often listen without opening my lips;
I can't do it, brother, and I feel stupid.
Ax! Alexandre! we missed you;
Listen, darling, sweat me at least a little;
Let's go now; we are, fortunately, on the move;
With which I will lead you
People !! ... They don't look like me at all!
What kind of people, mon cher! Smart youth juice!


God is with them and with you. Where will I ride?
What for? into the dead of night? Home, I want to sleep.


Eh! give it up! who is sleeping today? Well enough, no preludes *
Make up your mind, and we! .. we have ... decisive people,
A dozen hot heads!
We shout - you will think that there are hundreds of voices! ..


Why do you rage so much?


We make noise, brother, make noise!


Are you making a noise? only?


There is no place to explain now and lack of time,
But a state matter:
It, you see, is not ripe,
You can't suddenly.
What kind of people! mon cher! Without distant stories
I will tell you: first of all, Prince Grigory !!
The only freak! we are dying with laughter!
Century with the English, the whole English fold,
And he also speaks through clenched teeth,
And also cropped short for order.
Don't you know? about! meet him.
The other is Vorkulov Evdokim;
Have you heard how he sings? about! marvel!
Listen honey, especially
He has one favorite:
"BUT! non lashyar mi, but, but, but ". *
We also have two brothers:
Levon and Borinka, wonderful guys!
You don't know what to say about them;
But if you order a genius to call:
Suffocating Ippolit Markelych !!!
You are composing it
Have you read anything? even a trifle?
Read it, brother, but he doesn't write anything;
Such people would be whipped,
And condemn: write, write, write;
In magazines, however, you can find
His excerpt, look and something.
What are you talking about something? - about everything;
Everyone knows, we herd him for a rainy day.
But we have a head that Russia does not have,
There is no need to name, you recognize from the portrait:
Night robber, duelist,
He was exiled to Kamchatka, returned as an Aleut,
And strong on the hand is unclean;
Yes, an intelligent person cannot but be a cheat.
When does he speak of high honesty,
We inspire with some demon:
Eyes covered in blood, face is burning
He cries himself, and we all cry.
Here are people, are there any like them? Hardly ...
Well, between them I am, of course, mediocre *,
A little lagged behind, lazy, horror to think!
However, I, when, with a little effort,
I'll sit down, I don't sit for an hour,
And somehow by chance, suddenly a pun * make my face.
Others will pick up the same idea in my mind
And the six of them, lo and behold, the vaudeville * is blind,
The other six put on music,
Others clap when given.
Brother, laugh, but what you like, you like:
God did not reward me with abilities,
I gave a kind heart, that's what I am dear to people,
If I lie - forgive ...

Lackey (at the entrance)

Skalozub's carriage!


Phenomenon 5

The same and Skalozub going down the stairs.

Repetilov (to meet him)

Oh! Skalozub, my soul,
Wait, where? make friendship.

(She strangles him in her arms.)


Where can I go from them!

(Included in the Swiss.)

Repetilov (To Skalozub)

The rumor about you has long ceased,
They said that you went to the regiment for service.
Do you know each other?

(Looking for Chatsky with his eyes)

Stubborn! galloped away!
There is no need, I found you by accident,
And we ask with me, now without excuses:
Prince Gregory now has darkness for the people,
You will see, there are forty of us,
Fu! how much mind is there, brother!
They talk all night long, they won't get bored,
First, give champagne to the slaughter,
And secondly, they will teach such things,
Which, of course, we cannot invent with you.


Deliver. You won't faze me with scholarship,
Click others, and if you want,
I am Prince Gregory and you
Feldwebel in Ladies Volters,
He will build you in three lines,
And make a sound, it will calm you down in an instant.


All service on your mind! Mon cher, look here:
And I would climb into ranks, but I met failures,
Like, perhaps, no one ever;
I served as a civil servant, then
Baron von Klotz as ministers methyl,
And I -
To his son-in-law.
I walked straight without a distant thought,
I went into reverse with his wife and with him, *
What amounts to him and her
He let it down, God forbid!
He lived on the Fontanka *, I built a house near,
With columns! huge! how much did it cost!
Finally married his daughter,
He took the dowry - shish, at the service - nothing.
Father-in-law is a German, but what's the use?
I was afraid, see, he reproached
For weakness, as it were, for relatives!
I was afraid, take his ashes, but is it easier for me?
His secretaries are all boors, all corrupt,
Little fellows writing creature
Everyone came out to know, everyone is important today,
Look at the calendar address. *
Ugh! service and ranks, crosses - the souls of the ordeal;
Alexey Lakhmotiev speaks wonderfully,
That radical medicines are needed here,
The stomach does not cook longer.

(He stops, seeing that Zagoretsky has taken the place of Skalozub,
who left for the time being.)

Phenomenon 6

Repetilov, Zagoretsky.


Please allow me to continue, I sincerely confess to you,
I am just like you, a terrible liberal!
And from the fact that I am straight and boldly explaining myself,
Where have I lost so much! ..

Repetilov (annoyed)

All apart without saying a word;
Slightly out of sight of one, look, there is no other.

Chatsky was there, suddenly disappeared, then Skalozub.


What do you think about Chatsky?


He's not stupid
Now we collided, there are all sorts of turuses, *
And a good conversation turned to vaudeville.
Yes! vaudeville is a thing, and everything else is gil. *
He and I ... we have ... the same tastes.


Have you noticed that he
Is your mind seriously damaged?


What nonsense!


All this faith is about him.



Ask everyone!



And by the way, here is Prince Pyotr Ilyich,
The princess and the princesses.


Phenomenon 7

Repetilov, Zagoretsky, Prince and Princess from six daughters; Little
afterwards Khlestova descends from the front staircase. Molchalin leads her by the arm.
The lackeys in the hustle and bustle.


Princesses, please, tell me your opinion,
Mad Chatsky or not?

1st princess

What doubt about that?

2nd princess

The whole world knows about it.

3rd princess

Dryansky, Khvorovs, Varlyansky, Skachkovs.

4th princess

Oh! to lead the old, to whom are they new?

5th princess

Who doubts?


But he doesn't believe ...

6th princess


Monsieur Repetilov! You! Monsieur Repetilov! what do you!
How are you! Is it possible against everyone!
Why are you? shame and laughter.

Repetilov (covers his ears)

Sorry, I didn't know it was too public.


It wouldn’t be clear yet, it’s dangerous to talk to him,
It would be high time to lock up.
Listen, so his little finger
Smarter than everyone, and even Prince Peter!
I think he's just a Jacobin *
Your Chatsky !!! Let's go. Prince, you could carry
Kate or Zizi, we'll sit in a six-seater.

Khlestova (from the stairs)

Princess, card debt.


Follow me, mother.

Everything (to each other)


(The princely surname * leaves, and Zagoretsky also.)

Phenomenon 8

Repetilov, Khlestova, Molchalin.


Heavenly king!
Amfisa Nilovna! Oh! Chatsky! poor! here!
What is our lofty mind! and a thousand worries!
Tell me, from what in the world we are bothering!


So God judged him; but by the way,
Treat, cure maybe;
And you, my father, are incurable, at least give it up.
Deigned to appear in time! -
Molchalin, there is your closet,
No wires needed; go, the Lord is with you.

(Molchalin goes to his room.)

Goodbye, father; it's time to go crazy.


Phenomenon 9

Repetilov with his lackey.


Where should the path go now?
And the matter is already moving towards dawn.
Come put me in the carriage
Take it somewhere.


Phenomenon 10

The last lamp goes out.

Chatsky (out of swiss)

What is it? did I hear with my ears!
Not laughter, but clearly anger. What miracles?
What kind of witchcraft
Everyone repeats the absurdity about me!
And for some it is like a celebration,
Others seem to be compassionate ...
ABOUT! if someone penetrated people:
What's worse about them? soul or tongue?
Whose composition is this!
The fools believed, they pass it on to others,
The old women instantly sound the alarm -
And here is the public opinion!
And here is that homeland ... No, on this visit,
I see that I will soon get tired of it.
Does Sophia know? - Of course they did,
She's not exactly to my detriment
Amused, whether it’s true or not -
She doesn't care if it's different, if it's me,
She does not value anyone in her conscience.
But this fainting, unconsciousness from where ?? -
Nerve spoiled, fad, -
A little will stir them up, and a little will calm them down, -
I counted as a sign of living passions. - Not a crumb:
She certainly would have lost the same strength
When would anyone step
On the tail of a dog or cat.

Sofia (above the stairs on the second floor, with a candle)

Molchalin, are you?

(Hastily locks the door again.)


She is! she herself!
Oh! my head is on fire, all my blood is in excitement.

Appeared! there is no her! really in a vision?
Am I really out of my mind?
I am definitely prepared for the extraordinary;
But it’s not a vision here, an hour has been agreed upon.
Why should I deceive myself?
Molchalin was calling, here is his room.

His lackey (from the porch)


(Pushes him out.)

I'll be here and I won't close my eyes
Until the morning. If grief is drunk,
It's better this way
Than to hesitate - and troubles can not be relieved by slowness.
The door opens.

(Hides behind a column.)

Phenomenon 11

Chatsky hidden, Lisa with a candle.


Oh! no urine! I am shy.
Into the empty canopy! at night! you are afraid of brownies
You are also afraid of living people.
Tormentor-young lady, God be with her,
And Chatsky, like a thorn in the eye;
See, he seemed to her somewhere down here.

(Looks around.)

Yes! how! he wants to wander through the hallways!
He, tea, has long been outside the gate,
I saved love for tomorrow
Home, and went to bed.
However, it is ordered to push to the heart.

(Knocks at Molchalin.)

Listen, sir. Wake up, please.
The young lady is calling you, the young lady is calling you.
Yes, hurry up so they don't get caught.

Phenomenon 12

Chatsky behind the column, Lisa, Molchalin(stretches and yawns) Sofia
(sneaks up on top).


You, sir, stone, sir, ice.


Oh! Lizanka, are you on your own?


From the young lady, sir.


Who would have guessed
What's in these cheeks, in these veins
Love has not yet played a blush!
Would you like to be only on parcels?


And to you, bride seekers,
Not to bask and not to yawn;
Nice and nice, who will not finish eating
And will not sleep until the wedding.


What wedding? with whom?


And with the young lady?


Come on
There is a lot of hope ahead
We are wasting time without a wedding.


What are you, sir! yes we are
Your own husbands to others?


I do not know. And I am so shivering
And at one thought I am distressing,
That Pavel Afanasyich once
Will catch us someday
Disperse, curse! .. But what? Should I open my soul?
I don't see anything in Sofya Pavlovna
Enviable. May God grant her a century to live richly,
She loved Chatsky once,
He will stop loving me like him.
My angel, I would like to half
Feel the same for her as I feel for you;
No, no matter how I tell myself,
I am getting ready to be gentle, but I make friends - and a sheet.

Sofia (to the side)

What baseness!

Chatsky (behind the column)


Are you not ashamed?


My father bequeathed to me:
First, to please all people without exception -
The owner, where he happens to live,
To the chief with whom I will serve,
To his servant who cleans dresses,
Swiss, janitor, to avoid evil,
To the janitor's dog, to be affectionate.


To say, sir, you have tremendous tutelage!


And now I take the form of a lover
To please the daughter of such a person ...


Which feeds and drinks,
And sometimes he will give him a rank?
Come on, we've talked enough.


Let's go love to share our deplorable stolen.
Let me hug you from the heart of fullness.

(Lisa is not given.)

Why isn't she you!

(She wants to go, Sofia won't let her.)

Sofia (almost in a whisper; whole scene in an undertone)


How! Sofya Pavlovna ...


Not a word, for God's sake
Be quiet, I will decide on anything.

Molchalin (throws herself on her knees, Sofia pushes him away)

Oh! remember! do not be angry, take a look! ..


I don’t remember anything, don’t bother me.
Memories! like a sharp knife onet.

Molchalin (crawls at her feet)

Have mercy ...


Do not screw up, stand up.
I don't want an answer, I know your answer,
Lie ...


Do me mercy ...


Not. Not. Not.


I was joking, and I didn’t say anything besides ...


Leave me alone, I say now,
I will wake up everyone in the house with a cry
And I will destroy myself and you.

(Molchalin gets up.)

I didn't seem to know you since then.
Reproaches, complaints, my tears
Don't you dare to expect, you are not worth them;
But so that the dawn does not find you in the house here.
So that I never hear about you again.


As you command.


Otherwise I'll tell you
The whole truth to the priest, out of vexation.
You know that I do not value myself.
Come on. - Wait, be glad
That when dating me in the stillness of the night
You held on more to timidity in your disposition,
Than even during the day, and in public, and in the presence;
You have less insolence than curvature of the soul.
She herself is pleased that she found out everything at night:
There are no reproachful witnesses in the eyes
How long ago, when I fainted,
Here Chatsky was ...

Chatsky (rushes between them)

He's here, pretender!

Lisa and Sophia

(Liza drops the candle in fright; Molchalin disappears into her room.)

Phenomenon 13

The same, except Molchalina.


Rather faint, now it's okay
More important than the current reason is that
Here is finally the solution to the riddle!
Here I am donated to whom!
I don’t know how I tempered my fury!
He looked, and saw, and did not believe!
And dear, for whom is forgotten
And a former friend, and a woman's fear and shame, -
Hiding behind the door, afraid to be held accountable.
Oh! how to comprehend the game of fate?
People with a soul persecutor, scourge! -
The taciturns are blissful in the world!

Sofia (all in tears)

Don't go on, I blame myself all around.
But who would have thought that he was so cunning!


Knock! noise! Oh! Oh my God! the whole house runs here.
Your father will be grateful.

Phenomenon 14

Chatsky, Sofia, Lisa, Famusov, crowd servants with candles.


Here! Behind me! hurry up! hurry up!
More candles, more lanterns!
Where are the brownies? Bah! all familiar faces!
Daughter, Sofya Pavlovna! page!
Shameless woman! Where! with whom! Neither give nor take it,
Like her mother, a deceased wife.
I used to be with my dearest half
A little apart - somewhere with a man!
Fear God, how? how did he seduce you?
She called him insane herself!
Not! stupidity and blindness attacked me!
All this is a conspiracy, and in the conspiracy was
He himself, and all the guests. Why am I so punished! ..

Chatsky (Sofia)

So I still owe you this fiction?


Brother, do not trick, I will not give in to deception,
Even if you fight, I won't believe it.
You, Filka, you are a straight block,
He made a lazy grouse into the doormen,
Doesn't know about anything, doesn't smell anything.
Where have you been? where did you go?
Senya not locked for what?
And how did you miss it? and how did you not hear?
To work you, to settle you: *
They are ready to sell me for a penny.
You, quick-eyed, are all from your mischief;
Here it is, Kuznetsky Most, outfits and updates;
There you learned to bring lovers together,
Wait, I'll fix you:
Please go to the hut, march, go for birds;
Yes, and you, my friend, I, my daughter, will not leave,
Take two more days:
You will not be in Moscow, you will not live with people;
Further away from these grips,
To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov,
There you will grieve
Sit at the embroidery frame, yawn at the calendar *.
And you, sir, I really ask
There is no favor either directly or by country road;
And this is your last line
What, tea, the door to everyone will be locked:
I will try, I, I will sound the alarm,
I'll make it all over the city
And I will announce to all the people:
I will submit to the Senate, to the ministers, to the sovereign.

Chatsky (after some silence)

I will not come to my senses ... I am to blame
And I listen, I don't understand
As if they still want to explain to me.
Lost in thought ... expecting something.

(With heat.)

Blind man! in whom I was looking for the reward of all labors!
He was in a hurry! .. was flying! trembled! here is happiness, I thought, close.
To whom am I so passionate and so low
There was a waster of tender words!
And you! Oh my goodness! whom have you chosen?
When I think about who you prefer!
Why have I been lured with hope?
Why didn't they tell me directly
That you turned all the past into laughter ?!
That the memory even hated you
Those feelings, in both of us the movements of those hearts
Which in me did not cool down any distance,
No entertainment, no changing places.
I breathed and lived with them, I was busy incessantly!
They would say that you are my sudden arrival,
My appearance, my words, deeds - everything is disgusting, -
I would immediately cut off intercourse with you
And before parting forever
Wouldn't really get there
Who is this dear person to you? ..


You will make peace with him, by mature reflection.
Destroy yourself, and for what!
Think you can always have it
Protect, and swaddle, and send for business.
Husband-boy, husband-servant, from wife's pages - *
The high ideal of all Moscow husbands. -
Enough! .. with you I am proud of my break.
And you, sir father, you who are passionate about ranks:
I wish you to doze in ignorance, happy,
I do not threaten you with my matchmaking.
There is another, well-behaved,
Low-worshiper and businessman,
Finally, the merits
He is an equal to the future father-in-law.
So! I sobered up in full,
Dreams out of sight - and the veil fell;
Now it would not be bad in a row
To daughter and father
And a foolish lover
And to the whole world to pour out all the bile and all the annoyance.
Who was he with! Where fate has thrown me!
Everyone is driving! everyone swears! A crowd of torturers
In the love of traitors, in the enmity of the tireless,
The indomitable storytellers
Ungainly clever, crafty simpletons,
Sinister old women, old men,
Decrepit over inventions, nonsense, -
You glorified me insane with your whole chorus.
You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed,
Who will have time to stay with you for the day,
Breathe the air alone
And in him the reason will survive.
Get out of Moscow! here I am no longer a rider.
I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,
Where the offended feeling has a corner! ..
Carriage for me, carriage!


Phenomenon 15

Besides Chatsky


Well? don't you see that he's gone mad?
Say seriously:
Insane! what nonsense he was talking about!
Low admirer! father-in-law! and about Moscow so menacing!
And you decided to kill me?
Is my fate not yet deplorable?
Oh! Oh my God! what will say
Princess Marya Aleksevna!

Notes (edit)

