
Interactive game "KVN"

Repetition of a grade 7 course


Objectives:to promote the development and increase of interest in the subject; use different kinds  entertaining material of a cognitive nature; activate the creative forces of students, their abilities.

During the classes

I.   Organizing time.

1. Reading poems about the Russian language   trained students

by yourself.

2. Team Greetings Exclamation and Comma».

II. Competition Tasks.

1. Warm up .

Teacher. In our warm-up, we included the following tasks:

1) Find stable combinations of words ( phraseological turns):

It turned out well done, I was able to overpower the burden -

He did not hit the dirt in the face and did not sit on the galosh;

Behind the house the grass barely turned yellow

Two brothers chopped wood.

One did it through the sleeves,

Another - rolled up his sleeves.

2) Give an interpretation of the phraseological units found.

3) Put the correct stress in the first words of the following phrases:

4) Make suggestions for given schemes, for example:

2. Competition "Creative business trip."

Teacher.  The warm-up is over. The warm-up will be followed by preparation for a creative business trip. Shortly before the KVN, at a literature lesson, you got acquainted with the concept of a portrait of a literary hero, so I suggest that the teams answer the question: “For what purpose do writers use a portrait of a literary hero in an artwork?” Then each team selects two "writers" who go on a creative business trip to create a character portrait of one of their classmates.

3. Competition "Crossword".

Teacher. All team members, except for “writers,” take part in the crossword puzzle solution. I wish you success! Whose team will be more resourceful and ahead of rivals, having solved all the tasks correctly, time will tell.

Questions to the crossword puzzle:

Vertically : 1. Irregular morphological characteristic of the verb. 2. Words of the same part of speech having opposite meanings. 3. Several sentences related in meaning and grammatically. 4. Words used by residents of a particular locality. 5. A significant part of the word, which is located after the root and serves to form new words.

By horizontal : 1. All words of the language. 2. Words of the same part of speech, equally sounding, but different in meaning. 3. Permanent morphological feature of a noun. 4. Part of the word without ending. 5. A branch of the science of language that studies the sounds of speech.

4 Competition "Learn a literary hero and name bada work of art whose character this gethe swarm is. "

Teacher.  We have the KVN of young philologists, and philology is a science that studies the spiritual culture of the people, expressed in written monuments, including literary works, so our next competition is literary. We will once again turn to the portrait, but now to the portrait of a literary hero. Teams need to recognize a literary hero by his description, as well as name an artwork whose protagonist this hero is.

Note.  The competition is based on works studied in extracurricular reading lessons. The description of the literary hero is read by each team in turn.

For example:

Our knight did not differ in external beauty:

Clumsy, awkward and silent.

But he rushed in his dreams to save someone,

Clothed himself in heavy armor.

(Vasya from the story of Y. Yakovlev, "Knight Vasya.")

Teacher.  A literary contest has been completed, our “writers”, who have returned from a creative business trip, will now read out to us portraits-characters of classmates.

Speeches of "writers" from each team.

The next in our program will be a competition of fans (poetic). It is necessary to finish the stanza, to name the poem and its author.

For example:

1)) "Lamb on a hot day ...".

2) "A wolf at night, thinking of climbing into a shepherd ...".

3) "Under the blue skies ...".

4) "Waves play, the wind blows ...".

5) "Tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing ..."

6) "I remember the hands of my mother ...".

6. Competition "Homework".

Teacher. While the "writers" reported on a creative business trip and there was a competition of fans, the teams were preparing for the homework competition. Now they will show us not only their knowledge of the Russian language, but also acting abilities.

The homework of the Comma team.

The staging "In the Kingdom of Punctuation."

Courtier. Your Majesty, Queen Punctuation! A stranger has come to the kingdom! Unkempt, shaggy! And most importantly, we, the punctuation marks, do not recognize, goes ahead without a break.

Queen.  Nothing, we will teach him a lesson, we will teach you to reckon with us.

(Fedya enters.)

