
What do your gestures say? Learning to read a face: forehead, eyebrows, eyes. A girl raises her eyebrow, what does it mean?

As a rule, the color of eyebrows and hair on the head matches. But sometimes there are discrepancies. If your friends have white eyebrows, this indicates weakness of character. But dark eyebrows are exactly on the face of a firm and energetic person.

If your friend brings the inner corners of his eyebrows to the bridge of his nose when talking, it means that he is a thoughtful, serious person, accustomed to analyzing every action and idea. Having thoroughly thought through everything, weighed all the pros and cons, he will make the only right decision.

Such people become businessmen and leaders. This movement also indicates some isolation, secrecy and distrust of others. But, you must admit, if you have such a friend next to you, it’s just great. You will never be stabbed in the back.

Expressing surprise, your friends raise their eyebrows quite high. This is a signal of preserved naivety and an attitude towards life that is not entirely serious for one’s age. Just don’t worry or get upset about this. Slight infantilism and childishness very often give girls charm and charm, and they still have time to grow up.

Some people only raise one eyebrow when speaking. Most likely, this is a person with a subtle sense of humor, ready for open communication with his interlocutor. You may hear an appropriate joke or unexpected witticism from him. Your interlocutor is prone to improvisation and unexpected decisions. Such people are always welcome guests in any company.

If, while thinking about a problem, your interlocutor scratches the outer side of his eyebrow, then you are dealing with an intellectual. Such a person reads a lot, is versatile, inquisitive, and cares about everything. And at the same time he is unobtrusive.

A man scratching the inside of his eyebrow is self-absorbed. He will be concerned about your problems and experiences, but he still attaches greater importance to his own. Such natures are very selective in shaping their environment. Among his friends you will not meet random and dubious personalities.

If a girl plucks her eyebrows almost completely and then fills them in, this is most likely a hypocritical nature, prone to deception, intrigue, and cunning. Expect troubles and dirty tricks from such a friend.

Your friend doesn't pay any attention to her eyebrows. Don't think she doesn't care about fashion or her face. It’s just that in front of you is a self-sufficient person who, by and large, doesn’t care what others think about her. Such people are concerned about global problems. They are smart and have reasonable flexibility.

If a friend plucks her eyebrows, only slightly correcting their natural curve, this is probably a balanced, modest person who does not like noisy companies or scandals. But he gets along with people very easily.

It happens that eyebrows are plucked at a sharply defined corner. If your friend does this, it means you are communicating with an extraordinary, extravagant person who does everything for show. The behavior of these people is not always natural. They love to attract the attention of others; at first glance they may seem frivolous and flighty, but this is the external side of their life. Once you get to know such a girl, you will appreciate her bright personality.

Probably every person has observed the following picture more than once: when someone notices him from afar and wants to say hello, the other person’s eyebrows rise.

What do raised eyebrows mean in men and women when communicating?

Raised eyebrows are a greeting signal that has been used since ancient times. Even primates have this signal, which indicates its innate nature. The eyebrows rise for a split second and then quickly fall. The purpose of the gesture is to draw attention to your interlocutor’s face.

The only country in the world where this gesture is not used is Japan. Raised eyebrows in Japan are an ignorant gesture, and even offensive, as it has a sexual innuendo.

In addition, raising the eyebrows is associated with an unconscious signal that shows that an interesting person has been noticed. It may also be associated with a reaction of fear or surprise. And it can be interpreted in different ways:

“I noticed that you are here, but I’m not afraid of you” or “A-ba, what people! I didn’t expect to see you here.”

If the person you meet is unfamiliar, unattractive or unpleasant, the eyebrows never rise. But people who do not make such a gesture are regarded as potentially aggressive. You can do a simple experiment. Sit in a crowded place (park, theater, store lobby, cafe) and raise your eyebrows every time a person passes nearby. Most people will unconsciously mirror the gesture and smile back, and some may even speak. A very useful technique if you need to talk to an interesting person, or if you want to please someone.

If a person's eyebrow is raised or lowered?

