
Vladimir mayakovsky - mystery buff. "Mystery Buff" is the embodiment of the ideas of new art. Connection with Mass Festivities Play Mystery Buff

Mayakovsky Vladimir

Mystery Buff

Vladimir Mayakovsky

"Mystery Buff"


Heroic, epic and satirical

depiction of our era


"Mystery-buff" - the road. Revolution road. No one can predict with certainty what other mountains we will have to blow up on this road. Today the word "Lloyd George" is boring on the ear, and tomorrow the British themselves will forget his name. Today, the will of millions is torn to the commune, and in fifty years, perhaps, into an attack far

the air dreadnoughts of the commune will rush to their planets. Therefore, leaving the road (shape), I again changed parts of the landscape

nym, today's, momentary.

D E J S T V U Y T:

1.Sem parchs: 1) Abyssinian Negus, 2) Raja

indian, 3) Turkish Pasha, 4) Russian speculator, 5)

Chinese, 6) Chubby Persian, 7) Clemenceau, 8) German, 9) Pop,

10) Australian, 11) Australian wife, 12) Lloyd George,

13) American and 14) Diplomat. 2.Sem and parn e cs: 1) Red Army man, 2) Lantern

schik, 3) Chauffeur, 4) Miner, 5) Carpenter, 6) Farm laborer, 7) Servant,

8) Blacksmith, 9) Baker, 10) Laundress, 11) Seamstress, 12) Machinist,

13) Eskimo fisherman and 14) Eskimo hunter. 3. Sogl and shatel. 4. INTELIGENCE. 5. D and m as kart about n and m and. 6.Feature: 1) Beelzebub, 2) Ober-devil, 3) Messenger, 4) 2nd

messenger, 5) Karaulny, 6) 20 clean with horns and tails. 7.So ts: 1) Methuselah, 2) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 3) Leo Tolstoy,

4) Gabriel, 5) Angel, 6) 2nd angel, and 7) angels. 8.Sav a about f. 9. WORKING EARTH AND REQUIRED:

1) Hammer, 2) Sickle, 3) Cars, 4) Trains, 5) Cars, 6)

Planer 7) Pliers, 8) Needle, 9) Saw, 10) Bread, 11) Salt, 12)

Sugar, 13) Matter, 14) Boot, 15) Board with a lever. 10. PERSON to the future.


1. The whole universe. 2. The Ark. 3. Hell. 4. Paradise. 5. Land of wreckage.

6. The Promised Land.


In a minute, we'll show you ... Mystery Buff. I must say two words: this is a new thing. To jump over your head, you need someone to help. A prologue is required before a new play. First, why is the whole theater torn apart? Well-meaning people will outrage this very much. Why do you go to performances? In order to get pleasure right? And is it great pleasure to watch if the pleasure is only on stage; the stage is only one third. This means that in an interesting performance, if you build everything up, then your pleasure will triple, and if the performance is uninteresting, then you shouldn't even look at one third. For other theaters, it is not important to present: for them the stage is a keyhole. Sit, they say, quietly, straight or obliquely and watch a piece of someone else's life. You look and see the gnats on the sofa of Aunt Mania and Uncle Vanya. And we are not interested in either uncles or aunts, aunts and uncles, and you will find them at home. We will also show real life, but the theater has turned it into an extraordinary spectacle. The essence of the first action is this: the earth is leaking. Then - the stomp. Everyone is running from the revolutionary flood. Seven pairs of unclean and clean seven pairs, that is, fourteen poor proletarians and fourteen bourgeois bar, and between them, with a pair of tear-stained cheeks, Menshevichs. The pole is overwhelming. The last shelter is crumbling. And everyone begins to build not even an ark, but an ark. In the second act, the public travels in the ark: here you have both the autocracy and the democratic republic, and finally overboard, amid the Menshevik howl, the clean were thrown upside down. In the third act, it is shown that the workers do not need to be afraid of anything, not even devils in the middle of hell. In the fourth, laugh harder! Paradise booths are shown. In the fifth act, devastation, gaping an immense mouth, crushes and eats. Although we worked for the hungry belly, we conquered the devastation. In the sixth act, the commune, the whole room, sing at all sips! Look with all your eyes!

Everything is ready? And hell? And heaven?

From behind the stage.

