
Classic canadian. Men's haircut Canada: sports and not only, technology for performing hairstyles

Modern men care about themselves and fashion. They often know about the latest in the cosmetics industry and try to look elegant and sophisticated. Metrosexuals in the correct sense of the word are considered almost the standard of the modern representative of the strong half of humanity. After all, the days when the natural, and not always pleasant smell and worn-out work clothes were commonplace, have passed.

Men pay a lot of attention to hair. Only a highly skilled craftsman is able to give them the right shape and well-groomed appearance, especially when it comes to the popular Canadian haircut. It became fashionable back in the 70s in the Soviet Union, when hockey players from Canada came to the country for the Olympics.

For a long time, a similar hairstyle could be seen among many Hollywood stars, singers and even politicians. She is very loved by the young performer Justin Bieber, as well as football players Cristiano Ronaldo and David Beckham.

Best men's haircut

Canadian is considered a classic hairdressing. A skilled craftsman can create this masterpiece in minutes. This men's haircut is convenient to wear at any time of the year, because it is short enough so that the scalp does not soar under the load of lush hair, but at the same time, it is not too short for the classic version. This makes it possible to supplement it with the business image of those men who are forced to look solid in the hot season.

This type of hairstyle has no age restrictions, so if you consider the question of who it is suitable for, the answer will be unequivocal - for everyone, from toddlers to older men. The only thing to consider is the shape of the face.

Those who are dominated by smooth lines (round, oval) can safely go to the hairdresser, but for men with sharper contours (square shape) it is better to abandon such experiments, because a large volume will stretch the face even more.

How to make a haircut?

The main feature of Canada is a large amount of hair in the forehead and front of the head, while the back of the head and temples are made much shorter. Transitions from more dense to less dense should be carried out smoothly. To achieve this effect, the master most often uses scissors.

Canada can have two varieties - the classic and sporty versions, which have a difference in performance technology.

Performing the classic variety of Canada, it is worthwhile to adhere to several stages:

  1. Comb and evenly wet the hair, making partings along the entire length.
  2. Make a parting in the crown of the head, raise a thick strand that needs to be cut at a distance of 3 cm from the head. All subsequent strands should be trimmed in the same way, trimming them with the main strand.
  3. To make the transitions to the temples smooth, you need to use different nozzles of the machine. For this type of haircut, it is best to make oblique whiskey, which should be at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the main strand of hair.
  4. The last stage is the milling of the ends of the hair.

The sports version of Canada is very convenient for those who engage in active sports or do not like to devote much time to hair care. Such a haircut is done using a machine on a pre-washed head. Its implementation is somewhat different from the hairstyle, which is done with scissors:

  1. The temporal parts are cleaned with a machine with a nozzle of 3 mm, and if necessary, adjusted with a nozzle of 1 mm.
  2. The hair on the back of the head is cut, starting from the bottom, watching for a smooth transition at the level of the ears and the back of the head.
  3. For the crown, it is better to use scissors because of the peculiar structure of the hair (on the crown it is more rigid).

How to style your hair?

In the photo of famous personalities you can often see different types  laying canadian. The most popular way is to comb the strands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead and crown of the head up. For fixing use various gels, varnishes and a hairdryer.

You can also lay your hair to one side. This option is more suitable for older men and does not require the use of cosmetics. In the process of cutting, you just need to consider the side on which the hair will be laid, there the master will make a parting.

Canada is a fairly diverse and versatile haircut. It is suitable for those who are not afraid of change and are willing to experiment with their appearance, and those who want to maintain an elegant business look.

Canada haircut is an ideal choice for men of any age. Such a hairstyle will add elegance and masculinity to the look. In addition, the "Canadian" is suitable for almost any type of face and hair. So, today we’ll talk about the features of one of the most popular men's haircuts.


Specific traits

"Canada" is a short men's haircut with elongated strands on the frontal and parietal zones.

This is a favorite hairstyle. many hollywood celebrities. Justin Bieber, Cristiano Ronaldo, Jensen Ackles, Enrique Iglesias, David Beckham - this is not an exhaustive list of those who choose a style combined with comfort. In the photo below you can see how the “Canadian” looks on the most coveted men in the world.

