
Prominent representative of indie rock. Nike Borzov - Biography, Information, Personal Life Theory of Origin Pseudonym

Borzov Nike
126 seabouts, of which 2 this month


Nike Borzov was born on May 23, 1972 in the city prominent Moscow region of the Leninsky district. Already in 1986, at the age of 14, Nike organizes his own group. The legendary Moscow Group Infection has become the first Tresh-Punk Project in the Soviet Union.
In the period before 1990, the infection recorded six home albums, most of which are lost. During the existence of the group, two full-fledged studio albums were recorded: "onanism" in 1990 and the "navel hole" in 1992. After that, the group broke up. In parallel with the "infection" of Nike is busy in several projects. Basically, this is widely known in the circles of connoisseurs of the genuine Russian Materia Chanson, the group "Human scores", who recorded about 20 albums for the history of its existence.

In 1992, the Solo Nike Bruzov's Solo Career begins - its first album "Dive" is published.

In 1994, he left the second album called "Closed".

In 1996, the "Infection" group marks ten years. Then, without Nike musicians in two days, he records the album "infections" "Take your bitch in the hands," in which he plays on all tools. The tracks of this album first entered the song "Horse".

In 1997, a third solo album "Puzzle" appeared, which also hit the "Horse" track. From that moment on, the scandalous history of the song began: it was banned for rotation in many domestic radio stations due to the presence of the word "cocaine".

In 1999, Nike Borzov signs a contract with Snegiri music.

In 1999, the director Evgeny Zvezakov removes the clip to the composition "Three words". Related ironic "three words" should be a romantic composition "riding a star", filled with Andrei Airapetyov.

In January 2000, the album "Cupperman" comes out. It is from this album that the general public gets acquainted with his work. Incredibly quickly, this acquaintance turns into hot love and solid affection.

In the spring of 2000, there is a clip, filmed by the director Gleb Orlov, on the "last song". "Three words", "riding a star" and "Last Song", included in the album "Superman", become unconditional hits in Russia. Since 2000, Nike becomes a party to the largest music festivals on the territory of the former Soviet Union - "Maxidr" and "invasion "

In the summer of 2000, Nike records the song "Horce", and in June, the Maxi-single Maxi-Single is released in June. In the autumn of 2000, two animation clips are removed on this song. Guy Khanov and Boris Talovers shield the original "horse", and Andrei Vediai and Andrei Ayrapetov - Remix Group "Fishes". The premiere of the latter took place in February 2001 on one of the largest portals of the Russian Internet -, and in just two weeks the clip gathered a record number of viewers for the Russian network. During this time, the video downloaded more than 40,000 times.

In December 2000, Nike Borzov produces a collector's reprint "SUPERMEND" at the "bullfinches". It is complemented by the song "Horse", which has not previously published the composition of the "quarrel", new remixes and several versions of already famous songs. Upon completion of 2000, authoritative Russian media: the magazine "OM", the newspaper Izvestia and Radio "Maximum" - call Nike Borzov by the performer of the year.

In 2001, the song "Quarry" entered the soundtrack for the film Roman Kachanova "Down House". The clip on it was shot by the leading role in the film "Down House", the son of the famous Russian director Sergei Bondarchuk, actor and director, Fyodor Bondarchuk.

March 2001. A hike concert of Bruzov "Supermand" in the famous Moscow concert hall "Gorbushka" became the final for the "Supermand" tour and put a point in the history of the Trelogy of 2000 "Superman". She included the album "Superman", Maxi-Single "Horse", and augmented reprint "Supermand". In addition to songs from these three plates at the concert, a little-known Song-known Songs from the early Solo Nika Albums, as well as the song "Dead Manne" of the group "Infection" in a duet with Arkup Ahmeleev. Shortly before the concert, the song "Three words" was discussed at the plenary session to deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In response, Nike personally invited the speaker of the State Duma to his concert. Soon after the concert, the company "Snegiri" released VHS "Naik Borzov. Supermand. Koncert in Gorbushka. In the film Felix Zelinsky, in addition to concert filming, the viewer expects the inventive animation of Andrei Radia and Andrei Airapetov, as well as the two Nike Borzovs clip - "Horse # 2" (remix "Fish species") and "Last Song". At that time, work was already on the new album "Zanoza", the veil over which, first of all, a Maxi-single "NUS IN AM" was opened. As a Bi-Sayda, the song "Day like a day" and a clip Gleb Orlov on this song entered it. As a result, "Day like a day" did not get into the album, but the clip settled for a long time in the charts of the TV channels "MUZ-TV" and "MTV-Russia".