Eyebrows lowered and drawn towards the bridge of the nose, on the contrary, are a signal of hostility or dominance towards the people around you. Raised eyebrows show subordination.
Women strive to appear like children, because such facial expressions always have an irresistible impression on men. Men release hormones and appear to caress and protect a weak woman. This is why some women pluck their eyebrows and then draw them a little higher than they really should be. If men pluck their eyebrows, then, on the contrary, they try to position them as low as possible. Low eyebrows visually make the eyes smaller and give the facial expression a commanding tone.

What do dilated eyes and pupils indicate when communicating with an interlocutor?

A slightly lowered head and a gentle glance from under your brows is another sign of submissiveness, so tempting for men. This look visually enlarges the eyes, making them appear larger, and the woman looks innocent and childlike. Children are so much shorter than adults that they look up to everything. This technique was in Princess Diana’s arsenal, and she used it often and successfully. She perfected this gesture. She tilted her head a little to the side, showing others her unprotected neck. Such a childish look awakened parental feelings in millions of people around the world, which intensified even more during the attacks on poor Lady Di by members of the royal family.

Can gestures be manipulated for the visual effect of attracting a person?

Yes, you can. Raised eyebrows, lowered eyelids, a sideways glance and a slightly open mouth - this is a chain of actions that women have used for centuries to ignite fire and passion in a man. This facial expression was often used by such famous Hollywood divas as Marilyn Monroe, Sharon Stone and Deborah Harry. But the most important thing is that such techniques will not always work, and then, in order to find out exactly about the interlocutor, it is better to make a diagnosis (tell fortunes) on Tarot cards, either independently or by contacting our specialists by writing a message in viber, whatsapp +79606999998 or by mail [email protected]

In such a chain of gestures and manipulations of one’s face among celebrities, it greatly helps them advance in their careers, as well as successfully play various roles in films, since when the pupils move, a maximum distance appears between the eyelashes and eyebrows, and the woman acquires a mysterious and languid appearance. Studies have shown that a similar facial expression appears in women before orgasm.

What we say does not always correspond to what we demonstrate to our interlocutor with our postures and body movements. How to decipher them?

Psychology of gestures and facial expressions


It can tell a lot about us to an attentive person. If you want to create the impression that you are very busy, you rush forward quickly. Do you have a spring in your step when walking? You will definitely be mistaken for an optimist and a creative person. The gait of a confident person is easy to recognize - he steps on his heel and rolls his foot onto his toe.

Sitting style

A business meeting. In front of you is a stranger who has spread out his papers all over the table. This means he feels like a very important person. Wide-spaced legs reinforce this impression.

Body rotation

If several people take part in a conversation, we turn to the interlocutor who is more attractive to us. Or to the leader - as a sign of respect. This is the simple psychology of human gestures.

Let's move closer

We try to get closer to those who are truly pleasant to us.


Raised eyebrows This is evidence that a person is sincerely interested, he is curious about what is happening. If he frowns, it means he is experiencing fear and embarrassment. The eyebrows are motionless if there is no interest in what is happening now. Closed eyes If the interlocutor in a conversation suddenly begins to rub his eyes, covers them with his hand or lowers his eyelids, it means that he is trying to protect himself from unpleasant or dangerous information that he has received.

Attention - on the face Have you noticed that your interlocutor often straightens his hair, moving it away from his face? Maybe he's a little nervous. Another interpretation: he is trying to attract your attention to his face and neck by flirting.

Lip biting It is easy to determine when a person is in a stressful situation: the interlocutor begins to bite or lick his lips. He does this to relieve tension and calm down a little.

Sincere smile Do they smile at you only with their lips for 5-6 seconds? This is a reason to doubt that the person is sincere with you now. After all, a real smile implies that it involves not only the lips, but also the eyes! If you want to be known as a thorough person at work, smile less. Employees who smile excessively do not seem too serious to management.

Head tilt

Do you want to make it clear that your interlocutor’s words are interesting to you and that you are listening to him carefully? Tilt your head slightly towards him, showing that you don’t want to miss a single word.