  • Amur- in Roman mythology, the god of love; in a broad sense - love.
  • Potion- here in a figurative sense: insidious, mischievous.
  • Occasion(fr. ocasion) - case, incident.
  • Kuznetsky Most- a street in the center of Moscow. At the time of Griboyedov on
    Kuznetsky Most had many different shops that belonged to
    mainly to French merchants: bookstores, pastry shops ("biscuit
    shops "), fashionable outfits, etc.
  • Fright- in the spoken language during the time of Griboyedov, along with the word
    "Fright" was used "fright".
  • « We take the same tramps"- means teachers and governors.
  • « Both to the house and on tickets"- teachers who do not live" in the house ", but" come ",
    at the end of each lesson received "tickets" (special receipts) from parents
    their students. The training fees were charged on these tickets.
  • Buffoons- wandering actors.
  • Assessor(collegiate assessor) - civil rank. Obtaining this rank
    gave the right to personal nobility.
  • Frunt- the old pronunciation of the word "front", military system.
  • Statsky(in the later pronunciation - civilian) - a person consisting of
    civil service.
  • Acidic waters- medicinal mineral waters.
  • For the sake of- the old form of the word "glad".
  • Picket- card game.
  • Sense- conversations.
  • Boulevard faces- regulars of Moscow boulevards. In times
    Griboyedov boulevards (Tverskoy, Prechistensky) were a favorite place
    walks of the noble society.
  • « On the forehead it is written: Theater and Maskerad"- Chaiky mentions some common
    an acquaintance who loved to arrange theatrical performances at home and
  • « The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove"- in the manor houses in the old days sometimes
    painted the walls of the rooms with flowers and trees.
  • Scientific committee- dealt with issues of school education and
    preview of educational books from which all
    cutting edge ideas.
  • Minerva- in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom.
  • Maid of honor- female court title.
  • Mentor- in Homer's poem "The Odyssey", the educator of Telemachus, the son of Odysseus. IN
    in a common sense, a mentor is a mentor, a teacher.
  • Finger- finger.
  • Notorious- announced.
  • Commission(fr.commission) - order; here in the sense of: chores,
  • Sexton- a clergyman whose duties were to read
    aloud from church books. The expression "read like a sexton" means an inarticulate,
    expressionless reading.
  • From time immemorial- for a long time, from the very beginning.
  • Zug- a rich setting, in which the horses are harnessed in single file (German).
  • Toupee(French) - old men's hairstyle: a bun gathered at the back of the head
  • Grandee in case- a dignitary who is in favor at the court, a favorite.
  • Kurtag(German) - visiting day in the palace.
  • Suddenly a row- another time, for the second time.
  • Whist- card game.
  • Carbonari(ital. Carbonaro - coal miner) carbonarius; so the members were called
    secret revolutionary society that arose in Italy at the beginning of the 19th century. For
    reactionary nobles, the word "carbonarius" meant: rebel, unreliable
  • Sodom- according to biblical legend, a city destroyed by God (simultaneously with
    the city of Gomorrah) for the sins of its inhabitants. In everyday language, "sodom" means:
    confusion, turmoil.
  • Jaeger regiments in the tsarist army were called special, lightly armed
    and mobile rifle regiments.
  • « He was given with a bow, around my neck. " - We are talking about orders; order of Vladimir
    with a bow was worn on the chest, the order of Anna was worn on a ribbon around the neck.
  • Vacancy- a free, unoccupied position.
  • In pursuit of the regiment- pending receipt of the position of regiment commander.
  • Distances- distance.
  • Bread and salt- hospitality, hospitality.
  • Pillar- noblemen of old families, recorded in special "pillar
    books ".
  • Chancellor- the highest civilian rank in tsarist Russia.
  • Senate- the highest government agency in tsarist Russia, where
    Major dignitaries were "present" (sitting).
  • Taftitsa- collar made of taffeta. Marigold - a bunch of artificial
    flowers made of velvet. Haze is a veil that was pinned to a hat.
  • « The fire contributed a lot to her decoration"- After the Patriotic War
    In 1812, Moscow, burnt down by the French, was quickly built up with new buildings.
  • Fatherland fathers- figures who have brought a lot of benefit with their work
  • Foreign clients... - In ancient Rome, customers were called those who,
    being dependent on Roman citizens, he enjoyed their support and
    carried out their instructions. Here Chatsky alludes to the French who lived in the rich
    noble houses. Among these Frenchmen there were many reactionary political
    emigrants who fled France during the French bourgeois revolution.
  • Nestor- the name of the Greek commander (from Homer's poem "Iliad"). IN
    in a common sense, the name Nestor began to denote a leader, a ringleader.
  • Debtor- In Griboyedov's time, this word meant not only that
    who owes money, but also the one who lent it (the lender).
  • Guardions- officers of the Life Grenadier Regiments established in the Russian
    army in 1813; they had the advantage of one rank over the army
    officers; while in the "indigenous" guards regiments it was established
    seniority is two ranks.
  • Irritation(French Irritation) - excitement, confusion.
  • Jocke- spoken in French, the English word jockey
    (rider). In the old days, jockeys were called servants who accompanied the master during
    horseback riding.
  • Khripun- in Griboyedov's time, army officers with dapper
    manners and unfounded claims to "secularism" ironically called
  • Bassoon- a woodwind instrument with a nasal sound
  • Mazurka- ballroom dance.
  • « By Archives"- we are talking about the Moscow archive of the State Collegium
    foreign affairs, where the youth of the nobility entered in order to
    be registered in the civil service and receive ranks.
  • A-molar Is a musical term.
  • Ober or headquarters?- Colloquial abbreviation of the words "chief officer" and
    "Headquarters officer". Ober-officers were officers who had the rank of a warrant officer
    up to the captain; headquarters officer is the general name for higher ranks (from major to
  • Rumatism- the old pronunciation of the word "rheumatism".
  • Tyurlyurlu- ladies' outfit (cape).
  • Esharp(French Esharpe) - scarf.
  • Cousin(French) - cousin, cousin.
  • Barge(French Barege) - the old name of a special kind of matter.
  • Kamer Junker- junior court rank.
  • Grand 'maman(French) - Granmaman, grandmother.
  • « Prefer originals over lists"- Chatsky sarcastically calls Moscow
    fashionistas with lists (copies) from foreign originals (originals).
  • « Eh! bon soir! vous voila! Jamais trop diligente, Vous nous donnez
    toujours le plaisir de l'attente."- Ah, good evening! At last! You never
    take your time and always give us the pleasure of waiting (FR).
  • Carry over- that is, to transmit other people's words; hint that
    Zagoretsky is an informer.
  • Pokrovka- a street in Moscow.
  • The end of the world; end of the world- in the Christian doctrine the end,
    death of the world.
  • Maiden- room for maids in wealthy manor houses.
  • Grenadier regiments in the tsarist army were called selected regiments, in which
    especially healthy and tall soldiers were enrolled.
  • In the old days, infantry regiments were called musketeers, in which
    the soldiers were armed with muskets - heavy guns of large caliber.
  • Yellow house- the name common in the old days for houses for
    the mentally ill; the walls of these houses were usually painted yellow.
  • « Il vous dira toute l'histoire"- He will tell you the whole story
  • Freemasonry(from French Franc-mason - "free mason") - Freemasons,
    members of a secret society that spread throughout Europe in the 18th century. IN
    Russia at the time of Griboyedov Masonic lodges were under supervision
    governments and were soon banned.
  • Chief of Police- Police officer.
  • Volterian- admirer of the foremost French writer and philosopher
    XVIII century Voltaire. During Griboyedov's time, the word "Volterian" meant
    a freethinking person.
  • Lankartachny- the distorted word "Lancaster"; comes from the surname
    a Lancaster teacher who applied a peer learning system,
    was that the most successful students helped the teacher
    train laggards. In 1819, a society was founded in St. Petersburg for
    conducting this teaching method. The propagandists of the Lancaster system were
    many Decembrists.
  • « The institute is pe-da-go-gic, so it seems that the name is: They practice in
    splits and disbeliefs Professors!"- In 1821, several professors
    Petersburg Pedagogical Institute was charged that
    in their lectures they reject the "truths of Christianity" and "call for an attempt
    to the legitimate authority. " Although the charge has not been proven, these professors
    teaching at the institute was banned. At one time, this business produced a great
    noise and was often cited by reactionaries as proof of the danger of higher
  • Censor- the old form of the word "censor".
  • Bordeaux Is a city in France.
  • Veche- in Ancient Novgorod, the people's assembly, which discussed
    important government issues. Here Chatsky uses this word in
    ironic sense.
  • Will declare- will be announced, will be announced.
  • « The tail is behind ..."- Chatsky mockingly describes the tailcoat cut (with two
    long hem at the back and with a cutout on the chest).
  • Lodging- floor.
  • Mon cher(French) - my dear.
  • Farce- a theatrical play based on comic provisions. Here
    the word "farce" is used in the meaning of a joke, a mockery.
  • Vandals- an ancient Germanic tribe that destroyed Rome in the 5th century. IN
    common noun meaning vandal - rude, ignorant person, destroyer
    cultural values.
  • « Taken into custody by decree"- That is, over the estate of Repetilov, according to the royal
    by decree, guardianship (supervision) has been established.
  • « About chambers, juries"- In the twenties of the XIX century, Russian youth
    talked a lot about chambers (chambers) of deputies in constitutional states,
    as well as the introduction of jury trials in Russia
    assessors - representatives from different segments of the population.
  • Beyron- the famous English poet Byron (1788-1824).
  • Matter- here in the sense of: topic, subject of conversation.
  • Prelude- an introduction to a piece of music; here, in
    sense: preliminary reflections.
  • « BUT! Non lashyar mi, but, but, but"- a phrase from an Italian romance:" Ah! Not
    leave me, no, no, no. "
  • Mediocrity- an ordinary, average person.
  • Pun- a play on words based on the comparison of similar sounding, but
    words different in meaning.
  • Vaudeville- a small comic play with inserted verses,
    singing to the music.
  • Reversi(French) is an old card game.
  • Fontanka- the embankment of the Fontanka River in St. Petersburg.
  • Calendar address- a reference book containing information about persons,
    in the civil service.
  • Turuses- chatter, empty talk.
  • Gil- nonsense, nonsense, nonsense.
  • Chimeras- here in the sense: absurd inventions.
  • Jacobin- During the French bourgeois revolution by the Jacobins
    were named members of the political club, which met in Paris in the building of the former
    monastery of st. Jacob. The extreme representatives belonged to the Jacobins
    revolutionary petty bourgeoisie. Monarchist Russian noblemen
    called Jacobins all who could be suspected of political
    free thinking.
  • Surname- here: family.
  • « To work you, to settle you". - In 1822 it was renewed
    the right granted to the landowners to send their serfs without trial, to
    the order of punishment, to Siberia - to hard labor or to settlement.
  • Saints- a list of the names of "saints" and holidays of the Orthodox Church,
    located by month and day.
  • Page- a young man of noble origin who served at the court.

I always wondered how Griboyedov managed to write such an amazing thing? All the rest of his plays that I have read are not at all, some attempts at a schoolboy. And "Woe from Wit" is an ironic, psychological, sparkling play, written in an amazingly lively language. "Friend. Couldn't you choose a corner for walks? " or there "Some freaks from the other world, and there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with ..."

Why is it being studied in ninth grade? They only spoil the impression of this wonderful thing, forcing the monologue of Chatsky, this inflated turkey, to cram, and hammering a sanctimonious and outdated reading into their heads, so, they say, Famusov is bad and stupid, and all his guests are generally ugly, and only Chatsky is a shining ray light in the dark kingdom. Although I don’t know, maybe nowadays it’s already taught normally, but I don’t believe it ... in my school years, it was clearly taught according to the Soviet methodology.

At one time I was lucky enough to record this TV show on video from the TV, and I watched the tape to the holes. There are a couple of bottlenecks in reading Menshikov, but overall it is a very worthy embodiment of the play. He shifted many accents, firstly, trying with might and main to make the arrogant boor Chatsky a non-spiteful person, simply intemperate in his language, a little eternal boy, but very sincere. By age, he is, of course, not Chatsky, but the theater.

Sophia - here she is beautiful. She is also good in the original, but here she is right ... a girl with will, very dangerous if you insult her, very gentle to the one she loves. Smart, graceful, beautiful with special beauty.

Famusov is a bit old. Here is Famusov ... a little old and lax, his remarks merge into some kind of hysterical and inarticulate chant, he looks as if it is time for him to go to the coffin tomorrow ... Not that. In the original, he is still young. Energetic when it comes to entertainment. He is very worldly smart, although he is a retrograde, and a lazy person, and a walker, and to bend over to whom one should not be a fool. Also dangerous, they have it in a family with Sophia. The original Famusov is, in fact, my favorite character, he is much more complicated than his school definition of an enemy of the enlightenment. “Collect all the books and burn them” - well, of course, he is not going to burn anything. He adjusts to the blunt Skalozub, he would have spun anything to him, if only he would consider Sophia as a possible general. This one is also not one-dimensional, in principle, but it could be better.

By the way, Skalozub is even adorable here. He is not stupid, but rather simple, even with humor, a kind, in principle, guy, understands to himself that he is not a genius and is a little shy about it.

Khlestova is perfect! Vasilyeva is just a pillar here, from a small, passing role she (with the full support of the director, of course) made one of the brightest in the play. Silly and quarrelsome in the original, here she is just a local queen, the center of social life. With what splendor she pronounces “Moscow, you see, it’s to blame…” - and bitterness, and dismissing pity for the “madman”, and an incredible sense of her own exclusiveness, she is the supreme judge in this spontaneous case of Chatsky’s madness.

Repetilov is pretty funny. In the play, in principle, a lot of time is devoted to it, at the end the appearance of a new face is no longer necessary, the reader-viewer is already tired, already requires a denouement. To be honest, a superfluous character. But then he did everything he could.

Zagoretsky, performed by the vicious handsome Basharov, is quite impressive, both Gorich and the Countess-granddaughter are not bad. Molchalin, of course, is cute, but he is smarter in the original. With Liza, he here, in my opinion, is flirting completely unnaturally, as if he loves her "according to her position". And from the countess-grandmother they made some kind of imbecile, and from the princesses - just puppets of two gentlemen with initials, this is too emphasized sarcasm, I would say, this is an extra puppet interlude. “What a laugh, it’s a sin to laugh at old age,” as Khlestova said, and at the silly princesses who have already been ridiculed many times from the original, too.

Music is another big plus of the performance. The themes of the different characters are very good at emphasizing the lines of the characters. For example, when Sophia says "He seems to me dearer than all the treasures", meaning, of course, Molchalin, Chatsky's musical theme pops up - and the heroine becomes foggy, recalling the past feeling. Thin!

The costumes and decorations are slightly conventional, but there is no insane modernization, thank Gods, I can't stand it when the classics in the classical reading for the sake of modernism are furnished in an emphatically avant-garde way.

In general, it's worth a look. Especially for those who from school have endured dislike for this wonderful play - a good reason to look at it with their own eyes, and not through the muddy lenses of the school curriculum.

APPEARANCE 1 Living room, there is a large clock in it, on the right is the door to Sophia's bedroom, from which you can hear a fortopian with a flute, which then fall silent. Lizanka is asleep in the middle of the room, hanging out of her armchair. (Morning, a little daybreak) Lizanka (suddenly wakes up, gets up from her chair, looks around) It's dawning! .. Ah! how soon the night passed! Yesterday I asked to sleep - refusal, "We are waiting for a friend." - You need an eye and an eye, Do not sleep until you roll off your chair. Now I just took a nap, Already day! .. tell them ... (knocks on Sofia.) Gentlemen, Hey! Sofya Pavlovna, trouble. Your conversation has come during the night; Are you deaf? - Alexey Stepanych! Madam! .. - And fear does not take them! (Moves away from the door.) Well, the guest is not invited. Perhaps the father will come in! I ask you to serve with the young lady in love! (Again to the door) Yes, go away. Morning. - What? (Sofia's voice) What time is it? Lizanka Everything in the house has risen. Sofia (from her room) What time is it? Lizanka Seventh, eighth, ninth. Sofia (from the same place) Not true. Lizanka (away from the door) Ah! cupid * damned! And they hear, they do not want to understand, Well, what would they take away the shutters? I will translate the clock, even though I know: there will be a race, I will make them play. (Climbs onto a chair, moves the hand, the clock strikes and plays.) APPEARANCE 2 Liza and Famusov. Lisa Ah! master! Famusov Barin, yes. (Stops clock music) After all, you are such a minx, girl. I could not think of what kind of trouble it is! Now the flute is heard, now like a piano; Was it too early for Sophia ?? Liza No, sir, I ... just by chance ... FAMUSOV Here it is, by chance, take note of you; So, right, intentionally. (Presses up to her and flirts) Oops! potion, * darling. Liza You are a spoiled person, these faces suit you! Famusov Modest, but nothing but Leprosy and the wind on her mind. Liza Let go, the windy ones yourself, Come to your senses, you old men ... FAMUSOV Almost. Lisa Well, who will come, where are we with you? FAMUSOV Who should come here? Sophia is sleeping, isn't she? Liza Now zapochil. Famusov Now! And the night? Liza read the whole night. Famusov You see, what whims are turned on! Lisa All in French, read aloud, locked. Famusov Tell me that it is not good for her to spoil her eyes, And it’s not very useful in reading: She has no sleep from French books, And I have a painful sleep from Russians. Liza What will get up, I will report, Please go, wake up, I'm afraid. FAMUSOV Why wake up? You wind up the clock, You play a symphony for the whole quarter. LIZA (as loudly as possible) Yes, fullness, sir! FAMUSOV (clutches her mouth) Have mercy on how you scream. Are you going crazy? Liza I'm afraid this will not work out. .. FAMUSOV What? Liza It's time, sir, you know you are not a child; The girls' morning sleep is so thin; You creak the door a little, whisper a little: Everyone hears ... Famusov You are all lying. Sophia's Voice Hey Lisa! FAMUSOV (hurriedly) Tc! (Creeps out of the room on tiptoe.) Liza (alone) Gone ... Ah! give from the gentlemen; They have troubles for themselves for every hour, prepare, Pass us more than all sorrows And the lordly anger, and the lordly love. APPEARANCE 3 Liza, Sofia with a candle, followed by Molchalin. Sofia What, Lisa, attacked you? You make noise ... Liza Of course, it's hard for you to part? Locked up until the light, and everything seems small? Sophia Ah, it really is dawn! (Extinguishes the candle.) Both light and sadness. How fast the nights are! Liza Tuzhite, know, there is no urine from the outside, Your father has come here, I have died; Spun in front of him, I don't remember what I was lying; Well, what have you become? bow, sir, weigh. Come on, the heart is out of place; Look at the clock, look out the window: People have been knocking down the streets for a long time; And in the house knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning. Sofia Happy hours are not observed. Lisa Don't watch, your power; And what is the answer for you, of course, I get. Sofia (to Molchalin) Go; the whole day we will endure boredom. Liza God is with you, sir; take your hand away. (Breaks them apart, Molchalin collides with Famusov at the door.) APPEARANCE 4 Sofia, Liza, Molchalin, Famusov. Famusov What an opportunity! * Molchalin, you, brother? Molchalin I – s. FAMUSOV Why here? and at this hour? And Sophia! .. Hello, Sophia, that you have risen so early! but? for what care? And how did God bring you together at the wrong time? Sofia He just came in now. Molchalin Now from a walk. Famusov Friend. Is it possible to walk further away to choose a nook? And you, madam, just jumped out of bed, With a man! with the young! - Busy for the girl! All night reading fables, And here are the fruits of these books! And all the Kuznetsky Most, * and the eternal French, From there fashion to us, both authors and muses: Destroyers of pockets and hearts! When the Creator will deliver us From their hats! cheptsov! and studs! and pins! And bookshops and biscuit shops! .. Sofia Excuse me, father, my head is spinning; I can hardly catch my breath from fright; You deigned to run in so quickly, I mixed up ... Famusov Thank you humbly, I soon ran into them! I got in the way! I scared! I, Sofya Pavlovna, am upset myself, a whole day. No rest, I rush about like crazy. According to the position, in the service of troubles, He bothers, the other, everyone cares about me! But did I expect new troubles? to be deceived ... Sophia By whom, father? Famusov They will reproach me, That I always chew to no avail. Do not cry, I’m talking about yours. About your upbringing! from the cradle! Mother died: I knew how to borrow In Madame Rozier a second mother. I put the old woman-gold in charge of you: She was smart, quiet disposition, rare rules. One thing is not to her credit: For an extra five hundred rubles a year She allowed herself to be enticed by others. Madame's strength is not. No other model is needed, When the father's example is in the eyes. Look at me: I do not boast of folding; However, he is vigorous and fresh, and lived to the point of gray hair, Free, widows, I myself am a master ... I am known for monastic behavior! .. Liza I dare, sir ... Famusov To be silent! Terrible age! Don't know where to start! All have contrived beyond their years. And more than a daughter, but they are good-hearted. These languages ​​were given to us! We take the vagabonds, * and into the house and on tickets, * To teach our daughters everything, everything - And dance! and singing! and tenderness! and sighs! As if we are preparing buffoons for their wives. * You, visitor, what? are you here, sir, why? He warmed Bezrodny and brought him into my family, gave the rank of assessor * and took him as secretaries; Transferred to Moscow through my assistance; And if it weren't for me, you would have smoked in Tver. Sofia I will not explain your anger in any way. He lives here in the house, great misfortune! I went into a room, got into another. Famusov Hit or wanted to hit? Why are you together? It is impossible to accidentally. Sofia This, however, is the whole case: How long ago you and Liza were here, Your voice terrified me extremely, And I rushed here with all my might ... Famusov Perhaps, all the confusion will lay down on me. At the wrong time my voice caused them anxiety! Sofia In a vague dream, a trifle disturbs; Tell you a dream: you will understand then. FAMUSOV What's the story? Sofia tell you? FAMUSOV Well, yes. (Sits down.) Sophia Let me ... see eh ... first Flowery meadow; and I was looking for Some Grass, I don't remember in reality. Suddenly a dear person, one of those whom we will see - as if we have known each other for a century, Appeared here with me; and insinuating, and clever, But timid ... Do you know who was born in poverty ... Famusov Ah! mother, do not finish the blow! The poor man is not your match. Sofia Then everything disappeared: the meadows and the heavens. - We're in a dark room. To complete the miracle The floor was opened - and from there, Pale as death, and hair on end! Then, with a thunder, the doors were thrown open. Some not people and not animals, We were apart - and tortured the one who was sitting with me. He seems to me dearer than all the treasures, I want to see him - you drag with you: We are escorted by the groan, roar, laughter, whistle of monsters! He shouts after! .. - Woke up. - Someone says - your voice was; what i think is so early? I run here - and I find both of you. Famusov Yes, a bad dream, as I can see. Everything is there, if there is no deception: And devils and love, and fears and flowers. Well, my sir, and you? Molchalin I heard your voice. Famusov It's funny. My voice was given to them, and how regularly everyone hears it, and calls everyone before dawn! I was in a hurry to my voice, for what? - speak. Molchalin With papers - p. Famusov Yes! they were missing. Have mercy that this zeal has suddenly fallen into writing! (Stands up.) Well, Sonya, I'll give you peace: There are strange dreams, but in reality they are stranger; You were looking for herbs for yourself, You came across a friend sooner; Get the nonsense out of your head; Where there are miracles, there is little stock. - Come on, lie down, sleep again. (To Molchalin) Let's go sort the papers. Molchalin I only carried them for the report, That it is impossible to use them without certificates, without others, There are contradictions, and much is not practical. FAMUSOV I'm afraid, sir, I am alone deadly, So that a multitude of them does not accumulate; Give free rein to you, it would have sat down; And I have, what is the case, what is not the case, My custom is: Signed, so off your shoulders. (He leaves with Molchalin, passes him ahead at the door.) APPEARANCE 5 Sofia, Liza. Lisa Well, here at the holiday! Well, here's the fun! However, no, now it’s no laughing matter; It is dark in the eyes, and the soul froze; Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good. Sofia What do I say? Whoever wants to judge so, Yes, the father will force him to think: Obese, restless, quick, Such is always, and from now on ... You can judge ... Liza I do not judge by stories; He forbids you, - good is still with me; And then, have mercy on God, just at once Me, Molchalin and everyone out of the yard. Sofia Just think how capricious happiness is! It happens worse, get away with it; When sad nothing comes to mind, Forgotten music, and time passed so smoothly; Fate seemed to take care of us; No worry, no doubt ... And grief awaits from around the corner. Liza That's it, sir, you do not like my stupid judgment: But this is the trouble. What is a better prophet for you? I repeated: in love there will be no good in this For ever and ever. Like everyone in Moscow, your father is like this: He would like a son-in-law with stars, but with ranks, And with the stars, not all are rich, between us; Well, of course, besides, money to live, so that he could give balls; For example, Colonel Skalozub: And the golden bag, and marks the generals. Sofia How sweet! and the fear is fun to me To hear about the frunt * and the ranks; He never uttered a clever word, - I don't care what is for him, what is in the water. Liza Yes, sir, so to speak, he is spoken, but painfully not cunning; But be a military man, be he a civilian, * Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp, Like Alexander Andreich Chatsky! Not to embarrass you; It's been a long time ago, I can't turn it back, But I remember ... Sofia What do I remember? He gloriously knows how to laugh everyone; Chatting, joking, it's funny to me; You can share laughter with everyone. Lisa And only? as if? - I was shedding tears, I remember, poor man, how he parted with you. - What, sir, crying? live, laughing ... And he answered: “Not without reason, Liza, I cry: Who knows what I’ll find when I come back? And how much, perhaps, I will lose! " The poor thing seemed to know that in three years ... Sofia Listen, don't take too much liberty. I am very windy, maybe I did, And I know, and I blame; but where did she change? Who? so that they could reproach with infidelity. Yes, with Chatsky, it is true, we were brought up, grew up: The habit of being together every day inseparably Tied us with childhood friendship; but then He moved out, he felt bored with us, And he rarely visited our house; Then he again pretended to be in love, Demanding and distressed !!. Oster, clever, eloquent, He is especially happy in his friends, Here he conceived of himself high ... The hunt to wander attacked him, Ah! If someone loves whom, Why should the mind seek and travel so far? Lisa Where is it worn? in which parts? He was treated, they say, on sour waters, * Not from illness, tea, from boredom - more freely. Sofia And, probably, happy where people are funnier. Whom I love is not like that: Molchalin, ready to forget myself for others, Enemy of insolence - always shyly, timidly I kiss the night with whom you can spend this way! We are sitting, and the yard has turned white for a long time, What do you think? what are you doing? Liza God knows, madam, is this my business? Sophia He takes his hand, presses to his heart, Sighs from the depths of his soul, Not a word of freedom, and so the whole night passes, Hand with hand, and does not take his eyes off me. - Laughing! is it possible! what reason did I give you for such laughter! Liza Me — sir? .. your aunt has now come to mind, How a young Frenchman ran away from her house. Darling! I wanted to bury My annoyance, I could not: I forgot to blacken my hair And after three days turned gray. (Continues to laugh.) Sofia (with chagrin) They'll talk about me in the same way. Liza Forgive me, really, as God is holy, I wanted this stupid laugh to help you cheer up a little. APPEARANCE 6 Sofia, Liza, servant, followed by Chatsky. Servant Alexander Andreich Chatsky to you. (Exit.) APPEARANCE 7 Sofia, Liza, Chatsky. CHATSKY A little light on my feet! and I am at your feet. (She kisses her hand with fervor.) Well, kiss, did you wait? speak! Well, for the sake of? * Not? Look me in the face. Are you surprised? only? here's the trick! As if not a week had passed; As if yesterday together We are not tired of urine; Not a hair of love! where are so good! And meanwhile, I don’t remember, without a soul, I forty-five hours, without squinting my eyes in an instant, More than seven hundred versts swept by, - the wind, the storm; And he was completely confused, and fell how many times - And here is the reward for the heroic deeds! Sophia Ah! Chatsky, I am very glad to see you. Chatsky For the sake of you? good hour. However, who is sincerely happy about that? It seems to me, so in the end People and horses shivering, I only amused myself. Liza Here, sir, if you were outside the door, by God, there are no five minutes, As we remembered you here. Madam, tell yourself. Sofia Always, not just now. - You cannot reproach me. Who flies by, opens the door, On the way, by chance, from a stranger, from afar - With a question I, even if it were a sailor: Didn't I meet you somewhere in the post carriage? CHATSKY Let’s say so. Blessed is he who believes, warmth to him in the world! - Ah! Oh my God! if I'm here again, in Moscow! you! but how can I recognize you! Where is the time? where is that innocent age, When it used to be a long evening We will appear with you, disappear here and there, We play and make noise on chairs and tables. And here is your father with madam, behind the picket; * We are in a dark corner, and it seems that in this! You remember? we will shudder that the table, the door creak ... Sofia Childishness! CHATSKY Yes, sir, and now, At the age of seventeen, you blossomed beautifully, Inimitable, and you know this, And therefore you are modest, do not look at the light. Are you in love? I ask you to give me the answer, Without a thought, to be embarrassed in full Sofia Yes, at least someone will be confused. Quick questions and a curious look ... CHATSKY Pardon me, not you, why be surprised? What new will Moscow show me? Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two. He wooed - he was in time, and he made a mistake. All the same sense, * and the same verses in the albums. Sofia Persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light! Where is better? Chatsky Where we are not. Well, what is your father? all English klob Old, faithful member to the grave? Has your uncle jumped off his age? And this one, how is he, is he a Turk or a Greek? That black masses, on the legs of the heads, I do not know how his name is wherever they sune: here it is, in the dining room and in the living rooms. And three of the tabloid faces * Who have been younger since half a century? They have a million relatives, and with the help of their sisters, they will become related throughout Europe. And our sun? our treasure? On the forehead it is written: Theater and Maskerad; * The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove, Itself is fat, its artists are lean. At the ball, remember, we opened it together Behind the screens, in one of the more secret rooms, A man was hidden and clicked a nightingale, A singer in summer weather in winter. And that consumptive one, relatives to you, the enemy of books, In the scientific committee * which settled And with a cry demanded oaths, So that no one knew and did not learn to read and write? I am destined to see them again! You will get tired of living with them, and in whom you will not find stains? When you wander, you will return home, And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us! Sofia That would be to meet with your aunt, To re-read all the acquaintances. CHATSKY And auntie? all girl, Minerva? * All maid of honor * Catherine the First? Pupils and mosek is the house full? Oh! let's move on to education. That now, just as since ancient times, They bother to recruit regiments of teachers, More in number, at a cheaper price? Not that they are far off in science; In Russia, under a great fine, We are ordered to recognize everyone as a Historian and a geographer! Our mentor, * remember his cap, dressing gown, * index finger, all the signs of learning How our timid minds disturbed, How from an early time we used to believe, That we have no salvation without the Germans! And Guillaume, the Frenchman, blown away by the breeze? He's not married yet? Sofia Who? CHATSKY At least on some princess Pulcheria Andrevna, for example? Sofia Dancemaster! is it possible! CHATSKY Well, he is also a gentleman. We will be required to be in the rank of property, and Guillaume! .. - What is the tone here today At congresses, at large, on parish holidays? A mixture of languages ​​still prevails: French with Nizhny Novgorod? Sofia A mixture of languages? CHATSKY Yes, two, you can't live without it. Sofia But it is tricky to tailor one of them, like yours. CHATSKY At least not inflated. Here's the news! - I take a minute, I am animated by a date with you, And talkative; But isn't there a time, That I’m more stupid than Molchalin? Where is he, by the way? Have you not yet broken the silence of the press? There used to be songs where the newcomers had a notebook. He would see it, bother: please write it off. However, he will reach the degrees of the known, After all, nowadays they love the dumb. Sofia Not a man, a snake! (Loud and forced.) I want to ask you: Has it ever happened that you were laughing? or in sorrow? A mistake? said good about someone? Though not now, but in childhood, maybe. CHATSKY When is everything so soft? and tender and immature? Why so long ago? Here is a good deed for you: Calls just rattling And day and night in the snowy desert, I hasten to you, headlong. And how do I find you? in some strict rank! I endure coldness for half an hour! The face of the most holy praying mantis! .. - And yet I love you without memory. (Minute silence.) Listen, have my words gotten all the pegs? And leaning towards anyone's harm? But if so: the mind and the heart are out of tune. I am in eccentrics to another miracle Once I laugh, then I will forget: Tell me into the fire: I will go as if to dinner. Sofia Yes, okay - burn out, if not? APPEARANCE 8 Sofia, Liza, Chatsky, Famusov. FAMUSOV That's another one! Sofia Ah, father, sleep in your hand. (Leaves.) FAMUSOV (after her in an undertone) Damn dream. APPEARANCE 9 Famusov, Chatsky (looks at the door through which Sofia came out) Famusov Well, you threw a thing out! I haven't written two words for three years! And suddenly it burst out like from the clouds. (They hug.) Great, friend, great, brother, great. Tell me, your tea is ready. Gathering important news? Sit down, announce quickly. (They sit down.) CHATSKY (absentmindedly) How Sofya Pavlovna has become prettier with you! Famusov You, young people, have no other business, How to notice girlish beauty: She said something in passing, and you, I tea, hoped, bewitched. Chatsky Ah! not; I am a little spoiled by hopes. Famusov "Sleep in hand" - she deigned to me to whisper, So you are planning ... Chatsky I? - Not at all. Famusov Who was she dreaming about? what? CHATSKY I am not a guesser of dreams. FAMUSOV Don't believe her, everything is empty. Chatsky I believe my own eyes; I have not met a century, I will give a subscription, So that it was at least somewhat similar to her! FAMUSOV He is all his own. Tell me in detail, Where have you been? Wandered for so many years! Where is it from now? CHATSKY Now I care! I wanted to go around the whole world, And I did not go around a hundredth. (Rises hastily.) Excuse me; I was in a hurry to see you sooner, I didn’t go home. Farewell! I will appear in an hour, I will not forget the slightest details; You first, then tell you everywhere. (At the door.) How good! (Exit.) APPEARANCE 10 Famus (one) Which of the two? "Oh! Father, sleep in your hand! " And he says it out loud to me! Well, it's my fault! What did I give the hook! Molchalin daviche introduced me into doubt. Now ... yes, half out of the fire: That beggar, this dandy-friend; Notorious * mot, tomboy, What a commission, * Creator, To be a father to an adult daughter! (Exit.) 1822-1824

