
What happens to the soul after death: theories and hypotheses where the human soul ends up. How the soul leaves the body after death and where it is What happens to the soul

The disintegration of our organs after death can be very exciting, if you dare to delve into the details, of course. The investigation is being conducted by Mo Kostandi.

"It doesn't take too much force to break it," says undertaker Holly Williams, raising John's arm and gently bending it at the elbow and wrist. “Usually, the fresher the body, the easier it is for me to work with it.”

Williams speaks softly and acts nonchalantly, which does not fit with the nature of her work at all. She grew up and later worked at the Williams family funeral home in north Texas, seeing corpses every day since childhood. Now 28, she estimates that she has already processed about 1,000 bodies.

“Most of the people we pick up die in nursing homes,” says Holly. - But sometimes we get people who died from gunshot wounds or died in a car accident. Sometimes we are asked to pick up someone who has died alone and has not been seen for many weeks. Such bodies are already beginning to decompose, which seriously complicates my work.”

John had been dead for about 4 hours before they brought him to the funeral home. For his age, he was relatively healthy. For most of his life he worked in the oil fields of Texas, and this work kept him in good physical shape. He drank alcohol in moderation and quit smoking several decades ago.

But one cold January morning he had a severe heart attack (apparently caused by other, unknown complications). He fell to the floor and died almost instantly. He was only 57. John now lies on Williams' metal table, his body wrapped in a white linen sheet, cold and hard, and his skin a purple-gray. All these are signs that the first stage of decomposition is already in full swing.


A decaying corpse is very far from being "dead" because life is seething in it. Many scientists view the decaying corpse as the cornerstone of a vast and complex ecosystem that emerges after death, develops and thrives as decay continues.

Tissue breakdown begins minutes after death with a process called autolysis, or self-digestion. After the heart stops beating, cells begin to experience a lack of oxygen, their acidity increases, as toxic by-products of chemical reactions begin to accumulate.

Enzymes begin to digest cell membranes, and the cells are destroyed. This usually starts in the liver, as it is rich in enzymes, and in the brain, because it contains water.

Then, in a similar way, other organs and tissues begin to collapse. Under the influence of gravity, damaged blood cells leave the destroyed vessels, and the skin turns pale.

Body temperature starts to drop. The next stage is rigor mortis, which begins with the eyelids, jaws, and neck muscles, after which it spreads to the limbs.

During life, muscle fibers contract and relax due to two fibrillar proteins, actin and myosin, interacting with each other. But after death, cells stop receiving energy, protein filaments become immobile, as a result, muscles and joints become stiff.

In these early stages, the cadaveric ecosystem consists primarily of bacteria living both outside and inside the body. There are a lot of bacteria in our bodies. In fact, every corner of our body provides a special habitat for entire communities of microbes. The largest number of microbial communities lives in the digestive tract.

Disabling immunity

In August 2014, forensic scientist Gulnaz Javan of Alabama State University, along with colleagues, published the first study called "Thanatomicrobiome" (from the Greek "thanatos" - death).

Gulnaz Javan

As long as we are alive, most of our internal organs are free of germs. But soon after death, the immune system stops working, and germs freely spread throughout the body.

It usually begins in the intestines, at the junction between the large intestine and the small intestine. Then the bacteria penetrate the capillaries of the digestive system and the lymph nodes, first entering the liver and spleen, and then the heart and brain.

Javan and her team took liver, spleen, brain and blood samples from 11 cadavers. The time elapsed since death varied from 20 to 240 hours. They used two state-of-the-art DNA sequencing technologies, combined with bioinformatics, to analyze and compare the bacterial content of each sample.

It turned out that the samples taken from various organs of one corpse were very similar to each other, but at the same time they were very different from similar samples taken from other bodies. This can be explained either by differences in the microbiome of each corpse, or by a difference in time after death.

Bacteria checklist

In addition, Javan's research showed that the bacteria enter the liver about 20 hours after death and take at least 58 hours to spread to all other organs that were sampled.

“The composition of bacteria changes after death,” Javan says. “They reach the heart, the brain, and finally the reproductive organs. We will conduct another series of experiments to find out which organ is the best for determining the time of death, as this is still unclear.”

But something is clear already now: the different composition of bacteria is associated with different stages of decomposition.

Natural decomposition

For many of us, the sight of a rotting corpse is repulsive and frightening. But for the folks at the Southeast Texas Applied Forensics Foundation, decomposing corpses are a daily occurrence.

This institution was opened in 2009 and studies the natural decay of bodies. In late 2011, researchers Sybil Bucheli and Aaron Lynn left two corpses on the foundation's property to decompose naturally.

As bacteria self-digest and spread decomposition processes begin from the digestive tract in the corpse. This is "molecular death", that is, the disintegration of soft tissues into gases, salts and liquids.

