
Star Wars: Why a black attack aircraft is normal. Disney showed red attack aircraft from the ninth episode of "Star Wars Stormcover from Star Waughters

If I am black and food in an expensive car, it does not mean that I hung it. That is, I caught this wheelbarrow. But not because I am black!
Jay Agent, "People in Black 3"

The trailer of the new episode of "Star Wars" liked many, but the reaction of some commentators was unexpected. They collapsed with indignation on the young actor John Boylet. Moreover, the claims made it even not to his acting game, which we have not had time to appreciate, but to the color of his skin and to the fact that his hero is carrying armor of the imperial attack aircraft. "The World of Fiction" disassembles the validity of these complaints.

Important: We use the word "Negro", not wanting to offend anyone. In Russian, this word has no negative shade. Не путать с английским ругательством «nigger»!

Claim No. 1: How tired of these supporters of tolerance! They are shutnegro In every Hollywood film!

The racial segregation was abolished in the US in the USA in the 1960s, and the restriction of rights on a racial attribute is prosecuted by law. But there are no laws that require from film processors to comply with a certain percentage of "color" people on the set. Just in America a lot of dark-skinned, some of them work actors, go to castings and won them, because it is better suited for a role.

Ideally, the skin of the artist should not matter at all - not counting the cases when it is important for the script. For example, the main character in the film Quentin Tarantino "Dzhango liberated" with all the desire could not play white.

But the problem of racism in the United States did not disappear to the end. Remember the news about the unjustified cruelty, with which the police delay the dark-skinned violators. In the film business, of course, no one hits the "color", but racial prejudices and here play against blacks, and not in their favor. According to statistics, movies, where the main role plays dark-skinned, on average, more negative assessments from the press and are not harmful to several million dollars at the box office.

Yes, and so much in principle? From the hundreds of the most cash fiction films in history only in the eight major hero was "color". And in the six cases he played Will Smith.

Why Will Smith can be a star of a fantastic militant (and cuddling funny faces), and John Boyaghe is not?

It is true that sometimes scenarios are changing the characters race. Marvel Nicknames became blacks from the world Marvel - but it happened in the comics, and the game Samuel L. Jackson Sin complain. It turned out to be less successful to invite the "fantastic four" black Michael B. Jordan on the role of a person-torch in the restart of the "fantastic four", especially given the fact that his sister's role was getting white actress.

But in the same Hollywood there is also the opposite. For example, in the film Ridley Scott "Exodus: Tsari and Gods" and Egyptians, and Jews play mostly Anglo-Saxons. In "Pen: Traveling to Nalandan" the role of Indiana Tiger Lily got a white actress Rooney Mara. Asians are closer even less. In "Martian" Korean Mindy Park became white. Japanese Caidzi from the book Hiroshi Sakuradyzaki became an American with the face of Tom Cruise in the "face of the future." And Major Motok Kusanaga will soon play at all Asian Scarlett Johansson.

So there is no universal conspiracy in Hollywood to promote the "color" on the screens. However, as a conspiracy against them.

Lawrence Fishburn
Samuel L. Jackson
Morgan Freimen

Halle Berry
Zoe Saldan
Wesley Snipes

A few more black stars of film fantasics.

Claim No. 2: Why did they at all add blacks in the "Star Wars"?

They were always there, the Lord with you! How can I forget Lando Calryissian and his contribution to the victory over the empire in the "Return of Jedi"? And in the new trilogy of dark-skinned heroes, it became even more: here and the bodyguards Padme - Typho and Panaka, and the Senator from the Kuat Hideon Danu. There were blacks of Jedi - Adidi Gallium, Stas Alley and, of course, incredibly cool Mais Mace Windu performed by the magnificent Samuel L. Jackson.

Mais Windows, Lando Calrisian ... Oh yes, Negro in the "Star Wars" never had!

In the extended universe, blacks were even more - entire planets. In the novel, Matthew Stoves "Vulnerable Point" it turns out that Mace Windu originates from the Planet Harun-Cal, which inhabits the black raus Corunaev. In the game Knights of the Old Republic, the Hero mentor serves black Jedi Jolie Bindu. And in the new comics from Marvel, a mysterious black beauty appears, which claims that she is married to Khan's Solo himself!

