English language

Omens cannot be eaten after a child. Signs about children. Bathing newborns. Why you can’t give omens knives

Those who know me personally can hardly imagine me being insanely capricious, screaming and, for unknown reasons, turning into an irresponsible dunce. I understand that it can happen to anyone, but such states in myself are extremely unpleasant for me, especially when they are practically uncontrollable.

Where do such delights come from, you ask. I finished eating after the children. You heard right, I finished eating from the children's plates. By the way, this did not happen after finishing eating if the food was blessed. This is the magic. The worst thing in these states is that some small problems seem insoluble and cause a storm of emotions, and constructive criticism makes you take up arms against the whole world, I even noticed that close people begin to seem “bad and evil.” (just like in childhood, in moments when everything is bad)

The advantages that I took from this situation - I felt for my children. Sometimes even both at once. How difficult it is for them. They do not know how to control their emotions. They don't perceive reality that way. I realized that they don't want any explanation, they basically want to be pitied. And hugged and stroked.

And also, I realized that such strange crises happen after finishing eating only thanks to information about consecrated food. Otherwise this thought would never have come to me. I began to understand that consecrated food is ennobled by the person in front of whose image you consecrate this food. In simple terms, everything bad leaves from it, for example, the remnants of the bad mood of the person who prepared it on a farm or factory (dairy, Belevsky marshmallow, etc.) or transported it, or loaded it... and wisdom and goodness enter into it with icons, images of saints. By the way, today, in the neighboring temple, right in front of the entrance there was a table with candies and sweets. My daughter helped herself and took six (!) candies. I asked if they were sanctified or not, they answered yes.

These are the kinds of discoveries that happen. This world is riddled with amazing things. It's a pity that sometimes we are convinced that nothing can be done about it. It can be done and the reason is revealed and everything is simple and easy, there would be a desire to find answers.

P.S. The same goes for bitten apples, treats from other people's plates... we adopt the character traits of the owner of the plate. Such traits are what the taster is originally like.

P.S-2: My grandmother, who didn’t know what I know, didn’t like the fact that one of her relatives tried food while cooking. She winced as she ate. Apparently, she sensed what was what. Grandmother and mother - while cooking, did not try it. But they didn’t think of consecrating it then (in those days).

P.S-3: Of course, it’s important who cooks and in what state of mind, if it’s interesting, we’ll touch on it as a separate topic, okay?

If you feel sick and overwhelmed, remember if you don’t finish eating after people who can’t help themselves, if you don’t finish drinking after them, if you don’t try a piece from their bowl. Such pies, friends.

It seems to me that aggressiveness, irresponsibility, laziness and bad habits are conveyed in the same way.
If you have a similar experience, tell us, especially real-life incidents. I want to collect it in my piggy bank.

Review from a young woman, mother.

After I found out about this, I decided that I would not finish eating for my little daughter. But sometimes it was such a pity to throw it away, or I really wanted to eat, that I finished it anyway.
And then one day my child wanted to eat cottage cheese before going to bed, ate 3 spoons and left it. I decided to finish it, I really wanted it. We ended up going to read bedtime stories and go to bed. Everything seemed to be as usual. We spent the day calmly, at home without quarrels, the child was wonderful and obedient all day. And then everything that was happening began to irritate me. Any little thing - I got one fairy tale, Nastya wanted another, and I decided to insist on my own - Nastya burst into tears. Then I felt the urge to put her on the potty - she and I also did not agree on our desires. I wanted to do one thing, and she wanted to do another, while I was angry at everything that was not my way. As a result, I couldn’t put her to sleep for about 2 hours. After much tears and hysterics, mine and my daughter’s, she finally fell asleep. I went into the kitchen, sat down, and there was one question in my head - what’s wrong with me? After this incident, I forbade myself from finishing eating, but only if it could not negatively affect me :) for example, before our walk - on the contrary, I want to have fun and play with her :)

