
Cool phrases, funny sayings. Cool phrases, funny sayings Funny words

All languages ​​of the world are constantly evolving by adding new words, which are often borrowed from other languages ​​or invented by a new generation.New words began to appear especially actively in the era of the Internet, when people try to minimize the need to write entire phrases and replace them with new words, or when communicating online they lack emotions and emoticons no longer convey them, so they invent new words for the most complete and colorful transmission of your feelings.

The funniest new words that have appeared in the Russian language over the past few years were collected by the publication “Dog”, asking the famous writer Tatyana Tolstaya to compile a list of neologisms.

Eshkere: buzzword Now. This needs to be exclaimed. It doesn't have a clear meaning. “Eshkere” appeared in the Russian rap scene, it came from the elephantine English abbreviation esketit, what does it really mean let's get it, that is, “let's get it,” “let's do something,” and so on, there can be many options, depending on the context.

KEK: This word is close to the slang "lol", but it has a more caustic meaning. KEK is an ironic (often unkind, malicious, mocking) laughter. A person who finds himself in a funny (stupid) situation (again, with a tinge of mockery) can also be called a kek. If LOL is analog laughing emoticon or the expression “laugh” (laugh loudly), then KEK is more of a mockery than a smile.

Zashkvar: This is from the prison language, the one who is scribbled - the one who is lowered, the one with whom you cannot sit next to, with whom you cannot shake hands. In our everyday life, this, of course, takes on a metaphorical meaning: “To be at the same table with this TV presenter is a complete mess.”

Lamp: Tube comes from receivers with tube transmitters. From here came a stable expression that began to be used everywhere. "Lamp Restaurant", for example. Warm glow for modern people, who do not part with their iPhone, seems like something especially old. Then they will forget where it came from. A hundred years from now, someone will still be surprised why “lamp” was used in this meaning.

Govnizia:“Well, that’s even wonderful. Like the name of a beautiful plant. Terry govnisia. It smells of Latin, the solemnity of offices,” says Tolstaya.

Tascher: The one who drags and rushes.

Crypota: Obviously from English " creepy"- frightening, terrifying.

Hype, hype: Hype is something fashionable. A hype-eater is someone who gets too carried away by hype.

Chan, kun, kawaii: Japanese vocabulary that entered the Russian language. Chan is a girl, Kun is a guy. Kawaino - something like “cute”.

Diss:“I was just reading an American detective story. It's about black youth groups. They live in free houses and terrorize the population: drugs, weapons. So, everything for them is tied to this concept. To disrespect someone- show disrespect. Do not shake hands, put pressure, show superiority. “We apply this to rap,” Tolstaya explained.

It is impossible to imagine our life without laughter and smiles, without humor and fun. Therefore, from time to time, each of us needs to step away from everyday worries, relax and have at least a little fun. Cool phrases and funny sayings are a surefire way to quickly raise your Have a good mood. Cool phrases and statuses are very popular because they describe exciting moments in the lives of many people in a humorous way. They will help you amaze your interlocutors with your wit, as well as amuse your friends, colleagues, bored company or guests at a holiday party. Funny expressions can also be useful to “defuse” tense situations or in awkward situations when you need to correct your mistake.
There are many wonderful funny phrases and expressions. I tried to select the best, coolest “phrases” that, in my opinion, deserve the most attention. Read, and let no one be left without a smile!

