
Character of the film "Star Wars" of iodine. Phrases, quotes. The dwarf-actor offends that even the master of iodine is higher than its growth how old iodine from star wars

They are with us from childhood over the years. We decided to see what they look like and what the key actors of the saga about " Star Wars».

Luke Skywalker Mark Hamill remained for the audience as Skywalker for the audience, although he continued to act in the cinema, he worked in the theater and voiced a lot of cartoons. Despite employment in the cinema and in the theater, Mark is an approximate family man. When his children studied at school, he even walked for parental meetings. Recently, Mark draws a lot, watching movies and cartoons, is swimming. He has a good collection of toys and comics. Princess ley.
Carry Fisher has a rich filmography, but the role of Princess Lei is still the best role. In addition to acting, Carri showed itself as a writer and screenwriter. Now she is going to write memories of filming in "Star Wars". Khan Solo.
Harrison Ford Career has developed the most successful. In addition to Hana Solo, there is also a steep role of Indiana Jones, and the main roles in the film "Running on the blade", "Witness", "Fugitive" and many other interesting films. Chubakka
Peter Mehyw remained faithful to his role and even played Chubakka in the Mappet show. Obi-Wan Kenobi
Evan McGregor is now one of the most sought-after actors in the UK. Even before participating in the Star Wars, he managed to play in several successful films "on the needle", "Large fish", "Moulin Rouge". And now he has many invitations and interesting projects, the truth with awards is not very lucky yet. Anakin Skywalker
Acting career Khaiden Kristensen is very uneven, he received a lot of complaints for the role in the "Star Wars". However, now he has interesting proposals, for example, he is preparing for the role of Marco Polo. Emperor Palpatine
Yen McDeamid after the sinister role of Emperor Palpatine was filmed mainly in TV shows - "Elizabeth I", "Utopia" and "37 days." His best films remain "Star Wars", "Outwashing Scammers" and "Sleepy Hollow". Darth Vader.
James Earl Jones, most famous for the voice of Darth Vader, is now working on the cartoon "Guardian Lion" - the continuation of the "King of Lion". He voiced to the mufas, as in the first cartoon of 1994. Padme Amidala
The role in "Star Wars" for Natalie Portman was not the most successful, although memorable. It has been played much more successful in the film "Black Swan", for which Iskar received. In November 2015, a new film with its participation is coming to the screens - Western "Jane takes a gun." Lando Calrissian
Billy di Williams and after the "Star Wars" shot a lot, but without loud success. Master Yoda
Frank Oz is not so much an actor as a talented puppeteer. In addition to iodine, on his account with a dozen roles in the Mappa show. S-3PO
After the "Star Wars" Anthony Daniels, nothing particularly, except for "star wars" and did not do. Basically voiced the C-3PO in various projects. R2-D2.
Kenny Baker paired with Anthony Daniels are the only actors who starred in all films of Kinosaga. Now Kenny Beiker 81 and the role of a pretty robot remained behind him and in a new film.

A small green elder, based on the staff, is unlikely to have someone associated with the Great Warrior. But this is exactly what Master-Jedi Yoda from Cosmic Saga "" looks like. Educating the pleiad of capable students, the knight of the Order turns into a fearless warrior at the first danger signals. The dexterity and speed of the elderly Jedi deserve admiration. May the strength and wise iodine will be with you!

History of creation

To present the film "Star Wars" without one of the main characters - the Master of Yodes is impossible. The low Jedi of an unknown race is the embodiment of the knowledge and wisdom of the Military Order. The more amazing that I initially wanted to make a simple monkey yode. The director was looking for an animal capable of holding the staff in his hands. But over time, the idea has ceased to seem to the author of such a brilliant.

There is a theory that the prototype of iodine served as the founder of the school ju-jutsu to the Taja Sokak. A man of low growth perfectly understood in martial arts and masterfully owned by a samurai sword.

The second prototype of iodine is considered to consider the Great Master Aikido Soda Huzo. A low man dedicated to childhood training, and in maturity switched to teaching. Soda Huzo, at the notes of contemporaries, owned the skills of martial arts perfectly.

