
All works of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. Children's poems by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. That's how absent-minded

The wonderful poet Samuil Marshak wrote poems for children, although he has one special work - the fairy tale of 12 months. You can see her performances at matinees in all kindergartens and schools without exception. Samuel Marshak wrote many wonderful children's poems, but when winter comes, the first thing that comes to mind is Marshak's fairy tales, especially the magical story about the 12 months.

Read Marshak's tales

About Samuil Marshak

They begin to read Marshak's poems and fairy tales from the very first days in kindergarten, then they are performed at matinees, and in the lower grades they are taught by heart. In the bustle, the author himself is forgotten, but in vain, because Marshak’s life was full of events that radically changed his worldview. Perhaps this is why his works are so deep in meaning and truly immortal.

Interesting facts from life:

  • The literature teacher at the gymnasium where Marshak studied considered him a child of genius and encouraged little Samuel’s literary endeavors
  • For several years in his youth, Marshak lived in Yalta in the house of Maxim Gorky
  • In 1920, the poet organized one of the first theaters for children in Russia. Poems and plays appear a couple of years later
  • Marshak was awarded the Stalin Prize for the fairy tale 12 months

The name of Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich is known all over the world. More than one generation has grown up on the wonderful work of the writer. Basically everyone knows Marshak as a children's writer, but Samuil Yakovlevich was also a poet, translator and playwright. Let's get acquainted with what works Marshak wrote during his creative life.

The writer's earlier work

What works did Marshak write in childhood? These were poems that the boy began to compose at the age of 4. The first works were written in Hebrew, since Marshak was born into a Jewish family. Little Samuel grew up in the city of Ostrogozhsk, not far from Voronezh. The boy's father was an educated man and encouraged his interests. In search of better work, the family often changed their place of residence. In 1902, the poet's father found a permanent job in St. Petersburg and moved his entire family there. Marshak's first works for children appeared when he was only 12 years old.

After moving to St. Petersburg, Samuil Yakovlevich meets the critic Vladimir Stasov, who favorably accepts the poet’s work. During this period, Marshak created his first serious creations of a political nature. The writer meets Gorky and lives with his family in Yalta for two years. The first collection of Samuil Yakovlevich “Sionids” is published.

Marshak S. Ya. Poems for children

In 1912, the writer went to study in London, where he discovered new talents - translating poetry. Marshak began translating poems by famous writers such as Byron, Milne, Kipling. It is to Samuil Yakovlevich that we are grateful for the poem “The House That Jack Built.” The writer's first book is named after this poem and also contains English songs. The collection was published in 1923.

Returning to the city, he organizes a “Children’s Town”, which includes a theater and libraries. Marshak begins to stage plays based on his creations. This marks the beginning of a new stage in the poet’s work - poems and plays for children. What works did Marshak write for the little ones? These are still popular today: “Children in a Cage”, “Circus”, “Yesterday and Today”, “Poodle”, “So Absent-Minded” and many others. The writer’s fairy tales became especially famous: “Smart Things”, “Cat’s House” and “Twelve Months”.

Lyrics and satire in the writer’s works

What works did Marshak write, besides children's poems? creations that the writer published since 1907 in almanacs and magazines. In the forties, Samuil published the collection “Poems 1941-1946,” which includes 17 poems “From a lyric notebook.” Over the course of his life, new works were added to this cycle. For the collection “Selected Lyrics” Marshak received the Lenin Prize in 1963.

Another style in which the writer worked was satire. Collections of satiristic poems were published in 1959 and 1964. Marshak also published his feuilletons, epigrams and parodies in newspapers and magazines.

The writer's poems, plays and other works have been translated into many languages ​​and are popular all over the world. Marshak's fairy tale "The Twelve Months" is included in the school curriculum. Some of the writer’s works were filmed and fell in love with young viewers.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak; Voronezh, Russian Empire; 10/22/1887 – 07/04/1964

Samuil Marshak is a popular Soviet poet and prose writer, winner of several awards. From his pen came many works for children. Several animated films were made based on Marshak's stories. The last film to be released in 1987 was called Believe It or Not.

