
Classical music. You can listen to the top10 masterpieces of classical music right here "Dancing of gallant"

Travelers Digest magazine chose 10 cities in the world where the most beautiful women live

On the eve of the holiday season, Travelers Digest travelers made up a city rating that inhabit the most beautiful girls. Over the course of several years, the edition experts responded to representatives of strong sex traveling around the world. Moscow took an honorable place in the top ten, however, if you believe this research, there are places where the beauties is more.

The top ten cities with beautiful women opens Stockholm. Here, according to experts, every woman is beauty.

"You go to any store and see a fashion model for the counter. And this is not in the same store - it is everywhere. In addition, these women know a sense in parties and in how to get and at the same time give pleasure to a partner. They are educated, sociable, friendly and have no prohibitions, "says Travelers Digest.

Troika leaders in female beauty closure girls Buenos Aires. There is a huge number of beautiful women who do not meet anymore in the same city of Argentina. These women are always beautiful and natural.

Next follows Bulgaria, or rather - Varna. It is here that all men's dreams can turn into reality. There is no drug law, cheap vodka, beautiful beaches and sea of \u200b\u200bplaces that are surprising by their natural beauty.

Varna girls are pupil, polite and well-groomed. Beauty and charm are a distinctive feature of all Bulgarians.

"About Los Angeles women can be spent inextentively, but when you see these beauties, most likely lose the gift of speech," the publication notes. These women differ from the Americans from all other cities and how they look, and how many of them are one square kilometer. It is for this reason that all Americans seek to move to California.

Among the Russian women are not just a lot of high blue-eyed blondes, most of them will be attentive to the opinion of the man and will try to make it good and comfortable. This unique combination is the main reason that many men seek to get into this city.

In Venezuela, as is known, the most winners of the Miss Universe contest, one says that there are plenty of beautiful women here. Women from Venezuela are not just beautiful - they are very easy to communicate with them, and they know how to spend a lot of time.

Montreal is far from France, but there is a lot of beauties with French charm. In Montreal, many universities and colleges, the city is filled with young fresh faces, fashionably dressed girls, many of whom speak French, which is equivalent to communicating in the Love language.

A man who wants to conquer the Montreal Laman is recommended not only to take care of their style, but also to learn a couple of serenad in French.

Some of the most beautiful, according to respondents, women in the world live in Israel. A resident of Tel Aviv especially attracts men with expressive big eyes not only by Karego, but also intriguing green.

"It is known that the Israeli girls over 18 are served in the army. And this means that if you decide to change it, be prepared to run into trouble. Risky, but as an exciting! ", Experts warn.

The latter (but still an honorable) place in the ranking is the Dutch capital. On the streets of Amsterdam, women prefer cars bicycles. In addition to the fact that Dutch girls are very sporty, they are always fashionable dressed and quite limited.

"All this makes them very beautiful and makes men to give more time to beauties," writes Travelers Digest.

Top 10 cities with the most beautiful girls
1. Stockholm, Sweden
2. Copenhagen, Denmark
3. Buenos Aires, Argentina
4. Varna, Bulgaria
5. Los Angeles, California
6. Moscow, Russia
7. Caracas, Venezuela
8. Montreal, Canada
9. Tel Aviv, Israel
10. Amsterdam, Holland.

Listen to anything from the classics - what could be better?! Especially on the weekend, when I want to relax, forget about the alarms of the day, worries a labor week, to dream about the beautiful, and just raise my mood. To think only, the classic works were created by genius authors so long ago, which I could not believe that something could survive such a number of years. And these works still love and listen, create arrangements and modern interpretations. Even in modern processing, the works of ingenious composers remain classical music. As recognizes, the classic works are genius, and all ingenious cannot be boring.

Probably, all the great composers have a special hearing, special sensitivity to the tone and melody, which allowed them to create music that are enjoying dozens of generations not only their compatriots, but also fans of classical music around the world. If you still doubt if you love classic music, then you need to meet with, and you will make sure that you really have a long-time fan of beautiful music.

And today we will talk about the 10th composers in the world's most famous.