Do not forget that representatives of millions of different species live in a distant galaxy, often absolutely not similar to humans. Think, in the world where there are hairy wooks, giant hutts and tailing tweaks, someone cares about a small skin difference among Homo Sapiens?

By the way, Darth Vader in some way is black, and it's not about the color of the costume. He was voiced by the black James Earl Jones.

Racism in "Star Wars"

If you believe the extended universe, the empire was a racist state, opposed inhuman races, for which there was a special designation - exotoms. They were rarely told to service in imperial organizations, and some of the races of the empire and destroyed or enslaved. Officially, the reason for such a policy was called the fact that it was the exotes that created a confederation of independent systems, although the Count of the Kuk was always formally the leader of the KNS. Because of xenophobic politics, many nations, such as Botany and Mont Kalamari, joined the uprising.

Claim No. 3: Negros cannot be attack aircraft!

Why not? Many people think that all attack aircraft are clones of Dzhango Fetta, but this is a delusion. About fifty years have passed between the advent of clones and events of the "Awakening of Power". Here and ordinary people will be made up, and even more so clones that grew accelerated and have become adults for ten years. The first attack aircraft turned into old people before the uprising began, which clearly showed the second season of the animated series "Rebels". And these are those of the fighters who survived - and how many of them died in the war of clones?

So Klona Django Fetta looked in the series "Rebels". Thirty years before the events of "Awakening of Power"!

Of course, retired fighters can be replaced with new ones - if there is a suitable donor of the genetic material. That's just Dzhango Fett, from which clones were copied, died at the beginning of the war. George Lucas did not specify how cloning works in a distant galaxy. But the order for the creation of the army of clones was reached ten years before the war, and all this time Fett lived at the laboratory. It means that regular donation is necessary to create soldiers.

With the death of Fetta, the Kaminoans had to be collapsed - they had a genetic material. In the animated series "War of Clone", representatives of the fireyo mention that they need a new donor, and he did not provide him.

We note another important thing: the republic received a two millionth army, without spending a penny. Everything was paid or magician-diaas, or sichtami. New batch of clones would flee the budget in the round sum. And the economy of the republic was and so seriously undermined by the prevailed crises and the war itself.

Finally, with all the benefits of cloning, new fighters are in operation only in ten years. A barely formed Empire, the army was required immediately. It is not surprising that the emperor soon began to recruit recruits from ordinary people. Remember, even Luke Skywalker at the beginning of the "New Hope" dreams of entering the Imperial Bottie Academy!

An example of Luke shows that in the galaxy there was enough young naive fools who dreamed of glorify and look at other worlds. The service in the imperial army was the opportunity to escape from the attic home for them. It is not difficult to imagine that Finn, the hero of John Boyarey, will be a conscript or volunteer who bought on the romance of military service.

Za Leonis (the series "Rebels"), blacks in the staff of the empire. At the time of the uprising, by the way!

Clones and Extended Universe

In the old canon "Star Wars", the story of the attack aircraft was painted in detail. According to Roman Karen Traviss "Republican Commandos: Order 66" and the game Star Wars Battlefront II, during the clone, Palpatin secretly built a factory, which with the help of new technologies grown clones in just a year. True, the quality of these clones was rather low.

A few years after the war, the Kaminoans decided to overthrow the emperor and created their own army using DNA DNA DNA Fetta. Imperial troops crushed the rebellion, but the emperor, having lost faith in the "army of one person," decided to use more different donors. In addition, ordinary people began to take the attack aircraft.

By the beginning of the uprising of the clones of Django in the ranks of the imperial army almost left, and the quality of new recruits left much to be desired. What can be surprised here that they could not get into the enemy even from ten steps!


Perhaps the only complaint that Boyghee can be submitted is the most stupid facial expression on his character. But before applying that the Boyeager is a bad actor, ask yourself: how many films have you seen with him? Ready to bet that none. It is impossible to draw conclusions about the game of the actor in a pair of frames from the trailer. If you wish with any character "Star Wars", you can make a selection of the same funny rye.

