
Exercises for the differentiation of sounds Sh-Sh. (speech material)

  Victoria Cheredova
  Summary of the lesson "Differentiation of the letters W and U in words"

Topic:: « Differentiation w, U in syllables and words».

goal: Improve the ability to distinguish sounds and letters W, U in syllables and words.


1 Correction:

teach differentiate sounds, letters W, U in syllables and words;

develop phonemic perception, visual gnosis;

improve sound analysis skills;

2 Developing:

develop skills word formation;

develop fine and general motor skills;

3 Educational:

To cultivate accuracy when working with handouts and in notebooks;

Equipment: Sound profiles [W] and [U], handouts for games "Traffic light", "Sound mosaic"; pens; pencils; images: lizard, pike, puppy, cup, ticks, brush, tongs, overcoat, cards for individual work.

Course progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Guys last in the lesson we studied the letter.

Listen carefully to the poem, try to remember everything words with sound [u].

Nina once counted things:

Drawer, brush, cloak and pliers

Plus a rattle, two knives,

Shield and two pencils.

How many things would be here

If there were no ticks?

Name words with sound [u].

Characterize this sound. (it is consonant, deaf, always soft)

2. The development of sound analysis skills the words:

The game "Traffic light"

(children are given cards with circles symbolizing traffic light: red at first, yellow in the middle, green at the end and chips - cars)

Determine where the sound is located in the wordput the chip on the appropriate circle (at the beginning in the middle or at the end)

Ticks, drawer, brush, cheek, cloak, ratchet, reeds.

Well done, everyone noticed that in the last the word is no sound [u], and what sound do we hear at the end words cane?

What is he like? (consonant, hissing, always firm, deaf)

- How sounds differ: [w], [u]? ([w] - always hard, [w] - always soft)

3. Refinement and comparison of the articulation of sounds [w], [u] in front of the mirror.

Work with articulating sound profiles.

- Show with your hands how the tongue behaves when we pronounce the sounds [w] and [u]? (One palm is a tongue, the other is an upper palate.)

4. Read the syllables:

ША - ЩА - ША









5. The development of the ability to distinguish sounds [Ш] and [Щ].

The game "Sound mosaic"

(children are given a working field - a square 4na3 cells and chips of green and blue)

The words: Ball, sorrel, hat, chess, pike, shampoo, hut, goldfinch, noise, wool, tentacles, cabbage soup.

(check is done from the board)

6. It's time to repeat how to spell letters W and Ubut first, prepare your fingers for work:

Finger gymnastics "Pike"

Pike predatory, toothy, (we imitate jaw movements with fingers)

For bream, roach is dangerous,

Looking for something to profit from? (we make movements with our hands "The fish is swimming"

Someone out there frolic in the water?

Is someone's tail flashing near?

To grab? Here the pike does not yawn! (hands clutch in "Lock")

But caught on a hook -

The fisherman drags a pike! (index fingers - hooks pull each other)

Comparison letters spelling.

What is the difference letters: "W"  and "U"?

What element do they have in common?

7. Letter lettersalternating w, w, w, w

What is the difference between spelling letters W and U? (they are written the same way, only with letter Ш no tail)

8. Writing syllables with letters w and u:

Listen carefully and write down the syllables. On the top line are syllables with letter wand the lower syllables with the letter u

Sha, sho, schu, cabbage soup, shchi, shi, shcha, shu, shchi, shcha, shcho.

What rule do you need to remember when writing syllables SCA, SCHU?

9. Letter words with letters Ш and Щ.

Add the wordsadding syllables with the letter u or w:

Rho, cha, ovo, kalo ..., are small ...., glue ..., ... .pka, ... nok, ... .ka, ... .mouths, ... .vel, ... .on,

10. Physical education

In the yard a puppy was playing

Jumped, ran and counted:

One - a jump and three nods,

Two - head to the right.

Three - left turn

And rushed to the gate.

Suddenly he got up, sighed and sat down

And he looked at everyone around.

11. Improving the ability to distinguish sounds in words [Ш] and [Щ],

The game "What is superfluous?"

Lizard, pike, puppy, cup (a cup).

Pliers, brush, tongs, overcoat (overcoat).

12. Skills development word formation:

Add to according to the suffix -isch. What kind words will turn out?

fur coat - ... hat - ... hut - ...

curtain - ... washer - ... pencil - ...

mop - ... cloak - ... tick - ...

13. Independent work on cards:

Insert the missing letters W or U

Decree. Christmas tree Kuv. in pr. ir bro. ka cro. it. Oroch. crap. The scent of pi. um ka. and pl. the city. ina gru. at the wreck. at Christmas tree for. Itnik ver. ina

14. Summary classes:

About which the letters  spoke today classes? What is the difference between sounds and letters W and U?

Belyaeva E.N.
speech therapist, MBDOU TsRR d / s №13 Teremok, Klimovsk

The distinction of sounds [sh-sch] at the preschool log-point is carried out, as a rule, at the last stage of correctional work. By this time, children will master the skills of sound analysis, sequential reading, word formation, a sufficient level of development of coherent speech. But this topic is complex for both preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, because these sounds // letters have both acoustic-articulatory and graphic similarities.

At one time, in preparation for the classes, I was faced with a lack of speech material on this topic, so I had to collect or compose the material bit by bit.

This speech material was compiled for senior preschoolers and elementary school students and was used in individual and subgroup classes, as well as homework for children and parents.

Be sure to carry out preliminary work on the differentiation of [W - U] at the level of sound, letter and syllable.

In-depth vocabulary work is needed.

A good result is the pronunciation of words with the simultaneous display of a symbol of sound or letter.