Decomposition is due to the fact that in the body, aerobic bacteria, which require oxygen for reproduction, are replaced by anaerobic bacteria, which do not require oxygen for their vital activity.

They feed on the tissues of the body and produce gaseous by-products such as hydrogen sulfide, methane and ammonia, which accumulate in the body, leading to bloating in the abdomen and sometimes in the extremities.

All this leads to a further change in body color. When damaged blood cells leak into the body from damaged blood vessels, anaerobic bacteria begin to convert the hemoglobin molecules that once carried oxygen around the body into sulfhemoglobin. The appearance of sulfhemoglobin molecules in the body gives the skin a greenish-black tint.

Special Habitat

As the pressure of the gas inside the body continues to rise, it results in blisters all over the surface of the skin. First, there is a weakening, and then a “slipping” of large skin flaps from the body.

Eventually, gases and liquefied tissues exit the body, usually through the anus and other openings. But sometimes the pressure of the gas is so great that the stomach can simply burst.

Swelling is often used as a marker to indicate the transition from early stages of decomposition to later stages, and a recent study shows that this transition is characterized by a major change in the composition of cadaveric bacteria.

Since Bucheli is an entomologist, he is primarily interested in insects that start in a corpse. She considers the corpse as a special habitat for various types of carrion-eating insects, the life cycle of which can take place both inside the corpse and next to it.

Larval cycle

Two types of insects are closely associated with decomposition: blowflies and gray blowflies (and their larvae). Corpses emit a cloying odor composed of a complex cocktail of volatile compounds, and this odor changes as it decomposes.

Blow flies can smell this smell using special receptors on their whiskers. They sit on the corpse and lay their eggs in holes and open wounds. Each fly lays about 250 eggs, which hatch into larvae after 24 hours. They begin to feed on decaying flesh, then molt and become larger.

After several molts, they pupate, and then turn into adult flies, and this whole cycle is repeated until the fly larvae have something to eat. Under optimal conditions, an actively decomposing body can contain a huge number of larvae. This mass gives off a lot of heat, so that the temperature inside the body rises to 10 °C.

The presence of flies attracts predators such as beetles, mites, ants, wasps, and spiders, which feed on the fly's eggs and their larvae. The body also attracts vultures and other large carnivores.

Unique combination

However, in the absence of large scavengers, it is the larvae that are responsible for eating soft tissues. Carl Linnaeus remarked in 1767: "Three flies can devour the carcass of a horse as quickly as a lion."

Each carrion-eating species has a unique combination of gut microbes, and different types of soil host a wide variety of bacterial communities. The composition of these communities is determined by a number of factors, such as soil temperature, moisture content, type and structure.

All these microbes are mixed over and over again in the cadaveric ecosystem.

Flies that land on a corpse not only lay their eggs there, but also bring their own bacteria there. And the bacteria contained in the corpse get on the flies. In addition, liquefied tissues oozing from the body promote bacterial exchange between the body and the soil beneath the body.

Thus, each corpse has a unique microbiological signature, and this signature can change depending on the time and conditions of death.

A better understanding of the makeup of bacterial communities, the relationships between them, and how they influence each other could one day help forensic scientists learn more about where, when, and how a person died.

Pieces of the puzzle

For example, isolating DNA sequences that are known to be unique both to the organisms in a corpse and to the soil below it can help crime scene investigators associate a victim's body with a geographic location, which in turn can greatly narrow the scope. search for clues.

“There have been a few cases where forensic entomology has really come to the rescue and been able to find important pieces of the puzzle,” Buceli says, adding that he hopes that one day bacteria will be able to provide even more information and become an additional tool to determine the time of death.

“Hopefully in five years we will be able to use bacterial data in courts,” she says.

It is for this purpose that researchers enter the varieties of bacteria contained outside and inside the human body into a special catalog and try to understand how bacterial data differs in different people. “I would like to have a complete set of data from the beginning of life to the death of a person,” says Bucheli.

Daniel Wexcott, an anthropologist who specializes in the study of the structure of skulls, uses a microCT scanner to analyze the microstructure of the bones of bodies. He also collaborates with entomologists and microbiologists, including Javan, as well as with computer engineers and with a drone operator who uses aerial photography of the area.

“I read an article about drones flying over farmland and determining the best places to plant crops,” he says. - They looked at the soil in the infrared range, and the more fertile soil in it looked darker. I thought, if they do that, maybe we should take advantage of it”?

fertile soil

Islands of fertile soil are the centers of cadaveric decomposition. A decomposing body changes the chemistry of the soil beneath it dramatically, and these changes can accumulate over many years. Decaying body fluids seep into the soil, and insect migrations allow bacteria to spread widely around the body.

As a result of these processes, an "island of cadaveric decomposition" appears in the field, an area of ​​soil rich in organic nutrients.

