
Characters "Star Wars. Characters of "Star Wars Character from Star Wars Chu

Obviously there have been no problems with the inventing of their heroes - the inhabitants of the famous galaxy of "Star Wars". The characters of the "Star Wars" are so diverse and raspberries that literally the diva is given: head hunters, Guggar, the Jedi infantrymen, Admiral Akbar, Droids, Leki, Imperial Thugs, Kororelians - and this is far from major actors.

Khan Solo against Luke Skywalker

Without a doubt, Hannubov in the world is much more than the Lukomians, it is explained extremely simple. After all, Khan Solo (Harrison Ford) is almost a postmodern concept, the hero, which deftly and successfully comments on the storyline, part of which is. He is the best pilot (smuggler), sarcastic, arrogant shirt-guy compared to which even skillful Jedi "nervously smoking on the sidelines." His fans are hotly convinced that neither Leia (in Bikini Slave), nor the star of death, nor the power and the plum-forming tragedy of Vader do not make a fantastic epic itself in the world in the world - she personifies Han Solo. This is not some cloned character of "Star Wars", this is a real protagonist and faithful friend of Chubakki. By the way, in history, where dedication and loyalty occurs quite rarely, but the deception and cunning flourishes, such a powerful two-year vevor, the viewer is always happy to see next to his favorite hero, especially when it becomes hot. The hatch is profitably allocated among other actors in that he is complacently allowed to grow. In the history of the story, the character not only successfully passes the course of the Jedi training, but also tweems the "old friend" of Khan, manages to intimidate the emperor. In the end, he puts all the points over "and" both for himself and for the viewer. But his fans are much smaller than that of the awesome and liberated solo.

There was no stories without antagonists

Darth Vader, in a long black raincoat on the mighty shoulders and a hybrid mask, a samurai hat and an attack aircraft with a gas mask - a real axis of evil (and visually, in the plot). The viewer even impresses the fact that he does not work for the empire, his goal is Obi-Wan, whom Vader wants to eliminate, in order to remain the last and only Jedi. And after the greatest confession ("I am your father") in the prehistory, most of those who wanted sincerely wanted to keep the hero of the hatch to the rebels joined the dad and built the powerful empire. He undoubtedly enters the top that make up the main characters of "Star Wars".

Combining the Dart Mol - the embodiment of pure aggression and evil, which is simply looked at the killings of the galaxy knights. He is really creepy, so the decision of Lucas eliminate one antagonist at the end of the "Ghost Threat" was wise and right.

The antagonists listed above are the characters of the "Star Wars" - in causths and the power of intellect are inferior to the thoughtful villain - Chancellor / Senator / Emperor Palpatin. It he unleashed the clone war, it is responsible for the destruction of the Jedi ("Order 66" - the end of the Order), it is for a long time in the political life of the Universe. Undoubtedly, the emperor is the most vicious hero in the history of the cult epic.


Everyone, without exception, love the "non-residential" mechanical heroes of Sagi - R2-D2AR and C-3P0. Although they are very different, but admiration and sympathy cause equal. They immediately became the most recognizable "emblem", the symbol of the Skyopopie "Star Wars". The names of the robot characters will forever remain in the memory of the people, because they are unique in the field of design, smart, are true to their friends and sometimes even sensitive. These two "cars" have become a bright example of a unique (especially for that time) of the ability of a cult saga to revive the generally accepted dry stamps

Girls are not inferior

The universe of "Star Wars" would be incomplete without representatives of the charming half of humanity. The two most outstanding ladies of Sagi: Amidala Padme and Princess Leia - adequately represent the female floor, they are considered one of the best heroines of the fantastic genre. The power led organ, irritable, self-confident and self-width, not just a princess, she senator and an indispensable brave leader of the rebel alliance. Padme is charming, smart and strong morally. It is not clear how she could die from completely uncharacteristic for a strong nature shortage of courage! These are such different women - the characters of "Star Wars".