In the fall of 2002, when the song "One She" entered the rank of the "main hits of the year", and the clip, filmed by the director Gaucha Taidze, was in rotation at MTV-Russia, Nike finished work on a new album, in a matter of days before Beginning the production of plates, writing the track "Kingsize" in a duet with dolphin.

In November 2002, Nike Borzov presented the album "Zanoza", which was recognized as many critics of the plate of the year and much more adult and a serious creation of Nike. In support of Album, Nike went to a large-scale "Zanoz tour", the end point of which was a large solo concert in Moscow.

On November 11, 2003, the premiere of the play of Yuri Grymova "Nirvana", in which Nike played the role of Kurt Kobaine. Nirvana has become an unconditional sensation of Moscow theater life. The performances were with an unchanged marriage until April 2004. On February 7 and 8, 2004, Nirvana toured in St. Petersburg.

In December 2003, Radio Single Nike Borzov "For Love" started and soon ranked first in the "Hit-parade of two capitals" radio "Maximum". On December 29, the premiere of the first Russian Mash video "Making horse" took place on the "MTV-Russia" TV channel in the Expresso program. Producer and director MTV-Russia Aleksey Muravyev and DJ Grup joined songs, video clips and records of the concert speeches of the "Horses" of Nike Borzov and Metko Group "Guests from the Future".

In 2004, Nike Borzov worked as a producer on the album of his wife, Ruslana Borzovoy, as well as over his new project "Bobras-mutants", identifying the music of the group as "neo-punk with translate elements".

On November 18, 2005, the premiere of the joint project of the artist Vadim Stashkevich, the musician and the Mohsira Studio Composer, Misterei Sagalgana, took place at the Mosjour Clavor "Young Guard".

On November 26, 2005, the presentation of the DVD 10 of Nike Borzov was held at Apelsin's Moscow club. The disk contains 10 video clips created during the cooperation with Snegiri Music. At the end of 2005, the project "Bobras-Mutants" ends.

On March 14, 2006, the premiere of the romantic film system "Kostyannik was held. Summer time" . The Soundtrack entered the song Nike Borzov "Dreams".

On December 14, 2006, the "IKRA" club "The Best Infection's for Girls" records of the group "Infection" was a presentation. In 2006, "infections" turned twenty years, while active interest in society to the work of the first Russian trash-punk group was revived. Then Nike decided to publish a collection of the best things group with three studio albums. Presentation of the new plate with the participation of the "Dick's dick" groups, "time to shit" and the revived "infection" turned out to be a bright unprecedented trash festival.

On August 11, 2006, Nike laid out a modest message in his personal blog: "I finished" fresh blood "at night. Now it constantly sounds in my head. I think to fulfill her tomorrow at the point. " The next day, the text appeared in the journal an incredibly fresh song. Nike did not deceive the expectations of fans: for the first time it was performed from the stage of the club "Point" on August 12, 2006. And immediately attracted considerable attention to leading music sites. The appearance of "fresh blood" was noted in their reports of the portals ZVUKI.RU, KM.RU, Club.Ru and Tusovka.Ru. At the same time, Tusovka.Ru expressed that "Borzov again pulled the taste for experiments." noticed that the "explosive, bright", the song was accepted by the audience with a bang. And the site in the face of R. Sysoeva concluded: "He does not grow like. Continue to write songs, not boring. " It was almost a year since its spontaneous premiere. But during this period, the song seriously evolved in a musical plan. "Since the time of entering the light, the" ourselves "I was looking for what I even want to talk about and how to sound," Nike explains. " It seems that the tightening stage of ripening ended with explosive revival - so far in the form of "fresh blood". There is a feeling that Nike after a long stay in the industrial zone, finally, found himself on the banks of the raging ocean and sighed in full force.