G-o-t-o-o-o! Come on!


At the glow of the northern lights, an earthly ball rests on the pole against the ice of the floor. Ropes of latitude and longitude criss-cross the entire globe with ladders. Between two walruses propping up the world, e s to them o s-o x o t n and to, burying his finger in the ground, yells dr

g about m, stretched out in front of him around the fire.

O x o t n and k

Gorlanit. There is no other matter to poke the ground with a finger.

O x o t n and k

Where is the hole?

O x o t n and k

What is flowing?

O x o t n and k

Rybak (jumping up, running up and peering under

pinching finger)

Oh-oh-oh-oh! The work of unclean hands. Heck! I'll go warn the Arctic Circle.

Runs. From behind the slope of the world, a german squeezing out his sleeves jumps on him. Looking for a button for a second and, not finding,

grabs the fur of a fur coat.

Hero Eskimo! Hero Eskimo! Terribly haste! A couple of minutes ...

So - today I am sitting in my restaurant on Friedrichstrasse. The sun beckons to the window. The day, like a bourgeois before the revolution, is clear. The audience sits and quietly sheydemanit. Having eaten the soup, I look at the bottle eiffels. I think: which one should I start with? Yes, and start me for a bet? I looked and lunch was stuck in my throat: something was wrong with the Victory Alley. Stone Hohenzollerns, standing between the daisies, suddenly flew upside down. Hum. I'm running to the roof. Winding around the tavern skeleton, the waterless surf, bustling in front of each other, ran, overflowed the blocks. Berlin - a disturbing sea of \u200b\u200bdelirium, invisible waves of bass notes. And behind, and above, and under, and before the houses of the dreadnoughts! And before he could think of it, whether it was from Foch or from ...

I am all sweaty to the thread. I look all dry, but it pours and pours and pours. And suddenly, the ruins of Pompeii more pompous, the picture opened up by the roots Berlin was torn out and drowned in the abyss, near the world in a molten forge. I woke up on the crest of current villages. I have collected all my yacht club experience, and here in front of you, my dear, is all that is now left of Europe.

N-n-a little ...

Calm down, of course ... For two days.

Yes, you say without these European julienne! What do you want? It's not up to you.

German (pointing horizontally)

Allow me about your esteemed seals.

The fisherman angrily waves his hand to the fire, goes in the other direction to warn the Circle - and stumbles upon those running out from behind

on the slope of the soaked and in s tral and yts e in.

Rybak (retreating in surprise)

And there weren't even more disgusting faces ?!

A w s t r a l and e c s w e n (together)

We are Australians.

A in st r a l and e c

I am Australian. We had everything. Somehow: a platypus, a palm tree, a porcupine, a cactus ...

And in st r a l and y k a (crying in a surging feeling)

The play was written for the first anniversary of October. Conceived back in August 1917, Mayakovsky began to work on it closely after the October Revolution, in the summer of 1918. He wrote the play at a dacha near Petrograd, in Levashov. On September 27, 1918, Mayakovsky read the play for the first time at his friends' apartment, among the audience was the People's Commissar of Education A. V. Lunacharsky. Speaking on October 10, 1918 at the opening of the Petrograd state art and educational workshops, A. V. Lunacharsky gave the following description of Mystery Buff: "... The poet Mayakovsky wrote a poetic work, which he called" Mystery Buff "... Contents of this work is given by all the gigantic experiences of real modernity, the content, for the first time in works of art of recent times, is adequate to the phenomena of life "(" Lunacharsky on Art ", P., ed. Department fine arts People's Commissariat for Education, 1918). The play was read by Mayakovsky at the Petrograd Central Bureau for the celebration of the first anniversary of the October Revolution and was included in the repertoire of festive performances. But staging it met with significant difficulties. At the suggestion of A.V. Lunacharsky, Mayakovsky read the play to the actors of the former Alexandrinsky Theater. The unfriendly attitude towards the play on the part of the "old" actors of the troupe of this theater forced them to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bstaging a play there.