Woe from Wit

Comedy in four acts in verse

Pavel Afanasevich Famusov, manager in the state place
Sofya Pavlovna, his daughter.
Lizanka, a maid.
Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin, Famusov's secretary, who lives in his house.
Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.
Colonel Skalozub, Sergei Sergeevich.
Natalya Dmitrievna, a young lady, Platon Mikhailovich, her husband - Gorichi.
Prince Tugoukhovsky and Princess, his wife, with six daughters.
Countess grandmother, Countess granddaughter - Hryumins.
Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.
Old woman Khlestova, sister-in-law of Famusov.
Parsley and some speaking servants.
A multitude of guests of all kinds and their lackeys on the way.
Famusov waiters.
Action in Moscow in the Famusov house

Act I

Phenomenon 1

The living room, there is a large clock in it, on the right is the door to Sophia's bedroom, from which one can hear a fortopian with a flute, which then fall silent. Lizanka is asleep in the middle of the room, hanging from an armchair. (Morning, a little day breaks)
Lizanka (suddenly wakes up, gets up from the chair, looks around)
Day is breaking! .. Ah! how soon the night passed!
Yesterday I asked to sleep - refusal,
"We are waiting for a friend." - You need an eye and an eye,
Do not sleep until you roll off your chair.
Now I just took a nap,
It's day! .. tell them ...
(Knocks on Sofia.)
Hey! Sofya Pavlovna, trouble.
Your conversation has come during the night;
Are you deaf? - Alexey Stepanych!
Madam! .. - And fear does not take them!
(Moves away from the door.)
Well, the guest is not invited,
Perhaps the father will come in!
I ask you to serve with the young lady in love!
(Again to the door)
Yes, disperse. Morning. - What?
(Sophia's voice)
What time is it now?
Everything in the house rose.
Sofia (from her room)
What time is it now?
Seventh, eighth, ninth.
Sofia (from the same place)
Not true.
Lizanka (away from the door)
Oh! cupid [1] damned!
And they hear, they don't want to understand
Well, what would they take away the shutters?
I will translate the clock, even though I know: there will be a race,
I'll make them play.
(Climbs into a chair, moves the hand, the clock strikes and plays.)

Phenomenon 2

Liza and Famusov.
Oh! master!
Master, yes.
(Stops clock music)
After all, what a minx you are, girl.
I could not think of what kind of trouble it is!
Now the flute is heard, now like a piano;
Was it too early for Sophia ??
No, sir, I ... just by chance ...
Just by chance, take note of you;
So, right, intentionally.
(Presses up to her and flirts)
Oh! potion [2], darling.
You are a spoiled person, these faces suit you!
Modest, but nothing but
Leprosy and the wind on my mind.
Let go, the windy ones themselves,
Come to your senses, you are old people ...
Well, who will come, where are we with you?
Who should come here?
Sophia is sleeping, isn't she?
Now I have it.
Now! And the night?
I read the whole night.
See, what whims have started!
All in French, read aloud, locked.
Tell me that it is not good for her to spoil her eyes,
And it's not very useful in reading:
She has no sleep from French books
And the Russians hurt me to sleep.
What will rise, I will report,
Please go, wake me up, I'm afraid.
Why wake up? You wind up the clock
You play a symphony for the whole quarter.
Lisa (as loud as possible)
Yes, fullness!
Famusov (grips her mouth)
Have mercy on how you scream.
Are you going crazy?
I'm afraid it won't come out of that ...
It's time, sir, you know you are not a child;
The girls' morning sleep is so thin;
You creak the door a little, whisper a little:
Everyone hears ...
You all lie.
Sophia's voice
Hey Lisa!
Famusov (hastily)
(Creeps out of the room on tiptoe.)
Lisa (one)
Gone ... Ah! give from the gentlemen;
They have troubles for themselves for every hour,
Pass us more than all sorrows
And lordly anger, and lordly love.

Phenomenon 3

Liza, Sophia with a candle, followed by Molchalin.
What, Lisa, attacked you?
Making noise ...
Of course, it's hard for you to part?
Locked up until the light, and everything seems small?
Ah, it really is dawn!
(He puts out the candle.)
And light and sadness. How fast the nights are!
Grieve, know, there is no urine from the outside,
Your father has come here, I have died;
Spun in front of him, I don't remember what I was lying;
Well, what have you become? bow, sir, weigh.
Come on, the heart is out of place;
Look at the clock, look out the window:
The people have been knocking down the streets for a long time;
And in the house knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning.
Happy hours are not observed.
Don't watch, your power;
And what is the answer for you, of course, I get.
Sofia (to Molchalin)
Go; the whole day we will endure boredom.
God be with you, sir; take your hand away.
(Breaks them apart, Molchalin collides with Famusov at the door.)

Phenomenon 4

Sofia, Liza, Molchalin, Famusov.
What an opportunity! [3] Molchalin, you, brother?
Why here? and at this hour?
And Sophia! .. Hello, Sophia, what are you
I got up so early! but? for what care?
And how did God bring you together at the wrong time?
He just came in now.
Now from a walk.
Friend. Is it possible for walks
Further to choose a nook and cranny?
And you, madam, just jumped out of bed,
With a man! with the young! - Busy for the girl!
Reads fables all night
And here are the fruits of these books!
And all the Kuznetsky Most [4], and the eternal French,
From there, fashion to us, both authors and muses:
Destroyers of pockets and hearts!
When the creator delivers us
From their hats! cheptsov! and studs! and pins!
And bookstores and biscuit shops! ..
Excuse me, father, my head is spinning;
I can hardly catch my breath from fright [5];
You deigned to run in so quickly,
I got confused ...
Thank you humbly
I ran into them soon!
I got in the way! I scared!
I, Sofya Pavlovna, am upset myself, the whole day
There is no rest, I rush about like crazy.
According to the position, in the service of troubles,
The one sticks, the other, everyone cares about me!
But did I expect new troubles? to be deceived ...
Who, father?
They will reproach me,
That I always chew to no avail.
Don't cry, I'm talking about:
Didn't they care about yours?
About education! from the cradle!
Mother died: I knew how to borrow
Madame Rosier has a second mother.
I put the old gold lady in charge of you:
She was smart, quiet disposition, rare rules.
One thing does not serve her to honor:
For an extra five hundred rubles a year
She allowed herself to be enticed by others.
Madame's strength is not.
There is no need for another model,
When the father's example is in the eyes.
Look at me: I do not boast of folding;
However, vigorous and fresh, and lived to gray hair,
Free, widows, I am my master ...
Monastic people are known for their behavior! ..
I dare, sir ...
Be silent!
Terrible age! Don't know where to start!
All have contrived beyond their years.
And more than a daughter, but they are good-hearted.
These languages ​​were given to us!
We take the vagrants [6], and to the house and on tickets [7],
To teach our daughters everything, everything -
And dancing! and singing! and tenderness! and sighs!
As if we are preparing buffoons for their wives. [8]
You, visitor, what? are you here, sir, why?
He warmed the rootless and introduced him to my family,
Gave the rank of assessor [9] and took him to secretaries;
Transferred to Moscow through my assistance;
And if it weren't for me, you would have smoked in Tver.
I will not explain your anger in any way.
He lives here in the house, great misfortune!
I went into a room, got into another.
Hit or wanted to hit?
Why are you together? It is impossible to accidentally.
Here, however, is the whole case:
How long ago you and Liza were here,
Your voice terrified me extremely,
And I rushed here as fast as I could ...
Perhaps he'll put all the fuss on me.
At the wrong time my voice caused them anxiety!
In a vague dream, a trifle disturbs;
Tell you a dream: you will understand then.
What's the story?
Tell you?
Well yes.
(Sits down.)
Let me ... see eh ... first
Flowery meadow; and I was looking
Some, I don't remember in reality.
Suddenly a sweet person, one of those we are
We will see - as if the ages are familiar,
He appeared here with me; and insinuating, and clever,
But timid ... Do you know who was born in poverty ...
Oh! mother, do not finish the blow!
The poor man is not your match.
Then everything disappeared: the meadows and the heavens. -
We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle
The floor opened up - and you are from there,
As pale as death, and hair on end!
Then the doors opened with a thunder
Some are not people and not animals,
We were apart - and they tortured the one who was sitting with me.
He seems to me dearer than all the treasures,
I want to see him - you drag with you:
We were seen off by the groan, roar, laughter, whistle of monsters!
He shouts after! .. -
Awoke. - Someone says -
Your voice was; what i think is so early?
I run here - and I find both of you.
Yes, a bad dream, I see.
Everything is there, if there is no deception:
And devils and love, and fears and flowers.
Well, my sir, and you?
I heard your voice.
It's funny.
They gave them my voice, and how well
Everybody hears, and calls everybody until dawn!
I was in a hurry to my voice, for what? - speak.
With papers, sir.
Yes! they were missing.
Have mercy that it suddenly fell
Diligence in writing!
Well, Sonya, I'll give you peace:
Dreams are strange, but in reality they are stranger;
You were looking for herbs
I came across a friend sooner;
Get the nonsense out of your head;
Where there are miracles, there is little stock. -
Come, lie down, sleep again.
(To Molchalin)
We go to sort out the papers.
I only carried them for the report,
That cannot be used without certificates, without others,
There are contradictions, and much is not practical.
I'm afraid, sir, I'm deadly alone,
So that their multitude does not accumulate;
Give free rein to you, it would have sat down;
And for me, what is the matter, what is not the matter,
My custom is this:
Signed, off your shoulders.
(He leaves with Molchalin, passes him forward in the doorway.)

Phenomenon 5

Sofia, Lisa.
Well, here's the holiday! Well, here's the fun!
However, no, now it’s no laughing matter;
It is dark in the eyes, and the soul froze;
Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.
What is the rumor to me? Whoever wants to judge so
Yes, the father will force you to think:
Obese, restless, quick,
This is always the case, and from now on ...
You can judge ...
I'm not judging by stories;
He forbids you, - good is still with me;
And then, have mercy on God, just at once
Me, Molchalin and everyone out of the yard.
Just think how willful happiness is!
It happens worse, get away with it;
When sad nothing comes to mind,
Forgotten by the music, and time passed so smoothly;
Fate seemed to take care of us;
No concern, no doubt ...
And grief awaits from around the corner.
That's it, sir, of my stupid judgment
Never favor:
But that's the problem.
What is a better prophet for you?
I repeated: there will be no good in love
Not forever and ever.
Like everyone in Moscow, your father is like this:
He would like a son-in-law with stars, but with ranks,
And with the stars, not everyone is rich, between us;
Well, of course, besides
And money to live, so he could give balls;
For example, Colonel Skalozub:
And the golden bag, and marks the generals.
How sweet! and I have fun with fear
Hear about the frunt [10] and the ranks;
He has not uttered a clever word for a while, -
I don't care what is for him, what is in the water.
Yes, sir, so to speak he is spoken, but painfully not cunning;
But be a military man, be he a civilian [11],
Who is so sensitive and cheerful and sharp,
Like Alexander Andreich Chatsky!
Not to embarrass you;
Long gone, do not turn back,
But I remember ...
What do you remember? He is glorious
He knows how to laugh everyone;
Chatting, joking, it's funny to me;
You can share laughter with everyone.
Only? as if? - I was drenched in tears,
I remember, poor man, how he parted with you. -
What, sir, are you crying? live laughing ...
And he answered: “No wonder, Liza, I cry:
Who knows what I will find on the way back?
And how much, perhaps, I will lose! "
The poor thing seemed to know that in three years ...
Listen, don't take too much liberty.
I'm very windy, maybe I entered,
I know and I blame; but where did she change?
Who? so that they could reproach with infidelity.
Yes, with Chatsky, it is true, we were brought up, grew up:
The habit of being together every day is inseparable
Tied us with childhood friendship; but then
He moved out, he seemed bored with us,
And he rarely visited our house;
Then he pretended to be in love again,
Discerning and distressed !!.
Oster, smart, eloquent,
I'm especially happy with friends
Here he was thinking about himself high ...
The hunt to wander has attacked him,
Oh! if someone loves whom,
Why should the mind seek and travel so far?
Where is it worn? in which parts?
He was treated, they say, on sour waters [12],
Not from illness, tea, from boredom - more freely.
And, probably, happy where people are funnier.
Whom I love is not like that:
Molchalin, I'm ready to forget myself for others,
Enemy of insolence - always shy, timid
I kiss the night with whom you can spend this way!
We sit, and the yard has turned white for a long time,
What do you think? what are you doing?
God knows
Madam, is this my business?
He takes his hand, presses to his heart,
Sighs from the depths of his soul,
Not a word of freedom, and so the whole night goes by,
Hand with hand, and he does not take his eyes off me. -
Laughing! is it possible! what is the reason
I am so laughing for you!
Me? .. your aunt has come to mind now,
How a young Frenchman ran away from her home.
Darling! wanted to bury
My annoyance, I could not:
I forgot to blacken my hair
And after three days she turned gray.
(He continues to laugh.)
Sofia (with chagrin)
They'll talk about me in the same way.
Excuse me, really, how God is holy,
I wanted this stupid laugh
I helped to cheer you up a little.

