
Anna Karenina: temptation by passion - Evdokia Varakina. "Anna Karenina" is an eternal tragedy Anna is unhappy being separated from her son

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Biography, life story of Anna Karenina

Anna Arkadyevna Karenina is the heroine of the novel Anna Karenina.

Life story

Anna Karenina is a noble lady from St. Petersburg, the wife of Minister Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin. introduces us to Anna at the moment when she comes to her brother Stepan Oblonsky (Steve) in order to reconcile him with his wife. Stiva meets his sister at the station. At the same time, a young officer Alexei Kirillovich Vronsky arrives at the station (he was meeting his mother). Anna and Alexey pay attention to each other. However, the author does not allow the first emotions to completely overwhelm the characters. At the moment of the first meeting of Karenina and Vronsky, a misfortune happens - a train carriage accidentally drives back and kills the watchman. Anna Karenina, a married lady and a caring mother of her eight-year-old son Seryozha, considered this turn of events a bad sign.

The next meeting between Anna and Alexei takes place at the ball. There, some inexplicable chemistry flares up between them again. When Karenina returns to her native Petersburg, Vronsky, unconscious from the passion that has captured his mind, goes after her. There, Alexey Kirillovich becomes the shadow of Anna Karenina - he follows her every step, tries to constantly be next to her. At the same time, the officer is not at all embarrassed by the fact that Anna is married, and her husband is a man of high social status. On the contrary, Vronsky’s love grew stronger from the fact that his chosen one turned out to be a woman from high society.

Anna Karenina, who has never had anything but deep respect for her husband, falls in love with Alexei Vronsky. Falls in love and is ashamed of his vicious feelings. At first, Anna tries to escape from herself, return to her usual life and find peace of mind, but all her attempts at resistance ended in failure. A year after they met, Karenina becomes Vronsky’s mistress. Over time, the connection between Karenina and Vronsky becomes known throughout St. Petersburg. Alexey Karenin, having learned about his wife’s infidelity, punishes her in the most cruel way - he forces her to continue to play the role of his loving wife.


Anna soon finds out that she is pregnant from Vronsky. The officer invites her to leave her husband, but Karenina does not agree. Immediately after the birth of her daughter, she almost dies. The tragedy forces Alexei Alexandrovich to forgive his wife and her lover. He allows Anna to continue to live in his house and bear his last name. And Anna herself, in her dying state, begins to treat her husband warmer. But after recovery, everything returns to normal. Anna, whose conscience could not stand Karenin’s generosity, leaves with Vronsky for Europe. The lovers take the newborn girl with them. Anna's son remains with his father.

After a short absence, Vronsky and Karenina return to St. Petersburg. There Anna Karenina sadly realizes that she is now a real outcast for secular society. But Vronsky, on the contrary, is happy to see in any company. Separation from her son caused Anna additional suffering. But on Seryozha’s birthday, Anna secretly sneaks into the boy’s bedroom. The meeting was very touching - mother and son cried with happiness. They wanted to say so much to each other, but they were unable to talk - a servant came into Seryozha’s room and said that Alexey Karenin would come in any minute. When the official entered the nursery, Anna ran away, leaving Seryozha sobbing.

Relations between Karenina and Vronsky gradually began to deteriorate. The attitude of society towards Anna also contributed to the fading of their warm feelings. High society pointed fingers at Anna, and some society ladies did not hesitate to publicly insult her. Tired of the constant pressure, Anna, Alexey and their little daughter Anya move to Vronsky’s estate. Far from the bustle of the city, Anna hoped to improve relations with her lover, however, Alexey himself tried to create all the conditions for his beloved. However, it was difficult for them to get along with each other. The officer regularly went to business meetings and social events in St. Petersburg, while Anna, like a leper, had to sit at home. Due to Vronsky's constant absences, Karenina begins to suspect him of treason. Scenes of jealousy became a mandatory addition to dinner in their home. At the same time, life is darkened by a protracted divorce process. In order to solve this problem, Anna and Alexey move to Moscow for a while. Earlier, Karenin promised that he would give Seryozha to Anna, but at the last moment he changed his mind. He did this solely to hurt the woman who betrayed him. Having learned that the court left Seryozha with her ex-husband, Anna almost went crazy with grief...