Biography of Samuil Marshak

Samuil Marshak was born in the fall of 1887 in one of the freedoms of the city of Voronezh. His family had Jewish roots. The father of the future writer for a long time held the position of a foreman at one of the soap factories. Samuel spent his childhood in a small town near Voronezh, where his uncle lived. At the age of twelve, Marshak went to the local gymnasium. It was during his studies that Samuel developed a love for literature. The first attempt of his pen was short poetry.

From Marshak’s short biography we learn that once a notebook with notes of poetry came to a famous St. Petersburg critic. It was he who made sure that Samuil Marshak immediately moved to St. Petersburg and provided the boy with a place in one of the best gymnasiums in the city. Samuel loved to spend all his days in the library reading books. At the age of seventeen, Marshak’s biography took an unexpected turn: he met. The writer liked the young man’s poetry so much that he immediately invited him to stay at his dacha in Yalta. Samuel spent the next two years there.

1907 was the year Marshak’s first book was published. The young man managed to publish a collection of poetry called “The Zionids,” all of whose works were dedicated to the Jewish people. At the same time, in addition to writing his own works, Samuel is engaged in translating works of popular authors from Hebrew and Yiddish.

Due to the revolution and repressions in 1905, the entire Marshak family was forced to leave Crimea. Thus, Samuel again moved to St. Petersburg. At twenty-three, the writer decides to travel around the Middle East. He takes with him his good friend, the young poet Godin, for company. Samuel Marshak's biography says that during the voyage they visited Turkey, Syria, Greece and even Palestine. The initial purpose of the trip was to cover events taking place in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. Marshak went there as a journalist for the St. Petersburg newspaper. However, what he saw so impressed the young man that upon his arrival home, Marshak’s poems were published, combined into the “Palestine” cycle.

There, during the trip, Samuel met his future wife Sophia. The young people got married in the fall of 1912, after which they moved to England. At his new place of residence, Samuel entered a local technical school, after which he studied at the University of London. English literature inspired the writer so much that he began working on translations of classic ballads from poems. Marshak did not know that a little later these works would bring him great fame.

Marshak stayed in England until he was twenty-seven years old, after which he returned to his homeland and settled in the provinces. One after another, it becomes possible to read Marshak’s poems, translations and fairy tales in St. Petersburg periodicals. In 1917, Samuel and his family moved to Petrozavodsk. There he receives a position in the local department of public education.

In 1919, the first full-fledged collection of Marshak’s works, entitled “Satires and Epigrams,” was published. At the same time, he is engaged in social activities. Samuel takes part in the organization of a children's theater, for which he himself writes short plays.

We can read about Marshak that in 1923 the writer organized a children's periodical called “Sparrow”. There he publishes both his works and poems, and other famous children's writers. At the age of forty-seven, Marshak takes part in the congress of Soviet writers, at which he makes a report on children's literature. After this, he received the position of member of the board of the Union of Writers of the USSR, and in the forties he held the position of deputy of the Moscow City Council.

In 1937, the publishing house founded by the writer was completely destroyed, and all its employees were repressed. Then Samuel decides to move to Moscow. During World War II, Marshak's work acquired a satirical character. Then he begins to think about writing an autobiographical book, which he publishes in 1960. Throughout this entire time, Marshak continues to write poems and feuilletons, diluting it all with serious “adult” poetry.

In the early 1960s, the writer began to have health problems. Doctors discovered he had a serious lung disease, which arose due to frequent smoking. Long-term treatment did not bring a positive result, and in 1964 Samuil Marshak died.

Books by Samuel Marshak on the Top books website

Marshak's children's stories are so popular to read that they are presented in abundance in ours. In addition, his works are presented among. And given the consistently high interest in Marshak’s work, we will see his works more than once on the pages of our website.

