
Who was the first to organize the house 2. How do the Permians live now, who won millions on TV shows. Those who left the greatest contribution to the development of the TV project

Man's first home

Today it is simply impossible to imagine the life of people without buildings and structures. No one can do without housing. Any person, at whatever level cultural development he was not, is this or that dwelling - from luxurious apartments to an abandoned basement. I wonder who was the first to come up with the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding houses, and what was he like - the very first house?

Cave for man

Many are inclined to think that the very first home for a man, albeit a primitive one, was a cave.

Not certainly in that way. The dark and damp caves were not habitable. If people climbed there, then in some special emergency cases - an attack by some primitive animal or severe cold, wind and rain. Of course, these were far from the most beautiful houses in the world. Also, the caves were used to perform cult rites.

Dwellings from bad weather

So the earliest houses were not caves. These unusual houses, of course, have not survived to this day, but it is possible to "reconstruct" their appearance if you get acquainted with the buildings of today's tribes, whose life is as close as possible to primitiveness.

So, living in a warm climate, people did not build houses, but the so-called wind barriers. The material for the construction was branches, tree bark, grass. Such a shelter could only shelter from bad weather, but in no way saved from dangers.

Lifestyle change

And only when a person changed from a nomadic lifestyle to a sedentary one, the very first houses appeared. They were huts and huts, woven from thin branches. And those who could not sit still, but still liked to roam, learned to build portable dwellings like tents. Here's how they were built: a "frame" was built from strong and large bones of animals, for example, mammoths. This "frame" was hung with skins of killed animals in cold weather and tree bark in warm weather. This "house" was, as they would now call it, portable, that is, portable.

The popular television show "Dom-2", which is broadcasted daily on TNT, turned 10 last year.

"Dom-2" was launched in 2004 under the leadership of the then unknown Ksenia Borodina and the popular TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak. Four years later, Olga Buzova, a former participant in the project, who spent about four years on it, replaced the latter. The first episodes of the program with Sobchak were hosted by the famous actor Dmitry Nagiyev, but soon the producers of the show invited the young and talented Ksenia Borodina to this role. For a long time, the girl tried to break into television, participating in a variety of castings and even trying herself as an actress. Now it is already impossible to imagine "Dom-2" without Borodina and Buzova - two irreplaceable presenters who have become close friends of many participants in the reality show.

Initially, the project was created as a follower of the "Home" project - a program in which couples built not only relationships, but also a very real home for life. The show aired on the TNT channel from July 1 to November 2, 2003. In the final, according to the results of the audience vote, the most active and memorable couple received a house. Singer Nikolai Baskov and sportswoman Svetlana Khorkina acted as the hosts of the program, Dmitry Nagiyev led the final. That is why the producers entrusted him with leading the first issues of "House-2".

The first issues of "House-2" were hosted by Dmitry Nagiyev

Due to the high ratings of the Dom project, it was decided to launch a new program. But at "House-2" the participants no longer needed to act as builders, now their only concern and main task were romantic relationships. It is not for nothing that the slogan of the project sounds like "Build your love". On May 11, 2004, Ksenia Sobchak, together with 15 first participants, launched "Dom-2", which demonstrates high ratings among viewers to this day.

Ksenia Borodina and Ksenia Sobchak on the frontal place

Sobchak and Borodina worked together for four years

The most active participants of "House-2"

For 11 years, thousands of participants from the most different countries... They tried to build romantic relationships, start a family, have children, and become popular. Some of them did not hide the fact that they came to the show only for the sake of PR and fame, but as a rule, such young people are quickly "poured" in the vote. Many couples were created at Dom-2, some of which are still together.

