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Tattoo bass guitar on hand. Guitar tattoos. Features of performance and different styles tattoo with a guitar

Tattoos are not only the body decoration, but also the designation of attitude to life. Often the image on the skin corresponds not only the character of the carrier, but also his hobbies. For example, popular tattoos depicting various musical instruments. Such images have both general and individual values. The latter depend directly on the type of musical instrument, its history, places in the history of countries and peoples. In general, such tattoos one - the passion for the owner of the tattoo music.

Music tattoos. Short description

The following types can be attributed to the tattoos associated with music:

  • Musical instruments;
  • Signing to groups or individual performers.

Guitar in the form of a tattoo in the style of Old Skull on the thigh

The treble key is considered quite common not only in the environment of musicians. The very presence of such a sign in a person's life determines it as a creative person. Also, such a tattoo may designate a rampant, bohemian lifestyle, a rapidly spent youth. It is found both in its pure form and in one sketch with other musical elements.

Musical instruments often display the type of activity of the musician. However, many of them have their own secrets. For example, a violin shown on the body of a woman denotes its vanity, sexuality, and if it is drawn on the skin of a man, then reflects his tendency to homosexual relations. The tattoo of the guitar, the photo of which can be found almost everywhere, refers to the ambiguous. Tattoos depicting musical groups can be attributed to fan. They do not always indicate the attitude specifically to music, but emphasize the love for something specific.

Guitar in the form of a tattoo in the style of blackwood

Guitar. History of development

The guitar refers to string tools. The first of these musical devices was mentioned in the Bible. The predecessors of the modern guitar have a rounded corps, which could be made of a shell, dried pumpkin or simply cut out of wood. The classic version of this tool was created by Torres, which improved the Spanish analogue. Strings for the classic option are made of nylon, carbon or steel. In the 20th century a new variety appeared - electric guitar. This tool plays a large role in various musical directions, for example in rock.

Guitar with roses on hand in color

Did you know? Guitar tattoo, the value of which depends on the owner is quite popular. In most cases, this is a reference to the fact that a person who chosen such an image itself plays on this tool. Other embodiments of the interpretation of such a sketch are not so much.

Tattoo on hand in the form of strings from the guitar under the skin

Guitar tattoo value

There are several basic values \u200b\u200bof this type of tattoo:

  • The ability to play on this tool. it the very first value that is immediately striking;
  • Romantic. Such a tattoo is chosen by individuals, prone idealize others. They love melodramas, good love literature. Even if a person is externally worn, maybe he hides his true face;
  • Leaning to wide gestures. A guitar tattoo, the sketch of which can be selected on the Internet, often defines a person who can give everything for the near, often plays the public. They say that he "drinks dust into the eyes";
  • Harmony. People who choose the guitar as a basis for their tattoo, love everything is harmonious. For them, it is important to match the internal and external state;
  • Symbol of happiness. It is believed that such an image brings good luck in all creative endeavors. And according to some nations, the guitar is a harbinger of happiness. It is in a beautiful melody and it is worth meeting this phenomenon on the threshold of your home.

Tattoo guitar on the shoulder in color

Tattoo application locations

This kind of tattoo can be applied to almost any area. For example, spin uses popularity. A women's tattoo looks quite erotic, in which this zone performs a guitar imitation. In this case, the tool contours are not dotted. Only the neck, strings are depicted. Small images look good on the hip, forearm. Men often choose the shin, as a place for a tattoo.

Tattoo with your favorite musical instruments of the knocked out of my forearm. My guitar is classic, depicted in bright colors. The tattoo itself is small, but noticeable. For me, this is the display of my interests. I am in the group, I play exactly on this tool. With all this it seems to me that this is mine. This is the deepest and delicate tool. At least for me for sure. In the future, I want to make more couples of tattoos belonging to music.

Angelina, Zvenigovo.

Tattoo on the shoulder in the form of a guitar with blue roses

Methods of musical instrument image

The guitar can be depicted both completely and partially. For example, such tattoo options are popular:

  • Guitar vulture. Using only part of the instrument, a person can talk about insufficient talent or a partial achievement of success. Although, most likely the owner of the image simply did not want to make a big tattoo;
  • Guitar with notes. Surrounded by musical instrument, you can often notice these characters. Often they do not change the value of the tattoos;
  • Guitar on fire. Choose performers of rock music.

Did you know? Often the tattoo is precisely with this musical instrument choose fans of rock and roll. At the same time, the sketch itself can be supported by an inscription indicating a line from the song. Also popular slogans encouraging to love this is the musical direction.

