
Mayonnaise with sour cream. Mayonnaise with sour cream Sour cream mayonnaise at home

Mayonnaise is one of the most favorite sauces in the whole world. And it’s not surprising, because this is truly one of the most delicious dressings that exist. The famous sauce was first prepared in France, back in the 18th century.

Since then, the popularity of mayonnaise has only grown. Today it can be found on almost every table in many varieties: fatty and light, with and without additives, homemade and store-bought. Each housewife has her own special recipe for preparing this delicious dressing. After all, homemade mayonnaise is an excellent alternative to store-bought sauces that contain many harmful additives.

In the traditional version, French dressing is made from egg yolks, vegetable oil, salt, pepper and vinegar. Lemon and mustard were used for flavor. Try to deviate from the classic recipe and make homemade mayonnaise from sour cream, boiled yolks and mustard. This sauce is distinguished by its ease of preparation, availability of products and versatility of use. Sour cream mayonnaise can be served with meat, poultry, fish, seafood, seasoned with various salads, or added to baked goods. This light and tasty sauce will appeal to all members of your family.

How to make mayonnaise from sour cream and mustard at home

Eggs must be hard-boiled. To do this, fill them with cold water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, set the heat to slightly above medium and cook for 7 minutes. Then immediately drain the boiling water and add cold water. After cooling, separate the yolks from the whites; for mayonnaise you will only need the first. The latter can be used to prepare green borscht, salads, or simply eaten with the resulting sauce.

Place the yolks in a deep bowl and add mustard to them.

Using a fork, mash the mustard with the yolks until a homogeneous paste forms.

The fattier the sour cream, the tastier the mayonnaise will be. Try to use a product with a fat content of 20-25%. Add sour cream to the egg-mustard mixture.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. It is necessary that the mass is homogeneous and does not contain lumps.

Add salt and sugar according to your taste. If desired, you can use any other spices you like. Stir thoroughly again until all sugar and salt crystals dissolve. To give the mayonnaise a nice yellow hue, you can add a pinch of turmeric.

Homemade mayonnaise with sour cream is completely ready! Use it as a salad dressing or serve as a sauce for main courses. Bon appetit!

Mayonnaise is very tasty on its own, but you can use it to make even more original sauces:

  1. "Tartarus". To mayonnaise with sour cream, add finely chopped pickled cucumber, a clove of garlic passed through a press and finely chopped dill. Mix all ingredients well. Refrigerate for 30-40 minutes, during which time the sauce will infuse.
  2. "Garlic." Add chopped garlic, finely chopped parsley or dill and a pinch of salt to the sour cream mayonnaise to taste. Stir and place in the refrigerator for an hour to allow the sauce to infuse well.
  3. "Curry". Add a tablespoon of paste or curry seasoning to the prepared sauce, salt and pepper to taste.
  4. "Cheese." Grind 300 g of hard cheese and 3 cloves of garlic on a medium grater and add to homemade sour cream mayonnaise. Season to taste and add a few drops of lemon juice. Add finely chopped dill if desired. Stir the mixture and place in a water bath until the cheese is completely dissolved. Cool the sauce and serve.

Mayonnaise is the most favorite type of sauce. He is known all over the world. The sauce was first prepared in France in the 18th century, and since then its popularity has only been growing. Today in stores you can find a wide variety of types of sauce: light, fatty, with or without additives. It should also be noted that sour cream mayonnaise is now gaining popularity, which is prepared not only at home, but also in restaurants and cafes.

According to the traditional recipe, very few ingredients are needed for preparation: vegetable oil, eggs, salt, vinegar and pepper. To make the dish not only tasty, but also aromatic, housewives add lemon or mustard. However, today chefs are gradually deviating from traditional recipes and preparing homemade mayonnaise with sour cream. In fact, this version of the dish is quite simple to prepare. You need to take some boiled yolks, mustard and sour cream. Each housewife selects the ratio of products independently, adapting to the tastes and health status of her family members. Sour cream dressing is great for meat, poultry, fish, seafood and various salads.