Traveling the appearance of the mysterious character George Lucas entrusted to the British artist-Vizazhist Stuart Fryborn. A professional did not work on sketches for a long time. The man combined his own face with characteristic facial wrinkles. A pair of manipulations - and in front of the film director, the Magista of Yoda launched. It was what Lucas was looking for.

At iodine, a peculiar manner of a dialect, giving an image of eccentricity. Such a statement of words in the proposal is called inversion. Such a speech prevailed in the Anglo-Saxon dialect, which was used by the inhabitants of Great Britain in the 14th century.

The vote of iodine was the American doll and Frank Oz. In the original trilogy of "Star Wars", the image of iodine on the screen embodied the rubber doll. So Frank Oz answered, in addition to the voice, for managing a green creature. Later, with the arrival of new technologies, the need for rubber Jeda disappeared. The doll was replaced with computer animation.


It is not known anyone, on which planet I was born iodine. The story also silent about the relatives of an unusual Jedi. It is known that iodine (and this is a real name of the hero) hit the Military Order, being an adult.

The man left his relative planet in search of earnings, but the Yodesta ship was attacked. Having lost control of the space vessel, the future Master landed on an unknown planet. There, in the wreckage of the ship, Ioda discovered Master Jedi N "Kata Del Horp.

The snipe-like creature opened the hero truth: iodine is endowed with the power and will become a great Jedi, you just need to patiently study. N "Kata Del Horpo for several years taught a student of the basics of ownership of power, after which Ioda went to Coruscant, where he continued his studies as Junior Jedi.

Further biography of men developed rapidly. The first official title of Knightry-Jedi, the first student (whose name is not preserved), the first appointment to the Supreme Council.

Sensitive to strength and changes around, at the age of 100 yoda creates holographic records containing all the secrets and techniques of the Jedi. The wise knight gives the archive of a familiar, predicted that in the future these records will help the chosen to educate the new army of the knights. After 200 years, recording will be in hand.

At the same time, iodine takes under the custody of a new student named Graph Duku. Officially, Magister was not a teacher of the future Sitha, but I had special interest for the young man. Iodine taught the Duchow with a light sword that brought the young Jedi to a new level in the Order.

Everything changed when the name was called on the highelest Council. Qui-Gon Ginn has long convinced masters that the boy is full of power and needs a teacher. It was the iodine that refuses Qui-Gon in the request, explaining that the future of the boy is foggy. But after the death of Kwai-Gon, the sage allows you to take on the role of the teacher. Gone to feelings, iodine makes an irreparable mistake.

After years, fate again encounters wise Jedi with a count of Duku. Now the teacher and the student serve in various purposes and ideals. Already an elderly iodine shows an incredible dexterity in the battle. No matter how well the count of the crust was well understood, but the iodine is controlled much better.

The voltage around the Order is growing. Iodine, feeling fluctuations in strength, refuses to mature Anakin as a Higher Council. The wise old man does not trust the capable Jedi, although not aware of the whole danger emanating from Skywalker.

The impact for iodine was a sudden return to the Jedi Temple. Waving to Coruscant, the old teacher finds the body of young students and brothers in arms. Each death is given in the heart of iodine with a sharp prince of pain. The Great Master blame himself in what happened, because he did not feel the dark side of Anakina.

The devastated iodine gives an order to Obi-Van to kill the former student, and himself goes on the battle with great evil - Emperor Palpatin. Alas, pain losses and disappointment in Skywalker weakened Master. Knight-Jedi survives in a fight with Sitch, but not able to kill the enemy. The only thing that remains the wise teacher is to escape to the distant planet to wait for a new student filled with force.

After 22 years on an abandoned planet, Dagoba Master's system finds Skywalker Luke. The young man eager to become a Jedi and the Council of Obi-Van asks Yody to teach him skill. The knight's tired of his life does not want to take such responsibility, but the persistent young man does not give up.

Luke Skywalker becomes a new and last student of the Great Iodine. The master puts the skills and skills in the guy who possesses himself. But Luke, without finishing training, leaves teachers and goes to save friends. Returning, Skywalker Causes a sad picture - the old iodine dies.

