
Smoked salmon steaks (review of picnic dishes). Recipe for cold and hot smoked salmon Hot smoked salmon with dorblu

Red fish is a delicious product with many beneficial properties. And smoked salmon is a delicious dish that almost everyone loves. Delicious canapés, salads, soups and rolls using this fish will decorate any special event.

Composition, properties, calorie content of smoked salmon

Having excellent taste characteristics, salmon has a rich composition of nutrients. Fish contains vitamins A, C, E, B, PP. As well as a large number of minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, fluorine.

Including this product in the diet increases immunity, strengthens muscle and bone tissue, and improves brain function. The presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in fish strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Like all smoked products, it is not recommended to abuse salmon. During the smoking process, harmful carcinogens can accumulate in products, so you should not consume it daily. Also, smoked meats should be excluded from the menu for people with individual intolerance or allergies to red fish.

100 g of smoked salmon contains:

  • Protein – 22.5 g
  • Fat – 12.5 g
  • No carbohydrates
  • Calorie content is 202.0 kcal

Preparing salmon for smoking, marinating

Salmon is not a cheap fish, and when smoked it costs even more. Therefore, you can prepare the delicacy yourself. Firstly, you can save money, and secondly, you get a healthy, natural product without harmful additives.

To smoke fish, you need to choose fresh, not frozen. The flesh of this fish has a pleasant pale pink color. You can choose a whole salmon carcass, steaks or ridges as desired.

The fish itself has a rich taste. Therefore, when marinating, you can get by with just salt. To do this, you need to generously rub the fish with coarse salt on all sides (clean and wash first), wrap in foil, and keep in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours. Then rinse with water, dry with a paper towel, let rest in the air for 1 hour and start smoking.

If you want to add some spice to the product, add black pepper or your favorite herbs to the salt.

Hot smoked salmon

Cooking fish hot is simple and quick. To do this, you need a portable or stationary smokehouse, firewood, and a smoking product.

First you need to make a fire. The fire should be moderate but constant.

Place two large handfuls of alder or fruit wood chips on the bottom of the smokehouse. Place the fish, close the damper, and place the structure on the fire.

The optimal smoking temperature is 90 ⁰C. To measure the temperature, spray water on the smoker. If the water does not hiss, but evaporates quickly, then everything is in order.

In 30-35 minutes the salmon will be ready. Remove the smokehouse from the heat, take out the fish, let it cool (at least 20 minutes) and you can safely help yourself.

Cold smoking salmon

Cold smoked dishes have a richer taste, aroma and can be stored for a long time. The cooking process takes longer than hot smoking, but the result is worth it.

To begin, the salmon must be cleaned, washed, dried with a paper towel and marinated in salt as described above. It is better not to add additional spices; the taste will be excellent.

Place sawdust from fruit and berry trees at the bottom of the smokehouse. Build a fire. Place the product in the smokehouse and seal it tightly.

Fish should be smoked at a temperature of 28-30⁰C for 12-24 hours. You will need to constantly monitor the temperature and add sawdust if the smokehouse is not automated.

The dish is ready! The fish should have a golden, shiny crust and be elastic. Let the treat cool to room temperature and serve.

If the smoking process is extended to 48 hours, the salmon will become dry, but it can be stored 3 times longer.

Bon appetit!

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This predatory fish, also called lake salmon, reaches 1.5 m in length. The meat is red in color, which is why it is also called red. Salmon is valued not only for the fact that it has few bones and tasty meat.

The large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids makes it an indispensable dish for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, psoriasis, and also for pregnant women. Microelements (fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, potassium and calcium), vitamins A and D help improve immunity, improve blood circulation, and prevent thrombophlebitis.

The daily protein requirement for an adult is contained in only 200 grams of this healthy fish. It has been proven that regular consumption of salmon reduces the risk of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and atherosclerosis.

Salmon is very nutritious. The high calorie content increases several times during frying, while many vitamins disappear. Therefore, the best cooking option is salting or cold smoking the salmon.