Lost, unhappy Anna Karenina argues more and more with Vronsky. One day Anna Karenina suspected him of intending to marry someone else. Tired of constant hysterics, Alexey goes to his mother. As soon as Vronsky left, Anna clearly felt a burning need for reconciliation with her beloved. She rushes after Vronsky to the station.

Arriving at the place, Anna Karenina remembers her first meeting with Vronsky, their timid glances at each other, that incomprehensible feeling that swallowed her up. Anna also remembered the watchman who died under the carriage. At that very second Anna understands - this is the solution to all problems! This is how she can wash away the shame and get rid of the constantly oppressive feeling of shame for her actions! This is how she, who has exhausted herself and those around her, will be able to throw off the burden that has already become unbearable! A second of delay - and Anna throws herself under an oncoming train.

After Anna’s death, Vronsky repented - late, senselessly, but he repented. Deciding to follow Karenina's example, Alexey began to look at death as a deliverance. He volunteers to go to war, hoping that he will never come back.


Anna Karenina is an image created on the basis of three prototypes. The first is Maria Hartung, daughter

In fact, the story of writing a brilliant novel looked like this:

Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, on the initiative of the People's Commissar of Railways L.M. Kaganovich was instructed by the former. Count L.N. Tolstoy write a novel about railway construction in the USSR. (N.A. Nekrasov’s attempt to describe the successes of socialist construction on the railways was unsuccessful).

Leo Tolstoy was sent on a creative trip to the GULZDS - the main directorate of railway construction camps, together with Pravda correspondent and employee of the women's department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Anna Karenina.

She, as you know, was the wife of the most powerful chief of Glavlit, the chief censor, member of the party Central Committee - K.P. Pobedonostsev - a dry, obscurantist old man, about whom the poet Mikhalkov wrote during the Thaw years that he “spread the wings of an owl over Russia!”

He regularly “cut” entire chapters from Tolstoy’s works! And their relationship was strained.

L. Tolstoy and A. Karenina began a whirlwind romance during their creative work.

As a result of his creative trip, Tolstoy wrote several stories that were not popular with readers, despite the fact that they were translated into the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and the countries of the socialist camp - “How was the rail tempered?”, “The Raised Sleeper”, “The Red Engine”, etc. .
Tolstoy received a reprimand from the Central Committee. In addition, his affair with Anna Karenina became known to the Politburo.

However, by that time, Anna Karenina had already abandoned Leo Tolstoy and was cohabiting with the secretary of the Komsomol organization, the Kremlin cadet Vronsky, who was three times the USSR champion in show jumping and dressage, repeatedly won the Budyonny Cup at equestrian competitions and was the most accurate Voroshilov shooter.

On the Central Committee of the party there was K.P. Pobedonostsev and L.N. Tolstoy raised the question of expelling Karenina and Vronsky from party organizations and removing them from responsible positions.

During the discussion of this issue N.G. Chernyshevsky wailed as usual: “What should I do? What to do?"

Stalin mimicked him by saying: “What should we do? What should I do? We will envy them!”

In her explanation to the Central Committee of the party, Anna Karenina wrote that Pobedonostsev stopped satisfying her and caring for her, and Leo Tolstoy promised to divorce Sofia Andreevna and marry her, but did not fulfill his promise. And with Vronsky they will create an exemplary Soviet family. In addition, she said that Soviet power freed a woman who ceased to be a house slave in a stinking kitchen and made her a free creative person.

The vengeful Tolstoy handed over to a foreign correspondent for publication intimate photographs of Anna Karenina, taken during a creative business trip on the railways.

She could not stand the bullying and ridicule in the foreign press, the sidelong glances of her colleagues and committed suicide on the railway!

An international scandal occurred. As a result, Leo Tolstoy was removed from the Central Committee of the party and was sent to head the Yasnaya Polyana state farm in the Krapivensky district of the Tula region.

At this time, L.N. Tolstoy had a lot of free time, which he spent on writing a masterpiece novel - “Anna Karenina”, where he described the true events!