If your counterpart blinks more than 6-8 times per minute, it means that the person is very worried at the moment.


A person who is telling a lie really has an itchy nose - it’s just at this moment that adrenaline is released, which causes the capillaries to dilate and the nose begins to itch.


By looking at us, we can determine whether the interlocutor is lying to us or whether he is interested in someone present. If your interlocutor looks too closely into your eyes without looking away, this may mean that he is deceiving you. But, realizing this, he tries to seem sincere, without taking his eyes off your face. A quick exchange of glances occurs between people who like each other. If a man casts quick interested glances at you and immediately looks away, he likes you, but he is not sure of reciprocal feelings. A quick glance is one of the signs of a defensive reaction: a person is afraid of rejection.


If you nod your head, and do it more than once, you show your interlocutor that you are interested. If you nod three times at once, the person's response will be about three times longer. This means don’t nod more than once if you want to quickly end a boring conversation.

Looking from the bottom up

A person who tilts his head slightly and looks up at his interlocutor needs support and protection. This is how young children often look, and there are plenty of photographs of Princess Diana in this position.

Pursed lips

When the interlocutor's lips stretch into a thin line, there is no doubt that the person is simply furious. The fact is that in a calm state, few people can purse their lips in this way.

Look up

Do you want to know what your interlocutor is thinking about? Notice how his eyes move. When a person remembers what he saw before, he looks up, as if trying to imagine the picture. When a person remembers what he heard, he looks towards one of his ears. And the deepest experiences are accompanied by a gaze that seems to be directed inward and does not react to what is happening around.

Forehead and ear massage

Does your interlocutor touch his forehead or stroke his earlobes? He feels vulnerable and defenseless and tries to relieve tension. For example, a person may react this way when a boss looks around at his subordinates, trying to decide who to entrust an unpleasant job to. By touching the forehead, earlobes, rubbing our knees, we massage the nerve endings, and this helps reduce blood pressure and pulse.

By the way, the psychology of human gestures speaks louder than words. Scientists have found that with their help we receive up to 90% of information. Whereas words give us no more than 7%.


Feet shoulder width apart This position speaks of self-confidence and a tendency to dominate. During an argument, a person in this position will firmly stand his ground. If you want to intensify the impression, place your hands on your hips - this is a traditional position that shows strength. Crossed arms It may seem that the person crossing his arms is angry or wants to close himself off from the eyes of others. But don't rush into such an assessment. This pose can really indicate that a person does not want to let anyone into his thoughts if his legs are also crossed. However, it is worth paying attention to the surrounding environment: most often people take this position when they are cold. And besides, many find this position simply comfortable. Body weight is transferred from one leg to the other The way your body moves matches your thoughts. Does your partner often shift from one foot to the other or sway back and forth? He is worried or upset about something. In other words, these movements clearly indicate what is happening in a person’s head: he moves from one unpleasant thought to another and cannot decide on a solution.

Feet pointing towards the door

It’s easy to determine how interesting the conversation is to your interlocutor. If you are talking to a person whose feet are turned towards the door, this is a sign that he wants to end the conversation as quickly as possible and is looking for a way to retreat.


The interlocutor hides his hands, Does he keep them behind his back or put them in his pockets? He is hiding something from you, does not give complete information. A person who touches his nails and cuticles while talking(and even worse - he bites his nails), gives the impression of insecurity and vulnerability. Instead, interlace your fingers to appear calm and balanced.

Restless gestures

Does a person alternately take off and then put on his shoes under the table, shake his legs rhythmically, or cross one leg over the other? Such gestures help relieve anxiety. They also say that the situation is unpleasant for you.

What do you know about the psychology of gestures and facial expressions?


Irina Danilina

Eyebrows are a noticeable and very expressive element of a person’s appearance, allowing one to judge his emotions about various events. Physiognomy allows you to determine your character by your eyebrows if their shape has not been adjusted. A person's eyebrows are a symbol of fame: they indicate a person's reputation, creativity, achievements and his desire to become famous.