Smoking salmon at home

This fish appears on dinner tables in different forms. Salmon soup is very tasty. Brown fried steaks with vegetables are good. You have to be a consummate cook to avoid drying them out. But the optimal cooking method remains salting and smoking.

Preparing fish for smoking

There are several simple ways to determine the freshness of fish. She shouldn't have dull eyes. There are no dents left on the carcass after pressing with a finger. The gills should be red or red-brown.

Salmon is a very large fish. Therefore, before smoking, it must be cut. It is most convenient to divide the fish into two pieces of fillet. Milling order:

  1. Remove scales from the fish.
  2. Rip open the belly and gut the insides.
  3. Cut off the head.
  4. Turning the carcass back to you, cut one side along the spine.
  5. Turn the fish over and also cut the second part along the spine.
  6. Cut off the dorsal fin and belly fat (tesha).
  7. Use tweezers or pliers to remove the rib bones.

There is no need to remove the skin from the fish to smoke it.

You can cook a wonderful soup from the bones, fins and heads of salmon. Just don't forget to cut out the gills.

Regular cold smoking

This salmon, prepared by cold smoking, has a calorie content of 117 kcal per 100 g. This hundred-gram piece contains 18.28 g of protein, 4.32 g of fat and 0 g of carbohydrates.

Recipe for pickling mixture for 1 kg of fish:

  • salt 2 tbsp;
  • sugar 1 tbsp.

We prepare the salmon for smoking.

  1. Take a wide, shallow container and pour a little pickling mixture into the bottom.
  2. Cut the fillet into pieces so that they fit comfortably in two layers.
  3. Place the first layer skin side down and sprinkle it generously with the mixture.
  4. Place a second layer of fillets, skin side up, and sprinkle with remaining mixture.
  5. Cover with film and refrigerate for two days.
  6. Rinse off excess salt from the fish.
  7. Hang salmon pieces on strings to dry for 4-6 hours.

For this method, you will need a store-bought smokehouse or a special oven made by yourself. Place foil on the grill after punching a lot of holes in it. Place the salmon on foil and leave to smoke for 4-5 hours at a smoke temperature of 30 o C.

Remove the fish and let it “breathe” for 2 hours so that the excess smoke goes away. Then wrap in foil and refrigerate for 4 days. This is necessary so that all the flavors inside the piece are distributed evenly.

Cut thin slices 2-3 mm across the grain and serve as sandwiches with bread, butter and dill.

We smoke salmon without leaving home

This recipe will be useful for those who do not have a smokehouse or a summer house, but have a bottle of “liquid smoke”. All preparatory work is the same as in the previous version. The differences begin after washing and drying. By the way, airing on ropes here can replace the usual getting wet and wiping with a towel.

Mix “liquid smoke” with water in equal parts and pour the solution over the fillet pieces. Place in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Remember to turn the salmon every 2 hours. Remove the fillet, dry again with a towel and place on a wire rack in the room for 8 hours.

Hot smoked salmon

If the fish is small, it is not necessary to cut and separate the skin for this recipe. It is enough to cut off the head and clean it of scales. Separate the fillet from a large carcass. Large pieces cut across are cut lengthwise without removing the bones.

For the marinade, make a mixture of parsley salt and pepper. Pour this mixture over the fish, sprinkling lemon juice on top. We roll up the fillets, steaks and wrap the fish in cling film. Leave for 3-5 hours. Some experts use only salt, rightly believing that salmon smoked in this way will emit wonderful aromas even without seasoning.

Rinse in cold running water. Place in the smoker for 30-40 minutes. The smoke temperature should be more than 70 o C.

Freshly cooked hot smoked salmon crumbles easily and the bones separate perfectly. It is advisable to do this procedure while the fish is hot, before serving. It is served hot or cold with a vegetable side dish and as an independent dish.

This delicacy has even more calories than the raw product.

If you have your own salmon smoking secrets, marinade recipes, sawdust compositions, etc., share them in the comments.