Haircut "Canadian" gained wide popularity back in the 70s of the last century. Then the Canadian hockey team first came to the USSR. The extravagant haircut immediately attracted Soviet athletes. The reasons for this were its versatility and convenience. The hairstyle looked very courageous and did not interfere during sports. Since then, the "Canadian" has become one of the most popular men's hairstyles. In the photo below you can see different variations of a fashionable hairstyle. What is the reason for the popularity of such an image? Let's talk about the benefits of "Canada."


  • Versatility. "Canada" is suitable for both young men and older men. In addition, such a hairstyle will become an adornment of any image: business, solemn, sports and everyday.
  • Execution technique  enough haircuts simple. An experienced master is able to create such an image in 15 minutes.
  • "Canadian" does not need special care. Each man will be able to independently give the hairstyle the necessary shape with the help of improvised means. The classic haircut is easy to style. To create a stylish everyday look, the front strands can be combed back. In order for such styling to be resistant, it is recommended to use varnish or special fixing mousse. To create an elegant image, bangs must be laid on their side. This hairstyle looks very impressive, especially on adult men. You can see the original styling methods in the photo below.

Who would like this option?

  • Canadian haircut - perfect for men with oval face. She emphasizes a high forehead and gives an image of masculinity.
  • Men round face  you can safely get a haircut in such a technique. In order to visually increase the forehead and make the face more elongated, you can experiment with bangs. In this case, the ideal option would be slanting bangs. Also, visually stretch your face with styling. To do this, give volume to the hair in the parietal zone.
  • Men with large cheekbones  You can visually balance the proportions of the face with the help of a “Canadian” with a short bang and elongated locks on the temples.
  • An asymmetrical version of such a haircut is an extravagant image that will suit to every young man. You can see interesting asymmetric hairstyles in the photo below.

This hairstyle is not suitable for men with a rectangular face shape. Long strands in the parietal zone visually lengthen the head and distort the proportions of the face.

"Canada" looks original on wavy hair. Experienced hairdressers can experiment with curls and make a multi-layer haircut that looks very extravagant and stylish. You can see interesting haircut options in the photo below.

Execution technique

  1. Divide moistened hair parted in several parts. Separate the strands on the back of the head with a horizontal parting, and then divide the hair in the frontal and parietal parts with two vertical partings.
  2. From the frontal zone, select one narrow strand (up to 8 mm) and cut it at right angles.  The length of the strand should be no more than 3 cm.
  3. Repeat procedure with other locks in a frontal and parietal zone. The length of hair in these parts is determined on the main strand.
  4. In the temporal zones, the hair is cut at an angle. In this case, the main guideline is the first cut strand.
  5. Hair cut on the back of the head short. To do this, it is recommended to use a typewriter.
  6. At the last stage tip finishes. The haircut technique is presented in the photo below.

Men are as responsible in their choice of hairstyles as women are. They try to choose the option that ideally suits the shape of the face, emphasizes the style and attracts attention. Sometimes it’s impossible to combine all these criteria in one hairstyle. The most suitable option is a haircut Canadian.

Its original appearance will certainly emphasize the impeccable taste of its wearer. Canada is a haircut that allows you to make interesting styling, perfect for a party, business meeting and romantic dinner.

Initially, the Canadian haircut was worn by athletes. Members of the Canadian hockey team after the game had such an interesting hairstyle that most men wanted to look similar. And such a haircut got its name in honor of the country in which the athletes lived.

A characteristic feature of Canada is that it is able to adapt to any type of face, it is easy to style, and it looks just great. Currently, this option for male styling is one of the most popular in the world. Worn in Canada by both athletes and actors, musicians.

As for the appearance of the Canadian, it looks like this: on the crown of the head and forehead the main body of hair will be located. He will look magnificent. But the temporal and grinding parts are made shorter. To obtain original hairstyle, hairdressers make the transition between a long and perfectly cut bundle of strands more smooth.

Thanks to the soft transitions, the image will be as elegant as possible. Canada is a very popular haircut among boys who are in school.  Such popularity is explained by the fact that the hair does not fit into the eyes, fits any dress code and allows the young guy to stand out from the crowd.