List of books by Samuel Marshak

  1. Baggage
  2. Fable
  3. Visiting the Queen
  4. War with the Dnieper
  5. Volga and Yauza
  6. That's how absent-minded
  7. Where did the sparrow have lunch?
  8. To be afraid of grief is to see no happiness
  9. Doctor Faustus
  10. Jafar's Ring
  11. The cat and the quitters
  12. furrier cat
  13. cat house
  14. All year round
  15. Horses, hamsters and chickens
  16. Moonlit evening
  17. Miller, boy and donkey
  18. On guard of the world
  19. Why was the cat called a cat?
  20. Why doesn't the month have a dress?
  21. Pamphlet "Mr. Twister"
  22. Fire
  23. Mail
  24. Military mail
  25. About two neighbors
  26. Poodle
  27. Rainbow-arc
  28. Talk
  29. A story about an unknown hero

Samuel Marshak was born on October 22 (November 3), 1887 in Voronezh into a Jewish family. The family name “Marshak” comes from the famous rabbi Aharon Kaydanover, and in short translation means “our teacher.” Marshak's first education was received at a gymnasium near Voronezh. The literature teacher singled out his talent among other children in the class and considered him the most gifted. During his school years, Marshak's first poems were written. The famous critic Vladimir Stasov, having read one of Samuil’s poetry notebooks, helped him enter the St. Petersburg gymnasium.

The beginning of a creative journey

After meeting Maxim Gorky in 1904, Marshak lived in Yalta at Gorky’s dacha from 1904 to 1906. In 1907, the first works in the biography of Marshak were published (a collection on Jewish themes, “The Zionids”).

In 1911, the writer travels to the Middle East as a newspaper correspondent. He visits Greece, Turkey, Palestine and Syria. Impressed by the trip, Marshak wrote some of his most successful poems of that period. While traveling, he meets his future wife Sophia.

Literary career

After the wedding in 1912, the couple left for England. The next step in education was studying at the University of London. While living in England, Marshak began translating into Russian sonnets by W. Shakespeare, poems by W. Blake, R. Kipling, J. Austen, ballads and songs by R. Burns. The translations he made became classics, and Marshak himself received the honorary title of citizen of Scotland.

He returned to Russia in 1914, and in 1920 he organized several theaters for children in Krasnodar. During his biography, Samuel Marshak composed many works for children. For example, fairy tales “The Twelve Months”, “The House That Jack Built”. Then Samuel Marshak wrote for some time in the genre of satire.

Along with children's poems and poems, Marshak works on serious issues (for example, “Selected Lyrics”, “Lyrical Epigrams”). The writer received several prizes, awards, and orders for his work, including the Lenin and Stalin Prizes.

Death and legacy

The books of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak have been translated into many languages. Streets are named after the writer and memorial plaques are installed in many cities: in his native Voronezh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yalta and others.

Marshak S.Ya. - Russian poet, translator, playwright, screenwriter, literary critic, popular author of children's works. Thanks to easy rhyme and simple style, his books find a lively response among the growing generation, open up the facets of the world around them, and teach goodness and justice. The given list of Marshak's works for children includes various poetic genres: plays, poems, fairy tales, jokes, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters.

Bus number twenty six

The work is an alphabet with the names of animals from the letter “B” to “Z”. The animals are traveling on the bus, and some of them behave rudely and discourteously. The poem not only broadens the child’s horizons and teaches the alphabet, but also calls for compliance with the rules of conduct in public transport and mutual politeness.


The satirical work “Baggage” is known and loved by many generations of readers. The poem tells the story of a lady who checked in, among other things, a small dog and received back a huge, angry dog. “The dog could have grown up during the journey!” - they tell the woman. The piece attracts children with the repeated refrain of the lady's luggage, making it easy to remember.

Large pocket

The work tells the story of a thrifty boy, Vanya, who puts everything he can get his hands on into his pocket: nuts, nails, an old faucet. The mother takes the baby to the nursery, but there are so many things there... The boy’s pocket turns into a suitcase, in which they find: a broken spoon, slippers, a pancake, a matryoshka doll, a canvas drum and much more.