Many housewives hesitate before replacing mayonnaise with sour cream, because the taste of the finished dish with such a dressing will be completely different. In fact, the addition of sour cream will give the dish a special aroma and taste. The dressing is amazing both without adding different ingredients and with herbs or garlic. It all depends on your preferences and imagination. Note that the taste of the dressing can also be varied with a variety of spices and herbs.

How to make sour cream sauce

We will look at several options. The first recipe for mayonnaise with sour cream involves the use of the following components:

  • sour cream – 500 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard – 1 tsp;
  • sugar - incomplete tsp;
  • salt - incomplete tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 90 g.

As you have already noticed, this type of dressing eliminates the addition of eggs, while its taste does not change at all, remaining just as tender and rich. To prepare a sour cream-based sauce, you need to mix all the ingredients in a pre-prepared bowl and mix thoroughly.

Is it possible to replace sour cream with mayonnaise when preparing such a sauce? Of course you can, but then the taste of the finished dressing will be coarser and too rich, which can ruin the finished dish. To prevent this from happening, you can conduct a culinary experiment in advance. Try adding mayonnaise of different percentages of fat content each time. You can experiment by mixing sauces from different manufacturers.

Uses of yogurt

But the composition of the following recipe for sour cream mayonnaise at home may surprise you:

  • sour cream with a minimum fat content - 100 g;
  • yogurt – 100 g;
  • mustard - Art. l.;
  • honey - no more than one tsp.

Here too you can give free rein to your creativity. What if I add natural yogurt that is unflavored? Or is it better with strawberry flavor? Which honey do you like best - buckwheat, herbal, May, linden? Or do you prefer regular, sunflower?

Sour cream with mustard instead of mayonnaise with the addition of yogurt is perfect for those who like sweeter sauces. This dressing is good served with fish dishes or light salads. To prepare this delicacy, you need nothing at all: just mix all the ingredients, beat thoroughly with a blender and cool.

Also, quite often housewives on various forums ask whether it is possible to mix sour cream with mayonnaise. As we have already found out, it is possible. But this culinary technique is more suitable for innovators and experimenters. In addition, it is not a fact that the resulting food will be practically no different from the store product. Unless its taste will be softer and more original. But you can give freedom to your creative imagination. And this is always interesting, fun and educational. And often leads to the most unexpected discoveries.


Sour cream instead of mayonnaise is ideal for those who like less fatty foods. However, you should pay attention to the dairy product that contains the minimum percentage of fat content.

The only disadvantage of sour cream additive is its consistency. It turns out to be rarer than a store product. However, this does not affect the taste and popularity of the supplement.

If you replace mayonnaise with sour cream, you can lose weight. After all, such a dressing is based on a dairy product with the lowest percentage of fat content. At the same time, we should not forget that proper nutrition, where dressing will be a tasty (and infrequent) addition, will help you lose excess weight more effectively.

Sour cream sauce, replacement for mayonnaise: Video

- this is an excellent alternative to store-bought, because not only does it not contain preservatives and is healthy, but you can also add herbs and spices to it to taste. Homemade mayonnaise is prepared quickly - in 5 minutes.

If you cook only with extra virgin olive oil, the sauce becomes noticeably bitter, so if you want to add olive oil, it is better to mix it with sunflower oil in a 50:50 ratio. Or you can add homemade mayonnaise with sour cream and sunflower or olive oil.

Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice.

