
Nobody knows who killed Nikolai Fadeev. Music journalist Nikolai Fandeev has died. Album review

Noize MC and Nikolay Fandeev. It would seem, what can connect these completely different people? It's simple: there is almost a real war going on between them. Critic Nikolai Fandeev impartially spoke about one of the artist's albums, publicly insulting him. If you do not know this story yet and are not familiar with the personality of this person, then this article is for you.

Album review

Nikolai Fandeev attended the presentation, and later wrote an unflattering review, in which he noticed that there were many pregnant women there, and someone even pointed out the involvement of the young artist in this. Until that day, the critic had not heard any of his compositions and did not know that the guy was raping. Although he said that such a performance is generally difficult to associate with hip-hop. He also noted that every Noize MC song is full of foul language. Nikolai Fandeev spoke about the performer himself, hinting at the low level of his intellectual development.

The rapper performed on stage with a guitar. But if you believe the words of the journalist, then he did not use it at all, it was an attribute of "cool". Towards the middle of the performance, he got rid of her altogether. Another performer from the stage said that the most unpleasant thing for him to communicate with music journalists. This is probably what hurt Fandeev, since he wrote such a review.

The critics did not like the discs that were handed out at the presentation. He stated that these were ordinary "blanks" and that the recording was not made in the studio. As a result, Nikolai Fandeev called the whole event shameful.

Noize MC's answer

Nikolai Fandeev, whose death the rapper invented in his track, of course, expected a reaction, but hardly that. The performer did not like the fact that he becomes personal and already insults him, and does not express his opinion about the album. His song is also a kind of review to Fandeev, but only in an unusual musical format.

He says that he wrote the track very quickly, literally in one day, it was on the road. That evening he recorded it at home and sent it to a friend who put the music on. This is how this reciprocal composition appeared, which Ivan (and this is the real name of the performer) decided to call "Who killed Nikolai Fandeev."

Later it became known why this song was not included in the first album of the young artist. The fact is that at that time he was moving from one company to another, and they refused to insert it, fearing legal proceedings. Ivan simply uploaded it to the network, calling for distribution.

Fandeev's reaction

Nikolai Fandeev, whose biography in an ironic form was revealed in the song, reacted positively to this. He said that he was even pleased to hear an obituary about himself, and the track came to his taste. One can only guess what real emotions Nikolai Fandeev experienced while listening to the recording.

Noize MC considered this a common manifestation of cowardice. He believes that the journalist has taken a safe path, fearing the reaction of the people, and he hardly thinks well of him.

Guruken expresses his opinion

For the uninitiated, I will explain that a person with a strange nickname Guruken is a friend of Fandeev, who could not leave this situation unattended. He wrote a huge post where he called Ivan stupid, unable to write good lyrics, perform them and record music. He also said that PR at the expense of death is terrible.

After that, Guruken did not calm down, and when Ivan recorded a track related to the accident, he called it bad and shamed the performer. It seems that Fandeev's friend himself is doing good PR due to this.

What now?

It would seem that everything should end there, but this business was continued in social networks... A group was created with the name of the song of the same name, where the artist's fans began to collect all known information about this. They promote distribution in all resources, provide download links and detailed instructions... Also, topics have been created where correspondence with Fandeev has been opened, and other victims of his unflattering criticism have also been found.

The track, which revolted the public, by the way, was included in the reissue of the album. It is surprising that the scandalous review was removed from all Fandeev's sites, and Fandeev did not appear at the second presentation, fortunately for the artist himself and his fans.

Nikolay Fandeev and Elena Berkova's husband

Many scandals are connected with the name of this journalist. One of the largest happened to Berkova's husband, Vladimir Khimchenko.

Husband former star "Adult" films wanted to personally attend her press conference in order to observe what questions are being asked by his mistress. Fandeev, who represented the magazine "Answer", was there by chance. He decided to ask Elena if she was singing to the soundtrack, what she would do if she suddenly stopped. This question angered Vladimir very much, and he decided to arrange lynching over the objectionable journalist.

The first to come under his hot hand was the press attaché Daria, who, according to Khimchenko, should not have invited those who ask such questions. On this he did not calm down and decided to track down Fandeev in the club. I must say that he succeeded. He approached him and asked him to go to the toilet to talk. And there he immediately stuck a whaling knife into Nikolai's side. He threatened to kill him, continuing to strike blow after blow.