Phenomenon 6

Sofia, Liza, servant, followed by Chatsky.
Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is here for you.

Phenomenon 7

Sofia, Liza, Chatsky.
A little light on my feet! and I am at your feet.
(She kisses her hand hotly.)
Well, kiss, didn’t you wait? speak!
Well, for the sake of? [13] No? Look me in the face.
Are you surprised? only? here's the trick!
As if not a week had passed;
As if yesterday together
We have no urine to each other;
Not a hair of love! where are so good!
And meanwhile, I can't remember, without a soul,
I am forty-five hours, without squinting my eyes,
More than seven hundred versts swept by - wind, storm;
And he was completely confused, and fell how many times -
And here is the reward for the exploits!
Oh! Chatsky, I am very glad to see you.
Are you for the sake? good hour.
However, who is sincerely happy about that?
It seems to me, so in the end
People and horses shivering,
I only amused myself.
Here, sir, if you were outside the door,
By God, no five minutes
As we remembered you here.
Madam, tell yourself.
Always, not just now. -
You cannot reproach me.
Who flies by, open the door,
On the way, by chance, from a stranger, from far away -
With a question I, at least be a sailor:
Have you met you somewhere in the post-carriage?
Suppose so.
Blessed is he who believes, warmth to him in the world! -
Oh! Oh my God! if I'm here again
In Moscow! you! but how can I recognize you!
Where is the time? where is that innocent age
When it used to be a long evening
You and I will appear, disappear here and there,
We play and make noise on chairs and tables.
And here is your father with Madame, behind the picket [14];
We are in a dark corner, and it seems that in this!
You remember? we will shudder that the table creak, the door ...
Yes, and now,
At the age of seventeen, you blossomed beautifully,
Inimitable and you know that
Therefore, they are modest, do not look at the light.
Are you in love? please give me an answer
Without a thought, fullness to be embarrassed.
Yes, at least someone will be confused
Questions are quick and curious ...
Have mercy, not you, why be surprised?
What new will Moscow show me?
Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.
He wooed - he was in time, and he made a mistake.
All the same sense [15], and the same verses in the albums.
Persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light!
Where is better?
Where we are not.
Well, what is your father? all english klob
An ancient, faithful member to the grave?
Has your uncle jumped off his age?
And this one, how is he, is he a Turk or a Greek?
That black masted, on the legs of the caravilines,
I don't know what his name is,
Wherever you go: right there,
In dining rooms and living rooms.
And three of the tabloid faces [16],
Who have been younger since half a century?
They have a million relatives, and with the help of their sisters
They will become related with all of Europe.
And our sun? our treasure?
On the forehead is written: Theater and Maskerad [17];
The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove [18],
Himself fat, his artists are skinny.
At the ball, remember, we both opened
Behind the screens, in one of the more secret rooms,
A man was hidden and clicked a nightingale,
Singer in winter summer weather.
And that consumptive, kindred to you, the enemy of books,
The academic committee [19] which settled
And with a cry he demanded an oath,
So that no one knows and does not learn to read and write?
I am destined to see them again!
You will get tired of living with them, and in whom you will not find stains?
When you wander, you return home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!
Here I would like to meet you with my aunt,
To re-read all the acquaintances.
And Auntie? all girl, Minerva? [20]
All maid of honor [21] Catherine the First?
Pupils and mosek is the house full?
Oh! let's move on to education.
That today, the same as since ancient times,
They bother to recruit teachers of the shelf,
More in number, cheaper?
Not that they are far off in science;
In Russia, under a great fine,
We are told to recognize everyone
Historian and geographer!
Our mentor [22], remember his cap, robe,
Index finger [23], all signs of learning
How our timid minds troubled,
As from an early time we used to believe
That we have no salvation without the Germans!
And Guillaume, the Frenchman, blown away by the breeze?
He's not married yet?
On whom?
At least on some princess
Pulcheria Andrevna, for example?
Dancemaster! is it possible!
Well, he is also a gentleman.
We will be required to be with property and rank,
And Guillaume! .. - Here today is the tone
At conventions, at large, on parish holidays?
The confusion of languages ​​still prevails:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?
A mixture of languages?
Yes, two, you can't live without it.
But it's tricky to tailor one of them, like yours.
At least not inflated.
Here's the news! - I take a minute,
I am revived by a date with you,
And talkative; is there no time
That I’m more stupid than Molchalin? Where is he, by the way?
Have you not yet broken the silence of the press?
There used to be songs where the newcomers are the notebook
If he sees it, he sticks to it: please write it off.
However, he will reach the known degrees,
After all, nowadays they love the dumb.
Not a man, a snake!
(Loud and forced.)
I want to ask you:
Has it ever happened that you are laughing? or in sorrow?
A mistake? did you say good about someone?
Though not now, but in childhood, maybe.
When is everything so soft? and tender and immature?
Why so long ago? here's a good deed to you:
The calls have just thundered
And day and night in the snowy desert,
I'm in a hurry to you, headlong.
And how do I find you? in some strict rank!
I endure coldness for half an hour!
The face of the holiest praying mantis! .. -
And yet I love you without memory.
(Minute silence.)
Listen, are my words all the pegs?
And leaning towards someone else's harm?
But if so: the mind and the heart are out of tune.
I'm in eccentrics to another miracle
Once I laugh, then I forget:
Tell me into the fire: I’ll go as if to dinner.
Yes, good - burn out, if not?

Phenomenon 8

Sofia, Liza, Chatsky, Famusov.
Here's another!
Ah, father, sleep in hand.
Famusov (after her in an undertone)
Cursed dream.

Phenomenon 9

Famusov, Chatsky (looks at the door through which Sofia came out)
Well, you threw out the thing!
I haven't written two words for three years!
And suddenly it burst out like from the clouds.
(They hug.)
Great, friend, great, brother, great.
Tell me, your tea is ready
Gathering important news?
Sit down, announce quickly.
(They sit down.)
Chatsky (absent-mindedly)
How prettier you are with Sofya Pavlovna!
You, young people, have no other business,
How to notice girly beauty:
I said something in passing, and you,
I have tea, hopes raised, bewitched.
Oh! not; I am a little spoiled by hopes.
"Sleep in hand" - she deigned to whisper to me,
So you are planning ...
I? - Not at all.
Who was she dreaming of? what?
I am not a guesser of dreams.
Don't trust her, everything is empty.
I believe my own eyes;
I have not met a century, I will give a subscription,
So that it was at least a little like her!
He's all his own. Tell me in detail
Where have you been? Wandered for so many years!
Where is it from now?
Now I don't care!
I wanted to go around the whole world
And he did not go around a hundredth.
(Rises hastily.)
Sorry; I was in a hurry to see you sooner,
Didn't go home. Farewell! An hour later
I will appear, I will not forget the slightest details;
You first, then tell you everywhere.
(In the door.)
How good!

Phenomenon 10

Famusov (one)
Which of the two?
"Oh! Father, sleep in your hand! "
And he says it out loud to me!
Well, it's my fault! What did I give the hook!
Molchalin daviche introduced me into doubt.
Now ... yes, half out of the fire:
That beggar, this dandy buddy;
Notorious [24] by a bastard, a tomboy,
What a commission [25], Creator,
To be a grown-up daughter's father!

End of act I

Act II

Phenomenon 1

Famusov, servant.
Parsley, you are always with a new thing,
With a ripped elbow. Get out the calendar;
Read not like a sexton [26],
And with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.
Wait a minute. - On a sheet of paper, write on a note,
Against next week:
To Praskovya Fyodorovna's house
On Tuesday I’m invited for trout.
How wonderful is the light created!
Philosophize - the mind will go round;
Either you take care, then lunch:
Eat for three hours, but in three days it won't cook!
Note, on the same day ... No, no.
On Thursday I am called to the burial.
Oh, the human race! fell into oblivion
That everyone himself must climb there,
In that little casket where you neither stand nor sit.
But who intends to leave the memory on his own
A commendable life, here's an example:
The deceased was a venerable chamberlain,
With a key, he knew how to deliver the key to his son;
He is rich, and he was married to a rich man;
Survived children, grandchildren;
Died; everyone remembers him sadly.
Kuzma Petrovich! Peace be upon him! -
What aces live and die in Moscow! -
Write: on Thursday, one to one,
Maybe Friday, maybe Saturday
I must baptize at the widow's, at the doctor's.
She did not give birth, but by calculation
In my opinion: should give birth ...

Phenomenon 2

Famusov, servant, Chatsky.
A! Alexander Andreevich, please
Sit down.
You're busy?
Famusov (servant)
Come on.
(Exit Servant.)
Yes, we put various things in the book as a keepsake,
Forget it, look.
You are something you have not become merry;
Tell me why? Arrival at my wrong time?
What Sofya Pavlovna
Was there any sorrow? ..
There is vanity in your face, in your movements.
Oh! father, I found a riddle:
I'm not cheerful! .. In my years
You can't squat down on me!
Nobody invites you;
I just asked two words
About Sofya Pavlovna: maybe she's not well?
Ugh, Lord forgive me! Five thousand times
Confirms the same thing!
Sophia Pavlovna is not more suitable in the world,
That Sofya Pavlovna is sick.
Tell me, did you like her?
Sprayed the light; do you want to get married?
What do you need?
It would not be bad for me to ask
After all, I am somewhat akin to her;
At least from time immemorial [27]
It was not for nothing that they were called father.
Let me devote myself, what would you tell me?
I would say, first of all: do not whims,
In name, brother, do not run wrongly,
And, most importantly, come and serve.
I would be glad to serve, to serve is sickening.
That's it, you are all proud!
Would you ask how the fathers did?
They would study at the elders looking:
We, for example, or the deceased uncle,
Maxim Petrovich: he is not that on silver,
I ate on gold; one hundred people at the service;
All in orders; drove something forever in a train [28];
A century at court, but at what court!
Then not what it is now,
Served under the Empress Catherine.
And in those days, everyone is important! forty poods ...
Take a bow - we become dumb [29] do not nod.
A nobleman in the case of [30] - even more so,
Not like the other, and drank and ate differently.
And uncle! what is your prince? what is the count?
Serious look, haughty disposition.
When do you need to curry favor
And he bent forward:
At the kurtag [31] he happened to encircle himself;
He fell, so much so that he almost knocked the back of his head;
The old man gasped, his voice hoarse;
He was bestowed with the highest smile;
They deigned to laugh; how is he?
Got up, recovered, wanted to bow,
Suddenly fell a row [32] - on purpose,
And the laughter is even greater, it is the same in the third.
BUT? what do you think? in our opinion, he's smart.
He fell painfully, got up well.
But, it happened, in whist [33] who is more often invited?
Who hears a friendly word at court?
Maxim Petrovich! Who knew honor before everyone?
Maxim Petrovich! Joke!
Who deduces the ranks and gives pensions?
Maxim Petrovich. Yes! You, the current ones, are nootka!
And sure enough, the light began to grow stupid,
You can say with a sigh;
How to compare and see
The present century and the past century:
Tradition is fresh, but hard to believe,
As he was famous, whose neck often bent;
As not in war, but in peace they took with their foreheads,
They knocked on the floor without regretting!
Who needs it: so arrogance, lie in the dust,
And to those who are higher, flattery was woven like lace.
The age of obedience and fear was direct,
All under the guise of zeal for the king.
I'm not talking about your uncle;
We will not disturb him ashes:
But in the meantime, whom the hunt will take,
Though in the most ardent servility,
Now, to make people laugh,
Daring to sacrifice the back of your head?
A peer, and an old man
Another, looking at that jump,
And crumbling in shabby skin,
Tea said: “Ax! if only me too! "
Although there are hunters everywhere,
Yes, today laughter frightens and keeps shame in check;
No wonder the sovereigns favor them sparingly.
Oh! Oh my God! he's carbonari! [34]
No, the light is not like that today.
Dangerous man!
Everyone breathes more freely
And in no hurry to fit into the regiment of jesters.
What he says! and speaks as he writes!
Have patrons yawn at the ceiling,
Show up to be silent, rummage around, have lunch,
Substitute a chair, raise a handkerchief.
He wants to preach liberty!
Who travels, who lives in the village ...
Yes, he does not recognize the authorities!
Who serves the cause, not persons ...
I would strictly forbid these gentlemen
Drive up to the capitals for a shot.
I will finally give you rest ...
Patience, no urine, annoying.
I scolded your century mercilessly,
I give you the power:
Throw away the part,
At least our times in the bargain;
So be it, I won't cry.
And I don’t want to know you, I don’t tolerate debauchery.
I have finished.
Good, I covered my ears.
What for? I will not offend them.
Famusov (patter)
Here they scour the world, beat their thumbs,
Come back, expect order from them.
I stopped ...
Perhaps have mercy.
It is not my desire to prolong the debate.
Let your soul go to repentance!

Phenomenon 3

Servant (enters)
Colonel Skalozub.
Famusov (neither sees nor hears anything)
They will bury you
On trial, how to drink will be given.
Someone has come to your house.
I'm not listening, on trial!
A person with a report to you.
I'm not listening, on trial! on trial!
Turn around, your name is.
Famusov (turns around)
BUT? riot? well, I'm waiting for sodom [35].
Colonel Skalozub. Would you like to accept it?
Famusov (getting up)
Donkeys! a hundred times to tell you?
Accept him, call him, ask him, say that he is at home,
Which is very happy. Go, hurry up.
(Exit Servant.)
Say a hundred, sir, beware of him:
Famous person, respectable,
And he picked up the signs of darkness;
Beyond his years and an enviable rank,
Not today tomorrow general.
Please, behave modestly in front of him ...
Eh! Alexander Andreevich, it's bad, brother!
He often favors me;
I am glad to everyone, you know,
In Moscow, they will add forever three times:
It's like marrying Sonya. Empty!
He, perhaps, would be glad to have a soul,
Yes, I don't see the need myself, I'm big
The daughter will be given away neither tomorrow nor today;
After all, Sophia is young. However, the power of the Lord.
Please, do not argue with him at random
And give up those wicked ideas.
However, it is not! whatever reason ...
BUT! know, went to me in the other half.
(Hastily leaves.)

Phenomenon 4

How fussing! what agility?
And Sophia? - Isn't there really a groom here?
Since when has it been shy of me as a stranger!
How could she not be here !!.
Who is this Skalozub? their father is very delusional with them,
Or maybe not only that father ...
Oh! tell the end of love
Who will go away for three years.

Phenomenon 5

Chatsky, Famusov, Skalozub.
Sergei Sergeich, come here, sir.
Please, humbly, it is warmer here;
You have grown cold, we will warm you;
Let’s unscrew the fragrance as soon as possible.
Skalozub (deep bass)
Why climb, for example,
By yourself! .. I am ashamed, as an honest officer.
Is it possible for my friends not to take me a step,
Sergei Sergeich dear! Put on your hat, take off your sword;
Here's a sofa, lie back.
Wherever you order, just to sit down.
(All three sit down. Chatsky is at a distance.)
Oh! father, to say so as not to forget:
Let us be ours,
Though distant, - inheritance cannot be divided;
You did not know, and I even more so, -
Thank you taught by your cousin, -
How do you feel about Nastasya Nikolavna?
I don't know, sir, it's my fault;
She and I did not serve together.
Sergey Sergeich, is that you!
Not! I crawl in front of my relatives, where I will meet;
I will find her at the bottom of the sea.
In my presence, foreign employees are very rare;
More and more sisters, sister-in-law of the child;
One Molchalin is not my own,
And then what is business.
How will you begin to imagine to a cross, to a place,
Well, how not to please a dear little man! ..
However, your brother was my friend and said,
That you received the darkness in your service.
In the thirteenth year my brother and I were different
In the thirtieth jaeger [36], and then in the forty-fifth.
Yes, happiness, who has such a son!
Has, it seems, a medal in his buttonhole?
For the third of August; we sat down in a trench:
It was given to him with a bow, around my neck [37].
A kind person, and look - so grip.
A wonderful man, your cousin.
But I have firmly picked up some new rules.
Chin followed him; he suddenly left the service,
In the village he began to read books.
Here is youth! .. - read! .. and then grab it! ..
You behaved properly:
Colonels for a long time, and recently serving.
I'm quite happy in my comrades,
Vacancies [38] are just open;
Then the elders will turn off others,
Others, you see, have been killed.
Yes, with what the Lord will seek, he will exalt!
It happens that my luck is happier.
In our fifteenth division, not far away,
At least tell about our brigadier general.
Have mercy, what are you missing?
I'm not complaining, I didn't go around,
However, they took them behind the regiment for two years.
In pursuit of the regiment? [39]
But, of course, in what else
To reach far behind you.
No, sir, there are older ones in the body,
I have been serving since eight hundred and ninth;
Yes, to get ranks, there are many channels;
As a true philosopher, I judge about them:
I just wanted to be a general.
And gloriously judge, God bless you
And the rank of general; and there
Why postpone further
Talk about the general?
Marry? I'm not averse to it.
Well? who has a sister, a niece, a daughter;
There is no translation for brides in Moscow;
What? multiply from year to year;
Oh, father, admit that hardly
Where the capital is found, like Moscow.
The distances [40] are enormous.
Taste, sir, excellent manner;
All their laws have:
For example, we have been doing it from time immemorial,
What honor is there for father and son:
Be bad, but if you have enough
There are two thousand generic souls, -
He and the groom.
Be another at least quicker, inflated with all sorts of arrogance,
Let yourself be reputed to be a wise man,
And they won't be included in the family. Don't look at us.
After all, only here they also value the nobility.
Is this one thing? take you bread and salt [41]:
Who wants to come to us - if you please;
The door is open for the invited and uninvited
Especially foreign ones;
Though an honest man, though not,
For us equally, dinner is ready for everyone.
Take you from head to toe,
All Moscow ones have a special imprint.
Take a look at our youth,
For young men - sons and grandchildren.
We scold them, and if you disassemble them, -
At fifteen, teachers will be taught!
And our old men ?? - How enthusiasm will take them,
They will condemn deeds that a word is a sentence, -
After all, the pole [42] is all, nobody blows in the mustache;
And sometimes they talk about the government like that,
What if someone overheard them ... trouble!
Not that novelties were introduced - never,
Save us God! Not. And they will find fault
To that, to this, and more often to nothing,
They will argue, make some noise, and ... disperse.
Direct chancellors [43] retired - in the mind!
I'll tell you, to know, the time is not ripe,
But that will not do without them. -
And the ladies? - sunsya who, try, master;
Judges to everything, everywhere, there are no judges above them;
Behind the cards when they rise up in a general revolt,
God grant patience, - after all, I myself was married.
Command before the frunt!
Be present send them to the Senate [44]!
Irina Vlasyevna! Lukerya Aleksevna!
Tatyana Yuryevna! Pulcheria Andrevna!
And whoever saw daughters, hang everyone's head ...
His majesty the king was Prussian here,
He wondered not in the way of Moscow girls,
Their good nature, not their faces;
And exactly, is it possible to be more educated!
They know how to dress up themselves
Taffeta, marigold and haze, [45]
They will not say a word in simplicity, all with a grimace;
French romances are sung to you
And the top ones bring out the notes
They cling to military people.
But because they are patriots.
I will decisively say: barely
Another capital is found, like Moscow.
In my judgment,
The fire contributed a lot to her decoration [46].
Do not remember us, you never know how they are crumbling!
Since then, the roads, sidewalks,
At home and everything in a new way.
The houses are new, but the prejudices are old.
Rejoice, do not exterminate
Neither their years, nor fashion, nor fires.
Famusov (Chatsky)
Hey, tie a knot as a keepsake;
I asked to be silent, the service is not great.
(To Skalozub)
Excuse me, father. Here's - Chatsky, my friend,
Andrei Ilyich's deceased son:
He does not serve, that is, he does not find any benefit in that,
But if you wanted it, it would be businesslike.
It's a pity, it's a pity, he is small with a head,
And he writes and translates nicely.
One cannot help but regret that with such a mind ...
Can't you regret someone else?
And your praises annoy me.
I am not the only one, everyone also condemns.
And who are the judges? - For antiquity years
Their enmity is irreconcilable to a free life,
Judgments are drawn from forgotten newspapers
The times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea;
Always ready to play
They all sing the same song
Not noticing about myself:
Older is worse.
Where, tell us, fatherland fathers, [47]
Which ones should we take for samples?
Aren't they rich in robbery?
They found protection from court in friends, in kinship,
Building magnificent chambers
Where they are poured in feasts and prodigality,
And where foreign clients will not resurrect [48]
The most vile traits of the past.
And who in Moscow did not have their mouths shut
Lunches, dinners and dancing?
Is it not the one you are to whom I still have from the veil,
For some incomprehensible plans,
Was the child taken to bow?
That Nestor [49] noble villains,
A crowd surrounded by servants;
Zealous, they are in the hours of wine and fight
And honor and his life saved him more than once: suddenly
He exchanged three greyhounds for them !!!
Or that one else, which is for ventures
I drove to the serf ballet in many wagons
From mothers, fathers of rejected children ?!
Himself immersed in the mind in Zephyrs and Cupids,
Made all of Moscow marvel at their beauty!
But the debtors [50] did not agree to the postponement:
Cupids and Zephyrs all
Sold out one by one !!!
These are the ones who have lived to see gray hairs!
That is to respect whom we should be in the absence of people!
Here are our strict judges and judges!
Now let one of us,
Of young people, there is an enemy of quest,
Requiring neither places nor promotion,
In science he will stick a mind hungry for knowledge;
Or God himself will stir up a fever in his soul
To the creative arts, high and beautiful, -
They immediately: robbery! fire!
And he will be known as a dreamer! dangerous !! -
Uniform! one uniform! he is in their former life
Once covered, embroidered and beautiful,
Their weakness, misery of reason;
And we will follow them on a happy journey!
And in wives, daughters - the same passion for uniforms!
I myself have long renounced tenderness for him ?!
Now I cannot fall into this childishness;
But then who would not be involved in everyone?
When from the guard, others from the court
They came here for a while, -
The women were shouting: hurray!
And they threw their caps into the air!
Famusov (to himself)
He will get me into trouble.
Sergey Sergeich, I will go
And I will wait for you in the office.