On July 20, the premiere of the new Nike song on Radio "Maximum" took place in the program "Hit-parade of two capitals" with Alexander Imedin. Since the next week, "Fresh Blood" has become a member of the twenty charts.

In September 2007, at a concert at the Apelsin club, Nike presents the audience the song "Wind", designed for a new album. This song, the very close free element, capable of tearing the roofs and stew the walls, broke into the hearts of fans.

October 2007 became fruitful for infection: the group plays as a chadliner at the "Ural Rock 2007" festival in Yekaterinburg Textlub.

On December 1, the presentation of the debut album Ruslana Borzovoy "Magic", which was working on which Nike worked as a musical producer, is being held at TK Gorbushkin Dvor. In December, the song of infection "My Country" is included in the cult collection "Type Punk and all that ... # 8 and # 9", the presentation of which took place in the "Plan B" club. Before the new year, the infection finishes work on the DVD with the film-concert "BEST 4 GIRLS", which was based on a concert fragments in Irecra in 2006, an interview with the group participants, archival records of the 90s and other rare frames.

In January 2008, Mikhail Abanin's video is published on the song "Wind": on January 19, the premiere of the video was held on the TV channel "A1", and the Internet version of the clip was soon appeared on the website of the Journal of Poshis.

In February 2008, the infection distributes the album "Point" on the Internet for free, but is preparing to publish it on the CD.

On April 4, at a concert in an orange Nike Borzov presents the animated film "Player", which is removed on the song "E." Svetlana Andrianova and Svetlana Yelchaninova - Animators of the project re-animation - admit that it is Nike's music inspired them to create this cartoon. The video is so harmoniously combined with the music that the audience take the "player" as the official video for the song "ET".

On April 11, the B2 club hosts the first video premiere in the history of the group "Infection" - video for the song "From the mouth."

On June 18, the infection presents on the CD in the club Gogol Album "Point", which since February distributed free on the Internet.

On July 11, at the radio, the premiere of the Nike Borzov song "Give me your sadness" was held. The song immediately fell into the "hit parade of two capitals" and lasted in Chart more than 10 weeks.

In November, Nike Borzov finishes work on the audiobook "Fear and disgust in Las Vegas" Hunter S. Thompson - Nike voiced her and wrote the original soundtrack to it. At the same time, it ends with the work on the Tribute of the Nautilus Pompilius group, for which Nike recorded the song "If you want" ("Who else") from the Album "Wings".

December Nike voiced the book of Hunter S. Thompson "Fear and disgust in Las Vegas" and wrote a soundtrack to her. Audiobook has already been recorded and ready to release.

This name was awarded the originals and parents, which are also of the most direct attitude to the music. Creative career N. Borzova began in 1986 with the organization of the punk group infection, which existed until 1992 and recorded two albums: "onanism" and "navel hole".

In 1989, Nike became a member of the scandalous well-known team x ... I score, with which it periodically plays and records new material to this day. In addition, Nike Borzov for the entire period of creativity took part in the mass of all sorts of projects, both own and strangers: "Two-frequency", "Platonic Prostitution", "Buouche", "Died", "Special Nurses", "Norman Bates Fan Club "etc. Solo Nike career began in 1992 with the record of the album" Dive ", in 1994 followed the album" closed ". The year 1996 was marked by the anniversary album "Take your bitch on the hands", issued in honor of the decade of the group infection: the parties of all tools and vocals were recorded in it by Borzov due to the lack of musicians in the country from the same group.

In 1997, the album "dive" was reissued under the title "Dive. Version 2". In addition to famous songs, there are three absolutely new and previously not published tracks: "For the sake of love," "I asked Yashen" (Tariverdiev / Kirchon) and "How are you?" (together with the English Technology Group Jesus Transformer). In the same year, the album "closed" is reprinted. From February 1996 to March 1997, a third solo album "Puzzle" is recorded. Hit from this album "Horse" was banned on many radio stations due to the use of the word "cocaine" in his text.