The best of the best

With an unidentified planet - a master of iodine - it looks rather small, but is positioned as a Jedian wisdom vessel. He is 900 years old, he raised not one generation of Knights of the Cosmos (some managed to go to the dark side). On the etymology of his behalf, disputes are not stopped and today. Some fans argue that "iodine" happened from the Sanskrit term "Yuddha", which means "Warrior". Others authoritatively declare that from the Hebrew word "iodine" - the meaning is definitely "knows". Disputes continue, despite this, the entire epic "Star Wars", the characters with the photo (especially female) became revered relics for millions of kinogurmen.

Ben Kenobi managed to make "Star Wars" realistic and convincing. Kenobi is a rattling mixture of Gandalf and Merlin, a mentor teacher who transmits the main hero of the highest wisdom.

Anakin Skywalker is the so-called "doubtful" character. Which in the history is transformed from the boy in the excuse, languishing from love, and after and in the adherent of the dark side. Here's how it could come out of good an evil of an universal scale?

Obi-Van Kenobi is a real hero, fighter. Discroligated Darth Mall, looked down (despite his light sabers) and neutralized Anakin.

Clones as an option

Without attack aircraft, whose aesthetics perfectly combines the threat and style, the epic would be fresh. The cloned character of "Star Wars" - Stormzovik - looks extremely futuristic. Their popularity was checking time, they still devote sites, communities and groups in social. networks.

Characters of "Star Wars" - a b c d e z z and y k l m n o p r s t u v w x y ... wikipedia

Universe of "Star Wars"

Universe of star wars - DVD cover version of the original STAR WARS trilogy. Artists Tim and Greg Hildourdt Star Wars (English Star Wars) Fantastic Saga, conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s, and later expanded. First ... ... Wikipedia

Chronology of "Star Wars"

Star wars chronology - The countdown in the universe of "Star Wars" is maintained regarding the victory of the insurgent of the rebels over the empire in the battle of the planet Yavin IV. Accordingly, the dates are indicated as "to me. b. " (BBY) to the Yavin Battle (English. Before Battle of Yavin), and "p. I. B ... Wikipedia

Expanded Universe of Star Wars - DVD cover version of the original STAR WARS trilogy. Artists Tim and Greg Hildourdt Star Wars (English Star Wars) Fantastic Saga, conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s, and later expanded. First ... ... Wikipedia

Extended Universe of Star Wars - DVD cover version of the original STAR WARS trilogy. Artists Tim and Greg Hildourdt Star Wars (English Star Wars) Fantastic Saga, conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s, and later expanded. First ... ... Wikipedia

Characters "Star Wars" - a b c d e z z and y k l m n o p r s t u v w x y ... wikipedia

Characters of "Star Wars" - a b c d e z z and y k l m n o p r s t u v w x y ... wikipedia


  • Star Wars. Characters, Wallace Daniel. For the first time in Russian, the most complete illustrated encyclopedia of the characters of the Galaxy "Star Wars". The book contains detailed literary and historical biographies of all your favorites, ... buy for 686 rubles
  • Star Wars. Characters. New Encyclopedia, Daniel Wallace. For the first time in Russian, the most complete illustrated encyclopedia of the characters of the Galaxy of Star Wars. The book contains detailed literary and historical biographies of all your favorites, all ...

- a b c d e z z and y k l m n o p r s t u v w x y ... wikipedia

List of heroes of fantastic saga "Star Wars": A * Adas (Adas) * Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader) * Askage Ventress (Asajj Ventress) Dark Jedi, Helper Duchu * Agen Kola * Alawar * Ally ... ... Wikipedia

Cover DVD version of the original Trilogy Star Wars. Artists Tim and Greg Hildourdt Star Wars (English Star Wars) Fantastic Saga, conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s, and later expanded. First ... ... Wikipedia

The counts of time in the "Star Wars" universe is maintained regarding the victory of the insurgent alliance over the empire in the battle of the planet Yavin IV. Accordingly, the dates are indicated as "to me. b. "/" Dyab "(BBY) to the Yavinsky battle (English. Before Battle Of ... ... Wikipedia

The counts of time in the "Star Wars" universe is maintained regarding the victory of the insurgent alliance over the empire in the battle of the planet Yavin IV. Accordingly, the dates are indicated as "to me. b. " (BBY) to the Yavin Battle (English. Before Battle of Yavin), and "p. I. B ... Wikipedia