On the video male  hairstyle canadian:

You can learn more about and how to properly do it from the contents in this article.

To learn more about the Sessoon men's haircut and what the technology of its execution is, it is indicated in detail here.

You can see the photo of the Italian male haircut in this article:

How to cut

Hairstyle Canadian is completely uncomplicated in terms of implementation. To create it is quite possible even at home. The main thing in this business is patience. For a haircut, you will need to ask someone to help you, since it’s unlikely that you can do everything yourself. After that, you need to prepare the following materials: comb, straight and for scissors, a clipper. Then you can start creating a masterpiece using the following action plan:

  1. Wash hair well, dry it either naturally or using a hairdryer. You need to comb from the top of the head to the back of the head.
  2. Starting from the right ear to the left turn the crown of the head to perform a horizontal parting. On both sides, get two more vertical partings from the temples.
  3. On the forehead, where the growth line is located, you need to highlight a small strand, the width of which is no more than 1.5 cm.Keep it at a right angle and cut off some hair until their length is 3 cm.
  4. Similarly, walk along the parietal part of the head, comparing the cut hair with the first strands.
  5. Also pay attention to the hair, which is located in the temporal parts. To do this, pull the strands at a right angle and make a smooth transition from the forehead to the ears.
  6. Perform a parallel parting on the occipital part, distributing the hair into 2 parts. Make sure it is even.
  7. Now is the time to move to the upper part of the occipital region. To do this, you have to take a vertical strand, which will take its origin from the upper horizontal parting (it was performed at the very beginning) to the second (it separates the two parts of the nape) in the center. Using the oblique cut technique, you need to make the strand short so that its length smoothly descends to the bottom. Similarly, you need to trim the strands of the upper part of the nape.
  8. Now you can go to the back of the head. Here the strands are cut very short, gradually nullified. It must be remembered that the transition from the top of the head should be smooth. The lower part can be cut using a machine. If you decide to use scissors, then you need to keep the hair at a slight slope at the very bottom and shorten the length next to the comb. To the top, the angle should become larger.
  9. Comb your hair thoroughly. Using scissors for thinning, walk along the entire head of hair. This will give styling a natural look. Align your hair so that there are no sharp transitions anywhere. This is the end of Canada.

On the video - how to make a men's hairstyle Canada, the technology of execution:

Canada is a versatile haircut that fits almost any man. It can be performed absolutely for any dress code and for any event. If you are afraid that you can’t do it at home, then it’s better to go to the hairdresser. But do not think that getting a haircut is all. The main thing is to do the styling correctly, and also to do it on a regular basis, and not just going on a holiday. Only this will save the image that you created.

Hairstyles "Canadian" for men are very popular this year, so many men are interested. From the article you will find out who suits this hairstyle and whether it is worth doing it on your own head.

Canada is a very comfortable men's hairstyle, because it suits literally everyone, regardless of the type of appearance.

If you have a round or square face, and it is difficult for you to choose a haircut for yourself, then the Canadian will be quite a suitable option - it not only looks attractive on any hair, but also very popular this year.

Despite the suddenly flashed fashion, the Canadian itself is not a new hairstyle at all. By the name it is easy to understand from which country she came to us.

They say that it became popular back in the Soviet era, in the 70s, when it was brought to the country by Canadian hockey players who came to the competition. Today, interest in this hairstyle flared up again.

To create a haircut, the hair will have to be grown if it is now short, because the canadian will only work on medium-length hair.

It is done quite simply: the upper part of the hair is practically not shortened, most of the volume remains on the crown of the head and the area closer to the forehead.

Whiskey and the lower part of the back of the head are cut under the clipper - thus, the hairstyle is asymmetrical, but very stylish. In the photo you can see the details of the haircut in detail.

Another characteristic feature of Canada is parting. Usually it is oblique and divides the hair into two parts - from one volume it should be much more than from the other.

Some varieties of this hairstyle are done without parting: the hair is cut on the temples and the back of the head, and the upper part of them remains the same length. This is a more youthful haircut option.

Despite the fact that the canadian can be selected for any face shape, different faces need to choose its different options.

The only exception is the oval shape - absolutely any hairstyle option will suit such a person.