2. Speak: (with letters)

Pinch spikes

feeble fur coat

bristles - chinchilla

powerful midge

goblin bream





reed vegetables

power go

3. Compare the meaning of the words:

Write food, a bowl-thicket, plush-ivy, silk-click, forgive, ask, fluff-dissolve, knead-substitute, sad-pear.

4. What first? (speak with letters)

You drag, writing, tweaking, looking, gleaming, scary, breathing, naughty, cabinet, dancing, waving, hissing, tickling, hurrying, groping, rustling, sewing, flaunting.

5. Change the words:

(a) What are you doing? GIVE - (what) GIVER. Singing - singing

you pour, drink, iron, wash, beat, tear, sew, eat, go, promise, lie, bend.

(b) Speak:

I am looking for lilies of the valley. YOU (looking for lilies of the valley). WE (looking for lilies of the valley).

THEY ..... (went to the square, interfering with cabbage soup and porridge, pulled out tongs from a box, looking for ticks)

6. "Many - one": huts - 1 hut, ..

Bream, mice, vegetables, ladles, carcasses, ticks, hairless, things, cartilage, comrades, reeds, ruffs, horsetails, borscht, help, raincoats, lilies of the valley.

7. “Enlarge” the words: cockroach - Cockroach, ..

Wolf, eyes, housing, cat, bear, miracle, frightened, hand, bumblebee, hat, machine, wardrobe, house, ladle, leg, boot, iron.

8. What are the professions: (who does what?) Whet - GRINDER,

Saws, wears, dives, trains, washes, cleans, mends watches, races, builds from stone, encrypts, makes shoes.

(sawyer, porter, diver, trainer, washer, cleaner, watchmaker, racer, bricklayer, cryptographer, shoe maker)

9. Read and compose phrases within the meaning: (combine the words from two columns with a pencil)

Scary baby

Board cloak

Rustling koschey

Wide reed

Feeble wardrobe

10. Attentively! Make the sentence right:

A bream and a big pike caught Misha on a hook. We pulled the ticks with nails. A box with things drags a puppy Chernysha. In the garden, sorrel grows a grandmother. The cat is afraid of squealing carduelis.

11. Attentively! Under the dictation, write the letters W and U from the sentences:

(a) There is a tower in the square. On a puppy a collar. Shura has a long cloak. Sasha went after a friend. Grandfather promised to catch a real pike. Horsetail interfered with growing vegetables.

(b) Skinny horses walked along the cobbled square. The old woman was dragging a huge box with a squeaking puppy. In a neglected garden, Carduelis sing, goggles of a frog.

12. Slowly, clearly pronounce:

* Sha-sha-sha - the pike is very good.

Shcheshcheshche - the rod cracked.

Shchu-shu-shchu - I won’t miss a pike!

* I walked along the street on foot and met a puppy.

We reached the gate together, but suddenly the puppy went forward.

"A long clean-cut":

Oh - hissing, bream - silent,

Goldfinch - singing, and a tick - gnawing.

Bumblebees are all buzzing, mice are squeaking;

Jerboa - jumping and diving into a hole.

More monkeys screaming, but kids naughty !!

13. Retell the story: Predator.

The cat narrowed her eyes and pretended to be sleeping. But she heard twitter. This little sparrows pecked crumbs. Here is the youngest sparrow sat next to the cat. The predator grabbed and dragged the baby.

14. Describe how the jerboa looks and behaves. Draw a beast.


In hot steppes and deserts live jerboas. These are small animals resembling a hare, a mouse, and a kangaroo in their appearance. They look like a bunny in size and face, and like a mouse with a long and long tail. And they remind a kangaroo with its jumping legs.

The tail of the jerboa is much longer than the body. His tail is like a steering wheel, which helps to quickly turn to the gallop. Jumping jerboa can even overtake a car. Each jump he reaches three meters!

Sometimes a predator manages to catch a jerboa and grab it by the tail. But only a brush remains in his mouth. Jerboa throws off the skin from the end of the tail and thus saves its life. You can’t catch a jumping jerboa!

Municipal comprehensive boarding school

"Panaevskaya boarding school of secondary (complete) general education"

Methodical development

"Differentiation of Sh and Sh"

(Logopedic lesson in 3b special (correctional)

class 7 species)

Speech therapist Luchkina L.V.

Panaevsk, 2009

Topic:   "Sh-Sh differentiation"

Goal: To differentiate sounds [Ш - Щ], letters “Ш” and “Щ”


Clarification and comparison of the articulation of sounds [Ш], [Щ], consolidation of the visual image of the letters “Ш” and “Щ”, the formation of the ability to differentiate letters and sounds in syllables, words, sentences;

The development of phonemic perception of visual-spatial representations;

The formation of self-control skills, positive educational motivation.

Equipment: subject pictures with sounds [Ш] and [Щ], individual mirrors, didactic game hard-soft, house with windows, individual

cards with tasks, an envelope, notebooks and pens, a doll - paper Pinocchio, a poster “I feel this way” and cards for it (exclamation and question marks),

Class progress

1.Organizational moment.

2 . Articulating gymnastics for hissing sounds.

For the working spirit, we repeat the cleanliness:

Sha-sha-sha-our Masha is good.

Sha-sha-sha - Masha has lilies of the valley.

Shcha-shcha-shcha - it’s raining, I’m without a raincoat.

Shcha-shcha-shcha - no rain, but I'm in a raincoat.

What was the most common sound?

3. The message topics of the lesson.

Who guessed what sounds we will distinguish in class?

4. The main part of the lesson.

  1. Exercise "Silent Movie".

Guess children, by articulating my lips, what sound am I saying? [A, O, Y, W, U].

Can I guess which sound I say - [W] or [U]?