In 1999, Nike signed a contract with the company "Snegiri-music" for the release of 5 albums. Working on the fourth album - "Superman" - began in January 1999 on the tone-studio "Mosfilm" and ended in almost a year. Dmitry Slansky and Alexander Solich (Rhythm Section of the Moral Code), musicians of the Mikhail Pletnev orchestra and soloist of the Army Ruslan Army (back-vocal) took part in the recording as invited musicians. The album produced Oleg Nesterov, Mikhail Gabolaev and, in part, Nike himself. Five songs were asked by the German tone-engineer Brigitta Angerhausen, a permanent partner of the company "Snegiri", and the rest - the sound engineer Vladimir Ovchinnikov. The work took place in several recording studios (from the "Mosfilm" studio and a private studio "Megapolis" to the basement of the children's musical school of the visible). In some songs, Nike himself performed all guitar, drums and keyboards. The record was used by the only copy of the Farfisa's iconic Italian electric electrician, 30 years of driving in the orchestra of cinematography and the well-known viewer on the films "Operation s" and "Caucasian captive".

Special fame received songs "Three words" and "riding a star", which took the top lines in the Russian charts. Hour song "Horse" struck in the summer of 2000, when Maxi-Single came out on the "bullfinches", which included the best remixes on the composition created by fish species, radius, V. Athanasov, Netslov, Finist; The FEMENINO DE REPENDE version was recorded by T. Aziferov, I. Epifanova, R. Eremeeva-Borzov and N. Gatikachvili. Especially for radio stations in Single, a version of the song was present without the word "cocaine".

"Horse" immediately hit the charts; In the fall of 2000, the whole two successful clips were removed on it. In December 2000, Borzov in conclusion of the History "Superman" released a collector's publication "Supermand", which included the previously not published composition "Quarrel" and new remix remakes. Parallel Nike started working on the material of the new album, writing the song "Day like a day." In 2001, Borzov continued his studies at the pop-jazz faculty of the Moscow Pedagogical State University.

In 2001, his scandalous song "Three words" discussed deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation at the plenary meeting for two hours. In response, Nike personally invited the speaker of the State Duma to his concert. Soon after the concert, the company "Snegiri" released VHS "Naik Borzov. Supermand. Koncert in Gorbushka.

In the fall of 2002, his song "One She" entered the rank of the "main hits of the year", and the clip, filmed on her director Gosh Tipha, was in rotation at MTV-Russia.

Best days

In 2003, he fulfilled a major role in the play "Nirvana" Yuri Grymov, where Kurt Kobaine was played. In the same year, a single "For love" started on the radio MAXIMUM and after a while, he took the first place in the "hit parade of two capitals."

In 2004, Nike was engaged in producing the album to his then Ruslana Ruslana's then wife, and also worked in a project called "Bobras mutants", determining the genre of a group as "neo-punk with translate elements."

On November 18, 2005, the One Rythmical Ritual Ritual Group of Artist Vadim Stashkevich, a musician and a composer of Nike Borzow and the Mohsira Studio Composer, a joint project of the artist Vadim Stashkevich, a joint project. Theatrical-ritual performance "Mystery of Sagalgana" was shown. Posted by the soundtrack to the romantic film system "Kostyanka. Summer time "(2006). The Soundtrack entered the song Nike Borzov "Dreams". At the end of 2006, Borzov dismissed the project "Infection", in February, he took a clip for the song "Black Hole" with Barbie Punk Rock in high roles.

In April 2007, an animated film "Player" was presented at the concert in the Nike Borzov's orange, which was shot on the song. And on December 1, 2007, the presentation of the debut album Ruslana Borzovoy "Magic" was held in TK Gorbushkin Dvor, which Nike worked on the musical producer.

In January 2008, the musician presented the public "Wind" by the public, a quick melodic composition with a gloomy romantic text, which was immediately removed by Mikhail Abanin.

In November 2008, the original soundtrack was released to Hunters Thompson's audiobook "Fear and disgust in Las Vegas", which Nike himself and voiced in a pair with Arkhip Ahmeleev. He took part in the creation of a boom - the tribute group "Nautilus Pompilius", where he performed the song "Who else" from the Album "Wings".

Next, the group "Infection" presented a new album "Terribly andlad." The album was like new songs, as well as several overwritten track tracks. After that, the Group declares its decay.