Homemade mayonnaise without eggs with sour cream

Ingredients for one glass of sour cream (250ml)

  • sour cream 250 gr.
  • 1-3 tbsp. l.a olive or sunflower oil
  • 1/3 tsp. asafoetida
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • black salt to taste
  • black pepper to taste
  • 1/4 tsp. turmeric (optional)
  • pinch (0.5 tsp) mustard powder (optional)

Add all the dry ingredients to the sour cream, then the butter. Mix everything together thoroughly and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Homemade mayonnaise without eggs

  • 150 ml milk
  • 300 ml plant. oils
  • 1 tbsp. l. mustard
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. salt (or to taste)


  1. Mix milk and butter in a mixing glass.
  2. Add salt and mustard.
  3. Blend the mixture with a hand blender until it begins to emulsify.
  4. Add lemon juice, beat until thick, season to taste.

All! You will receive 0.5 liters of delicious homemade mayonnaise. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.


  • 2 fresh chicken eggs, preferably homemade
  • 250 ml vegetable oil (or olive oil, or a mixture of both)
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1-2 teaspoons prepared mustard
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (or vinegar to taste - table, wine)
  • optional – pepper, herbs

There are two ways to prepare this homemade mayonnaise: classic and quick. In the first option, only yolks are used, and in the second, whole eggs are used.

Making homemade mayonnaise with yolks:

  1. Separate two yolks. It is better to use the freshest eggs from domestic chickens. The mayonnaise will be more saturated in color.
  2. Add salt, sugar, mustard to the yolks. You can also add herbs ground into powder in a mortar.
  3. Start beating with a mixer at low speed. You can do it the old fashioned way, with a whisk, but this is more time-consuming and tedious.
  4. Continuing to beat, we begin to add oil, at first very little by little - half a teaspoon at a time.
  5. After the mixture noticeably thickens, pour from the bottle in a small stream until the oil is used up. We also increase the mixer speed.
  6. The result is a thick consistency. Add lemon juice (vinegar) to it and mix.
  7. The mayonnaise is ready, but if the consistency is too thick, dilute it with cold boiled water and stir. If desired, you can add salt and pepper.

Making homemade mayonnaise with eggs is a quick way:

  1. Break two whole eggs into a bowl, add salt, sugar, mustard and pepper.
  2. Using an immersion blender with a puree attachment, begin to beat and slowly add oil in a small stream.
  3. Finally, lemon juice or vinegar.
  4. In a minute the mayonnaise is ready. By pouring in 250 ml of oil, we get a sauce that is thinner in consistency than in the first case, and looks more like store-bought sauce. If you add a little more oil (300 ml), the mayonnaise will be thicker.

It’s worth noting that you won’t be able to bake anything with this mayonnaise (and it’s not intended for that). When heated, homemade mayonnaise breaks down into its components - oil and gruel from other components.

Mayonnaise is an important component of salads. But store-bought mayonnaise is not suitable for vegetarians, as it contains eggs.

Prepared at home to suit your taste, vegetarian mayonnaise is an excellent alternative to the store-bought product.

Vegetarian mayonnaise without eggs from sour cream: recipe

Making homemade vegetarian mayonnaise is quite quick and its composition is easily accessible. The basis of our mayonnaise is 15 percent sour cream. The benefits of sour cream are obvious - it is a lactic acid product that is well absorbed by the digestive system.

Of course, this is a high-calorie product, but its calorie content is much lower than store-bought mayonnaise - 160 kcal.

100 grams of sour cream contains:

  • Proteins – 2.8 g;
  • Fats – 15.0 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 3.6 g;

As well as a vitamin B complex, vitamins A, E, C, PP and elements important for the human body - iron, iodine, manganese, copper, fluorine, zinc.

By following the recipe below, you will get a tasty and healthy vegetarian mayonnaise made from sour cream.

Ingredients for vegetarian mayonnaise:

  • Sour cream 15 percent - 4 tablespoons;
  • Sunflower oil (unrefined) – 3 tablespoons;
  • Honey – ½ teaspoon;
  • Sea salt – ½ teaspoon;
  • Live mustard (not powder) – ½ teaspoon;
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1 tablespoon.