Thank you for such useful information!
I would write this on the website, but you need to register there, I’ll do that some other time.
Best wishes,
Review from another young woman, mother
I want to share about finishing eating:) I read your thought-provoking article and put it together like a puzzle! My story for your piggy bank:
The husband always finishes his daughter’s food - he’s just waiting for her to eat and doesn’t finish it, the shop “to kindly help out the child” in such a difficult situation when the mother was cooking and trying, but she (the daughter) couldn’t handle the dose. Million times I said that if you haven’t finished eating, don’t worry, you can throw it away, they say, I won’t be offended even once! NO! My husband is just like this sport (in his family it is customary to feed everyone a lot and strongly, it is desirable that everyone finishes their food and also wipes their plates with bread). And so, it happens that we eat food, talk about some business plans, discuss some common cause, while I listen with delight to my husband’s arguments or proposed options for solving problems in the near future. But SUDDENLY: my daughter’s request that she’s supposedly full and can she leave our feast “with compote under her arm to read a book” and...... the husband’s eyes light up, he cheers up, allows her, lets her go from the table, puts her daughter’s food on her plate and eats................ AND HERE! If almost immediately after this action you try to return to the previous topic of conversation, you can run into a whiny request to let you eat in peace, they say, your head is no longer cooking, they say, you’ve been deciding something all day, planning, tired, and then generally repeated attempts to shoulder some solutions and problems on my feminine shoulders. She even rolls her eyes like SHE :)
NOW I’ll just give my daughter less food, hahaha! It’s better to ask for more, maybe he won’t lose weight:):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):)

Many parents, long before the birth of their first child, try to read as much as possible, ask about how to raise and educate the baby so that he is healthy and strong. You can read a lot of modern advice, but it would not be amiss to turn to the signs of bygone days that have survived to this day:

  • You can’t finish your child’s half-eaten bread - eat up his health.
  • You can't blow on a child - you'll blow away good luck.
  • In order for the child to grow strong and have healthy teeth when they begin to cut, the baby’s parents need to be given silver spoons.
  • The child cannot be seated on the table, otherwise he will cry a lot for no reason.
  • If a child falls, be sure to pour water on the place where he fell so that there are no consequences.
  • When a child is sleeping, do not look at him - he may be scared.
  • They don’t kiss babies on the cheek, otherwise the teeth won’t show for a long time.
  • They also don’t kiss the soles of babies - it’s too late.
  • Until they are a year old, they don’t look in the mirror with him - the baby can overlook his happiness.
  • Please note that if a child’s hands are clenched during baptism, he will be stingy; if they are not clenched, he will be kind.
  • For insomnia, the child is washed with the water in which the spoons were washed after dinner (wash the spoons after dinner, and rinse them in a separate bowl, then wash them with this water). Dry the child with the left side of the hem of the robe. This is the simplest and most effective way. It not only puts the child to sleep, but calms the child’s soul.
  • Loud children should be carried to the church during the ringing of the bells.
  • Those born on the first day or on the new moon will be happy and have a long life.

You shouldn’t unconditionally believe every sign, but you shouldn’t neglect them either. They were born from the centuries-old experience of our ancestors.

Here are some tips when bathing your baby:

  • A newborn girl should be bathed in white linen so that she is white and soft.
  • When giving a child his first bath, it is good to put silver in the bath so that he is rich (just not a cross).
  • Children are not bathed on Sundays and Fridays.
  • If you bathed a child in the evening, then the water is not poured out until the sun rises completely in the morning.
  • Diapers are not washed in the water in which the child was bathed.
  • After the first bath, it is advisable to pour the water down the drain immediately, so that no one accidentally washes their hands in this water or rinses something. You must also ensure that the dog does not drink this water. It was believed that this could ruin the child’s whole life.

To the fortress child They say the following with some water in the bath:

“Endure the cold, endure the hunger,

endure every need.

Guardian angel, uk-record.

Words that need to be said during the 3rd bath:

Cleanwater -onshoulder, health. Bass and beauty in the body. Amen".

After the child turns one month old, every full moon (plus or minus one day) you need to say one of the following spells over some water. Conspiracies need to be changed every full moon, then repeated again on full moons.

For safekeeping:

“How God’s angels guarded and protected Him,

so would God himself, Jesus Christ,

my child(Name) preserved and protected.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

For a good appetite:

“Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Baby(Name), feed yourself through the word of God,

Fill up like a pouring apple.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

To the fortress child:

“There is a green oak tree in the forest,

Strengthened by the Word of God.

That's how I would grow up(Name) tough and strong,

like an oak tree in a forest is green.

Who will break my plot?

you won’t get away from my word.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"


For diseases:

"The Lord'sgrace, appear,

illness, slave(Name) don't touch:

neither fireweed nor tickler,

neither lomatica, nor chilly, nor feverish,

no Maryino, no Vvryino, no fear, no evil eye,

don't attack, don't fall, don't get lost,

don't curse orpick it up

From an evil word, from one’s own and someone else’s.

My word is molded, my work is strong. Amen".