The Great Jedi, who trained 20,000 students, merges peacefully with force. The death of iodes, like the life of the master, is special. Unlike the fellow, a man leaves the world in a relaxed atmosphere, and not during the next battle. At 900 years of age, iodine quietly dissolves in the universe.

  • Iodine growth is 66 cm.
  • Initially, the word "iodine" was the name of the character, the name sounded as "Minch". By the way, iodine translated from Sanskrit means "Warrior".
  • For the fans of "Star Wars", the writer Muriel Bozes-Pierce released the book "Master-Jedi Yoda makes the riddles." Collection of mathematical tasks is set forth with the language of the character.

  • Even the scale of the showroom did not allow to reveal to the audience all the secrets of the galaxy. Therefore, the permission of Lucas has been released books affecting individual saga events. You can learn more about the relationship of the wise teacher with the county of the Duku in the novel "iodine: a date with darkness".
  • In the film "Star Wars. Episode VIII: The last Jedi will appear not only, but also iodine. This news scattered around the world to the premiere of the picture. The culprits of the spoiler were illuminated by film studios, posted a loud statement in Twitter.


"Eight hundred years of Jedi taught. Solving myself I will take someone in training. "
"I got sick. Old and weak. When will you be 900 years old, you will not look good, but? "
"Wevering on weapons, but weapons can not win the battle. Your mind is only stronger. "
"Death is a natural part of life, rejoice behind your loved ones who were transformed into force, do not mourn them, and do not burn them about them, because the attachment leads to jealousy, and jealousy is greedy shadow ..."

Under the name "Star Wars". Iodine appeared on the screen in three years later, in the second part of the trilogy and since then has become one of the most legendary and recognizable characters of all time. It is unlikely that in the modern world there will be at least one person who has never heard about the great Master-Jeda, and all sorts of attributes with his image, as well as a great many toys continue to go on sale for more than thirty years.

Characteristic character

A characteristic feature of the character is the green color of his body and extremely small growth - only 66 centimeters. However, according to its mental and physical abilities, from all the characters of the film "Star Wars", the master of iodine is the most outstanding and multiple times superior to many others. The creation of its appearance, the hero is obliged to grimerars to Niku Dadment and Stewart Freeborn. Thanks to her longevity, the accumulated experience and wisdom, Ioda is headed by the oldest order - the advice of the Jedi. For the first time he became his member of about a century. There is a lot of victories in serious battles, battles, wars, as well as other achievements.

It is known that he was an excellent teacher, superbly combining the rigor and softness, but not all of his padawan managed to become worthy people. Such a fate has suffered by Anakina Skywalker, whom iodine allowed learning, but did not personally train. However, there are among them and decent representatives, such as Qui-Gon Ginn, Mace Windu and Luke Skywalker. As George Lucas admitted, the Creator of Star Wars, the Castle of Star Wars, Ioda was specifically presented to the public in such a way that no one would know about his true origin, so so far his story is covered with various secrets.


Of course, the main difference of this character from others is his intelligence of speech, which has found his reflection in numerous jokes and sharpness of fans. Everything else, most of the most famous phrases in the film belong to his authorship. The quotes of iodine from the "Star Wars" partly became covered. One of the most famous is the following: "The size is not important. What about me? Will you judge? " Almost all of them are impregnated with a thin philosophy reflecting the teacher's worldview. As, for example: "We have the creation of light, not just matter." It is inversion that is, that is, the mixed order of members of the sentence, they make it words as memorable. Nevertheless, other characters are perfectly understood and touched these great words. By the way, as for the languages \u200b\u200bof the saga, then, in addition to individual racials, as, for example, in Evok, there is also the main galactic, on which all heroes say. In fact, it is a certain analogue of English in our world.