Johann Sebastian Bach

The first place is deserved belonging. Genius was born in Germany. The talented composer wrote music for harpsichord and organ. The composer did not create a new style in music. But he was able to create perfection in all styles of his time. It is the author of more than 1000 writings. In their works Bach Connected different musical styles with whom he was acquainted during his life. Often, musical romanticism has connected with a baroque style. In life Johann Bakh As the composer did not receive well-deserved recognition, interest in his music originated almost 100 years later his death. Today it is called one of the greatest composers ever living on Earth. His uniqueness as a person, the teacher and the musician reflected in his music. Bach Located the basics of the music of the new and the latest time, dividing the history of music to the Poduhovskaya and Postbakhovskaya. There is an opinion that music Baha Gloomy and sullen. His music is rather fundamental and founder, restrained and focused. How reflections of a mature, melted person's life. Creation Baha I had an impact on many composers. Some of them took an example from his works or used themes of them. And musicians of the whole world play music Baha, admiring her beauty and perfection. One of the most sensitive works - "Branderburg concerts" - excellent proof that music Baha It is impossible to be too gloomy:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

The right is considered to be a genius. In 4 years, he has already played freely on the violin and Clavesis, in 6 years began to compose music, and at 7 it was already skillfully improvised on the clasesis, violin and organ, competing with famous musicians. Already at 14 Mozart - a recognized composer, and at 15 years old - a member of the Music Academies of Bologna and Verona. From nature, he possessed a phenomenal musical hearing, memory and ability to improvisation. He created a striking number of works - 23 operas, 18 Sonatas, 23 piano concerts, 41 symphony and more. The composer did not want to imitate, he tried to create a new model, reflecting the new personality of music. Not by chance in Germany music Mozart They call the "Music of the Soul", in their works the composer showed the features of his sincere, loving nature. The greatest melody made a special value to the opera. Operas Mozart - Epoch in the development of this type of musical art. Mozart It is widely recognized by one of the greatest composers: his uniqueness is that he worked in all musical forms of his time and achieved the highest success. One of the most recognizable works - "Turkish march":

Ludwig van Beethoven

Another great German was an important figure of a romantic classic period. Even those who do not know about classical music at all about him. Beethoven - One of the most executable and respected composers in the world. The Grand Composer witnessed the grand shocks that occurred in Europe and overlapping her card. These great coups, revolutions and military confrontations found their reflection in the work of the composer, especially symphonic. He embodied the pictures of the heroic struggle in music. In immortal works Beethoven You will hear the fight for the freedom and fraternity of people, unshakable faith in the victory of the world over the darkness, as well as dreams about the freedom and happiness of mankind. One of the most famous and amazing facts of his life - the illness of the ears turned into a complete deafness, but despite this, the composer continued to write music. He was also considered one of the best pianists. Music Beethoven Surprisingly simple and accessible to understanding the widest circles of listeners. Generations are replaced, and even the epoch, and music Beethoven still worries and pleases the hearts of people. One of his best works - "Moonlight Sonata":

Richard Wagner.

With the name of the Great Richard Wagner Most often bind his masterpieces "Wedding choir" or "Flight Walkiry". But he is known not only as a composer, but also as a philosopher. Wagner Considered his musical works as a way of expressing a certain philosophical concept. FROM Wagner The new musical era of the operas began. The composer tried to bring the opera to life, music for him is only a means. Richard Wagner. - The creator of the musical drama, the opera reformer and the art of conducting, innovator of the harmonic and melodic language of music, the creator of new forms of musical expressiveness. Wagner - The author of the world's longest solo aria (14 minutes 46 seconds) and the world's longest classical opera (5 hours and 15 minutes). In life Richard Wagner. It was considered a controversial person, whom or adored, or hate. And often both together. Mystical symbolism and anti-Semitism made it a favorite composer Hitler, but closed the road for his music to Israel. However, neither supporters nor opponents of the composer deny its greatness as a composer. From the very first notes Wonderful music Richard Wagner absorbs you without a residue, not leaving the disputes and disagreements:

Franz Schubert.

Austrian composer is a musical genius, one of the best song composers. He was only 17 when he wrote his first song. In one day he could write 8 songs. For his creative life, he created more than 600 compositions, on the verses of more than 100 great poets, including Goethe, Schiller and Shakespeare. therefore Franz Schubert In the 10th best. Although creativity Schubert Extremely diverse, on the use of genres, ideas and reincarnations, the prevailing and determining in his music is vocal-song lyrics. Before Schubert The song was considered a slight genome, and it was he who took her to the degree of artistic perfection. Moreover, he connected, it would seem not connected, a song and chamber-symphonic music, which gave rise to a new direction of lyrical and romantic symphony. The vocal-song lyrics is the world of the simple and deep, subtle and even intimate human experiences, expressed by the word, and sound. Franz Schubert Lived a very short life, just 31 years old. The fate of the composer's works is no less tragic than his life. After death Schubert There are many unrelated manuscripts stored in the bookcases and drawers of relatives and friends. Even the closest people did not know everything that he wrote, and for many years he was recognized mainly only as a king of the song. Some products of the composer were published only after half a century after his death. One of the most beloved and famous works Franz Schubert"Evening Serenade":

Robert Schuman.