  • My character, of course, is not sugar, but I was not created to be added to tea!
  • If I ever die because of a man, it will be from laughing.
  • I'm neither good nor bad. I am kind with an evil stripe!
  • I only have one life and I can't afford to be unhappy!
  • I thought I was special, but it turned out I was better than everyone else...
  • It’s not enough to know your worth—you also need to be in demand.
  • What it is, you can’t put it back!!!
  • So what if the wind is in my head, but my thoughts are always fresh...
  • Where have you seen a cat that cares what mice say about it?
  • If you spit in my back, it means I'm ahead of you!
  • Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you where to go!
  • If you want me to be an angel, organize heaven for me!
  • My life my rules. If you don't like my rules, don't interfere in my life.
  • Not noticed in vicious relationships... Wasn’t it? No... Not noticed!
  • You need to live in such a way that others experience depression!
  • When will they learn to put light into women's handbags?! I really need it!!!
  • We are strong women: we will take out the trash and brains if necessary!
  • I'm losing weight on three diets! (I can’t get enough of two...)
  • He eats - I cook, he wears - I wash, he scatters - I clean. And what would I do without him...
  • Women's folk fun: she came up with it herself, she herself was offended.
  • I’m like champagne: I can be playful, but I can also hit you in the head...
  • I really want to be a weak woman, but, as luck would have it, the horses are galloping, the huts are on fire...
  • Sometimes my husband shudders from me... Still, I am an amazing woman!!!
  • The girls are standing on the sidelines, fiddling with handkerchiefs in their hands... Because for every ten girls, according to statistics: 1 is gay, 4 are alcoholics, 2 are divorced, 2 are drug addicts and 1 is normal, but he is married...
  • What is the difference between fake love and real love? Fake: “I like the snowflakes on your hair!” The real one: “Fool, why without a hat?”
  • If a woman has sparkles in her eyes, it means the cockroaches in her head are celebrating something.
  • - How to drive a girl crazy?
    - Give her a lot of money and close all the stores!
  • Men, let’s do the laundry, clean, cook, iron….and we want you!
  • I really want to cuddle up to someone, put my lips to my ear and whisper...: “Give me money!”
  • Sometimes I open my closet, look at it for a long time and realize that I’m keeping two-thirds of my clothes in case I go crazy.
  • Classical women's wardrobe: Nothing to wear. There is nowhere to hang it. It would be a pity to throw it away... And there is also a section “Suddenly I’ll lose weight”...
  • You need to smile so widely that problems stumble over your smile!
  • An optimist is a person who, even if he falls face first into the mud, is sure that it is healing!
  • Girls, who wanted to lose weight by spring?.. It’s too late to rush around, let’s take it with charm!
  • This morning, while I was putting on makeup, I fainted 5 times from my beauty...
  • Previously, I lived alone and all my things were lying haphazardly in their places, but now I’m married and all my things are neatly and beautifully lying in an unknown place...
  • I want fate to take me by the hair and head straight into happiness, happiness, happiness.
  • A woman should be loved, happy, beautiful! And she doesn’t owe anyone anything anymore!!!
  • The smartest plant is the horseradish: it knows everything...
  • Now I live only by this principle: whoever wants it will come, whoever needs it will call, whoever is bored will find it! And who cares, those don’t care!
  • All men are bastards! They all only need one thing! But why, why not from me-me-me?!
  • I would send you, but I can see you from there!
  • Women are not interested in wimps only if those wimps are men.
  • If you think that life is wonderful, then the antidepressants are chosen correctly.
  • If there are nails on the toes, then there should be hands on the hands, and animals generally have bast shoes!
  • There is nothing better in the world than creaking your bed until dawn!
  • Judging by the way life fucks me, I'm sexy as fuck!
  • The robbers demand your purse or your life, the women demand both.
  • Never do evil out of spite! Nasty things must come from the heart!
  • How smarter woman, the more refined and varied she blows her man away!
  • Any dirty trick can be put to proper use if there is a desire...
  • Queens are never upset. When they are sad, they simply execute someone...
  • The weaker sex is stronger than the stronger sex due to the weakness of the stronger sex towards the weaker.
  • Long live split personality - shortest way to peace of mind!
  • Our spring is late, our summer is delayed... And autumn, the bastard, is punctual!
  • I’m a woman—evil comes as standard!
  • Don't you want to be nice? - Let's remove the Vaseline!
  • I am a creative woman. I want - I create, I want - I create...