It is impossible to guess from the articulation of the lips, since the position of the lips and teeth is the same.

  1. Refining and comparing articulation of soundsin front of the mirror .

Work with articulating sound profiles.

Show with your hands how the tongue behaves when we pronounce the sounds [Ш] and [Щ]? (One palm is a tongue, the other is an upper palate.)

Characterize the sound [Ш] (consonant, solid, deaf, paired) and the sound [Щ] (consonant, soft, deaf, unpaired).

  1. Didactic game "Who lives where?"

In this house live pictures - two with the sound [W], two - with the sound [Sch]. In the left (right) upper (lower) corner there is a cat (pike, mouse, bream). Who lives to the right of ..., under ..., above ...?

The child goes to the board, inserts a picture in the desired window, says what sound is in its name, answers questions.

We decided to swap pictures so that on the first floor were

pictures with sound [W], and on the second - with sound [Щ]

  1. The difference and similarity of the letters "Ш" and "Щ":

Sh and Sh are sisters,

But Shch has a sharp tail.

  (I. Blumkin)

  1. The didactic game “Sound Dominoes: Soft - Hard” for differentiation [w] - [w].

Let's take the baton and see which runners win and with what score.

Dictated syllables, words: sha, schu, schu, shi, ash, ear, hat, brush, cloak, lily of the valley, bear, bream, pike, things, mouse, grandmother, cat, reeds.

Students move green and blue flowers. The one who first and correctly promotes chips wins.

5.Dynamic pause.

Inflate the ball - shhh (hands through the sides up)

The ball releases air shch-shch-shch (hands through the parties down).

  1. Poems with movements "Tree".

The wind blows in our faces, (movement of the palms to the face and back).

A small tree swayed (hands up, swaying left and right).

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter - (slowly lower your hands, crouch down).

The tree is higher and higher (stand, raise your hands up, stretch).

  1. Finger gymnastics.

Fingers clenched into a fist

The pencil is clamped.

Now come on buddy

Spread three fingers.

And think slowly

What is the letter? Clearly, “Sh.”

  1. Exercises in pairs.

One, two, three, four, five -

We will play in the game.

And now, come on, hit

Each time, everything is faster.

Again make up the letter "Ш",

To the right, add a tail to it:

"Sh" disappeared altogether -

The letter "Щ" appeared.

6. Independent work on cards.

The guys got a letter to us! It is addressed to us with you. And sent him Pinocchio. He goes to school and he was given assignments with which he asks him to help cope (cards).

  1. Write off by inserting the missing letters "Ш" and "Щ". Crosscheck. Correct the mistakes (read the words).
  2. Insert the missing letters "Ш" and "Щ".

Crosscheck. Correct the errors (read the text).

7. The final part of the lesson.

  1. The result of the lesson.

Sound "Sh" as if quieterhe only hisses

As the mouse rustles carefully

And in "Щ" something elsebursting farewell

And clicks somehow alarming.

Think of one word with the sound [W], the other with the sound [W].

  1. Emotionally - semantic reflection of the lesson.

A two-story house is attached to the board, and each student has two cards with signs (! And?) On the table.

“Exclamation mark” - means that everything was clear in the lesson.

“Question mark” - the feeling remains that something is incomprehensible.


1   ".Logopedia at school" - V.S. Kukushin Publishing Center "Mart" Moscow-Rostov-on-Don -2005.

2 . "Logopedic games and tasks" G.A. Bystrova, E.A. Sizova, T.A. Shuyskaya. Publishing House "

3 . "Collection of exercises" T.V. Shklyarova. 2-3 grade. Literacy Publishing House 1999 year.

KARO »St. Petersburg - 2002.

4.   "Organization of speech therapy work at school" O.V. Yeletskaya, N.Yu. Gorbachevskaya Publishing House Creative Center "Sphere" Moscow 2007.

5. “Speech therapy classes with schoolchildren (grades 1-5)” Mettus E.V., Litvina A.V. et al. KARO Publishing House, 2006


1. Write off by inserting the missing letters "Ш" and "Щ", dividing them into two columns. One column with the letter "Ш", the other - "Щ".

Ko-fir-tree, -el, ro-a, -is, mo-kara, -arf, for-and-at, pla, place, lay out, chudov-e, scared, chi-u, uh, pi-u, pastby-e, taught-e, podu-ka, bad.

2. Insert the missing letters "Ш" or "Щ".


The enka was placed in the room, in the front. Between - kaf and pain - they me - put Mi - a foreign-woolen coat. You bed is warm. At the request of her mother, she gave me some time. But the hen laid his tail on the bottom, and

Ekoy leaned against me. -young-and you fell from the -tok all-etinu. He was afraid of country - ecotics and we - to her.

I feel…



Occupation self-analysis

A speech therapy lesson on the topic “Differentiation of sounds and letters“ Ш ”and“ Щ ”was held in 3 b special (correctional) class VII of the form.

In the written speech of students there are replacements, omissions of letters and sounds, replacements of letters in terms of the number of elements and spatial arrangement.

Since the students of the group confuse the spelling of the letters, the chosen structure is rational for solving the tasks. The lesson is built "from simple to complex", with logical transitions from one task to another.

The main focus of the lesson is the distinction between sounds and letters.

Used interactive group methods.

As well as gaming, communication and dialogue technology.

The lesson posed the following tasks: the main one is to develop a clear differentiation of the letters "Ш" and "Щ"; develop the ability to pronounce and distinguish sounds correctly, designating them in letters with the corresponding letters; to develop phonemic perception and word formation skills; work on the grammatical structure of speech. When solving the tasks set for themselves, the class features were taken into account.

The main emphasis of the lesson was highlighted and it was based on the correct

The pronunciation of sound and its corresponding letter.