With no less tragic fate, the German composer is one of the best composers of the romantic era. He created an amazing music for beauty. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe German romanticism of the XIX century, it is enough to listen "Carnival" Robert Shumana. He was able to escape from the musical traditions of the classic era, creating his interpretation of a romantic style. Robert Schuman. He was gifted by many talents, and even for a long time could not decide between music, poetry, journalism and philology (he was a polyglot and freely translated from English, French and Italian). He was also a stunning pianist. And yet the main vocation and passion Shumana There was music. In his poetic and deep-psychological music, music is largely reflected by the duality of the composer's nature, glowing passion and care to the world of dreams, awareness of the vulgar reality and the desire for the ideal. One of the masterpieces Robert Shumanawhich is simply obliged to hear each:

Frederic Chopin

Perhaps the most famous pole in the world of music. Neither before, neither after the composer was not born a musical genius of this level in Poland. The Poles are incredibly proud of their great compatriot, and in their work, the clumps often chas the Motherland, admires the beauty of the landscapes, shakes the tragic past, dreams of a great future. Frederic Chopin - One of the few composers who wrote music exclusively for piano. In his creative heritage, there is no operas nor the symphony, but the piano plays are presented in the whole manifold. His works are the basis of the repertoire of many famous pianists. Frederic Chopin - Polish composer, which is also known as a talented pianist. He lived only 39 years old, but managed to create a lot of masterpieces: ballads, preludes, waltzes, muswipes, nocturnes, polonesa, etudes, sonata and much more. One of them - "Ballad №1, Sol Minor".

Ferrenz Leaf

It is one of the greatest composers in the world. He lived a relatively long and surprisingly saturated life, knew a poverty and wealth, met love and faced with contempt. In addition to the talent from birth, he possessed fantastic performance. Ferrenz Leaf Deserved not only the admiration of the experts and fans of music. And as a composer, and as a pianist, he received universal approval of the European critics of the XIX century. He created more than 1,300 works and like Frederick Chopin I preferred the works for piano. Brilliant pianist Ferrenz Leaf I knew how to reproduce the sound of a whole orchestra on the piano, the masterfully improvised, possessed the fantastic memory of the musical compositions, he was not equal in reading notes from the sheet. He had a pathetic style of execution, which was also reflected in his music, emotionally passionate and heroic-raised, creating colorful musical paintings and producing an indelible impression on the listeners. The business card of the composer is concerts for piano. One of these works. And one of the most famous works Sheet"Dreams of love":

Johannes Brahms.

A significant figure of a romantic period in music is Johannes Brahms.. Listen and love music Brahms It is considered a good taste and a characteristic sign of romantic nature. Brahms Not a single opera wrote, but he created works in all other genres. Special Slava Brahms Brought it symphony. Already in the first works, the originality of the composer is manifested, which over time transformed into its own style. If you consider all works BrahmsThis cannot be said that the creativity of its predecessors or contemporaries has greatly affected the composer. And on the scale of creativity Brahms often compare S. Bach and Beethoven. Probably, this comparison is justified in the sense that the work of the three Great Germans is the culmination of the whole era in the history of music. Unlike Ferrency Sheet a life Johannes Bramza It was devoid of rapid events. He preferred calm creativity, in life he has earned the recognition of his talent and universal respect, and was also awarded considerable honors. The most outstanding music in which creative power Brahms affected especially bright and original, is his "German Requiem", the work that the author created the whole 10 years and devoted his mother. In his music Brahms He chances the eternal values \u200b\u200bof human life, which are in the beauty of nature, the art of the great talents of the past, culture of their homeland.

Giuseppe Verdi

What is the dozen of the best composers without?! Italian composer is known primarily by its operations. He became the national glory of Italy, his work is the culmination of the development of the Italian opera. Its achievements and merit as a composer cannot be overestimated. Its works are still, after the century after the death of the author, they remain the most popular, universally executed, known for both connoisseurs and lovers of classical music.