  • With a teaspoon in my pocket, with a bald cactus in my hand, I’m going to scare the old woman who lives in the attic, I’ll poke him with a spoon, I’ll order him to sit on the cactus... I’m a bit of a fool - I have a certificate!..
  • Vasilisa was a magician... If she waves her right sleeve - a lake... If she waves her left sleeve - swans... She waves another 200 grams - and the hallucinations are more complicated...
  • Happiness is when you have a doctor, a cop, a lawyer and a killer among your friends. Immediately life becomes somehow easier...
  • There are people who are like a drug—you know you can’t, but you’re drawn to it. And there are people like cake - sweet, tasty, but sick...
  • I want to be like a bear: to eat in the summer and hibernate in the winter. And I lost weight, and slept well, and didn’t see frost!
  • Grandfather Frost, I behaved well for a whole year... and now can I kill someone???
  • I caught a goldfish. She listened to me very carefully and said: “Fry!”
  • And they carry me away, and carry me away, into the colored ringing crap, three white horses, two red elephants, a penguin, a hippopotamus and a deer.
  • What doesn’t kill us, we regret it very much later.
  • I am the air. Don't try to hold it back. Breathe while I let myself breathe...
  • My beloved said to me: “You are evil in the flesh!” Well, I'll implement it. I'm very obedient. And if for some reason he needs it, then how can I ignore the request!
  • I’m a very good cook... I can cook noodles... Brew porridge... Add oil... In general, I’m a clever wizard.
  • "Baby, I love you!" - excellent status! And all the suns are pleasant, and you won’t get burned...
  • - You need to treat a girl carefully, like a Christmas tree.
    — Knock it out and take it home?
  • — Strangers make comments to my child! How to react?
    — Teach your child the magic spell: “My mother teaches me that not every value judgment should serve as a behavior modifier.” When pronounced with clear diction and confident, benevolent intonation, it acts similarly to the spell: “Petrify!” And more reliably. Although not for long. But without dangerous side effects.
  • You begin to understand that everything is really bad when the person who usually calms everyone down cries...
  • As my grandmother used to say, it’s better to shoot, reload and shoot again than to shine a flashlight and ask “who’s there?”
  • In any situation, say “everything is going according to plan” - you never know what kind of fucking plan you have.
  • Sometimes it becomes so cool that something that was once so important has become so irrelevant...
  • And I will leave without noticing any offense.
    Chewing a chocolate candy.
    And may the evil horse love you,
    And not a sunshine like me.
  • “Darling, is it true that I’m your only one?”
    - Have you all come to an agreement today, or what!?
  • A woman, like fire, should not be left unattended. Either it will go out, or it will burn everything to hell!!!
  • Alcohol does not help you find the answer, it helps you forget the question...
  • Darling, you insist so much on our relationship with you... I don’t understand, do you have a nervous system made of reinforced concrete or a lifelong reservation in a madhouse?
  • Sometimes you think: this is happiness! But no, damn it, experience again...
  • You drown a person, and it seems so sad, but then bubbles appear, so good, and your heart rejoices.
  • It’s easy to understand women’s logic; just learn how to play billiards with cubes.
  • You only need to sort things out with those with whom you have these relationships. The rest - why don't they go to the shore of silence, collect shells...
  • Happiness is when the previous shit has already ended, and the next one has not yet begun.
  • Cockroaches in the head are still normal. The problem is when the squirrel starts chasing them out...
  • A black cat crossing your path means that the animal is going somewhere. Don't complicate things!..
  • You need to return to the woman as quickly as possible. So quickly that she doesn’t have time to understand that she’s fine without you.
  • If you love it, set it free. If he doesn't come back, track him down and kill him.
  • There are a lot of other people's nerves in the world - there's no point in worrying about your own!
  • I bought cockroach chalk! Now it’s quiet and calm in my head... they sit, draw...
  • You'll send someone rashly. And in your soul you worry: did you get there?... didn’t you get there?...
  • - Who are you?
    - Kind fairy!
    - Why with an axe?
    - Yes, I’m not in a very good mood...
  • She got up on the wrong foot, sat on the wrong broom and generally flew in the wrong direction...
  • Give me wings, otherwise the broom will leave splinters all over my ass!
  • In general, I love raspberry pies. Of course, they don’t reciprocate, but they don’t behave like bastards either!
  • — What will you order?
    - I, please, have nerves, intelligence, calmness and s*zma... Yes, more s*zma, please.
  • Don't be a cheapskate - give the person a second chance. Don't be an idiot - never give a third.
  • Nerves are in shock, brains are in a trance, and logic has completely gone and shot itself.
