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Horoscope for Gemini for spring. What awaits Gemini women

In February 2017, successes will follow one after another - Gemini will even be confused by the abundance of opportunities, your head will simply spin from such excessive care of Lady Fortune. At the beginning of spring, you will be known as a winner in life, and you will bear this title not only in the service. Your personal life will be rich in love encounters and amazing dates, but in order not to become the second Don Juan, try to control yourself - don’t be afraid, fans won’t cry from your coldness, and fans won’t tear up your photos in a fit of anger.

In April 2017, and in May too, it is advisable for Gemini to relax more often, no matter what you throw - fantastic parties in the Gothic style, or quiet dinners by candlelight. The main thing is to gather only your loved ones and loved ones nearby, and you can forget about communicating with the “right” people, leaving courtesy visits for the summer. In June, Mercury's wards should gather their strength - although the Cockerel conjured good luck for you and pulled out a feather for good luck, you should not relax. Financial affairs will go uphill at the beginning of the month, the main thing is not to get out of breath in the pursuit of your capital, and then not drop the heavy bag. Yes, yes, you heard right, there will be really a lot of money, so be at the helm and keep everything under personal control.

July 2017 is suitable for negotiations and deals - all the most important big shots in the city have already gathered at your house and are discussing who you will choose as your business partner. It’s no wonder that influential people are showing such interest in you - you simply captivated them with your unconventional approach to any business, and you especially surprised those around you with your intuition, which Gemini will have at its best in mid-summer. All these professional successes and career ups will distract you from household chores, so at the end of summer, household members can set a condition for Gemini: either an urgent vacation with the whole family, or your relatives go on vacation without you, and you hunch over your beloved boss. Don’t upset yourself and your family - grab the kids and run to the airport. The manager of a hotel in the Seychelles has already looked all over, sitting at the window, waiting for your visit, because for your sake, Cockerel has long made friends with him and bought trips at a reasonable price. On vacation, it is advisable for Gemini not to deny themselves anything and relax to the fullest, since in the fall you will have a lot of work aimed at future well-being - in general, gain strength.

In September, Rooster, the ruler of 2017, will decide to test Gemini’s intelligence and will present you with several interesting and equally profitable offers. Be on your guard, warns the horoscope for the year of the Rooster, the owner of the year at the beginning of autumn is not joking, he really gave you a test. Use your intuition, seek help from trusted lawyers - all means will lead to an excellent result, the main thing is to act within the law and avoid adventures. At the end of autumn, Gemini may be visited by relatives, whose visit will somewhat destroy your established way of life - don’t even think about panicking and staying with friends. If you are embarrassed by your husband's second cousin, just remain silent and smile joyfully, even if her curlers are scattered throughout the apartment and sometimes come across in a pot of borscht. Your relatives will appreciate your patience and, when leaving, will leave you with many gifts, including quite large ones, if you evaluate them in material terms.

In December 2017, the fiery fidgety Cockerel will get tired of throwing up endless surprises, and will simply give Gemini a good position that does not tolerate fuss and running around. You will calculate your income for the year, and believe the stars - you will be satisfied!

Love horoscope for Gemini for 2017

Love can await you anywhere, so be always fully equipped to meet Cupid with dignity.

Gemini 1st decade (21.05-30.05). The personal life of Gemini in 2017 will be as bright as you yourself want it to be. If you decide to disperse all your loyal fans and endless suitors, it’s up to you, and if you express a desire to create a happy and friendly family, the Cockerel will vote for it with all his multi-colored wings! But try to understand yourself first, maybe you haven’t fully worked up yet?

In the year of the Rooster, there is no need to overdramatize relationships; it is better to take everything more simply, especially the whims of your precious half. If you are single, then the Rooster will help you find your chosen one, but when choosing, try to be guided not only by external characteristics - look for an equal partner, with the same high level of intelligence as yours, so that in a month you will not get bored.

In the year of the Red Rooster, you will become unusually attractive, which will help you find your long-awaited soul mate without much difficulty. Try to go out more often, not forgetting to walk in your new and beautiful outfits. Although, for many of you it will be enough to show off your intelligence and eloquence - all the fans will immediately fall in piles at your feet.

Business horoscope for Gemini for 2017

In the year of the Fire Rooster, few people will dare to compete with Gemini, especially in the field of entrepreneurship - your skills and abilities will be at their best.

B licks 1st decade (21.05-30.05). The Rooster will allow you to show your talents and try yourself in business - no need to be afraid of formidable competitors, just trust your instincts and act. It’s better not to leave your main job just yet, although there will be enough money, some kind of stability will still warm your soul, and a couple of extra thousand will not hurt your wallet. The cockerel will make sure that the money is green.

Gemini 2nd decade (31.05-10.06). In 2017, you will simply need a change of impressions, so try yourself in different types of activities and do not be afraid to make mistakes - the Rooster will not allow you to go bankrupt. The fiery owner of the year will show his concern more than once, you will see this already at the beginning of the year: your bosses will fill you with varied and very interesting work, and the pay will be very decent - you will have enough for both life and entertainment.

Gemini 3rd decade (11.06-21.06). At the beginning of the year, you better pluck up courage and demand a salary increase - your bosses will meet you halfway and won’t even show off. There are just one or two specialists like Gemini, so they may even offer you a more respectable position. In their free time, many Geminis should try themselves in something new: you can easily turn any hobby into additional income, and the Cockerel will find you sales channels.