Instructions for preparing vegetarian mayonnaise

Place sour cream, honey, salt, mustard in a container and mix everything. Then, dosed, one spoon at a time, add the oil - add one spoon - stir, add a second spoon - stir, add a third spoon - stir. And finally, pour in the vinegar, mix again until the texture is homogeneous and put in the cold for 30-40 minutes so that the mayonnaise thickens a little.

If desired, you can add dried herbs and herbs ground in a coffee grinder to the prepared mayonnaise to suit your usual taste. This will give vegetarian mayonnaise a special, individual flavor.

This vegetarian mayonnaise can be used not only when preparing salads, but also when baking vegetables.

Have a nice meal, friends!

Recipe by Larisa Yaroshevich

Mayonnaise is one of the most favorite sauces in the whole world. And it’s not surprising, because this is truly one of the most delicious dressings that exist. The famous sauce was first prepared in France, back in the 18th century. Since then, the popularity of mayonnaise has only grown. Today it can be found on almost every table in many varieties: fatty and light, with and without additives, homemade and store-bought. Each housewife has her own special recipe for preparing this delicious dressing. After all, homemade mayonnaise is an excellent alternative to store-bought sauces that contain many harmful additives.

In the traditional version, French dressing is made from egg yolks, vegetable oil, salt, pepper and vinegar. Lemon and mustard were used for flavor. Try to deviate from the classic recipe and make homemade mayonnaise from sour cream, boiled yolks and mustard. This sauce is distinguished by its ease of preparation, availability of products and versatility of use. Sour cream mayonnaise can be served with meat, poultry, fish, seafood, seasoned with various salads, or added to baked goods. This light and tasty sauce will appeal to all members of your family.

Taste Info Sauces


  • Eggs (boiled yolks) – 3 pcs.;
  • Sour cream – 300 ml;
  • Mustard – 1.5 tsp. without slide;
  • Sugar, salt, favorite spices - to taste.

How to make mayonnaise from sour cream and mustard at home

Eggs must be hard-boiled. To do this, fill them with cold water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, set the heat to slightly above medium and cook for 7 minutes. Then immediately drain the boiling water and add cold water. After cooling, separate the yolks from the whites; for mayonnaise you will only need the first. The latter can be used to prepare green borscht, salads, or simply eaten with the resulting sauce.

Place the yolks in a deep bowl and add mustard to them.

Using a fork, mash the mustard with the yolks until a homogeneous paste forms.

The fattier the sour cream, the tastier the mayonnaise will be. Try to use a product with a fat content of 20-25%. Add sour cream to the egg-mustard mixture.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. It is necessary that the mass is homogeneous and does not contain lumps.

Add salt and sugar according to your taste. If desired, you can use any other spices you like. Stir thoroughly again until all sugar and salt crystals dissolve. To give the mayonnaise a nice yellow hue, you can add a pinch of turmeric.

Homemade mayonnaise with sour cream is completely ready! Use it as a salad dressing or serve as a sauce for main courses. Bon appetit!

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Mayonnaise is very tasty on its own, but you can use it to make even more original sauces:

  1. "Tartarus". To mayonnaise with sour cream, add finely chopped pickled cucumber, a clove of garlic passed through a press and finely chopped dill. Mix all ingredients well. Refrigerate for 30-40 minutes, during which time the sauce will infuse.
  2. "Garlic." Add chopped garlic, finely chopped parsley or dill and a pinch of salt to the sour cream mayonnaise to taste. Stir and place in the refrigerator for an hour to allow the sauce to infuse well.
  3. "Curry". Add a tablespoon of paste or curry seasoning to the prepared sauce, salt and pepper to taste.
  4. "Cheese." Grind 300 g of hard cheese and 3 cloves of garlic on a medium grater and add to homemade sour cream mayonnaise. Season to taste and add a few drops of lemon juice. Add finely chopped dill if desired. Stir the mixture and place in a water bath until the cheese is completely dissolved. Cool the sauce and serve.