The premises of the Musical Drama Theater were provided for the performance. It was decided to carry out the performance by the actors invited by advertisement in the newspapers. On October 12, 1918, signed by Mayakovsky and several others, the following "Appeal to the actors" was published in the Severnaya Kommuna newspaper and in a number of other Petrograd newspapers:

“Comrades actors! You are obliged to mark the great holiday of the revolution with a revolutionary performance. You must play Mystery Buff, Heroic, Epic and satirical image our era, made by Vl. Mayakovsky. Come all on Sunday, October 13 to the hall of the Tenishevsky school (Mokhovaya, 33). The author will read The Mystery, the director will outline the production plan, the artist will show the sketches, and those of you who are fired up by this work will be the performers. The Central Office for the Organization of the October Celebrations provides all the necessary funds for the implementation of the "Mystery". All to work! Time is precious. Only comrades wishing to take part in the production are asked to appear. The number of places is limited. "

Mayakovsky played the role of "The Man is Simple". At the premiere, he also had to play the role of Methuselah and one of the devils, since the performers of these roles did not appear.

Premiere of "Mystery Buff" directed by Vs. Meyerhold and Mayakovsky took place on November 7, 1918. There were only three performances: November 7-8-9.

Two days before the performance, on November 5, 1918, A. V. Lunacharsky appeared in the newspaper Petrogradskaya Pravda with the article “Communist Spectacle”, in which he wrote: “The only play that was conceived under the influence of our revolution and therefore wears it print, perky, daring, major, defiant, is "Mystery-Buff" by Mayakovsky ".

In 1919, Mystery Buff was included in the repertoire of traveling performances in Petrograd to be shown in regional theaters. The staging was not carried out. Sketches of costumes and scenery written for her by Mayakovsky have survived.

Seven pairs of clean. Seven couples are impure. - According to the biblical legend about the worldwide flood, God punished all people for their sins, except for one righteous man, Noah, who was commanded to build an ark and take animals with him to continue life on earth: seven pairs of clean and seven pairs of unclean.

In the play, the "clean" ones personify the world of exploiters, the "unclean" ones - the working people.

Beelzebub - the biblical name for the devil.

Zlatoust - John Chrysostom is one of the preachers of the Christian church.

Methuselah - according to biblical tradition, he lived for over 900 years.

Lost and reclaimed paradise - I mean the poems "Paradise Lost" and "Paradise Returned" by the English poet J. Milton (1608-1674).

Boshi - (french boche) - a contemptuous name for the Germans (appeared since the First World War).

Schwab - German; originally - a resident of Swabia, one of the former regions of southwestern Germany.

Eviva Italia! - (ital. eviva Italia!) - long live Italy!

10 Goh Vaterland! - (german. hoch Faterland!) - hurray, fatherland!

11 Not a man, but a German chancellor - I mean Bismarck (1815-1898), the greatest leader of German imperialism.

12 ...let's crawl to Ararat! - according to legend, when the waters of the global flood slept, Noah's ark was on Mount Ararat.

13 First guild - Russian merchants were divided according to the size of their capital into guilds (grades). The first guild included the richest.

14 Eureka - (greek) - found.

In the work, Mayakovsky describes the revolution. As soon as the Great October Revolution began, the author could not make a final decision whether he should participate in it, or still bypass this very grandiose and large-scale period in our history. Still, the writer chose the decision to help the Bolsheviks carry out the revolution. During the trial itself, he was in Smolny. In order to somehow bring any benefit to the people who started the revolution and the entire movement in general, Mayakovsky began to write various poems in satirical form, as well as various ditties and other elements of agitation in favor of the Reds.

The work "Mystery - Buff" was written in the comedy genre. This genre was designed mainly for ordinary workers and proletarians, in times of capitalist oppression. This comedy combines epic and satirical qualities. The work expresses the spirit of the art of the younger generation. The story contains various motives and elements borrowed from the Bible, for example, heaven and hell, the ark and the flood. The comedy also mentions the divine Methuselah and the demon Beelzebub. In addition to all of the above, this comedy features a drama on the theme of religion.

Social conflicts in comedy are presented in the form of 7 unclean couples. These couples include: blacksmith, miner, machinist, servant, carpenter, military, washer, and driver. At the end of the battle with the unclean steam, it is possible to destroy hell, remove God, remove destruction, repair locomotives and many other things. All phenomena in the work are described with wit and a touch of irony. Mayakovsky's utopian forecasts ensure the relevance of this work far ahead. In the historical period of the revolution in our country, this genre was very popular.