Ksenia Sobchak hosted "Dom-2" for many years

Daria and Sergey Pynzari are rightfully considered one of the brightest and strongest married couples. The girl who initially came to the Dom-2 project to Rustam Kalganov (Solntsev) eventually managed to create a family and give birth to a child right in front of the viewers. Daria Chernykh (the participant's maiden name) took place not only as a mother, but as a businesswoman. She has created a whole chain of clothing stores across the country. In business, Dasha is helped by her beloved husband Seryozha, in whom she does not like a soul. A married couple together with their son Artem live in a VIP-house and are not going to leave the project "Dom-2". Pynzari has big plans for the future - they want to have a second child, develop in business and travel a lot around the world.

Sergey and Dasha proved that you can start a family on the project

Pynzari built love and gave birth to a son

Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky or simply Wentz, as other participants affectionately called him, lasted more than four years on the Dom-2 project. The young man repeatedly tried to find a girlfriend and even married Ekaterina Tokareva in December 2011. Young people signed right before the new 2012 year, but later divorced. After leaving the "House-2" Wenceslas tried himself as a participant in the "Battle of Psychics", but did not make it to the final.

Wenceslas and Katya got married on a reality show

The family history of the Gusevs deserves special words. Evgenia Feofilaktova, who had previously met with Alexander Zadoinov, Andrey Cherkasov, Nikita Kuznetsov, Ilya Gazhienko and Mikhail Terekhin, married Alexei Gusev. The young man proposed to her after three months of dating, and soon the couple had a son, Daniel. Now the Gusevs are engaged in business (they, like the Pynzari, have opened their own clothing store) and remember with gratitude the project "Dom-2".

The Gusevs became another married couple at the "House-2"

Zhenya Feofilaktova gave birth to a son, Daniel

Weddings at the show "Dom-2"

For 11 years more than a dozen couples have been married on the Dom-2 project. Some of them have already divorced, but there are also those who are still together. The first participants who got married at the expense of a reality show were Alexander Titov and Olga Kravchenko. One of the last couples who went down the aisle on the show "Dom-2" were Alexander Gabozov and Aliana Ustinenko.

Aliana and Sasha got married in the fall of 2013

Scandals associated with the project "Dom-2"

Many scandals were associated with the history of "House-2". In 2009, the Presnensky Court of Moscow banned the broadcast of the project from 16:00 to 23:00 - during the so-called "children's time". Despite the fact that the TNT channel appealed this decision, the court confirmed the ban. Until October 2010, the program was aired only in the format of evening and night issues, and then the day issue was restored.

Olga Buzova has been leading "Dom-2" since 2008

Last April, the Dom-2 project was visited by Robert Pattinson, a famous Hollywood actor who gained fame thanks to his filming in the vampire saga Twilight. This event caused a real sensation both among the participants of the program and among its fans.

Robert Pattinson unexpectedly arrived at "Dom-2"

At the show "Dom-2" the audience repeatedly complained that they were outraged by the too frank and defiant behavior of the participants. They called for the broadcasting of the program to be stopped because it negatively affects the consciousness and psyche of young people and has no cultural value. However, 11 years later, Dom-2 continues to be broadcast, and it seems that the project is not threatened with closure in the future.

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When did people start building houses?

Home is, first of all, the place where a person lives, and at first, like other living beings, he was looking for a shelter where he could. People found a good sheltered place and considered it "home".

Then they began to improve their homes in a variety of ways. We do not know what appeared in the beginning, but the very first houses were caves and structures in trees.

In warm regions, primitive people could live in trees. They bent the branches into a kind of frame, and then tied them or weaved them. Then they made a roof with bundles of grass stacked on top of each other. In such a house, a person was protected from the sun, rain, floods and wild animals that could not climb trees.

But for a cold climate, such a house was not a suitable home. Therefore, people used the caves, making fires in front of the entrance. Probably, a man got his first skills in building from stone by building a wall from loose stones in front of the entrance to the cave.

When the man made his own cave, digging a hole in the side of the hill, that was the next step. The next step was the search for a natural hole in the ground, which was then lined with stones at the edges.

In different parts of the world, houses began to be built that were most suitable for a given climate in their design. The first quadrangular house in Europe (instead of a round one) was a structure with pillars at the corners; the free space between the posts was filled with the intertwined trunks of young trees.