Maybe, from the fighter of elite imperial parts, we have the right to wait for greater excerpts. But, first, Finn in the trailer is clearly shown at the time of serious stress - it runs away from the pursuers on an unfamiliar planet. And secondly, what do you think, many of the imperial army survived experienced instructors for half a century of incessant star wars?

Stormware Blackhowla



Dark Jedi Kronal, also known as Blackhole (Blackhole), was one of the proxies of Emperor Palpatine. He was the hand of the emperor, a high-ranking member of the Order of the Prophets (an integral part of the Order of the Sith of his time) and was one of the leaders of imperial intelligence, secretly making a post with Isani Isard.

Kronal performed many of the emperor's responsible instructions, for some of which he needed to attract well-armed units. Probably, during these years he decided to ask the emperor to provide him ... Personal troops. Having a small personal army under his command, Kronal could not rely on army parts or attack aircraft, thereby disrupting the secrecy of the task. Palpatine did not refuse one of his favorites and allocated Kronal a personal Star Destroyer "Unique" (Singularity), the choice of fighter LED selected by the attachment of attack aircraft, equipped with experienced soldiers. But Kronal's attack aircraft was little. He convinced Palpatin to grow a legion of clones for him, the model for which the original DNA of Fetta was to serve as the army of clones for the Great Army of the Republic (VAR).

In addition to first-class training, personal attack aircraft crown has and appropriate equipment. From the standard shurbron, their armor was distinguished by a special polymer developed by imperial scientists on the ATEEN-2 planet (AETEN II). The armor was well hiding the owner from electronic and visual detection tools, reflecting or absorbing impulses of locator. The disguise was especially important for Cryl's attack aircraft, as they were mainly attracted not to participate in the general operations, as the 501th Legion Waider, but carried out secret operations in the composition of small groups. Due to the characteristic color of the polymer holders of armor, called "shadow attack aircraft". The polymer was very expensive in production, because of which the black armor cost much more than his "white" counterparts. The total cost of the kit was 28,000 credits. The cost of the polymer for one armor set was 10,000 credits and another 2,000 loans accounted for its application. At this, the external differences of the soldier of Crona from ordinary attack aircraft ended. The armament of the navigator of the division was standard for the assault corps.

Before the battle of Endor, Kroneal's attack aircraft was engaged in secret operations against rebels from the rebel alliance. For example, soon after the battle of Javin, they were attracted to the Operation on Vorzid-5 (Vorzyd V) where at that moment ley, Hen and hatch were located. In the network of Croonala "Immortal Trinity" did not hit, but his attack aircraft stumbled upon the local cell of resistance and entered into battle with her, actually destroying it.

After the endora, Kronal, using the identification codes of the highest level, given to him by the emperor, gathered a small army around him and the fleet from the remaining inconsolable imperial parts. With these troops, he began to conduct raids against the planets and the lines of supply of the insurgent alliance, soon declared himself a new republic. His black attack aircraft who performed special operations and the caporodi transport ships played a special role in these seals.

In six months, the new republic decided to put an end to the shafts of the hated crown. Having learned about the location of his headquarters, which was on the planet Mindor, the former rebels were sent to her destroy the squadron of warships that carried 18,000 paratroopers. Commanded the squadron Luke Skywalker. The operation was not charged from the very beginning. At first, the squadron fell into a well-organized imperial ambush and suffered great losses. The cruiser on which all paratroopers were located, was shot down. HP paratroopers who survived the first attack left a dying ship in rescue and landing capsules. But on the surface of the planet they were already waiting for black attack aircraft crown. Furious contractions began on the plows of Mindor, the fierce contractions between the trenches of the attack aircraft and disorganized groups of paratroopers began. Only a few paratroopers of the republic managed to survive in this meat grinder. I want to notice that be sure of the will of Croons, black attack aircraft could eliminate even Luke, but at his expense at the darkest side of the power were their plans.

