
Cool birthday crafts. Birthday gift for a friend. good mood bag

Paper is one of the most suitable materials for crafting birthday gifts due to its versatility.


You will need paper of different colors, glue, details for decoration. Your own imagination will help you craft, or you can turn to ready-made templates. A beautiful postcard will turn out using the quilling technique, using applications, volumetric details.

Thematic postcards according to the hobbies of the birthday people, and even better, the series will amaze both him and the guests.

You can read more about birthday cards on the portal - gifts for all occasions.

Origami flowers

Prepare multi-colored sheets of paper, cut them into squares. Fold the prepared blanks in half, then diagonally. Turn the folded squares back and fold in half again. Again diagonally into a double triangle.

Bend both lower corners of each triangle to the upper corner and fasten with it. Several of these blanks are applied to each other, and you get a flower. It is better to make a whole bouquet of paper flowers of different colors.

No less original will be a corrugated paper bouquet.

Paper Surprise Cake

You will have to rely on a template, prepare it in advance. Think over an idea, draw or download from the Internet and print. Use the cut out template to trace parts of a piece of cake over it on paper. To give it a three-dimensional look, bend the workpiece at the bend points.

Make an incision on the intended back. Glue all pieces together. Decorate the resulting paper piece of cake at your discretion, place a small surprise inside.

It is not difficult to make a picture, a collage, a panel from different types of paper ...

What crafts to do for grandma's birthday

You will have to strain your memory or find out from her in advance what exactly your grandmother loves. If it was not possible to prepare in this way, you can fashion a whole picture from plasticine. She will delight anyone. Prepare a mass for sculpting the desired colors and start creating a landscape, still life.

Knitting, embroidery, salt dough modeling, a cardboard souvenir - these are options for crafts for a grandmother for her birthday with her own hands.

You can prepare the box by making it from improvised materials: thick threads, ordinary toothpicks, cardboard, decorative details, silicone.

Cut out a template from cardboard - a heart, a circle, a square, etc. Stepping back a little from the edges, make holes at a distance of 1 cm, fix toothpicks in them with silicone. Wrap them with threads with imagination to get an interesting pattern. It remains to apply strokes for decoration using rhinestones, beads, ribbons.

Crafts are a great birthday gift for mom

The most beloved person will receive a gift in which all his soul is invested. This will be a do-it-yourself craft for mom, cooked for her birthday, made from the bottom of her heart.

A coffee heart will decorate my mother's room. It can be made from improvised materials.

Draw a heart on two sheets of cardboard, cut them out. Wrap the prepared wire tightly with paper and glue it to one heart. Enlarge the other heart with the help of cotton pads glued in several layers. Glue both hearts to each other.

Glue the workpiece again with cotton pads, fix it tightly with a thread on top. Paint the resulting layout brown, glue the grains on top. Decorate the tin with bright, colorful paper, make a holder from a piece of wire wrapped with a cord. We assemble the craft: fill the jar with a sponge, insert the decorated wire, a heart on it. We decorate to your taste.

DIY crafts are distinguished by their unusual and original idea, because such a gift is no longer in the world.

There are a lot of handmade birthday gift ideas!

Personally made gifts are always accepted with a bang! All that is required to create an original handmade gift is a trickle of inspiration and a drop of imagination.

If it’s new for you to choose gifts, or you are terribly tired of “routine” gifts, you should pay attention to handmade gifts.

Such a gift is perfect for a person whose birthday is in autumn or winter, because warmth and care are hidden in such a gift.

There are schemes that allow you to perform three-dimensional objects or toys. Think about which of the animals a person likes or a character in a book or cartoon.

A self-made character of your favorite cartoon is a greeting from childhood, such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent.

Sweet gifts with your own hands

Most people are fans of sweets, but almost everyone in everyday life limits themselves to sweets. Birthday is just the occasion when you can afford to indulge in sweets and then it turns into a real pleasure. Scientists have long proven that bananas and dark chocolate bring joy and improve mood.

