
Gifts for Valentine's Day: master classes. Interesting ideas: how to decorate a house for Valentine's Day Valentine's Day what to do with your own hands

It is believed that this holiday was named after one of the two martyrs - Valentine of Interamne and Valentine of Rome.

On this day, people give their loved ones flowers, sweets, postcards (valentines) with poems and declarations of love, as well as many other gifts that symbolize love.

But a handmade gift will make no less impression than a purchased gift.

Here are some DIY gifts for Valentine's Day:

DIY candy and confetti crackers for Valentine's Day

You will need:

Cylinders from paper towels or toilet paper




Candy or other small gifts.

1. Cut the cardboard cylinder in half.

2. Fill each half with candies and confetti.

3. Fold the halves back and secure them together with tape.

4. Cut off a sheet of wrapping paper, wrap it around the connected halves of the cylinders and secure with tape.

5. Tie two pieces of ribbon to both ends of the cylinder. Scissors can curl ribbons.

To get the contents, you need to break the craft in the center (where the halves of the cylinders are connected).

DIY vase with hearts and roses for Valentine's Day (master class)

You will need:


strong thread

Red felt

Glue and tape .

1. Cut out small hearts from felt.

2. Pass the needle and thread through the hearts. Leave about 5-7 cm between the hearts.

3. Tie a knot on both sides of the thread.

4. Glue or tape one end of the thread to the jar and start wrapping the jar with a thread with hearts.

The vase is ready, it remains to pour water into it and put flowers.

DIY Valentine's Day (photo): a bouquet of pompons

You will need:


Green felt


Multicolored threads

White acrylic or spray paint

Hot glue.

Making a pompom

1. Wind the thread around your fingers 50 to 75 times. For a large pom-pom, you need to wrap around 4 fingers, and for a small pom-pom around 2. Cut off the thread.

2. Cut another piece of thread 15-20 cm long and wrap it around the lump that you wrapped around your fingers. Tie a knot.

3. Carefully remove the thread from the fingers and cut the loops on the right and left with scissors.

4. Make a more fluffy pompom by adjusting the threads. It is also worth trimming the thread a little with scissors to make the pompom more even.

Preparing flower stems and connecting parts

1. Take the branches and paint them white. Let the paint dry.

2. Using hot glue, attach the pom pom to the branch.

3. Cut out leaves of any shape from green felt and glue them to the branches.

4. Make some flowers to make a bouquet.

5. Wrap the flower bouquet with ribbon and twine. You can add a note of congratulations to the bouquet.

Crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands: puzzle cube with hearts

You will need:

4 wooden cubes

Acrylic paints and brushes

PVA glue

Sequins in different colors

Heart template


1. Place 4 cubes on a flat surface as shown in the image.

2. Put a heart template on the cubes and circle it with a simple pencil.

3. Start applying PVA glue with a brush to the cubes, namely to the places indicated with a pencil.

4. Gently sprinkle glitter of the same color onto the glue. Remove excess with a brush. To make the glitter fit tightly, you can apply a layer of glue on top. Let the glue dry.

5. Turn the cubes and repeat steps 1-4 to make another cardio, only this time use a different color of glitter.

6. Cover all sides of the cubes with heart details.

You can put all the cubes in a fabric bag, which can also be decorated with a heart.

DIY Valentine's Day Gifts: 52 Reasons Why I Love You.

You will need:

A deck of cards (36 or 52 pieces)

Binding rings

colored cardboard

Double-sided tape

Hole puncher


1. Make two holes in each card with a hole punch.

2. Place all cards in a pile and thread through the binding ring holes.

3. Cut out several small rectangles from cardboard, the size of one should not exceed the size of the card.

4. Using double-sided tape, stick the rectangles onto the cards.

5. On each rectangle, write one reason why you love your significant other. You can write something with humor for a change.

Do-it-yourself gift for a guy on February 14: a picture of kisses

You will need:

white cardboard


Frame for a picture or photo

1. Cut out a piece of cardboard a little larger than your frame.

2. Apply a few "kisses" on white cardboard.

3. Insert the cardboard into the frame and write a personal message on the back.

Do-it-yourself gift for February 14: a heart made of cones

You'll need:

Red thick paper (in this example, 7 sheets of 30x30 cm are used)


Hot glue or PVA glue

Strong thread.

1. Cut out several (in this example 14 pieces) squares of 7x7 cm from red paper for the inside of the heart, and 10x10 cm (in this example 47 pieces) for the outer part.