Yesterday I attended the premiere screening of the film “Anna Karenina” directed by Sergei Solovyov. This tape is part of the “2-Assa-2” duology. It took Sergei Solovyov 10 years of preparation to begin filming the film. The film itself was shot in a year and a half. In total, 15 years passed from the conception of the film to its premiere.
I liked the film. Real Russian cinema, with outstanding Russian actors, beautifully shot in Russian. Excellent work by cameraman Yuri Klimenko. I enjoyed watching it. Although it feels like the film was shot as a TV series.
This is a completely adequate adaptation of the novel by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Although the director, in his own words, did not seek to unravel the intention of the classic of Russian literature. Meanwhile, the words from the Bible “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay” were not chosen by Tolstoy as an epigraph by chance.
When Lev Nikolayevich was asked what his novel Anna Karenina was about, he said: to answer, he needed to write the novel again.
Why did Anna Karenina die?

This is a film about forgiveness and love for your enemies!
There are almost 30 film adaptations of the famous novel. The most famous are Greta Garbo (1935) and Vivien Leigh (1948).
Sergei Solovyov's film is more psychological than Alexander Zarkhi's 1967 film adaptation. Then Tatyana Samoilova starred in the role of Anna, Nikolai Gritsenko in the role of Karenin, and Vasily Lanovoy in the role of Vronsky.

The intrigue of Sergei Solovyov's film is that Karenin (Oleg Yankovsky) is handsome and not too old, and seems to sincerely love his wife Anna (Tatyana Drubich).
I liked how director Sergei Solovyov filmed the lovers’ journey through Italy. I remembered how I rode the same gondola along the canals of Venice last year.

In 1996, I was lucky enough to star in the Hollywood film Anna Karenina (directed by Bernard Rose). The role of Anna was played by Sophie Marceau, Vronsky was played by Sean Bean. I described this in my true-life novel “The Wanderer” (mystery). During the filming process, I observed Americans' lack of understanding of the driving forces of Leo Tolstoy's novel.

On the set of the film "Anna Karenina" - Vitebsky Station in St. Petersburg

The tragedy of Anna Karenina is, first of all, the tragedy of Leo Tolstoy himself. Lev Nikolaevich wrote both the novel “Anna Karenina” and the story “Family Happiness” based on the experience of his family life. In the story “The Kreutzer Sonata,” Tolstoy completely described the story of his wife Sofia Andreevna’s falling in love with a friend of their house, composer Alexander Sergeevich Taneyev.

Leo Tolstoy was an amorous man. Even before his marriage, he had numerous relationships of a prodigal nature. He got along with the female servants in the house, and with peasant women from subordinate villages, and with gypsies. He even seduced his aunt’s maid, the innocent peasant girl Glasha. When the girl became pregnant, the owner kicked her out, and her relatives did not want to accept her. And, probably, Glasha would have died if Tolstoy’s sister had not taken her to her. (Perhaps it was this incident that formed the basis of the novel “Sunday”).

After this, Tolstoy made a promise to himself: “I will not have a single woman in my village, except for some cases that I will not look for, but I will not miss.”
But he could not overcome the temptation of the flesh. However, after sexual pleasures there was always a feeling of guilt and bitterness of remorse.
When the wife could not share the marital bed with her husband, Tolstoy was carried away either by another maid or cook, or sent to the village for a soldier.

Later, justifying himself through the mouth of Stiva in the novel Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy admits: “What should I do, tell me what to do? Your wife is getting old, but you are full of life. Before you know it, you already feel that you cannot love your wife with love, no matter how much you respect her. And then suddenly love turns up, and you’re gone, gone!”

If Tolstoy wrote Levin from himself, then the prototype of Karenin was the Chief Prosecutor of the Synod, Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev, who, according to rumors, had a similar family situation. The actor who plays Karenin, Oleg Yankovsky, even looks like him, especially when he wears glasses.

Tolstoy wrote that Karenin was an old man. Although by today's standards he is still young - he is only 44 years old. Anna is about 26-27 years old. She has an 8-year-old son. In those days in Russia she was no longer considered a young woman. Girls of marriageable age were 16-17 years old, so for the 70s of the 19th century Anna was a mature woman, the mother of a family, and Vronsky was very young.