At the same time, ancient people, who lived in warm and humid climates, preferred to live in houses made of grass and straw. Therefore, in the countries of Africa and on some islands of the Pacific Ocean, houses were built from grass, from bamboo, from leaves, from climbing plants that grew right there, nearby.

And where the climate was dry and hot, the ancient people found a different way of building housing. They weaved the frame of the house from flexible branches, and then coated the walls with a solution of clay. The clay plaster dried in the sun, and the walls were strong.

The ancient Egyptians are believed to be the first to discover the secret of the brick. In Mesopotamia, ancient people discovered a way to create sun-dried bricks that were strong and durable. They put the formed bricks in the sun and "burned" them. Later, the ancient Assyrians learned to cover bricks with glaze. Structures made of such bricks have survived for centuries.

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And why did the show turn into a bunch of abominations over time? Dom-2 is a program that sought to show people beautiful love stories and reveal the mechanism of this feeling. The attempt, however, failed thanks to the yellow tint that the mainstream press usually sins.

When did the first graduations take place and how long has Dom-2 been running?

The show is based on realistic overtones, i.e. everything that we see on the screen is pure improvisation and life as it is. In any case, the idea was like this.

In May 2004, a pilot broadcast was launched. It was a huge success due to the lack of such content on TV. People who grew up in the regime of totalitarianism and prohibition, due to emotional taboos, fell in love with the program from the very first viewing. Of course, the show was designed for the female half of the audience.

How many years has Dom-2 been running? For 2016, the experience of the show is 12 years. However, we can challenge this deadline because ...

Dom-2 is only a follower, not an original idea

A year earlier, that is, in 2003, TNT launched a reality show called Dom. This is a kind of progenitor of House-2. However, the purpose of the first transfer was clearly defined - 12 couples built 1 house, after the completion of the development, only one married couple received the keys to it. The show lasted 4 months.

However, the editors of the TNT TV channel decided that a lot of money could be made in this format (i.e., imitation of real life), and therefore it was allegedly launched new house, named Dom-2.

The goal of the project remained formally the same - to build a house and give it to a couple who will reach the final. However, the construction was delayed, and the installations were adjusted. I wonder why?

Now the project is actively showing viewers how to “build relationships”: fights, swearing, tears, materialistic women and hysterical men, numerous betrayals and the absence of even nominal respect between “lovers”.

So, if we take into account the very first transmission, then the answer to the question "how long is Dom-2 going?" will sound different - 13 years old.

House-2 in numbers: convicts, deceased

13 years - as a small existence, during this time some of the participants in the show have dramatically changed their lives. Someone got married, someone ended up in prison, and someone died.


  • Alexei Adeev (fraud) was detained while filming the program. He was wanted even before he came to the show. One of the spectators identified him. And we will omit the question of why people who are on the federal wanted list are unhindered on TV shows. Let's forget that after being imprisoned in a pre-trial detention center, Adeev returned to the project. However, a little later he was again imprisoned.
  • For drugs were convicted: Vyacheslav Popov, Elena Berkova, Mikhail Podorov.
  • For the fraud were brought to justice: Rustam Solntsev, Gennady Dzhikia, Anastasia Dashko, Mikhail Terekhin and a number of other participants.


  • Kristina Kalinina - heart refused, there are suggestions that this happened due to the stress that the girl received on the set of the show;
  • Vladimir Grechishnikov - oncology;
  • Oksana Aplekaeva - killed, the reasons are unknown;
  • "Kesha", in the world of Alexander Kornev - died in an accident;
  • Andrey Kadetov - killed, the reasons are unknown.

Was there love?

During its existence (13 years in 2016), Dom-2 managed to become famous for its scandalousness, excessive frankness and highly concentrated hypocrisy of the participants. Happy couples often hide deceivers who are afraid to fly out of the project, and therefore play in love.