Every year in Russian families, salmon increasingly appears on the tables, ceasing to be a rare delicacy. There is no better appetizer to accompany strong drinks than homemade smoked salmon. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in the smoking process itself.

This predatory fish, also called lake salmon, reaches 1.5 m in length. The meat is red in color, which is why it is also called red. Salmon is valued not only for the fact that it has few bones and tasty meat.

The large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids makes it an indispensable dish for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, psoriasis, and also for pregnant women. Microelements (fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, potassium and calcium), vitamins A and D help improve immunity, improve blood circulation, and prevent thrombophlebitis.

The daily protein requirement for an adult is contained in only 200 grams of this healthy fish. It has been proven that regular consumption of salmon reduces the risk of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and atherosclerosis.

Salmon is very nutritious. The high calorie content increases several times during frying, while many vitamins disappear. Therefore, the best cooking option is salting or cold smoking the salmon.

Smoking salmon at home

This fish appears on dinner tables in different forms. Salmon soup is very tasty. Brown fried steaks with vegetables are good. You have to be a consummate cook to avoid drying them out. But the optimal cooking method remains salting and smoking.

There are several simple ways to determine the freshness of fish. She shouldn't have dull eyes. There are no dents left on the carcass after pressing with a finger. The gills should be red or red-brown.

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Secrets of smoking goose at home

Salmon is a very large fish. Therefore, before smoking, it must be cut. It is most convenient to divide the fish into two pieces of fillet. Milling order:

  1. Remove scales from the fish.
  2. Rip open the belly and gut the insides.
  3. Cut off the head.
  4. Turning the carcass back to you, cut one side along the spine.
  5. Turn the fish over and also cut the second part along the spine.
  6. Cut off the dorsal fin and belly fat (tesha).
  7. Use tweezers or pliers to remove the rib bones.

There is no need to remove the skin from the fish to smoke it.

You can cook a wonderful soup from the bones, fins and heads of salmon. Just don't forget to cut out the gills.

Regular cold smoking

This salmon, prepared by cold smoking, has a calorie content of 117 kcal per 100 g. This hundred-gram piece contains 18.28 g of protein, 4.32 g of fat and 0 g of carbohydrates.

Recipe for pickling mixture for 1 kg of fish:

  • salt 2 tbsp. l;
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  1. Take a wide, shallow container and pour a little pickling mixture into the bottom.
  2. Cut the fillet into pieces so that they fit comfortably in two layers.
  3. Place the first layer skin side down and sprinkle it generously with the mixture.
  4. Place a second layer of fillets, skin side up, and sprinkle with remaining mixture.
  5. Cover with film and refrigerate for two days.
  6. Rinse off excess salt from the fish.
  7. Hang salmon pieces on strings to dry for 4-6 hours.

For this method, you will need a store-bought smokehouse or a special oven made by yourself. Place foil on the grill after punching a lot of holes in it. Place the salmon on foil and leave to smoke for 4-5 hours at a smoke temperature of 30°C.

A delicacy without which it is difficult to imagine a modern holiday. This type of fish is especially highly valued by gourmets. Salmon tastes great and contains a number of vitamins, including Omega-3 acids.

A common cooking method is smoking salmon. Since ancient times it has been used to increase the shelf life of the product. In addition, smoking gives the fish an amazing taste and unique aroma that cannot be obtained by frying.

The ideal raw material is fresh salmon, since frozen salmon loses its natural juiciness. First you need to cut it up: rinse thoroughly under running water, remove the insides. Next, remove the head, fins, and tail - this is an excellent basis for the fish soup. The carcass needs to be cut along the ridge, the large bones separated, the fish dried with a paper towel, the finished layers can be smoked.

Cold smoked salmon with pre-marination

Let's look at how to smoke salmon. We marinate the prepared, cut carcass in a saline solution with spices. The main difference from the hot method is the cooking temperature in the smokehouse. For this cooking option, it should not exceed +40 degrees Celsius. The duration of smoking is at least 24 hours. Nowadays there are many devices on sale for smoking under different conditions, designed for different volumes of products. After purchasing your own smokehouse, you will immediately have “traditional recipes”. If you already have it, share the best cooking options on our blog.