Picture or drawing Mystery-Buff

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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In the first post-revolutionary years, the direction of art was determined: mass heroism, which became the norm and measure of the civic spirit of Soviet people. Mass propaganda political representations fulfilled the overarching task of creating a folk heroic genre. Feeling all the power and depth of the material, the artists strove for monumentality, power and pathos, reflecting the scale of the era. One of the aspects of the propaganda work was the popular heroic mass agitation theater.

The first major Soviet play, Mystery Buff by V.V. Mayakovsky. The theme, the general style (frank propaganda orientation, large-scale image, monumentality, heroic theme, the coexistence of pathos in the interpretation of representatives of the people with a buffoon image of enemies) make mystery akin to the mass performance of the 1920s. But in its poetic artistry and imagery, Mystery Buff stands incomparably higher than the drama of mass action.

In the plot construction of the play, Mayakovsky used the scheme of a medieval religious performance - a mystery, with characteristic biblical events, scenes of action and characters. However, biblical images receive an unexpected parodic interpretation. The moment of combination of high pathos and comic is the main dramatic device of Mystery. “Mystery is great in revolution, buff is funny in it” - said Mayakovsky.

Already in its first edition, "Mystery Buff" in many ways anticipated numerous dramatizations and mass festivities that came into use only a year later. The scripts of these propaganda performances clearly show characteristicsbringing them closer to "Mystery".

The agitational orientation of these peculiar performances, the combination in them of a solemn, pathetic, heroic theme with an extremely sharpened satirical, sometimes even grotesque manner of depicting representatives of the exploiting classes, the free overcoming of spatial and temporal boundaries, the monumentality of the construction of the action, the generalization of interpretation force us to compare them with the play by Mayakovsky. much that turned out to be their prototype.

In "Mystery" there are practically no features of traditional theater. It is more from the newspaper, from the street, from the noisy and crowded square, where people gather for rallies. It is home to the spirit of mass marketplace folk performances, political demonstrations, and the tumultuous life of the city, manifested precisely in squares and streets - places of maximum concentration of people.

But it is not only the theme and the general style that make the Mystery of the Buff in common with mass performances. The commonality here is deeper, determined by the spirit of the time and the tasks that the time set for the artists of revolutionary Russia.

The innovation of Mayakovsky's play was that for the first time the people became an active creator of history. In "Mystery" the foundations of an agit-theater were found - combining the most topical facts of the political moment with poetical and philosophical digressions, epic character, consisting in the author's pathetic generalizations of universal and cosmic proportions.

The pathos of the revolutionary breakdown, the vocabulary of a street meeting, the language of posters and newspaper messages with the people's marketplace booth, its farcical fun, noisy bursts of laughter, circus clownery were organically combined. In addition, it was colored in a bright major key. Essentially, Mystery is the first experience of political satire in Soviet drama.

In Mystery Buff, belief in the victory of the people gave rise to a cascade of the comic, the joyful feeling of the victorious people poured into a noisy general holiday, where laughter and unrestrained merriment dominate, like in a carnival. A holiday uniting people, calling them to brotherhood and freedom was the foundation of the Mystery, its solid foundation.

The plot frame of "Mystery", parodying the biblical legend, carried an agitational function, as it was a bright anti-clerical propaganda. Religiousness, holiness have become the subject of ridicule and parodies.

At the same time, the play also contains high pathos, genuine pathos and scale, based on a huge belief in the victory of the revolution.

The mass political review was cramped within the framework of the theatrical box, "Mystery" repeatedly tried to enter the circus arena, then the wide open space of the square.

It is difficult to distinguish between Mayakovsky's propaganda review and a mass spectacle. This line is almost impossible to establish, because "Mystery" was essentially a scenario of a mass action, with all the peculiarities and distinctive properties inherent in this genre.

Mayakovsky Vladimir

Mystery Buff

Vladimir Mayakovsky

"Mystery Buff"


Heroic, epic and satirical

depiction of our era


"Mystery-buff" - the road. Revolution road. No one can predict with certainty what other mountains we will have to blow up on this road. Today the word "Lloyd George" is boring on the ear, and tomorrow the British themselves will forget his name. Today, the will of millions is torn to the commune, and in fifty years, perhaps, into an attack far

the air dreadnoughts of the commune will rush to their planets. Therefore, leaving the road (shape), I again changed parts of the landscape

nym, today's, momentary.