Phenomenon 6

Skalozub, Chatsky.
I like, with this estimate
Artfully how you touched
Moscow's prejudices
To favorites, to the guards, to the guards, to the guards; [51]
They marvel at their gold and sewing, as if they were suns!
And when did you fall behind in the first army? in what?
Everything is so fitted and the hoists are all so tight
And we will start officers for you,
Some even say, in French.

Phenomenon 7

Skalozub, Chatsky, Sofia, Liza.
Sofia (runs to the window)
Oh! Oh my God! fell, was killed!
(Loses feelings.)
Who is it?
Who is the trouble with?
She's dead from fear!
Who? where is it from?
Hurt yourself on what?
Didn't our old man make a blunder?
Lisa (bustling about the young lady)
To whom it is appointed, sir, destiny cannot be avoided:
Molchalin sat on a horse, foot in the stirrup,
And the horse rears up
He is on the ground and right in the crown.
The reins were tightened by, well, a pitiful rider.
See how he cracked - chest or side?

Phenomenon 8

The same, without Skalozub.
How can I help her? Tell me quickly.
There is water in the room.
(Chatsky runs and brings. All the following - in an undertone - before Sofia wakes up.)
Pour the glass.
Already poured.
Let go of the lacing more freely
Rub her whiskey with vinegar
Spray with water. - Look:
Breathing became freer.
What to tell?
Here is a fan.
Look out the window:
Molchalin has been on his feet for a long time!
The idle thing worries her.
Yes, the young lady is unhappy in temper:
Can't look from the outside
How people fall headlong.
Spray with more water.
Like this. Yet. Yet.
Sofia (with a deep sigh)
Who is here with me?
I'm just like in a dream.
(Hastily and loudly.)
Where is he? What about him? Tell me.
Even if I broke my neck
I almost killed you.
Murderous by their coldness!
I have no strength to look at you, to listen to you.
Will you order me to torment myself for him?
Run there, be there, help him try.
So that you are left alone without help?
What do you want me for?
Yes, it's true: not your troubles - fun for you,
Dear father, kill it all the same.
(To Lisa)
Let's go there, let's run.
Lisa (takes her aside)
Come to your senses! where are you going?
He's alive, well, look out the window here.
(Sophia leans out the window.)
Confusion! fainting! haste! anger! fright!
So you can only feel
When you lose your only friend.
They come here. He cannot raise his hands.
I would like to kill myself with him ...
For a companion?
No, stay if you wish.

Phenomenon 9

Sofia, Liza, Chatsky, Skalozub, Molchalin (with a tied hand).
Resurrected and unharmed, hand
Bruised slightly
And yet, everything is a false alarm.
I scared you, forgive for God's sake.
Well I didn't know what would come of it
Irritation for you. [52] They rushed in headlong. -
We shuddered! - You fainted,
So what then? - all fear out of nothing.
Sofia (without looking at anyone)
Oh! I see very much: from the empty,
And I'm still trembling all over.
Chatsky (to himself)
Not a word with Molchalin!
However, I will say about myself,
That is not cowardly. It happens,
The carriage will fall down, - they will raise: I again
Ready to ride again;
But the slightest thing about others scares me
Although there is no great misfortune from
Though unfamiliar to me, it doesn’t matter.
Chatsky (to himself)
Asks for forgiveness from him,
What if I regretted someone!
Let me tell you the message:
There is some kind of princess Lasova here,
Horsewoman, widow, but no examples
So that many gentlemen went with her.
The other day I got hurt in fluff, -
Joquet [53] did not support, he apparently believed flies. -
And without that, as you can hear, she is clumsy,
Now the rib is missing
So he is looking for a husband for support.
Ax, Alexander Andreevich, here -
Appear, you are quite generous:
Unfortunately for your neighbor, you are so indifferent.
Yes, sir, I have now revealed it
By my most diligent endeavor,
And sprinkle and scrub;
I don’t know for whom, but I resurrected you!
(Takes his hat and leaves.)

Phenomenon 10

The same, except for Chatsky.
Will you come to us in the evening?
How early?
Early; home friends will come
Dance to the fortopian, -
We are in mourning, so the ball cannot be given.
I will, but I promised to go to the priest,
I will take my leave.
Skalozub (shakes hands with Molchalin)
Your servant.

Phenomenon 11

Sofia, Liza, Molchalin.
Molchalin! how my reason remained intact!
You know how your life is dear to me!
Why should she play, and so carelessly?
Tell me, what's wrong with your hand?
Should I give you drops? do you need peace?
Send to the doctor, should not be neglected.
I tied it up with a handkerchief, it hasn't hurt me since then.
I'll bet it's nonsense;
And if it were not for the face, there is no need for bandaging;
Otherwise, it's not nonsense that you can't avoid publicity:
On a laugh, look, Chatsky will lift you up;
And Skalozub, as he twirls his crest,
Tells you fainting, add a hundred embellishments;
He jokes too much, because nowadays who is not joking!
Which one do I value?
I want - I love, I want - I will say.
Molchalin! as if I didn't force myself?
You entered, you didn't say a word,
With them I did not dare to die,
Ask you, take a look at you.
No, Sofya Pavlovna, you are too frank.
Where to get stealth from!
I was ready to jump in the window to you.
What do I care about whom? before them? to the whole universe?
Is it funny? - let them joke; annoying? - let them scold.
This frankness would not harm us.
Do they really want to challenge you to a duel?
Oh! evil tongues are more terrible than a pistol.
They are sitting with the priest now,
If only you fluttered through the door
With a cheerful face, carefree:
When they tell us what we want -
Where as one can believe willingly!
And Alexander Andreevich, - with him
About the old days, about those pranks
Turn around in the stories:
A smile and a few words
And whoever is in love is ready for anything.
I dare not advise you.
(Kisses her hand.)
Do you want? .. I’ll go to be nice through my tears;
I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand the pretense.
Why did God bring Chatsky here!

Phenomenon 12

Molchalin, Lisa
You are a merry creature! alive!
Please let me in, and there are two of you without me.
What your face!
I love you so much!
And the young lady?
By position, you ...
(He wants to hug her.)
Hands off!
I have three things:
There is a toilet, a cunning job -
There is a mirror on the outside, and a mirror on the inside
All around there is a slit, gilding;
Pillow, beaded pattern;
And a mother-of-pearl device -
Needle cases and little knives, how cute!
Pearls pounded in white!
There is lipstick for the lips, and for other reasons,
With perfume bottle: mignonette and jasmine.
You know that I am not flattering with interests;
Better tell me why
You and the young lady are modest, but from the hawk rake?
Today I am sick, I will not take off the harness;
Come to dinner, stay with me;
I'll reveal the whole truth to you.
(Goes out the side door.)

Phenomenon 13

Sofia, Lisa.
I was at my father's, there is no one there.
I'm sick today and I won't go to dinner
Tell Molchalin and call him
So that he came to visit me.
(Goes to her room.)

Phenomenon 14

Well! people over here!
She to him, and he to me,
And I ... I am the only one who crushes love to death, -
And how not to fall in love with the barman Petrusha!

End of Act II.


Phenomenon 1

Chatsky, then Sofia.
I’ll wait for her, and I’ll force a confession:
Who finally loves her? Molchalin! Skalozub!
Molchalin was so stupid before! ..
Miserable creature!
Has he really grown wiser? .. And he -
Khripun [54], strangled, bassoon [55],
A constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas! [56]
The fate of love is to play blind man's buff.
And to me ...
(Sofia enters.)
Are you here? I am very happy,
I wanted it.
Sofia (to herself)
And very out of place.
Surely they weren't looking for me?
I was not looking for you.
Can't I inquire,
Although inappropriate, there is no need:
Whom do you love?
Oh! Oh my God! the whole world.
Who is nicer to you?
There are many relatives.
More and more me?
And what do I want when it's all decided?
I climb into the noose, but she's funny.
Do you want to know the truth of two words?
The slightest strangeness in whom is barely visible,
Your gaiety is not modest,
You immediately have the sharpness ready,
And you yourself ...
Me myself? isn't that ridiculous?
Yes! a formidable look, and a harsh tone,
And there are an abyss of these features in you;
And the thunderstorm above itself is far from useless.
I'm strange, not strange who is?
One who looks like all fools;
Molchalin, for example ...
Examples are not new to me;
It is noticeable that you are ready to pour out bile on everyone;
And I, so as not to interfere, will evade from here.
Chatsky (holding her)
Wait a minute.
(To the side)
I'll pretend once in my life.
Let us leave this debate.
Before Molchalin I am not right, I am guilty;
Maybe he is not what he was three years ago:
There are such transformations on earth
Of reigns, climates, and morals, and minds,
There are important people, they were reputed for fools:
One in the army, another a bad poet,
Other ... I'm afraid to name, but recognized by the whole world,
Especially in recent years,
That they have become clever wherever.
Let the mind in Molchalin be brisk, a brave genius,
But is there that passion in him? that feeling? is that ardor?
So that, besides you, he has a whole world
Seemed ashes and vanity?
So that every heart beat
Has love accelerated towards you?
So that thoughts are all, and all his deeds
Soul - are you, are you pleasing? ..
I feel it myself, I can't say
But what boils in me now, worries, enrages,
I would not wish for a personal enemy,
And he? .. will be silent and hang his head.
Of course, he is humble, everyone is not frisky;
God knows what secret is hidden in him;
God knows what you invented for him,
Than his head has never been stuffed.
Perhaps the qualities of your darkness,
Admiring it, you have given it;
He is not sinful in anything, you are a hundred times more sinful.
Not! not! let him be smart, smarter hour by hour,
But is he worth you? here's one question for you.
So that I can bear the loss more indifferently,
As a person who is growing up with you,
As your friend, as your brother,
Let me be sure;
From madness I can beware;
I'm pushing further to get cold, to get cold.
Don't think about love, but I'll be able to
Get lost in the world, forget and have fun.
Sofia (to herself)
That reluctantly drove me crazy!
What to pretend?
Molchalin could have been left without an arm,
I took part in it vividly;
And you, having happened at this time,
Didn't bother to calculate
That you can be kind to everyone and indiscriminately;
But maybe there is truth in your guesses,
And I warmly take him under my protection;
Why be, I'll tell you bluntly,
So incontinent on the tongue?
In contempt for people so undisguised?
That there is no mercy for the most humble! .. what?
Happen to someone to call him:
A hail of barbs and jokes will burst out of yours.
To joke! and a century to joke! how will you become!
Oh! Oh my God! Am I one of those
To whom is the purpose of all life - laughter?
I have fun when I meet funny ones
And more often I miss them.
In vain: it all refers to others,
Molchalin would hardly bore you,
When would have come to terms with him in short.
Chatsky (with fervor)
Why did you recognize him so briefly?
I didn't try, God brought us together.
Look, he has acquired the friendship of everyone in the house;
Serves for three years under the priest,
He is often uselessly angry,
And he will disarm him with silence,
From the kindness of the soul, he will forgive.
And by the way,
I could look for merriments;
Not at all: from the old people he will not step over the threshold;
We frolic, we laugh,
He will sit down with them all day, glad not happy,
Plays ...
He plays all day!
He is silent when he is scolded!
(To the side)
She doesn't respect him.
Of course, this mind is not in him,
What a genius for some, but for others a plague,
Which is quick, brilliant and soon opposed,
Which light scolds on the spot,
So that the light at least says something about him;
But will such a mind make the family happy?
Satire and morality - the meaning of all this?
(To the side)
She does not give him a dime.
Wonderful property
He is finally: compliant, modest, quiet.
Not a shadow of concern in my face
And there are no misdeeds in my soul,
He does not cut strangers at random, -
That's why I love him.
Chatsky (aside)
Naughty, she doesn't love him.
I will help you to finish
Molchalin image.
But Skalozub? here is a feast for the eyes;
There is a mountain behind the army,
And the straightness of the camp,
A hero in face and voice ...
Not my novel.
Not yours? who will solve you?

Phenomenon 2

Chatsky, Sofia, Liza.
Lisa (in a whisper)
Madam, follow me now
Alexei Stepanych will come to see you.
Excuse me, I must go quickly.
Where to?
To the hairdresser.
God bless him.
The forceps will catch cold.
Let yourself ...
No, we are waiting for guests for the evening.
God be with you, I remain again with my riddle.
However, let me come in, though furtively,
To your room for a few minutes;
There are walls, air - everything is pleasant!
They will warm, revive, they will give me a rest
Memories of what is irrevocable!
I will not sit up, I will come in, only two minutes,
Then, think, a member of the English Club,
I will donate whole days to rumor
About the mind of Molchalin, about the soul of Skalozub.
(Sophia shrugs her shoulders, goes to her room and locks herself, followed by Lisa.)

Phenomenon 3

Chatsky, then Molchalin.
Oh! Sophia! Could it be that Molchalin was chosen by her!
And why not a husband? There is only little intelligence in him;
But to have children
Who lacked intelligence?
Serving, modest, there is a blush in his face.
(Molchalin enters.)
There he is on tiptoe, and not rich in words;
What divination he knew how to get into her heart!
(Addressing him.)
We, Alexey Stepanych, are with you
Couldn't say two words.
Well, what is your lifestyle?
Without grief today? without sorrow?
Still with.
How did you live before?
Day after day, today is like yesterday.
To the pen from the cards? and to the cards from the pen?
And the appointed hour of the ebb and flow?
As I work and strength,
Since I have been listed in the Archives [57],
Received three awards.
Lured by honors and nobility?
No, sir, everyone has their own talent ...
Moderation and accuracy.
The most wonderful two! and are worth our all.
You were not given the ranks, failure in the service?
Ranks are given by people,
And people can be deceived.
How surprised we were!
What a miracle is there?
We felt sorry for you.
Wasted labor.
Tatyana Yurievna told something,
Returning from Petersburg,
With the ministers about your connection,
Then the gap ...
Why does she care?
Tatiana Yurievna!
I am not familiar with her.
With Tatyana Yurievna !!
We haven’t met her for ages;
I heard that it was absurd.
Yes, it's full, is it, sir?
Tatyana Yuryevna!!!
Known - moreover
Officials and officials -
All her friends and all her relatives;
You should visit Tatyana Yuryevna at least once.
What then?
So: often there
We find patronage where we do not mark.
I go to women, but not for this.
How courteous! of good! sweet! simple!
Balls can not be richer.
From Christmas to Lent,
And summer holidays in the country.
Well, really, what would you like to serve with us in Moscow?
And take awards and have fun?
When in business - I hide from fun,
When fooling around - fooling around
And to mix these two crafts
There are darkness of artisans, I am not one of them.
Forgive me, but I don't see a crime here;
Here is Foma Fomich himself, is he familiar to you?
Under three ministers there was a head of the department.
Translated here ...
The empty man, the most stupid.
How can you! his syllable is used here as a model!
Have you read?
I am not a reader of nonsense,
And more than exemplary ones.
No, I happened to read so with pleasure,
I'm not a writer ...
And it is noticeable throughout.
I dare not utter my judgment.
Why is it so secret?
You shouldn't dare in my years
Have your own judgment.
Mercy, we are not guys,
Why are the opinions of others only holy?
After all, one must be dependent on others.
Why is it necessary?
We are small in ranks.
Chatsky (almost loudly)
With such feelings, with such a soul
Love! .. The deceiver laughed at me!

Phenomenon 4

Evening. All the doors are wide, except for Sofia's bedroom. A number of illuminated rooms are revealed in perspective. Servants bustle; one of them, the main one, says:
Hey! Filka, Fomka, well, hunky!
Tables for cards, chalk, brushes and candles!
(Knocks on Sofia's door.)
Tell the young lady quickly, Lizaveta:
Natalya Dmitrevna, and with her husband, and to the porch
Another carriage drove up.
(They disperse, only Chatsky remains.)

Phenomenon 5

Chatsky, Natalya Dmitrievna, a young lady.
Natalia Dmitrievna
Am I not mistaken! .. he definitely, in the face ...
Oh! Alexander Andreevich, are you?
Look with doubt from head to toe,
Did three years change me that way?
Natalia Dmitrievna
I thought you were far from Moscow.
How long has it been?
Today only ...
Natalia Dmitrievna
For a long time?
How will it happen.
However, who, looking at you, won’t be surprised?
Fuller than before, prettier fear;
You are younger, fresher;
Fire, blush, laughter, play in all features.
Natalia Dmitrievna
I'm married.
How long ago would you say!
Natalia Dmitrievna
My husband is a lovely husband, so he will come in now,
I will introduce you, would you like?
Natalia Dmitrievna
And I know in advance
What will you like. Take a look and judge!
I believe he is your husband.
Natalia Dmitrievna
Oh no, sir, not because;
By itself, according to his liking, according to his mind.
Platon Mikhailitch is my only, priceless!
Now retired, he was a military man;
And everyone who only knew before affirms
What about his courage, his talent,
Whenever I would continue my service,
Of course, he would have been the Moscow commandant.

Phenomenon 6

Chatsky, Natalia Dmitrievna, Platon Mikhailovich
Natalia Dmitrievna
Here is my Platon Mikhailitch.
Old friend, we have known each other for a long time, this is fate!
Platon Mikhailovich
Great, Chatsky, brother!
Plato dear, glorious,
A commendation sheet to you: you behave properly.
Platon Mikhailovich
As you can see, brother:
Moscow resident and married.
Forgotten the noise of the camp, comrades and brothers?
Calm and lazy?
Platon Mikhailovich
No, there are still activities:
On the flute I repeat a duet
A-molar ... [58]
What did you say five years ago?
Well, constant taste! husbands are the most expensive!
Platon Mikhailovich
Brother, get married, then remember me!
Out of boredom you will whistle the same thing.
Boredom! as? Are you paying her tribute?
Natalia Dmitrievna
My Platon Mikhailitch is inclined to different occupations,
Which are not now, - to the teachings and reviews,
To the arena ... sometimes misses the morning.
And who, dear friend, tells you to be idle?
In the regiment, the squadron will be given. Are you chief or headquarters? [59]
Natalia Dmitrievna
Platon Mihalitch my health is very weak.
Weak health! How long has it been?
Natalia Dmitrievna
All rumatism [60] and headaches.
Movement over. To the village, to a warm land.
Be on horseback more often. The village is paradise in summer.
Natalia Dmitrievna
Platon Mikhailich loves the city,
Moscow; why in the wilderness he will ruin his days!
Moscow and the city ... You are an eccentric!
Do you remember the old days?
Platon Mikhailovich
Yes, brother, now it's not like that ...
Natalia Dmitrievna
Oh, my friend!
It's so fresh here that there is no urine,
You flung open all over and unbuttoned your vest.
Platon Mikhailovich
Now, brother, I'm not the same ...
Natalia Dmitrievna
Obey once
My dear, zip up soon.
Natalia Dmitrievna
Get away from the doors
The wind blows through there from behind!
Platon Mikhailovich
Now, brother, I'm not the same ...
Natalia Dmitrievna
My angel, for God's sake
Move further from the door.
Platon Mikhailovich (eyes to the sky)
Oh! mother!
Well, God judge you;
Surely, you became the wrong one in a short time;
Was it not last year, at the end,
Did I know you in the regiment? only morning: foot in the stirrup
And you run on a greyhound stallion;
Blow the autumn wind, either from the front or from the rear.
Eh! brother! it was a glorious life then.

