Other dances

He doesn’t call Aries, although I was offended. Aries man in love. Can an Aries husband forgive betrayal?

#1. Active and purposeful Aries men, as a rule, achieve great heights in life. And they seriously expect to play a successful game in love. They cannot be called prudent in relation to marriage - on the contrary, succumbing to blinding feelings, they may not discern the “underlying” of the chosen one and succumb to sexual provocation. At heart these are very romantic representatives, and can even compete with Pisces in terms of original surprises.

#2. How to understand an Aries man? One of the most famous and charismatic representatives of the sign was “the greatest lover in the world” - Casanova. And this historical fact already speaks volumes. They are, indeed, always surrounded by women. Is it the case that the fair sex at some physiological level captures the sexual fluids of this insatiable male; or in natural charm - not everyone can resist his jokes and seductive tricks.

how to understand an Aries man

#3. Representatives of the fire element are still attracted by success. They are excited by self-sufficient and confident women, careerists whom they want to be proud of and admire. A sort of queen worthy of their king. Excessive modesty and weakness do not cause increased interest in them.

#4. We are talking about a male warrior who is not averse to engaging in psychological sparring - do not be afraid to offer an opposing opinion and engage in debate with him. He loves being challenged. But don't forget that Aries also loves to win, so from time to time it's worth swallowing your pride and giving him the opportunity to enjoy the triumph.

#5. Be careful and never criticize Aries's appearance or ideas. He reacts very aggressively to any comments and can become angry. Instead, encourage and motivate. If you ask his opinion on how best to complete a particular task or organize a business, he will be simply happy to guide you and advise you. It is worth using this option if you want to spend more time with him or are trying to attract attention.

How to understand that an Aries man likes you

#6. It is a mistake to believe that these passionate people are aroused by revealing outfits. He is much more elegant and smarter than he seems. Yes, Aries love red. But you should use this color subtly and in moderation. The rule of fashion harmony: an open neckline and a chaste “bottom” or, conversely, a modest “top” and a bold mini will most likely work with a bang.

#7. How to understand that an Aries man likes you? In terms of courtship, this is a classic hunter. He loves thrills, he is excited by the idea of ​​pursuing an inaccessible beauty. Therefore, from the very beginning, he can show his sympathy in a frighteningly assertive, even aggressive way. He will not stand on ceremony, look for a “suitable opportunity,” but will immediately claim his rights to the object of desire. If you want to tease him and provoke him, flirt, but keep some distance. Even if after an hour of communication you are ready to dissolve in his arms, still make him conquer you.

#8. In bed, these are insatiable dominants who love violent and inventive sex, with frequent changes of positions. They are prone to multi-orgasms and can make love for several hours in a row. Variety, role-playing games, experiments and full dedication in the bedroom are a prerequisite for a relationship with this macho man. You don’t want him, like Casanova, to go in search of something new on the side?

#9. Remain a mystery to him, don’t tell him too much about yourself on dates, let him discover something new about you every time. Mystery incredibly catches Aries and makes him think about you constantly.

Aries man: how to understand that he is in love?

#10. About the zodiacal disadvantages of the sign. You will have to deal with a daring, sometimes boorish, loving and selfish partner who always puts his own interests above those around him.

#eleven. Aries man: how to understand that he is in love? Don't get it wrong - he'll just start idolizing and praising you. Are you ready for increased attention, love praises on your Facebook wall, and a throne instead of a chair in your living room?

Well, you've got the Aries man of your dreams, but now you probably want to know how to stay interesting to him. Given that this zodiac sign loves adventure and has a poor attention span, the task can be quite difficult, but it will be worth it if you succeed.


Part 1

Keep it fresh
  1. Avoid routine. Just remember, an Aries man will lose interest in you the moment the relationship becomes a chore or a burden. If you feel like you're falling into a rut with him, arrange things so that he doesn't get bored.

    • If you think realistically, you cannot make every day different from the previous one. Although, if you see each other every day, you should try to always do something new at least once or twice a week to cover all the accumulated routine.
  2. Be on the same page with him. If you haven't realized it yet, your Aries man likes dates that are full of adventure and variety. If you don't want him to lose interest, you'll have to comply. If your Aries guy asks you what you'd like to do, opt for a night out instead of spending time at home.