The average human body is estimated to be 50–75% water, and each kilogram of dry body weight releases 32 grams of nitrogen, 10 grams of phosphorus, 4 grams of potassium, and 1 gram of magnesium into the soil. At the initial stage, all this destroys the surrounding vegetation - perhaps the reason is nitrogen toxicity. But ultimately, decomposition is very beneficial to the ecosystem.

The microbial biomass in the island of cadaveric decomposition is greater than in the neighboring areas. Further research into how decomposing bodies change the ecology could lead to the discovery of a new way to find victims whose bodies were buried in shallow graves.

A detailed analysis of the soil can provide another way to establish the exact time of death. Studies of biochemical changes in the island of cadaveric decomposition conducted in 2008 showed that the concentration of phospholipids in the soil under the corpse reaches a maximum 40 days after death, and the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus becomes maximum after 72 days and 100 days, respectively.

A more detailed study of these processes and analysis of soil biochemistry can help forensic scientists understand how long ago the body was placed in the grave.

It is in human nature itself to strive for eternity. Being a hostage of this fleeting material world, a person always strives for Eternity. Whoever listens to the inner voice will hear how he speaks again and again about Eternity.

Even if the Universe were given to man, this would not quench his thirst for Eternal life, for which he was created. The natural desire of people for permanent happiness is due to objective reality and the fact that eternal life really exists.

What is death?

The body is an instrument of the spirit that governs and controls all its organs down to the smallest particles that make up the cells. In the hour predetermined by the Lord, a person suffers a disease, and his body stops its functions, which marks the arrival of the Angel of Death.

Although death comes to a person by the will of the Lord God, He places the duty to take human souls on the angel Azrael, who is a symbolic veil that separates death in the eyes of people from the One who sends it. Diseases or various disasters also symbolize a kind of veil, but already directly between death and Azrael.

Appearance of the Angel of Death to the Dying

Since the angel Azrael, like all angels, is created from light, he can appear and be present in several places at once. The fact that he is busy at a certain moment does not mean at all that at the same time he cannot participate in the performance of any other affairs.

Just as the sun gives warmth and light to the whole world at the same time and, being reflected, is present in countless transparent objects of this world, the angel Azrael can take millions of souls at the same time without creating confusion.

Each of the angels is given angels similar to him in submission. When a good, righteous person dies, several angels with smiling, luminous faces first come to him.

They are followed by the angel Azrael, who may be accompanied by one or more angels subordinate to him - they are instructed to take the souls of the righteous.

The angels who take the souls of the righteous are different from the angels who take the souls of sinners. The souls of sinners who meet death with an embittered, frightened face, they "ruthlessly tear out" from the body.

What does a person feel at his death hour?

Before those who believed in the Lord and led a righteous life, the doors of Paradise are open. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that the souls of the righteous are taken as gently and smoothly as water flows out of a jug.

Moreover, martyrs (martyrs who died on the path of the Lord) do not feel the agony of death and do not know that they have died. Instead, they feel they have moved into a better world and enjoy Eternal Happiness.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said to Jabir, the son of Abd Allah ibn Amr (may Allah be pleased with him), who was martyred in the battle of Uhud: “Do you know how the Lord met your father? He met him in such a way that neither eyes saw, nor ears heard, nor minds comprehended it. Your father said:

"O Supreme! Return me to the world of the living, so that I can tell those whom I left there how wonderful it is to expect after death!" The Lord replied: "There is no return. Life is given only once. However, I will tell them about your stay here."

And after that the following verse was sent down:

وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتًا بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ يُرْزَقُونَ فَرِحِينَ بِمَا آتَاهُمُ اللَّهُ مِن فَضْلِهِ

“Do not count as dead those who died in the way of Allah for the sake of His religion. Indeed, they are alive with their Lord, and their souls travel in the goiter of green birds in Paradise and receive their inheritance, eating the fruits of Paradise and rejoicing in everything that Allah has given them by His mercy. (Sura Alu ‘Imran‚ verses 169-170; “Tafsir al-Jalalayn”)

A man dies the way he lives. The one who led a righteous life dies a worthy death, while the death of a sinner is painful and terrible. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who praised the Lord God the most, advised reading special prayers at his dying hour.

It is known that the closest companions of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, for example, ‘Uthman, ‘Ali, Hamza and Musab ibn ‘Umar and others (may Allah be pleased with them all), who dedicated themselves to the service of Islam, died the death of martyrs.

Should we be afraid of death?

For those who believe and do righteous deeds, death should not be terrible. Although it seems that death is the extinction of the light of life and its charms, in fact it is a liberation from the heavy duties of worldly life. This is a change of place of residence, a transition to a different state, but at the same time an invitation to Eternal life. According to the predestination of the Lord, the world is constantly being renewed, and mortal life is being replaced by Eternal life.

When a fruit stone falls into the soil, it looks like it is dying. In fact, it undergoes a biological process, goes through certain stages of development, and eventually a new tree grows out of it. Thus, the “death” of a stone is the beginning of the life of a new tree, a new, more perfect stage of development.