Family horoscope for Gemini for 2017

Family should come first in the year of the Rooster, so try to set aside time to communicate with your loved ones.

The year is perfect for improving your living conditions; it’s a good idea to get new furniture. Distant relatives on your partner’s side will help you financially; by the way, no one will ask Gemini to give you money. So don't be ashamed, but take everything they give. A sparkling apartment is good, but it won’t hurt to work on your relationship with your family - organize celebrations and get-togethers for your relatives more often.

Gemini 2nd decade (31.05-10.06). The Cockerel will contribute to the family happiness of Gemini - you will bathe in the love and adoration of your household. It will also take a little effort from you - try to get rid of selfishness and pamper your beloved and precious relatives. In 2017, it is useful to get out into nature more often: fishing, mushrooms, berries - 90 percent of everything depends on your imagination, and only ten percent depends on finances.

Gemini 3rd decade (11.06-21.06). In the year of the Rooster, Gemini will be capable of the most unexpected actions - your artistry and unpredictability will be to the liking of your household. Be active in solving ordinary household chores, and do not refer to your eternal busyness and inability to escape from work - you will still have to fix the faucet or lubricate the squeaky door, it is only a matter of time.

Health horoscope for Gemini 2017

In the year of the Rooster, it is advisable to eliminate excessive loads - take care of your joints. It also doesn’t hurt to think about nutrition - try to eat the “right” food.

Gemini 1st decade (21.05-30.05). In 2017, it is advisable for Gemini to take care of their liver - take pity on it and do not abuse alcohol. Even if thousands of friends shout with one voice about the benefits of cognac - run away! You should also be careful with pickles and smoked foods - they are, of course, incredibly tasty, but make do with small portions.

Gemini 2nd decade (31.05-10.06). In the year of the Fire Rooster, try not to hush up your problems: your nervous system is not made of iron, and sometimes it is useful to shout and stomp your feet. Of course, this will require a suitable audience - share your experiences with close friends, they will not criticize or laugh at your fears.

Gemini 3rd decade (11.06-21.06). This year will be good for saying goodbye to your bad habits. They won’t be offended, but you will feel better - no matter how many years in a row you promise yourself to quit smoking, it’s time to act, and not postpone the day of quitting smoking indefinitely. The Red Rooster will help you - he will throw out the ashtrays from the house and find suitable specialists.

Children's horoscope for Gemini for 2017

The curiosity of Gemini children in the year of the Rooster knows no bounds - get ready to answer questions and read smart literature, you won’t be able to keep silent.

Gemini children 1st decade (21.05-30.05). Little Geminis have absolutely no patience - in the year of the Rooster you will see this. You will have to fulfill every wish of your children instantly, otherwise you risk finding out what a loud voice your offspring have. Appeal to your child’s sense of compassion, you can be offended and cry - this may work.

Little Gemini 2 decades (31.05-10.06). Your children will be extremely active and impressionable in 2017. Variety in life is what will save your children from unnecessary turmoil. Try to fill your offspring's day to the maximum - games, walks, attractions. Wait until your little Battery asks to sleep on its own, otherwise you risk telling new stories until the morning.

Gemini babies 3rd decade (11.06-21.06). Your young Gemini will decide in the year of the Rooster that they are kings. In any company, the offspring will be the first, and most importantly, the best. Try not to argue with kids; it’s better to explain that there are rules for kings too, and they not only command those around them. Your clever girls will quickly understand what's what and will put order in their kingdom to their taste.

Horoscope for Gemini 2017 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Rat

You won’t be able to hide in a hole in the year of the Rooster - after all, the eccentric owner of 2017 has prepared too many surprises for Gemini-Rats, and it will be a shame to sit on the sidelines. The financial situation will be excellent, and there is no need to save money - this year it will pour in on you constantly. When communicating with household members, it is advisable to play the role of a small fluffy mouse - your complaisance and affection will definitely be appreciated.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Ox

Restraint and patience are two of your qualities that will please the Fire Rooster. If you are not in a hurry, the owner of the year will definitely help you get mountains of gold and meet the love of your life. 2017 for Gemini-Bulls will be rich in exciting travels - load your cart and go. Just don’t take too much so that you don’t get tired during the trip and only gain positive impressions.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Tiger

Your charm in the year of the Rooster will be extremely great - try to remain affectionate tiger cubs all year, and growl at others less often. Be especially gentle when communicating with business partners; of course, you don’t need to constantly smile at them and shower them with compliments - it’s enough to praise them once for a successful deal and you will be guaranteed long-term cooperation for years to come.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Cat (Rabbit)

You will become the happiest of all Geminis. The cockerel likes an affectionate cat, who will purr and release his claws only when necessary. Your equanimity will allow you to succeed in the most difficult undertakings - after all, business partners will be delighted with a person who, despite a rockfall or flood, stands calmly and smiles. During family squabbles, activity will save you; if a dispute arises: who should take out the trash, be the first - this will surprise the household.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Dragon

In the year of the Fire Rooster, Gemini Dragons will succeed in many areas, and for this it is not at all necessary to prove that they are right and be fire-breathing and three-headed. To achieve your goals, all you have to do is tap your foot once and look expressively at your interlocutor - the Cockerel will try to ensure that your magnetism is at its best in his year. It is advisable to be gentler with household members - try to find a compromise more often, you will only win.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Snake