    • If you really need to spend an evening at home, make it as interesting as possible. Cook dinner using new and exotic ingredients, or buy a Latin dance CD.
  3. Move quickly. If your relationship is still in the early stages, you should keep things moving at a proper pace. The Aries man is not a fan of the measured flow of life. Be prepared to follow his frantic pace or not be with him at all.

    • Of course, you should also be honest with yourself about how far you're willing to take the relationship. He may be ready to go to bed with you, but if you don't feel ready, don't let his ardor tempt you into doing something you don't want. If, however, you are ready to move on, do so with confidence and without doubt.
  4. Surprise him. Even though the Aries man usually takes the initiative, he likes a relationship with a girl who can keep him on his toes. When he least expects it, surprise him with something new and unexpected. When he gets a thrill from being around you, he will want to be around you as long as possible.

    • One weekend you might suggest something like bungee or rock climbing, especially if your loved one has shown interest in such activities in the past. You don't want to drag him there blindfolded, but even just suggesting it can be a nice surprise.
  5. Give him an unforgettable experience. When you want to give your Aries man a gift, take him on an adventure instead of buying some trinket. Believe me, he will appreciate an exciting adventure much more than some boring thing.

    • Front seats to a match of his favorite team or a weekend camping trip will often be a better gift than a banal new CD.

    Part 2

    Give him space
    1. Let him spend time on himself. An Aries man needs to feel free and independent, so he may not always invite you to join him in his adventures. Try not to pull it back. A clingy woman will, in most cases, scare away an Aries man.

      • Try not to be discouraged if he chooses to spend the evening with friends rather than with you. An Aries man won't beat around the bush and hint that it's all over; if he loses interest, he will be honest about it. And so you don’t have to worry that his sudden desire to relax with friends is a hidden hint that you have problems.
    2. Be easy going. Many Aries men can be bossy and may not like being told what to do. In other words, you will have to give him the initiative in most cases.

      • If you want to turn the relationship around in your own way, you should propose changes so that your loved one can later say that this is his merit.
    3. Suppress the desire to somehow limit it. Unfortunately, many Aries men are susceptible to temptation. They may flirt with other girls, regardless of whether you are his official significant other. Therefore, you may want to lock him in the house when you go somewhere, but this is more likely to open the way for him out of the relationship than to bring you closer.

      • If he starts staring at someone, don't make a scene with him, but rather focus on how to get him to look at you again. Try to make eyes at the other guy and make your Aries notice it. His competitive spirit will spur him on and he will pursue you again.
    4. Make him conquer you. If an Aries man is suffocating from your attention, he may soon lose interest in you. On the other hand, if you constantly encourage him to gain your interest instead of worrying about how to keep it, he will be more likely to rise to the challenge.

      • However, it is important to let him win if he accepts the challenge. Act disinterested at first, but when he starts trying to get your attention, show him that his efforts are not in vain.

    Part 3

    Stay Fit
    1. Always be active. Most Aries men will be happy to start a relationship if their partner is active both in and out of bed. Exercise is a great way to be closer to him, especially if it's at least a little risky.

      • Have a race, play basketball or some similar game.
      • Remember that Aries men hate routine, so your physical activity should not follow a strict schedule. In other words, jogging every day after work is not the best way to keep his attention. Vary both activities and times at least a little each time.
    2. Play with him. As for intimate activity, Aries men won’t have to be persuaded for long. Whether you've reached bedtime in your relationship or not, you should be prepared for your man to get horny in the blink of an eye and try to coax you into sex. You will have to follow his pace if you don't want him to get bored with you.

      • For your own good, you would do well to stay in shape. Otherwise, you will get tired much earlier than he does.
    3. Tease him. Unfortunately, Aries men can be a little selfish when it comes to intimacy and often insist on having their own way. If you want to have any say, you will have to pretend that you are not completely satisfied. This will encourage him very much and, as a result, he will begin to pay much more attention to you, thereby competing with himself.

      • Hint that you are not impressed by his movements. When he understands this, he will happily begin to find out what you like and will not stop trying until he achieves his goal.
    4. Don't be afraid to try something new. As in every other aspect of his life, Aries men need variety. If he has the urge to try something new in the bedroom, let him do it. If he doesn't get any vivid emotions with you, he will soon become bored.

      • Although, if you are not happy with something, you should directly tell him about it. If an idea appears in his head, he will immediately begin to implement it, without even waiting for permission. Only direct disagreement can put an end to this.