2. Cut out a heart from cardboard. In this example, the widest part of the heart is 40 cm.

3. Make cones out of all the squares.

4. Start gluing the cones to the cardboard heart. Large cones on the outside and small on the inside.

Here's another option:

Gifts for Valentine's Day: a heart embroidered on an envelope or postcard

You will need:

Colored thread for knitting

Thick paper envelope or colored cardboard

Needle (large enough for thread)




1. Draw a heart on the cardboard or envelope.

2. Use a needle to make several holes along the line of the drawn heart.

3. Start threading through the holes in different directions. Tie a knot at the end.

DIY gift ideas for February 14: hearts with confetti and an arrow

You will need:

paper tracing paper

Colored cardboard (white, red, pink)

Confetti (you can buy ready-made or cut from colored paper)

black marker

red thread

PVA glue or hot glue


1. Making a heart template. Draw a heart on cardboard and cut it out. To make it symmetrical, you can fold the cardboard in half and draw half a heart and cut it out, and then straighten the paper.

2. Lay the heart template on the tracing paper and circle in two places to cut out two identical hearts.

3. We make arrow feathers.

3.1. Fold the red cardboard in half and draw half of the feathers for the arrow (see image) and cut them along the line with scissors.

3.2. Straighten the paper feathers and cut them along the fold line. On each half, stepping back from the edge by 0.25 cm, make a fold.

Repeat the same with the pink cardboard so you end up with 4 pieces for the arrow.

4. We make the tip of the arrow.

4.1. Cut off about 6 cm from the skewer with scissors.

4.2. From red and pink cardboard, cut two identical triangles.

4.3. Glue the triangles to each other so that they cover the tip of the skewer.

5. We collect a heart.

5.1. With a black marker on one of the tracing paper hearts, write something nice for your soulmate.

5.2. Fasten both hearts with a red thread and a needle. Leave some space to fill the inside with confetti.

6. Fill the heart with confetti.

You will need:

colored cardboard


Stationery knife


PVA glue


corrugated paper

Prints (optional)

Jewelry to taste.

1. Cut a strip of colored cardboard. Its size is 28x4 cm.

2. Fold the strip in half.

3. Bend the ends of the strip towards each other so that the outer sides of the ends touch.

4. Glue the ends of the paper tape together and secure with two paper clips.

5. Cut out a square from cardboard, the size of which exceeds the size of a paper heart.

6. Apply some glue to the edges of the heart and stick it to the square.

7. Use scissors to cut the square along the outline of the paper heart. You have a small box.

8. Place a piece of crepe paper on top of the box and cut out a heart slightly larger than the cardboard heart. Cut the fringe with scissors.

9. Fill the box with sweets or notes, apply a little glue on its edges and glue a corrugated paper heart. You can stick another corrugated paper heart on top (for strength).

10. Decorate the box with ribbon, hearts, feathers, etc. You can add the inscription "Don't break my heart."

How to make a gift for February 14: a pom-pom heart

You will need:

Ready-made pom-poms or red knitting thread to make them



Thread and needle

Glue for fabric (if necessary).

In this example, 22 pom-poms were used. The size of the pillow is 40 x 40 cm. The size of the resulting heart is 20 x 20 cm. One pompom has a diameter of 5 cm.

Holiday of all lovers. There are a few weeks left until February 14th, you can already start thinking about a gift, looking for recipes for delicious dishes for a romantic dinner ... You can get a few sheets of multi-colored paper, scissors and glue and make interesting valentines with your own hands, stylishly decorate a house in romantic colors, beautifully decorate the holiday table.

This article contains the most interesting handmade ideas for the holiday of all lovers. We hope that with our help your significant other will remember this day for a long time. So, we will surprise with all kinds of hearts, let's go!

For these romantic crafts, you will need colored paper, scissors, glue, sometimes even wire and salt (!), but we can promise you that you will not need any special skills and secret ingredients that can only be obtained on a full moon by surpassing through an empty well » is not required!

1. Decorate the house!

Wreath of lovers on the door

We cut out a circle from plain white paper, with a diameter of 30-40 cm. We glue it with cut out hearts. Choose the necessary tonality for yourself - a wreath can be made more delicate using white and light pink hearts, or more passionate by choosing red and burgundy colors. You can make it in a fashionable combination of pink and black or in a gothic style - using black and red hearts. The size of the hearts can also be chosen differently - so the wreath will turn out to be more voluminous and textured.

An interesting option is a wreath of roses.

How to make, see our detailed.

If you want something more cozy and warm on a cold February evening, pay attention to the option.