In 2017, the Fiery Red Rooster will have to work hard. But don’t worry, you won’t be too tired, because Cockerel likes your wise calmness and composure - a profitable part-time job will fall into your hands. In their personal lives, 2017 will delight the Gemini Snakes with new romantic encounters - there will be crowds of fans, just have time to look at them.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Horse

Your ability to manage people and influence situations in the year of the Rooster will be so strong that sometimes you will want to hide in a secluded and quiet corner so as not to command anyone. Your subordinates will be hot on your heels, so prepare a wish list - everything will be fulfilled with lightning speed. This number will not work in communicating with household members; your close people themselves are not averse to being in charge.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Goat (Sheep)

It's time to learn a new profession - Cockerel has already prepared several resumes for you, which you need to quickly send to all the reputable companies that have been waiting for you. Gemini will be lucky in the financial sphere of life - no one but you knows where you can get benefits in the year of the Rooster. You will simply feel all the promising transactions, you can even play on the stock exchange - risk is welcome in 2017, but, of course, act without excessive fanaticism.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Monkey

Your education in 2017 will play an important role in your career - after all, any smart and self-respecting boss will tear off such a specialist with his hands and feet. The main thing is not to be shy and behave self-confidently, then the entire business world will be at your feet, and all the rich people will secretly dream of concluding a contract with the Gemini-Monkeys, and on your terms.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Rooster

A financial takeoff awaits those Cockerels who are not used to being lazy - the owner of the year himself will bring you several gold coins in his beak if you are not lazy. But it is better to refrain from dubious adventures in the year of the Rooster - all sorts of gambling and other tinsel are not for you now. The Rooster will give lonely Geminis a chance to meet love - be careful on the street, there is a chance of bumping heads with your significant other.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Dog

In the year of the Rooster, you will easily increase your already considerable capital, the main thing is to act honestly. The Rooster will be generous with all sorts of deals and negotiations - you will charm business partners in an instant if you behave naturally. In personal matters, it is advisable for Gemini Dogs to show worldly wisdom and trust their intuition, which in the year of the Rooster will often suggest the right decisions.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Pig (Boar)

The Cockerel will give you a chance to get a new position - but think before you sit down in the cozy chair of the boss, because you will have to work oh so much! If you are ready to forget about entertainment and relaxation, then the stars are only too happy - money, respect and honor are already in your pocket. Only now the household will become a little sad - learn to find time for your family, then in the year of the Fire Rooster everything will work out perfectly.

For Gemini, 2017 promises to be eventful and interesting. Although it cannot be called unambiguously simple, this zodiac sign will still be lucky. Just remember to listen to your intuition and the voice of reason.

Famous Geminis

  • Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Anna Kournikova
  • Lyubov Polishchuk
  • Oleg Dal
  • Kristina Orbakaite
  • John Kennedy
  • Paul Gauguin
  • Alexander Abdulov
  • Morgan Freeman
  • Yuri Andropov

Forecast for the zodiac sign Gemini for 2017

For representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini, family issues will become most relevant in the year of the Fire Rooster. Concerns related to the professional sphere will fade into the background and will be replaced by the need to establish contacts with family and friends. A busy period of love adventures awaits Gemini - even the most desperate representatives of this sign will be lucky in amorous affairs.

From the very beginning of the year, you will have to deal with the problems that have accumulated since last year. Despite the January holidays, you shouldn’t delay this until spring, otherwise you’ll simply be overwhelmed with things to do for the whole year, and you won’t know what to do first. Spring will bring you into a relatively calm state of mind - you will finally be able to accept things as they are and gradually resolve pressing issues. Become tougher and more active, learn to listen to people and adequately perceive new ideas.

In 2017, Gemini will finally improve their personal life!

Gemini will enter the summer a little tired. Give yourself a break and move everything you can to the second half of the year, when you feel energized again and find free time. During this period, you can plan a vacation or take a few days off to go to the country - it is important for you to be in nature and turn off your head. And don’t worry about work issues – one of your colleagues will unexpectedly offer you help.

In the fall, you will feel the ability to take a balanced approach to all matters. It is the second half of the year that will reveal your full potential. Just don’t rush to grab everything at once - this is just laying the foundation for the future.

  • Forecast for men. In 2017, Gemini men need to be patient - hasty decisions will lead to the fact that you may be left with nothing. You can’t really count on the favor of the stars - representatives of the stronger sex in the year of the Rooster must achieve results themselves, without complaining about the blows of fate. In the fall, everything will work out on its own, and you will be able to reap the well-deserved benefits both in your personal and professional sphere.
  • Forecast for women. Some dissatisfaction in personal life can cause depression in Gemini women. Consider whether you should continue to be with your partner. Spring will put everything in its place: you will find the strength to break up with an unloved person or reanimate a relationship with someone you really love. Gemini women, who until now have been alone, will definitely find their soulmate, the main thing is not to lose optimism and pay attention to their appearance and physical shape.

Love horoscope for 2017

In the year of the Fire Rooster, your love affairs will develop richly and dynamically. In winter, if it is your will, you can change partners like gloves. However, think about whether you need such variability and instability. It is especially important that success with the opposite sex does not turn the head of a Gemini in a couple - your emotionality, tendency to flirt and excessive flirtatiousness can lead to a quarrel with your partner.