For Verdi The most important thing in the opera was drama. In the musical images created by the composer, the Rigoletto, Aida, Violetta, Dzentemones are organically combined with bright melodies and the depth of the heroes, the democraticness and sophistication of musical characteristics, frantic passions and light dreams. Verdi It was a real psychologist in understanding human passions. His music is nobility and power, amazing beauty and harmony, inexpressible beautiful melodies, beautiful arias and duets. Passions boil, comedy and tragedy are intertwined and merged together. Scenes operas, according to the very Verdi, There must be "original, interesting and ... passionate, with the passion above all the rest." And most of his works are serious and tragic, demonstrate emotional dramatic situations, and the music of the Great Verdi gives expressiveness to what is happening and emphasizes the emphasis of the situation. Fuck all the best that was achieved by the Italian opera school, he did not deny the opera traditions, and reformed the Italian opera, filled it with realism, gave her the unity of the whole. At the same time, he did not declare his reform, did not write articles about it, but simply wrote the opera in a new way. Triumphal procession of one of the masterpieces Verdi - Operas - swept through Italian scenes and continued in Europe, as well as in Russia and America, forcing even skeptics to recognize the talent of the Great Composer.

10rd of the most famous composers in the world Updated: April 13, 2019 by the author: Elena

Music ... Perhaps the Word itself already causes a lot of pleasant associations: smoothness, melodiousness, tenderness ... This is exactly the same classical music. Its clocks can be placed online and do it completely free!

To the origins

Initially, the classic was considered the music created in the era of classicism. This "classic" period gave our time a lot. At that time, the great composers were worked out, and their works that Possertesgod have overcame the test of time, survived and deserved recognition at several generations immediately, got the name "Classic".

Classic today

Modern songs that can be downloaded without registration can also be attributed to the classics. Currently, the interpretation of this concept has changed somewhat. The classic is not only ancient instrumental compositions and creations of the famous maestro past, but also many MP3 living performers.

The main distinguishing feature is opposed to pop music, which is designed for a wide public. The classic in most cases does not have a wide audience. It is understandable and pleasant only to the chosen. Want to make sure that you feel about this group of connoisseurs? Then we suggest you listen to the free track directly on our website. Who knows this discovery, perhaps will be a real find for you or just useful experience!

This is not a list of 10 greatest works, such a list is simply impossible to make up. However, each work on this list is great for various reasons and each of them is a sign or for the history of music, or for society, or for a particular composer.

1.Lide van Beethoven Symphony number 5

Perhaps the most famous of all the symphonies is the classic Beethoven. If you enjoy this symphony, try listening to the remaining 8 symphony created by Beethoven.

2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "Wedding Figaro" (Marriage of Figaro)

Perhaps the top of Mozart's creativity in Opera, by Comedy Bomaoux "crazy day or marriage Figaro", a magnificent cocktail of excellent music and comic situations.

3. Johann Strauss (Jr.) "On Beautiful Blue Danube" (The Blue Danube)

This elegant waltz became an unofficial anthem of Austria (where Mozart is "our all"), elegantly engaging all the beauty of the big city - Vienna.

4. Joakkino Rossini "Seville Ciry" (The Barber of Seville)

Another interesting comic opera, now from the great Italian composer. The famous overture from this opera Rossini used in two other operas.

5. Richard Wagner "Siegfried Idyll" (Siegfried Idyll)

Symphonic play, created as a birthday gift, wife and called in honor of the newborn son, who was named after the hero opera "Siegfried." The main topic of this play is taken from the Opera "Siegfried" from the "Ring Nibelung" cycle.

6. Hector Berlioz "Fantastic Symphony" (Symphonie Fantastique)

The greatest contribution of the French composer of the Hector Berlioz to orchestral music, "fantastic symphony" is amazingly colorful and expressive work.

7. Robert Schuman "Love Poet" (Dichterliebe)

One of the greatest song cycles for piano and voices. A set of 16 Henrich Heine's poems, laid on the music of Shuman, revives in the heart of hope and pride in the wonderful ability and purpose of man - to love!

8. Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich Symphony No. 10

After Stalin's death in 1953, Shostakovich, after a forced long creative restriction, was finally able to freely create an orphanage. As a result, it turned out one of the great symphonies of the 20th century, in which the composer summed up the era of Stalinism and, as it is believed, created a peculiar musical portrait of Stalin.

9. Petr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Symphony number 6

Tchaikovsky's last work is a masterpiece of emotional longing. It seems that even never mentioned in music with such deep talent and beauty such deep scenes of mental life, despair and hopelessness.