Phenomenon 7

The same, Prince Tugoukhovsky and Princess with six daughters.
Natalia Dmitrievna (in a thin voice)
Prince Pyotr Ilyich, princess! Oh my God!
Princess Zizi! Mimi!
(Loud kissing, then sit down and examine each other from head to toe.)
1st princess
What a beautiful style!
2nd princess
What folds!
1st princess
Fringed trim.
Natalia Dmitrievna
No, if only they had seen my satin tulurlya [61]!
3rd princess
What an esharp [62] cousin [63] gave me!
4th princess
Oh! yes, barge! [64]
5th princess
Oh! lovely!
6th princess
Oh! how sweet!
Ss! - Who is this in the corner, we went up, bowed?
Natalia Dmitrievna
Visitor, Chatsky.
Natalia Dmitrievna
Yes, I have traveled, recently returned.
And ho-lo-stay?
Natalia Dmitrievna
Yes, not married.
Prince, prince, here. - Livelier.
Prince (turns the ear tube to her)
To us on Thursday evening, ask soon
Natalya Dmitrevna's acquaintance: there he is!
(He leaves, winds around Chatsky and clears his throat.)
Here are some kids:
They have a ball, and the father dragged along to bow;
Dancers have become terribly rare! ..
Is he a chamber cadet? [65]
Natalia Dmitrievna
Natalia Dmitrievna
Oh no!
Princess (loudly that there is urine)
Prince, prince! Back!

Phenomenon 8

The same and Countess Khryumina: grandmother and granddaughter.
Countess granddaughter
Ax! Grand "maman! [66] Who is coming so early?
We are first!
(Disappears into a side room.)
Here he honors us!
Here is the first one, and he considers us to be no one!
Evil, in girls a whole century, God will forgive her.
Countess granddaughter (returning, directs a double lorgnette at Chatsky)
Monsieur Chatsky! Are you in Moscow! how were they all like that?
What should I change for?
Countess granddaughter
Unmarried returned?
Who should I marry?
Countess granddaughter
In foreign lands on whom?
ABOUT! our darkness, without distant references,
They marry and give us kinship
With the masters of fashionable shops.
Unhappy! Shouldn't there be reproaches
From imitators to milliners?
For daring to prefer
Originals to the lists? [67]

Phenomenon 9

The same and many other guests. By the way, Zagoretsky. Men appear, shuffle, step aside, wander from room to room, and so on. Sophia leaves herself; all to meet her.
Countess granddaughter
Eh! bon soir! vous voila! Jamais trop diligente,
Vous nous donnez toujours le plaisir de l "attente. [68]
Zagoretsky (Sophia)
Do you have a ticket for tomorrow's show?
Let me hand you over, in vain who would take
Another to serve you, but
Wherever I rushed!
To the office - everything is taken,
To the director - he is my friend -
With dawn at six o'clock, and by the way eh!
Already in the evening no one could get it;
Moreover, to this, I knocked everyone down;
And this one finally kidnapped by force
One, the old man is frail,
My friend, a famous homebody;
Let him sit at home alone.
Thank you for the ticket
And for the effort twice.
(Some more appear, meanwhile Zagoretsky goes to the men.)
Platon Mikhailich ...
Platon Mikhailovich
Go to women, lie to them and fool them;
I'll tell you the truth about you,
Which is worse than any lie. Here, brother,
(To Chatsky)
What are the more courteous names of such people?
Tenderer? - he is a secular person,
A notorious swindler, rogue:
Anton Antonich Zagoretsky.
Beware of him: carry [69] much,
And don't get into cards: he will sell.
Original! grumpy, but without the slightest malice.
And to be offended you would be ridiculous;
Besides honesty, there are many joys:
They scold here and thank you there.
Platon Mikhailovich
Oh no, brother! we are scolded
Everywhere, but everywhere they accept.
(Zagoretsky gets in the crowd.)

Phenomenon 10

The same and Khlestova.
Is it easy at sixty five
Dragging me to you, niece? .. - Torment!
I drove for an hour from Pokrovka, [70] there was no strength;
Night is the light of doom! [71]
Out of boredom, I took with me
Little arapka and a dog;
Tell them to feed already, my friend,
Dinner got a handout.
Princess, hello!
(She sat down.)
Well, Sofyushka, my friend,
What is my arap for services:
Curly! the hump of the shoulder blade!
Angry! all the cat grips!
How black! how terrible!
After all, the Lord created such a tribe!
God damn it; in maiden's [72] she;
Should I call?
No, sir, at another time.
Imagine: they are displayed like animals ...
I listened, there ... the city is Turkish ...
Do you know who has saved for me? -
Anton Antonich Zagoretsky.
(Zagoretsky moves forward.)
He is a liar, a gambler, a thief.
(Zagoretsky disappears.)
I was from him and the doors were locked;
Yes, master to serve: me and sister Praskovya
I got two arapchens at the fair;
Bought, he says, he cheated tea into cards;
And me a present, God grant him health!
Chatsky (laughing to Platon Mikhailovich)
It will not be good for such praises,
And Zagoretsky himself could not stand it, he disappeared.
Who is this merry fellow? From what rank?
This one over there? Chatsky.
Well? and what did you find funny?
What is he glad about? What's the laugh?
It's a sin to laugh at old age.
I remember you often danced with him as a child,
I scolded him by the ears, just a little.

Phenomenon 11

The same and Famusov.
Famusov (loudly)
We are waiting for Prince Peter Ilyich,
And the prince is already here! And I was huddled there, in the portrait room!
Where is Skalozub Sergey Sergeich? but?
Not; it seems not. - He is a noticeable person -
Sergey Sergeich Skalozub.
My Creator! deafened, louder than any trumpets!

Phenomenon 12

The same Skalozub, then Molchalin.
Sergei Sergeich, too late;
And we were waiting for you, waiting for you, waiting for you.
(Leads to Khlestova.)
My daughter-in-law, who has been
It has been said about you.
Khlestova (sitting)
Have you been here before ... in the regiment ... in that ... in the grenadier's? [73]
Skalozub (bass)
His highness, you mean
Novo-Zemlyansk Musketeer. [74]
I’m not a craftswoman to distinguish the shelves.
And the uniforms have differences:
In uniforms, edging, shoulder straps, buttonholes.
Come on, father, I'll make you laugh there;
We have a curious whist. Follow us, prince! ask.
(He and the prince takes away with him.)
Khlestova (Sofia)
Wow! I got rid of the loop quite a bit;
After all, your crazy father:
He was given three fathoms a daring man, -
Introduces, without asking, is it pleasant for us, isn't it?
Molchalin (gives her a card)
I made up your party: Monsieur Kok,
Foma Fomich and me.
Thank you my friend.
Your Pomeranian is an adorable Pomeranian, no more than a thimble!
I stroked it all; like silk wool!
Thank you my dear.
(Leaves, followed by Molchalin and many others.)

Phenomenon 13

Chatsky, Sofia and several outsiders, who continue to disperse.
Well! dispersed the cloud ...
Can't we not continue?
What did I scare you with?
For the fact that he softened the angry guest,
I wanted to praise.
And they would have ended in anger.
Tell you what I thought? Here is:
All old women are angry people;
It is not bad that a famous servant is with them
Here it was like a thunderous tap.
Molchalin! - Who else will settle everything so peacefully!
There the pug will stroke it in time!
Here in time to rub the card!
Zagoretsky will not die in it!
You gave it to me to calculate the properties,
But many have forgotten? - Yes?

Phenomenon 14

Sofia, then G.N.
Sofia (to herself)
Oh! this person always
Cause me a terrible frustration!
To humiliate glad, prick, envious, proud and angry!
G.N. (suitable)
You are thinking.
About Chatsky.
How was he found on his return?
He is not quite all there.
Have you lost your mind?
Sofia (after a pause)
Not that at all ...
However, there are signs?
Sofia (looks at him intently)
I think.
How can you, in these years!
How to be!
(To the side)
He is ready to believe!
Ah, Chatsky! You love to play around as jesters,
Is it pleasing to try on yourself?

Phenomenon 15

G.N. , then G.D.
Out of my mind! .. It seems to her! .. here it is!
No wonder? So ... where would she get it?
You heard?
About Chatsky?
You are crazy!
I didn’t say, others say.
Are you glad to spread it?
I'll go and inquire; tea, somebody knows.

Phenomenon 16

G.D. , then Zagoretsky.
Trust the chatterbox!
He hears nonsense, and immediately repeats it!
Do you know about Chatsky?
You are crazy!
BUT! I know, I remember, I heard.
How can I not know? an example case came out;
His uncle-rogue hid him in the mad ones ...
They grabbed me into the yellow house, [75] and put me on a chain.
Have mercy, he was here in the room now, here.
So they let him off the chain.
Well, dear friend, you don't need newspapers with you.
I'll go and spread my wings
I’ll ask everyone; but mind you! secret.

Phenomenon 17

Zagoretsky, then the Countess's granddaughter.
Who is Chatsky here? - Famous surname.
I was once familiar with some Chatsky. -
Have you heard of him?
Countess granddaughter
About whom?
About Chatsky, he was here in the room now.
Countess granddaughter
I know.
I spoke to him.
So I congratulate you!
He's crazy ...
Countess granddaughter
Yes, he's out of his mind.
Countess granddaughter
Imagine, I noticed myself;
And even though you can bet, you are one word with me.

Phenomenon 18

The same and the Countess's grandmother.
Countess granddaughter
Ah! grand "maman, what a miracle! what a new thing!"
Have you heard of the troubles here?
Listen. Here are the delights! that's cute! ..
Countess grandmother
My troubles, my ears were clogged up;
Skashi louder ...
Countess granddaughter
There is no time!
(Indicates Zagoretsky.)
Il vous dira toute l "histoire ... [76]
I'll go and ask ...

Phenomenon 19

Zagoretsky, Countess grandmother.
Countess grandmother
What? what? isn't there a ball here?
No, Chatsky made all this mess.
Countess grandmother
How, Chatsky? Who imprisoned?
In the mountains he was wounded in the forehead, lost his mind from the wound.
Countess grandmother
What? to the freemasons [77] in the clob? Has he gone to the pusurmans?
You can't make her understand.
Countess grandmother
Anton Antonovich! Oh!
And he walks, all in fear, in a hurry.

Phenomenon 20

Countess grandmother and Prince Tugoukhovsky.
Countess grandmother
Prince, prince! Oh, this prince, on the palms, he himself a little quits!
Prince, have you heard?
Countess grandmother
He hears nothing!
Though, moshet, have you seen the chief of police [78] ardor?
Countess grandmother
In prison, the prince, who grabbed Chatsky?
And - hmm?
Countess grandmother
A cleaver and a knapsack for him,
The soltats! No joke! changed the law!
Countess grandmother
Yes! .. he is in pusurmans! Oh! Cursed Volterian! [79]
What? but? deaf, my father; take out your horn.
Oh! deafness is a great defect.

Phenomenon 21

The same Khlestova, Sofia, Molchalin, Platon Mikhailovich, Natalya Dmitrievna, Countess granddaughter, Princess with daughters, Zagoretsky, Skalozub, then Famusov and many others.
You are crazy! I humbly ask!
By chance! how nimble!
Did you, Sophia, hear?
Platon Mikhailovich
Who was the first to divulge?
Natalia Dmitrievna
Ah, my friend, everyone!
Platon Mikhailovich
Well, everything, so reluctantly believe,
And I doubt it.
Famusov (entering)
About what? about Chatsky, or what?
What is doubtful? I am the first, I opened!
For a long time I wonder how no one will bind him!
Try about the authorities - and the field will tell you what!
Bow down a little, bend over a ring,
At least in front of the monarch's face,
So he will call him a scoundrel! ..
There from the laughing ones;
I said something - he began to laugh.
I was advised against serving in the Archives in Moscow.
Countess granddaughter
I have deigned to call me a milliner!
Natalia Dmitrievna
And he gave my husband advice to live in the village.
Crazy all over.
Countess granddaughter
I saw from my eyes.
I went after my mother, after Anna Aleksevna;
The deceased went mad eight times.
There are wonderful adventures in the world!
In his summer he jumped mad!
Tea, I drank beyond my years.
ABOUT! right…
Countess granddaughter
No doubt about it.
He drew champagne glasses.
Natalia Dmitrievna
With bottles, and large
Zagoretsky (with heat)
No, sir, forties barrels.
Here you go! great trouble
What a man will drink too much!
Learning is the plague, learning is the reason
What's more important now than when,
Insane divorced people, and deeds, and opinions.
And you will really go crazy from these, from some
From boarding houses, schools, lyceums, as you mean them,
Yes from Lankart peer learning. [80]
No, in St. Petersburg the institute
Pe-da-go-gic, [81] so, it seems, the name is:
There they practice splits and unbeliefs
Professors !! - our relatives studied with them,
And went out! even now to the pharmacy, as an apprentice.
Runs from women, and even from me!
Chinov doesn't want to know! He's a chemist, he's a nerd
Prince Fyodor, my nephew.
I will please you: everyone's rumor,
That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;
There they will only teach according to ours: one, two;
And the books will be kept like this: for big occasions.
Sergei Sergeich, no! If you stop evil:
Take all the books and burn them.
Zagoretsky (with meekness)
No, sir, books are different. And if, between us,
I was appointed censor [82],
I would lean on fables; Oh! fables are my death!
Eternal mockery of lions! over the eagles!
Whoever says anything:
Although they are animals, they are still kings.
My fathers, whoever is upset in the mind,
So all the same, whether from books or from drinking;
And I'm sorry for Chatsky.
In a Christian way; he is worthy of pity;
He was a sharp man, had three hundred souls.
Three, sir.
Four hundred.
Not! three hundred.
On my calendar ...
All calendars lie.
Just four hundred, oh! argue with a voicesman
Not! Three hundred! - I don’t know someone else’s estates!
Four hundred, please understand.
Not! three hundred, three hundred, three hundred.

Phenomenon 22

The same all and Chatsky.
Natalia Dmitrievna
Here it is.
Countess granddaughter
(Back away from him in the opposite direction.)
Well, like from crazy eyes
He will start to fight, he will demand to be butchered!
Oh my God! have mercy on us sinners!
My dearest! You are not at ease.
Sleep is needed from the road. Give me a pulse ... You are not well.
Yes, no urine: a million torments
Breasts from a friendly grip
Feet from shuffling, ears from exclamations,
And more than the head from all sorts of trifles.
(Approaches Sophia.)
My soul here is squeezed by some kind of grief,
And in the crowd I am lost, not myself.
Not! I am dissatisfied with Moscow.
Moscow, you see, is to blame.
Away from him.
(Makes signs for Sophia.)
Um, Sophia! - Doesn't look!
Sofia (to Chatsky)
Tell me what makes you so angry?
In that room, an insignificant meeting:
Frenchie from Bordeaux [83], pulling on the chest,
Gathered around himself a family of veche [84]
And he said how he was getting ready for the journey
To Russia, to the barbarians, with fear and tears;
I came and found that there was no end to caresses;
Not a sound of a Russian, not a Russian face
I have not met: as if in the fatherland, with friends;
Own province. - Look, in the evening
He feels like a little king here;
The ladies have the same sense, the same outfits ...
He's happy, but we're not happy.
Stopped. And here from all sides
Longing, and groaning, and moaning.
Oh! France! There is no better edge in the world! -
Decided two princesses, sisters, repeating
The lesson that they have done from childhood.
Where to go from the princesses! -
I sent desires odal
Humble but out loud
So that the Lord destroy this unclean spirit
Empty, slavish, blind imitation;
So that he sows a spark in someone with a soul,
Who could by word and example
Hold us like a strong rein,
From pathetic nausea on the side of the stranger.
Let me be called [85] an Old Believer,
But our North is a hundred times worse for me
Since I gave everything in exchange for a new way -
And manners, and language, and holy old times,
And stately clothes for another
On the clownish model:
The tail is in the back, in the front there is some kind of wonderful notch, [86]
Reason in spite of, in defiance of the elements;
The movements are connected, and there is no beauty on the face;
Funny, shaved, gray chins!
Both dresses, hair, and minds are short! ..
Oh! if we are born to take over everything,
If only we could borrow a little from the Chinese
Wise their ignorance of foreigners.
Shall we rise again from the foreign rule of fashion?
So that our smart, cheerful people
Although in language we were not considered Germans.
"How to put the European in parallel
With the national - something strange!
How can we translate Madame and Mademoiselle?
Oh, madam! " someone muttered to me.
Imagine everyone here
There was laughter at my expense.
"Madam! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! perfectly!
Madam! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! awful! " -
I, angry and cursing life,
I prepared a thunderous answer for them;
But everyone left me. -
Here is a case with me, it is not new;
Moscow and Petersburg - in all of Russia,
That a man from the city of Bordeaux
Only opened his mouth, has happiness
To instill participation in all princesses;
And in St. Petersburg and Moscow,
Who is the enemy of discharged persons, pretentious, curly words,
In whose unfortunate head
Five, six, there are healthy thoughts
And he dares to declare them publicly, -
Lo and behold ...
(Looks around, everyone is spinning in a waltz with the greatest zeal. The old people scattered to the card tables.)

End of Act III

Act IV

Famusov has a ceremonial entrance in the house; a large staircase from the second dwelling [87], which is adjoined by many side mezzanines; below to the right (from the characters) exit to the porch and the Swiss box; on the left, on the same plane, Molchalin's room. Night. Low lighting. Some lackeys bustle, others sleep in anticipation of their masters.

Phenomenon 1

Countess grandmother, Countess granddaughter, in front of their footman.
Countess Piggy carriage!
Countess granddaughter (while she is being wrapped up)
Well ball! Well Famusov! knew how to name the guests!
Some kind of freaks from the other world,
And there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with.
Countess grandmother
Sing, mother, I, prafo, are beyond my power,
Once upon a time I fell into the grave.
(Both leave.)

Phenomenon 2

Platon Mikhailovich and Natalya Dmitrievna. One footman is busy with them, the other at the entrance shouts:
Gorich's carriage!
Natalia Dmitrievna
My angel, my life,
Priceless, darling, Poposh, what's so sad?
(Kisses her husband on the forehead.)
Admit it, the Famusovs had fun.
Platon Mikhailovich
Natasha-mother, I doze at the balls,
A mortal reluctant before them,
And I do not resist, your worker,
I'm on duty after midnight, sometimes
To please you, no matter how sad
I start dancing on command.
Natalia Dmitrievna
You pretend, and very unskilful;
The mortal hunt to be known for the old man.
(Leaves with a footman.)
Platon Mikhailovich (coolly)
Ball is a good thing, bondage is bitter;
And who does not allow us to marry!
After all, it is said, to a different kind ...
Footman (from the porch)
There is a lady in the carriage, and she will deign to be angry.
Platon Mikhailovich (with a sigh)
I'm coming.

Phenomenon 3

Chatsky and his lackey are in front.
Shout to serve it soon.
(The footman leaves.)
Well, the day has passed, and with it
All the ghosts, all the fumes and smoke
The hopes that filled my soul.
What have I been waiting for? what did you think to find here?
Where is the beauty of this meeting? participation in whom is alive?
Scream! joy! hugged! - Empty.
In a cart so and so on the way
An immense plain, sitting idly,
All something is visible ahead
Light, blue, varied;
And you go for an hour, and two, a whole day; that's brisk
They rushed to rest; overnight: wherever you look,
All the same smooth surface, and steppe, and empty and dead ...
It's a shame, there is no urine, the more you start thinking.
(The footman returns.)
Is it done?
You see, the coachman will not be found anywhere.
Go, look, don't spend the night here.
(The footman leaves again.)