Having freed himself, Fandeev immediately ran to the guards to call the police, but producer Berkovoy begged him not to give way to this case. He decided not to make a fuss yet, and the matter was decided by material compensation. Later in his blog, Fandeev said that he did not yet know what he would do with the criminal case.

You learned about such a strange person as Nikolai Fandeev in this article. If you still want to read reviews of music groups and singers, then be prepared that there your favorite artist will not be presented in the best light.

Received news via SMS that Kolya Fandeev died on January 31 !!! What a mess! I do not understand how a person with a heart attack could be allowed to go home ... to die ?! The last entry from Nikolai Fandeev's fb:

Nikolay Fandeev

Now, I’m ready to tell you what happened to me in the last two weeks ...

Gradually I began to feel bad on Wednesday - January 14th. Arriving home that day, I noticed that something was wrong with me, but I was not very worried. My first thought was - poisoned by something. How few are now selling expired products in grocery stores as part of a program to counter price increases due to sanctions?

The next morning (January 15) I shaved safely and made breakfast. But I couldn't eat it like that: I didn't get a lump in my throat. Besides, I - sorry - fucked up, vomited. And I also got a strong cold sweat! And something was aching near the throat under the bone: a monotonous dull pain ... In general, that day I decided to lie down at home, and I never left the house.

On January 16, I was simply forced to take something somewhere - not far from my home. Again cold sweat, again diarrhea, again pain under the throat, however, now it was a little lower. With a sin in half, I took what I needed: I walk for ten seconds, then I stand for 10 minutes - shortness of breath, etc. And when I returned home, I called the local doctor from the polyclinic.

The doctor came pretty quickly. She looked at me, listened. I told her about diarrhea, nausea, and also about pain under the breastbone. And she officially diagnosed her with intoxication, that is, poisoning. She prescribed me an active consumption of activated carbon, well, and validol with no-shpa - if where something hurts. Well, if it gets worse, call an ambulance.

On the morning of January 17 (Saturday), I got worse, I had to call an ambulance. The guys arrived quickly. Again they examined, felt, measured - and they jammed me with a new diagnosis - INFARKT!

Everything that happened afterwards, I remember badly. Unless they wheeled me out of the entrance to the courtyard in a carriage, and there some of our neighbors were looking at me painfully sadly….

They took me to hospital No. 15 (Veshnyakovskaya st., 23). Since I was no longer there, I dimly remember further. I remember that they took me across the floors on a gurney, injected something, measured something ... As a result, they put me in the intensive care unit. They connected me with cambric to a dropper, to an oxygen machine, stuffed me with a huge amount of different drugs. As a result, I started ... GLITCHES! Either I walked around some deserted night city with an abundance of neon advertisements, then I participated in some business projects, etc. The hallucinogenic period of my stay in the hospital turned into several days.

The intensive care unit of Hospital No. 15 is a separate story. Yes, there is a lot of modern equipment here. But this is perhaps the only advantage. In fact, the intensive care unit is a supermode enterprise. No one is allowed here at all, it is difficult for relatives to transfer the things they need in everyday life for patients. There is no TV, no radio, no Wi-Fi. There are no mirrors anywhere. Only doctors, patients, please, duck can use the toilet.

Phone number for patients is absolutely impossible! But nurses can. Personally, I have repeatedly observed how nurse Yulia ran to a distant corner and balabolished there for FORTY minutes! This is instead of dealing with the sick !!!

In the intensive care unit, there are not even standard 220 V sockets; medical devices have plugs of a completely different shape. And most importantly, it is incredibly difficult for patients to be here. Patients scream loudly and in large quantities (as if it were torture by the Gestapo), so, for example, getting enough sleep is problematic.

The medical equipment here is far from silent. Beepers squeak here and there. I heard similar music somewhere at Brian Eno's ...

During the day, in order to somehow improve my mood, I tried to communicate with other patients. But for some reason they did not want to communicate with rare exceptions. The only hilarious episode that I have seen these days is the work of a radiologist. A young guy came, brought an X-ray machine with him, put it on someone's gurney. It took me a long time to install and configure something. Then he pressed the button and with bulging eyes flew out into the opposite end of the corridor!

January 19 (Monday) I had a hallucinogenic ending. My consciousness gradually began to see clearly, and my mind began to ask itself all sorts of different questions. When I finally begged the nurse to let me blow my nose into the sink - because I couldn't breathe - I noticed strong clots of mucus coming out of me, mixed with brown blood. It turned out to be the result of PNEUMONIA! About which nobody told me anything before! And under the throat I also had a pain from pneumonia.