If the death of plants, which represent the simplest level of life, is beautiful and of great importance, then the death of a person, which represents a higher stage of life, should be even more beautiful and have even more serious significance: a person, going underground, will certainly find Eternal life!

Death frees a person from the hardships of worldly life, which becomes more difficult with age and the misfortunes that befall a person. Death takes him into the circle of Eternity and Love, where a person can enjoy the company of loved ones and find solace in a happy Eternal life.

Soul in the intermediate world

After death, the soul appears before the Lord God. If a person lived a righteous, chaste life and reached perfection, the angels accompanying his soul to the Lord transfer it to God.

Angels greet the soul wherever it flies and ask: “Whose soul is this? How beautiful is this soul! The angels accompanying the soul call it the most beautiful words and answer: “This is the soul of the one who prayed, fasted, gave alms and endured all the difficulties of life in the name of the Lord!”.

Finally, Almighty Allah welcomes the soul and orders the angels: “Take the soul back to the grave where its body is buried, for it must answer the questions of the angels Munkir and Nakir.”

The soul of the sinner is everywhere treated with disdain and literally thrown back into the grave.

Any troubles that happen to a person in our mortal world arise because of his sins. If a person sincerely believes, but sometimes cannot refrain from sinful deeds, God, out of mercy to him, sends troubles to him in order to cleanse him from sins.

The Lord can also subject him to severe death agony in order to forgive his sins or elevate him to a higher spiritual level, but at the same time the Lord takes his soul very gently and gently.

If, despite all the misfortunes endured by a person in the world, and despite the endured torments of death agony, a person still has unforgiven sins, he is punished already in the grave, but is delivered from punishments in Hell.

In addition to all that has been said, each person, while still in the grave, has a conversation with two angels about his worldly deeds, for the grave is the first stage in the transition of the soul to Eternal life, where everyone will be rewarded for his deeds in this world.

As it is written in the books, the uncle of the Prophet ﷺ ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) really wanted to see in a dream the second righteous caliph ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) after his (‘Umar) death.

However, he managed to see ‘Umar in a dream only after six months, and then he asked: “ Where have you been so far? ". To which ‘Umar replied: Don't ask me about it! I just had time to sum up my life ».

The grave bears a certain punishment and acts as a purgatory from sins. It is a very bitter medicine, but it is followed by a heavenly recovery.

As already mentioned, in the grave, each dead person talks with two angels, whose names are Munkir And Nakir. They ask: “Who is your God? Who is your prophet? What religion did you profess?"

If a person during his life believed in God and the mission of the prophet during which he lived, and if he chose the true faith, he will be able to answer the questions of the angels.

The relationship between the soul and the body is different - depending on what world they are in. In worldly life, the soul is imprisoned in the "dungeon" of the body. If the sinful personality and carnal desires dominate spirituality, this will certainly worsen the state of the soul and affect the final judgment passed on a person.

If, on the contrary, the soul can control the personality through faith, worship and right conduct and is able to free itself from the captivity of carnal desires, then it is purified, acquires purity and is endowed with good qualities. This brings happiness to the soul in both worlds.

After the funeral, the soul goes to the place of waiting - ( Barzakh). Although the body decomposes and goes into the ground, its essential particles do not decompose.

It is not known whether these particles are related to the human gene, but no matter what part of the body this particle belongs to, the soul interacts with the body through it. This part of the body also serves as the basis from which Allah recreates a person on the Day of Judgment.

Perhaps this part, formed from the constituent particles or atoms of the body, including those already mixed with the earth, will become a guide to Eternal Life in the course of the final destruction and creation of a new Universe. The Lord uses these particles to resurrect a person on the Day of Resurrection.

What does the soul do in the intermediate world?

The underworld (Barzakh) is a realm where the soul feels the "breath" of Paradise with its blessing or Hell with its punishment. If a person lived a righteous life, his righteous deeds - prayers, good deeds, etc. – will appear before him in the intermediate world in the form of friendly comrades.

Windows will also be opened for him overlooking the gardens of Eden, and, as it is said in the hadith, the grave will become for him like a garden of Eden. Nevertheless, as already mentioned, if a person still has sins, then no matter how righteous a life he leads, he will be punished in the intermediate world to purify the soul from sins so that it can go to Paradise immediately after the Resurrection.

If a person led a sinful lifestyle, his disbelief in Allah Almighty and bad deeds will appear before him in the form of unfaithful friends and such creatures as scorpions and snakes. He will see the scenes of Hell, and his grave will become hell.

Do body parts or cells survive after death?

Everyone knows that while a person is alive, it is his soul that feels pain and joy. Although the soul feels pain through the nervous system and uses this system to communicate with all parts of the body, down to every cell, the following is still a mystery to science: how does the interaction between the soul and the body, including the human brain, take place?