Phenomenon 4

Chatsky, Repetilov (runs in from the porch, falls down at the very entrance and hastily recovers).
Ugh! blundered. - Ah, my Creator!
Let me rub my eyes; where is it from? friend!..
Heart friend! Dear friend! Mon cher! [88]
Here are farces [89] how often there were pets to me,
What idle talk I am, what stupid, what superstit
That I have all the forebodings, omens;
Now ... please explain
As if I knew I was in a hurry here,
Grab, I touched the threshold with my foot
And stretched out to his full height.
Perhaps laugh at me
That Repetilov is lying, that Repetilov is simple,
And I have an attraction for you, a kind of ailment,
Some kind of love and passion,
I am ready to lay my soul
That you won't find such a friend in the world
So faithful, she-she;
Let me lose my wife, children,
I will be left with the whole light
Let me die in this place,
May the Lord pique me ...
Yes, full of nonsense to grind.
You don't love me, it's a natural thing:
With others I do this and that,
I speak with you timidly
I am pathetic, I am ridiculous, I am an ignoramus, I am a fool.
What a strange humiliation!
Scold me, I curse my own birth,
When I think about how I was killing time!
Tell me what time is it?
An hour to go to bed to go to bed;
If you came to the ball,
So you can go back.
What's the ball? brother, where are we all night until broad daylight,
Shackled in decency, we will not break out of the yoke,
Have you read? there is a book ...
Have you read? task for me,
Are you Repetilov?
Call me vandal [90]:
I deserve this name.
He valued empty people!
Himself raved about dinner or a ball for a century!
I forgot about the children! cheated on his wife!
Played! lost! taken into custody by decree! [91]
The dancer was holding! and not one:
Three at a time!
Drank dead! didn’t sleep for nine nights!
He rejected everything: laws! conscience! faith!
Listen! lie, but know the measure;
There is something to come to despair from.
Congratulate me, now I know people
With the smartest! - I don’t prowl all night long.
Now, for example?
That one night doesn’t count
But ask, where have you been?
And I myself will guess.
Tea, at the club?
In English. To start confession:
From a noisy meeting.
Shook a hundred be silent, I gave my word to be silent;
We have a society, and secret gatherings
On Thursdays. The most secret union ...
Oh! I, brother, am afraid.
How? in club?
Here are the extraordinary measures
To drive away both you and your secrets.
In vain fear takes you
Aloud, we speak loudly, no one will understand.
I myself, as they clash about the cameras, the jury, [92]
About Beyron [93], well, about important mothers [94],
I often listen without opening my lips;
I can't do it, brother, and I feel stupid.
Ax! Alexandre! we missed you;
Listen, darling, sweat me at least a little;
Let's go now; we are, fortunately, on the move;
With which I will lead you
People !! ... They don't look like me at all!
What kind of people, mon cher! Smart youth juice!
God is with them and with you. Where will I ride?
What for? into the dead of night? Home, I want to sleep.
Eh! give it up! who is sleeping today? Well enough, no preludes [95]
Make up your mind, and we! .. we have ... decisive people,
A dozen hot heads!
We shout - you will think that there are hundreds of voices! ..
Why do you rage so much?
We make noise, brother, make noise!
Are you making a noise? only?
There is no place to explain now and lack of time,
But a state matter:
It, you see, is not ripe,
You can't suddenly.
What kind of people! mon cher! Without distant stories
I will tell you: first of all, Prince Grigory !!
The only freak! we are dying with laughter!
Century with the English, the whole English fold,
And he also speaks through clenched teeth,
And also cropped short for order.
Don't you know? about! meet him.
The other is Vorkulov Evdokim;
Have you heard how he sings? about! marvel!
Listen honey, especially
He has one favorite:
"BUT! non lashyar mi, but, but, but. ”[96]
We also have two brothers:
Levon and Borinka, wonderful guys!
You don't know what to say about them;
But if you order a genius to call:
Suffocating Ippolit Markelych !!!
You are composing it
Have you read anything? even a trifle?
Read it, brother, but he doesn't write anything;
Such people would be whipped,
And condemn: write, write, write;
In magazines, however, you can find
His excerpt, look and something.
What do you mean something? - about everything;
Everyone knows, we herd him for a rainy day.
But we have a head that Russia does not have,
There is no need to name, you recognize from the portrait:
Night robber, duelist,
He was exiled to Kamchatka, returned as an Aleut,
And strong on the hand is unclean;
Yes, an intelligent person cannot but be a cheat.
When does he speak of high honesty,
We inspire with some demon:
Eyes covered in blood, face is burning
He cries himself, and we all cry.
Here are people, are there any like them? Hardly ...
Well, between them, of course, I am mediocre [97],
A little lagged behind, lazy, horror to think!
However, I, when, with a little effort,
I'll sit down, I don't sit for an hour,
And somehow by chance, suddenly a pun [98] will make my face.
Others will pick up the same idea in my mind
And six of them, lo and behold, a vaudeville [99] blind,
The other six put on music,
Others clap when given.
Brother, laugh, but what you like, you like:
God did not reward me with abilities,
I gave a kind heart, that's what I am dear to people,
I will lie - forgive ...
Lackey (at the entrance)
Skalozub's carriage!

Phenomenon 5

The same and Skalozub, descending from the stairs.
Repetilov (to meet him)
Oh! Skalozub, my soul,
Wait, where? make friendship.
(She strangles him in her arms.)
Where can I go from them!
(Included in the Swiss.)
Repetilov (Skalozubu)
The rumor about you has long ceased,
They said that you went to the regiment for service.
Do you know each other?
(Looking for Chatsky with his eyes)
Stubborn! galloped away!
There is no need, I found you by accident,
And we ask with me, now without excuses:
Prince Gregory now has darkness for the people,
You will see, there are forty of us,
Fu! how much mind is there, brother!
They talk all night long, they won't get bored,
First, give champagne to the slaughter,
And secondly, they will teach such things,
Which, of course, we cannot invent with you.
Deliver. You won't faze me with scholarship,
Click others, and if you want,
I am Prince Gregory and you
Feldwebel in Ladies Volters,
He will build you in three lines,
And make a sound, it will calm you down in an instant.
All service on your mind! Mon cher, look here:
And I would climb into ranks, but I met failures,
Like, perhaps, no one ever;
I served as a civil servant, then
Baron von Klotz as ministers methyl,
And I -
To his son-in-law.
I walked straight without a distant thought,
With his wife and with him he went into reverse [100],
What amounts to him and her
He let it down, God forbid!
He lived on the Fontanka [101], I built a house near,
With columns! huge! how much did it cost!
Finally married his daughter,
He took the dowry - shish, in the service - nothing.
Father-in-law is a German, but what's the use?
I was afraid, see, he reproached
For weakness, as it were, for relatives!
I was afraid, take his ashes, but is it easier for me?
His secretaries are all boors, all corrupt,
Little fellows writing creature
Everyone came out to know, everyone is important today,
Look at the calendar address [102].
Ugh! service and ranks, crosses - the souls of the ordeal;
Alexey Lakhmotiev speaks wonderfully,
That radical medicines are needed here,
The stomach does not cook longer.
(He stops when he sees that Zagoretsky has taken the place of Skalozub, who left before he left.)

Phenomenon 6

Repetilov, Zagoretsky.
Please allow me to continue, I sincerely confess to you,
I am just like you, a terrible liberal!
And from the fact that I am straight and boldly explaining myself,
Where have I lost so much! ..
Repetilov (with annoyance)
All apart without saying a word;
Slightly out of sight of one, look, there is no other.
Chatsky was there, suddenly disappeared, then Skalozub.
What do you think about Chatsky?
He's not stupid
Now we collided, there are all sorts of turuses [103],
And a good conversation turned to vaudeville.
Yes! vaudeville is a thing, and everything else is guil [104].
He and I ... we have ... the same tastes.
Have you noticed that he
Is your mind seriously damaged?
What nonsense!
All this faith is about him.
Ask everyone!
Chimeras [105].
And by the way, here is Prince Pyotr Ilyich,
The princess and the princesses.

Phenomenon 7

Repetilov, Zagoretsky, Prince and Princess with six daughters; a little later Khlestova descends from the main staircase. Molchalin leads her by the arm. The lackeys in the hustle and bustle.
Princesses, please, tell me your opinion,
Mad Chatsky or not?
1st princess
What doubt about that?
2nd princess
The whole world knows about it.
3rd princess
Dryansky, Khvorovs, Varlyansky, Skachkovs.
4th princess
Oh! to lead the old, to whom are they new?
5th princess
Who doubts?
But he doesn't believe ...
6th princess
Monsieur Repetilov! You! Monsieur Repetilov! what do you!
How are you! Is it possible against everyone!
Why are you? shame and laughter.
Repetilov (plugs his ears)
Sorry, I didn't know it was too public.
It wouldn’t be clear yet, it’s dangerous to talk to him,
It would be high time to lock up.
Listen, so his little finger
Smarter than everyone, and even Prince Peter!
I think he's just a Jacobin [106],
Your Chatsky !!! Let's go. Prince, you could carry
Kate or Zizi, we'll sit in a six-seater.
Khlestova (from the stairs)
Princess, card debt.
Follow me, mother.
Everyone (to each other)
(The princely surname [107] leaves, and so does Zagoretsky.)

Phenomenon 8

Repetilov, Khlestova, Molchalin.
Heavenly king!
Amfisa Nilovna! Oh! Chatsky! poor! here!
What is our lofty mind! and a thousand worries!
Tell me, from what in the world we are bothering!
So God judged him; but by the way,
Treat, cure maybe;
And you, my father, are incurable, at least give it up.
Deigned to appear in time! -
Molchalin, there is your closet,
No wires needed; go, the Lord is with you.
(Molchalin goes to his room.)
Goodbye, father; it's time to go crazy.

Phenomenon 9

Repetilov with his footman.
Where should the path go now?
And the matter is already moving towards dawn.
Come put me in the carriage
Take it somewhere.

Phenomenon 10

The last lamp goes out.
Chatsky (leaves the Swiss)
What is it? did I hear with my ears!
Not laughter, but clearly anger. What miracles?
What kind of witchcraft
Everyone repeats the absurdity about me!
And for some it is like a celebration,
Others seem to be compassionate ...
ABOUT! if someone penetrated people:
What's worse about them? soul or tongue?
Whose composition is this!
The fools believed, they pass it on to others,
The old women instantly sound the alarm -
And here is the public opinion!
And here is that homeland ... No, on this visit,
I see that I will soon get tired of it.
Does Sophia know? - Of course they did,
She's not exactly to my detriment
Amused, whether it’s true or not -
She doesn't care if it's different, if it's me,
She does not value anyone in her conscience.
But this fainting, unconsciousness from where ?? -
Nerve spoiled, fad, -
A little will stir them up, and a little will calm them down, -
I counted as a sign of living passions. - Not a crumb:
She certainly would have lost the same strength
When would anyone step
On the tail of a dog or cat.
Sofia (above the stairs on the second floor, with a candle)
Molchalin, are you?
(Hastily locks the door again.)
She is! she herself!
Oh! my head is on fire, all my blood is in excitement.
Appeared! there is no her! really in a vision?
Am I really out of my mind?
I am definitely prepared for the extraordinary;
But it’s not a vision here, an hour has been agreed upon.
Why should I deceive myself?
Molchalin was calling, here is his room.
His lackey (from the porch)
Kare ...
(Pushes him out.)
I'll be here and I won't close my eyes
Until the morning. If grief is drunk,
It's better this way
Than to hesitate - and troubles can not be relieved by slowness.
The door opens.
(Hides behind a column.)

Phenomenon 11

Chatsky is hidden, Liza with a candle.
Oh! no urine! I am shy.
Into the empty canopy! at night! you are afraid of brownies
You are also afraid of living people.
Tormentor-young lady, God be with her,
And Chatsky, like a thorn in the eye;
See, he seemed to her somewhere down here.
(Looks around.)
Yes! how! he wants to wander through the hallways!
He, tea, has long been outside the gate,
I saved love for tomorrow
Home, and went to bed.
However, it is ordered to push to the heart.
(Knocks at Molchalin.)
Listen, sir. Wake up, please.
The young lady is calling you, the young lady is calling you.
Yes, hurry up so they don't get caught.

Phenomenon 12

Chatsky behind the column, Liza, Molchalin (stretching and yawning), Sofia (sneaking from above).
You, sir, stone, sir, ice.
Oh! Lizanka, are you on your own?
From the young lady, sir.
Who would have guessed
What's in these cheeks, in these veins
Love has not yet played a blush!
Would you like to be only on parcels?
And to you, bride seekers,
Not to bask and not to yawn;
Nice and nice, who will not finish eating
And will not sleep until the wedding.
What wedding? with whom?
And with the young lady?
Come on
There is a lot of hope ahead
We are wasting time without a wedding.
What are you, sir! yes we are
Your own husbands to others?
I do not know. And I am so shivering
And at one thought I am distressing,
That Pavel Afanasyich once
Will catch us someday
Disperse, curse! .. But what? Should I open my soul?
I don't see anything in Sofya Pavlovna
Enviable. May God grant her a century to live richly,
She loved Chatsky once,
He will stop loving me like him.
My angel, I would like to half
Feel the same for her as I feel for you;
No, no matter how I tell myself,
I am getting ready to be gentle, and I am meeting - and a sheet.
Sofia (aside)
What baseness!
Chatsky (behind the column)
Are you not ashamed?
My father bequeathed to me:
First, to please all people without exception -
The owner, where he happens to live,
To the chief with whom I will serve,
To his servant who cleans dresses,
Swiss, janitor, to avoid evil,
To the janitor's dog, to be affectionate.
To say, sir, you have tremendous tutelage!
And now I take the form of a lover
To please the daughter of such a person ...
Which feeds and drinks,
And sometimes he will give him a rank?
Come on, we've talked enough.
Let's go love to share our deplorable stolen.
Let me hug you from the heart of fullness.
(Lisa is not given.)
Why isn't she you!
(She wants to go, Sofia won't let her.)
Sofia (almost in a whisper; the whole scene in an undertone)
Go further, I've heard a lot,
Horrible man! I am ashamed of myself, of the walls.
How! Sofya Pavlovna ...
Not a word, for God's sake
Be quiet, I will decide on anything.
Molchalin (throws himself on his knees, Sofia pushes him away)
Oh! remember! do not be angry, take a look! ..
I don’t remember anything, don’t bother me.
Memories! like a sharp knife onet.
Molchalin (crawling at her feet)
Have mercy ...
Do not screw up, stand up.
I don't want an answer, I know your answer,
Lie ...
Do me mercy ...
Not. Not. Not.
I was joking, and I didn’t say anything besides ...
Leave me alone, I say now,
I will wake up everyone in the house with a cry
And I will destroy myself and you.
(Molchalin gets up.)
I didn't seem to know you since then.
Reproaches, complaints, my tears
Don't you dare to expect, you are not worth them;
But so that the dawn does not find you in the house here.
So that I never hear about you again.
As you command.
Otherwise I'll tell you
The whole truth to the priest, out of vexation.
You know that I do not value myself.
Come on. - Wait, be glad
That when dating me in the stillness of the night
You held on more to timidity in your disposition,
Than even during the day, and in public, and in the presence;
You have less insolence than curvature of the soul.
She herself is pleased that she found out everything at night:
There are no reproachful witnesses in the eyes
How long ago, when I fainted,
Here Chatsky was ...
Chatsky (rushes between them)
He's here, pretender!
Lisa and Sophia
Ax! Ax!
(Liza drops the candle in fright; Molchalin disappears into her room.)

Phenomenon 13

The same, except for Molchalin.
Rather faint, now it's okay
More important than the current reason is that
Here is finally the solution to the riddle!
Here I am donated to whom!
I don’t know how I tempered my fury!
He looked, and saw, and did not believe!
And dear, for whom is forgotten
And a former friend, and a woman's fear and shame, -
Hiding behind the door, afraid to be held accountable.
Oh! how to comprehend the game of fate?
People with a soul persecutor, scourge! -
The taciturns are blissful in the world!
Sofia (all in tears)
Don't go on, I blame myself all around.
But who would have thought that he was so cunning!
Knock! noise! Oh! Oh my God! the whole house runs here.
Your father will be grateful.

Phenomenon 14

Chatsky, Sofia, Liza, Famusov, a crowd of servants with candles.
Here! Behind me! hurry up! hurry up!
More candles, more lanterns!
Where are the brownies? Bah! all familiar faces!
Daughter, Sofya Pavlovna! page!
Shameless woman! Where! with whom! Neither give nor take it,
Like her mother, a deceased wife.
I used to be with my dearest half
A little apart - somewhere with a man!
Fear God, how? how did he seduce you?
She called him insane herself!
Not! stupidity and blindness attacked me!
All this is a conspiracy, and in the conspiracy was
He himself, and all the guests. Why am I so punished! ..
Chatsky (Sofia)
So I still owe you this fiction?
Brother, do not trick, I will not give in to deception,
Even if you fight, I won't believe it.
You, Filka, you are a straight block,
He made a lazy grouse into the doormen,
Doesn't know about anything, doesn't smell anything.
Where have you been? where did you go?
Senya not locked for what?
And how did you miss it? and how did you not hear?
To work you, to settle you: [108]
They are ready to sell me for a penny.
You, quick-eyed, are all from your mischief;
Here it is, Kuznetsky Most, outfits and updates;
There you learned to bring lovers together,
Wait, I'll fix you:
Please go to the hut, march, go for birds;
Yes, and you, my friend, I, my daughter, will not leave,
Take two more days:
You will not be in Moscow, you will not live with people;
Further away from these grips,
To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov,
There you will grieve
Sit at the embroidery frame, yawn at the calendar [109].
And you, sir, I really ask
There is no favor either directly or by country road;
And this is your last line
What, tea, the door to everyone will be locked:
I will try, I, I will sound the alarm,
I'll make it all over the city
And I will announce to all the people:
I will submit to the Senate, to the ministers, to the sovereign.
Chatsky (after some silence)
I will not come to my senses ... I am to blame
And I listen, I don't understand
As if they still want to explain to me.
Lost in thought ... expecting something.
(With heat.)
Blind man! in whom I was looking for the reward of all labors!
He was in a hurry! .. was flying! trembled! here is happiness, I thought, close.
To whom am I so passionate and so low
There was a waster of tender words!
And you! Oh my goodness! whom have you chosen?
When I think about who you prefer!
Why have I been lured with hope?
Why didn't they tell me directly
That you turned all the past into laughter ?!
That the memory even hated you
Those feelings, in both of us the movements of those hearts
Which in me did not cool down any distance,
No entertainment, no changing places.
I breathed and lived with them, I was busy incessantly!
They would say that you are my sudden arrival,
My appearance, my words, deeds - everything is disgusting, -
I would immediately cut off intercourse with you
And before parting forever
Wouldn't really get there
Who is this dear person to you? ..
You will make peace with him, by mature reflection.
Destroy yourself, and for what!
Think you can always have it
Protect, and swaddle, and send for business.
Husband-boy, husband-servant, from wife's pages [110] -
The high ideal of all Moscow husbands. -
Enough! .. with you I am proud of my break.
And you, sir father, you who are passionate about ranks:
I wish you to doze in ignorance, happy,
I do not threaten you with my matchmaking.
There is another, well-behaved,
Low-worshiper and businessman,
Finally, the merits
He is an equal to the future father-in-law.
So! I sobered up in full,
Dreams out of sight - and the veil fell;
Now it would not be bad in a row
To daughter and father
And a foolish lover
And to the whole world to pour out all the bile and all the annoyance.
Who was he with! Where fate has thrown me!
Everyone is driving! everyone swears! A crowd of torturers
In the love of traitors, in the enmity of the tireless,
The indomitable storytellers
Ungainly clever, crafty simpletons,
Sinister old women, old men,
Decrepit over inventions, nonsense, -
You glorified me insane with your whole chorus.
You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed,
Who will have time to stay with you for the day,
Breathe the air alone
And in him the reason will survive.
Get out of Moscow! here I am no longer a rider.
I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,
Where the offended feeling has a corner! ..
Carriage for me, carriage!

Phenomenon 15

In addition to Chatsky
Well? don't you see that he's gone mad?
Say seriously:
Insane! what nonsense he was talking about!
Low admirer! father-in-law! and about Moscow so menacing!
And you decided to kill me?
Is my fate not yet deplorable?
Oh! Oh my God! what will say
Princess Marya Aleksevna!

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 5 pages)

Alexander Griboyedov
Comedy in four acts in verse


Pavel Afanasevich Famusov, the manager in the official place.

Sofia Pavlovna, his daughter.

Lizanka, maid.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin, the secretary of Famusov, who lives in his house.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.

Colonel Skalozub, Sergei Sergeevich.

Natalia Dmitrievna, young lady, Platon Mikhailovich, her husband - Gorichi.

Prince Tugoukhovsky and princess, his wife, with six daughters.

Countess-grandmother, Countess-granddaughter- Hryumins.

Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.

Old woman Khlestova, sister-in-law of Famusov.


Parsley and several speaking servants.

A multitude of guests of all kinds and their lackeys on the way.

Famusov waiters.

Action in Moscow at Famusov's house.


Phenomenon 1

The living room, there is a large clock in it, on the right is the door to Sophia's bedroom, from which you can hear a fortopian with a flute, which then fall silent. Lizanka in the middle of the room he sleeps, hanging from his armchairs.

(Morning, a little dawning day.)

(suddenly wakes up, gets up from the chair, looks around)

Day is breaking! .. Ah! how soon the night passed!
Yesterday I asked to sleep - refusal.
"We are waiting for a friend." - You need an eye and an eye,
Do not sleep until you roll off your chair.
Now I just took a nap,
It's day! .. tell them ...

(Knocks on Sofia.)

Hey! Sofya Pavlovna, trouble.
Your conversation has come overnight.
Are you deaf? - Alexey Stepanych!
Madame! .. - And fear does not take them!

(Moves away from the door.)

Well, the guest is not invited,
Perhaps the father will come in!
I ask you to serve with the young lady in love!
(Again to the door.)
Yes, disperse. Morning. - What?

Sophia's voice
What time is it now?
Everything in the house rose.
(from his room)

What time is it now?

Seventh, eighth, ninth.
(from the same place)

Not true.

(away from the doors)

Oh! damn cupid!
And they hear, they don't want to understand
Well, what would they take away the shutters?
I will translate the clock, even though I know: there will be a race,
I'll make them play.

(Climbs into a chair, moves the hand, the clock strikes and plays.)

Phenomenon 2

Lisa and Famusov.

Oh! master!
Master, yes.

(Stops clock music)

After all, what a minx you are, girl.
I could not think of what kind of trouble it is!
Now the flute is heard, now like a piano;
Was it too early for Sophia? ..

No, sir, I ... just by chance ...
Just by chance, take note of you;
So, right, intentionally.

(He clings to her and flirts.)

Oh! potion, darling.