D E J S T V U Y T:

1.Sem parchs: 1) Abyssinian Negus, 2) Raja

indian, 3) Turkish Pasha, 4) Russian speculator, 5)

Chinese, 6) Chubby Persian, 7) Clemenceau, 8) German, 9) Pop,

10) Australian, 11) Australian wife, 12) Lloyd George,

13) American and 14) Diplomat. 2.Sem and parn e cs: 1) Red Army man, 2) Lantern

schik, 3) Chauffeur, 4) Miner, 5) Carpenter, 6) Farm laborer, 7) Servant,

8) Blacksmith, 9) Baker, 10) Laundress, 11) Seamstress, 12) Machinist,

13) Eskimo fisherman and 14) Eskimo hunter. 3. Sogl and shatel. 4. INTELIGENCE. 5. D and m as kart about n and m and. 6.Feature: 1) Beelzebub, 2) Ober-devil, 3) Messenger, 4) 2nd

messenger, 5) Karaulny, 6) 20 clean with horns and tails. 7.So ts: 1) Methuselah, 2) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 3) Leo Tolstoy,

4) Gabriel, 5) Angel, 6) 2nd angel, and 7) angels. 8.Sav a about f. 9. WORKING EARTH AND REQUIRED:

1) Hammer, 2) Sickle, 3) Cars, 4) Trains, 5) Cars, 6)

Planer 7) Pliers, 8) Needle, 9) Saw, 10) Bread, 11) Salt, 12)

Sugar, 13) Matter, 14) Boot, 15) Board with a lever. 10. PERSON to the future.


1. The whole universe. 2. The Ark. 3. Hell. 4. Paradise. 5. Land of wreckage.

6. The Promised Land.


In a minute, we'll show you ... Mystery Buff. I must say two words: this is a new thing. To jump over your head, you need someone to help. A prologue is required before a new play. First, why is the whole theater torn apart? Well-meaning people will outrage this very much. Why do you go to performances? In order to get pleasure right? And is it great pleasure to watch if the pleasure is only on stage; the stage is only one third. This means that in an interesting performance, if you build everything up, then your pleasure will triple, and if the performance is uninteresting, then you shouldn't even look at one third. For other theaters, it is not important to present: for them the stage is a keyhole. Sit, they say, quietly, straight or obliquely and watch a piece of someone else's life. You look and see the gnats on the sofa of Aunt Mania and Uncle Vanya. And we are not interested in either uncles or aunts, aunts and uncles, and you will find them at home. We will also show real life, but the theater has turned it into an extraordinary spectacle. The essence of the first action is this: the earth is leaking. Then - the stomp. Everyone is running from the revolutionary flood. Seven pairs of unclean and clean seven pairs, that is, fourteen poor proletarians and fourteen bourgeois bar, and between them, with a pair of tear-stained cheeks, Menshevichs. The pole is overwhelming. The last shelter is crumbling. And everyone begins to build not even an ark, but an ark. In the second act, the public travels in the ark: here you have both the autocracy and the democratic republic, and finally overboard, amid the Menshevik howl, the clean were thrown upside down. In the third act, it is shown that the workers do not need to be afraid of anything, not even devils in the middle of hell. In the fourth, laugh harder! Paradise booths are shown. In the fifth act, devastation, gaping an immense mouth, crushes and eats. Although we worked for the hungry belly, we conquered the devastation. In the sixth act, the commune, the whole room, sing at all sips! Look with all your eyes!

Everything is ready? And hell? And heaven?

From behind the stage.

G-o-t-o-o-o! Come on!


At the glow of the northern lights, an earthly ball rests on the pole against the ice of the floor. Ropes of latitude and longitude criss-cross the entire globe with ladders. Between two walruses propping up the world, e s to them o s-o x o t n and to, burying his finger in the ground, yells dr

g about m, stretched out in front of him around the fire.

O x o t n and k

Gorlanit. There is no other matter to poke the ground with a finger.

O x o t n and k

Where is the hole?

O x o t n and k

What is flowing?

O x o t n and k

Rybak (jumping up, running up and peering under

pinching finger)

Oh-oh-oh-oh! The work of unclean hands. Heck! I'll go warn the Arctic Circle.