    Part 4

    Be a support for him
    1. Support him in any endeavor. Since Aries men crave variety and excitement, they are always busy with more new activities than other guys. He may or may not invite you along on the trip, but either way, you should show him that you're always rooting for him.

      • This means that you need to take an active interest in other aspects of his life, both new business projects and new hobbies.
      • If he invites you to take part in his adventure, don't hesitate to join. If not, show as much interest as possible, but don't pressure him into inviting you.
    2. Discuss. Even though your Aries man needs to feel like he is right, he needs to be given the opportunity to prove himself in order to be completely satisfied. You can and should challenge him from time to time, but remember that you must allow him to win more than he loses.

      • Of course, if you are one hundred percent sure of something, you shouldn’t give in to it. Your shyness will not be a good decision, and don't let him win if it's obvious that you are right.
    3. Never criticize him. Usually the ego of an Aries man requires careful treatment. If you have a habit of correcting or embarrassing him in front of people, you are most likely hitting his sense of self-worth, and this is all leading to a decline in his feelings.

      • Laughing at his childhood photos is absolutely not recommended, and if you start laughing at a mistake he made with his family or friends, this will lead to a huge scandal and not the most pleasant feelings. Despite all the assertiveness and confidence of the Aries man, he is very sensitive and easily wounded.

Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics that should be taken into account when communicating and building relationships. To understand an Aries man, find out his main character traits and find out how to win his heart.

general characteristics

First, let's look at the main qualities and character traits, and let's start with the positive ones:

  • Energy. Aries simply has an inexhaustible flow of energy, so he is always active and active.
  • Determination. He is ready to take responsibility for making decisions and for their possible consequences, and also acts without delay in force majeure situations.
  • Such a representative of the stronger sex is true to his word and will keep it under any circumstances. He considers keeping promises a matter of honor, as well as keeping secrets entrusted to him.
  • Determination. If an Aries has set a goal for himself, he will stubbornly pursue it and will certainly do everything to achieve his goal.
  • Autonomy and independence. Already at a young age, Aries strives to provide for themselves and not depend on their parents, and this quality persists throughout their lives.
  • Tremendous willpower. He is ready to endure hardships, restrictions and difficulties if he knows that this is justified and will lead to results.
  • Optimism. Aries will not whine and complain about fate; in addition, he cannot stand “whiners” and melancholic people.
  • Representatives of this zodiac sign are polite and sociable. They are pleasant and interesting conversationalists, but they will not flatter or suck up, although they will certainly give a few compliments to the point.
  • Aries are born leaders, they are excellent managers and will certainly lead their subordinates to victory.
  • Honesty. It is unlikely that an Aries will lie, even if it is a lie for the greater good. He tells it like it is.

Negative character traits and behavior:

  • Self-confidence. He considers himself the best, if not in everything, then in many ways.
  • Absolutely all Aries are incredibly stubborn. Even if a man realizes that he is wrong (although this is unlikely to happen, he is always confident that he is right), he will still defend his point of view to the end and stick to one line.
  • Hot temper, emotionality. Aries is very easy to get angry, and if he starts to “boil”, then emotions will overcome reason and a sober mind. If a man goes towards his goal and something interferes with him, then he loses his temper and sometimes becomes hysterical. And often excessive expression of emotions and the inability to restrain them greatly interfere, in all areas of life.
  • Eccentricity. Aries love the public and attention, so they often do everything to be in the center of events and attract attention. And this trait often interferes with representatives of the zodiac sign in question, especially in personal relationships and careers. Anyone next to an Aries fades into the background and finds themselves in the shadows.
  • Straightforwardness. Aries say everything to their face, even things that should be kept to themselves. So, they can express criticism about their appearance and even allow themselves to be rude.
  • Selfishness. If a man wants something, he is absolutely indifferent to the desires, aspirations and thoughts of others.

How to please an Aries, what kind of women are he attracted to?

What does a woman need to do to attract the attention of an Aries? Such men are very fond of bright, beautiful and well-groomed representatives of the fairer sex and primarily evaluate appearance, so impeccable style and perfect makeup are already half the success. But a woman must also be able to present herself and emphasize her strengths, and do it in a feminine and not too obvious way. The lady of Aries's heart must certainly be bright and interesting, energetic, easy-going, independent and quite smart.