Giving ordinary sweets or chocolates is not interesting. If you have a desire to really surprise the birthday boy, get creative and create a sweet gift with your own hands.

Currently, compositions and bouquets of sweets and other sweets are gaining more and more popularity. By choosing a figure suitable for a particular occasion, you will be able to create a real masterpiece from sweets yourself.

You can knit the most ordinary jar with a lid and decorate beautifully with the help of coffee beans, rhinestones and beads. Using persistent markers, make the necessary drawings, as well as fun to sign the jar. For example, “Pills for longing”, “For the dearest person”, etc.

And you can make a cool sweet album, on each page of which some kind of sweet will be pasted, and under it a signature for which event it is intended.

Inspiration and fantasy are the best helpers in creating creative gifts.

You will be surprised, but the materials for creating most unique gifts made by hand can be found at hand.

Unnecessary old things can always become part of a beautiful and original gift.

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There comes that very significant day, which happens once a year. The day when gifts are given. A day when close people congratulate you and sincerely leave their wishes. Since so many important factors go into this holiday, the gift must be special.

Do not hesitate if you are planning to make a birthday present with your own hands. To date, there are a lot of techniques with which you can make real art objects, design attributes, decorative crafts.

A gift tailored to the preferences of the birthday boy

Nevertheless, the process of choosing a gift sometimes becomes difficult, not only because of the large number of master classes offered, but also because it can be difficult to choose a gift without taking into account the individual characteristics of the birthday person.

Pay attention to what hobby a person close to you is interested in, what he is interested in, in order to know approximately in what manner to fulfill the intended gift. It is important to consider who you give, i.e. father, brother, grandfather, more strict gifts made in style and prestige, but for mother, sister and grandmother, tend to tenderness, grace, superiority.

Top most popular and sought after gifts

Let's make an interesting alternative to store-bought gifts using simple materials, let's try to create exquisite decor items that are no less beautiful than a store-bought version.

To begin with, we will choose the top most popular and sought-after gifts that are traditional in nature and at the same time can look unique depending on your imagination. Gift Ideas:

  • Handmade candles;
  • Paper flowers;
  • Soft toy;
  • Crafts using origami technique;
  • Frame;
  • Postcard.

Geometry is in fashion today, so the idea of ​​making a gift in the form of a mobile decor of geometric shapes, which will be a wonderful decoration for a chandelier, will be appreciated.

Decorative attribute - stars in the interior

A gift in the form of a laconic decor made of beautiful paper using the origami technique will be extraordinary and stylish. Recommend the birthday girl to use this attribute as a mobile on a chandelier or place it on shelves next to photos of relatives and friends.

Let's learn how to make beautiful stars with which designers of professional art studios so often decorate interiors.

We will need:

  • Thick colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

To create a drawing on paper, you can use a ready-made layout on which the future drawing will be carried out. It must be printed in advance. We make a blank according to this template.

  • 1 step. Cut out the star. We bend the edges along the dotted lines.
  • 2 step. We glue all 5 parts, as a result we get a five-pointed three-dimensional star.

Use parchment paper, old books, and blank sheets to create a modern style. DIY crafts for a birthday are good because they are part of yourself, your creation is uniquely not subject to any standards, the main thing is to be consistent and diligent in achieving a high result.

Interior items are especially relevant in the style of minimalism, if the area of ​​​​the apartment is not large. It's hard to imagine bulky details in a small room. Therefore, a gift with your own hands will be especially counted if you take into account this detail.

Paper "natural" flowers

Flowers have always represented joy and are traditionally given for almost every holiday. And what if you give flowers from paper? A good example of DIY paper crafts for Jenny Jafek-Jones' Birthday, which are almost indistinguishable from the living.

The birthday girl will definitely be delighted with such an amazing souvenir. Let's take a look at the step-by-step technique for creating a bouquet of roses using the example below.

Necessary materials:

  • Corrugated paper in two colors;
  • Scissors;
  • Threads.