In the film by Sergei Solovyov, Sergei Bezrukov initially starred in the role of Vronsky. But, apparently, he didn’t grow up. Yaroslav Boyko is tall and stately, but absolutely not convincing. There is not a spark of passion or a drop of love in him. He cannot be compared with Vasily Lanov, who played Vronsky in the film by Alexander Zarkhi.

It is believed that Anna Karenina's appearance is based on Pushkin's daughter Maria Hartung.
Tolstoy does not make a single mention of Anna's age. Karenin was 44. Stiva says that it was a mistake that Anna married a man twenty years older than her.

Actress Tatyana Drubich, who plays Anna, believes that “... society... has changed dramatically. Today, no one would notice her suicide or would consider it stupid... Most women, I'm sure, still dream of being Kitty. But this is... the way I would like to live, and Anna’s fate is, unfortunately, reality. A love triangle is a plot for a melodrama, and Karenina is the heroine of a tragedy.”

Anna Karenina, performed by Tatyana Drubich, clearly does not live up to the tragedy played by Tatyana Samoilova in the film by Alexander Zarkhi.
Tatiana Samoilova and Tatiana Drubich

Tatyana Drubich is the ex-wife of Sergei Solovyov. They got married after the director cast Tatiana in several of his films. The age difference was about the same as that of Anna and Karenin. But despite the fact that Drubich divorced Solovyov, the director continues to consider her his muse and makes films.

Why did Anna Karenina die?

Anna was tired of her quiet life, she wanted adventure. And she found them. Just like her brother Stiva searches for and finds love adventures.

Why do women love to play with fire and have secret affairs? What do they lack in marriage?

Here's how women themselves formulate the reasons for female infidelity:
1\ In life, every woman has a favorable chance to make such a small, imperceptible change. I really want novelty and flight! How can you stand here?!
2\ Almost a third of married women find lovers at work. Common cause, common interests, common... bed. And often also a salary increase, career growth...
3\ Cheating as a means to increase tone, self-esteem, gain self-confidence...
4\ Revenge for betrayal. Cuckold your spouse and you will immediately feel better. Just not openly, of course, otherwise something might not happen, it might get worse...
5\ I have the right, since my husband is such a fool and a loser...

If the husband married for love, and the wife married for convenience, without love, then it is likely that she will not miss her chance to feel like a happy lover, at least for a short time.

If a woman does not want to be cheated on, then she herself will not do it. After all, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: “A cheating wife is a big cold cutlet that you don’t want to touch, because someone else was already holding it in their hands.” Well, “if your wife cheated on you, be glad that she cheated on you and not on the Fatherland.”

A woman can hardly resist the temptation of a handsome lover, who is also younger than her.
But the development of the conflict in the novel Anna Karenina is determined not by the age of the characters, but by the social situation of the crisis of marriage, sanctified by the church. In those days it was almost impossible for those married in church to get a divorce.

By committing adultery, Anna gradually turns from a charming woman into a creature addicted to sex and drugs. She rejects all the laws of society and morality, almost going crazy. “I’m not the same,” Anna says about herself, and in fact tries to kill the evil monster in herself that she has turned into.

A woman’s love defies understanding, especially a man’s.
Anna was internally determined to die. During childbirth, she constantly says that she will die.
Anna is the type of victim woman. Love in general is a sacrifice in itself.

How should a husband react when he finds out that his wife has fallen in love?
“All happy families are alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”
I know of cases where a wife brought her lover into the house, with whom she slept on the marital sofa, while the ex-husband slept next to him on the floor.

I read the novel Anna Karenina twice.
Have you ever wondered why Anna Karenina cheated on her husband with Vronsky?
Public morality is bashfully silent about the main thing, as if it is afraid to pull out the last brick from under the shaky sacred myth of marriage.
No, not at all because of her husband’s annoying habit of cracking his knuckles. Karenin simply could not satisfy his young wife, and then he was replaced by the energetic Vronsky.