Hot smoked salmon

Fire-fried meat is a very popular dish, but at the end of the summer season you want some variety. Hot smoked salmon is a very popular product for cooking over charcoal. Write down an easy and delicious recipe.

Extremely simple. The first stage is marinating the fish in a mixture of pepper and salt. It is better to give preference to coarsely ground sea salt; choose the amount of pepper and its type to taste. According to the recipe, the marinating time is at least an hour. This is the minimum at which spices permeate salmon pieces. To prevent the spices from spreading, portions of fish should be blotted with a paper towel.

Correct selection of wood chips will improve the taste of fish

Let's move on to preparing the smokehouse, choosing - bird cherry, apple, alder, cherry chips. The substances contained in these types of wood give the fish a wonderful taste and aroma, but the main thing is that the finished fish will not taste bitter.

After laying the wood chips on the bottom and installing the grate, you need to put a tray to collect fat, because salmon is quite a fatty fish, and when fish oil burns, carcinogenic substances are released. The smoking process can be carried out over charcoal or an open flame.

It is important to monitor the amount of smoke, because with a lot of smoke the fish turns out to have a sour taste. Insufficient smoke production leads to a less intense taste - take these features into account.

Cooking time on coals is about 20 minutes. Over an open fire, it is reduced by half, otherwise the fish will turn out dry. If large pieces are smoked, the smoking time can be increased to 40 minutes. The resulting product can be consumed while still hot; some people like it already cooled down. For a picnic, charcoal-smoked fish is an excellent option.

Recipe with liquid smoke

If you do not have the opportunity to cook smoked salmon in a smokehouse,... Using this method, fish can be cooked in the refrigerator overnight.

Salmon prepared by cold smoking is tender and has a rich smoked aroma. Within a day, the cold appetizer can be served at the holiday table.

Dip the prepared pieces into the liquid smoke solution for five minutes. Next, rub the fish on all sides with salt so that it absorbs the required amount. The resulting layers of fish should be wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for a day. Cold smoked salmon is ready to eat; it can be cut into portions and served.


Now you know how to smoke salmon cold and hot. The cooking process is easy, so you will cope with the task brilliantly, even if this is your first experience in smoking.

Flavorful, freshly smoked salmon at home sounds delicious, doesn’t it? Home smoking is a fun activity that is accessible to everyone. As soon as you start, thoughts arise about further experiments with ingredients and flavors. Fresh smoked fish is incomparable to what is sold in the store. It has a clean, beautiful color. It tastes delicate, saturated with the smell of smoke. There are various options for preparing smoked fish. At the same time, various types of marine life are used, including exotic options.

There are many options for smoking fish at home. You can cook smoked products in a saucepan or wok. But it is most convenient to use a smoking apparatus. A single principle is used: sawdust is heated and it begins to smoke. The fish are placed above them on the grill. It is exposed to hot aromatic smoke.

Preparing salmon for smoking

Salmon is not a cheap fish. That’s why you need to be careful when choosing a base for a smoked product. By the way, if you look for smoked salmon, you will probably notice that its cost is more expensive than fresh fish. Cooking the delicacy yourself allows you to save money. This option is also supported by the absolute safety of the product and its naturalness. It is free of harmful components.

For smoking, it is advisable to select fresh rather than frozen fish. This product can be recognized by the soft pink color of its flesh. You can take the whole fish. Also used are salmon steaks or backbone, if desired.

Fresh fish has a rich taste. This is why there is no need for intensely flavored herbs and spices. All you need to do is take salt. Take coarse salt and rub the salmon generously on all sides. Before this, of course, do not forget to clean the fish and wash it. After the salmon has been treated with salt, it is wrapped in foil and refrigerated for 5 hours.

You can keep it in the refrigerator. As soon as this period has passed, the fish is washed under water and dried. The base for the smoked dish is left in the air for one hour. After this mandatory procedure, you can start smoking. If you want to spice up your smoked salmon, add a little black pepper or your favorite herbs.