Happy time for Gemini: the opposite sex will give them attention

In 2017, pleasant surprises await Gemini women. Even if your man has never been particularly romantic, in the spring he will have a desire to pamper you - trips to a restaurant, expensive gifts, an unexpected trip or a marriage proposal are quite possible. Even if you are confused by the offer to go to another city for a couple of days, accept it with gratitude. Underestimating your partner's good intentions will not only lead to conflicts, but will also discourage him from giving anything in the future.

Success on the love front will accompany even deeply family-minded Gemini men. Make sure it doesn't turn your head! Think about whether it is worth looking for adventures on the side - it is likely that rash actions will make you deeply regret them in just a couple of days. And remember that any lie in 2017 will be exposed, and you may have a rival who will take away the woman you love.

In general, the year of the Fire Rooster will be stormy - periods of calm will certainly be replaced by loud quarrels, but the subsequent reconciliation will be all the more pleasant. You will definitely draw the right conclusions and be able to make timely adjustments to your behavior. For Geminis who are parents, it is recommended to pay increased attention to raising their offspring. In the middle of the year, you may notice that something is bothering your child - do not brush this feeling aside, be sure to talk to him and find out the reason, so as not to have to deal with a whole heap of problems later.

Health horoscope for 2017

In the winter of 2017, pay special attention to your health - at the first alarm bell, do not delay and contact a doctor. Especially watch out for chronic diseases, if any - their course may suddenly worsen. Take care of prevention in advance and do not overload your body. February is especially favorable for cleansing the body and implementing a course of health-improving diets.

This season you should go on a healthy diet

Gemini women will benefit from long-delayed cosmetic procedures. Don't spare money - going to a cosmetologist will help you look younger and fresher. Autumn will be a favorable period for a course of herbal treatments - it will give you the necessary vigor. The Year of the Fire Rooster will be accompanied by emotional outbursts, so take care of your mental state - Gemini women sometimes need to relieve themselves by simply lying for half an hour in a hot bath with the addition of lavender or pine essential oils.

Gemini men should pay attention to their diet. Despite the winter holidays and plentiful feasts, it is better to give up spicy and fatty foods in excessive quantities so as not to develop stomach problems. Be careful with alcohol and don't visit fast food restaurants too often - you won't even notice how thin your waist is. Summer 2017 is the best time to eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. This way you will not only stay healthy and strengthen your immune system, but also be able to avoid colds in the winter.

Money horoscope for 2017

Unfortunately, the beginning of the year will not please Gemini with financial injections, so make sure that you have a “stash” left after the January holidays. This time is especially unfavorable for gambling - buying a lottery ticket will not lead to winning, and card games will ruin you. The best behavior strategy for you will be frugality and reasonable savings. This will continue until the summer - then you will suddenly become a favorite of the stars and receive an increase in income.

Geminis need to make a nest egg so as not to be left without money.

Gemini women will be able to endure the time of saving stoically. Be prepared to spend a lot on your kids by the end of the year. Take this philosophically - ultimately, children are your future, and you will recoup this investment with interest. The second half of the year will be accompanied by an insatiable desire to equip your home. Don’t resist and start at least a small renovation - for example, change the laminate flooring or buy a new sofa for the living room. Feel free to plan large household purchases for the fall - you can purchase high-quality products at a discount.

For Gemini men, the financial situation will improve in the last ten days of 2017. The stars promise you an increase in salary or an unexpected bonus - it’s not for nothing that you worked like an ox all year. At the end of autumn, you can even take some risks by opening your own business. The main thing is to carefully think through and plan your startup. And under no circumstances involve your relatives in it - you won’t earn money with them, and you will definitely ruin your relationship.

Career horoscope for 2017

Career issues are not an area that will bother you in the year of the Fire Rooster. Even if it seems to you that you are standing still, don’t worry - this is just an appearance; in fact, in 2017 you will lay a strong foundation for future achievements and climbs up the career ladder.

It's time to work on yourself and learn something new!

Gemini women should plan several trainings or master classes for the spring to improve their professional skills. For those who still don’t know how to drive, the stars advise enrolling in appropriate courses and getting a license. Pay attention to your surroundings - some individuals who are trying to gain your trust do not deserve it at all and can even harm your career advancement.

The coming 2020 will be an ideal time for family time for Geminis. The Metal Rat will favor representatives of the air element and carefully guard love relationships. Even those who have long given up their search will be able to meet their soulmate. Geminis should read the horoscope for 2020 carefully to understand how to behave in difficult matters. The stars warn that Gemini will not be able to get all the benefits for free, so they will have to tune in to struggle and active work.

An interesting fact is that in 2020, air representatives will get everything they want. If Gemini understands that willpower and perseverance are their main trump card, then they will be able to succeed well in their current affairs. The wedding march will sound for those who decide to take such a step and choose family rather than current pleasures. In the process of realizing their current ambitions, the horoscope for 2020 recommends that those born during this period not lose their human qualities and friends. The Rat will favor those who decide to change their occupation or open their own business in current endeavors.


The thirst for adventure will push the fair sex to act rashly. The love sphere promises to be quite eventful. It is better for Gemini women not to tell untrusted friends about their adventures. The horoscope advises entering into conflicts at work as carefully as possible, since there is a high probability of finding new enemies. The financial success of air women will depend on how correctly they learn to manage money. Free advice from the stars for 2020 confirms the fact that Geminis love to spend money on entertainment and new clothes, so it's time to become more frugal.