The lesson was aimed at differentiation and a differentiated approach to students, since children's knowledge and skills are at different levels of development.

The control of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities is the comparison of the student with the correct characteristics of sound and letters, as well as their difference.

To fully consolidate the differentiation of the letters "Ш" and "Щ" in the lesson were used: individual mirrors; posters with subject pictures; playing field with chips of green and blue; a poster with a house for exclamation and question marks; notebooks, pens; blackboard; individual cards with tasks.

High working capacity of students was ensured by the interest of students, and the start of the lesson was made taking into account the characteristics of the children of the group. At the beginning of the lesson, articulatory gymnastics was conducted, in the middle of the lesson a physical training session was held with a brain workout for orientation in space and finger gymnastics.

The children were neatly and smartly dressed.

The lesson was held according to the planned points. The classes did not fit into the time frame, as the children had many questions and difficulties in the differentiation of sounds, which will serve as a further training for differentiation in speech therapists.

When solving the tasks in the lesson, overload of students was avoided.

Good psychological atmosphere was provided. good contact  students with a speech therapist. Children in the lesson worked actively. But there were drawbacks such as: a large number of words given for work in a notebook and their complexity; generalization was not made when characterizing differentiable sounds.

To work in a special (correctional) class, words are selected more simple and in less quantity. It is imperative to draw general conclusions on the characteristics of sounds and letters.


  IN  Today, among primary school students there are many children suffering from dysgraphia. This violation is a serious obstacle to mastering literacy in the initial stages of training. Often, primary school teachers and teachers of the Russian language consider dysgraphic errors absurd and, not being able to explain their appearance, look for the reason in the student’s personal qualities, accusing him of inattention and careless attitude to the letter. Meanwhile, the causes of dysgraphia are dysfunctions in the operation of individual zones of the central nervous system responsible for speech, auditory, visual and motor analyzers. The imperfection of one of the analyzers leads to the appearance of “incomprehensible” errors in students' notebooks.

This paper proposes a series of classes to eliminate dysgraphia, which are based on visual impairment, spatial-temporal orientation disorders, and the lack of kinesthetic and dynamic aspects of the motor act. As a result of these violations, the child experiences difficulties in the visual perception of the elements of letters, his control over the course of motor acts during writing is violated. In the notebooks of such children, substitutions of similar lowercase letters are found (“b” - “d”, “c” - “d”, “t” - “p”, “m” - “l”, “and” - “y” etc.) and uppercase letters (“P” - “G”, “T” - “P”, “Z” - “E”), underwriting of letter elements. In children with such disorders, a stable motor formula of the letter (kinema) is extremely slowly developed. A.N. Kornev calls this violation of the letter "dyspraxic dysgraphia."

Dyspraxic dysgraphia is quite persistent and difficult to correct.

The occurrence of dysgraphia indicates the presence of a violation of the central nervous system in a child. It is necessary to begin work with the student- “dysgraphic” by eliminating the causes of its occurrence, and not by eliminating the consequences of these violations. Correction of this type of dysgraphia requires an integrated approach. This problem should be addressed by several specialists of correctional and developmental support.

At the first stage, the main role is given to a psychologist and a defectologist, who organize diagnostic work to assess the state of the HMF in a child and conduct corrective exercises aimed at forming visual perception, spatio-temporal representations, development and correction of small-motor movements. A defectologist and psychologist form the child’s ability to navigate in the scheme of his own body, among surrounding objects, on a piece of paper, eliminate the difficulties of small-motor coordination, expand the motor capabilities of the hands and fingers.

Materials on the elimination of the difficulties of spatial-temporal orientation, correction of visual perception and improvement of fine motor skills of hands are widely presented in the works of A.N. Kornev, A.V. Semenovich, I.N.Sadovnikova, R.A. Lalaeva, E.A. Kataeva and others. Only after this preparatory period should a speech therapist proceed to a comparative analysis and differentiation of the mixed letters.

In the programs of famous authors-speech therapists (L.N. Efimenkova, I.N. Sadovnikova, etc.) sets of exercises for differentiating letters similar in spelling are presented. But in these exercises, the most common replacement options for optical and kinesthetic similarities are worked out. And in the works of children there are other, albeit more rare, replacements. So, according to my observations, 20-30% of children suffering from this type of dysgraphia have difficulty writing the letter "u". In these students, the words in writing acquire distortions (“written,” “sheknot,” etc.). In this regard, it became necessary to develop an exercise system for differentiating the letters "w" and "u".

The proposed set of nine lessons eliminates the difficulties associated with writing the letter "u". The exercise system was successfully tested on the basis of GOU SOSH School of home-based education No. 367 with students in poor health.

The result of the corrective work is achieved by connecting the visual analyzer (letters must be associated with the child image of any object, visually similar to the letter) and working out the correct lettering based on kinesthesia. So, when writing "w" in a word, after several lessons the child clearly forms an associative image of a letter with a folded cord, and when writing "w" - with a pike having a long tail. Simultaneous comparison of the image of the letter and the object with subsequent pronunciation (for example: "u" is a pike with a long tail, I write, tail) allows you to more accurately control the movement of the hand, which subsequently eliminates the replacement of "u" by "w".

Classes are developed taking into account general didactic and special teaching principles.

Differentiation of the sounds "w" and "u" at the initial stages is practiced on the smallest language units. From lesson to lesson, speech material is becoming more complicated, and the level of complexity of the proposed tasks is also growing. This allows the student at the end of the course to master the differentiation of sounds in texts that are perceived by ear.