Fedya.  What trees are strange ... And there, it seems, someone is sitting. In a pea miracle! (Turns to the queen.)Hey you cuttlefish, what's on your head?

Queen(straightens the crown).How dare you speak like that to me, to the queen herself, and not to the simple queen, but to the queen of Punctuation! You will be punished for this. How to call you, impudent?

Fedya.  Fedya.

Queen.  So, Fedya, if you're so impudent, then maybe you’re different in your mind? Now we will decide your fate. Here is a suggestion for you. You put the right comma - you’ll be alive, wrong - you will die.

Fedya.  Give your suggestion and a comma. Like this: Kaza thread cannot be pardoned.

Queen.  Servants, execute him. He decided his fate.

Fedya.  Oh wait, give it some thought. Teachers at school are allowed to think. And in the game “What? Where? When? ”And they say:“ A minute to think. ” And then life is being decided.

Queen.  Okay, think. But look, you’re mistaken, you won’t get home.

Fedya. Well, where do you blurt her out ?! Think, Fedya, think. ABOUT! Guessed: you can’t execute, have mercy!Now you word executefrom the word not allowedyou won’t run away; a comma blocks your path.

Queen.  Well, Fedya, well done. Servants, treating a stranger!

Fedya. No, I’m home if you can.

Queen. Is it necessary or not, and what is not necessary? In our kingdom, accuracy is loved. Where do you put the commas in the sentence? I don’t need to go home if I can?

Fedya(puts commas). No, I’m home if you can.

Queen. Well, now it’s clear. Run, Fedya.

(Fedya runs away.)

Exclamation team homework.

Reading the story "Exclamation."

Met on a piece of paper Zero with an Exclamation Mark. Met, talked.

I'm in big trouble, ”said Zero. - I lost my wand. Imagine my position: Zero - and without a wand.

Oh! exclaimed the Exclamation Mark. - This is terrible!

It’s very difficult for me, ”Zero went on. - I have such a mental job. With my scientific and life's luggage, I can’t do without a wand.

Oh! exclaimed the Exclamation Mark. - This is really terrible!

And how will I appear in society? They simply will not reckon with me.

Oh! - exclaimed the Exclamation Mark and no longer found what to exclaim.

You understand me, ”said Zero. “You are the first to treat me with a real feeling.” And you know what I thought? Let's work together. You and the wand are more impressive than my previous one, and there is a point.

Oh! exclaimed the Exclamation Mark. - It is wonderful!

We will work perfectly together, ”continued Zero. - I have content, you have a feeling.

Oh! - The Exclamation Mark was even more pleased. - This is really wonderful!

And they began to work together. It turned out an amazing couple, and now, whoever encounters Zero with an Exclamation Mark on paper, will certainly exclaim: “Oh!” And he won’t say anything else. Of course, if nothing else is written on paper.

And they began to work together.

Note. F. Krivin’s book “Pocket School” (chapter “Living Grammar”, a story) was used in the homework of this team

7. The final competition of captains (lettertour).

Teacher.  You have to solve literary problems:

1) Acquaintance with whom was the hero absorbed? What was his name? What kind of literary work?

From then on, I was all absorbed in my new acquaintance. In the evening, going to bed, and in the morning, getting up, I only thought about the upcoming visit to the mountain.

(With Valek and Marusya. Vasya. "Children of the Underground".)

2) Whose house did the hero see? Who is this hero, from which work?

Finally he ordered to harness his running shakes, dressed warmly (this was already at the end of September) and, himself correcting, left the yard. He soon saw a house. (Dubrovsky’s house. Troekurov. Dubrovsky.)

3) What kind of hero, from which work are we talking about?

Excesses of all kinds exhausted his health and left his indelible stamp on him. Despite the fact that his appearance was pleasant, wonderful, and the habit of being always in society gave him some kindness ...

(Prince Vereisky. "Dubrovsky".)

4) What kind of hero are you talking about? From which work?

He rudely pushed frightened people, stepped to his feet, shoved baskets, and finally found himself at the very side, so that he would first jump out onto the pier as soon as they moored.