10. Gustava Canvas Suite "Planets" (The Planets)

Monumental musical work dedicated to the planets of the solar system and the same gods. Suite describes seven planets, the composer missed the earth, and Pluto was not yet discovered, and now it's not a planet.

Anna Karenina. Lev Tolstoy

The greatest love story of all times and peoples. The story that did not converge from the scenic frames, the screened countless number of times - and still not losing the infinite charm of passion - the passion of the destructive, destructive, blind - but the more fascinating its greatness.

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Master and Margarita. Michael Bulgakov

This is the most mysterious of the novels in the history of domestic literature XX century. This is a novel who is almost officially called the "Gospel from Satan." This is "Master and Margarita." The book, which can be read and reread dozens, hundreds of times, but the main thing is impossible to understand anyway. So, what are the Pages "Masters and Margarita" are put on the forces of light?

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Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte.

Roman-riddle, who has entered the top ten novels of all times and peoples! The story is violent, truly demonic passion, which excites the imagination of readers now for more than one and a half hundred years. Katie gave her heart to a cousin, but ambition and thirst for wealth pushed her into the arms of rich. Forbidden attraction turns into a curse for secret lovers, and one day.

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Eugene Onegin. Alexander Pushkin

Did you read "Onegin"? What do you say about "Onegin"? Here are the questions that are repeated indiscriminately in the circle of writers and Russian readers, "said the writer, an enterprising publisher and, by the way, the hero of Epigram Pushkin Faddey Bul-Garin, after the release of the second chapter of the novel. For a long time, Onegin is not appreciated. Speaking words of the same Bulgarin, he "written by verses of Pushkin. This is pretty. "

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Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God. Victor Hugo

The story, who survived the century, who became a canon and giving his heroes to the glory of nominal images. The story of love and tragedy. The love of those who love was not given and is not allowed - a religious sanity, physical impact or someone else's evil will. Gypsy Esmeralda and Deaf Gorbun-Rod Quasimodo, Priest Frollo and Captain Royal Rifle Fech De Shatoper, Beautiful Fleur de Lis and Poet Grenguar.

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Gone With the Wind. Margaret Mitchell

The Great Saga of the Civil War in the United States and the fate of the ongoing and ready to go on the heads Scarlett O'Hara was first published more than 70 years ago and does not say to this day. This is the only novel Margaret Mitchell, for which she received the Pulitzer Prize. The story of a woman who is not ashamed to be either unconditional feminist, nor a convinced supporter of the housework.

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Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare

This is the highest of the tragedies about love, which is capable of creating a human genius. Tragedy, which was shielded and shielded. A tragedy that does not come off from theatrical frames to this day - and to this day it sounds as if written yesterday. Go years and century. But one remains and will remain unchanged forever: "There is no story sadly in the world than a story about Romeo and Juliet ..."

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The Great Gatsby. Francis Fitzgerald

"The Great Gatsby" is a vertex not only in the work of Fitzgerald, but also one of the highest achievements in the world prose of the 20th century. Although the effect of the novel occurs in the "stormy" twentieth years of the last century, when the states were literally from nothing and yesterday's criminals overnight became millionaires, this book lives out of time, because, the story of the broken fate of the generation of the "Century Jazz".

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Three Musketeers. Alexandr Duma

Alexandra Duma, the most famous historical adventurous novel of Alexander Duma tells about the adventures of Gasconus D'Artagnan and his Musketeer Friends at the courtyard of King Louis XIII.

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Count Monte Cristo. Alexandr Duma

The book presents one of the most exciting adventure novels of the classic French literature of the XIX century Alexander Duma.

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Triumphal Arch. Erich Remark

One of the most beautiful and tragic novels about love in the history of European literature. The history of refugees from the Nazi Germany Dr. Ravik and confused in the "unbearable ease of being" the beautiful Joan Madu occurs in pre-war Paris. And the anxious time, which happened to meet and love each other with this two, becomes one of the main characters of the Triumphal Arch.

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A man who laughs. Victor Hugo

Guinplane - Lord by birth, as a child, was sold to bandits-compatriking, who made a fair jester from the child, cutting out the mask of the "eternal laughter" on his face (with the courtyards of the European for the time of the time there was a fashion for horses and freaks that have fun). Contrary to all tests, Guinplane retained the best human qualities and their love.