Women born in the year of the Tiger will have to pay attention to their health, and in particular, diagnose the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. At the beginning of spring, Tigers should be more careful about their choices and not resolve issues (related to work and personal life) under the influence of emotions. The stars recommend that the Snake finally stop doubting itself. June will be the most suitable for building a love relationship, so if the Snake woman is still single, then she needs to become more active during this period.

If Rats born in the year learn to forgive others faster, they will gain peace of mind. Already in early March, the Rat woman will have an ideal opportunity to improve her financial well-being (this could be a job change or career advancement). The horoscope advises the Dog to spend more time with his family in 2020. Those born in the year of the Dog expect big changes in their personal lives - this could be a wedding ceremony or the birth of a child.

Those born in the Year of the Pig should learn to save in 2020. By putting money on deposit, the Pig will definitely improve his financial well-being. The time has come for the Dragon to engage in self-education, since only in this case will it be possible to improve the quality of life. The Rooster, before deciding on a wedding ceremony, should think 100 times, since everything will not be so smooth.

The Cat can succeed in the love sphere if he focuses his attention on one chosen one. Married women will need to say goodbye to leadership positions and give their spouse the opportunity to manage all affairs. The energy of a woman born in the year of the Ox will help you succeed in many areas. The horoscope for 2020 advises not to listen to free advice from envious colleagues, but to make decisions on your own.

Those who belong to the Year of the Horse need to monitor their beloved man more closely, as betrayal on his part is possible. If a Gemini woman gives her lover everything he needs, then adultery can be avoided. The Goat does not need to provoke the chosen one to jealousy in 2020, since such a phenomenon will only harm the feelings of both. A woman born during this period under the sign of Gemini should study the free horoscope for 2020 carefully in order to avoid many problems in her personal life.


Gemini's business acumen will help them finally change jobs in 2020. If men doubt themselves less and act more, then they will succeed. During this period, loved ones will need outside help more than ever, so representatives of the Air element do not need to forget about them. In the love sphere, those Geminis who will not be afraid to take responsibility for their other half will feel most confident.

Men born in the year of the Tiger should listen more often to free advice from friends and relatives. The horoscope for 2020 warns Tigers not to be so trusting and kind with people who do not deserve it. The Snake will be able to gain financial independence only if it starts working more and complaining about life less often. A tempting job offer awaits the snake in April. Both Tigers and Snakes will be able to achieve the desired harmony in love only if they are open to new experiments and unexpected solutions.

A man born in the year of the Rat should not try to take on all the worries of the couple. If the Rat tries to become equal partners with his beloved, then the relationship will only get stronger. The Rooster, unlike other representatives, will lead the most in 2020. If a Gemini born during this period wants to catch luck by the tail, then he will succeed. The horoscope advises the Rooster, Rat and Goat in 2020 to listen to their intuition and take risks more often.

A man belonging to the Year of the Dog is recommended to find a new hobby, as it will inspire Gemini in 2020. If the Dog often gets into conflict situations with his superiors and colleagues, he risks inviting trouble upon himself. A man should read the horoscope for 2020 carefully, especially with the Gemini sign, in order to avoid making ridiculous mistakes. Free advice from the stars indicates to those in the Year of the Pig that he should forget about pride and more often take the initiative in communicating with friends and family. Both the Dog and the Pig should not try to give advice where it is not asked.

The lonely Dragon man will finally experience family happiness in 2020. His companion will suit him in everything, so a wedding ceremony is not excluded at the end of the year. The time has come for the Ox to take responsibility for his personal life and career. If a cat man accepts the shortcomings of a loved one and criticizes him less, then he will spend 2020 in harmony and happiness. The monkey needs to shift all responsibility onto others; the time has come for him to understand for himself what he wants from life.

Pavel Globa

The famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa believes that Geminis will be able to achieve the desired independence if they understand what they need to be happy. Globa points out that if in 2020 representatives of the air element (especially the Tiger, Snake and Pig) decide to make changes, then it is better for them to start with their behavior. According to Globa, a smile and optimism will attract both the opposite sex to this sign and encourage new friends to communicate. According to Globa, those born in the year of the Dog and the Rooster should decide to make changes in their personal lives. It is these representatives of the air element who need to think about changing their life partner.

Globa in 2020 advises all Geminis to listen to the following advice:

  • Stop competing with your loved one for the right to lead in a couple. Astrologer Globa points out that if a sense of equality prevails in a relationship, the union will only improve. Globa believes that in particular the Pig and the Rat need to pay attention to the manner in which they communicate with their loved one;
  • Globa recommends that lonely Geminis try to take the initiative more often in communicating with the opposite sex. Globa claims that if those born during this period stop acting shy, they will quickly find a mate;
  • Do not open a business together with friends, otherwise there is a high probability of breaking off relations with your friend (friend). In particular, Globa recommends that the Rat, Dog and Tiger be careful with such decisions;
  • Review your bad habits. Globa recommends that Geminis say goodbye to bad habits and go in for sports in 2020. Globa claims that the Rooster, Pig and Snake need to pay increased attention to the health of their backs.

The horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa for Gemini will be especially useful to read. The famous astrologer Globa will tell Gemini their main mistakes and indicate possible ways to correct them.