Interesting playing techniques and visual material used in correctional activities contribute to the positive attitude of students to work, which creates favorable conditions for overcoming violations of written language. The multiplicity and variability of tasks allows you to firmly consolidate not only the developed writing skill, but also the ability to perform sound-alphanumeric analysis and synthesis, enrich the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, develop attention, memory, and self-control skills.

This system of exercises is designed for corrective work with primary school students in mass and special (correctional) schools. The proposed material can be used by both speech therapists and elementary school teachers who want to reduce the number of specific mistakes made by their students in writing.



Goal:   familiarity with the optical image of the letters "w" and "u".

Introductory part

1. The teacher demonstrates to the children the letters "w" and "u" folded from wire, suggests that they be named.

2. Children independently lay the wire in the form of the letters "w" and "u".

3. Speech therapist invites children to think about what these letters look like.

After the options for children, the teacher hangs out the pictures: “w” in the form of a lace, “w” in the form of a pike. Explains: the letter "w" looks like a folded string, "w" is like a pike that has a tail.

4. The student swipes a finger over the stylized letter, remembering its graphic image. Then he “writes” letters in the air, saying: “sh” - string, “u” - pike.

Main part. Tasks

1. Record under dictation, saying: “w” - string; "U" is a pike.

Ш, Ш, Щ. Щ, Ш, Щ, Щ, Щ, Щ, Ш, Щ.

Ш, Ш, Щ, Ш, Щ, Щ, Ш, Щ, Щ, Щ, Щ.

2. Continue the series without changing the sequence:

Ш, Ш, Щ, Ш, Щ, Щ, Щ.

3. Of the dictated syllables, write down only the letters "w" or "u":

shu, shi, cabbage soup, shchi, osh, shchi, sha, ash, shcha, cabbage soup, still, ears, yush, sha.

4. To come up with words that begin with the sound “sh” and “u”. Write them in two lines.

5. What words did Baba Yaga enchant?

Final part

The teacher encourages students to remember what the letters "w" and "u" look like. What is the difference between the spelling of these letters?

The child repeats the spelling of letters in the air.

Homework.  Draw the letters "w" and "u" in the form of a lace and pike.


Goal: fixing the image of the letters "w" and "u".

The teacher offers to remember which letters were compared in the last lesson. What do these letters look like?

Checks how the student completed his homework.

Main part. Tasks

1. Circle the letter "w" with a blue pencil, and the letter "w" with red.




2. Register two lines of letters without changing the sequence, saying: “w” - string, “u” - pike.

Щ, Ш, Щ, Щ, Ш, Ш

3. Write down the syllables under dictation (before writing, remember the visual image of the letters "w" and "u"):   ASCH, SHU, EAR, SCH, SCH, SCH, SCH, SCH, SCH, SCH, SCH, SCH, SCH, SCH.

4. a) Lay out the pictures in two piles: in one - the words in which the sound "w" is found, in the other - the words in which the sound "w" is found.

b) Write in the first line of the word with the sound "w", in the second - with the sound - "u".

5. a) Insert the words "w" or "u" in the words:

... they know how, ve ... and, but ... ah, I’m dripping ... he, ... ekolda, pe ... pera.

b) To come up with these words phrases and write them down.

Final part

The teacher reminds that the student needs every time he meets the letter "sh" or "u", to recall her image, saying: "w" - string or "u" - pike.

Homework.  Insert the letters "w" or "u" into the words: Come up with these words phrases and write them down.

Pi ... at, ka ... tan, with ... crap, red ... encyclopedia ... fuck.


Goal: differentiation of the letters "w" and "u" in words.

Introductory part (repetition)

1. Fashion the letter "u" from plasticine.

2. Recall: a) what are the letters "w" and "u" like?

b) How should one pronounce if these letters occur in a word?

3. Record dictation syllables: aSH, SHCHU, SHU, ESH, ISH, ESH, SHCHO, ASH, SHCHA, SHCH

Main part

1. Insert the words "sh" or "u" into the words. Show which chimney has flown out (see the figure above).

Write down these words.

2. Graphic dictation. Designate the word with a diagram and write the letter "w" or "u", which occurs in this word.

Snoop, cuckoo, hanger, goodbye, popping, lace, tail.

3. Insert the letter "w" or "u" and write the words in two columns.

About ... education, wings ... ah, ... stingy, e ... e, we ... ka, and ... u, for ... ito, ... ekotno, ... um.

4. Come up with phrases with words and write them down. (The word is pronounced by the teacher. The child determines by ear which letter - "w" or "u" - will write in this word, is a phrase).

Comrades, machine, clothing, hazel, dry, general.

Final part

Self test.

Homework.  Insert the letter "w" or "u" and write the words in two columns.

... Abel, bark ... ok, ... eka, shala ..., ... sore, pi ... um.


Goal:   differentiation of the letters "w" and "u" in words and phrases.

Organizing time.

Introductory part

1. Recall what elements the letters "w" and "u" consist of, what is their difference.

2. Of the syllables pronounced by the teacher, write down only syllables with the letter "u".

Main part

1. Correct the errors. Make up two bouquets. Record the resulting words.

2. Draw your clearing with flowers, placing flowers on the right with words containing the letter "u", and on the left - flowers containing "w".

3. Underline the letters "w" and "u" in the poems. Write down the poems with the letters "w" and "u" in two columns.

Bristle - at the pig,
   Scale - at the pike.

Piglet Toshka fell in love with potatoes.
   - Eat, Toshka, with milk,
   Climb into the trough a piglet.

4. Visual dictation (write words from memory)

Cloak, looking, dogrose, dragged, bear, box.

5. Correct the errors. Make phrases with words from the first and second column.


Final part

Self test.

Homework.  Insert the letter "w" or "u". Rewrite tongue twister.

On the plane .. for the sake of ... a true puppy
   Uta ... or at the mason's pla ...