If the face is elongated, then it is not necessary to make the strands too voluminous and stretched upwards - this will visually lengthen the face.

Best of all, if the hair is of different lengths, and it can be combed smoothly - this version of the haircut will look noticeably better on the outstretched face.

For round and square faces, there are no special restrictions on the choice of styling - you can make any version of Canada.

How to make a haircut?

This men's hairstyle, in addition to its attractive appearance, has one more advantage - it is quite easy to do it yourself, and many change their haircut at home.

Of course, provided that they have the necessary skills. To create your own hairstyle, you will need not only scissors, but also a comb with frequent teeth and a hair clipper.

It is desirable that she has several nozzles, and not one.

Before starting the haircut, the strands must be slightly damp, so do not forget to wet them.

After that, all the hair should be divided along the parting - it should correspond to the final parting of the hairstyle, so take this step more carefully.

The parting should begin from the crown of the head - after you have divided your hair, separate the long strand and shorten it so that the length is 3 cm from the head.

The remaining strands on this side of the parting should be shortened in a similar way. It is best to do this with a comb, otherwise an even haircut may not work.

The most difficult thing is to make a smooth transition of the length of the hair to the ears from the center of the head, but it is necessary, otherwise you will not succeed in Canadian.

Specialists make the transition with the help of a machine, changing nozzles on it to get the length of the hair, which is practically the same, but creates a smooth transition line.

Most often, the Canadian hairstyle has oblique whiskey - they can also be done using a hair clipper.

If the hair is very thick, then, in addition to cutting, hair thinning is also necessary, but it is not easy to do it yourself.

The scheme will help you do the hairstyle, you can see it in the photo below - use it to get the result as you expected.

Men's hairstyle is not any easier than women's hairstyle - any master will confirm this for you.

Therefore, if you want your Canadian haircut to look stylish and professional, it is better to contact a specialist who can make the haircut correctly.

How to style a haircut?

The Canadian can look very different: it depends not only on the method of cutting, but also on the styling that you choose.

This men's hairstyle will look stylish and spectacular, but at the same time natural.

If your hair is thin, then fix it with a gel, but do not apply too much - this will glue the strands and will lead to the opposite effect.

Enough thick and voluminous hair will be enough to put a hairdryer: just comb it up under a stream of air.

If you are a fan of the classical style, or are going to an important event, the Canadian with strands combed to one side will look great, as you could see in the photo.

This version of hairstyles is now the most popular: it is elegant, stylish and many use it as an everyday look.

If you do not like hair laid to one side, then you can comb it back - this is also an attractive and quite acceptable option.

It is best to do this styling with a hairdryer - it will help to raise strands at the roots and add volume to them, this is especially important if the hair is thin.

But there is no need to specially ruffle the hair, because This hairstyle option should be smooth.

Most often, this haircut is accompanied by a side parting, as in the photo. Another popular option is to create a pile on one part of the head.

In this case, the hair is combed on one side, a parting should also be done on the head.

In order for them to acquire the necessary shape and keep it for a long time, you can not do without additional funds - you will need a gel or mousse for styling.

Also a good option is to fix the pile with varnish, then it will definitely last a long time. This version of Canada is available only for men with straight hair.

Owners of curly curls are better to do deliberately careless styling, you can also do this with a hairdryer - it will also give volume to the hairstyle.

Canadian wavy hair also looks very beautiful.

If the shape of the face is elongated, then a male haircut with a slanting bangs will look best - in this case it is not so long, but if desired, it can also be laid back or to one side.

Hair at the temples is also trimmed at your discretion. If the hair is very thick, it is best to do thinning, if the strands, on the contrary, are thin, then a multilayer version of the hairstyle is suitable - then the volume will stay noticeably better on the hair.

Photos of the models will help you choose the right hairstyle option, as well as specialist advice - it will help you choose the type of Canadian that suits your face type, as well as give styling tips.

If you make a haircut with a good master, you can rest assured that your hairstyle will look no worse than in a magazine.

For decades, Canada has been popular with men. The reason is versatility and convenience.

The feature of "Canada", as can be seen in the photo - the volume of hair on the crown compared to the crown, nape and temples.