Requirements for perfect eyebrows

Eyebrows are the frame for the eyes, which are the first thing that comes into view when looking at the face. They are among the main facial features that should be in harmony with the rest of its elements. Eyebrows are easy to adjust, so you need to know the basic rules for harmonizing their shape to achieve perfection.

  • Each eyebrow in Chinese physiognomy is a Star Point: the left one is the Ruler or Master, the right one is the Advisor. Between the eyebrows there is a Star Point called Purple Air, the place for which must be clean. Eyebrows that grow together on the bridge of the nose give the face a gloomy and aggressive expression, so the space between the eyebrows must be cleared of hairs: eyebrows should not invade someone else's star territory. The distance between the eyebrows should be at least the width of two fingers.
  • Ideal eyebrows are smooth and neat: hairs should not stray beyond the contour of the natural eyebrow line.
  • Eyebrows should be in harmony with the rest of the facial features, without dominating them.
  • Ideal eyebrows have sufficient length, a gracefully curved arch contour, smooth and shiny hairs. The length of the eyebrow is easily determined based on the position of the wings of the nose and the size of the eye. The eyebrow starts from the border of the wing of the nose, the upper point of its arch is at the intersection with the line connecting the edge of the wing of the nose and the outer edge of the iris of the eye, and the end point of the eyebrow is located on a straight line connecting the outer corner of the eye and the point of the wing of the nose.

Eyebrows and character

Eyebrows and character are interconnected. For example, sparse and pale eyebrows will easily reveal a person’s shyness, his desire to be in the shadows and allow others to command him. On the contrary, dark eyebrows that dominate the face, having significant density and width, indicate a powerful and authoritarian character.

A person with thin or plucked eyebrows looks weak-willed and submissive: he will never be a boss!

A person who is confident, responsible for his actions and emotions, as a rule, has smooth, well-defined eyebrows.

Shaggy, light-colored eyebrows in Chinese physiognomy are interpreted as a sign of sexual promiscuity and promiscuity, so women should be vigilant when meeting the owners of such eyebrows. In turn, women should carefully care for their eyebrows, ruthlessly removing any stray hairs.

Eyebrow shape and character

There are seven types of eyebrows, indicating the character of a person and his capabilities inherent in nature. The shape of the eyebrows and the character of men are easily determined, since they rarely make adjustments to their facial features. Women's faces can be very deceptive in this regard, since eyebrows can be plucked, dyed, tattooed, etc.

1. Arched eyebrows

Gracefully arched eyebrows indicate a romantic, very sensitive person with a light, but quite strong character. Arched eyebrows are considered ideal: they speak of good character and allow their owners to achieve success in life.

2. Eyebrows fly apart

Eyebrows of this type belong to leaders with an active, purposeful and enterprising character. When close to each other, eyebrows of this type can look threatening, so their owners are not recommended to frown.

3. Eyebrows in the form of a semicircle

Eyebrows of this type belong to people with a cautious, insightful, enterprising and self-confident character. They are charming, energetic and have remarkable business abilities, exemplifying financial geniuses.

4. Eyebrows with tips down

This type of eyebrow reveals a naive and insufficiently independent person. However, owners of this type of eyebrows are talented in the field of music, literature and cinema, and also have character traits such as kindness and caring, which allows them to be true friends, reliable partners and excellent parents.

5. Short eyebrows

Those with short eyebrows have an independent and ambitious character, a fiery disposition and a youthful appearance. They are able to achieve significant success in life because they strive for this with all their hearts and do everything possible.

6. Eyebrows with a kink

Spectacular wedge-shaped eyebrows speak of the adventurous nature of their owner. People with such eyebrows are success-oriented and strive for leadership.

7. Straight eyebrows

Straight eyebrows indicate masculinity and straightforwardness of character. Owners of such eyebrows can become excellent leaders: decisive, energetic, balanced, but capable of taking risks. In the family they are excellent partners, but not homebodies: they need friends and society.