Operating procedure:

  • 1 step. We cut the paper into strips 7 cm wide and 40 cm long. You can change these values, for example, by making the length longer, you will add volume to the rose.
  • 2 step. We slightly sip the finished strip along the length and begin to bend to get a bud. How this happens: we bend one corner of the strip, then we bend over it with our left hand, and turn it up with our right hand and so on until the end of the strip on one side. To visually understand how this happens, just remember how candy wrappers are wrapped.
  • 3 step. We wrap in a circle, making a rosebud.
  • 4 step. We correct the petals, making them look like a natural flower. We wind the bottom of the bud with a thread. The number of such roses can be unlimited. Of these, you can additionally make a composition using a basket, or make a stem and leaves by placing in a beautiful vase.

Some ideas for men

Make a DIY paper birthday present for a man using an easy technique to create a card. The variant of the male theme can be completely different. The option with the original template in the form of a formal suit or a jacket with a bow tie will be a win-win. Dilute the holiday present with warm words of sincere wishes.

It is said that one who has a ship in his house endows his house with prosperity and wealth. Mostly this meaning comes from the teachings of Feng Shui. Sailing ships have always been run by wealthy people, such an association has remained to this day. A gift in the form of a sailboat has a symbolically positive meaning, so it will be useful and will certainly bring good luck. Make it easy even from a photo.

Using cardboard, scissors, balloon sticks and glue, you can create a ship in minutes. As you can see, sails can be made from a toilet paper cylinder by cutting it into the desired shape.

Make a gift special by harmoniously combining one line of style solution in it. So, for example, the Scandinavian style is currently very popular.

In the photo you see how charming the interior items look, which are easy to do with your own hands.

Rowan bracelet

A supernova trend in the field of DIY crafts has become creativity using polymer clay. The gift is amazing. You can make figures, dolls, figurines in the form of animals and much more from clay.

Often, jewelry is prepared using this material. Consider a master class, we will make an original bracelet.

For work you will need:

  • Polymer clay in two colors;
  • Pastel crayons in black and orange;
  • Needle;
  • Sandpaper is hard;
  • Toothpick;
  • leaf molds;
  • liquid gel;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Lacquer special for clay;
  • Accessories for the bracelet: chain, rings, pins, carabiner lock, brushes, round nose pliers, foil and wire cutters.

Work process:

  • 1 step. Rolling clay balls.

  • 2 step. We pass the pin into the middle of the ball to the border of the head.

  • 3 step. We make grooves near the pin head, like a berry.
  • 4 step. Next, rub the black pastel chalk on sandpaper and gently apply with a brush inside the beard, and fix it with liquid gel on top.
  • 5 step. We make blanks according to the width of the brush. We insert each blank with a pin into a lump of foil.
  • 6 step. Now it's up to the leaves. We roll out the remaining green polymer clay and use a mold to make leaves. You can decorate leaves with imitation veins with a clerical knife.

  • 7 step. To create the effect of naturalness, we rub an orange chalk and apply it partially on the leaves and quite a bit on the berries.
  • 8 step. The time has come to make our clay durable with the help of an oven. The time and temperature are indicated on the packaging, each manufacturer varies.

  • 9 step. We process the pins, cut off a small upper part and twist the tip forming a hook.
  • 10 step. We thread the rings into the leaves. We complete the work by defining evenly both berries and leaves along the entire chain. Rowan bracelet is ready.

For coffee lovers

It's not news to anyone that the percentage of people who like natural coffee is higher than the percentage of people who prefer another drink. Therefore, it will be easy for a real coffee lover to please a souvenir that reminds him of the taste and aroma of an invigorating drink.

For crafts you will need:

  • Mug;
  • Grains of natural coffee;
  • Cosmetic discs;
  • White thread;
  • Acrylic brown;
  • hot gun glue;
  • Other decor.