If an Aries likes a girl, he will certainly show it, but he will not run after a potential darling, this is not his style. And yet he is a conqueror, so he will certainly begin to look after him beautifully, shower the lady with compliments, perhaps give gifts and make surprises. But you shouldn’t immediately succumb to his tricks and respond to his advances: the representative of the zodiac sign must understand that the woman is unavailable. Although it’s also not worth delaying and pretending to be “hard to touch”, because interest can quickly fade away, and then Aries will switch to another “victim”.

Love and relationships

How can you understand an Aries man? To do this, it is worth finding out how he behaves in relationships. If a man falls in love, he shows his feelings in every possible way and gives himself entirely to them. He is so passionate about his beloved that he simply does not notice other women, so there is no point in being jealous of him. Aries are very romantic people; they love it when their impulses are responded to in kind. The representative of this zodiac sign is amorous and sometimes idolizes his chosen one, creating her image from his own fantasies. If the other half disappoints your loved one, he will certainly break off the relationship without a shadow of doubt or regret.

If a girl managed not only to make an Aries fall in love, but also to interest and keep her, then she should be prepared for a real ocean of passions. He is jealous and will not tolerate flirting or even innocent glances towards other men, so you should not give reasons. It is also important for such a man to constantly be in euphoria and enjoy his love, so it is recommended to extend the candy-bouquet period and in no case rush things. In addition, it is important for Aries to have common interests with her chosen one or at least discuss her favorite topics with her, so she must either be a comprehensively developed person or study the hobbies of her beloved.

All Aries are wonderful lovers. They are inventive, passionate, ready to experiment and skillfully provide pleasure to their partner. They also love to dominate and show their masculine strength, sometimes rudely. But tenderness, kisses and touches are also characteristic of them. Such a man is very attentive and subtly feels his other half. But she must be ready for extreme sports, because Aries cannot live without it.

Marriage and family life

In family life, Aries will manifest itself as a breadwinner, a responsible spouse and father, although sometimes such manifestations may be limited only to creating appearances. And yet, the wife and children can fully rely on the head of the family, and if he promised something, he will certainly keep his promise. In addition, he will do everything so that his family does not need anything.

Aries is not a tyrant, but he will definitely set rules and dictate conditions, because he is a leader. A woman, in the opinion of such a man, should be the keeper of the home, so he is unlikely to appreciate her desire to build a career, especially to the detriment of the family. And he will be angry if his wife’s earnings exceed his own.

The spouse will definitely immediately express dissatisfaction for any reason, which sometimes is fraught with showdowns and scandals. Aries are quite faithful, but if betrayal does occur, then the man will not and cannot hide it. If the feelings of a representative of the zodiac sign in question fade away, he will immediately report this and will not torment either himself or his spouse.

Understanding an Aries man is not easy, because he has a complex character. And yet, if you know the characteristics of this zodiac sign, you can build relationships and even create a strong family.

Many women, in search of love, try to pay attention not to the appearance, but to the character of the man. When meeting a man, one of the first questions women ask is their zodiac sign. Aries is one of the harshest signs. To understand it, just imagine a person who wants to be the first in everything!

How can you understand an Aries man?

Remember that, first of all, Aries is very domineering and strong. The Aries man is ready to do anything to achieve his goal. He can deceive and go over his head to get the desired result. It often leads men themselves into a dead end, since they sometimes do not notice how they create problems and difficult moments for themselves where they actually do not exist.

It is important to understand that Aries men are passionate, but at the same time cold. This is what helps them make a woman fall in love with them in a matter of seconds.

Men of this sign have a great deal of confidence and impatience; they are full of inexhaustible energy and creative ideas, which attract others and strangers. However, when something stands in his way, the Aries man becomes unbearable, demanding and selfish.

An Aries man is ready to plunge headlong into a love relationship and completely dissolve in it. Although outwardly such a man will carefully hide his true feelings, his inner fervor will help him add variety and romance to the relationship. At heart, the Aries man is very vulnerable and sentimental.

If you don't know how to understand the sign of Aries, remember that he is faithful and honest towards his significant other. When an Aries is truly in love, he will not play on several fronts, but the romance that he gives to his beloved, he also wants to receive in return.