A funny alphabet about everything in the world

The work will help the child learn the letters of the alphabet. A simple syllable and rhyme contribute to better memorization and assimilation of the alphabet. The poem broadens the child’s horizons, talks about animals, birds, plants, insects, natural phenomena, people and their activities, and much more. The book is suitable for first independent reading.

A fun journey from A to Z

Marshak in his work invites children on a journey through the alphabet. A fascinating journey along the lines of the ABC book will not only help your child remember letters and learn to read, but also get to know the world around him. The book is intended for reading by adults to preschool children. Thanks to the fun content, the learning process arouses interest in the child. The poem is suitable for first independent reading.

Fun account

Marshak's work is intended to teach children how to count from 0 to 10. The poem presents stories about each number. Educational and fun text introduces children to the world around them and promotes quick memorization of numbers. The book is suitable for first independent reading.

War with the Dnieper

Marshak’s work “War with the Dnieper” tells children about the confrontation between man and the mighty river. The poem tells about the great construction work and powerful equipment being carried out on the Dnieper. The author extols the human mind, the strength of people, their desire to replenish the country's reserves with natural resources.

Volga and Vazuza

Marshak’s work “Volga and Vazuza” tells about the rivalry between 2 river sisters. They constantly argue about who is stronger, faster, more cunning, etc. And the rivers decided to run to the sea in the morning; whoever reaches it first is the main one. But Vazuza deceived her sister and set off on her journey earlier. The Volga caught up with its rival, she completely ran out of strength, and the two rivers united. Since then, Vazuza wakes up her sister every spring to make her way to the sea.

That's how absent-minded

The work tells about an absent-minded man living on Basseynaya Street. He finds himself in ridiculous situations, confusing things, household items, words in phrases. A simple trip from Leningrad to Moscow becomes a problem for a person. He goes to the station and spends 2 days in an uncoupled carriage, believing that he is on his way. The age of the work is approaching a century, but the expression “scattered from Basseynaya Street” still remains a household word.

To be afraid of grief is to see no happiness

The work “Fearing Grief - Not Seeing Happiness” tells about Grief-Misfortune, which traveled around the world, fraudulently passing from person to person. Having reached the king and ruined the state, Misfortune falls to the soldier, who refuses to deceive people and pass on misfortunes further. Grief tries to intimidate the servant with various troubles, but he does not give in to fears. By deception, the servant locks Misfortune in the snuffbox and returns to his bride Nastya. The snuff box subsequently remains with the greedy king, woodcutter and merchant, and Grief takes them to hell. The soldier and Nastya are getting married.

Twelve months

The work “Twelve Months” tells about a hardworking and sympathetic girl living with a cruel stepmother and her arrogant daughter. On a cold January evening, an evil woman sends her stepdaughter into the forest to get snowdrops and tells her not to return without them. In the bitter cold, she meets 12 months in the guise of people who decide to help the frozen girl, briefly switching roles. The stepdaughter returns home with flowers, but this is not enough for the stepmother and her daughter, they want richer gifts. The evil sister goes to the forest at 12 months, but behaves rudely and impolitely, for which she receives punishment - she is covered with snow. The stepmother is looking for her daughter, but she herself is freezing. A kind girl grows up, starts a family, lives happily ever after.

Kids in a cage

The work “Children in a Cage” is popular among preschool children. The book tells about the life of the Zoo and its inhabitants. The author talks about many animals: lions, kangaroos, crocodile, camel, elephant, hyena, bear, monkey and others. Cheerful quatrains are replaced by lines with sad and touching shades.

If you are polite

The work “If You Are Polite” teaches generally accepted rules of decency and behavior. A well-mannered person will give up his seat on public transport, help a disabled person, will not make noise in class, will not interrupt adults, will free his mother from household chores, will not be late, and so on. The poem teaches us to protect the weak, not to be timid in front of those who are stronger, and not to take other people’s things without asking.

Jafar's Ring

The tale tells of old Jafar, who moved with the help of porters. One day, on the way home from the market, the sage lost his ring. He asked his servants to look for the jewel, but they refused, arguing that this was not their responsibility. Then Jafar replied that in this case he would look for the ring himself and sat on the shoulders of the porters. The servants had to not only go in search of the jewel, but also carry the old sage on themselves.