A wreath can decorate a door, window or hang it on the wall.

Garland of hearts

We string the cut out hearts on a thread. Very simple and beautiful decoration. Please note that hearts can be strung either across or along. If strung across, you get a vertical garland, which can be used to arrange a doorway.

If along, then horizontal - such a garland can be hung on a wall, decorate a bed, a window with it, or drag it across the entire room under the ceiling.

It is even easier to make a garland with clothespins. Then it is better to cut out hearts from thicker paper so that they do not deform due to clothespins. And of course, you can attach romantic wishes, favorite photos, memorable candy wrappers and tickets to such a garland.

Romantic little things

Remember when we were kids growing crystals on sticks in a saline solution? Try to make such crystal hearts by February 14th!

A heart can be made from colored wire, after which it must be placed in a concentrated saline solution (add salt gradually to warm water until it stops dissolving). It remains to wait a few days, and in order for the heart to grow faster, then change the solution to a new one every 2-3 days.

And, of course, candles! Decorate candle holders with hearts, just don't forget about fire safety!

2. We make valentines with our own hands!

The most important paper heart on this day is your Valentine card. And you can make it with your own hands and it will turn out no worse than the store, even more original! For example, you can send...

Message in an envelope

We string 6-8 hearts on a thread and put them in an envelope...

You can write words on each of the hearts, which, as the hearts are pulled out, will add up to a phrase. Do not confuse the beginning and end when putting a message in an envelope, otherwise it will turn out “I love you, I am Zina” instead of “Zina, I love you” :)

A couple more options with envelopes - mini messages with nice words and compliments and an envelope that opens into a heart

Postcard with hearts

And here are easy cute design ideas for romantic valentine cards:

Another idea of ​​a three-dimensional postcard with two hearts flowing into each other - it turns out a very symbolic Valentine. It will take you only 10 minutes to create it - follow ours and here's what you get in the end

And here is a video instruction on how to make a Valentine card with hearts resembling balloons on strings

Subscribe to our youtube channel so as not to miss new master classes for Valentine's Day and February 23

Button hearts

Cool postcards are made with button hearts - bright and cheerful

Valentine cards with photos

Your joint happy photo can be the best Valentine for Valentine's Day. Add a line of wishes in Photoshop, a few hearts and paste it into a pretty frame. Or make a heart out of your little photographs

And also Origami Valentines. Watch this simple video tutorial showing how to make a beating heart out of a sheet of paper.

In nomination "Last Minute Valentine" this uncomplicated boxed cardboard heart wins. Beloved is almost on the doorstep, but the valentine is not ready? Feel free to tear off a piece of the box and, following this simple video instruction, make a romantic surprise.

3. We have fun colleagues!

To do this, you will need plastic (yes, in principle, any) soldiers! We write heartbreaking requests for help on hearts, such as “Elena Arnoldovna, you killed me with your smile!”, “I can’t fight these feelings anymore!” “I’m dying of love for you”, “Smitten by your look on the spot!”. We “distribute” hearts to the soldiers and arrange the regiment dying of love on the tables of colleagues, window sills and in a cupboard for coffee cups.

4. Have a romantic tea party

Cute tea bags. We have already written about this. You can decorate the whole tea ceremony in a romantic style.

However, you can drink hot tea outside from a thermos and, embracing, look at the romantic sky lanterns flying into the sky in the form of hearts.

5. Making bookmark hearts for a book

What could be simpler - we take two hearts of different sizes and stick a small one on a large one (only the upper part, and the bottom tab will just “cling” to the desired page!)

6. Bouquets of hearts

We fasten 6-8 hearts together with a pin, fasten the pin with the resulting bud to the “twig”, which can be a wire, a cocktail tube or a real tree branch. The flower is ready. We make 5-7 flowers for a bouquet, of different sizes and shades. We “decorate” the petals with wishes and compliments!

And this option will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth - we fix the flower not with a pin, but with lollipop candy

Ready-made bouquets for the sweet tooth

7. Delicious love. Cooking a romantic breakfast for your loved one

We will please your loved one on this day with goodies. I will not include a recipe for baked salmon with an exotic sauce in this article, there are many similar instructions on the Internet. Let's stop at a beautiful presentation. Pancakes and scrambled eggs can be prepared in special molds. You can also cut hearts from all kinds of fruits and vegetables: carrots, strawberries, bananas, apples and kiwi.

Holiday of all lovers! How to do without cute hearts on this day? If you are already tired of banal jewelry, we will suggest some original ideas. You can use any material, your imagination, and everything that your soul inspires. And we will pay attention to the technical points.