Work process:

  • 1 step. The mug should be glued with cosmetic disks with hot glue. Try not to skip places with ceramics, there is a chance that the grains will not hold firmly. This also applies to pens.
  • 2 step. Take the thread and wrap it around the disks in a circle.
  • 3 step. Now it's up to coloring the cup with disk and thread elements.
  • 4 step. It remains to fix the grains with glue in two rows so that there are no gaps with paint.
  • 5 step. The cup will take on a finished look after decorating with decorative ribbons or lace. Such a cup is more suitable as a decorative element that will remind you of pleasant moments.

Photo frames using quilling technique

Quilling is an amazing technique by which objects take on a completely different look. A good gift would be images using the quilling technique of the walls of the photo frame.

Combine colors especially skillfully so that in the end the gift looks harmonious and does not seem pretentious. A birthday for the closest is special, it is important for a gift to be remembered on a holiday, so it is advisable to say a few words about your creation that could describe what it means and what benefits it will bring to the birthday person.

If you want your gift to create a fabulous atmosphere or a romantic setting, then the best option would be a lamp or a night light. In this case, the use of an ordinary glass jar of non-standard shape, decorated with acrylic paints, rhinestones and small mirrors will be an amazing gift, while decorating the interior and giving benefits.

Top most original ideas

An original gift will definitely raise an already joyful mood and give color to the holiday. What can you do to surprise the birthday boy. Let's look at the top most interesting ideas:

  • Who would have thought that such creative candlesticks could be made from ordinary iron cans, which are later hung on the wall and create coziness and romance at home;

  • A real expensive item will be an ordinary tire covered with twine with glue.

  • Recycling plastic spoons can also be beneficial if used wisely for a good cause. So the remaining plastic spoons will become a decor for a pot of home plants. You can get such a creative container using an old jar, spoons, glue and spray paint.

  • Make a mega stylish lamp is also in your hands. You will need plastic bottle caps, a wire, a switch, and a plinth. It is better to ask a familiar electrician to assemble this design, but it will only take a few minutes. But you will take care of the ceiling. With the help of glue, the main material - covers, will turn into a real decorative attribute.

Giving a handmade birthday gift is not a difficult task, there are a lot of variations on the festive theme, choose any. For creativity to meet all expectations, count on your strength and patience. Remember, it is better to make a light souvenir, but of high quality, than a complex, but inexpressive one. A new incarnation of ordinary objects can turn your mind around, act for the benefit of your ideas.

Any things and products that were created by human hands have a unique energy. Today, the popularity of hand-made goods is gaining momentum.

A fairly large number of people in their free time like to make something with their own hands, sew, weave and cut out of wood.

To create a worthy source of income from an ordinary hobby, you need to truly love your job and have a competent business plan.

There are many handicraft opportunities that can generate a steady income.

Decoupage technique

Decoupage is a technique of pasting various surfaces with pieces of paper or fabric, which are then varnished. For this case, very few materials and devices are required: paper and fabric canvases, adhesive composition, scissors, various brushes.

To purchase a starter decoupage kit, you will need to pay about 10 thousand rubles. The necessary fabric and paper shreds can be found among friends and relatives.

Precisely because old things are often needed for hand-made creativity, this type of income becomes profitable, as it does not require the purchase of expensive materials.

Decor candles

The competition in the decorative candle market is quite strong, since this type of activity is not at all new. However, having developed your own technology and design, you can create beautiful souvenirs with your own hands in the form of unique candles.

For the manufacture of the first batch of candles, you will need to spend about a thousand rubles, which will go to:

  • purchase of raw materials - as a rule, ordinary candles are melted down by the steam method;
  • purchase of paint - you can use ordinary children's colored crayons;
  • making molds from tetra-pack bags. Otherwise, the necessary forms are bought in stores.

In the production of candles, the rules of safe work should be observed, since the wax and paraffin vapors released during melting become fire hazardous.

Floral compositions

Unique individual flower arrangements today cost about five thousand rubles. At the same time, the cost of such a bouquet will be about 2 thousand.

Custom floral arrangements are used for weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations. The only disadvantage of such a case is the search for a clientele, since the flowers are a perishable product, then the bouquets are made before the direct issuance of the order to the client.