Any failure in the work of any part of the body, its internal organs, leading to death, can lead to a stop in the activity of the nervous system. However, as proven by science, some brain cells continue to live for some time after death.

Scientists conduct research based on the signals received from such brain cells after death. If the work goes well and they can decipher these signals, it will be very important, especially in the field of forensics, as it will shed light on crimes whose "authors" are unknown.

The Holy Quran tells how during the time of the Prophet Musa (peace be upon him), Allah resurrected the murdered, and he told about his murderer.

Torments experienced in the grave and Hell

Since the soul suffers and rejoices, continues to interact with the body in the intermediate world through those particles that are not decomposable, then there is no point in discussing the question: the soul or only the body, or will they endure grave torments together?

However, as stated before, Allah will recreate people on the Day of Resurrection from those very particles of their bodies, and these bodies will be resurrected at the dawn of Eternal Life.

Since the soul lives in this world together with the body, shares its joys and sorrows with it, the Lord will recreate people both physically and spiritually. Sunni Muslims agree with the statement that the soul and body will go to either Hell or Paradise together.

The Lord will recreate the bodies in a form corresponding to the other world, where everything will be alive:

وَمَا الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَآ إِلاَّ لَعِبٌ وَلَهْوٌ وَلَلدَّارُ الآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ لِّلَّذِينَ يَتَّقُونَ أَفَلاَ تَعْقِلُونَ

(meaning): “Earthly life is nothing but play and fun, and the Abode of Eternity (Ahirat) is better for the God-fearing. Do you not understand this manifest truth and do you not understand what is good for you and what is evil for you? (Sura Al-Anam: 32)

What gifts can we send to the soul after death?

Souls in the intermediate world will see and hear us, the Lord allows them. The Lord, at His will, can allow some people to see in a dream, and sometimes in reality, dead souls, hear them or talk with them.

After the death of a person, the book of his deeds is closed, except for those deeds that were committed by him during his lifetime and continue to be beneficial even after death. If a person left behind good, righteous children, books and other heritage from which people can later benefit, if he brought up people useful to society, contributed to their upbringing, he will be rewarded again and again.

If, nevertheless, a person became the cause of some kind of evil or committed a sinful act that others began to imitate, then his sins will accumulate as long as this evil lives among people.

Thus, in order to be useful to loved ones who have departed to the Other World, we must be their worthy heirs. By helping the poor, by living a righteous life, and especially by using funds from the inheritance left by the dead to promote Islam, we can increase the reward of Allah.

What happens to a person after death is one of the main questions that we ask ourselves during life. Versions and theories have accumulated a great variety, from theological to esoteric. What are the main approaches to the afterlife created by mankind for existence ...

In the article:

What happens to a person after death

The main reason for such curiosity is simple and clear. Everyone has a fear of what awaits beyond the last threshold. We exist under the constant yoke of the realization that life will end. This is aggravated by the fact that no one will give a definite answer. Yes, there are many explanations, but which one is correct ...

Everyone will answer this question for himself. It's a matter of personal choice - what to believe. Most of these theories look plausible. Yes, and there is an opinion that each of them is accurate in its own way. Which belief to turn to, which teaching to choose: the text below will not answer. But he will tell about the main things that humanity has come to in its history.

But the only researchers say for sure is that . Although the very concept "life after death" does not work always and everywhere. Not all religions or teachings speak of rebirth and a new beginning. The predominant part of them tells that another existence will await us beyond the last threshold. Not life in our usual sense, but also rebirth, but spiritual. So decide which interpretation of this phrase to use.

How the researchers found out what happens to the soul of a person after death ... The beginning of these reflections was laid by ordinary logic, nothing disappears. The plant dies, rots, falls into the soil and becomes a part, from which new flowers then appear. But with the soul it cannot be so.

Yes, and science tells us the law of conservation of energy, that if there is such a thing, then it cannot simply dissolve. She moves on to another object, the atom. The soul is not energy, but a spark that helps to become a person. It allows you to create masterpiece works of art, colossal structures. How else to explain those impulses that throw us into strange actions. Not all of them fit the concept of instinct.

So many people have a question - what awaits a person after death, it is impossible to believe that there will be nothing, eternal darkness. It does not fit into the framework of ordinary logic and facts confirmed by science. For example, the fact that after death the human body lightens by tens of grams. This cannot be explained by the usual drying of tissues; there is not even a minute after death.

Another fact - the dead person ceases to look like himself in life. The dead are not like those they were in life. You might think that this is a different person. You can’t explain this by banal muscle sagging, because everyone sees changes. Something is missing. We look at the dead man and cannot find what was in him during his lifetime. So the brain tells us that everything, there is no soul in this body.