Among the girls are also popular tattoo depicting guitars with wings. This denotes an easy attitude to life, happiness and carelessness.

Black and White Guitar Tattoo

I was not going to do a tattoo with a musical instrument. But when he was involved in one of the groups, I realized that it was the guitar that would help to express what I feel. So my tattoo appeared. Later, strokes were added to it: small notes and phrases from the song. By the way, for these notes, you can play the melody of the same artist. I like my tattoo. And I did not ask the others.

Maxim, Volgograd.

Video selection of tattoos with guitars

The guitar tattoo was popular in antiquity. This unique symbol of musical instrument - and also strings, the grid - they applied merciful, hardworking, creative people.

Now the tattoo in the form of a guitar remains relevant. It is "stuck", basically, women, but also on the bodies of men.

We will tell about the history of the symbol, we will define its values \u200b\u200bin modern tattoo art and the right decoration.

The history of the instrument and the symbol of the guitar in different cultures and times

The symbol of the guitar has developed from the tool that appeared in distant antiquity.

The people of the ancient world have always been positively related to the musical instrument, even applied their tattoos with his image, as well as - in the form of strings or Guitar Grifa.

Tell me that he meant in different cultures of the countries of the world of antiquity:

  • In Egypt The first pictures of the guitar appeared. They were called Nabyli. This tool was very similar to a guitar, but so far it was not called. Considered such an image with a symbol of good.
  • Thanks to the appearance of a guitar in Asian and European countries - Babylon, Assyria, Spain - Musinstrument became very popular. Having a guitar in the house was considered a sign of honor, nobility. It became relevant to spend performances, meetings, circles in which the musicians playing guitars occupied the primary role.
  • Over time, about the 16th centuryThe literature for musicians began to appear. The names of composers appeared, and in all countries where this unique musical instrument was.
  • In American countries The guitar was delivered from 16 to 18th century. At that time she had an elongated and smaller size.
  • In Russia This musical instrument has not received great recognition. He appeared in the houses of the noble clan of the 19th century. It was considered a luxury to have a guitar in the house. There were no masters who created guitars. People had to order them from abroad. And in the 20th century, the guitar was interested in lovers. Those who she was "on the pocket", he played on it, not even knowing the note, literature. Famous musicians with disdain treat the tool and did not try to learn even to play it.

So, gradually, the symbol of the guitar began to be applied to the jewelry, which were decorated with creative paintings.

And men became the founders of tattooing their bodies with this image.

All values \u200b\u200bof a tattoo with a guitar - what can mean tattoos with a guitar and who will they fit?

A guitar tattoo is considered thematic, musical. It is difficult to submit a person who never heard the magical singing of the guitar, its iridescent sounds.

A tattoo in the form of a guitar may have different meanings. Choosing a sketch for your future tattoos, you must pay attention, first of all, interpretation of characters.

Tell what the main values \u200b\u200bof the tattoo with a guitar are available in the modern world:

Also a tattoo with a guitar is rock fan symbol. It can turn on the body of musicians, composers, fans or other people close to music, creativity.

The guitar or her strings in the tattoo can serve even a talisman that brings happiness and good luck.

Customers who have already been "impatient" to themselves such a tattoo, they say that they felt inspiration, the flow of creative energy, began to create new ideas in their heads. Life began to go smoothly and coordinated as if strings.

Turning to the Tattoo Salons St. Petersburg, you can ask the masters to create such a tattoo with a guitar that would emphasize your positive traits. For example, kindness, romanticism, sensitivity, wisdom, inner simplicity and harmony.

Types of tattoos with a guitar - what can be supplemented with a sketch?

The guitar today is one of the most popular music \\ instruments. It is so much in demand that many of these symbols are crawling on their body, and no other.

On the body of the guitar can be depicted, first of all, as an independent symbolFrom which the total sketch of the tattoo (Petersburg) is. It can be fully drawn, a whole tool.

Also a tattoo can be created fragment.

You should decide in advance what you want to see on your body. Turning to Tattoo Salons (St. Petersburg), you should talk about your preferences and desires - only as a wizard will help you choose the right sketch of the tattoo.