In June 2011, a clip was released for the song "Chelnaper" - atmospheric cartoon work of Director Pavel Egorov. In October of the same year, a clip was released for the song "Fresh Blood", created in the style of "Tresh Glam", where the primary symbols of Rock-N-Roll music are connected. In April 2014, Bozov released the album "Everywhere and Nowhere", after which it starts to record the collection of the best songs, released on December 12, 2014.

In 2015 and in 2016, the albums "Molecule" and the album of the group "Infection" "Zombitrans" were published. According to the singer himself, he has a unique voice: "I and the duets are not practically. Such a timbre and a voice that do not fit with me a duet. That weak voice, then less dynamic - they will lose compared to mine, by "Love. What happens when I'm still trying to make a duet with some quietly singing performer. Immediately there is a cognitive dissonance. Why then need a performer when I myself can sing with female voices, and bass. I have a wide range. I I sing all back-vocals yourself - both for women, and for men. "

2019 format greyhounds are very different from the musician, who has beyond the "horse" with the censors of radio stations. Nike changed the image, hairstyle, and its compositions became more romantic and positive. The musician has its own account in the Instagram network, with which users can communicate with the idol and watch out for his life. Borzov actively publishes photos, sharing its plans and ideas about new projects.

The shocking was changed with elegance, and the unbridledness was attense. The singer still does not hesitate to express his own opinion in his characteristic manner. He adheres to the direction in the music to which his soul lies, and pleases fans with new compositions. Borzov has a schedule of tour and speeches by day. Today, he remains in demand by the rock musician and cooperates with a variety of teams, among which the Murakov Group.

Growth of the musician 180 cm, weight 78 kg.

Personal life

He was married to Ruslana Eremeeva - singer, who leads his vocal school. A couple had a daughter Victoria. After the divorce participates in the upbringing of the daughter.

The musician easily sought sympathy of representatives of the beautiful sex, and his character and freedomism went wrong with the perception of the wife of the ideals of family life. Borzovs diverged, but support friendships for the sake of daughter.

Nike spends time with the heir and takes care of it. After the divorce, he managed to keep confidential and friendly relations with ex-wife. Now Ruslana is immersed in managing his own vocal school in Moscow.

Nike Vladimirovich Borzov. Born on May 23, 1972 in the famous Moscow region. Soviet and Russian rock musician, poet, singer.

His mother worked in the Secret Institute, from which the family and gave an apartment in a prominent.

According to some reports, its real name and surname received at birth - Nikolay Barashko. And he took his creative alias nike, crossed the names of the famous Soviet rock musicians Nika Rock and Roll and Mike Naumenko. And then took the surname of the borsh, changing the data in the passport. The musician itself claims that he is nike from birth: "Nike is not a pseudonym, it is the Indian name. I was so called my parents, they were the fans of Vedic culture, Hippana, who hung and toupe. And nikolay my grandmother baptized me.

According to Nike, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating their rock band came to him in 1984, when he heard the album "Unknown Pleasures" of the Joy Division group. And at the age of 14, he implemented his idea - organized a punk group "Infection"that existed until 1992. During the existence of the group, two full-fledged studio albums were recorded: "onanism" in 1990 and the "navel hole" in 1992.

In parallel, he participated in other projects, his own and strangers - "Twaren", "Platonic Prostitution", "Bueks", "Died", "Special Medical Schools", "Norman Bates Fan Club" and more. He played with the famous team. " .. do not mind it".

Urgent service was held in the army. "I did not learn anything during this time, I never even shouted from the machine, although I went to the outfit with him, I knew how to collect and disassemble," he recalled.

It became widely popular after the departure from the activities of "infection", replacing the stylistics from a punk to a psychedelic rock.

In 1992, the Solo Career Nike Borzzov begins and its first album "Dive" is published. And in 1994 - the second album called "closed".

In 1996, when the group "Infection" turned ten years, already without Nike musicians, he recorded an infection album "Take his bitch to the hands," in which he plays all the tools. The tracks of this album first entered the song "Horse".