Don't forget about those psychics who talk to dead people. Yes, there are charlatans among such practitioners, but as in any activity that has gained popularity. There are unreliable scientists who do what they pass off assumptions as real science. But there are those who speak with the dead, and a caste of people who can do it. When communicating with the relatives of the deceased, they give out such facts from which the hair stands on end. How did he comprehend this, and how did he receive such information that the deceased knew. This is another confirmation that life after death exists. Talented people can communicate directly with the dead.

Many skeptics will exclaim - how to trust in this if we cannot feel it with our hands. How to believe in something so ephemeral. We rely on any achievements of science. Most of them are understandable to professionals, or specialists. The energies operated by them are invisible to the ordinary eye - many adaptations are needed. But we believe, although we do not see and do not understand.

There is no device that could register the movement of the soul. Ancient philosophical assumptions turned out to be true. The atomic structure of substances, gravity and much more that the great philosophers of antiquity thought up was scientifically confirmed in the future. And the reasoning about the soul turns out to be just such an ancient teaching. Modern science has no way to test it. But someday...

What happens to the soul after death in different religions

All the versions that have appeared in mankind for a whole time of being are strangely similar, which leads to reflection. There are similar and identical moments. There is eternal bliss, lifelong torment, sinners and righteous (with a footnote to cultural differences). Such cross-similarity shows that with a high degree of probability there is a particle of truth. And around the grain, as folk wisdom says, pearls appear.

What happens to the soul after death in different beliefs and traditions:

  • Christianity. Paradise concept - Kingdom of heaven. In the view of Christians, this is precisely the kingdom. , there is something in Heaven that resembles an infrastructure, a hierarchy, and a control system. Everything is calm, beautiful and orderly. People, if they are worthy to get here, are in eternal bliss and do not know the need for anything.
  • Judaism. There is no whole concept of the place where a person goes after death. The only thing is that it does not look like the usual existence for us:

In the world of the future there is no food, no drink, no reproduction, no trade, no envy, no enmity, no competition, but the righteous sit with crowns on their heads and enjoy the radiance of the Divine. (Talmud, Berakhot 17a).

As soon as they enter the water, it rises in accordance with desires: ankle-deep, knee-deep, waist-deep or throat-deep. If someone wants water to be cold, it will be cold; if someone else wants water to be hot, it will become hot for him; if they want it to be both hot and cold, it will become both hot and cold for them. cold to please them, etc. (Great Sukhavativyuha).

But it is an impermanent place of existence where man cannot develop. It looks like a half-station, a point where you rest before going on your way. And then, having exhausted all good memories, a person is reborn in an earthly body.

This is what awaits the righteous. But how the ancients distinguished one from the other: for this, in every culture there were many different places where a person was judged by deeds or condemned. Court. What he was in different cultures.

Chinvat. Bridge over the abyss

This is a list of mankind's ideas about the afterlife, notable bits of it. It is provided to show the similarities and differences between each of the traditions. Some of them are easier, some are more complex. There are mundane ones who say that after death earthly pleasures await us. But that's not the point.

The point is that they are all similar at certain points. By comparing them, we can build a separate understanding of what happens to the soul after death. All of the above traditions say that judgment awaits after death. It is impossible to say exactly which of them is right - we will rely on general facts. It is impossible to say what it will look like, and what actions will begin to be weighed. It is clear that this will happen.

Each culture invented an afterlife for itself, based on the things that surrounded them in everyday life. Look at the Nordic tradition. And this means that in the imagination we operate with those facts that are familiar to us. As a consequence, the Judgment that awaits will be nothing like what is described above. There will be something for which we simply do not have enough imagination. What exists there does not rely on our world, and therefore will look in its own way.

After the judgment, we will enter another world. Many practitioners say that in another world - in one of the parallel ones. And it is true. But if so, how are psychics able to communicate with the souls of the dead ... There is a theory that says that the souls that such figures talk to are simply a reflection of a person in the real world. A particle of memory, a cast of character, or its imprint on the material world. During life, we imperceptibly change the objects around, distort the information field, which is fed by our actions, actions, or thoughts. This reflection is seen by those who talk with the dead. Not the person himself, but part of the memory that he left here, having moved to another world.

The fate of the human soul after death - can it get stuck in this world

Under certain circumstances, the soul of a person after death can be lost in the many ways that open before him. And don't follow any of them. Why this happens: no one is able to answer this, the topic has not been studied. But one thing is clear for sure - staying here, the soul will begin to suffer.

And it's not so scary when she really stays on the material plane. And what will happen if she gets lost - and it's scary to imagine. Such a lost soul is doomed to eternal suffering on such a scale that not a single priest who tells us about the torments of sinners can imagine it. Moreover, that a person who was an ardent righteous man during his lifetime can test them. But first things first.