Introductory part

1. From the syllables dictated by the teacher, write down the syllables with the letter "u":

Shu, scha, scho, shi, looking, box, shhe, shche, przh, yush, ash, sha, esh.

2. Solve a crossword puzzle.

Horizontally:  2. A fairy-tale hero living in the forest. 3. How else can you call a thin man. 5. Board game.

Vertically:  1. What is hung on the windows. 2. River fish 4. Dog in the search service. 6. What close the door.

Main part

1. Compose phrases with words from the crossword puzzle and write them down.

2. Insert the letters "w" and "u" in the phrases. Rewrite. Underline "w" and "u".

Narrow ... spruce, wash with por ... com, ... Ira step, catch ... bite, ask for ... education, for ... stomp socks, comfortable for ... bum.

3. Insert the letters "w" and "u" in the words. Rewrite tongue twister. Underline "w" and "u".

Puppy - running ... and barking ...
   Goldfinch - I fly ... and I sing ... I,
   We ... onok - ... squeaky and pi ... real.

4. Auditory dictation

Cough, joke, monster, grove, pencil, fishing rod,

Final part

Self test.

Homework.  Insert letters, write a poem. Learn it by heart.

Two ... enka, cheek to cheek,
   Pinching ... an old tree in the corner.
   Yes, have a brush
   The stick is over your head.
   Stick - click ... fir trees from the shoulder!
   Two puppies have ... grunts.

S. Mikhalkov


Goal: differentiation of the letters "w" and "u" in phrases and sentences.

Introductory part (repetition)

1. Help fairy-tale heroes find their letter: "u" or "w".

Write the names of the heroes in a notebook. Underline “w” and “u”.

2. Auditory dictation

Burden, cat, sacred, baptism, sweeter, listen, more.

Main part

1. Correct the errors. Compose phrases with words from the first and second lines.

Sweet, swaying, slipping, long, floating.

Tentacles, Yasheritsa, reed, shebet, ruff.

Underline "w" and "u".

2. Rewrite the sentences by inserting the missing “sh” or “u”.

In the swamp grow hvo ... and.
   We ... onions and ... em breadcrumbs.
   Draw a triangle with rulers and a pencil ... a.

3. Finish the sentences.

There are many in our closet ....
   Leo is not a herbivore, he is ....
   Primitive people lived in ....

Final part

Self test.

Homework.  Insert missing letters. Make phrases with words. Write them down. Underline "w" and "u".

At the ... spruce, ... sleep, to ... the Christmas tree, sleep ... and, th ... u, bor ...


Goal:   differentiation of the letters "w" and "u" in sentences and texts.

Introductory part (repetition):

1. Insert letters into words. Which sausages will the cat eat and which ones will the puppy eat?

2. Visual dictation

I ask for mercy, a noisy rattle, a big conflagration, you will be forgiven.

Main part

1. Write off the poem by inserting the missing letters.

E..y the snow is whitening in the fields,
   And the waters in the spring ... can.

2. Write off the text by inserting the missing letters.


The lizard is hee ... nickname. I ... hunt for small tanks and bugs.

They like lizards to bask in the sun ... ke. Climb on stones, driftwood and ... yepki, ... urine, backs are substituted for the sun. Lizards are very fast. You e ... e just sneaking ... to her, and she’s already under .. the daughter about ... blinked and disappeared.

Final part

Self test.

Homework.  Record suggestions by correcting errors.

Lyosha built a potato box out of daughters.
   Good shoes were bought at Yasha's spring market.
   Winter has passed, the birds have begun to wail.


Goal:   differentiation of "w" and "u" in sentences and texts.

Introductory part (repetition)

From these words to form the name of a person’s profession.

Sample: lock - spinner.

Coal, reception, stone, bathhouse, steam, training.

Main part

1. Auditory dictation

The coal miner went into the mine.
   The attendant dried birch brooms.
   The trainer entered the arena.
   A roofer worked on the roof.

2. Write off sentences, correcting errors.

On the feast of baptism, many believers bathe in the ice hole.
   The soldier fearlessly defended his homeland.
   The comrade will always come to the rescue.

3. Write off the text, correcting errors.


So spring came. The sun is shown to the bowl. Last week there was snow still, and now green grass is visible on the thawed patches. The streams will soon rustle. In the forest you can already hear the whispering of birds: "Come on, winter!"

Final part

Self test.

Homework.  Compose a story using words for inquiries and questions.

Words for reference:  river, reeds, spring, small fish and large fish, predatory fish.

Questions:  Who is a pike? Where does pike live? Who does the pike hunt for? When and where are the squint-birds displayed?


Goal:   check the strength of the acquired knowledge on the topic "Differentiation" w "and" u ".

Main part

1. Write off sayings, correcting errors.

Cabbage soup and kashcha - writing nasha.
   Tongs and flares are our things.

2. Dictation

In the grove

Misha and Pasha are good comrades. They went into the grove. Prosh puppy with them. In a grove of carduelis. Carduelis twitter. Misha and Pasha played with a puppy. Prosha was running. Then a magpie flew into the grove. She cracked. The puppy was scared. Misha and Pasha laughed.


Burina E.D.  Such similar and different letters: training on differentiation of letters similar in writing. - SPb., 2006.

Efimenkova L.N.  Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. - M., 2003.

Kataeva A.A., Strebeleva E.A.  Didactic games and exercises in teaching preschoolers with developmental disabilities. - M., 2001.

Kornev A.N.  Violation of reading and writing in children. - SPb., 2003.

Lalaeva R.I.  Speech therapy work in correctional classes. - M., 1999.

Medvedeva I.V., Motorina T.G.  Logo games. - SPb., 2003.