We will tell you how to portray the guitar, or its fragment, on the body:

  • Vulture An ordinary guitar vulture personifies harmony in which her owner lives.
  • Tool in flame fire. The values \u200b\u200bof confidence, courage, resilience, hidden aggression in such tattoos (Petersburg) are added.
  • Guitar with a musician in his hands. This tattoo can once again show your creative nature, create a brutal image.
  • Notes. Any manifestation of creative abilities, talent and uniqueness can be expressed in the notes tattoo. Such tattoo usually make people close to music. You can draw either the notes themselves, or a symbol with notes that will be developed to develop on the side, in the wind.
  • Guitar with. Such a tattoo will be to read about windiness, ease, which either exists in your life, or you lack it. Such a tattoo is better to "fold" the girl - the symbol will emphasize that her life is like a wind, and the eternal assistant - music.
  • Guitar CO. The meaning of such a tattoo (Petersburg) can seek about creativity, success, good luck, victory, diligence, well-being.
  • The treble key and guitar. This image will also talk about the work, the musicality of the owner of the tattoo.
  • Symbol of guitar and skeletons. Such an image appeared in Mexico. Usually she did members of any gang. They wanted to express their coolness, power, courage.
  • Guitar and. Such a tattoo is suitable for men-rockers. She will personify manhood.
  • Girl and guitar. With a sketch of this tattoo, you should be careful and more careful. There was an opinion that her girls were "stuffed" in order to emphasize their unconventional orientation.
  • and guitar. A tattoo in the form of a guitar can be supplemented with an inscription by choosing a phrase from your favorite song, or write the name of the group, the artist who likes you.
  • Guitar Tattoo and. Tattoo Tree and guitar says that its owner completely connected his life with music, creativity. If the tree is a continuation of the guitar, the tattoo will mean development, desire, life, fertility.
  • and guitar symbol. You decide to once again show your romantic, creative, musical nature, if you choose such a tattoo.
  • Birds and guitar. Such a tattoo will definitely have ease, vitality, movement. They are usually depicted either positive birds (for example, hummingbirds, which emphasizes tenderness, lovingness, ease, trepacy), or the fear of birds (such a crow, which means longevity, hope, loneliness, evil).
  • Cassette, headphones, microphone And other musical details will emphasize your creativity and musicality.
  • Playing bones with a guitar Show others that you are not afraid to take a chance and want to bring good luck in your life.

A tattoo with an image of a guitar can be supplemented with other elements and symbols that will not esitly change the value of the tattoo, and be an ornament. It can be ornaments, patterns.

But, notice, if, for example, to portray the guitar and next to it standing, the value of such a tattoo will change. Since rose means love, passion, romanticism, it will complement the tattoo (Petersburg).

Features of performance and different styles tattoo with a guitar

When creating a tattoo, specialists rely on some features.

Considering them, you will be able to put your attitudes in my head, and then, having come to the tattoo salon, transfer it to the master. And he, in turn, will create a unique, unique on beauty and idea sketch.

We list the peculiarities of the tattoo with a guitar:

Guitar tattoo size

First of all, think - what size you want a tattoo.

Guitar can be depicted in small, middle and even big scale.

The size of course will affect the size of the tattoo (Petersburg), and your personal preferences will affect.

Guitar Tattoo Application Places

Many customers coming to us, ask: "Where is it better to create a tattoo in the form of a guitar?".

Remember that there are no restrictions on the places of application. You can make a tattoo, anywhere on your body.

The most frequent locations of the tattoo with a guitar in men:

  • Shoulder, forearm.
  • Shovel.

And women apply a tattoo with a guitar most often on:

Girls especially and impressively draw pictures in the back area. They are big, colorful and incomparable!

Rarely meet those who want to create a guitar at their foot. But if you have such a desire, you should not neglect the idea.

Color Solution Guitar Tattoo

When choosing a color to be used in a tattoo sketch, pay attention to such classification and values \u200b\u200bof shades:

  • Yellow guitar Associate with the sun, warm, joy, happiness, hope.
  • White guitar personifies cleanliness, holiness, spirituality, innocence.
  • Black guitar Means the sacrament, magic, consolation, representation, luxury.
  • Red guitar It is understood by perseverance, hardworking, dynamism.
  • Pink guitar Represents romance, tenderness, femininity, friendliness.
  • Green guitar Indicates progress, development.
  • Blue guitar - So the power of the Spirit, organization, resistance.

What will be your guitar - to solve you. Definite colored tattoos (Petersburg) won in front of black, black and white. They look new, modern and cool! Even if you decide to emphasize your brutality, the color tattoo will be by the way.

We have tried to list only positive values \u200b\u200bof shades, but remember that they can convey the negative energy. For example, a black color may still mean loneliness, fear.

Stylistic design tattoo guitar

Of course, it is worth thinking about the style of tattoo (peterugurg). The masters can create a picture in any style, but the main thing is that it is to your heart and fit, because to bring the tattoo or "score" by any other image will not be easy.