Haircut Description

Let's see why men and hairdressers love her:

  1. Simplicity. Even not too experienced stylist will do the hair in 10-15 minutes. Its complexity can be compared with boxing or semi-boxing.
  2. Ease of styling. The classic version of the haircut does without styling.
  3. Universality - has no age restrictions.
  4. Many faces - allows you to embody different images: from a sedate business man to a sweet dandy and inveterate bully.

Canada is suitable for men with any hair texture. She looks on straight and wavy curls. Density does not matter. Pay attention to the oval and facial features:

  • suitable for persons with a round, oval shape. For oval, any type of haircut is acceptable. For round - with an oblique elongated bangs, raised strands in the crown of the head. It will lengthen the face;
  • for angular features, a variation with a short bang and locks falling on the face is suitable;
  • young people prefer asymmetric options with elongated strands in the crown of the head and ultrashort - on the temples, nape;
  • mature men prefer the classic "Canada" when there is a smooth transition from long to short strands.

Not suitable for rectangular faces. They should choose haircuts with bangs and elongated strands at the temples, for example, an Italian cascade. A Canadian with a volume in the parietal zone will lengthen the elongated oval of the face.

Types of haircuts

There are several types of haircuts. Check them out in the photo:

  • sports hairstyle. A variation of Canada is popular with athletes due to its practicality and effectiveness. According to reviews, young people prefer a sporty haircut option. It is completed in a few minutes and is suitable for everyone;
  • asymmetric hairstyle. Popular among young people. The hair on one side of the head is longer than on the other;
  • three-layer haircut for wavy hair.

  A variety of bangs differ. Among young people, elongated and asymmetric strands in the parietal region are in demand. Whiskey is handled differently. You can find variations of hairstyles with elongated temples or as short as possible.

The innovation introduced into the traditional men's hairstyle is the patterned design of the temples.

Execution technique

Due to the popularity of Canada, many are interested in run-time technology. A haircut is similar to a male British in structure. But if you look at the photo, the differences are noticeable. In the first version, the hair on the back of the head is shaved, in the second - the bangs are combed back or to one side and back.

To perform in the classic version, you will need ordinary and thinning scissors, a machine with a nozzle No. 2 and a comb.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Moisturize or wash your hair.
  2. Divide them into partings: 1 - horizontal - from ear to ear through the crown, 2 vertical - from the temples to the horizontal parting.
  3. On the forehead, separate a small lock of about 5 mm wide, pull it at an angle of 90 degrees, cut it off, leaving about 3 cm in length.
  4. Similarly, cut the strands in the parietal region.
  5. Fill the temples and over the ears, pulling the strands at an angle of 90 degrees.
  6. Divide the remaining hair with a horizontal parting into 2 zones.
  7. In the center of convergence of 2 partitions, separate the control strand in the upper occipital region, cut it with the oblique cut method.
  8. Trim the hair located in the upper occipital area, focusing on the length of the control strand.
  9. Trim the hair at the bottom of the head as short as possible. For a smooth transition from short strands at the bottom of the back of the head to longer ones at the top, use a clipper.
  10. Comb the trimmed hair and profile the strands.

To get the hairstyle accurate, check out the tutorial video, which introduces the haircut technique step by step.

Styling methods

The secret of the demand for Canada is that it looks beautiful without styling, and if desired, you can use different options. Thanks to this, a man can not worry about the appearance and embody different images every day.

A traditional Canadian looks without styling. Enough to wash your hair to look perfect. Some styling spray a little hairspray. Strive to look stylish - choose one of the options:

  1. Shattered strands. Put a little gel on the comb and pull the strands of the parietal zone up. Strive to make the strands look natural and not stick out like a stake. Lay your hair to one side, fix and blow dry.
  2. Elegant look. Using a little gel, comb the bangs back, but don't lick it. Get an elegant hairstyle for special occasions. The styling should not be too lush.
  3. Natural image. Apply foam to wet hair, blow dry with a hairdryer. You can create a side parting or do without it. The final version should look natural.
  4. Retro style. Bouffant bangs, fold back and fix with varnish. Get a magnificent hairstyle.
  5. For wavy curls. Dry the naughty locks with a hairdryer, beat them with your palms, oiled with gel. Comb the long curly bangs back, fix with varnish.