You are a spoiled person, these faces suit you!
Modest, but nothing but
Leprosy and the wind on my mind.
Let go, the windy ones themselves,
Come to your senses, you are old people ...
Well, who will come, where are we with you?
Who should come here?
Sophia is sleeping, isn't she?
Now I have it.
Now! And the night?
I read the whole night.
See, what whims have started!
All in French, read aloud, locked.
Tell me that it is not good for her to spoil her eyes,
And it's not very useful in reading:
She has no sleep from French books
And the Russians hurt me to sleep.
What will rise, I will report,
Please go, wake me up, I'm afraid.
Why wake up? You wind up the clock
You play a symphony for the whole quarter.
(as loud as possible)

Yes, fullness!

(grips her mouth)

Have mercy on how you scream.
Are you going crazy?

I'm afraid it won't come out of that ...
It's time, sir, you know you are not a child;
The girls' morning sleep is so thin;
You creak a little the door, you whisper a little:
Everyone hears ...
You are all lying.
Sophia's voice
Hey Lisa!

(Creeps out of the room on tiptoe.)


Gone ... Ah! give from the gentlemen;
They have troubles for yourself for every hour,
Pass us more than all sorrows
And lordly anger, and lordly love.

Phenomenon 3

Lisa, Sofia with a candle, behind it Molchalin.

What, Lisa, attacked you?
Making noise ...
Of course, it's hard for you to part?
Locked up until the light, and everything seems small?
Ah, it really is dawn!

(He puts out the candle.)

And light and sadness. How fast the nights are!

Grieve, know, there is no urine from the outside,
Your father came here, I froze;
Spun in front of him, I don't remember what I was lying;
Well, what have you become? bow, sir, weigh.
Come on, the heart is out of place;
Look at the clock, look out the window:
The people have been knocking down the streets for a long time;
And in the house knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning.
Happy hours are not observed.
Don't watch, your power;
And what is the answer for you, of course, I get.
(To Molchalin)

Go; the whole day we will endure boredom.

God be with you, sir; take your hand away.

(Breeds them, Molchalin at the door collides with Famusov.)

Phenomenon 4

Sofia, Liza, Molchalin, Famusov.

What an opportunity! 1
Occasion- incident, case.
Molchalin, are you brother?
He just came in now.
Now from a walk.
Friend, is it possible for walks
Further to choose a nook and cranny?
And you, madam, just jumped out of bed,
With a man! with the young! - Busy for the girl!
Reads fables all night
And here are the fruits of these books!
And everything is Kuznetsky Most, 2
Kuznetsky Most- a street in the center of Moscow, where fashionable French shops were concentrated.
and the eternal French,
From there, fashion to us, both authors and muses:
Destroyers of pockets and hearts!
When the creator delivers us
From their hats! cheptsov! and studs! and pins!
And bookstores and biscuit shops! ..
Excuse me, father, my head is spinning;
I can hardly catch my breath from fright;
You deigned to run in so quickly,
I got confused ...
Thank you humbly
I ran into them soon!
I got in the way! I scared!
I, Sofya Pavlovna, am upset myself, the whole day
There is no rest, I rush about like crazy.
According to the position, in the service of troubles,
He bothers, the other, everyone cares about me!
But did I expect new troubles? to be deceived ...
(through tears)

Who, father?

They will reproach me,
That I always chew to no avail.
Don't cry, I'm talking about:
Did they care about yours?
About education! from the cradle!
Mother died: I knew how to borrow
Madame Rosier has a second mother.
I put the old gold lady in charge of you:
She was smart, quiet disposition, rare rules.
One thing does not serve her to honor:
For an extra five hundred rubles a year
She allowed herself to be enticed by others.
Madame's strength is not.
There is no need for another model,
When the father's example is in the eyes.
Look at me: I don't brag about my fold,
However, he is cheerful and fresh, and has lived to the point of gray hair;
Free, widows, I am my master ...
Monastic people are known for their behavior! ..

I dare, sir ...
Be silent!
Terrible age! Don't know where to start!
All have contrived not for years.
And more than a daughter, but they themselves are good-natured,
These languages ​​were given to us!
We take the vagrants, both to the house, and on tickets, 3
We take the tramps, both to the house and on tickets ...- In addition to home teachers, wealthy noble families also had teachers who came, mostly French. After each lesson, they were given “tickets” for which they subsequently received a reward.

To teach our daughters everything, everything -
And dancing! and singing! and tenderness! and sighs!
As if we are preparing buffoons for their wife.
You, visitor, what? are you here, sir, why?
He warmed the rootless and introduced him to my family,
He gave the rank of assessor and took him to secretaries;
Transferred to Moscow through my assistance;
And if it weren't for me, you would have smoked in Tver.
Hit or wanted to hit?
Why are you together? It is impossible to accidentally.
Perhaps he'll put all the fuss on me.
At the wrong time my voice caused them anxiety!
In a vague dream, a trifle disturbs.
Tell you a dream: you will understand then.
What's the story?
Tell you?
Well yes.

(Sits down.)

Let me ... see eh ... first
Flowery meadow; and I was looking
Some, I don't remember in reality.
Suddenly a sweet person, one of those we are
We will see - as if the ages are familiar,
He appeared here with me; and insinuating, and smart,
But timid ... Do you know who is born in poverty ...
Oh! mother, do not finish the blow!
The poor man is not your match.
Then everything disappeared: the meadows and the heavens. -
We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle
The floor opened up - and you are from there
As pale as death, and hair on end!
Then the doors opened with a thunder
Some are not people and not animals
We were apart - and they tortured the one who was sitting with me.
He seems to me dearer than all the treasures,
I want to see him - you drag with you:
We are seen off by the groan, roar, laughter, whistle of monsters!
He shouts after! ..
Awoke. - Someone says -
Your voice was; what do I think is so early?
I run here - and I find both of you.
I heard your voice.
It's funny.
They gave them my voice, and how well
Everybody hears, and calls everybody until dawn!
He was in a hurry to my voice, why? - speak.
With papers, sir.
Yes! they were missing.
Have mercy that it suddenly fell
Diligence in writing!


Well, Sonya, I'll give you peace:
Dreams are strange, but in reality they are stranger;
You were looking for herbs
I came across a friend sooner;
Get the nonsense out of your head;
Where there are miracles, there is little stock. -
Come, lie down, sleep again.

(To Molchalin.)

We go to sort out the papers.

I only carried them for the report
That cannot be used without certificates, without others,
There are contradictions, and much is not practical.
I'm afraid, sir, I'm alone deadly,
So that their multitude does not accumulate;
Give free rein to you, it would have sat down;
And for me, what is the matter, what is not the matter,
My custom is this:
Signed, off your shoulders.

(He leaves with Molchalin, passes him ahead at the door.)

Phenomenon 5

Sofia, Lisa.

Well, here's the holiday! Well, here's the fun!
However, no, now it’s no laughing matter;
It is dark in the eyes, and the soul froze;
Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.
What is the rumor to me? Whoever wants to judge so
Yes, the father will force you to think:
Obese, restless, quick,
This is always the case, and from now on ...
You can judge ...
I'm not judging by stories;
He will lock you; - goodness is still with me;
And then, have mercy on God, just at once
Me, Molchalin and everyone out of the yard.
Just think how willful happiness is!
It happens worse, get away with it;
When sad nothing comes to mind,
Forgotten by the music, and time passed so smoothly;
Fate seemed to take care of us;
No concern, no doubt ...
And grief awaits from around the corner.
That's it, sir, of my stupid judgment
Never favor:
But that's the problem.
What is a better prophet for you?
I repeated: there will be no good in love
Not forever and ever.
Like everyone in Moscow, your father is like this:
He would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks,
And with the stars, not everyone is rich, between us;
Well, of course, besides
And money to live, so he could give balls;
For example, Colonel Skalozub:
And the golden bag, and marks the generals.
How sweet! and I have fun with fear
Hear about frunt and ranks;
He has not uttered a clever word for a while, -
I don't care what is for him, what is in the water.
Yes, sir, so to speak, is eloquent, but painfully not cunning;
But be a military man, be he a civilian,
Who is so sensitive and cheerful and sharp,
Like Alexander Andreich Chatsky!
Not to embarrass you;
Long gone, do not turn back,
But I remember ...
What do you remember? He is glorious
He knows how to laugh everyone;
Chatting, joking, it's funny to me;
You can share laughter with everyone.
Only? as if? - I was drenched in tears,
I remember, poor man, how he parted with you. -
“What, sir, are you crying? live laughing ... "
And he answered: “No wonder, Liza, I cry:
Who knows what I will find when I return?
And how much, perhaps, I will lose! "
The poor thing seemed to know that in three years ...
Listen, don't take too much liberty.
I'm very windy, maybe I entered,
I know and I blame; but where did she change?
Who? so that they could reproach with infidelity.
Yes, with Chatsky, it is true, we were brought up, grew up;
The habit of being together every day is inseparable
Tied us with childhood friendship; but then
He moved out, he seemed bored with us,
And he rarely visited our house;
Then he pretended to be in love again
Discerning and distressed !!.
Sharp, smart, eloquent,
I'm especially happy with friends
Here he was thinking about himself high ...
The hunt to wander has attacked him,
Oh! if someone loves whom,
Why should the mind seek and travel so far?
Where is it worn? in which parts?
He was treated, they say, on sour waters,
Not from illness, tea, from boredom - more freely.
And, probably, happy where people are funnier.
Whom I love is not like that:
Molchalin is ready to forget himself for others,
The enemy of insolence is always shy, timid,
I kiss the night with whom you can spend this way!
We sit, and the yard has turned white for a long time,
What do you think? what are you doing?
God knows
Madam, is this my business?
He takes his hand, presses to his heart,
Sighs from the depths of his soul,
Not a word of freedom, and so the whole night goes by,
Hand with hand, and he does not take his eyes off me. -
Laughing! is it possible! what is the reason
I am so laughing to you?
Me? .. your aunt has come to mind now,
How a young Frenchman ran away from her house,
Darling! wanted to bury
My annoyance, I could not:
I forgot to blacken my hair
And after three days she turned gray.

(He continues to laugh.)

(with chagrin)

They'll talk about me in the same way.

Excuse me, really, as God is holy,
I wanted this stupid laugh
I helped to cheer you up a little.

(They leave.)

Phenomenon 6

Sofia, Lisa, Servant, behind him Chatsky.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is here for you.


Phenomenon 7

Sofia, Liza, Chatsky.

A little light on my feet! and I am at your feet.

(She kisses her hand hotly.)

Well, kiss, didn’t you wait? speak!
Well, for the sake of? Not? Look me in the face.
Are you surprised? only? here's a welcome!
As if not a week had passed;
As if yesterday together
We have no urine to each other;
Not a hair of love! where are so good!
And meanwhile, I can't remember, without a soul,
I am forty-five hours, without squinting my eyes,
More than seven hundred miles swept by - wind, storm;
And he was completely confused, and fell how many times -
And here is the reward for the exploits!

Oh! Chatsky, I am very glad to see you.
Are you for the sake? good hour.
However, who is sincerely happy that way?
It seems to me, so in the end
People and horses shivering,
I only amused myself.
Here, sir, if you were outside the door,
Honestly, not five minutes
As we remembered you here.
Madam, tell yourself. -
Always, not just now. -
You cannot reproach me.
Who flashes by, open the door,
On the way, by chance, from a stranger, from far away -
With a question I, at least be a sailor:
Have you met you somewhere in the post-carriage?
Suppose so.
Blessed is he who believes, warmth to him in the world! -
Oh! Oh my God! if I'm here again
In Moscow! you! but how can I recognize you!
Where is the time? where is that innocent age
When it used to be a long evening
You and I will appear, disappear here and there,
We play and make noise on chairs and tables.
And here is your father with madam, behind the picket; 4
Picket- card game.

We are in a dark corner, and it seems that in this!
You remember? we will shudder that the table creak, the door ...
Yes, and now,
At seventeen, you bloomed beautifully,
Inimitable and you know that
Therefore, they are modest, do not look at the light.
Are you in love? please give me an answer
Without a thought, fullness to be embarrassed.
Yes, at least someone will be confused
Questions are quick and curious ...
Have mercy, not you, why be surprised?
What new will Moscow show me?
Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.
He wooed - he was in time, and he made a mistake.
All the same sense, and the same verses in the albums.
Persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light!
Where is better?
Where we are not.
Well, what is your father? all English klob 5
English klob(club) - a privileged noble club.

An ancient, faithful member to the grave?
Has your uncle jumped off his age?
And this one, how is he, is he a Turk or a Greek?
That black masted, on the legs of the caravilines,
I don't know what his name is,
Wherever you go: here, as here,
In dining rooms and living rooms.
And three of the tabloid faces
Who have been younger since half a century?
They have a million relatives, and with the help of their sisters
They will become related with all of Europe.
And our sun? our treasure?
On the forehead it is written: Theater and Maskerad;
The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove, 6
The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove ...- At the time of Griboyedov it was fashionable to paint the walls of rooms with flowers and trees.

Himself fat, his artists are skinny.
At the ball, remember, we both opened
Behind the screens, in one of the more secret rooms,
A man was hidden and clicked like a nightingale,
Singer in winter summer weather.
And that consumptive, kindred to you, the enemy of books,
To the scientific committee that settled 7
And that consumptive, kindred to you, the enemy of books, in the scientific committee that settled ...- The Scientific Committee was established in 1817. He supervised the publication of educational literature, pursued a reactionary policy in matters of education.

And with a cry he demanded an oath,
So that no one knows and does not learn to read and write?
I am destined to see them again!
You will get tired of living with them, and in whom you will not find stains?
When you wander, you return home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!- an inaccurate quote from a poem by G.R. Derzhavin "Harp" (1789):
Good news to us about our side: the Fatherland and the smoke is sweet and pleasant to us ...
Here I would like to meet you with my aunt,
To re-read all the acquaintances.
And Auntie? all girl, Minerva? 9
Minerva- in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom.

All the maid of honor of Catherine the First?
Pupils and mosek is the house full?
Oh! let's move on to education.
That today, the same as since ancient times,
They bother to recruit teachers of the shelf,
More in number, cheaper?
Not that they are far off in science;
In Russia, under a great fine,
We are told to recognize everyone
Historian and geographer!
Our mentor, remember his cap, robe,
Index finger, all signs of learning
How our timid minds troubled,
As from an early time we used to believe
That we have no salvation without the Germans! -
And Guillaume, the Frenchman, blown away by the breeze?
He's not married yet?
On whom?
At least on some princess,
Pulcheria Andrevna, for example?
Dancemaster! is it possible!
A mixture of languages?
Yes, two, you can't live without it.
But it's tricky to tailor one of them, like yours.
At least not inflated.
Here's the news! - I take a minute,
I am revived by a date with you,
And talkative; is there no time
That I’m more stupid than Molchalin? Where is he, by the way?
Have you not yet broken the silence of the press?
It used to be, songs where the new ones are the notebook
He will see, bothers: please write off.
However, he will reach the degrees of the known,
After all, today they love dumb.
(to the side)

Not a man, a snake!

(Loud and forced.)

I want to ask you:
Has it ever happened that you laughing? or in sorrow?
A mistake? did you say good about someone?
Though not now, but in childhood, maybe.

When is everything so soft? and tender and immature?
Why so long ago? here's a good deed to you:
The calls have just thundered
And day and night in the snowy desert,
I hurry to you headlong.
And how do I find you? in some strict rank!
I endure coldness for half an hour!
The face of the holiest praying mantis! ..
And yet I love you without memory. -

(Minute silence.)

Listen, are my words all the pegs?
And leaning towards someone else's harm?
But if so: the mind and the heart are out of tune.
I'm in eccentrics to another miracle
Once I laugh, then I forget:
Tell me into the fire: I’ll go as if to dinner.

Yes, good - burn out, if not?
Phenomenon 8

Sofia, Liza, Chatsky, Famusov.

Here's another!
Ah, father, sleep in hand.


(after her in an undertone)

Cursed dream.

Phenomenon 9

Famusov, Chatsky(looks at the door Sophia went through).

Well, you threw out the thing!
I haven't written two words for three years!
And suddenly it burst out, as from the clouds.

(They hug.)

Great, friend, great, brother, great.
Tell me, tea, you have it ready
Gathering important news?
Sit down, announce quickly.

(Sit down)


How prettier you are with Sofya Pavlovna!

You are young people, there is no other matter,
How to notice girly beauty:
I said something in passing, and you,
I have tea, hopes raised, bewitched.
Oh! no, I am a little spoiled by hopes.
"Sleep in hand" she deigned to whisper to me.
So you are planning ...
I? - Not at all.
Who was she dreaming of? what?
I am not a guesser of dreams.
Do not believe her, everything is empty.
I believe my own eyes;
I have not met a century, I will give a subscription.
So that it was at least a little like her!
He's all his own. Tell me in detail
Where have you been? wandered for so many years!
Where is it from now?
Now I don't care!
I wanted to go around the whole world
And he did not go around a hundredth.

(Rises hastily.)

Sorry; I was in a hurry to see you sooner,
Didn't go home. Farewell! An hour later
I will appear, I will not forget the slightest details;
You first, then tell you everywhere.

(In the door.)

How good!


Phenomenon 10

Which of the two?
"Oh! Father, sleep in your hand! "
And he says it out loud to me!
Well, it's my fault! What did I give the hook!
Molchalin daviche introduced me into doubt.
Now ... yes, half out of the fire:
That beggar, this dandy buddy;
Notorious as a mot, a tomboy;
What a commission, creator,
To be a grown-up daughter's father!


End of act I


Phenomenon 1

Famusov, Servant.

Parsley, you are always with a new thing,
With a ripped elbow. Get out the calendar;
Read not like a sexton,
And with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.
Wait a minute. - On a sheet of paper, write on a note,
Against next week:
To Praskovya Fyodorovna in the house
On Tuesday I’m invited for trout.
How wonderful is the light created!
Philosophize, the mind will go round;
Either you take care, then lunch:
Eat for three hours, but in three days it won't cook!
Note, on the same day ... No, no.
On Thursday I am called to the burial.
Oh, the human race! fell into oblivion
That everyone himself must climb there,
In that little casket where you neither stand nor sit.
But who intends to leave the memory on his own
Living a commendable life, here's an example:
The deceased was a venerable chamberlain,
With a key, he knew how to deliver the key to his son; 10
The deceased was a respectable chamberlain, he knew how to deliver the key to his son ...- Chamberlains (court rank) wore a golden key on ceremonial uniforms.

He is rich, and he was married to a rich man;
Survived children, grandchildren;
Died; everyone remembers him sadly.
Kuzma Petrovich! Peace be upon him! -
What aces live and die in Moscow! -
Write: on Thursday, one to one,
Maybe Friday, maybe Saturday
I must baptize at the widow's, at the doctor's.
She did not give birth, but by calculation
In my opinion: should give birth ...
Phenomenon 2

Famusov, Servant, Chatsky.

BUT! Alexander Andreevich, please
Sit down.
You're busy?
(to the servant)

(Exit Servant.)

Yes, we put various things in the book as a keepsake,
Forget it, look. -At least from time immemorial
It was not for nothing that they were called father.

Let me devote myself, what would you tell me?
I would say, first of all: do not whims,
In name, brother, do not run wrongly,
And, most importantly, come and serve.
I would be glad to serve, to serve is sickening.
That's it, you are all proud!
Would you ask how the fathers did?
They would study, looking at the elders:
We, for example, or the deceased uncle,
Maxim Petrovich: he is not that on silver,
I ate on gold; one hundred people at the service;
All in orders; I drove forever in a train:
A century at court, but at what court!
Then not what it is now,
Served under the Empress Catherine.
And in those days, everyone is important! forty poods ...
Take a bow - they will not nod stupidly. 11
... dumb don't nod- Tupey - an old hairstyle: a bun of hair gathered at the back of the head.

Grandee in case 12
A nobleman in case ...- that is, in mercy, favorite.
- even more so;
Not like the other, and drank and ate differently.
And uncle! what is your prince? what is the count?
Serious look, haughty disposition.
When do you need to curry favor
And he bent forward:
On kurtag 13
Kurtag- visiting day at the palace.
he happened to encircle himself;
He fell, so much so that he almost knocked the back of his head;
The old man gasped, his voice hoarse;
He was bestowed with the highest smile;
They deigned to laugh; how is he?
Got up, recovered, wanted to bow,
Suddenly a row fell - on purpose,
And the laughter is even greater, it is the same in the third.
BUT? what do you think? in our opinion - smart.
He fell painfully, got up well.
But, it happened, in whist 14
Whist- card game.
who is most often invited?
Who hears a friendly word at court?
Maxim Petrovich! Who knew honor before everyone?
Maxim Petrovich! Joke!
Who deduces the ranks and gives pensions?
Maxim Petrovich. Yes! You, the current ones - well, tka! -
And sure enough, the light began to grow stupid,
You can say with a sigh;
How to compare, yes to see
The present century and the past century:
The tradition is fresh, but hard to believe;
As he was famous, whose neck often bent;
As if not in war, but in peace, they took it with their forehead;
They knocked on the floor without regret!
Who needs it: so arrogance, lie in the dust,
And to those who are higher, flattery was woven like lace.
The age of obedience and fear was direct,
Everything under the guise of zeal for the king.
I'm not talking about your uncle;
We will not disturb him ashes:
But in the meantime, whom the hunt will take,
Though in the most ardent servility,
Now, to make people laugh,
Daring to sacrifice the back of your head?
A peer, and an old man
Another, looking at that jump,
And crumbling in shabby skin,
Tea, he said: - Ah! if only me too!
Although there are hunters everywhere,
Yes, today laughter frightens and keeps shame in check;
I stopped ...
Perhaps have mercy.