After the events in Mindora, black attack aircraft again went into the shadow, like their mysterious leader. Again the galaxy remembered them only during the campaign of the revived emperor against the New Republic in 10, PBI. The role of CroNal in these events is unknown, but the fact that his personal attack aircraft fought for the revived emperor may indicate that Picktin remained ridiculous.

After the repeated and final death of Palpatine, the fate of black attack aircraft unknown. Most likely, the survivors scattered along the galaxy one or part of small groups. Only this can be explained by the fact of the presence of these soldiers (along with armor) in the service of the Ex-Guard Carrier of Jack, in 11, PBI. Jacks dreamed of becoming a new ruler of the Galaxy and to fulfill this plan to him as an experimental soldiers needed to perform any other tasks.

After the death of Jack from the hands of the same former Guardian Cyrus Keinos, the trail of the legendary attack aircraft Blackhow is lost. They are no longer mentioned anywhere.


  • OF.SIT STARWARS.COM (An old site encyclopedia)
  • Insider No. 88 "Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties"
  • CRIMSON EMPIRE (Comic Series)
  • Crimson Empire Handbook.
  • A Cracken's Crew Web Supplement, Art. 6.
  • Luke Skywalker and The Shadows of Mindor (Roman)

In star wars, we can observe various soldiers in helmets and armor - attack aircraft and clones. At first glance, they are similar. But these are completely different characters, both iniquity and equipment.

Quick response:

The attack aircraft - the soldiers of the empire and representatives of human races, clones of the Republic soldiers and rapidly grown genetic copies from one prototype.

Consider the basic differences of clones from the attack aircraft, since many are simply confused or even consider that this is the same.

Let's start with basic differences:

  • - cloned soldiers of the Republic of the Republic. They lived to attack aircraft. They were made in the image and likeness and were stuck under certain combat missions, as well as possessed the same good physical parameters. Clones were unquestioned by orders and were almost perfect soldiers of their time deprived of unnecessary qualities. Armor and clone helmets were created during hostilities practitioners, and not theorists.
  • - Soldiers of the Empire. Initially, they consisted of surviving clones, then replaced on ordinary people. In the conditions of the rapid formation of the empire, the case of infantry attack aircraft was more like militia, rather than a highly organized army. The armor and helmets of the attack aircraft inherited from clones with modern modifications. Many officers who made clone wars were disappointed by the mediocre state of imperial troops.
The most vivid visual difference is helmet.

Clone helmets were with various crests and higher. At the attack aircraft, the helmet was more massive and shredded. As mentioned above, armor and helmet of the attack aircraft is the processing of uniform clones of the 2nd phase. In turn, clone armor of the 1st phase is recycling armor.

The end of the republic revealed the greatest lack of clones, due to which in the future

A few days before the April festival Star Wars Celebration - where they presented the ninth episode of "Star Wars" - a poster appeared on the network. As it turned out, he did not enter the number of official promotional materials, although all the images, in general, coincide - besides some red stormcuts.

Now Disney officially showed updated attack aircraft - yes, they really exist and call them Sith Troopers. For the first time they were demonstrated in the transfer of The Star Wars Show.

Later, HOT Toys showed how her feature of the attack aircraft will look like:

In the future, a few more photos of related products appeared on the network with symbols of red attack aircraft: from FUNKO POP figures! Before baseball They will go on sale at the comic comic-con in San Diego.

New attack aircraft received "more modern and terrible design." In Lucasfilm, Sith attack aircraft call "the next step of the Soldiers of the Empire / First Order." There are no other details about them.

The soldiers with a similar name appeared in the saga - in the Dilogy of Star Wars: Knights of Old Republic, the player fought against the combat units of the Empire Sitchov. As opponents, various kinds of troops were opposed, from Grenadle and shooters to attack aircraft. The design of fighters in the game, of course, was completely different.

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Hi Galaxy!

In this post, I would like to tell you about popular and not popular types of attack aircraft!

P.S. In this post, there will be no non-canonic attack aircraft, will be only from the canon!