Character by eyebrows: their location and other features

When determining character from eyebrows, physiognomists take into account not only their shape, but also other characteristics. For example:

  • low eyebrows indicate the determination, ambition and practicality of a person’s character;
  • high eyebrows indicate determination;
  • wide eyebrows belong to dreamers and intellectuals;
  • thin eyebrows indicate a principled character;
  • bristly eyebrows reveal a stubborn, obstinate and uncompromising person, and if they are thick, then perhaps even cruel;
  • eyebrows widening towards the temples indicate a person’s desire for success;
  • a noticeable mole inside the eyebrow means success in life, an invisible one means difficulties in saving money.

Physiognomy allows you to determine a person’s character quite accurately from their eyebrows, but a person striving for perfection will always be able to achieve harmony in his face and life!

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Eyebrows like a thread, upturned, frowning

If someone doesn’t like you or he’s worried, he makes his eyebrows with a thread: he simultaneously raises them and brings them together. According to Desmond Morris, this is a contradictory movement in which the corresponding muscles simultaneously try to raise and lower the eyebrows. Such facial expressions express grief, pain, anger and fear, which add up to anxiety.

A person raises his eyebrows when he is shocked or does not believe something, and lowers them (at the same time bringing them together so that vertical wrinkles appear on his forehead) when he is angry.


The true meaning of a person's words can be judged by how his lips participate in transmitting the code of facial expression. Just like the throat and cheeks, lips speak volumes about what's on a person's mind.

Smile from the heart

A smile is one of the most powerful ways we influence others. If a person smiles sincerely, the corners of his lips curve upward, his lips part and reveal his teeth, his cheeks rise, and wrinkles appear around his eyes.

To test the power of a smile, smile at someone from the bottom of your heart and see what happens. Do this even if you are not having much fun and are not in the mood to smile. Just put a smile on your face using your sensory memory. Think about a time in your life when you were very happy. Think only about him and smile. The result will simply amaze you.

A smile is contagious. When you smile, people tend to follow your lead, and any tension that exists between you instantly disappears. When you start smiling, you will find that others will be more open to you. You will be able to connect with a lot more people because they will find you very friendly.

Tight smile

A forced smile is fake. Do you remember how, as a child, you never wanted to pose with other relatives for a family photo? You didn't enjoy standing with everyone else at all, so you didn't look happy - you didn't smile. But then the photographer told you to say “cheese”, you repeated this word, and when you received these photographs, you saw that your lips were smiling artificially, and your eyes remained unhappy.

Your smile was fake, the way people smile forcedly when they do it. They don't really like you, they don't want to be around you, but they know they have to smile to appear civilized and well-mannered. The next time you see a person with sad eyes smiling as if he was asked to say “cheese,” know that he is not smiling sincerely.

People who smile forcedly are not revealing their true feelings to you. In fact, anyone who does this and tells you not to worry because nothing bad has happened is actually telling you the opposite. In fact, something unpleasant has happened, and you have every reason to worry, because these reasons are already clearly visible on the other person's face.

Inappropriate smile

"Why are you smiling? - Linda asked. “I just told you that I lost my father!” That's what Linda told her best friend Sharon immediately after telling her about her father's death. However, Sharon did not want to seem cruel or insensitive, she was only trying to express the extreme emotion and mental discomfort that she felt upon hearing the sad news. Unfortunately, instead of frowning, she smiled.

People who smile in critical situations often bring additional grief to others. And they do this not out of sadism, but simply because this is their way of expressing the spiritual discomfort that they feel in this situation. However, such a reaction cannot in any way please those who find themselves in Linda’s position, but only shocks or irritates them.

This is precisely the reaction that could be observed in former President Jimmy Carter, who, according to many, lost the opportunity to win a second term only because he did not watch his facial expressions enough. Whenever he appeared on television and spoke about the ongoing Iran hostage crisis, Carter would always smile nervously, which was extremely distasteful to viewers. His reputation as a reliable and trustworthy politician suffered greatly from this. Most Americans could not understand why their president was smiling in the midst of such terrible events. They didn't realize that Carter was simply expressing nervousness with his inappropriate smile. His joyful and animated face did not fit in with the serious and sad words that he uttered, and as a result he began to be considered a weak leader.