(“Mustachioed.” “The lone sail whitens.”)

III. Summing up the competitive game.

There are various methods to increase interest in a subject. In my opinion, the element that especially attracts children is entertaining. In the lessons of the Russian language, you can use various types of entertaining material.

Lessons and extracurricular activities, which include entertaining material, do not leave anyone indifferent, even for the weakest students they cause interest.

The game form is a fertile means of generating interest in the lessons of the Russian language and literature. Indeed, in the teaching of the Russian language, the development of interest in the subject of each child acquires special significance. Extracurricular activities activate the student’s creative powers, develop his abilities, which sometimes, he himself does not suspect.

The KVN of young philologists begins by reading poems about the Russian language. Then the teams “Point” and “Comma” introduced themselves to each other (in poetic form) and exchanged greeting songs. The children composed poems and lyrics themselves.

Warm up

Find stable combinations of words (phraseological sentences):

It turned out well done, I was able to overpower the burden -

He did not hit the dirt in the face and did not sit in the galosh.

Behind the house the grass barely turned yellow

Two brothers chopped wood.

One did it through the sleeves,

Another - rolled up his sleeves.

Give an interpretation of the found phraseological and logistic.

Correctly stress the first words of the following phrases: developed child, developed language, developed society.



The facilitator calls the profession, the task of the participants is to list the actions associated with it. For each word - 1 point.

What does the doctor do? (- heals, examines, gives medicine, operates, ...)

What does the builder do? (....)

The facilitator calls the action, the participants should list the professions associated with this action.

Who is teaching? (teacher, teacher, teacher, trainer, ..)

Who's playing? (artist, actor, musician, singer, soccer player, ..)


Pronounce the correct and clear phrase. For every -1 point.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked the dryer.

Sasha cap knocked down a bump.

Four turtles have four turtles.

Kon-course fans (poetic).

Finish the stanza, name the poem and its author.

For example:

  1. “Lamb on a hot day ...”,
  2. "A wolf at night, thinking of climbing into a shepherd ...
  3. "Under the blue skies ...",
  4. "Waves play, the wind blows ...",
  5. "Tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing ...",
  6. "I remember the hands of my mother ...".

Comma Team Homework (show the scene)

In the Kingdom of Punctuation

The courtier. Your Majesty, Queen Punctuation! Nets alien came to the kingdom! Unkempt, shaggy! And most importantly, we, the punctuation marks, do not recognize, we are going ahead ahead.

Queen. Nothing, we will teach him a lesson, we will teach you to reckon with us.

(Fedya enters.)

Fedya. Which trees are strange. And there, it seems, someone is sitting. In a pea miracle! (Turns to the queen.) Hey you cuttlefish, what's on your head?

Queen (corrects the crown). How dare you speak like that to me, to the queen herself, and not to the simple queen, but to the queen of Punctuation! You will be punished for this. How to call you, impudent?

Fedya. Fedya.

Queen. So, Fedya, if you're so impudent, then maybe you’re different in your mind? Now we will decide your fate. Here is a suggestion for you. You put the right comma - you’ll be alive, wrong - you will die.

Fedya. Give your suggestion and comma. Like this: Execute, no mercy.

Queen. Servants, execute him. He decided his fate.

Fedya. Oh wait, give it some thought. Teachers at school are allowed to think. And in the game “What? Where? When? ”And they say:“ A minute to think. ” And here life is solved.

Queen. Okay, think. But look, you are wrong, you won’t get home.

Fedya. Well, where do you blurt out her. Think. Fedya, think. ABOUT! Guessed: You can’t execute, have mercy! Now you, the word to execute, you can’t run away from the word, a comma gives you the way.

Queen. Well, Fedya, well done. Servants, treating a stranger!

Fedya. No, I’m home if you can.

Queen. Is it necessary or not, and what is not necessary? In our kingdom, accuracy is loved. Where do you put the commas in the sentence? Do not I need to go home if possible?

Fedya (puts commas). No, I’m home if you can.