Stitched dolls

The female gender at any age loves to teach dolls as a gift. For babies, this is a great toy, for adult ladies, these can be exclusive models in the collection of dolls.

High-quality and unique work among embroidered dolls is in great demand.

In order to start the production of dolls from scratch and make a really high-quality good souvenir doll, you need to organize a small sewing workshop, which will be equipped with:

  • simple sewing machine,
  • scissors, a colored palette of threads, needles,
  • various fabrics and fillers.

On average, the cost of a finished doll is 500 rubles, while the retail price is 2 thousand rubles.


Wooden souvenirs

Souvenirs made of wood can be presented as very miniature decorations, as well as large carved panels and furniture compositions. The material for production is wood, and it is not difficult to find it at any building base. Valuable specimens of the tree are harder to find.

To start your business of producing wooden souvenirs, you need to develop and create the first collection. The intensity of its sale determines the demand for specific items. After that, you can start the mass production process.

Badges and key rings

The manufacture of exclusive key rings can be done by a person who owns locksmith skills.

For this case, it is necessary to have specialized equipment in the form of a vice, a machine tool, blanks and materials. The amount of initial investments will be from 30 to 40 thousand rubles.


Very beautiful DIY crafts and souvenirs are made from beads and beads. For such a business, a minimum amount of equipment and materials is required: a loom, bead sets, fishing line, beads.


The total amount of funds will be approximately one thousand rubles. You can create various kinds of jewelry from beads, embroider fabrics with them, create flower arrangements.

Ceramic products

The shops are full of pottery, but they don't have the warmth that handmade ones have. The main thing in this business is the presence of a clay deposit near the direct production.

Even the presence of a special kiln is not necessary, since it is possible to dry a small product in a conventional oven.

Knitted accessories

Any hand-knitted items, be it clothes or accessories, have a unique personality. Therefore, such gizmos are appreciated by the consumer, thanks to which this business is quite profitable.

To create knitted things, you only need to purchase yarn and hooks or knitting needles. But for industrial production, you will need a knitting machine, the cost of which will be about a thousand dollars.

In addition to the presented hand-made hobbies, photos of souvenirs show that today you can also do:


  • jewelry making,
  • weaving baskets and boxes from a vine,
  • designing books and covers using the scrapbooking technique,
  • production of chocolate souvenirs.

Sales of handmade souvenirs

In addition to the question of how to make a souvenir, you need to think about where to sell it. There are two ways to sell handmade gizmos.

The first one is shop trading. Hand-made craftsmen sell their crafts in souvenir shops and departments. At the same time, registration of an individual entrepreneur, LLC or certificates for products is not needed here.

However, there is a minus here - a lot of competition and sharing of income with the owner of the store.

The second option is online marketing. To do this, you will also have to spend a lot of money on creating your own website (about 10 thousand rubles). Promoting and organizing a group on social media will also cost money.

However, there are sites that allow buyers and manufacturers of hand-made souvenirs to meet.

Here you will have to pay for sending the goods by mail, since the consumer can be located in absolutely any city in our country.

DIY souvenir photo

During the holiday, everyone is waiting for a gift. It is not necessary to buy a finished product. A gift that is made independently looks much more interesting. Use the advice of experienced craftsmen, make a unique, inexpensive present.

Many people think how to make a gift with their own hands. Creating a stylish picture of a panel, you will pleasantly surprise a person. Such a gift of threads and carnations is suitable for any occasion. It is often given as a gift to relatives, people close to you, and friends.

This product, made independently, will not leave anyone indifferent, it will be remembered for a long time with pleasant impressions.

Panel making

In the photo of good gifts, you can see a self-made panel. In order to repeat the procedure at home, you need to prepare materials.

Take a piece of flat, smooth wooden board. Choose the most optimal, its average size. You will also need a template for the future image on the panel. Choose the necessary shades of thick threads. The best option in this case seems to be the choice of yarn, or floss threads.

Buy thin nails, you will need a hammer, and also prepare masking tape. After that, you can proceed directly to the workflow.