Marinade for smoking salmon

The simplest marinade option is dry mixture. It was mentioned above. Sometimes chefs recommend adding a little brown sugar to this marinade for a more interesting taste. You can take 1 part sugar to 5 parts salt.

Wet method. It involves dissolving sugar and salt in a small amount of water. Do not use too much force as dissolving the salt and sugar is not necessary. Take bay leaf, black peppercorns, dried dill. These herbs must be ground to a powder form. After this, spices are added to the solution and the mixture is poured over the fish. The fillet should be thoroughly rubbed with the resulting mixture, then transferred to a container and covered with cling film. After a day, the process can be considered complete. This means that the fish can be sent to the smokehouse.

What seasonings go well with salmon:

  • basil;
  • garlic;
  • various types of peppers;
  • rosemary;
  • lemon;
  • fennel.

All these spices are optional because salmon, as mentioned above, already has a rich flavor. But if you like it, then no one will forbid you to prepare the product according to your own author’s recipe. Maybe you have a favorite seasoning. You can also add it to a small piece of fish and see the result.

Before smoking, marinated salmon meat must be dried in a well-ventilated area. If you don’t have time to wait, just wipe the fish with napkins to remove excess moisture.

How to smoke salmon?

Hot smoked salmon

Hot smoking method is the simplest and most affordable. You will need a permanent or portable smoker. You will also need to stock up on firewood and the fish itself needed for smoking. First, a fire is built. Don't get the flame too intense. Let the fire be constant but moderate. A handful of alder chips or chips from fruit trees are poured into the bottom of the smokehouse. Place the fish on the grill, close the damper and put the smokehouse on the fire.

The optimal smoking temperature is 90 degrees. To measure it, just spray water on the smokehouse. If it doesn’t hiss, but evaporates quickly, then everything is fine.

After 35 minutes of this treatment, the fish can be considered ready. The smokehouse must be removed from the heat, remove the salmon, and let it cool for at least 20 minutes. After this, you can safely serve the fish to the table.

Hot smoked recipe

  • salmon (fillet) -1–2 pieces, weighing 900–1000 g each
  • maple syrup - 2–3 tbsp. l. or to taste
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • coarse salt without iodine 2 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper - half a teaspoon
  • ground allspice - half a teaspoon
  • ground laurel leaf - 1 tsp.
  • ground cloves - half a teaspoon

Smoke Ingredients:

  • Dried juniper berries 15–20 pieces
  • Strong black tea of ​​any kind 1 level teaspoon
  • Refined sugar 1–2 pieces

This is a hot smoked salmon recipe for true gourmets. But you will have to work a lot if you want to get really tasty fish. Wash salmon fillets with skin under running water and dry with paper towels. Rub the fish with a mixture of the above spices and place on cling film. Wrap the salmon in it so that there are no holes. Thanks to this, the juice formed during the smoking process remains inside and does not leak out.

The salmon wrapped in cling film is placed in any deep container and pressed down with pressure. If you don't have a suitable product, you can simply cover the fish with another glass bowl on top. You shouldn’t press too hard either, otherwise the fish will lose its shape and become dry and crumbly in texture. Place the bowl of fish in the refrigerator for 6 hours. It's okay if you didn't have time to look after the fish and kept it in the cold. But it is still advisable not to leave it in the refrigerator for more than 12 hours. Salmon marinated for 6 to 12 hours turns out even tastier.

Remove the bowl of salmon from the refrigerator, carefully unwrap it and pour the fish juices into the bowl. Wash the fish fillets under tap water and pat dry. Don't pour out the juice. Place the fish in this juice again and leave it like this for 2 hours. Turn the salmon over from time to time on one side or the other. This way the product will marinate better.

Remove the fillets from the fish juice and pat dry with paper towels. Place an iron rack on top of the bowl and place the salmon on it. It's good if you have a chef's brush. Dip maple syrup into it. As soon as the fish is ready, it is transferred to the grill.