: loudspeaker: Warning: Loudspeaker:

You could know about all these types, but the post is made made in an informative form to study these types of attack aircraft!


Imperial attack aircraft (later there will be attack aircraft first orders)


The shock forces of the Galactic Empire,

beser a white armor over a black fitting suit, which, in addition to an impressive appearance, had a large spectrum of equipment for survival and temperature control, the main weapon was F-11D.


We wore a more easy armor and used gravitsic colors to patrol the perimeters of the imperial garrisons to which they were pressed. In the equipment were long-range blars and smoke grenades.

Sniper scouts

There were a special division of intelligence attack aircraft using deadly long-range blarses E-11S and gray armor.

Imperial combat driver

Which were piloted by a multitude of terrestrial transport of the imperial army, such as AT-DP. Among the combat drivers of the empire was also specialization, on it, AT-ST leaders were managed by AT-ST, and another unit was responsible for piloting an AT-toow. The latter considered themselves elite among the elite.


(I understand that it was hardly that, but helped a lot and responds to the description of the armor)

Specialized attack aircraft armed with snipers. These attack aircraft worn blue shouts had visors on their helmets. They also had black patrontas, a cross on the cross perched through their chest plates.

Sand attack aircraft

we wore an improved version of the armor, which provided survival on such desert planets as tatooins. The weapons were worn - DLT-19 or T-21.

Snow attack aircraft

Specialized attack aircraft equipped with breathing heaters located under facial masks. Snow attack aircraft represented self-sufficient mobile combat units. They were able to survive for two weeks in tall frosts on the energy of the power supply. Snow attack aircraft passed hard selected training, as they had to survive and fight in very hard combat conditions. There was a weapon -

1) For a conventional snow attack aircraft there was a blaster rifle E-11, a Bluster SE-14R gun, two stunning and fragmentation grenades.

2) For the selected there was a Bluster rifle of DLT-20A and two paralyzing grenades.

Coastal defense attack aircraft

The attack aircraft that were trained and equipped to perform tasks in the conditions of tropical and coastal regions, such as on the chamber of the chainbarbon.

The coastal attack aircraft based on the scarif were armed with both standard BLASTER rifles E-11 and improved blaster rifles E-22.

Dark Soldiers Phase II

We wore hard armor and were armed with assault tools. Such codes were used for attacks on enemy fortifications.


They were armed with light automatic blasters T-21 and wore armor, which in addition to the frightening black colors had masking devices.

Storms of death

There were elite fighters of the imperial army, in whose specialtization included operations in the interests of imperial intelligence and the imperial fleet. Usually they performed the duties of the bodyguards of high-ranking empires. Often they were armed with light automatic blasters SE-14R.

Lava attack aircraft

It was staffed to carry out operations in extremely high temperatures and trained battles on volcanic planets. The weapon was - T-21 or DLT-19.

Water Sturmovik

The battle in the water environment was trained in the water environment to maintain the rules in the underwater worlds of the Empire weapons are unknown, but it is just known that they had a sit-boat.

Space attacks

Specialized attack aircraft trained in the conditions of open space and the absence of gravity. They wore a special version of the reservation of attachments, additionally equipped with a breathing apparatus. From weapons - unknown.


High-class attack aircraft, from the assault corps of the Galactic Empire. Served in the elite front units of the empire, as well as the emperor's bodyguards. They were receivers of shock clones who served in the Great Army of the Republic.

In their arsenal there were a heavy blaster DLT-19 or a powerful rocket setting.

Imperial heavy soldiers

They were closed in heavy combat armor and armed with electroboshs, which made them similar to the imperial soldiers of the premieres.

Severe-based attack aircraft

Were equipped with bulky rotating blaster guns. Heavy attack aircraft were armed with a rotating blaster gun Z-6 or a heavy blaster rifle DLT-19.


They armed them with grenade launchers, and they wore a red shoe and black patrontas, peroxided through the chest, this type of attack aircraft was distinguished by a special cruelty to his enemies.

Fire attack aircraft

Were the type of attack aircraft equipped with flameless weapons.