The cat and the quitters

Marshak’s work “The Cat and the Idlers” tells about lazy people who went to the skating rink instead of school. And they met a cat, upset that they had not invented a school for animals, and at his age he was not taught either writing or literacy, and without them you would be lost in life. The slackers answered that they were already in their twelfth year, but they didn’t know how to do anything because they were too lazy to study. The cat was very surprised and replied that it was the first time he had met such lazy people.

furrier cat

The work tells the story of a dog who brings a sheep skin to a furrier cat and asks him to sew a hat. The dog regularly comes for the order, but it is still not ready. The dog realizes the deception and quarrels with the cat. Animals are judged. After this, the furrier runs away, taking all the furs with him. Since then, cats and dogs have not gotten along.

cat house

The work “Cat's House” tells the story of a rich cat living in a luxurious house. She receives guests, but denies food and shelter to her poor kitten nephews. One day a fire started in the house and it was impossible to save it: everything burned to the ground. The cat and the janitor cat Vasily ask for shelter from former guests. However, everyone refuses fire victims under various pretexts. The cat and her companion are helped by beggar kitten nephews. They live together all winter, and in the spring they build a new luxurious house.

All year round

Marshak’s work “All Year Round” tells the reader about the 12 months, their features and symptoms. The poem helps the child remember the seasons and learn to distinguish between them. By rereading the lines, the child will learn the months and their order. The book is recommended for reading by adults and children of preschool age. Suitable for first independent reading.

Master craftsman

The work tells the story of a boy who considers himself an excellent carpenter, but does not want to study. He decided to make a buffet, but could not handle the saw. I decided to make a stool, but I couldn’t handle the axe. I set about making a frame for the portrait, but only ruined the material. All that was left of the boards was a pile of wood chips for kindling the samovar. Eh, master craftsman!

Miller, boy and donkey

A comic fairy tale tells about people who, no matter how hard they try, cannot please public opinion. An old man rides a donkey, a boy walks next to him - people gossip that this is wrong. Then the miller makes room for his grandson, and he goes on foot. But even now people are unhappy - the young man is forcing the old man to go. Then the boy and the miller sit on the donkey together, but now the people feel sorry for the animal. As a result, the baby and grandfather walk, the donkey sits astride the miller. But even now the people do not let up: “The old donkey is lucky for the young!”

Mister Twister

The satirical poem "Mr. Twister" satirizes racism. The anti-bourgeois feuilleton tells about a wealthy banker who came with his family on vacation to the USSR. Mr. Twister, seeing a black man at the hotel, did not want to stay there any longer, and the family went to look for another place to stay, but to no avail. As a result, the doorman arranged for them to spend the night in the Swiss room, in the hallway on a chair and on the buffet counter. Twister dreams that he is not allowed back to America. In the morning, the family agrees to live in the 2 rooms offered, despite the presence of people of a different race as neighbors.

Why doesn't the month have a dress?

The work tells the story of a tailor's attempts to sew a dress for the month. However, the figure of the celestial body was constantly changing: now it became a full moon, now a crescent, now a thin sickle. The tailor had to take measurements again and alter the clothes several times, but as a result he gave up and recommended staying without a dress for a month.

First day of the calendar

Marshak’s work “The First Day of the Calendar” talks about September 1st. The author describes the first day of school after the summer holidays, when children from different countries, cities, villages, villages, auls, and kishlaks go to school. For some of the guys it is in the mountains or on the seashore, for others it is among fields or in large populated areas. All the girls and boys are in a hurry for the start of the new school year.


The work “Fire” talks about the complex and hard work of firefighters who are always ready to fight fire. Events in the poem develop rapidly: mother goes to the market, Helen opens the stove door, and flames burst into the apartment. The brave and kind fireman Kuzma selflessly fights the fire and saves a girl and a cat.