To surprise and please your soul mate, expensive gifts are not required. A cute handmade thing, a cozy interior and a lot of love will bring even more pleasure.

The main attribute of this holiday is Valentine. This is not necessarily a piece of paper in the shape of a heart, as many used to think. Valentine's card is a message that speaks of your love. To make it, you can take natural materials (fresh flowers, branches, cones), products (a cake is a good way to express your love), and everything you find in the house (ribbons, clothespins, cardboard, fabric, paints, threads).


Valentine's Day Decor


Let's proceed directly to the creation of jewelry with our own hands.

    Let's start traditionally with paper. It is easy to create valentines of various colors and modifications from this material. Next, place them in a chaotic manner around the house, tie a garland or hang them on a chandelier and curtains. An original solution would be to make a “love tree” by decorating a dry branch and a flower pot. This option is also great for creating jewelry with your child.

    Felt will look great in any interior.

    From natural materials, you can build a wreath in the shape of a heart and place it on the front door.

    It is easy to make both an original valentine’s card and a whole composition from threads using the “thread” technique.

You can also use any other materials available in the house.

Gift wrapping

If you decide not to limit yourself to decorations, but also to present a gift, then it should be beautifully packaged.

Interior decoration for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day interior design decor

Interesting decoration for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day Decor

original ideas

    Print a sonnet or a love poem (your own is great), or just gentle words on wrapping paper.

    Make a cardboard box in the shape of a heart (suitable for a small gift).

    Paste over the package with small photographs, joint, and the recipient, adding valentines there.

    String on the thread with which the gift is tied beads or cubes with letters so that they add up the word "Love".

Modern decor for Valentine's Day

Interior decoration for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day interior design decor

Interesting decoration for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day Decor

Interior decor for Valentine's Day

Having made decorations, we proceed to their application. Here it is worth taking into account the compatibility of colors in the interior, given the existing ones.

main color

harmonizing colors

psychological impact

grey, white, green, golden

promotes concentration, creates a passionate atmosphere

burgundy, grey, black, purple

creates a feeling of warmth and freshness


brown, green, emerald

makes the room visually smaller, attracts attention


beige, black, green, gray

creates a warm and cozy atmosphere

black, green, grey, blue

color of life, uplifting

red, gray, burgundy, yellow

improves performance, promotes concentration


grey, green, brown

disintegrates, creates a fresh current

golden brown, beige, yellow

creates a feeling of coolness, helps to enter a state of relaxation

universal color.

has a calming effect on the psyche, promotes relaxation.

Modern decor for Valentine's Day

Interior decoration for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day interior design decor

Interesting decoration for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day Decor

We create a room design

Let's start with the design of the door. Hang a wreath in the shape of a heart on it. Next, we enter the room and pay attention to the windows. They hang garlands of valentines and on the windowsill - "the tree of love." We look at the walls: there are photographs on them, arranged in the shape of a heart, held by a boy and a girl (the silhouettes are cut out of paper). This option will please the soul and the eye. But this is not the only solution, you can apply an alternative design.

You can add lights to the windows by hanging a garland, create paintings using silhouettes of lips and photographs, and place them on the walls. Valentine's Day decor has no limits.

Modern decor for Valentine's Day

Interior decoration for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day interior design decor

Interesting decoration for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day Decor

We serve the table

Candles will be the main attribute on the table. They create the most romantic atmosphere. There are many options for decorating candlesticks:

    Use a transparent glass, filling it with rose petals; put pebbles on the bottom.

    You can decorate directly the candle. To do this, you need to string cardboard hearts on the wire and place them around the body.

    Pour water into a large transparent container, place candle-tablets there, and add rose petals.

In addition to candles, you can put rose petals or valentines on the table, put a garland (it will look better under a red tablecloth), put fresh flowers. The image is well complemented by napkins folded in the shape of a heart. And, of course, a delicious dinner will complete the symphony.

Video: Valentine's Day Decor

50 Interesting Photo Ideas for Valentine's Day Decor:

Our winters are so long and cold, but we long for warmth. Therefore, Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14, has become so popular. This warm holiday is filled with love and attention from loved ones. And on this day, it is customary to decorate the house and exchange valentines.

Making crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands is a pleasure. Website "Mom can do anything!" I collected original ideas for making gifts with my own hands. With them, the holiday will be especially warm, cozy and filled with love.