As for sawdust, if it is too dry, it is advisable to moisten it a little in water. It is better to spray them with a small amount of liquid. This is necessary because the sawdust should not be completely wet. They should not burn, as happens with dry firewood. Chips that are too wet will not produce smoke at all. The above smoke ingredients will need to be added to the sawdust before smoking. You can wrap the wood chips in a foil envelope along with the juniper berries and other ingredients and make a few holes with a knife so that smoke can come out of them. This option is good for a homemade smokehouse.

Hot smoking takes place under standard conditions, which were described earlier. As additional tips, it might be recommended to hold the event in a well-ventilated area if you are not smoking outside. Sawdust from trees such as alder, apple, aspen, plum, cherry, birch, and walnut have proven themselves well. Sawdust must be without bark, as it contains tar.

The set of spices is never important. Each person chooses the seasonings that he likes. The main condition is that they are suitable for fish dishes. Basically, in the world it is customary to use rosemary, sage, and mint. By the way, wetting the sawdust prevents the finished fish from having a bitter taste.

Cold smoked salmon

What are the secrets of delicious cold smoked fish? First of all, during cold smoking, the processing of the fish product occurs at a temperature of 25 degrees. The quality of the finished product directly depends on knowledge of the stages of the process. The method is good if you want to extend the shelf life of fish and prepare it for future use.

Salmon is ideal for cold smoking. The balyk parts of this fish are often smoked. In no case should the smoking temperature exceed 30 degrees. Violation of these conditions will lead to an increase in the content of carcinogenic substances that are hazardous to health. This will also affect the taste of the salmon, as it will become dry and lose valuable fats.

Cold smoking of salmon involves 2 salting methods: dry and wet. For smoking, you can use a professional home smoker or a unit assembled by yourself. Pre-treatment of the product precedes any smoking. The fish is cleaned and salted. Gently clean the insides, including the caviar and milt. What does it look like? The knife blade is sharpened and an incision is made with its narrow side in the throat area between the pectoral fins. The length of the cut should be no more than 3 cm and end 1 cm before the gill line. The wide side of the blade is then used to pry up the insides and pull them out through the incision.

After this they move on to the gill entrails. They need to be removed not individually, but as a whole. They must retire with the shoulder girdle. This method bleeds the fish, which improves its presentation. At the end of smoking, there are no bloody streaks left on the carcass, which appear if the gills are not removed well enough. You can leave the large scales and remove the small ones. After smoking, the cleaned carcasses acquire a uniform golden color.

The smoking process itself goes like this.

First, you need to stock up on fuel so that it is enough for 8 hours of smoking. Without this, it will not be possible to maintain the smoke for enough time. During this period, a break in smoking is unacceptable. While working with a fire, you need to periodically monitor it so that it does not give off an intense flame. Otherwise, your fish will be smoked not cold, but hot. Medium-sized fish is smoked for 4 days. For small specimens whose weight does not exceed 500 g, 2 days is enough. Large individuals require up to 1 week. At the end of the process, the fish is not removed from the crossbars, but is left to hang and dry for a while. You can keep it for about 2 days. The fish will acquire an even color and rich taste.


  • load sawdust into the fuel compartment;
  • put the fish in the smoking cabinet;
  • connect the power;
  • set the temperature to 28 degrees if it is an automatic smokehouse.

Smoking in an automatic smokehouse lasts 24 hours. You don't have to be around all this time. Sawdust is loaded cyclically at set time intervals.

How to make a smokehouse yourself?

Smoking fish outdoors is very convenient. If you are near a river, look for a steep slope. Dig a hole here. In the upper part, arrange a tunnel for the chimney. Place a container without a bottom near the chimney. This must be done on the surface. Hang the fish inside the indicated container and begin preparing the fire. The smoke from it should pass to the pipe with the fish. To provide smoke, add wet alder branches. Smoking lasts from 7 to 15 hours, depending on the size of the fish.

Smoking salmon video