"Hidden threat"

In the "Star Wars" trilogies started in 1999, Iodis was created completely from computer graphics, which divided fans into two camps: adherents of the old and new. Acquaintance with the character occurs during the meeting of the Council. In this film, it becomes clear what the indisputable influence on the decisions of the Jedi orders has a master. When, under the guardian of Kwi-Gon Ginn, Young Anakin gets to the elders, a request for his further training to manage force rejects precisely on the initiative of iodine that feels that the future of the rider from Tatooin is foggy. However, after the death of Qui-Gon Obi-Van assumes the duties to raise a boy and declares members of the Council about his hard intention to take him to themselves in Padavans. Thus, Skywoke is able to avoid the rank of jungle and immediately become Padavan. And this time, iodine is no longer able to refuse Kenobi, but, as you know, subsequently, the Master will subsequently summon.

"Attack of clones"

In the second part of the film "Star Wars", Master of iodine goes to Genniasis, where he ruins there on behalf of the Republic heads a rescue mission in order to rescue the convicts on the execution of Padme, Eni and Kenobi. Here, the audiences learn that once a long-time master trained the graph of the Duq, who now moved to the dark side. When the fire of battles grow, former student and teacher enter the duel. Iodine demonstrates the highest professionalism of ownership deftly leaves from shocks and masterfully inflicts its own. However, the battle ends with the fact that the mouse is trying to escape, and in the next part it kills Anakin.

"Revenge of Sith"

In the 2005 Picture, the final "Star Wars" trilogy, iodine is one of the central characters, and it is paid quite a lot of screen time. This time he has to make complex elections relating to the future of the Galaxy and the fate of its individual representatives. The main mistake becomes confidence in Anakin, who made the final step towards evil. However, Master failed to feel evil, which resulted in a big tragedy. Ioda sends to the planet Kashiik, where it turns out to be in the very epicenter of the battle of clones and stories with separatists. At the decisive moment, the attack aircraft turns away from the republic and begin to kill their own people. At this very time, the order number 66 comes from Palpatina, which opens to kill everyone to the last Jedi. The master on a thin energy level feels the death of each of the students, which turns out for him unbearable pain. He rides back to Coruscant and tell Obi-Van to put an end to everything, killing Skywalker.

"The Empire is negotiated"

It will be about the second part of the saga, since the first film of the old trilogy became the only one where iodine does not appear. "Star Wars" (photos from the film below) were filmed in 1977, so the creation of the picture was difficult due to the lack of necessary technologies. Due to the impossibility of large-scale use of computer graphics, the iodine appeared in front of the audience in the puppet variation. Someone from fans prefers exactly such, old and slightly insane, the version of the character. It is known that for 22 years he did not leave the abandoned planet Dagoba, as a result of which he was a little touched by reason. When Luke Skywalker comes to him, it becomes clear that the master retained the former wisdom and skills, and only his behavior and lifestyle suffered. At first, the teacher is not configured to take in Padavans the heir to the greatest villain, as fear feels in it, as in his father, but he still takes way to train Junc. However, the hatch soon decides to leave the iodine to help friends, and promises to return and finish their training.

"New Hope"

In the last episode of the Space Epopea "Star Wars", the iodine teacher last meets his student Skywalker. As promised, Luke returns to Dagobu, but the master this time is in a bad health. Magista's elderly and great age of Master, at that time he had already exceeded 900 years. He says Jedi that in training there is no longer need, and now it remains only to meet with the Father face to face, and he himself needs to go to the honored peace. Before death, iodine reports that Leia has a sister hatch, and the force flows in it. After this conversation, he falls asleep by an eternal sleep, but later appears in the Ghost Low with Obi-Van. There is a version that Qui-Gon has suffered the secrets of immortality and handed his experience to the former teacher, as a result of the audience and saw the astral projection of the Great Jedi.

Frank Oz

All phrases of iodine from the "Star Wars" voiced the actor Frank Oz. He was born in the family of participants of the puppet theater troupe, so it was not surprising that in the future I decided to devote myself exactly voicing. Since childhood, he was distinguished by a wonderful manner of speech restructuring. His voice conquered the creator of the show about Mappetas, as a result of which Oz was invited to work on television. During the long years, he voiced hundreds of characters, the good number of which is at the "Mappa show" and "Sesame Street". In the 1980s, he is invited to voice the iodine, from which he cannot refuse. In addition to all parts of the "Star Wars," he participated in some films as an actor of the second plan, and also voiced the heroes of such cartoons as "Monsters Corporation" and "Puzzle". Currently, he returned to iodine in the animated series of rebels, which is broadcast since 2014. And this despite the elderly age! Franca RAM in 2016 marks 72 years, and he continues to actively work, like his screen prototype, which devoted all his life to the same case.