David Gerberg Lawrence’s famous book “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” clearly shows that a woman ultimately leaves a wealthy but “sexually impotent” husband for a sexually active forester, even if he is a forester.

A woman begins to grow wiser, come into her own and begin to understand at least something about sex after the age of 23. In reality, the “female age” is 5-7 years. Women need to have time to decide their entire female destiny in a few years: find a husband, quickly build a nest, give birth to a baby, establish relationships with all relatives on all sides, etc.
Men only think that they choose women. In fact, it is women who choose men.

What is the tragedy of Anna Karenina?
The age-old question: why marry and live with an unloved person?!

There have already been many productions of the famous drama. However, for some reason people do not learn from other people's mistakes. Perhaps because everyone must fulfill their own life, and not watch the lives of others. It is impossible not to make mistakes. For there are no mistakes, but there is destiny!

The biggest secret is that a woman needs sex no less than a man, only in a different way. It is estimated that a man thinks about sex about 18 times a day, and a woman about 10 times. At the same time, men and women have different attitudes towards sex. For a woman, sex is not something valuable in itself; for her, he is a continuation of love and the possibility of procreation.

American scientists have found that women whose blood contains a large amount of the hormone estradiol are prone to intimate relationships with several partners at the same time. Thus, hormones are to blame for female polygamy, experts say.

Perhaps human sexual nature is polygamous, but how to resolve the issue of preference? What if one wants to leave, thereby depriving the other of the meaning and joy of life?

Of course, the Anna Karenina problem cannot be reduced only to the problem of sex.
The tragedy is that she could not live in sin, in the dichotomy between love for her son and love for a man.

The Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov (who did not marry and lived alone) in his work “The Meaning of Love” said: “Strong individual love is never a service instrument of generic goals that are achieved in addition to it... Seeing the meaning of sexual love in expedient procreation means recognizing this meaning where there is no love at all, and where there is love, take away from it all meaning and all justification.”

Scientists have found that for most people, the feeling of love lasts no more than thirty months. Spiritually and physically, a man and a woman are capable of “high feelings” for only one and a half to two years, which is quite enough to get acquainted, strengthen feelings and give birth to a child.

The novice Sigmund Freud was surprised to discover that sexual dissatisfaction was the basis of hysteria and mental disorders. Psychoanalysis had as its goal to save a marriage without sex, to help a person compensate for the lack of sex life.

Very often people are bound by the bonds of marriage, and not by love. War of the sexes usually occurs within marriage, but not outside of it. A typical example is the film "The War in the Rose Family" starring Katherine Turner and Michael Douglas. They almost killed each other, not wanting to give up the property they had acquired together in a divorce!

76-year-old Mikhail Kozakov was convinced: “Well, a girl who is fifty years younger than you cannot love you as if you were young! Most likely she needs an inheritance, and it is in her interests that you quickly play the game.”

Wealthy older men can afford to marry young women. But for some reason this often ends in the quick death of the “newlywed.” Alexander Abdulov (who played Stiva in the film Anna Karenina) at the age of fifty, after two unsuccessful marriages, married a young woman. The happy actor had a daughter, Zhenya. But suddenly the actor began to fade away from a terrible disease - lung cancer and soon died. And the young widow immediately wanted to sell his house, and appeared at the wake in a flirtatious polka dot outfit and with a smile on her face.

If a woman many years younger appears in the life of an older man, regular intimate relationships begin. They can affect the aging body in two ways. If there are problems with the heart or blood pressure, they can get worse. But it happens the other way around - a relationship with a young woman seems to awaken a man to life. No one can predict what option is in store; it is a kind of lottery.

Edward Radzinsky put it this way: “Marriage is not an obligation. This is nonsense. This is the life of two people. And everyone has the right to live the way they want... The person next to you, he should be busy with something of his own, very important.”

Or maybe it’s all about the falsity of marriage, its artificiality? And what is marriage: something far-fetched or absolutely necessary? symbiosis or unnatural convention?
No, marriage is not an empty formality. First of all, this is the need for trust, for a feeling of reliability and security. If, of course, the marriage is sanctified by love.