Queen. Well, now it’s clear. Run, Fedya.

(Fedya runs away.)

Point homework (show the sketch)


Met on a piece of paper Zero with an Exclamation Mark. We met, talked.

  • I'm in big trouble. ”Said Zero.“ I lost my wand. Imagine my position: Zero - and without a wand.
  • Ah! ”Exclaimed the Exclamation Mark.“ This is terrible! ”
  • It’s very difficult for me, ”Zero went on.“ I have such mental work. With my scientific and life's luggage, I can’t do without a wand.
  • Oh! ”Exclaimed the Exclamation Mark.“ This is really terrible! ”
  • And how will I appear in society? They simply will not reckon with me.
  • Eh! - exclaimed the Exclamation Mark and no longer found what to exclaim.
  • You understand me, ”said Zero.“ You are the first to treat me with real feeling. And you know what I thought? Let's work together. You and the wand are more impressive than my previous one, and there is a point.
  • Ah! ”Exclaimed the Exclamation Mark.“ This is wonderful! ”
  • We will work very well together, ”continued Zero.“ I have content, you have a feeling.
  • Eh! ”The Exclamation Mark rejoiced even more.“ This is really wonderful! ”

And they began to work together. It turned out an amazing couple, and now, whoever encounters Zero with an Exclamation Mark on paper will necessarily exclaim: “Oh!”. And nothing else will say. Of course, if nothing else is written on paper.

Kon-course of captains (literary):

  1. Acquaintance with whom was the hero absorbed? What was his name? What kind of literary work? From then on, I was all absorbed in my new acquaintance. In the evening, going to bed, and in the morning, getting up, I only thought about the upcoming visit to the mountain. (With Valek and Marusya. Vasya. "Children underground").
  2. Whose house did the hero see? Who is this hero, from which work? Finally, he ordered a running shake to be harnessed to himself, he dressed warmly (this was already at the end of September) and, himself ruling, left the yard. He soon saw a house. (Dubrovsky’s house. Troekurov. Dubrovsky.)
  3. What kind of hero, from which work are we talking about? Excesses of all kinds exhausted his health and left his indelible stamp on him. Despite the fact that his appearance was pleasant, wonderful, and the habit of being always in society gave him some kindness ... (Prince Vereisky. Dubrovsky.)
  4. What kind of hero are you talking about? From which work? He rudely pushed frightened people, stepped to his feet, shoved baskets and finally found himself at the very side, so that he would first jump out onto the pier as soon as they moored. (“Mustachioed.” “The lone sail whitens.”)


Extracurricular event in Russian language “Your game”

for grades 5-6.

Purpose of the game:

  • educational - improvement, generalization and consolidation of students' knowledge of the main sections of the Russian language;

  • developing - the development of thinking, memory, attentiveness of students ;

  • educational - the development of cognitive interest in the Russian language.
Equipment: cards with points, and a list of questions for them.

The course of the game.

Rules of the game.

Representatives of grades 5-6 compete. The winner is the one who scores the most points. The game consists of five categories, in each category five questions. The price of a question depends on its complexity. The correct answer adds points to the students, the wrong answer takes away. The incorrect answer makes it possible to answer and earn points to the next student in terms of speed. The correct answer has the right to choose the section and the “cost” of the question.

10 points.

Write out words with a circle meaning historical relatives.

Wheel, stab, bun, chain mail, ring, sorcerer.

(Wheel, gingerbread man, chain mail, ring)

20 points.

Give the oldest meaning to the word “belly,” replacing it with a noun. (A life)

30 points.

This berry, beloved by everyone, is literally translated from the Turkic language as “donkey cucumber” or “donkey cucumber”. What kind of berry are we talking about? (Watermelon)

40 points.

Explain the origin of the word bear.

50 points.

You are given words in Bulgarian and their translation into Russian. They are related languages. Fill the gaps.


10 points.

Find a phrase that matches the proverb:
"Not all the gold that glitters."