In 1997, simultaneously with the release of the "Puzzle" album in the rotation of the radio stations hit the song "Horse", which caused the expected interest of the public and rapid discussions. In the plot of the composition, a small horse is transporting cocaine. Nike himself argued that Cocaine never tried: "I just used the word I liked. It was possible to engage in the song any other "zones", but, in my opinion, Cocaine is suitable better. "

In 2000, the world saw the fourth studio album of the musician - "Superman." Songs "Riding the Star" and "Three Words" were specialized and besides radio stations, they began to broadcast with large TV channels, Nike Borzov became a star of all-Russian scale. Soon MaxiSingle "Loweka" was followed from various remixes on the most popular song of the artist, as well as the fifth album Supermand - an alternative reprint of the album "Superman".

In 2001, the song "Quarrel" entered the soundtrack to the scandalous film Roman Kachanova "Down House". The clip was shot on her who played a major role in this film.

At the turn of the 1990s and the early 2000s, Nike Borzov was considered one of the most prominent representatives of Indy-rock in Russia, and after the success of the albums "Puzzle", "Superman" and "Zanoza" was a noticeable performer and in pop music. It is considered a cult figure in the genre of the Russian alternative. In the press was called "Russian Pete Doherty", in particular, due to the lyrics of the songs of the Infection group, which also became the cult in the history of the Russian punk.

In 2001, his scandalous song "Three words" discussed deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation at the plenary meeting for two hours. In response, Nike personally invited the speaker of the State Duma to his concert. Soon after the concert, the company "Snegiri" released VHS "Naik Borzov. Supermand. Koncert in Gorbushka.

In the fall of 2002, his song "One She" entered the rank of the "main hits of the year", and the clip, filmed on her director Gosh Tipha, was in rotation at MTV-Russia.

Nike Borzov - one she

In 2003, he fulfilled a major role in the play "Nirvana" Yuri Grymov, where Kurt Kobaine was played. In the same year, a single "For love" started on the radio MAXIMUM and after a while, he took the first place in the "hit parade of two capitals."

In 2004, Nike was engaged in producing the album to his then Ruslana Ruslana's then wife, and also worked in a project called "Bobras mutants", determining the genre of a group as "neo-punk with translate elements."

On November 18, 2005, the One Rythmical Ritual Ritual Group of Artist Vadim Stashkevich, a musician and a composer of Nike Borzow and the Mohsira Studio Composer, a joint project of the artist Vadim Stashkevich, a joint project. Theatrical-ritual performance "Mystery of Sagalgana" was shown.

Posted by the soundtrack to the romantic film system "Kostyanka. Summer time "(2006). The Soundtrack entered the song Nike Borzov "Dreams".

At the end of 2006, Borzov dismissed the project "Infection", in February, he took a clip for the song "Black Hole" with Barbie Punk Rock in high roles.

In April 2007, an animated film "Player" was presented at the concert in the Nike Borzov's orange, which was shot on the song. And on December 1, 2007, the presentation of the debut album Ruslana Borzovoy "Magic" was held in TK Gorbushkin Dvor, which Nike worked on the musical producer.

In January 2008, the musician presented the public "Wind" by the public, a quick melodic composition with a gloomy romantic text, which was immediately removed by Mikhail Abanin. In November 2008, the original soundtrack was released to Hunters Thompson's audiobook "Fear and disgust in Las Vegas", which Nike himself and voiced in a pair with Arkhip Ahmeleev.

He took part in the creation of a boom - the tribute group "Nautilus Pompilius", where he performed the song "Who else" from the Album "Wings".

Next, the group "Infection" presented a new album "Terribly andlad." The album was like new songs, as well as several overwritten track tracks. After that, the Group declares its decay.

In June 2011, a clip was released for the song "Chelnaper" - atmospheric cartoon work of Director Pavel Egorov. In October of the same year, a clip was released for the song "Fresh Blood", created in the style of "Tresh Glam", where the primary symbols of Rock-N-Roll music are connected.

In April 2014, Bozov released the album "Everywhere and Nowhere", after which it starts to record the collection of the best songs, released on December 12, 2014.

In 2015 and in 2016, the albums "Molecule" and the album of the group "Infection" "Zombitrans" were published.