You will say, love is subject to reason. And yes, and not always. In some cases, love for some reason turns out to be higher than rational calls.
In the movie Last Night in New York, the main character cheats on his wife with a “workmate” while on a business trip. The wife (Keira Knightley) also cheats on her husband, although she does not enter into an intimate relationship.

You can live together out of necessity, but never know love; You can even have children, but love... love!.. only crazy people are capable of this, because love is insanity! it is something more than passion, because it is insatiable!

Love is compared to madness, since any arguments of reason are broken in the waves of feeling!
No, logical conclusions do not fit into the mystery of love, they do not provide an answer. This is beyond logic, beyond biochemistry. This is a transcendental mystery! How, why do people fall in love and then kill each other? - incomprehensible!

The relationship between a man and a woman is not a sexual or even a moral problem, it is a cosmic problem - the combination of spirit and matter; This is the secret of the universe! Sex is not an empty affair, it is a cosmogonic act!

Today, relations between the sexes have been simplified to the point of impossibility. But this is a Secret! A mystery still unsolved.
Having revealed the mystery of sexual desire and conception, people thought that there were no more secrets in the relationship between a man and a woman, while the true secret is in preference, in fidelity, in uniqueness - this is the secret of love, and not at all in sex.

The institution of marriage, in its current quality, apparently cannot be preserved. But it will be possible to preserve love, to cleanse love of self-interest.

Leo Tolstoy was one of the first to diagnose the end of the traditional form of marriage.
Anna challenged society, and society rejected her because it could not accept such a style of behavior leading to the collapse of the family.

If subjectively Anna’s action can be explained by falling in love, then objectively by her actions she undermined the institution of family. And the institution of family was created primarily to protect the rights of children (legally born). History knows a lot of examples of wars started between legitimate and illegitimate, and even adopted children. The most famous case is the legendary Moses. You can also remember Cleopatra’s child from Caesar. Perhaps it was he who became one of the reasons for the assassination of Julius Caesar in the Senate.

Marriage never protected from affairs and illegitimate children, but marriage solved and still solves deeper problems of heritage and the meaning of life. However, what to do if one suddenly falls out of love, and the other continues to love? It is possible to allow free sexual relations and organize the upbringing of children, but it is impossible to solve the problem of reciprocity: when one loves and the other does not.

Everything, everything because of love, everything for the sake of love, including so-called evil!

By choosing love, Anna chose her destiny. And she died. Why? Because these are the laws of love? or was she unable to live with the feeling of sin? Who is she: a slave of love or an adulteress? Should she be acquitted for love or convicted of adultery?

Why did Anna decide to commit suicide?
Maybe the morphine that Anna abused was to blame for everything?
“I want love, but there is none. Therefore, it’s all over. And it must end.”

In my opinion, Anna was killed by guilt!
She committed a crime - she entered into a forbidden relationship, violated the commandment “thou shalt not commit adultery.”
The commandments are not a simple establishment, but a thousand-year experience of human relationships, these are the laws of life, the violation of which inevitably leads to death (spiritual or physical). But people do not believe in the commandments; they break them again and again, while being surprised at the tragic consequences. "What goes around comes around"!
Maybe you are right. But the commandments are impossible to fulfill. Any law is broken. Nature is stronger than culture.

Or maybe there is a deeper pattern hidden in the commandment “thou shalt not commit adultery”? Perhaps this is a kind of protection from the destructive effects of promiscuity, self-preservation of both oneself and children, where jealousy is a natural reaction to maintaining mental fullness and purity, a kind of self-defense, including from venereal disease?

Patriarch Kirill said:
“Fornication, which refers to carnal sin, carnal impurity, a sin that destroys a person’s chastity, in the Slavic language means delusion. Hence we say: to fornicate, to wander, to be mistaken. These are words of the same root. Fornication and delusion are words of the same root. As a result of delusion, loss of life guidelines, destruction of the system of moral values, a person begins to neglect his body. And by entering into unclean relationships with others, he causes mystical harm to this body... It is not only physical illness that harms the human body... A person damages himself with prodigal passion, and makes him unable to ultimately enter the Kingdom of God. This is why the Apostle says: “Fornicators will not inherit the Kingdom of God.”