- Rusty iron does not shine.
- Pure gold is valued dearly.
- Judge not by sight, but by affairs of look.
- You can’t hide a lie.

20 points.

Which word consists of three syllables, but indicates 33 letters   (az-bu-ka) (al-fa-vit)

30 points.

Guess the word by its lexical meaning.

A) A wardrobe; all human clothes (wardrobe);

B) the side extension of the building; bird flight organ (wing);

C) a small bony fish; dishwashing brush (ruff);

D) crushed grain; small grain snow (groats);

D) a large plate; tasty food (dish).

40 points.

Write out all phraseological idioms from the poem.
It turned out well done, he was able to overpower the burden.

Didn't hit the dirt in the face

And he did not sit down at the galosh;

Behind the house, the grass barely turned yellow

Two brothers chopped wood.

One did it through the sleeves,

The other is rolling up his sleeves.

50 points.

^ Compose proverbs.


30 points.

I am a collection of cards; from stress

Two of my meanings depend:

I want to - change to the name

Shiny, silk fabric.

40 points.

In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound highlighted?


50 points.

What is the difference between armor and armor?

Rebusy, linguistic puzzles.

10 points.

What needs to be done with the nouns road, brand, sulfur to turn them into short adjectives without changing a single letter in them?

20 points.

Guess the riddle.
My root is at a price
In the sketch, find the prefix to me,
You met my suffix in a notebook,

All - in the diary and in the journal. (Grade)

30 points.

Guess the riddle.

It’s not difficult to extract the root from the filling,
The prefix in the vessel is stored securely,
The suffix in drawing you hear clearly

Together - on various topics you write. (The writing)

40 points.

Read those message.





















(Love our mighty language).

50 points.

Solve the puzzles.


Word formation.

10 points.

Guess the riddle.
What part of the word can be found in the earth? (root)

20 points.

Which word is parsed incorrectly?
Shady; you-go-it; birch; os-vet-it; drive up. (Oh-light-it).

30 points.

How many different nouns can be read clockwise and counterclockwise, but always in a row? Write down the words you received in 1 minute.

1 Wheel:

Donkey, village, forest, stake, juice, ate, (Ole), falcon, eye, forest, wheel.

2 Wheel:

Code, dock, braid, wasp, juice, garden, eye, hell, ode, ace, cage.
The one who collects the most words gets a point.

40 points

"The word is lost."

50 points.

Define a word formation method.
A) Off-road:

1. Attachment 2. Attachment suffix.

Summarizing. Awarding of participants.

KVN of young philologists

1. Greeting teams

2. Warm up

Find Sustainable Phrases

(phraseological turns):

It turned out well done, he was able to master the burden

He did not hit the dirt in the face and did not sit on the galosh;

Behind the house the grass barely turned yellow

Two brothers chopped wood.

One did it through the sleeves,

The other is rolling up his sleeves.

Give an interpretation of the found phraseological units.

3. Put correctly the stress in the first words of the following phrases: developed child, developed language, developed society.

4.Resolution of the crossword in Russian

5. Literary contest: “Recognize a literary hero by his description”

6. Competition of fans. It is necessary to finish the stanza by naming the verse and its author.

7. Competition "Encrypted Surnames". Each team

It should encrypt several names of famous people using only vowels or only consonants

KVN in Russian

Host: Guys, master native language  - a tough job. I hope that you will not be afraid of difficulties on the way to knowledge.

Our KVN will help you achieve that wonderful and mysterious that is hiding behind the words “Russian language” Russian language is an extraordinary language, and we will see that today.


We are funny guys

And we don’t like to miss,

With pleasure we are with you

We will play in KVN.

We are responsible

And there is no doubt -

Today, friendship will be the mistress of victories!

1st team

And let the struggle seethe harder

Sharp competition, success is not decided by fate,

But only our knowledge.

2nd team

And competing with you

We will remain friends.

Let the struggle boil sharper

And our friendship is growing stronger with her!

To the music of the song “Smile” by V. Shainsky the song is performed:

KVN loves our friendly class,

The contest will begin now,

Here are the fans, and here is the jury,

The path to victory is difficult, whatever you say.