On such a day, it is customary to give flowers and sweets to loved ones, and a hand-made gift will be especially cute, it will decorate a shelf or bedside table of a loved one. Such gifts carry the warmth with which they were nourished during manufacture.

Paper and cardboard valentines

Of course, our stores are literally littered with various bright postcards, but a handmade valentine will be especially expensive. It will reflect your personality.

What is Valentine's Day without hearts and roses. We offer to combine them into one and make a heart of paper roses.

Gentle kisses and hearts must be present on this day.

This valentine speaks for itself. The proposal of the hand and heart will definitely end with a quick wedding.

Such a valentine looks original and beautiful, not only a wish is placed in it, but you can also put a small gift.

Valentine's card with a voluminous heart.

And such a cute valentine will tell about endless love.
This Valentine's card is very easy to make, but look how beautiful it looks!

Volumetric valentine with a heart

Just glue hearts on thick white paper, and draw stems from below, a simple and cute valentine is ready! Add details to it: satin ribbons, rounded corners, a backing, it will look especially beautiful if hearts are cut out of felt.

Another version of the postcard

You will understand how to make such a Valentine from this master class with a photo. Cut out two hearts from paper and cut them in a spiral. Then connect the inner hearts as shown in photo 3. Bend the thick paper in half. Now from the inside, glue one large heart from the beginning, then the second (steps 6-7). The postcard is ready.

Here is such an interesting and voluminous valentine you can make for your loved ones.

Craft Ideas for Home Decoration

To create a special festive atmosphere in the house, special decorations are needed. Of course, now they are easy to find on store shelves, but it is much more pleasant and interesting to make them yourself. Here are some craft ideas for decorating your home for Valentine's Day.

Garlands are one of the easiest and most effective ways to decorate your home. On the holiday of dedicated love, it is customary to make them in the shape of hearts from paper of different shades of pink. Check out these options for making garlands:

This option is easy to make if you know how to sew on a typewriter: cut out hearts of different shapes from colored paper (it is better to take paper for a printer), and then sew them on a typewriter one by one. You can hang them as shown in the picture, or you can hang them from wall to wall - in this case, the line should go across the heart.

In this way, in childhood, chain garlands were made for the new year, but we propose to make them simpler and in the shape of hearts. You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • stapler.

Cut the paper into strips 10-15 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. Bend each in half, now take a stapler and use it to connect the ends of the strips, bending them slightly inward. Get a heart. Then insert another strip and connect in the same way. This way you will make a long and beautiful garland.

A beautiful craft for the house on February 14 will be a wreath. It is hung both on the front door and indoors on the walls. Of course, such wreaths are made in the shape of hearts.

This version of the wreath is very simple and does not require any expensive materials, as well as skill. Just take thick cardboard and cut a ring out of it. Then take sheets of red and pink paper and cut out many hearts from them. Bend each heart in half to make the wreath voluminous. Now glue them with a glue stick on the ring.

This heart is made in a similar way.

From cardboard and thread, you can make an excellent craft and decorate the interior with it. Cut out a heart from cardboard as shown in the photo. Take a thick thread or red yarn and fasten its end to the heart. Start wrapping. Gradually, you will get such a voluminous heart. It will look even more interesting if you take threads of two shades of red.

And such a wreath of sweets will be very popular with children.

How do you like this wreath of hearts?

On Valentine's Day, the house is decorated with all kinds of hearts, and in the form of a heart, it will most likely live in your house for more than one day.

Volumetric hearts for home decoration:

Such hearts will look great for decorating a room if they are made large, small options can be pasted into valentines.

Hearts made of colored threads and wire.

Another production option

Cutouts for windows

Hearts on sticks

Beautiful decoration for the house from newspaper strips.

  1. Cut the newspaper into strips, roll each of them into a tube.
  2. Roll one of them into a heart shape.
  3. Inflate a small balloon so that it fits inside the heart.
  4. Now wrap the heart and balloon with paper tubes, as shown in the photo, securing the structure with glue.
  5. Let the product dry.
  6. Paint with paint.

Decorate the finished hearts with paper flowers and use them to decorate your home.

Children's crafts for the holiday of Valentine's Day

The holiday is a good occasion to make crafts with children. We offer you various types of paper heart applications that can be timed to coincide with this day.

Funny caterpillar made of hearts And these are children's paper crafts that also contain hearts - a symbol of this holiday.

The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day is a great occasion to show your partner warmth and care. After all, how nice it is to receive gifts from a loved one and hear words of love on a cold winter evening! And everyone can create a romantic atmosphere with their own hands if desired. Your attention to the best ideas for Valentine's Day, which will help make the holiday unforgettable.