Gemini men should be more lenient towards the whims of their significant other. At the end of February, it is important to pay attention to the romantic component (especially the Dog and the Pig). Celebrating a wedding in the spring will be relevant for those born in the year of the Rooster and Rat. The Tiger will have to fight for love. If the other half is not ready to continue the relationship or deal with the Tiger’s disadvantages, then Gemini needs to be patient and try to correct his shortcomings.

The horoscope recommends that those who have been dating for a short time not have a wedding in 2020. This time will not be very fruitful for finding a soul mate and building strong love relationships for those who were born in the year of the Dog and the Pig. For example, for the Dragon and Goat in the coming year of the fiery Rooster, all roads for personal happiness will be open. By listening to free advice from the stars, many Geminis will be able to spend 2020 in harmony with themselves. Those born in the year of the Rat can take a risk and decide to have a wedding celebration in the fall (the horoscope will favor their happiness).

The Ox, Cat and Horse can count on building a strong love union in 2017. The stars recommend the Monkey and the Snake not to rush into setting a wedding date. Those who belong to this year will find it useful to get to know their soulmate better and go through many of life’s difficulties with them. If the lovers’ relationship is harmonious, then already in 2021 they can decide on a wedding event and strengthen their love tandem.

In the coming year, Geminis should not forget that they sometimes need to add variety to their love relationships. Romantic dinners and trips out of town will help bring a fresh touch of variety to stable feelings. Some representatives of the Air element will even be able to meet their love at a wedding ceremony in 2020.


Those who are not afraid to take risks and try their luck will achieve financial well-being. Great prospects in financial matters will open up for the Rat and the Snake. They will be able to earn enough money if they turn their hobby into income. The Dog and the Rooster can count on an improvement in their financial situation thanks to a generous gift from relatives. This could be an apartment or a car.

The horoscope for the upcoming 2020 warns Gemini that they should not count on receiving free gifts from the stars. The heavenly bodies indicate that they will have to work hard to get the desired financial independence. The Pig, Tiger and Snake are not recommended to decide to open their own business, but for now be an employee. If Geminis do not get into arguments with their superiors, they will quickly earn praise and receive financial rewards in the form of a salary increase.

The Monkey and the Horse should not count on free benefits from fate. They can only improve their current state of affairs if they pay attention to their self-education and development of professional skills. The Ox and Snake need to listen more carefully to free advice from the stars. In 2020, they can significantly improve their financial situation if they listen to more experienced comrades. The horoscope in 2020 predicts success only for those Geminis who know exactly what they want.

The family sphere of life will be a priority for Gemini in the year of the Fire Rooster. Try not to let this affect other, very important aspects, because if you stupidly lose an excellent chance, you risk going into a prolonged depression. The horoscope for 2017 for Gemini should not be taken too literally. Everything that is predicted by the stars, especially bad things, can be changed if you yourself make some efforts for this.

The main task for you this year will be to completely resolve all old problems and complete things that have been started for a long time. Let go of the thoughts that torment you and finally start a new life.

There is no need to overload yourself this year, the horoscope for Gemini for 2017 guarantees that nothing bad will happen if you put aside your responsibilities for a while and allow yourself to rest and gain strength for new achievements.


Colds will haunt you everywhere in the year of the Rooster. Prepare for this in advance, avoid being in drafts, dress warmly during the cold season, try to eat more vitamins, drink hot homemade teas and take tonic baths. If prevention does not help, then you need to immediately run to the doctor so that the disease is not transmitted to your loved ones. If you don't do this, you risk staying on bed rest for a long time.

Also, Gemini’s weak point in 2017 will be the nervous system. This sign itself is already very emotional and capricious, but this year fate will prepare real tests for it. There will be plenty of people who will test your nerves, try not to take everything to heart and react to everything calmly. To prevent nervous disorders, you can drink tea with mint and lemon balm, and also take relaxing baths with sea salt.

In addition, in 2017, your digestive system will be a weak point. Therefore, eliminate junk food from your diet as much as you can. Stop overeating or starving, make sure that your body receives the right amount of vitamins every day and absorbs them fully.

Love and relationships

Gemini can read the love horoscope for 2017 calmly. Your personal life will be more varied and interesting than ever. You will discover many new sides and facets of your soulmate that will pleasantly surprise you. Intimate relationships will also develop at a cosmic pace. You will achieve complete understanding with your love. The only thing worth remembering is that your hot temper can play a cruel joke on you. Be tolerant towards your loved one, and he will respond to you with understanding and loyalty for the rest of his life.

If you have already legalized your relationship with your soulmate, then fate may test you in terms of fidelity. Do not look for connections on the side, do not give in to manipulation, because otherwise you will regret and repent of what you have done for the rest of your life, and your love will not be able to forgive you for a very long time.

A change in the interior of your home, a joint choice of furniture, curtains, carpet or wallpaper will bring your union together. Plan your nest design together and bring it to life together. The main thing is to listen not only to yourself, but also to take into account the tastes of your partner, otherwise strengthening the relationship risks developing into a huge quarrel.

Career question

You will have a more favorable time to resolve career issues and scale new heights than 2017, the Year of the Rooster. This period is more suitable for preparing yourself mentally and physically for new achievements, thinking about your goals and drawing up winning strategies.

To get the most out of this year, the 2017 Gemini career horoscope should be studied and followed. And astrologers advise developing useful career skills, attending various courses and trainings, participating in various useful conferences and, finally, making new useful acquaintances and connections that will bring you invaluable help in solving problems that may arise in 2017. You can solve them quite quickly and easily.