Then some doctor came and began to reproach me that I had a heart attack myself due to the fact that I ... SMOKE A LOT! My argument that I do not smoke at all, that in my life I have not smoked a single cigarette (and this pure truth), for some reason he categorically did not accept.

And I also want to tell you about one doctor. I think that all Russian medicine should know her name in general. ROMASHENKO OKSANA VLADIMIROVNA.

So this same Oksana Vladimirovna, somewhere on Tuesday (January 20), came to the intensive care unit with a package of documents she had drawn up for me and showed me the first page of this package.

“Oksana Vladimirovna, tell me, is this not a mistake? You have written here that I have the first blood group with a positive Rh, and my whole life has been the third blood group. "

“We have the best equipment, so there are no mistakes,” Romashenko replied.

"Yes, but since childhood, as long as I can remember, I have always had a third blood group."

Oksana Vladimirovna begins to wrinkle her turnip: "Perhaps your body has changed a lot lately, that's why your blood type has also changed."

Then I tried for a long time to understand how such a “well-versed in medicine” person eventually became a DIPLOMATED DOCTOR. I still don't know the answer ...

On Wednesday, January 21, I was finally transferred from the intensive care unit to the cardiology department. Room 438 looked like a change house rather than a hospital ward. The walls are shabby, the pipes are rusty in the toilet, and one cannot wash in the shower at all due to disgust. Nevertheless, at first I was delighted: the patients turned out to be more sociable. Out of 6 people, 5 drivers! But!

In the evening, these drivers sat down to watch some gangster series in someone's laptop. They willingly commented on everything that they saw on the screen: “But look, before she had time to come to him, he already blew her,” “Oh, he planted this one too, ha-ha-ha,” etc. plus devoid of anything meaning a plentiful set of mat.

The additional piquancy of the situation was that this laptop was only able to show this one eight-part film. As a result, they watched this series of theirs in a row and non-stop five times!

Well, okay, I think they’ll go to bed now, and I’ll finally get some sleep too! Figwam! They went to sleep, but they snored (at least three) so that the walls shook!

The next day, for some reason, they returned me to the intensive care unit. True, since at that moment there were no "loud" patients there, for the first time in six days I managed to get some sleep. Even under Brian Eno.

On January 22 (Thursday) I was again returned to change house No. 438 of the cardiology department. Fortunately, the composition of patients has changed here, as a result, very pleasant men for communication have come up (although one ratchet from the old composition still remains). And only on January 23, I finally found myself at home again. As they say, now I continue treatment on an outpatient basis.
- - - - -
I don't know why I wrote all this here, I probably just wanted to speak out.


Today Iosif Prigogine celebrates his birthday, but, as in the case of Alibasov (), let us remember not him, but a journalist who entered into an unequal struggle with the producer and lost.

Nikolai Fandeev (1960-2015) left not an old man yet, retaining his drive, love for music and thirst for human communication to the end. Before his death, he managed to accuse doctors of blatant unprofessionalism, hardly remembering the song of the rapper Noize MC "Who Killed Nikolai Fandeev."

Nikolai was a music lover since childhood, and with a passion for foreign music, a "firm", as he called it. Music not only in English. He knew Hungarian and Polish pop music quite well.

Graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Department of Radio Engineering.

Unfortunately, I don't remember Fandeev on the radio, where he worked in the 1990s. Then secular journalists suddenly began to rule the ball. From the year 1993 until the default, it was they who determined the cultural trends of the country, against the background of the collapse of domestic literature and cinema. The hit of the then television was "The Sharks of the Pen", which Fandeev was not part of, which is why his fame was somewhat belated.

Fandeev worked as an editor at Vozrozhdenie and Panorama radio, then became a presenter at Kamerton Radio.

In 1997 I began to publish as a music critic, but I did not hold such a newspaper as Vse Kanalov TV and the magazine Respond in my hands.

For me, Fandeev appeared only somewhere in the middle of the 2000s, when his work for his uncle was finished. At first I met him on various TV shows, involuntarily adding a sound, because the guy spoke interestingly and provocatively. And then Fandeev got his own portal "Starsnews" - there is no such portal for a long time, but the official website of Fandeev is functioning -

I don’t know how often Fandeev got involved in scandals before, his texts in the “Answer” magazine are rather bland, without much salt. Apparently the politics of public media held back Nikolay. But on the portal, Fandeev became infuriated.