According to the singer himself, he has a unique voice: "I and duets are not practically. Such a timbre and a voice that do not all fit with me a duet. That weak voice, then less dynamic - they will lose compared to mine, in any way. What happens when I'm all I'm trying to make a duet with some quietly singing performer. Immediately there is a cognitive dissonance. Why then need a performer when I myself can sing with female voices, and bass. I have a wide range. I myself sing all back vocals - and for women and men ".

Nike Borzov - Concert Interview

Higher Nike Borzov: 181 centimeter.

Personal life of Nike Borzov:

He was married to Ruslana Eremee Singer, she leads his own school vocal. A couple had a daughter Victoria. After the divorce participates in the upbringing of the daughter.

Discography Nike Borzov:

1992 - Immersion
1994 - closed
1997 - Puzzle
2000 - Superman
2002 - Zanoza
2010 - from the inside
2014 - everywhere and nowhere
2014 - Nike Borzov. Favorites
2015 - Molecule
2016 - Molecule, Vol.2

Singles Nike Borzov:

2000 - Loweka
2001 - NUS IN AM
2010 - rejoice
2013 - biomatery

Quotes and aphorisms from Nike Borzov:

"Man is a lazy animal, and this is his biggest problem."

"We do not want to fly into space, and for some reason we build more and more churches."

"Religion, money, television, pop industry, fashion, club life are all drugs, illusions. This desire to take some people to pass on something else to sell something to them. Unlluginno just what a person creates himself."

"It's stupid to be afraid of what can happen at any time."

"I'm not starving. I just don't eat."

"We are all alone, despite the fact that a bunch of relatives and friends surrounds us. We are born and die alone."

"I generally do not believe in fairy tales. I believe in the dragons, aliens and in the otherworldly, but I do not believe in fairy tales."

"I'm waiting for the people to clone. I want to play myself on the drums, on the guitars, on the keys, singing myself. And I also want to make a couple of girls, so that they sang women's voices on a pace. To be me - but girl".

"I will become a director if one-time actors appear. If I can take a disposable actor, pay him a lot of money and on the set of it, for example, to kill, then he will take this role as the main thing in his life."

Other names: Borzov, Borzov, Nike, Nike Borzov, N. Borsov, Naik Borzov, Nayk Borzov, Nike Borzov, Nike Borzov, N. Borzov, Nikolay Barashko, Nikolay Vladimirovich Barashko


Nike Borzov (real name Nikolai Vladimirovich Barashko) - Rock musician, singer and songwriter. It in Moscow on May 23, 1972.

Nike's father was also a musician and since childhood she instilled his son a good taste: they listened to the Beatles, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Led Zeppelin, etc. At the age of 14, Nike organized his punk group called "Infection", which existed until 1992. During this time, the team recorded two studio albums: "onanism" and "navel hole".

Then Borzov served two years in the army, but according to him, it was a waste of time, because he did not learn anything there.

The real popularity came to Borzov after he left the "infection" and changed the style of punk to the Psychedelic Rock. With the beginning of the Nike's Solo Career in 1992, his first album was released, which was called "Dive". Spearly two years, another plate came out - "Closed". And in 1996, when the group "Infection" turned ten years, Borzov without musicians of the group recorded the album "Take your bitch to the hands", where he played on all tools.

After a year, in parallel with the release of the next album "Puzzle", the song "Horse" hit the rotation of radio stations, which caused a scandalous interest because the word "cocaine" is used in the text. After this tech was forbidden to put on the ether, the word "cocaine" in the text was replaced by various sounds and words, for example, "Plasticine". It became a win-win producer, because in this way he was heated the interest of the public to "forbidden" and encrypted topics.

In 2000, Nike Borzov released the fourth studio album - "Superman." The song "riding on the star" and "Three words" removed clips, and these compositions appeared not only on the air of radio stations, but also on the country's channels, which brought Borzov widely known and popularity. At the end of 2000, the Russian media called Nike Borzov by the artist.

Next year, the song Borzov "Quarrel" was used as a soundtrack for the film "Down House" Roman Kachanova.

At the same time, in 2001, Borzov recorded the song "Day as day", a clip for which for a long time settled in the charts of music TV channels "MUZ-TV" and "MTV-Russia".