Most often, the tattoo with a guitar is performed in style:

So, we talked about the most important features that should not be forgotten.

Think over once again and you can even try to create on paper it is the drawing that dream about. Based on your sketching, the Master will create a unique job and will offer it to you - and then, of course, will translate sketch on the body.

What does the choice of guitar for a tattoo mean? The meaning of this image can be quite different:

  • actually craving for music;
  • creative profession;
  • susceptibility to emotions of other people, empathy;
  • romanticism;
  • thin nature;
  • internal harmony;
  • wisdom and philosophy.

Relevant pictures, we note, are suitable in the same extent for girls and guys. The only thing, in essence, the requirement is to make the choice as consciously as possible.

Important details

Men's or female sketches - in this case it is not so important. Much more importantly, he is committed to what style and directions in music you are! It is taking into account this circumstance, the concept is primarily formed. It may include motifs such as:

Of course, this is just an approximate description, in each case a real master at least a little, but modifies the sample.

Where to beat the guitar

The tattoo theory proceeds from the fact that the value of the guitar on the skin does not depend on where it is shown whether it is shown in the form of a small plot or unfolded canvas. Preferably make embankments on their hands, on the forearm, on the finger, on the chest; Although it is possible to place a tattoo also on the back, shovel, wrist, and so on. See how it looks in life, you can in the photo below.

Interestingly, a fully developed plot is not only the usual string, but already an electric guitar (it is quite suitable for the adherents of modern styles in music).

And at the end of the topic

Of course, it is possible to supplement the guitar with beautiful inscriptions, but in general it will be more correct, as it seems to us, to disclose the image you are interested in through purely visual means. Moreover, they are in this case enough generous and rich.

Applying guitar thereby sometimes hint that or have already reached heights in creative activity, or are on the way to them. Often meets another motive: internal balance and calm, perfect harmony and stability. Interpretatives say that the owner of the dotted guitar will invariably wait for success in every case, for which he (a) will only decide to take.

Girls feed the sketch of the guitar on the stomach much more often than men. The winged tool symbolizes the "fullness of life sails by the wind." And if there are tongues of fire around it, then this is either a certificate of inner aggression, or a hint of complete confidence. Value in many ways everyone picks up himself. Famous carrier - Adam Levin.

If you judge a person on the presence of a thematic tattoo, then those from the discharge of musical talk about the creative nature of her owner. All his life is associated with music, it is he confirmed by a pattern on the body in the form, for example, guitars. The sketch of the tattoo guitar can be made both in color and in the black and white. Apply an image on the forearm, shoulder, back and other parts of the body.

Guitar is inherent in a female image, unlike other musical instruments. Guitar sounds deeply penetrate into the soul, thinly her strings, awakening feelings and breaking the chest. Therefore, it is considered "the heart of Gypsy."

The tattoo value of the guitar is to achieve heights in the work of a person, as well as the peaceful state of the soul, thoughts, its harmonious development in the field of classes, and in his entire life. It is believed that the owner of such a tattoos will always accompany happiness and victory in all endeavors, it will not be forced to wait for the achievement in the career. In a word - life will flow under the charming sounds of her strings, and the difficulties arising calmly and confidently overcome.

A man with a tattoo in the form of a depicted guitar usually friendly smile and kind.

In the modern interpretation of the guitar, there is a symbol of rock fans, very often the image of this tool can be seen on the body of people who are closely related to this culture - musicians, fans, composers, or close to it and self-respecting. For those who write music, a guitar in the form of a talisman on the body is designed to attract inspiration and the rise of creative thought.

Lovers of rock and roll also use a guitar tattoo as the emblem of their passion. Applying a drawing with its silhouette, they add any inscription music themes, by emphasizing and highlighting the picture.

Execution and filling options with additional tattoo elements with a guitar set. Very young fans of this tool and music, they can portray the guitar with wings, showing that the wind is accompanied by the wind. If the guitar appeared in the figure surrounded by fiery languages \u200b\u200b- this person can suspect some aggression, or resilience and self-confidence.

Favorite places for applying a tattoo guitar - the top of the hand and on the back in the center. It is possible to depict it anywhere, in advance of providing the possibility of its deformation. Often girls prefer to portray the guitar on the stomach, some men are also received.

An important value is the color of the selected tattoo option. The most popular - shades of brown, yellow, as white and black.

The number of strings depicted - has a significant significance for a given tattoo, and how many of them will be a tattoo decision. It remains only to decide which the semantic load will carry this drawing.

Guitar tattoo video

And the following is a photo of tattoos with the image of a guitar from different masters.