Perhaps the commandment “thou shalt not commit adultery” contains a pattern hidden from us: by committing a sin, a person destroys himself because he renounces faith? Is adultery a betrayal? and whoever betrays faith loses love too? And from this the need for self-destruction? Love cannot withstand the sin committed?

Personally, I believe that the tragedy of Anna Karenina is her fall from grace. She abandoned her husband, her son, and ultimately could not bear the duality: she was torn between love for her son and love for Vronsky. What woman is capable of this?!

Anna is entangled in sin. She says about her husband: “I hate him for his virtue.”
In Anna’s situation there is no way out, the intolerability of sin is oppressive, and there is no escape from condemning oneself. Can a woman choose between a lover and a child, between sin and conscience, love and betrayal? Sin is unbearable and inexorably pushes towards death. In fact, the Fall is suicide!

Can Anna escape her fate? She simply could not do otherwise! Yes, fate is when it is impossible otherwise! Anna understood, she was warned, but she could not help herself. It's stronger than her! And so with everyone! We know, we understand, but we can’t change anything. And therefore we obey, sometimes we even consciously make a “mistake,” because this is not a mistake, but an inevitability!

Could Anna have failed to notice Vronsky? After all, if it weren’t for this “chance” meeting at the station, perhaps nothing would have happened?
Everything is chance, His Majesty Chance! Or is it fate? Or maybe just Tolstoy’s invention?

What is fate? This meeting and this look? the look of fate! Was everything really predetermined? But she felt, and even from the sign, she understood that this meeting was not good. Could she have escaped her fate? Could you not have thrown yourself under the train? It’s easy to say she could, but in reality she was unable to. It's stronger than her! Is fate stronger than man? By choosing love, she chose her destiny.
Through love our destiny is manifested and realized. Love controls us, creating our destiny! For love is God!
(from my true-life novel “The Wanderer” (mystery) on the New Russian Literature website


P.S. Read my other articles on this issue: “Tolstoy’s Last Sunday”, “The whole truth about the lies of marriage”, “Love is a mystery”, “Either polygamy or loneliness”.


Nikolai Kofirin - New Russian Literature -

In fact, the story of writing a brilliant novel looked like this:
Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, on the initiative of the People's Commissar of Railways L.M. Kaganovich was instructed by the former. Count L.N. Tolstoy write a novel about railway construction in the USSR. (N.A. Nekrasov’s attempt to describe the successes of socialist construction on the railways was unsuccessful).
Leo Tolstoy was sent on a creative trip to GULZDS - the main directorate of railway construction camps, together with Pravda correspondent and employee of the women's department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Anna Karenina.
She, as you know, was the wife of the most powerful chief of Glavlit, the chief censor, member of the party Central Committee - K.P. Pobedonostsev - a dry, obscurantist old man, about whom the poet Mikhalkov wrote during the Thaw years that he “spread the wings of an owl over Russia!”