One of your relatives may make a special contribution to your career development in 2017. Pay attention to this fact and think about who it could be. Even if a person close to you does not understand your field of activity, it is quite possible that he will provide financial or material assistance.

Thus, dear Gemini, you should not try to jump over your head. You will still not be able to achieve significant success in your career, but the Fire Rooster will create all favorable circumstances for your self-improvement in order to prepare you for great success in the future.

Financial issue

The best and most reliable way to maintain your stable financial condition in 2017 is to save money. You shouldn’t try to hit a big jackpot, you shouldn’t take risks, you shouldn’t take out loans and try to increase your capital. All these efforts will not yield any results, but they may well drive you into a job hole.

In addition, along with saving, you should remember that you should not avoid spending a lot. The financial horoscope for 2017 for Gemini assures that the finances invested in any business will definitely return to you in the form of great benefits next year.

If you have children, then do not spare money for their development. It is quite possible that your child, under your protection, will find himself in this life and decide on the business that he wants to do for the rest of his life.

There is a high probability of receiving a good profit from the business you started earlier. Most likely, this profit will overtake you unexpectedly towards the end of the year.

At the end of the year, Gemini can expect financial rewards from their superiors for good work. The bonus will not be very large, but it will be a pleasant surprise against the backdrop of the usual stable financial situation.

Horoscope for Gemini woman

Representatives of the fair sex born under this star must make many important and significant decisions in the year of the Rooster, because these are the decisions that will affect your future life. The main thing is that what you decide to change in your life is your initiative, and not the advice of someone from your environment. Read more >>>

Horoscope for Gemini man

Dear men, born under the most changeable sign of the zodiac, you must prove yourself like no one else in 2017.

Winter for men born under this astrological sign will be under the auspices of incredible luck. But they will be able to hit an unprecedented jackpot only if they themselves make efforts to achieve their goals. The spring period may show exactly the opposite for you, when some disappointments and losses are possible. Read more >>>

Horoscope for Gemini by date of birth

Gemini born from May 27 to May 30, will become the most mysterious and mystical people of 2017. This period for you will be a period of dreams, new interesting acquaintances and new discoveries that you are not even thinking about right now.

If you were born from 3 to 10 June, then risk should be your middle name in 2017. This period is a time of adventure and adventure. Don't be afraid to change your life. Most likely, your circle of friends will completely change, some of which will radically change your life. Take risks in financial endeavors, and the Rooster will reward you with unprecedented profits.

Astrologers can give only one piece of advice to the rest of Gemini - be rational and responsible in all areas of life. Now everything in your life is stable, but there is a chance to undermine this positive trend by making a rash choice.

As the horoscope for September 2017 promises, Gemini will be able to successfully complete the work they start thanks to their business acumen and analytical abilities. Act based on your interests, do not pass up offers that are beneficial to you. Maintain an optimistic attitude; your energy attracts others. But avoid trying to subjugate people and impose your opinion. On the way to success […]

As the horoscope for August 2017 promises, Gemini will face a test of strength. All events will begin with the lunar eclipse on August 7. On this day, avoid excessive self-confidence, excessive social activity, and do not fall for adventures. Do not make important decisions, postpone important family events, marriage is not advisable. Misunderstandings of this day can destroy a lot [...]

As the horoscope for July 2017 predicts, Gemini will be focused on the material side of their lives. The period is favorable for any achievements; Gemini will gain determination and courage to change a lot in their lives. The main thing is not to miss the opportunities that will open up for you this month. Also rid your space of unnecessary clutter [...]

As the horoscope for June 2017 promises, Gemini will experience all the positive trends of the month. Everything will work out for the best. Therefore, take your life into your own hands and change it as you please. Don't be afraid to take initiative in your work and relationships. You have enough intelligence and abilities, and the star […]

May will be like a breath of fresh air for Gemini. As the horoscope for May 2017 says, Gemini will feel incredibly energetic and cheerful from the first days. And already the second week will bring interesting ideas to the representatives of the sign; a period of development and growth will begin. For many representatives of the Gemini sign, the first place in May […]

Gemini will read the horoscope for April 2017 with delight, because it has prepared a rich and varied life, full of various impressions and events. The stars recommend that representatives of the sign not limit their emotions and move confidently and boldly towards fate. The month is favorable for representatives of creative professions. Gemini will spend April 2017 in a flurry of activity. IN […]

The coming 2017, and especially its first half, will provide Gemini with wonderful opportunities to gain their place in society, strengthen their financial situation, acquire the necessary acquaintances, and also to conquer the opposite sex. The sociability and self-confidence of representatives of this sign will provide them with the support of their environment and its favor.

Geminis love to make decisions and implement them alone, but the stars recommend that at the beginning of the year they still not neglect the opinions of those around them.

The best strategy would be to organize a group of like-minded people to solve problems together.

At the beginning of autumn, the fruitful work of Gemini may give way to apathy, and this is natural - a tired body will require rest. Gemini should listen to this need and allow themselves to take a break, the results of which will not take long to arrive - in just a few weeks, the surge of strength in Gemini will find a way out in vigorous activity.

Love horoscope for 2017 Gemini

In 2017, the opposite sex will simply be amazed by the charm of this sign. The horoscope promises Gemini irresistibility and huge success on the love front right up to September. You should definitely take advantage of such circumstances to organize your personal life and fulfill your cherished desires.