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Martin Eden. Jack London

A simple sailor, in which it is easy to find out the author himself, goes long, full of deprivation path to literary immortality ... The will of the case that turned out in a secular society, Martin Eden is doubly happy and surprised ... And the creative gift awakened in it, and the divine manner of Young Ruth Morz, so not Looking like all the people he knew before ... From now on, two goals stand in front of him.

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Sister Kerry. Theodore Dreiser

The edition of the first novel by theodore of the Drier was associated with such difficulties that it led his creator to severe depression. But the further fate of the novel "Sister Kerry" turned out to be happy: it was transferred to many foreign languages, reissued by millionic circulations. New and new generations of readers are pleased to be immersed in the peripetics of the fate of Carolina Mibes.

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American tragedy. Theodore Dreiser

The novel "American tragedy" is the top of the creativity of the outstanding American writer Theodore of the Drier. He said: "No one creates tragedies - they are creating life. Writers only depict them. " The driver managed so talentedly to portray the tragedy of Clive Gripits that his story leaves no indifferent and modern reader.

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Molded. Victor Hugo

Jean Valzhan, Kozetta, Gavrosh - the names of the heroes of the Roman have long become nominable, the number of his readers for one and a half century from the moment of the release of the book in the light does not become less, the novel does not lose popularity. Kaleidoscope of persons from all layers of the French Society of the first half of the XIX century, bright, memorable characters, sentimentality and realism, a stressful, exciting plot.

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Adventures of the brave soldier Schweik. Yaroslav Gashek

The Great, Original and Hooligan Roman. The book, which can be perceived as a "soldier bike", and as a classic work, directly related to the traditions of revival. This is a sparkling text over which you laugh to tears, and a powerful call to "fold weapons", and one of the most objective historical certificates in satirical literature.

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Iliad. Homer

The attractiveness of Homer's poems is not only that their author introduces us to the world, separated from modern times to dozens of centuries, is still unusually real thanks to the genius of the poet, who preserved the ones in their poems to the contemporary life in his poems. The immortality of Homer is that in his ingenious creations concluded inexhaustible reserves of universal imperrupt values \u200b\u200b- reason, good and beauty.

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St. John's wort James Cooper

Cooper managed to find and describe in his books the originality and unexpected brightness of the newly open continent, which managed to be fascinated by all modern Europe. Every new writer's novel was waiting with impatience. The exciting adventures of the fearless and noble hunter and trafficking Natty Bampo conquered both young and adult readers.

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Doctor Zhivago. Boris Pasternak

Roman "Dr. Zhivago" is one of the outstanding works of Russian literature, over the past years remaining closed for a wide range of readers in our country, who who knew about it only on a scandalous and unfair party criticism.

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Don Quixote. Miguel Servantes.

What do we tell us the names of Amadis Gallsky, Palle Merine English, Don Belyanis Greek, White Tyranta? But it is precisely as a parody of novels about these knights created "Cherific Hidalgo Don Quixote Laman" Miguel de Cervantes Saovnedra. And this parody of this century experienced a parody genre. Don Quixote was recognized as the best novel in the history of world literature.

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Ivango. Walter Scott

"Ivango" is a key product in the cycle of Romanov V.Skott, which transfer us to medieval England. The young Knight of Avengo, secretly returned from the crusade to his homeland and the will of his father who was deprived of a leaning inheritance, to defend his honor and love of the beautiful lady left ... The King Richard and the Legendary Robbin Robin Hood will come to the aid.

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Headless horseman. Reed Main

The plot of the novel is built as skillfully, which keeps in tension to the very last page. It is not by chance that the history of the noble Mustanger Maurice Gerald and his beloved, the beautiful Louise Pontackster, investigating the sinister mystery of the rider without a head, whose figure, with his appearance, hurts horror in the inhabitants of Savannah, extremely loved by readers in Europe and Russia.

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Dear friend. Gi de Maupassan

The novel "Cute Friend" became one of the symbols of the era. This is the strongest Roman Moopassana. Through the history of Georges Duroua, putting the "path to the top", reveal the true morals of the Supreme French Society, the Spirit of Salads, reigning in all its areas, contributes to the fact that the ordinary and immoral person, which is the hero of Maupassant, is easily achieved by success and wealth.

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Dead Souls. Nikolay Gogol

The output of the first volume of the "Dead Souls" N.Gogol in 1842 caused a stormy controversy of contemporaries, the splits society on fans and opponents of the poem. "... speaking about the" dead souls "- you can manage to speak about Russia ..." - this judgment of P. Kindsky explained the main cause of disputes. The author's question is still relevant: "Rus, where are you going, give a response?"