When a person dies, what happens to the soul: it separates from the body for a few days and passes to the spiritual plane. Or, in the language of the Church, soars up. The soul is for some time trying to decide what is next, how to be and where to go. And he moves on to the next plane, starting his difficult journey through the ephemeral, invisible world. But what happens to the soul after death, when during life a person was indecisive and sluggish ... It retains all the qualities that a person possesses.

There is a danger that she will not go anywhere. The forces that made her move in life, such as the need to eat, drink, multiply and pay taxes, are gone. They are not there, the dead are material and have no motivation. Such a soul has a great chance to stay between the universes, wandering forever and ever. She will begin to look with envy at the world of the living, but she will not be able to return. She will look with fear at the path of the next planes of existence, but she will not dare to set foot there. Perhaps this is what the ancients called Hell. Constant existence without purpose, without thought, without decision. Just an eternal drift along the very border of the world of the living, overflowing with suffering, envy, fear and malice. Physical pain is nothing compared to mental pain.

Life after death, this phrase is incorrect, but definitely exists. Yes, no one can say with accuracy what awaits us. But there are many facts, coincidences and observations that confirm the reality of posthumous existence.

In contact with

Most people are afraid and don't want to think about death. But this is ignorance, because there is knowledge, not only religious, but also scientific, and it is available. Death is just a transition, in fact all sages and scientists agree on this. Read and watch a video about what happens to a person's soul before after and at the time of death.
The most unpleasant phenomenon on Earth for a person is death. She always showed for him a gloomy ominous edge of inevitability, behind which, as materialists believed, the most terrible thing is hidden - non-existence.

Man has always been frightened by the possibility of disappearing as a person from this world and never appearing again. The life of each of us in itself, compared with the eternity of the Universe, is a short moment.

Figuratively speaking, the Universe does not have time to blink an eye, and human life has already ended, and in a short moment he manages to carry out only three main points: to be born, live and die.

Compared with the eternity of the universe, such brevity of human existence may seem like a mockery of the Creator. And only knowledge of the purpose of the appearance on Earth of man, his soul allows our consciousness to step over the brink of doom with hope for eternity.

Only the Highest Knowledge allows a person to open his eyes to new stages of his development and show his very short life as a link of necessary connections in the chain of the endless evolution of the soul. And only the Highest Knowledge allows us to look at death not as the inevitable end of everything, but as the beginning of a new existence in other worlds invisible to us.

What happens to the soul after death video

As the Teachers of Humanity say:

– There is no death in the Cosmos. Death is a necessary transition from one world to another, from an old state to a new one.

The knowledge related to the process of death, at some stage in the development of mankind, remained closed solely for the educational reasons of our Teachers. A person, believing that he lives only once, if he is a vicious person, will always strive in this regard to show maximum egoism, to receive maximum benefits for himself.

A positive person, even in the face of death, will always show the best sides of his character. So the fear of death makes some even worse and meaner, while others better and nobler.

In addition, death for a person is a huge incentive for the struggle for life, for survival, both in positive and negative personalities, developing in them willpower and the desire to overcome difficulties. Therefore, we can say that death is a great Teacher.

She taught a person to lend a helping hand to others, to sympathize and compassion, to think logically and foresee the consequences. Medicine itself and some branches of science appeared only due to the desire to resist death.

Doctors of medicine and philosophers tried to understand the essence of death and follow the processes of extinction of the human body. But human impressions always introduce distortions into the cognitive moment of any research. Therefore, the impressions of people who have been in a state of clinical death, although they make it possible to reveal some features of this process, are not able to fully explain everything.

What happens to the soul of a person on the day of death

However, at present it is no longer a secret for many that death is not a cardiac arrest, which entails the beginning of the disintegration of the whole organism, but, first of all, it is the departure of the soul from the physical body and the breaking of the “subtle” ties between them.

And those materialists who were eager to confirm such facts obtained them with the help of modern technology, capable of recording the “subtle” radiations of the human body. American scientists, physicians, with the consent of their patients, weighed incurable patients at the time of death.

And thanks to ultra-sensitive equipment, it was found that the physical body becomes 4-6 grams lighter after death. That is, they weighed a certain substance separating from the physical body, which we call the soul, and determined that at the moment of separation its weight is four to six grams.

Experimentally, it was possible to fix powerful radiations of energy accompanying a lethal outcome with instruments. So the experimenters have already come close to fixing the departure of the soul from the body.

Numerous studies of such doctors of medicine as S. Moody, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who spent many hours at the bedside of the dying, showed much in common in the experiences of people who had been in a state of clinical death and returned to life again.

Their indefatigable work proved that with cardiac arrest and cessation of breathing, death does not always occur, and with death, the “I” of a person as an individual, unique personality does not always disappear.

What happens to a person before death

For the first time in the darkness of death, the dawn of hope dawned.

What is death

“So what is death?” Why is it given to a person and is it possible to ever get rid of it?