The work “Mail” tells about the work of postmen, about a registered letter that flew around the world for its recipient. The poem tells children about the joy of people receiving long-awaited news, about the time when a man with a “thick bag on his shoulder” delivered mail from house to house and was practically the only link between populated areas.

The Adventures of Cipollino

The work tells about the cheerful Cipollino, his homeland, where lemons, oranges, mangoes and other fruits ripen. The onion boy tells about his origin and relatives: grandfather Cipollone, father, brothers and sisters. Cipollino's family lives in poverty, and he goes in search of a better life.

About two neighbors

The work tells the story of a beggar who asks his neighbor for a donkey so he can go to the market. At this time, the cry of an animal is heard from the barn, but the rich man continues to deceive the poor man. The beggar leaves with nothing, but on the way home he sees a neighbor's sheep that has strayed from the herd. He hides the animal in his home. Now the poor neighbor is deceiving the rich man who came for the ram.


Marshak's funny poem "Poodle" tells about an old woman and her funny dog. Reading the adventures of the heroes, it is impossible not to laugh: either a poodle climbs into a cupboard, then the owner loses him and searches for 14 days, while he runs behind her, then a chicken pecks the dog on the nose, then he wraps the whole apartment, grandma and the cat in a ball. thread And one day the old woman decided that the dog had died and ran for the doctors, but he turned out to be alive and unharmed.

A story about an unknown hero

The work tells about the search for a young man who saved a girl from a fire and wished to remain anonymous. He passed a burning house on a tram and saw the silhouette of a child in the window. Jumping out of the carriage, the guy reached the burning apartment through a drainpipe. Arriving firefighters could not find the child, but the hero came out of the gate with the girl in his arms, gave her to her mother, jumped on the tram and disappeared around the corner. The reason for writing the poem was a similar case of a citizen saving a woman from a fire in 1936.

The Tale of a Stupid Mouse

The work tells about a mouse who could not lull the little mouse to sleep. The baby didn’t like her voice, and he asked her to look for a nanny for him. However, no one's lullaby pleased him: not a duck, not a toad, not a horse, not a chicken, not a pike. And only the mouse liked the sweet voice of the cat. The mother returned, but the stupid baby was not on the bed...

The Tale of a Smart Mouse

The work is a continuation of the sad “Tale of a Stupid Mouse”. The cat takes the baby out of the hole and wants to play, but he runs away from the predator into a hole in the fence. There, a new danger awaits the mouse - a ferret. But the baby deceives him and hides under an old stump. On the way home, the mouse encounters a hedgehog and an owl, but he manages to outwit them all and return unharmed to his mom, dad, brothers and sisters.

Tale about a goat

A fairy tale-play in 2 acts tells about a goat helping a woman and grandfather on the farm. A kind animal cooks food, lights the stove, chops wood, brings water, and spins yarn. While the grandfather and woman were resting, the goat went into the forest to pick mushrooms, and 7 wolves attacked him. The animal was afraid that the old people would disappear without it, and began to desperately defend itself. At this time, the grandfather and woman went to look for an assistant and scared off the predatory flock with shouts. The old people are happy that the goat is alive and well, and he promises to bake them a mushroom pie.

Old woman, close the door!

The comic work tells about a stupid argument between an old man and an old woman about who will close the door. They decide that whoever speaks first will do it. It's midnight and the door is still open. Strangers entered the dark house, took away the food the old woman had prepared, and the grandfather’s tobacco, but they did not object, fearing to argue with each other.

Quiet fairy tale

In the work “A Quiet Tale,” the author talks about the quiet life of a family of hedgehogs. They were very quiet, walking through the forest at night while the other inhabitants were sleeping peacefully. However, two wolves cannot sleep and attack the family. The needles reliably protect the hedgehogs, and the evil predators retreat. The family quietly returns home.


Marshak in his play “Teremok” slightly changes the traditional fairy tale plot, contrasting the peaceful inhabitants of the house with aggressive forest inhabitants - the Bear, the Fox, the Wolf. The story tells of weak, but friendly and brave friends who managed to repel evil predators. The aggressors are left with nothing and run away back into the forest, while the frog, mouse, hedgehog, and cockerel remain happily living in the little house.