He regularly “cut” entire chapters from Tolstoy’s works! And their relationship was strained.
L. Tolstoy and A. Karenina began a whirlwind romance during their creative work.
As a result of his creative trip, Tolstoy wrote several stories that were not popular with readers, despite the fact that they were translated into the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and the countries of the socialist camp - “How was the rail tempered?”, “The Raised Sleeper”, “The Red Engine”, etc. .
Tolstoy received a reprimand from the Central Committee. In addition, his affair with Anna Karenina became known to the Politburo.
However, by that time, Anna Karenina had already abandoned Leo Tolstoy and was cohabiting with the secretary of the Komsomol organization, the Kremlin cadet Vronsky, who was three times the USSR champion in show jumping and dressage, repeatedly won the Budyonny Cup at equestrian competitions and was the most accurate Voroshilov shooter.
On the Central Committee of the party there was K.P. Pobedonostsev and L.N. Tolstoy raised the question of expelling Karenina and Vronsky from party organizations and removing them from responsible positions.
During the discussion of this issue N.G. Chernyshevsky wailed as usual: “What to do? What to do?”
Stalin mimicked him by saying: “What should we do? What should we do? We’ll envy them!”
In her explanation to the Central Committee of the party, Anna Karenina wrote that Pobedonostsev stopped satisfying her and caring for her, and Leo Tolstoy promised to divorce Sofia Andreevna and marry her, but did not fulfill his promise. And with Vronsky they will create an exemplary Soviet family. In addition, she said that Soviet power freed a woman who ceased to be a house slave in a stinking kitchen and made her a free creative person.
The vengeful Tolstoy handed over to a foreign correspondent for publication intimate photographs of Anna Karenina, taken during a creative business trip on the railways.
They were published in Playboy magazine just during the International Women's Congress, at which Anna Karenina gave a presentation.
She could not stand the bullying and ridicule in the foreign press, the sidelong glances of her colleagues and committed suicide on the railway!
An international scandal occurred. As a result, Leo Tolstoy was removed from the Central Committee of the party and was sent to head the Yasnaya Polyana state farm in the Krapivensky district of the Tula region.
It was decided to retain his positions as head of the Tula regional organization of the Writers' Union and deputy of the Krapivensky District Council.
At this time, L.N. Tolstoy had a lot of free time, which he spent on writing a masterpiece novel - "Anna Karenina", where he described the true events!

Anna Karenina “The book is essentially about a woman who, in a sense, behaves meanly and basely, and to play her role without trying to embellish or simplify anything is not an easy task.” Keira Knightley, actress

“Anna Karenina is an inexhaustible role. This is a total woman and there is enough work for all actresses. Tolstoy’s Karenina is close to me, and the rest are just variations on a theme.” Tatyana Drubich, actress

“Have you not noticed that the main idea of ​​this great
The work is as follows: if a woman divorces her legal husband and gets together with another man, she inevitably becomes a prostitute. Don't argue! Exactly!". Anna Akhmatova, poet, writer, literary critic

“Now, when they say “Russian style,” only two associations arise. The first is Anna Karenina, when sable, muff, fitted fur coat, high hat, astrakhan fur. The second is connected with Pasternak’s “Doctor Zhivago”, when revolutionary everyday life, an overcoat, on the one hand, are red, on the other - white...” Alexander Vasiliev, fashion historian

“I really want to play Anna Karenina. I also really like “War and Peace” - I would like to play Natasha Rostova, but I have already missed this chance.” Nicole Kidman, actress

“The greatest misfortune of my life is the death of Anna Karenina.” Sergey Dovlatov, writer

“Anna Karenina takes a look at human guilt and criminality... It is clear and understandable to the point of obviousness that evil lurks deeper in humanity than socialist doctors assume, that in no social structure can you escape evil, that the human soul will remain the same, that abnormality and sin come from herself...” Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, writer

“Anna Karenina is a heavy drug addict!” Katya Metelitsa, writer

“For me, she represents the mystery of femininity, the possibility that I felt within myself. I felt that women can do absolutely anything for love. And Anna is the ultimate embodiment of this.” Sophie Marceau, actress

“All good robots are alike; every faulty robot fails differently.” Quote from the novel Android Karenina by Ben H. Winters

“The husband is an exemplary family man, the child is a joy to his mother, well-fed, shod, everything is with her, what more could you want? And unheard by anyone in her heartfelt drama, Anya decided to end her life forever.” Sergey Trofimov (Trofim), singer

“It seems to me that Karenin was ready to have his heart broken. I have a feeling that the more Karenin learns, the more he does to save the marriage. He is not obliged to give passion and romance, he may not have it, but he was raised that way, he observed it in the behavior of his parents. He allows his heart to rule him as much as possible." Jude Law, actor

“Tolstoy in Anna Karenina is a completely new, unusual writer. Not even a psychologist, but a profound psychoanalyst who has made a subtle immersion into the human subconscious. He discovered what later came to be called Freudianism.” Boris Eifman, choreographer, choreographer

“Anna is a liberated woman, protesting against prim hypocrisy and free in the manifestations of her honest, righteous feelings.” Tatyana Samoilova, actress

“I wrote everything in Anna Karenina - nothing remains.” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, writer, author of the novel “Anna Karenina”