For the sake of peace:

“There is an image on the table.

there is a belt on the holy body,

there are countless stars on that belt,

and there is a baby in my house.

As my baby grows up,

on the holy belt he will read everything.

God bless his mind.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

On normal days (not on full moon) The child is always bathed and washed directly in the bathtub with very well-known words:

“Water, water, wash my face so that my eyes sparkle, my cheeks glow, my mouth laughs, my teeth bite.”

Our ancestors were convinced that a baby bathed with such words would be beautiful.

In addition, there is another popular and very good spell for bathing a baby:

“Went a woman from across the sea was carrying a box of health. This, thatlittle by little in (name) all box."

With these words, the child will be reliably protected from diseases.

And finally, during normal bathing When caressing the child, you should say the following: “The water flows, the child grows. Water off a duck's back, thinness on you! Waterdownwards, and the child upwards.”

Until 40 days you cannot allow strangers to see your child, they will jinx it. And rightly so! Even doctors confirm this and order the baby’s parents to reduce the number of visits to the mother and her child to a minimum. After all, the child’s body is not yet strong and the likelihood that the baby will become infected from a relative or an uninvited guest who came to see the newborn is very high.

Babies are not allowed to kiss, otherwise they won’t talk for long. Any infection harms the baby's development. And therefore this proverb was not invented by chance.

Until then, you can’t feed your child fish and fish soup; he won’t speak. Many doctors are confident that fish should not be included in the diet of a child under one year old.
This is due to the fact that in children prone to allergies, fish can cause an exacerbation. Fish can only be given to a child in the form of puree, and even then it is not advisable. In addition, during the process of preparing fish or fish soup, it is easy not to see the bone and the baby can be served. In this regard, we see that the signs of our grandmothers are not groundless.

Don’t put your baby’s legs on the table – she won’t be able to walk for long.

Don’t put your child on the table - otherwise they will fall for no reason.

Don’t cut your baby’s hair until he’s one year old, so as not to cut his hair. Or, they also say, he will be poor.
Whether you consider this sign a superstition or not, you shouldn’t forget about safety precautions! Young children are very active and mobile. It is very important that the first haircut for a child should not become torture and then he dreams about it at night like a nightmare. Otherwise, your child will be afraid of hairdressers for a long time. More patience, love, because this is a child.

To ensure everything is fine for your baby, don’t hang your laundry on the line at night. And everyone knows this too. The child's clothes should be clean and well ironed. During the night, various troubles can happen to a baby’s things. For example, they may get wet by rain, they may get dirty by birds, or they may simply become dusty. This sign also cannot be called a stupid superstition.

When the baby takes his first steps, the mother should draw a knife between his feet., thereby breaking the invisible threads. And at the same time say: Walk tirelessly, live long and sweetly.

When a child loses his first tooth, it should be thrown into the fire. to kill the evil hiding in his body.

When children lose teeth, you need to throw the tooth into a crack on the floor, saying:“Mouse, mouse! You have a baby tooth, and let my son/daughter have an even stronger, even healthier tooth.”

Buy pink items for a newborn girl and blue for a newborn boy.

Do not wash, do not wash in water wherebaby dollbathed, the child will get sick.

You can’t throw dirty things on the floor - your child will have a poor life.

After the first bath at home, you should not immediately throw out the water.- they say, “you will add happiness”

After the baby’s first bath, the water should be poured out the next morning. Say these words to the water during the 3rd bath: “Clean water - on the shoulder, health. Bass and beauty in the body. Amen.”

Don't eat enough for your child - for his healthcome up.

You can't kiss a child's foot- it will be late. Don't kiss the baby on the cheek– otherwise the teeth won’t show for a long time.

Don’t bathe your child on Sundays and Fridays, you’ll bring trouble.

When you take your first bath, put silver in the bath, your baby was rich. Make sure that the dog does not drink water after the first bath. Because you will ruin the child’s life.

To put the child to sleep, you need to wash him with water, in which spoons were washed after dinner.(Wash the spoons, rinse them in clean water, and wash the baby with it). Wipe the doll with the left side of the robe or hem. This is the most effective method.
In addition, it calms the baby’s soul.

Those born on the first day or on a new moon will be happy in their long life.

Carry noisy children to the church when the bell rings.

If during baptism the child’s hands are clenched into fists- the greedy one will grow up, and if not squeezed, he will grow up kind and simple-minded.

The child is sleeping, don't look at him- there will be fear.