The first thing to do is prepare the foundation. If the surface of the wood is not even, not smooth enough, then it must be sanded. Use sandpaper for this. Then you can cover the surface with varnish.

Use masking tape to fix the image template. Hammer nails along the contour, it is important to adhere to the same interval. The height of the nails should also be approximately the same, so the product will turn out to be more beautiful, it will look better.

The most creative stage is the wrapping of nails with the help of threads matched by color. At the end of this procedure, you need to tie the thread to one carnation of your choice.

There are many options and instructions on how to make a gift in this way.


Often you can see ideas of what kind of gift can be given. Edible bouquets are common today.

Their main content is fruits or vegetables. You can fill a bouquet of such a plan with the help of sweets, or pick up an alcoholic "mix". It all depends on who the gift is for and what that person loves the most.

When choosing edible bouquets, remember their positive aspects:

tangerine tree

In the winter season, it is worth watching a master class on making original gifts. Standing out among the many interesting ideas is the manufacture of a tangerine tree. It looks quite beautiful, brings a festive mood to the atmosphere. Its aroma fills the whole house.

With a little imagination and effort, you can create a real masterpiece at home. In order to make a decorative, small-sized tree, you can use needles, lemons, oranges, and other citrus fruits you love and your loved one. With the help of shiny ribbons, New Year's tinsel, you can create an unusual and memorable product.

During manufacturing, it is worth remembering the main condition - not to be afraid to experiment, create something new, bring a piece of yourself.

Gift for a man

If you want to make an original and memorable gift for a man, then you need to present banal products (your favorite beer, nuts, squid) in a special way.

For the manufacture of such a product, it is necessary to cut a blank of the optimal size from the foam. A thickness of 2 cm is suitable, the width of the product should be approximately 25 cm, length 45 cm. It is best to paste over the foam with a Whatman paper.

Attach pistachios, fish, and cans of beer to the bouquet. The contents of the bouquet must be wrapped in a special mesh. After that, your bouquet will be ready.

Sweet bouquet

You can choose to make large and small gifts with your own hands. The best option is to make a sweet bouquet. This gift is considered universal, because it is suitable for any holiday. This unconventional approach will undoubtedly set you apart from other invited guests.

To learn how to make a DIY gift box. You should consider the video lesson in detail. Even a small self-made product can be placed in an unusual box.

The base can be made from ordinary cardboard. In order to decorate the box, to give it a more festive appearance, you can use multi-colored fakes, write original, pleasant wishes.

coffee heart

You can create beautiful, fragrant souvenirs. For example, creating a coffee heart will fill the house with a pleasant aroma and create the necessary homely atmosphere.

An alternative to the coffee tree is the fragrant coffee bear. Thus, you can make a great gift for a child. Even a novice needlewoman, using simple tips, can make a bear cub, or other small soft animal.

To prepare an aromatic mixture, it is necessary to pour 3 tablespoons of coffee, cinnamon and half or a whole bag of vanillin into a certain container. This mixture helps to age the fabric. Thus, it is filled with a pleasant aroma.

An interesting doll made with your own hands is also suitable for a little girl. You can find out what your baby's favorite animal or character is. Follow the master classes, video tutorials for making a beautiful product with your own hands.

dream Catcher

In the event that your friend or girlfriend loves different amulets, or interesting talismans, then making a dream catcher would be an excellent way out.

It is known that such a product has a fairly strong energy. Such a talisman is able to drive away gloomy forces, bad dreams, evil spirits from a person’s bed. An amulet made with love will become a real amulet.


There are many variations on how to make a stylish, aesthetic and inexpensive gift with your own hands.

Believe me, the person you give it to will be pleasantly surprised. After all, you thus showed due attention to him, emphasized his importance to you. It is always nice to receive a gift made with soul.

Do not be afraid to experiment, add something of your own to the above tips and ideas. Don't be afraid to experiment. Creating something new is creativity, an experiment, a manifestation of your uniqueness. Such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent.

DIY gift photo