Ioda was one of the most famous and powerful Jedi masters in the history of the Galaxy. Growing 66 centimeters, he was a man of an unknown biological species. He was known for his legendary wisdom, skill in the use of power and battle skills on light swords. The republic's and strength, the Grand Master of Yoda Eight centuries trained the Jedi. He was part of the Supreme Council of the Jedi in recent years of the Galactic Republic and led the Order of the Jedi before, during and after the devastating wars of clones. After the order of 66, iodine went to exile, and later taped Skywalker's hatch paths. Some time later, the old master died, but, thanks to the knowledge of the priestess of power, he retained his personality even after death.

Iodine itself enters the titanic battle with Palpatin in the building of the Galactic Senate. The forces of the parties seem equal, because two patriarchs of both parties entered the battle, one cannot defeat the other. Trying to complete this duel, Palpatine moves to a higher position and uses power to rinse with heavy lodges of the Senate in Yester, which escaped with ease and sends one of them to the Palpatin, forcing it to jump at a lower level. Once again on the same level with Palpatin, iodine applies its acrobatic abilities and activates the light sword. Palpatine appears to a burst of power and let the discharge of lightning in the iodine, while knocking his light sword. Without his weapon, iodine uses his palms to absorb the dark energy, and even sends some clots back to a lot of surprised Palpatine.

It would seem that iodine acquired a kind of advantage in the battle, but the struggle ends against a draw, since the explosion of the collision of the energies, who threw the iodine and Palpatine in different directions. Both masters grabbed the edge of the Tribune of the Senate, where only Palpatin can hardly stay. Iodine, unable to resist, falls on the floor of the Senate Hall. After the murders, arranged clones-attack aircraft and the almost complete destruction of the Jedi orders, a weakened iodine realizes that he cannot defeat Palpatine. Then iodine goes into exile to hide from the empire, and wait for another opportunity to destroy Sitchov.

People from Twitter cannot recover from the dignity - they saw one of the characters of the new series on the "Star Wars" (Mandalorets), which appeared on Disney +. However, it is believed that the fans are mistaken, taking a new hero for a small iodine, because the facts speak about the opposite.

Disney now has its brand service - Disney +, and there will be a whole series of "star wars" on it, which is called "Mandalorets". The premiere in the United States took place on Tuesday, November 12, and while the series is only available there. But the Internet was already literally exploded not so much because of the premiere, how much because of one character, the Metro writes.

He is dressed in a mantle similar to the one that wore Obi-Vanobi. And he also has gigantic eyes, touchingly lowered corners of the lips and big ears. Moreover, he is all charming green. It seems that all signs indicate that this is a little magister of iodine.

We are accustomed to seeing his millennial sage, Mistuner Luke Skywalker, and here, according to the user Twitter, he has no 50 years old, quite a kid.


Dear newborn (perhaps 50-year-old) crumb, weighing eight pounds and six oz, baby iodine, can't even pick up words, just a tiny baby, so cute, but still almighty. We just would like to thank you for all the joy that you brought with the appearance of in # Mandalorets.

It seems that Twitter is about to burst from the dignity, someone even launched a tear.

Other delightful characters from Disney seems to have a serious competitor. One girl wrote:

Moved, Dambo, small iodine - the most charming kid of 2019!

And someone, a small hero can inspire a desperate act.

However, the conquered crumb twitter risks to be disappointed. The Metro edition breathed in the topic and writes that the events of the Mandalorets series are unfolded after the episode "Jedi's Return", where (and this is not a spoiler, the film was still released in 1983) iodine dies from old age.

Consequently, the kid who was tedious twitter, can not be a hatch mentor. Although the tiny and old versions are really very similar.