We are entrusted with you to have a successful fight,

To inventiveness and knowledge to check.

You are great, mother tongue,

You are powerful, native language

You are our friend, and we will all believe in this.

Host: Our first competition is a warm-up. It is necessary to guess the name of the opposing team. For the correct answer, 1 point.

1st team. The name of our team indicates the name of the subject, answers the questions of who? What? IN

a sentence is a subject and secondary member. (Noun)

2nd team. The name of our team denotes a sign of an object, answers questions of which? Which? The sentence is a secondary member. (Adjective name)

Presenter: Our second contest: Who will write more double nouns? For victory, 1 point.

Presenter: You need to enter the words in this crossword puzzle.

Whose team will cope faster will receive 3 points for the victory.

M (ball, world, chalk, May, poppy, etc.)

Presenter: And now it’s a creative assignment. Compose a poem using the following rhymes.

1st team-sun ... window

2nd team-hi ... cabinet

(This competition is rated at 5 points)

Quiz dedicated to the work of A.S. Pushkin

1. In what work of A.S. Pushkin is the epigraph: “Take care of honor from a young age”? (“Captain’s daughter”)

2.From what product of a line:

My friend, we will devote to the Fatherland

Souls are beautiful impulses! (To Chaadaev)

4. In what works of Pushkin do we get acquainted with the image of the emperor

Peter the Great? ("Poltava", "Arap of Peter the Great", "The Bronze Horseman")

5. One of Pushkin’s heroes cheerfully whistled “Give the thunder of victory.” Who was it? (Landowner Troekurov)

6. Who was at Pushkin “I looked out the window and crushed flies ...” (Uncle Evgeny Onegin

7.Who is the music for the novel “Eugene Onegin” written? (By Tchaikovsky)

KVN begins by reading a poem about the Russian language

Dear Native, sweet word: Mnogolikim - Big language! It is familiar to our life ONE - Perv o nsov - To all the peoples of the Planet - familiar! Protect HIM From flowery Foreign And foreign words to us, So that the flow - From the dialects of the fingernails - Do not overshadow the Spring - Springs! In it draw the Living Power: Russian dialects, Songs, poems ... - Everything that is expensive Serdts, To merge IN THE LANGUAGE, - As the Basis of Basics!

1. Greeting teams.

2. Warm up

1. Find stable combinations of words (phraseological phrases)

It turned out well done, I was able to overpower the burden -
He did not hit the dirt in the face and did not sit in the galosh.

Behind the house the grass barely turned yellow
Two brothers chopped wood.
One did it through the sleeves,
Another - rolled up his sleeves.

Give an interpretation of the phraseological units found.

2. Make suggestions for given schemes.
3. Each team selects 2 representatives who go on a creative business trip to create a portrait of one of their classmates.
4. Each commander receives an envelope with a crossword puzzle, in the decision of which the whole team accepts.
3. Captains competition

1. Young children are often asked to show where they have eyes, ears. And you have to show where you have LANITA (cheeks), Brow (forehead), VYYA (neck), CHEST (right hand), SHUYZA (left hand), FINGERS (fingers)

2. The text is on the slide.
  Wagon rushes through bumps.
Flicker past the booths, women
Boys, shops, lights,
Palaces, gardens, monasteries,
Bukhara, sleigh, vegetable gardens,
Merchants, shacks, men,
Boulevards, towers, Cossacks,
Pharmacies, fashion stores,
Balconies, lavas on the gates
And flocks of jackdaws on crosses.

"Writers" are returning from a business trip. Read portraits characteristics of classmates.

4. Fans contest

It is necessary to finish the stanza, to name the poem and its author

Tell me, uncle, for good reason
Lamb on a hot day
At Lukomorye green oak
Under the blue skies
Waves play, the wind blows

5. Homework

In homework, teams must stage a poem, story, or tale of punctuation.

6. Summary

This work increases interest in the subject. No one is indifferent even to the weakest students.