After the completion of the album "Zanoz" in 2002, the singer disappeared for several years - he was engaged in family and other projects: for example, Kurt Kobein played in the formulation of Yuri Grymov "Nirvana".

In November 2005, the "One Rhythmical Ritual" team was held in the Metropolitan Club "Young Guard". This was a joint project of Nike Borzov, the artist Vadim Stashkevich and the Studio Studio "Moxira". On the stage, the theatrical-ritual performance "Mistere Sagalgana" was delivered.

And in November 2012, the first single "Panic Attack" was presented in the metropolitan club "16 tons" with a preparing album, which is scheduled for 2013.

Nicholas's father was a musician and since childhood she instilled him a good musical taste: The Beatles, Creedence Clearwater Revival, LED Zeppelin. Even in the youth of Kohl organized the infection punk group, which existed until 1992 and recorded several albums with them, from which only two were preserved to our days: onanism and a navel hole. In parallel, this was actively involved in various types of projects, both its own and strangers ("Two Region", "Platonic Prostitution", "Bueks", "Died", "Special Medical Sensors", "Norman Bates Fan Club", etc. ), and also performed with the famous team "X .. I score." He served two years in the army: "I did not learn anything during this time, I never even shry out of the machine, although I went to the outfit with him, I knew how to collect and disassemble."

It was truly popular after the departure from the activities of "infection", replacing the stylist from the punk on the classic Russian rock. At the same time, officially changed his name and surname from Nikolai Barashko on Nike Borzov in the passport. The choice of such a pseudonym Nikolai explained the synthesis of the names of the musicians whose fan of which he was: Mike Naumenko and Nika Rock and Roll. Later, in an interview with Nike repeatedly stated that Nikely his parents were called, and his real name was called, and his new passport demonstrated to journalists. In 1997, simultaneously with the release of the album, the puzzle thanks to the producing of Oleg Nesterov in the rotation of the radio stations hit the song "Horse", which caused the expected interest of the public and stormy discussions. In the plot of the composition, a small horse is transporting cocaine. The producer rate was put on the impetus and the scandalous of the tabernant drug. This producer has worked more than effectively, Nike began to gain popularity, since before that in the media did not sound songs about drugs and on behalf of the drug addict, and the popularity of Nacia added prosecution of drugs. In our own comments, the musician explains the meaning of the song in a different way: "A person hesitates itself into a certain framework, comes up with a certain order of things, which is subsequently not able to change. He has duties: the family that needs to contain, the work on which you need to go to maintain a family, the cottage, on which something needs to be impressed weekly, the car in which you need to pick up to ride this very dacha, etc. . It turns out a person - a working horse, a horse-horse, a lucky trolley with his happiness, a horse, jugging cocaine. " After several prohibitions to Efira, the word "cocaine" was replaced with various sounds and other words, such as plasticine, niakok (cocaine, on the contrary), which was again the win-win production stroke, since he attracted even greater unhealthy interest to the public to "forbidden" and now encrypted topics.

In 2000, the light saw the fourth studio album of the musician - Superman. Songs "Riding the Star" and "Three Words" were specialized and besides radio stations, they began to broadcast with large TV channels, Nike Borzov became a star of all-Russian scale. Soon MaxiSingle "Lowek" was followed from various remixes to the most popular song of the artist, as well as the fifth album Supermand, essentially representing a collection of old compositions rewritten in a new sound.

After a sufficiently successful album, the Zanoza released in 2002, the singer was silent for several years, devoting himself to a family and various third-party projects. For example, in 2003, he fulfilled a major role in the play "Nirvana" Yuri Grymov, where Kurt Kobaine was played. At the same time, the single "For love" started on the Maximum radio radio, where after some time it took the first place in the "Hit-parade of two capitals". December 29 on the "MTV Russia" TV channel in the program "Expresso" a premiere of the Clip "Tagged horse" was held, in which the famous composition of Borzowa is mixed with the song "Metko" pop duet "Guests from the Future". Clip, compiled and various concert filming, created a producer of Canal Alexey Muravyov and an electronic musician DJ Grub. In 2004, Nike was engaged in producing the album of his wife Ruslana Borzovoy, and also worked as a project called "Bobras mutants", determining the group's genre as "neo-punk with translate elements."