  • If my mother taught me to be cultured, this does not mean that I will not kick you in the eye, as my father taught me!
  • A realist is someone who doesn't care whether the glass is half full or half empty. For him, what's in the glass is more important.
  • No matter what the rake teaches, the heart believes in miracles...
  • It's amazing how much some people like romantic walks by rake.
  • If you constantly step on the same rake, then it’s a fucking rake!
  • Smile more often - and the thicket will smile at you!
  • Yes, I'm not an angel, but flying on a broom is faster.
  • Everyone thinks that every girl's dream is to find the perfect guy. No matter how it is! Our dream is to eat and not gain weight!
  • All women are angels, but if you cut their wings, they start flying on a broom.
  • A man should be able to do two things: set fire to huts and scare horses, so that his woman has something to do and not blow his brains out.
  • ...and yet it is IMPORTANT that the butterflies in the stomach come to an agreement with the cockroaches in the head!
  • Yesterday, it seemed, I had gained my wits... Today I woke up - but no, I just gained my wits...
  • I don’t promise to lead you to sin, but I will…
  • There’s no need to offend me, I’m a vulnerable girl, the first thing brings me to tears... And then, with tear-stained eyes, it’s so difficult to understand who you hit with the shovel...
  • This morning they showed such horrors in the mirror...
  • I don't drink flowers or sweets!
  • - Girl, why haven’t we met yet?
    - God will take care of you, stupid creature...
  • I have no excess weight. I have it as a spare.
  • Female philologist: bright multiple sarcasms on the first date.
  • While men, being boys, play war games and cars, women, being girls, immediately prepare to manipulate people and play with dolls.
  • It’s better to be a beloved mischief than to be a perfection that no one needs.
  • Listen to the voice of reason... Do you hear? Do you hear what crap he is talking about?!
  • For a woman to go to bed with a man, she needs a feeling of closeness, trust and a strong connection. A man's place is mainly...
  • Squirrels eat snow. What are you doing to make winter end?
  • People who helped spring and ate snow, why did you also eat asphalt?
  • A glassblower accidentally sneezed at work and created a new vase for the Ikea store.
  • If things don't go the way you want, it's not your business, let them pass by.
  • Don't know how to relieve stress? Don't wear it!!!
  • It is incorrect to say “the toad is strangling.” It should be like this: “amphibiotropic asphyxia happened to me”
  • Koala macaque dipped in cocoa. The koala lazily lapped cocoa...
  • Squirrels in gaiters poke around cedar kernels in the depths of the tundra. In the depths of the tundra, otters in gaiters are digging for cedar kernels in buckets! Having torn out the leggings of an otter in the tundra, I wiped the cedar kernels with the otter, wiped the otter's face with the leggings - the kernels into buckets, the otter into the tundra.
  • Having washed the leggings in the swamp, putting the kernels in buckets, the otters and the squirrels in an embrace quietly finished the jar... While finishing the moonshine, the otters danced a jig, the squirrels tried on the leggings, muttering that they had seen a worse holiday in the tundra.
  • I speak English with only a dictionary, but I’m still shy with people...
  • When sliding under the table, do not forget to politely say goodbye to your guests.
  • There is a genius sleeping within each of us. And every day it gets stronger and stronger...
  • I don’t know what you’re taking for your head, but it’s clearly not helping you!
  • Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt…
  • A beautiful woman pleases the male gaze, an ugly woman pleases the female gaze!
  • In the world there is no perpetual motion machines, but full of eternal brakes!
  • Take care of your homeland! Vacation abroad!
  • I am constantly haunted by smart thoughts, but I find myself faster...
  • Everyone is spoiled to the best of their ability.
  • If a gentleman says to a lady, “I understand you perfectly,” he means, “You say twice as much as you need to”!
  • If you leave your husband correctly, he will definitely return... like a boomerang.
  • If you want to bring a person to sclerosis, give him a loan.
  • Looking at how some accumulate good, others begin to accumulate evil.
  • There are so many interesting things in this life and so few people are interested.
  • If you want to marry a smart, beautiful and rich woman, marry three times.
  • Sclerosis cannot be cured, but you can forget about it.
  • If you cannot be a star in the sky, at least become a lamp in the house.
  • A man, even if he could understand what a woman was thinking, would still not believe it.
  • The best way to organize a panic is to ask everyone to remain calm.
  • Everyone wants to have a good time, but you won't have one.
  • Tell me I'm wrong and I'll tell you who you are.
  • What a pity that you are finally leaving!..
  • Lost conscience. I ask the finder not to worry and keep it for himself.