How to approach an Aries man

Be careful, because although the Aries man will not flirt with other women, he needs to communicate with them. He will not tolerate infringement of his rights and freedoms.

Such a man is used to being a leader and will never act as a slave. Therefore, you should not forbid an Aries man to do anything, but it is best to give him moral support and understand him in detail.

Love relationships are difficult for an Aries man, since he needs a woman who can find a middle ground in the relationship. At the same moment, she should be at a distance from him and be so close that he feels love.

Something that looked like an explosion, a tornado, lightning, and Superman combined just flashed past you. No, no, you're right. This is Aries. If you are the type of woman who needs a constant holiday in life with noise and fireworks, hurry up: your ideal is in front of you. But if you are looking for reliability and tranquility in marriage, then, alas, this is not the hero of your novel.

The Aries man abruptly changes from one state to another. One minute he was burning with passion, and the next moment there is an iceberg in front of you. If you offend him or he simply loses interest in you (or maybe both at the same time), you will feel a dramatic change in yourself immediately. To get his attention again, you will have to start from scratch.

Aries are full of ideas and creative energy, so being with them all the time is sometimes tiring, but not boring. They are fast and swift, and if you are a snail by nature, you will find it difficult to keep up with an Aries; besides, he has no habit of looking back, and you can get lost along the way. Aries usually look younger than their age; maturity and growing up comes to them later than to others, do not forget about this. The Aries man is impatient, determined and self-confident; he strives to get ahead of everyone, sometimes even himself. Sometimes he is generosity itself, shares everything he has with people, and at the same time he can be intolerant, forgetful, unbearably demanding and selfish if his desires are not fulfilled immediately.

The Aries man's attitude towards love is amazing. He gives himself to his beloved with all ardor, sincerely believing that this is the only love in the world (with the possible exception of Romeo and Juliet). When the romance unexpectedly collapses, Aries rushes with the same passion to glue the broken shards, and if he fails, with the same faith and no less passion he starts an affair with the new Juliet, where everything is repeated all over again. Regardless of the serial number of the novel: be it the first or the hundred and first, Aries firmly believes that this one is the true one. In love, Aries is a pure idealist and is so sentimental that he will not miss a single sigh, glance or groan of yours, enveloping your relationship in a haze of sublime poetry. He doesn’t do anything halfway, so he gives himself completely to love, without reserve.

Sometimes among Aries you come across creatures that seem at first glance to be calmer. But don't be fooled. Aries is an Aries, and any Aries is ruled by Mars. Is your Aries not very talkative? Is he calm and not bursting with energy? This is just an appearance. The brain of any Aries rotates at a speed of 200 revolutions per second. If you want to find out something about your atypical Aries, make inquiries about him at his previous place of work or ask his former lovers. In response to your questions, they will laugh: modest? shy? You must have confused him with someone else. Only after communicating more closely with Aries will you understand everything yourself. This is just a mask behind which hides a passionate heart and a hot head.

None of the other signs of the Zodiac is as faithful in love as Aries (if, of course, the love is real). Honest by nature, he will never cheat on you, and, being an idealist, he will not even think about it. No matter what they write about him in books, infidelity and even light flirting are unusual for Aries. And how is this possible - after all, he loves you to the point of insanity. Love for Aries is an ideal, sublime romance, suggesting love to the grave. As for all his other hobbies, they were B.D.T (were before you).

True, listening to the passionate babble of Aries, you must be aware that all his words relate only to this moment. Aries's desire for ideal love can result in the fact that if tomorrow you stop meeting the image of his ideal lover, it will cost him nothing to switch to another object. Therefore, being the lover of an Aries, do not show yourself to him with a thick old scarf wrapped around your neck during a cold; do not force him to be present at your toilet when you do a manicure, brush your teeth, dye your hair, glue on eyelashes, put a mask on your face; do not subject him to the torture of listening to your many hours of conversations with your mother and friends. All these actions are not part of his idea of ​​an ideal lover, a fairy-tale princess. Next to him, you should always look as if you were getting ready to go to a ball or wherever he wants to invite you. If you live alone with him and he, coming to your bed in the morning, like the Prince from the Sleeping Beauty, wakes you up you with a kiss, do not greet him with a snore or an exclamation: \"Why the hell are you waking me up?\" You should fully play the role of the Sleeping Beauty, who, upon awakening, looks at her lover with a languid, sleep-blurred gaze and gently wraps her arms around his neck.