Don't put your baby on the table- there will be a lot of crying for no reason.

Don't look in the mirror with your baby until you're one year old.- you will overlook happiness.

So that the child grows up healthy, and the teeth were strong, you need to give the baby’s family silver spoons at the time when his/her teeth begin to cut.

The child will turn gray before his time, if they wean him from his mother's breast while the trees are in bloom. A child weaned during bird migrations grows up impatient.

Favorable signs:

  • When bringing your child into the world for the first time, climb the stairs with him.
  • To be born in a shirt.
  • Spit on a newborn.
  • Rub the baby's head with money.
  • Kiss the newborn.
  • When a baby sneezes.
  • If the child takes something with his right hand for the first time.
  • Rub the baby with a rabbit's foot.
  • Put a coral necklace on your child.
  • Bring bread and salt to the child.

Unfavorable signs:

  • When bringing your child into the world for the first time, go down the stairs with him.
  • Weigh the newborn.
  • Allow the baby to see himself in the mirror before six months.
  • Dress the baby in black.
  • Keep your child's nails trimmed until he or she is one year old.
  • Dress the child over the head, not through the legs.
  • Look at a sleeping child.
  • Give away all the child's clothes when they are no longer needed.
  • Wean your baby from the breast in early spring.
  • Carry baby on the left.
  • Step over a crawling baby.
  • Let the cat into the room with the newborn.
  • Wash your child's hands until he is one year old.

All kinds of troubles happen quite often to small children. Sometimes it seems like problems just came out of nowhere. Although in fact this may be a consequence of the evil eye.

Any mother wishes her child health and happiness and is ready to do everything for this. Therefore, over many centuries, many superstitions associated with children have accumulated, the observance of which helped relatives protect their children from adversity.

Signs associated with children under one year old

“Children’s” signs and superstitions are relevant from the very moment the baby is born:

  • « Born in a shirt" Many people have probably heard the expression “born in a shirt.” In fact, this is not an allegory, but a fact. “China” is considered to be part of the baby’s place, which is located in the uterine cavity and resembles a thin film. In England it is called the “blessed cap” because it is located on the head of a newborn. It is believed that the “shirt” should be kept for the rest of one’s life, and then the baby born in it will live the time allotted to him happily and will not drown. In Rus', this sign gave rise to another: the newborn was necessarily wrapped in his father’s shirt, which must be worn. Our ancestors believed that this would bring happiness to the little one. Nowadays, after birth, babies are often placed on their mother’s stomach. It is believed that maternal warmth will give the baby strength.
  • Seventh child. It is believed that the seventh child has special powers. Such people can heal others. If a person in the future chooses to become a doctor, then he will be able to treat the sick simply by touching them or letting them drink plain water. The main thing is not to overuse your abilities and remember that you are transferring your energy to other people, and you will need time to restore it.
  • Mother's skirt and father's cloak. In the old days, it was believed that a mother’s skirt could protect a boy from everything bad, and a father’s cloak for a girl. Also, the sign has reached our days that if a daughter looks like her dad, then she will be happy, and the same thing awaits a son who is more like his mother.
  • People born feet first may have the gift of healing. They are able to heal by touching the sick with their feet. They are able to treat diseases of the back, legs and various injuries. In some nations there is a belief that the mother of such a baby can heal people with the help of her feet. However, opinions about the energy of the legs are twofold. For example, adherents of Feng Shui claim that human legs have “heavy” energy.
  • The influence of the moon phase on the baby's fate. The phase of the moon in which the child was born is also taken into account. Happiness and long life are predicted for babies born on a new or full moon.
  • Fur coatsign of wealth. Our ancestors believed that if you put a newborn on a fur coat, then a well-fed and comfortable life awaits him. To the christening, the child was carried wrapped in a fur coat or casing.
  • Silver spoon. If you give a child a silver spoon and put it in his mouth for a while, then wealth and fame await him. In addition, silver purifies water. You can feed the baby with a spoon or leave it in the water for a while, which will then be used to feed the baby.
  • Up the stairs. Much attention is also paid to where the baby is taken after birth. If up the ladder, he will make a good career in the future.
  • Signs associated with swimming. Previously, to ensure that the mother had a lot of milk, when the baby was first bathed, cow's or goat's milk was added to the water. Such a bath could protect against the evil eye. Also, so that no one jinxes the baby, you can throw a silver object (just not a cross) into the water when bathing. It is not advisable to bathe your baby on Friday and Sunday. Do not wash or wash your hands in the water that was used to bathe your child.
  • First kiss. If you want your child to grow up to be a kind and respected person, then a good person should kiss him first.
  • The influence of a name on fate. It's no secret that a person's fate depends on his name. There are several signs about this. It is not advisable to name a child after one of the family members. There is an opinion that the Guardian Angel may mistakenly begin to protect the wrong person. It is not recommended to name a relative who is no longer alive. The exception is if the fate of the deceased was happy and his life was long. It is believed that when named after another person, the baby adopts his destiny and character traits. Therefore, they tried to name children in honor of strong, fair, honest and lucky people.
  • It is believed that the Guardian Angel stands behind the baby's right shoulder when he sleeps. Therefore, it is not recommended to hang a canopy over the crib. In addition, the fabric canopy collects dust, which the baby then breathes.
  • In order for the baby to grow big and healthy, you should not step over him, and also eat the bread after him.
  • It is not recommended to take a couple in love as godmothers. They say this could upset their future wedding.
  • In order for the baby to have smooth and white skin, he needs to be bathed in white diapers.
  • You can’t kiss a child’s heels, otherwise he will start talking late, you can’t feed him fish - he will be silent for a long time, you don’t kiss infants on the cheeks - his teeth will grow slowly, you shouldn’t look in the mirror with your child - this means poverty.
  • Special Event – christening– since ancient times it has been shrouded in an aura of mystery. Before the baby’s christening, they don’t show him to anyone and don’t name him. Of course, the exception is one's own grandparents. They will not harm the baby. But strangers can jinx it. If this happens, the baby's whole life can go awry. If a stranger looks at the child with envy, and people are different, then anything can happen.
  • There is also such a sign about children under one year old - do not keep the baby on the table, otherwise he will not learn to walk for a long time. Because the table is a sacred place, a person eats food at it, and the whole family gathers here.
  • An important event in the life of a baby and his parents is the first grown tooth. It was believed that if a baby’s teeth start cutting late, they will be very healthy.. So, parents shouldn’t worry about the fact that teeth don’t appear for a long time; on the contrary, you can be happy for your child’s future dazzling smile.
  • Another event that causes a lot of controversy is firstbaby haircut. According to an old superstition, a baby's hair is cut for the first time when he turns one year old. There are several explanations for this sign.
  • It is believed that if a baby is cut bald when he is one year old, his hair will grow thick, healthy and beautiful. Practice shows that this is indeed the case. But if you cut a child’s hair before he turns one, then you will “cut off” his mind. In this case, when he goes to school, his studies will be very difficult for him, and over time he may even quit studying.
  • And one more meaning of this sign: hair cut at the wrong time can deprive the child of financial wealth in the future, and he will be interrupted by odd jobs!

There are a lot of superstitions about children. And the experience of many generations says that if you trust them, you will not have to risk the health and future happiness of the baby.

A conspiracy to make a child grow better

Sometimes parents have the feeling that the baby is growing slowly and developing poorly. In this case, there is a conspiracy, reading which will help the child.

During the waxing moon, every day give a tiny spoonful of applesauce, which you need to recite seven times:

“As an apple tree grows, as an apple tree blooms, as an apple tree bears fruit, so you, (child’s name), grow high, grow wide, grow, take health from the apple. Let it be so!"

People have various children's superstitions about your beloved babies. They will help you find out what awaits your child in the future and will give you the opportunity to figure out how to attract health, luck and happiness to your child.

Superstitions about birth time

A lot of signs are connected with newborns, with older children and, of course, with their birth.

  • The baby was born between twelve o'clock at night and twelve o'clock during the day - he will develop very quickly, he will be talented and smart.
  • Born in spring or summer - life will be easy, your character will be flexible.
  • Those born in winter will be cold towards people, it will be difficult for them to show their emotions.
  • The child is born in the fall, the character will be combative.
  • A positive sign for children and their parents is if a child is born on the New Moon. Portends a long happy life for the child, very good health.
  • Happiness will accompany children born on the 1st.
  • A girl was born with a lot of hair on her crown; the next woman will give birth to a boy.
  • After birth, you cannot show your baby to strangers; you should wait up to two months - they may jinx it.

Children's beliefs about health

You can’t finish eating a child, it’s better to throw it away and leave it until next time, otherwise you’ll take away his health.

According to an old superstition, when a child began to walk, the mother had to hold a knife between her feet in the air. This indicated that she was tearing the invisible threads with which his legs could be tied.