The work tells about the older brother of peaceful sleep - Ugomon. He calms those who do not want to go to bed, make noise and disturb others. Ugomon visits trolleybus and tram depots, pavements, forests, trains, ships, and airplanes. And he even manages to put baby Anton to sleep. But not only does Ugomon come at night, he is also indispensable at school to calm noisy students.

Mustachioed - Striped

The touching story “Mustachioed and Striped” tells about a girl caring for a kitten like a child who does not want to bathe, sleep in a crib, or learn to read. The work combines poetry and prose; word play attracts young readers. Next to a stupid kitten, children feel big and smart.

Smart things

The comedy fairy tale “Smart Things” tells the story of a trading shop where an old man sold outlandish items: a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisible hat, running boots, and so on. One day, a kind and honest musician liked a pipe and a mirror, but he had no money. The seller of the outlandish shop gave him the items for free with the condition of returning them in a year. However, the musician was deceived by a greedy merchant who took possession of his things and sent him to prison. However, smart objects did not serve the new owner and did not bring him any benefit. Good conquers evil: the musician was freed, and the greedy merchant was punished.

A good day

The poem "Nice Day" is about a boy who is happy that his dad has a day off and they will spend time together. Father and son make grandiose plans and then bring them to life: they go to a shooting range, a zoo, ride a pony, a car, a trolleybus, a subway, a tram. After an adventure, a tired boy and his dad return home with a bouquet of lilacs.

Six units

The work “Six Units” tells the story of a student who received 6 lowest marks for his answers in class: he called the baobab a bird, the hypotenuse a river, the zebra an insect, and, according to the boy, kangaroos grow in the garden bed. Upset parents send their son to bed. And the careless student had a dream in which his incorrect answers were embodied.

Popular poems

The poems of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak will interest children in grades 1-2-3 and preschoolers.

  • A, Be, Tse
  • Artek
  • White cat
  • Grandma's favorites
  • Drum and pipe
  • Lamb
  • Bye-bye, kids
  • White page
  • Vanka-Vstanka
  • Giant
  • Visiting the Queen
  • In the underground
  • Wolf and fox
  • Meeting
  • At the theater for children
  • Where did you have lunch, sparrow?
  • Two cats
  • Ten Little Indians
  • Orphanage
  • Rain
  • Doctor Faustus
  • Friends and comrades
  • Fools
  • Greedy
  • The hare wooed the fox
  • Punctuation marks
  • Captain
  • Ship
  • Kittens
  • Who will find the ring?
  • Who fell
  • Blacksmith
  • Moonlit evening
  • Little fairies
  • Bubble
  • About boys and girls
  • Why was the cat called a cat?
  • What were the horses, hamsters and chickens talking about?
  • Gloves
  • Song about the Christmas tree
  • Petya the parrot
  • Piglets
  • Adventure on the road
  • The Adventures of Murzilka
  • Signs
  • About the hippopotamus
  • Rainbow
  • Rainbow-arc
  • Talk
  • Conversation with first class
  • Robin-Bobin
  • Robinson Crusoe
  • Guinea pig
  • The Tale of the King and the Soldier
  • old lady
  • Counting book
  • Three wise men
  • Three gifts
  • Smart Vasya
  • A Lesson in Politeness
  • Fomka
  • Round dance
  • Brave men
  • Four eyes
  • Humpty Dumpty
  • As a keepsake for the student
  • I have seen

Translations of Marshak

Marshak is recognized as one of the best translators, thanks to his ability to preserve the richness of the Russian language, without changing the character of the foreign original.

  • Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll
  • Alice in the Wonderland. Lewis Carroll
  • The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich. Alan Milne
  • The house that Jack built. Jonathan Swift
  • Heather honey. Robert Louis Stevenson.
  • Lyrics. Robert Burns
  • Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
  • Fairy tales. Rudyard Kipling
  • Sonnets. William Shakespeare
  • Cold heart. Wilhelm Hauff