1. The choice of color in which the evening will pass

Of course, such a holiday is always held in red and pink colors. But you can get away from the standards and decorate the house, for example, in yellow or bright green. If the colors of the holiday are changed every year, then it will be more memorable.

How to choose color:

  • your favorite tone or your soulmate;
  • the color of the animal according to the eastern calendar of this year;
  • globally recognized as the trendiest color of the year.

If it is difficult to make a choice, then make the decor elements multi-colored.

2. Home lighting - create a romantic mood

Passion is always associated with fire, so decorating a room with candles is the right decision. Moreover, their number can not be limited - the more, the better!

Romance will be added by a decorative candlestick with carved hearts or decorated antique.

Glowing hearts hung around the room, made from the cheapest LED strip, look very nice. You can also decorate windows with such garlands - it will look very romantic both indoors and out. On Valentine's Day February 14, against the backdrop of snow and cold, heart-shaped lights will warm the soul even to passers-by!

Another great idea for decorating your home on February 14 is a 3D lamp. By the way, this is also an excellent thematic gift for your soulmate, not only on Valentine's Day, but also on your birthday or on.

3. Decorate the room

I want everything around to talk about a deep feeling on such a day. Therefore, you can decorate walls, doors, and windows. Let's look at a few ideas.

Wall decoration "We are together"

Cut out a large heart from thick cardboard. Tape it around the edge with colored paper carnations. In the center of the heart, you can paste your joint photos - and you get a pretty wall valentine.

And by cutting out a double heart, you can make a postcard and give it to a close friend or girlfriend. And of course, do not forget to write beautiful ones in each postcard for friends.

Folding postcard "Angels"

Volumetric decorative elements and folding postcards look unusual in the interior, and such a valentine will bring magic and real angelic tenderness to the holiday atmosphere.

A folding card with angels is suitable as a decoration for the house or as a gift both for Valentine's Day, and for Angel's Day or even for Christmas.

To make such a postcard, you will need thick enough paper, a thin cutter and a template for the future Valentine. And in order to avoid damage to the surface and for the convenience of working with a paper cutting cutter, you will need a substrate, for example, a self-healing mat (cutting mat) - its surface is rough, so the tool and the cut material do not slip, which allows you to very accurately perform each cut. In addition, a special mat prevents the knife from dulling. All in all, it makes the job a lot easier!

Hanging wreath

We make it simple from colored paper or intricate from natural materials - tree branches, cones, rowan branches, spikelets, fresh or dried flowers, and then decorate with satin ribbons, bows, artificial snow, feathers, toys and even sweets or tangerines. The shape of the wreath is up to you, but, of course, on such a day, the heart will be the best option.

Such a heart can decorate the front door, window or room.

As you can see, there are many options for decorating your home for Valentine's Day. Create! Collect a horizontal or vertical garland from paper hearts, connecting the hearts together with a regular thread; cut openwork hearts and decorate windows with them; cut out many hearts of different sizes from colored paper and create a big heart out of them on the wall. Give freedom to the flight of fancy, do not limit yourself to accepted standards - and then the holiday will be truly special!

4. Decorate the house with shared memories

How nice and romantic to remember the joint moments of joy captured in the photographs. So let's do it on Valentine's Day! With the help of photo cards, you can quickly decorate a room.

Glue or pin your favorite pictures to the wallpaper. Photos will look even more interesting if they are distributed in the shape of a heart.

You can also create cute garlands from joint photos, complementing them with bright hearts. In this case, black and white pictures will look spectacular.

5. Not only a decoration, but also a game

A garland with small paper hearts can be used for a romantic game. On each piece of paper, write the tasks you need to complete. Take turns cutting off the heart at random.

Tasks may include:

  • say ten compliments;
  • recall and describe in detail the first meeting (the day of acquaintance);
  • get a foot massage and the like.

But what about board games? Of course, where without them?!

Game "Contacts"

Such entertainment will bring a lot of pleasure and a cheerful mood, and you will also be able to get to know each other better. You can buy a board game at the store or prepare cards with phrases yourself.

Questions are selected from different areas.

An example of a wedding card:

  • the main person at the wedding ceremony...
  • usually before the wedding...
  • after the registry office everyone goes ...
  • The newlyweds spend their honeymoon...

The game is designed for a large company. But who said that you need to follow the rules? Play it together - and feel how well you understand each other. Draw cards at random one by one and read out the phrases, answering them at the same time - the more matches, the closer you are to each other.