Aries, if his beloved is not romantic enough, first gets upset, then gets angry and, finally, goes in search of a new, less down-to-earth lover. And such an act cannot in any way be called dishonest on his part. He didn't break his promises. It was you who disappointed his expectations. You promised him to be a wonderful nightingale, but in reality you turned out to be an annoying jay. Your voice seemed to him like the voice of an angel, and you scream at him so much that his eardrums burst. And most importantly, why? He just stayed up late two nights in a row with friends, and you are throwing a tantrum as if he committed a crime. What do you allow yourself? Marriage, in his concept, is not a prison, and he is not a prisoner, you must understand this well.

If you nevertheless learn to look at him languidly and try not to lose your charm for him, he will happily prefer you to all other women in the world, especially since Aries is very rarely attached to several women at the same time (unless, God forbid, there were no Geminis in his family or Venus was not in an unfortunate position at the hour of his birth). Several novels at once simply do not correspond to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone, unique love. He will never start a new romance without breaking up with the previous one. In any case, you will feel that things are heading towards a break. Aries rarely pretend to be in love and do not strive to do so. But now you know perfectly well what you need to do in order to chain Aries to you for a long time. Don't be boring, monotonous or overly modest. To keep an Aries, you have to be Grace Kelly, Ursula Andree, Marie Dressler, Marie Curie and Queen Victoria at the same time. Try to convince him that you are the best woman in the world, and his loyalty will be limitless. Being an idealist and an egoist at the same time, he will never admit that he was wrong and will not believe that his love has died. He will try to resuscitate her. And yet his patience is not unlimited, and he will consider a situation that most men easily accept unbearable for himself and will try to get rid of it. After the breakup, if you happen to catch him in the appropriate mood, you can start an affair with him again, but under one condition: pretend that nothing happened between you before. To make it easier for you to forgive him for his betrayal, remember that the cause of everything was, first of all, yourself. It was you who ceased to be the one he loved. Adultery is not characteristic of Aries's nature, so the roots of his betrayal lie in your wrong behavior. Remember this. You hold the keys to your happiness in your hands - don't lose them.

If you think you can fix the relationship by making him jealous, get those thoughts out of your head once and for all. Your first betrayal will most likely be your last. Aries will not tolerate not only genuine betrayal, but even light flirting and advances with another man. Aries loves to reign everywhere and in everything, including in your heart; he is a terrible owner and jealous. But, what’s worse, he allows himself much of what is denied to you personally; at the same time, he requires from you absolute faith in his infallibility. You must remember that all his lively conversations with other women are nothing more than a tribute to social decency. But your flirtatious conversation with another will be perceived as a personal insult. Aries will happily put you on a pedestal and pray to you, but God forbid you come down from there or at least pretend that you don’t like it there.

In social and public life, Aries is a born fighter and rebel. He will willingly challenge his superiors, as he is confident in his superiority over them. Perhaps this is so, but who likes it when they tell him about it? Due to the fact that Aries loves to demonstrate his superiority, he often gets it painfully, especially in those cases when he demonstrates this quality in front of his superiors, who will not miss the opportunity to humiliate the proud man. In such cases, Aries will certainly turn to you for consolation and support for his offended pride. Know that behind the self-confidence and aggressiveness in the character of Aries there is often hidden a well-disguised inferiority complex, which a true Aries will not admit to even on pain of death. And if you are able to heal the moral injuries inflicted on him with tenderness and devotion, the heart of your Aries will belong undividedly to you. Never try to prove to Aries that he is wrong, even if you are sure of it. You must learn to see the world through his eyes: to love what he loves and hate his enemies. This is his life principle, and if you cannot follow it, it is better to look for another man for yourself. The nature of Aries is alien to any pretense; you will immediately feel that he has cooled down towards you, by the aloof tone with which he will address you. At the same time, the violent outbursts of anger that he unleashes on you subside quite quickly and most likely indicate only temporary discontent. This is why Aries's coldness is much worse than his anger.