However, there was also sincerity on the show. Couples who decided to get married:

  • Evgenia Feofilaktova and Anton Gusev;
  • Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov;
  • Natalia Varvina and Alexey Mikhailovsky;
  • Aliana Ustinenko and Alexander Gobozov;
  • Rita Agibalova and Pavel Marceau;
  • Lieberge Kpadonu and Evgeny Rudnev;
  • Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov.

P.S. The article - how many years is House 2, published in the heading -.

The creators only hoped that the TV show would last for several months. To many, the project seemed very weak and unremarkable, having, among other things, an unconvincing name.

Not everyone remembers that House 2 is a continuation of the program "House", which was launched on TNT screens in the summer of 2003. The idea belongs to Valery Komissarov, the host of the program "My Family". The rules were slightly different from the current show. In the first part, married couples competed. Who had to really build a house, which was played out according to the results of the audience vote. The first host of the show was Nikolai Baskov, and then Svetlana Khorkina came to replace him. According to rumors, the idea was not invented by the organizers of TNT, but was bought from the British firm Zeal. The foreign version praising family values \u200b\u200bwas a huge success in European countries.

Obviously, the result of "House" did not meet the expectations of the channel's management, who had hoped for a tremendous success. Therefore, it was decided to make some changes. The format was changed according to the requests of our viewers. Later in May 2004, the renewed House 2 was born, dominated by the building of relationships. Finding out House 2 news 6 days earlier is now absolutely simple thanks to the Internet, and then everyone was waiting only for new episodes on TV.

Scandalousness House-2

House 2 is one of the most controversial TV shows. On the one hand, an army of fans wanting to know as soon as possible House 2 news and rumors for today. On the other hand, there are moralists who are fighting with all their might to close the television set. The fierce struggle of both sides creates the fame of the most scandalous reality television.

The negative impact of the program has been repeatedly noted by many writers, artists, singers, politicians, religious and public figures. In their opinion, the transfer negatively affects the formation of moral values \u200b\u200bof the younger generation. The creators and presenters were reproached for pimping and exploitation of uneducated underage youth participating in the show.

There have been many lawsuits in the history of the program. The largest of them: 2005 - several deputies complained to the prosecutor's office, demanding to ban the broadcast of the program. Fans of the TV set, in turn, regarded such actions as an encroachment on their freedom of choice and attempts to censor reality shows. Opponents of House 2 failed to close the transmission. Long proceedings ended with only a daytime restriction. The Presnensky District Court has forbidden to air broadcasts during the day and to postpone them to a later time. Until 2010, the program was broadcast in the evening, but after a while daytime broadcasts resumed.

The essence of the project

The main task of the participants is to find their love and build strong relationships, proving from day to day to the rest of the residents and viewers that love is real, and not fictitious. As the main prize, the organizers announced a mansion house in the Moscow region. Initially, 15 participants settled on the site, then every Friday the arrival of two newcomers, alternating girls and boys. How is the relationship building in an isolated team? There are several ways to do this:

  • Goodbye. On the show, just like in real life, you can ask for a date. It doesn't matter that everyone lives in the same territory, a beautiful picture is created for viewers in the form of creative and romantic dates.
  • Preselection of likes. Every Wednesday, the day before the vote, participants gather in a certain place to publicly express their sympathy for the opposite sex. The meaning of this action is to take into account when voting who is a single person and who is a couple.
  • Check-in at the VIP-house. After the candy-bouquet period, the lovers declare themselves a couple and apply for a separate living space during the voting. In their personal apartments, they can try to live together, testing their love in everyday life.
  • Wedding. It goes without saying that very few people reach the wedding. Either the insincerity of the participants, who want to appear on television or make money, is to blame, or only a few manage to withstand the "grinding" in relationships that takes place 24 hours a day.

At the beginning of the show, many wondered who would get the main prize, studying the latest news and rumors. Given that the project has dragged on for more than one decade, many houses have already been built. It is quite possible to provide living space for more than one couple.