And this is understandable - a specialist in classical rock, who understands why he was forced to understand the shades of pop shit. Fandeev has repeatedly accused the artists of using the phonogram; knowing music perfectly, he found conspiratorial plagiarism; rushed with accusations at Valery Meladze that he did not give a single good original song to the "Star Factory" produced by him and his brother Konstantin, having pulled out naphthalene fallen songs from the backyards; predicted that Anita Tsoi, despite the powerful support of her husband (the right hand of the then mayor of Luzhkov), would not achieve fame. The journalist buried himself without fear the mighty of the world show business. A backlash could not but follow.

At first, one of Elena Berkova's many husbands attacked Fandeev with a knife. The scandal was hushed up amicably.

Then Fandeev became the inspiration for the rapper Noize MC, writing on his album The Greatest Hits Vol. 1 "a furious review. In response, the singer gave birth to the song "Who killed Nikolai Fandeev?", Which is an obituary, and far from complimentary. It was then that the name of Fandeev was widely recognized not only by the musical get-together. Nikolai himself, after listening to the track, made a positive verdict. In the end, this act was consistent with the bully style of the journalist.

The fiercest felling began with Fandeev with producer Joseph Prigogine. They clung constantly, until Prigogine burst. At one of Valeria's press conferences, it came to a direct scuffle. Prigozhin found the weak spot of the truth-lover Fandeev, saying that he writes well about those who pay him. I don't know how fair it was, but I was always surprised by Nikolai's condescending attitude towards some artists of one production center.

Having collected dirt on Fandeev in the form of his printed statements, Prigozhin filed a lawsuit. The proceedings were long and disastrous for Fandeev. In 2010, he was ordered to pay 230,000 rubles.

Then Fandeev announced the reconciliation of the parties and apologized.

Prigozhin forgave the debt, and Nikolai's biting articles about "Star Factory-6" and Valeria disappeared from the network.

But in the end, the journalist's reputation was badly damaged. He was no longer invited to public events.

In my opinion, this was good for Fandeev. In 2012, he started the "Funny Nineties" project in LiveJournal - here is the beginning (, which includes 300 posts about the stage of those times when it was fun, drunk and many-sided. For a year and a half, my everyday life began with memories and songs from Fandeev. And, by God, it was great!

The end of Fandeev shows how lively he left.

And how he was healed.

Here is his LJ post from January 26, 2015 -


It's called "Walking for a Heart Attack."

Now, I’m ready to tell you what happened to me in the last two weeks ...

Gradually I began to feel bad on Wednesday - January 14th. Arriving home that day, I noticed that something was wrong with me, but I was not very worried. My first thought was - poisoned by something. How many of them are now selling expired products in grocery stores as part of a program to counter price increases due to sanctions?

The next morning (January 15) I shaved safely and made breakfast. But I couldn't eat it like that: I didn't get a lump in my throat. Besides, I - sorry - fucked up, vomited. And I also got a lot of cold sweat! And something ached near the throat under the bone: a monotonous dull pain ... In general, that day I decided to lie down at home, and did not leave the house.

On January 16, I was simply forced to take something somewhere - not far from my home. Again cold sweat, again diarrhea, again pain under the throat, however, now it was a little lower. With a sin in half, I took what I needed: I walk for ten seconds, then I stand for 10 minutes - shortness of breath, etc. And when I returned home, I called the local doctor from the polyclinic.

The doctor came pretty quickly. She looked at me, listened. I told her about diarrhea, nausea, and also about pain under the breastbone. And she officially diagnosed her with intoxication, that is, poisoning. She prescribed me an active consumption of activated carbon, well, and validol with a load - if where something hurts. Well, if it gets worse, call an ambulance.

On the morning of January 17 (Saturday) I got worse and had to call an ambulance. The guys arrived quickly. Again they examined, felt, measured - and they jammed me with a new diagnosis - INFARKT!

Everything that happened afterwards, I remember badly. Unless they wheeled me out of the entrance to the courtyard in a carriage, and there some of our neighbors were looking at me painfully sadly….

They took me to hospital No. 15 (Veshnyakovskaya st., 23). Since I was no longer there, I dimly remember further. I remember that they took me across the floors on a gurney, they injected something, measured something ... As a result, they put me in the intensive care unit. They connected me with cambric to a dropper, to an oxygen machine, stuffed me with a huge amount of different drugs. As a result, I started ... GLITCHES! Either I was walking around some deserted night city with an abundance of neon advertisements, then I was involved in some business projects, etc. The hallucinogenic period of my stay in the hospital turned into several days.