Play is not natural to Aries. He is always direct and truthful in all his manifestations - both in business and in love. Once he understands what he loves, he won't waste a second, but let him play the lead role. Don't stalk him, don't bother him with your calls, and don't declare your love to him until you are sure that your feelings are reciprocated. The best way to lose an Aries is to take the initiative into your own hands. Aries must be a leader, otherwise his interest in you will disappear so quickly that you won’t even have time to blink your eyes. But when he confesses his love to you, put aside your coldness and excessive modesty, otherwise he will look for warmth elsewhere. Love with an Aries man is like balancing on a tightrope, and you yourself are like a tightrope walker. You must keep him in constant tension, maintaining interest in you, but at the same time he must be completely confident in you. As you can see, the game is not easy. But if you want to keep Aries, learn how to play it.

The positive side of a relationship with an Aries is that after a quarrel, he will usually be the first to ask for forgiveness and the first to come to your aid. If you are sick or in trouble, Aries will always be with you. He will spend money on you generously, will not miss an opportunity to compliment you, and will openly admire your appearance and talents. He can be quick-tempered over trifles, but this condition quickly passes. You can become the greatest value in his life, and he will certainly tell you about it, but at the same time, he is pleased when you sincerely share his hobbies and listen to his opinion. Aries strives to be everything to you and at the same time, unlike other men, he will gladly reveal himself to you.

Aries wants his girlfriend to be femininity itself, and at the same time - his boyfriend; he loves independence in you, but still such that he remains the leader. He craves adoration and devotion on your part, but not slavishly, but with dignity. How, after all of the above, do you still want to stay with an Aries? Commendable. Then, at the end of the day, a few more touches of his character. He may lose his temper and say hurtful things (which, however, he doesn’t think about), but you must forgive and forget everything as quickly as he does. You should like all of his friends, although he reserves the right not to like yours. What do you want? You have chosen a real man, and in the person of your Aries you have him. And if you are a real woman, then your Romeo and Juliet romance (without the sad ending, of course) will be the envy of everyone around you. If you become the wife of an Aries, he will be the head of the family. He will not tolerate any comments from you, both in public and in private. Especially when it comes to money. After all, it's his money, he earned it. It cannot be said that he is a good financier, but do not even think about interfering in his financial affairs. If he is a typical Aries, he will never spare money for you and will give you as much as you want. He will be happy to buy you a snakeskin handbag, but only after he buys himself a crocodile case (if, of course, there is money left after buying it). He is, of course, selfish, but by no means stingy.

Although Aries, until he starts his own business, may often change jobs, this will not affect your well-being in any way. He will find a way to earn good money, although it will flow away quickly. The best advice in this case is to manage the household more economically and give the savings when he needs the money most. Aries rarely save “in reserve,” unless, of course, they had someone stingy in their family, or if at the time of Aries’s birth the Moon (predisposing to saving) was not shining, the patroness of Capricorns and Cancers.

Aries is an attentive and proud father, who delights in the birth of a baby (no matter what kind of baby he turns out to be). Later, however, he will try to control the children and dictate their future careers. In this case, he should be reminded that children love independence no less than he does. Fatherhood is a role in which Aries feels excellent. He enjoys playing baseball and football with the kids, talking about birds and bugs, and when the child grows up, he will willingly invite them to a restaurant for a family dinner. All that is required of you is not to let him understand that young Herman or Henrietta means more to you than he does - otherwise his love for children will noticeably decrease.

If you were successful at work before marriage, you can continue to do so after you get married, but (especially if you work in the same field) do not try to outshine your husband with your production or creative success, he will not tolerate this. Aries is the kind of husband who would rather forgive you for a hastily prepared dinner than for losing your interest in him and his affairs.

Don't interfere with his independence, but tactfully try to restrain his impulsiveness. He must lead in life, otherwise it loses all meaning for him; Don't suppress his energy and enthusiasm. As soon as he ceases to dominate at work or at home, his optimism will turn into dull discontent, and then into complete indifference. Remember that he lacks the ability to obey. Don't try to break his masculinity, but don't lose your own individuality. Don't boss him around and don't let him boss you around. An Aries husband will not tolerate a wife who spends every evening chatting in a ladies' club. And at the same time, he will not like his wife, who always hangs around at home, doing only household chores. Try to find a middle ground. And if you succeed, many, many years later, at your golden wedding, you will be the only gray-haired Juliet, and next to you will be the aged, but eternally loving Romeo. For the sake of such a wonderful prospect, especially if you are romantic by nature - and you cannot help but be if you have chosen Aries as your companion - it is worth living.