The first half of 2017 will provide Gemini with the opportunity to get a taste of life and enjoy its benefits. A comfortable and convenient environment with which Geminis can surround themselves will lead them to a peaceful and benevolent state in which they will make an irresistible impression on others. It is possible that the year of the Rooster will be able to present lonely Geminis with several tempting romantic offers at the same time, which will compete with each other in tempting.

For Gemini, who already loves and is loved, the first half of the year is very favorable for traveling together, setting up a home, getting married, or even conceiving a child. The stars recommend that Gemini organize the implementation of all plans before the onset of autumn, otherwise later fatigue may interfere with the implementation of their plans.

Career 2017 Gemini

The main recommendation for Gemini to achieve success in their work is to take thoughtful actions and follow accepted rules, regardless of the behavior of others. Short-term benefits with this approach may be missed, but in the long term this position will only be beneficial.

The first half of 2017 for Gemini will develop in such a way that their opinion will be taken into account by everyone - both employees and management. This is worth taking advantage of to actively implement your ideas, climb the career ladder and improve your financial situation. And for those Geminis who have long nurtured the idea of ​​opening their own business or running a project, there will be enough chances for the successful implementation of their plans. However, you should not forget about caution when handling money and do not let spending take its course to the detriment of your business. One way to avoid excessive generosity is to strictly comply with the business plan drawn up.

Finances in the Year of the Rooster Gemini

From the first months of 2017, a representative of this zodiac sign may be looking for opportunities to enrich himself through financial fraud and other types of fraud. A crooked path can bring Gemini to court, although this person’s forecast for the financial sector is good. Gemini himself also runs the risk of parting with money by making a mistake when investing money or acquiring a “pig in a poke.” The stars warn about the importance of saving money or investing it in renovating existing housing.

Health in the Year of the Rooster Gemini

The stars advise Gemini in the year of the Rooster to avoid large and noisy libations, where there is a risk of serious alcohol or food poisoning. Botulism will affect even very young Geminis, and therefore you should be extremely attentive to the products you eat. Separately, it is worth mentioning the travel of Gemini, because when visiting an exotic country, these individuals risk becoming infected with an unknown and very dangerous infection, which will threaten not only the health, but also the life of Gemini.

Horoscope 2017 Gemini man

Changes in the lives of men of the Gemini sign with the advent of the new year will begin from the first months. These men may have to leave their home for a while to try their luck abroad. The stars talk about the possibility of creative realization already in the first half of the year, for which Gemini needs to enlist the support of an influential person. But relationships with the fair sex will not work out, since Gemini first of all needs a secure life, and not feelings.

Horoscope 2017 Gemini woman

The indecisiveness of women of the Gemini sign will create many problems for them this year. First of all, you should sort out your personal life and choose a person for whom these women really have reverent feelings, since otherwise these Geminis may be left with nothing. In addition, Gemini also needs clarity and determination in their work, since without these qualities Gemini will not advance up the career ladder. Moreover, in the second half of the year, these women should restrain their anger and not throw words to the wind, since they will soon have to answer for them.

Horoscope for 2017 for zodiac-eastern signs:


For these individuals, the issue of accumulating funds throughout the year is very important, because in the fall this will allow them to find the housing that Gemini dreamed of. It is important to avoid large loans and borrowing funds.

Gemini Ox

Emotional worries about not having the best relationship with your significant other will distract this person from his responsibilities and affect his health. Perhaps it makes sense to go south with your partner and spend time alone.

Gemini Tiger

The plans of these individuals for 2017 will be hindered by poor health. Perhaps Gemini will need surgery, which should be agreed to in early spring. In the second half of the year, you need to think about starting your own business.


This year is very good for Gemini representatives to discover their creative talents, from which it is quite possible to earn good money. However, this person can only receive inspiration if he falls in love with all his soul.


The stars say that this person will be unusually successful in business from the beginning of the year and will be able to earn money even in gambling. The main thing is not to choose fraudulent ways to enrich yourself, which will lead to legal proceedings.


With the onset of this year, it is necessary to abandon all other matters and focus on starting a family, your wedding, and also having a child, for which the autumn months are most suitable. And Gemini, who are on the verge of divorce, will be able to save their marriage.

Gemini Horse

Such individuals of the Gemini sign will become real centers that will gather around them courageous and decisive people and lead them along the path of development and improvement. By the middle of the year, such individuals will be able to occupy an important management position.


The only thing these individuals will lack to be happy in 2017 is patience. It is impatience that will often become an obstacle to important achievements, and it is precisely this impatience that will not allow you to achieve reciprocity from the person Gemini likes.


The polygamy of these people and the irresistible attraction of these Geminis to the opposite sex risks leading to the fact that already in June everyone will start talking about Gemini’s infidelities and the other half will not give a chance to justify themselves or make amends.

Gemini Rooster

When doing heavy physical labor, these people should think about their health, because already at the end of winter, Geminis risk going to the hospital with overwork or pathologies of the bones and spine. There may well be a reason to think about changing your profession.


The passion with which such Geminis will take on any business in 2017 is worthy of praise. The main thing is not to overdo it and not harm your own health, since the best is the enemy of the good.


You should not treat colleagues with disdain, as well as people who are lower than you in position or rank. In the second half of the year, Gemini's position may change significantly and these people will regret what they have done.