The intensive care unit of Hospital No. 15 is a separate story. Yes, there is a lot of modern equipment here. But this is perhaps the only advantage. In fact, the intensive care unit is a supermode enterprise. No one is allowed here at all, it is difficult for relatives to transfer the things they need in everyday life for patients. There is no TV, no radio, no Wi-Fi. There are no mirrors anywhere. Only doctors, patients, please, duck can use the toilet.

Phone number for patients is absolutely impossible! But nurses can. Personally, I have repeatedly observed how nurse Yulia ran to a distant corner and balabolished there for FORTY minutes! This is instead of dealing with the sick !!!
In the intensive care unit there are not even standard 220 V sockets; medical devices have plugs of a completely different shape. And most importantly, it is incredibly difficult for patients to be here. Patients scream loudly and in large quantities (as if it were torture by the Gestapo), so, for example, getting enough sleep is problematic.

The medical equipment here is far from silent. Beepers squeak here and there. I heard similar music somewhere at Brian Eno's ...

During the day, in order to somehow improve my mood, I tried to communicate with other patients. But for some reason they did not want to communicate with rare exceptions. The only hilarious episode that I have seen these days is the work of a radiologist. A young guy came, brought an X-ray machine with him, put it on someone's gurney. It took me a long time to install and configure something. Then he pressed the button and with bulging eyes flew into the opposite end of the corridor like a bullet!

January 19 (Monday) I had a hallucinogenic ending. My consciousness gradually began to see clearly, and my mind began to ask itself all sorts of different questions. When I finally begged the nurse to let me blow my nose into the sink - because it was impossible to breathe - I noticed strong clots of mucus coming out of me, mixed with brown blood. It turned out to be the result of PNEUMONIA! About which nobody told me anything before! And under the throat I also had a pain from pneumonia.

Then some doctor came and began to reproach me that I had a heart attack myself due to the fact that I ... SMOKE A LOT! For some reason, he categorically did not accept my argument that I do not smoke at all, that I have not smoked a single cigarette in my life (and this is the absolute truth).
And I also want to tell you about one doctor. I think that all Russian medicine should know her name in general. ROMASHENKO OKSANA VLADIMIROVNA.

So this same Oksana Vladimirovna, somewhere on Tuesday (January 20), came to the intensive care unit with a package of documents she had drawn up for me and showed me the first page of this package.

“Oksana Vladimirovna, tell me, is this not a mistake? You have written here that I have the first blood group with a positive Rh, and my whole life has been the third blood group. "

“We have the best equipment, so there are no mistakes,” Romashenko replied.

"Yes, but since childhood, as long as I can remember, I have always had a third blood group."

Oksana Vladimirovna begins to wrinkle her turnip: “Perhaps your body has changed a lot lately, that's why your blood type has also changed.”
Later I tried for a long time to understand how such a “well-versed in medicine” person eventually became a DIPLOMATED DOCTOR. I still don't know the answer ...

On Wednesday, January 21, I was finally transferred from the intensive care unit to the cardiology department. Room 438 looked less like a hospital ward, but more like a change house. The walls are shabby, the pipes are rusty in the toilet, and one cannot wash in the shower at all due to disgust. Nevertheless, at first I was delighted: the patients turned out to be more sociable. Out of 6 people, 5 drivers! But!

In the evening, these drivers sat down to watch some gangster series in someone's laptop. They willingly commented on everything that they saw on the screen: “But look, before she had time to come to him, he already blew her,” “Oh, he planted this one too, ha-ha-ha,” etc., plus devoid of anything. meaning a plentiful set of mat.

An additional piquancy of the situation was that this laptop was only able to show this one eight-part film. As a result, they watched this series of theirs in a row and non-stop five times!

Well, okay, I think now they will go to bed, and I will finally get enough sleep too! Figwam! They went to sleep, but they snored (at least three) so that the walls began to shake!

The next day, for some reason, they returned me to the intensive care unit. True, since at that moment there were no "loud" patients there, for the first time in six days I managed to get some sleep. Even under Brian Eno.
On January 22 (Thursday) I was again returned to change house No. 438 of the cardiology department. Fortunately, the composition of the patients changed here, as a result, very pleasant men for communication were selected (although one ratchet from the old composition still remained). And only on January 23, I finally found myself at home again. As they say, now I continue treatment on an outpatient basis.
- - - - -
I don't know why I wrote all this here, I probably just wanted to speak out.