Sadovnikova I.N.  Violations of written language and their overcoming in younger students. - M., 1997.

Semenovich A.V.  These incredible lefties: a practical guide for psychologists and parents. - M., 2004.

Sukhin I.G.  Funny tongue twisters for "naughty" sounds. - Yaroslavl, 2004.

Shcherbakova E.K.  Hissing sounds. Album No. 2. Didactic materials to correct pronunciation deficiencies in hearing impaired children. - Yaroslavl, 2001.

Group speech therapy session with students of the 2nd grade

"Differentiation of sounds [w]. [U], letters" w "and" u "

Purpose: To teach the designation of the sounds [sh] and [u ’] in writing using the letters“ sh ”and“ u ”in syllables with vowels e, u, e.


Compare sounds [sh] - [sh ’] by articulation and acoustic features.

To produce a hard pronunciation of the sound [w], a soft pronunciation [w] when reading in syllables with vowels e, and, e.

To form the ability to indicate the sounds [w] and [u ’] when writing the corresponding letters in front of the vowels e, and, e.

Differentiate the letters w and u.


1. Organizational moment: greeting, organization of the workplace, positive attitude to the lesson.

2. Articulation gymnastics: “Ring”, “Ring” - “Grin”, “Ring” - “Tube”, “Ring” - “Smile”; “Spatula”, “Calyx”, “Moving Cup”, “Mushroom”, “Accordion”.

3. Introduction to the topic:

Speech therapist:

The text is written on the board, letters are missing in it. Read and identify which letters are missing.

We..onok Pu..ok

Old ... or poro..ok,

Dental ..

P ... yeah ... the flow.

4. Formulation of the theme, goals and drawing up a plan for second-graders:

Speech therapist:

Guys, it is no coincidence that letters in the text disappeared, today we will devote our lesson to them.

What will we learn in class?

Second graders:

We will learn to distinguish between the letters w and u.

Speech therapist:

Right guys. Now formulate the theme of our lesson.

Second graders:

Distinguish w - w.

Speech therapist:

Well done! Why do we need to distinguish between w and w?

Second graders:

To avoid mistakes when writing.

Speech therapist:

And what mistakes do you make when writing words with the letters w and u?

Second graders:

Instead of the letter w, we write the letter u or vice versa.

And I confuse the vowels after w and w.

Speech therapist:

Yes guys, this is all very serious. Tell us what we must learn in order to avoid such mistakes in writing. Try to outline the goal of our activity in the lesson.

Second graders:

Learn to designate the sounds [sh] and [sh ’] when writing with the letters“ sh ”and“ sh ”, and also to correctly write these letters in syllables with vowels.

Speech therapist:

Right. And on what plan will we act?

Second graders:

Compare the pronunciation of sounds and highlight the distinctive features.

We characterize these sounds.

Let's find our own letter for each sound.

Let us highlight the distinguishing features of the letters w and u.

We will distinguish the letters w and u in syllables, words, sentences and texts.

At the end of the lesson, we recall the distinguishing features of the sounds and letters studied.

Evaluate your work in class.

Speech therapist:

It is said accurately and concisely. Let's get started on the plan

5. Comparative characteristic [sh] - [sh ’]: (Appendix 2)

Articulation Bodies


[u ’]


Rounded like a "Ring".

Rounded like a "Ring".


Close but not closed

Close but not closed


Like the “Calyx”, the tip of the tongue is raised to the tubercles behind the upper teeth, the tongue is straight.

Like "Mushroom", the tip of the tongue in the tubercles behind the upper teeth, the tongue is curved upwards.

Air stream

Warm, meets a barrier.

Warm, meets a barrier

Don't tremble

Do not tremble.

Speech therapist:

What is the pronunciation of sounds like?

Second graders:

In the same position, lips, teeth; an air stream meets an obstacle; the vocal folds do not tremble.

Speech therapist:

I will remove what it sounds like, the pronunciation of our sounds.

How is the pronunciation of sounds different?

Second graders:

The position of the tongue. To the sound [w] - “Calyx”, to the sound [sch ’] -“ Mushroom ”.

Speech therapist:

Use your hands to show how the tongue behaves when we pronounce the sounds [sh] and [u ’], one palm is the tongue and the other is the palate.

The pronunciation of the sounds [sh] and [sh ’] differs by the position of the language, remember.

Now tell me, if the tongue is like “Calyx”, what is that sound?

Second graders:

The sound [w].

Speech therapist:

Right. And if the language is like “Mushroom”, is that a sound?

Second graders:

The sound of [u ’].

Speech therapist:

Characterize the sounds. Once an air stream encounters an obstruction, vowels or consonants?

Second graders:


Speech therapist:

Since the neck does not tremble, are the sounds ringing or deaf?

Second graders:


Speech therapist:

Now let's pay attention to the position of the language. Is the tongue straight to the sound [w], so is it hard or soft?

Second graders:


Speech therapist:

The sound [w] is always solid, it does not have a soft pair.

To the sound of [u ’], the tongue is bent up, so is it hard or soft?

Second graders:


Speech therapist:

The sound of [u ’] is always soft, it does not have a solid pair. And so, we conclude how the sounds [sh] and [sh ’] differ.

Second graders:

To the sound [w], the tongue is straight, “Calyx”, it is solid; to the sound of [u ’], the tongue is curved upwards,“ Mushroom ”, it is soft.

6. Communication of sounds with letters:

Speech therapist:

What letter on the letter denote the sound [w]?

Second graders:

The letter "w".

Speech therapist:

And what letter means the sound [u ’]?

Second graders:

The letter "u".

Speech therapist:

Let's see the presentation (Appendix 1).