The Day of Star Wars is also the day of Luc Skywalker marks the fans of the eponymous fantastic saga ... Wikipedia

According to the director of George Lucas, the Saga "Star Wars" should become trilogy trilogy. The fans of the series adopted the following classification of the series. The original trilogy is the fourth, fifth and sixth episodes of fantastic star wars. They ... ... Wikipedia


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  • Star Wars. Characters, Daniel Wallace. For the first time in Russian, the most complete illustrated encyclopedia of Perso is pressing the Galaxy of Star Wars. The book contains detailed literary and historical biographies of all your favorites, all ...

In a gifted unparally bright imagination of George Lucas, there was never problems with the inhabitants of the galaxy of the "Star Wars". It is populated tightly - do not push around: Gungans, Korelians, imperial thugs, the Jedi infantrymen, hunters for heads, droids, reports the site site. At the same time, everyone knows who of these creatures is his favorite.

Master Yoda

He is a knight, Jedi and is usually considered to embody the justice. In the field of wisdom, iodine was the strongest Jedi. His reputation of the strongest Master-Jedi deserves respect because of a large number of Jedi Knights, which he taught. Among others: Mace Windu, Count Duku and Luke Skywalker.

Anakin Skywalker He's Darth Vader

Man is the main character from the series "Star Wars". Anakin is the potential to the largest Jedi who ever lived. Anakin Skywalker - Father of another big Jedi Luca Skywalker. Among the Jedi, he was considered as "Favorites". Anakin becomes Darth Vader, when he goes to the dark side of power and joins the sits. He does not want to know anything about his real personality (Anakin Skywalker), when he became Darth Vader.

Obi-Van Kenobi (Ben)

Obi-Van Kenobi - Jedi, warrior in the service in the Old Republic. He is one of the main characters in Star Wars Saga. Obi-Wan - Padavan (Jedi's student) Qui-Gon Ginn. Being a Knight, Jedi (and later a Jedi Master), he trains Anakina Skywalker on the way of strength, and then His Son: Luke Skywalker. He is a great hero - Jedi in the wars of clones.

General Grievous

General Grivus - the leader of the army of droids and a good strategist. He leads the confederation and heads separatists. As half an extraterrestrial and half droid, he hunts the Jedies from a sporting interest. He collects light swords of his victims as trophies.

Amitel Senator (Padme)

Great politician and diplomat. Amidala knows when the heart should say, and when the weapon. Determining, tough and bright. Always ready for adventure. She will never leave his people and secretly becomes his wife Anakina Skywalker. She must make a heartbreaking choice between politics and an idyllic novel. Her biggest fear is the fall of the republic. She died after the birth of her twins: Luke Skywalker and lei organs.

Chancellor Palpatine (Darth Sidius)

One of the biggest fraudsters and villains who have ever knew the republic. He builds vile plans for years. Step by step, he gets rid of the Jedi and the Republic, for many years gradually seizes power. It turns out to be Lord Sith and trying to turn the once prosperous republic into the empire. His right hand is Darth Vader. Palpatine - tyrant and dictator.


Briefly called R2. RD-2D is a robot of the type of astromechanical droid. R2-D2 begins as a repairman on the ships of the republic. R2-D2 belongs to Anakin Skywalle in the second and third episodes, he is a witness to the marriage of Senator Amidala with Anakin Skywalker.

Luke Skywalker

Luke was born in Episode III, immediately after Cayser Palpatine captured power and founded the empire. His father, Anakin, just switched to the dark side, and his mother dies at birth.
To save the hatch from the emperor's hands, Luke is with his uncle and Aunt Owen and take Lars on the planet Tatuene. When his uncle and aunt perish, he leaves Tatooin with Ben (Obi-Van Kenobi) and joins the rebels. Later he learns to become a Jedi Master at iodine. At the end of the saga, he brings equilibrium in force. Because "chosen" he, not his father, as they had thought before. He is a twin brother lei organs. After the victory over the empire, Luke took over the obligation to restore the order of the Jedi.