Runs. From behind the slope of the world, a german squeezing out his sleeves jumps on him. Looking for a button for a second and, not finding,

grabs the fur of a fur coat.

Hero Eskimo! Hero Eskimo! Terribly haste! A couple of minutes ...

So - today I am sitting in my restaurant on Friedrichstrasse. The sun beckons to the window. The day, like a bourgeois before the revolution, is clear. The audience sits and quietly sheydemanit. Having eaten the soup, I look at the bottle eiffels. I think: which one should I start with? Yes, and start me for a bet? I looked and lunch was stuck in my throat: something was wrong with the Victory Alley. Stone Hohenzollerns, standing between the daisies, suddenly flew upside down. Hum. I'm running to the roof. Winding around the tavern skeleton, the waterless surf, bustling in front of each other, ran, overflowed the blocks. Berlin - a disturbing sea of \u200b\u200bdelirium, invisible waves of bass notes. And behind, and above, and under, and before the houses of the dreadnoughts! And before he could think of it, whether it was from Foch or from ...

I am all sweaty to the thread. I look all dry, but it pours and pours and pours. And suddenly, the ruins of Pompeii more pompous, the picture opened up by the roots Berlin was torn out and drowned in the abyss, near the world in a molten forge. I woke up on the crest of current villages. I have collected all my yacht club experience, and here in front of you, my dear, is all that is now left of Europe.

N-n-a little ...

Calm down, of course ... For two days.

Yes, you say without these European julienne! What do you want? It's not up to you.

German (pointing horizontally)

Allow me about your esteemed seals.

The fisherman angrily waves his hand to the fire, goes in the other direction to warn the Circle - and stumbles upon those running out from behind

on the slope of the soaked and in s tral and yts e in.

Rybak (retreating in surprise)

And there weren't even more disgusting faces ?!

A w s t r a l and e c s w e n (together)

We are Australians.

A in st r a l and e c

I am Australian. We had everything. Somehow: a platypus, a palm tree, a porcupine, a cactus ...

And in st r a l and y k a (crying in a surging feeling)

And now we are gone, everything is gone: cacti, platypuses, and palm trees, everything has drowned ... everything is at the bottom ...

Rybak (pointing to the sprawling German)

Here go to them. Otherwise they are one.

Preparing to go again, the Eskimo stopped, listening to

First voice

Bowler hat!

The second

Cylinder, ooh!


Growing stronger! Hold on to north latitude!

The second

Hearts! Grab south longitude!

Along the ropes of latitudes and longitudes, they roll down from the globe an n gl and cha n and n and f r a n c u z. Everyone is hoisting the national banner.

A n g l and cha n in

The banner is hoisted. I am the full owner in the snowy bosom.

F r a n c u z

No, sorry! I've hoisted it before. This is my colony.

A n g l and cha n in (laying out some goods)

No - mine, I'm already trading.

FRANTSUZ (starting to get angry)

No - mine, and you yourself look for another.

A n g l and cha n in


Ax, so! Yes, so that you perish!

F r a n c u z


Ah well! I'll put a bump on your nose!

A n g l and cha n in (climbs with fists at the Frenchman)

England, hip-hip!

FRANTSUZ (climbs with fists on the Englishman)

Vive la France! *

A in st r a l and e c

(rushes to separate)

Well, people! Not a people, but a pure rabble: there are no empires, no imperials, and they are still beating each other in the face.

Eh, you imperialists!

Throw that you, right!

What a horde!

Straight on the head of the newly assembled Eskimo

our coup is thrown down.

Honorable ones, this is a disgrace! Yes, if I am Asia? "Destroy Asia" - the resolution of the Council of the Neb. Yes, I was not an Asian! (Calming down a little.) Yesterday in Tula I was sitting quietly in a chair. How the doors will burst! Well, I think from the Check! You know, my cheek has already turned pale. But God is merciful in the world: it turns out, not Cheka - the wind. It splashed a little, then went, further - more, more - higher, rushed into the streets, tore the roofs ...

Hush! Hush!

F r a n c u z

Do you hear? Do you hear the stomp?

The flood! flood! flood! about the flood! flood!

A n g l and cha n in

Oh my God! Unhappiness is like from a drain pipe, and then this question is oriental.