1 slide:

The letters "w" and "u" have the same element, this is a short straight inclined line with a turn to the right, this is a "secret".


Look, I wrote three such “secrets”, what is this letter?


Second graders:

This is the letter "sh."

2 slide:

Speech therapist:

And now I wrote a loop. What letter is now written?

Second graders:

The letter "u".

3 slide:

Speech therapist:

Look, there is no eyelet.


Second graders:

The letter "W".

4 slide:

Speech therapist:

I wrote a loop.


Second graders:

The letter "u".

Speech therapist:

Sh and Sh are native sisters,

But Shch has a sharp tail.

(I. Blyumkin)

Speech therapist demonstrates a poster.

Speech therapist:

We conclude about the features of the spelling of the letters "w" and "u".

Second graders conclude.

7. The letter of the letters "w" and "u":

Speech therapist:

Write in the notebook once the letter that designates the sound [w].

Speech therapist:

What letter was written?

Second graders:

The letter "W".

Speech therapist:

Write in the notebook two times the letter that indicates the sound [щ ’].

Second graders do the job.

Speech therapist:

What letter was written?

Second graders:

The letter "u".

Speech therapist:

Write the letter "w" three times in the notebook.

Second graders do the job.

Speech therapist:

What pattern did you notice in writing letters?

Second graders:

The letters "w" and "u" alternate, and their number increases by one.

Speech therapist:

You have correctly noticed everything. Continue writing letters to the end of the line in accordance with this pattern.

Second graders do the job.

Speech therapist:

Why did the task

Second graders:

We learned from a letter to designate the sounds [sh] and [u ’] by letters, determined the pattern when writing letters.

8. Dynamic pause:

Speech therapist:

The sound of [uh ’] is lingering

Pike moves its tail.

Children perform smooth movements, pronouncing lingeringly [u ’].

Speech therapist:

The ball flew and burst suddenly,

They were all scared.

Children jump abruptly calling the sound [w].

9. Reading syllables:

Speech therapist:

Read syllables in pairs, lines, columns.

sha-sha sho-sha-sha-shu-shu

al-ash-ash-ash-ash-ash-ash ash-ash

shi-shi sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shu

ish-seeking yesh yesh yesh-yash yosh-yesh

Second graders read the syllabus. A speech therapist draws attention to vowels and consonants.

Speech therapist:

Guys, we conclude:

Second graders:

Whatever vowel stands after the letter “sh,” we call the sound solid. Whatever vowel is next to the letter "u", we call the sound softly.

10. A letter of syllables under dictation:

Speech therapist:

We read syllables, paid attention when reading not only consonants, but also to vowels. Now let's try to write dictation syllables. We will write syllables with the letter "w" in the first line, and with the letter "u" - in the second.

Write shi.

Second graders do the job.

Speech therapist:

What line did the syllable write to?

Second graders:

First of all.

Speech therapist:


Second graders:

The consonant sounded solid, which means that the letter is “sh.”

Speech therapist:

What vowel letter was written?

Second graders:

The letter "and", the combination of "shi" we write with the letter "and".

The speech therapist dictates the syllables for the record, figuring out the spelling of consonants and vowels.

Speech therapist:

We conclude what we studied.

Second graders:

We distinguished the sounds [sh] and [sh ’] in syllables, designated them with letters; learned to designate vowels with letters.

11. Differentiation of the sounds [w] and [u ’] in words:

Speech therapist:

There are letters on your table. I will name the words, and you will pick up the letter that you need to write in this word.

Words: brush, puppy, drag, fluffy, grove, top, reeds, little thing, skinny, buckthorn.

Second graders pick up the corresponding letters.

Speech therapist:

On the table you have three clean leaves, write on them the vowels "e", "and", "e". And now I will call these words again, and this time you will pick up the vowels that we write in this word, after the letters “w” and “u”.

Now add the missing syllable in the words with the consonants "w" and "u" and the vowels "e", "and", "e".

Words: ..button, kuv..n, pry..k, kro..t, ..pka..flow, pi..t,,, for..tnik, ver .. on the.

Second graders do the job.

Speech therapist:

We conclude.

12. Work with the proposal.

Speech therapist:

Complete the sentences with the last word.

Second graders do the job.

There are many in our closet .... (Of things). Frogs eat small bugs and .... (Bear). Primitive people lived in .... (Caves).

Speech therapist:

We conclude.

Second graders formulate a conclusion.

13. Differentiation of the letters "w" and "u" in the text:

Speech therapist:

Insert the missing letters "w" and "u" into the text:

Second graders do the job.

The _egra _glova has a _enok. The name is _arik. _enka uta_il _ёtku under _kaf. _ura i_et _ёtku.

Speech therapist:

We conclude.

Second graders formulate a conclusion.

14. The result of the lesson:

Speech therapist:

And now we will conclude the whole lesson. What is the topic of the lesson?

Second graders:

Distinguish w and u.

Speech therapist:

What is the main difference between the sounds [sh] and [sh ’]?

Second graders:

The position of the tongue. To the sound [w], the tongue is straight, “Calyx”, it is solid; to the sound of [u ’], the tongue is curved upwards,“ Mushroom ”, it is soft.

Speech therapist:

What is the difference between the letters "w" and "u"?

The letter "w" is a "ball", it pulls the letter up to the clouds. The letter "u" - this is "pike" swam in a loop and leads her to swim with him in the river.

What vowel will we write after "w" if we hear or say [sh].

Second graders:

Letter and.

Speech therapist:

What vowel will we write if we hear or say [she] or [sh’e].

Second graders:

Letter e

Speech therapist:

What vowel will we write if we hear or say [sho] or [sh’o].

Second graders:

The letter o or e.

15. Reflection

16. Assessment of the activities of children in class