- The death of a person is the end of his program, the fulfillment of the last event point in it, associated with the transition of the soul from the gross material world to the "subtle". Otherwise, we can say that this is the transition of the soul from the rough material world to the energy one. Such a phenomenon as death is introduced only in the lower physical worlds.

In the High planes of existence, death, as a gradual transition from one level of development to another, is absent. And the transformation of the soul from one state to another, usually to a higher one, occurs naturally when the soul collects certain energies that correspond in quality to the next higher level of development. For the human soul on the earthly plane, the path is predetermined from below - upward through a series of lives, and consequently - deaths.

– Why does a person develop through short intervals of existence and many deaths, and let's say, not through one life of a thousand years, and one death?

– The stage-by-stage path of the development of the soul through many incarnations is connected with the need to control its development, that is, after the end of each life, it is required to review the results of its improvement. On the basis of the results of the past life, a new program is drawn up for the subsequent incarnation.

One long life will always lead a young inexperienced soul to the wrong path of development, therefore, it was precisely in order to achieve the best quality of evolutionary advancement that it was predetermined to lead the soul of a person through short intervals of development, namely, through life and death, connected together by several decades of being.

Life after death what happens video

– How does the transition to a higher level of existence occur among the Determinants, also through death and a new birth?

- For them it happens as a promotion. They have no death. They are eternal.

“Legends have come down to us that immortal people once lived on Earth. Is immortal human existence possible?

– No, this has never happened in physical shells. People always interpret everything wrong. If they are immortal, then they are without a body. Legends told about the immortality of the soul in a "subtle" body, and people, in their likeness, clothed them in physical forms.

– Are there planets with an immortal population in physical shells somewhere in the Cosmos?

– No, the physical shells are all mortal. Matter is short-lived, more precisely, connections of compounds are short-lived.

Causes of death

Let's talk about causes of death. When people die of old age, it is understandable that their program is over. But old people die in different ways: some easily, others get very sick and suffer for a long time. Why do they have different deaths?

- They die peacefully for two main reasons: the souls have exactly completed their program or the souls that will go for decoding. Suffering before death is mainly those people who did not get some kind of energy during their stay. Therefore, their disease is associated with the corresponding organ that produces the required type of energy.

- Why do some old people live for a very long time, although no one needs them anymore and there is no benefit from them, but they still live and live?

- If an old man lives in a family, then in this case he is necessary for the purpose of developing certain qualities in the souls of relatives, more precisely revealing them, for example, patience or, conversely, hostility; respect or hate. If an old person lives alone and for a long time, then his soul is tormented: from loneliness, and from a weak body, and from many other things; thus the education of his soul continues. Old age teaches a lot.

How does the process of death of a person video

- And if a baby dies, then for what reason?

- Basically, this is a punishment to parents for some past karmic sins. The soul of an infant itself, in a very short life, also gains some of the energies it lacks. Sometimes it is enough just to be born and immediately die. Both birth and death are accompanied by large outbursts of energies.

- Why do children die at 10-11 years old and young people at 20-24? Why such short lives?

- If a child of ten years old dies, this means that in the past he did not complete the program and did not get the amount of energy that a person produces during ten years of life, sometimes in shorter periods, but with a more intensive program, since some programs are so eventful saturated, which allow a person to produce the same amount of energy, but in a shorter time.

Therefore, everything that the child has accumulated over the ten years of his present life serves as an addition to the achievements of his past life.

The same is true of young people in their twenties. Their shortcomings make up a larger amount of energy than the souls that are sent into your life for ten years, so they are given a longer life to work off their past debts. When such a young man dies, then in the distributor his two last lives are grouped into one whole, that is, they are summed up.

– Why do these souls have debts? Are they suicidal?

– There may be such. But basically, energy debts appear in connection with the wrong way of life, when a person not only fulfills his life program, but is in pursuit of pleasures. He needs to develop energy of some quality according to the program, and he, succumbing to temptations, laziness and empty pastime, produces energies of a lower quality.

Any work: both physical and intellectual, search, struggle with difficulties or improvement in creativity - produce energies of a higher quality than passive reading of fiction, lying on the couch, in a word - doing nothing.

Or, let's say, the program gave a person the opportunity to develop their musical abilities, which means learning musical literacy, mastering a musical instrument, and refining their knowledge in the art of music. And the young man tries to study, it seems difficult for him, and he, leaving his musical education, is content with listening to other people's music with great pleasure.

What happens to the soul immediately after death

This is where debt comes from. He had to work in the musical direction himself, and he is content with the fruits of other people's labors.

Any abilities, talents given to a person, he is obliged to develop, bring to perfection, then there will be no energy debts. Of course, this applies not only to abilities, but also to any deeds of a person, when he replaces labor and diligence, that is, development, with passive contemplation and the pursuit of pleasures.

– Do these young people, who have not yet had time to sin, experience any unpleasant sensations after death?

- They do not experience any unpleasant sensations compared to your life on Earth. All the most unpleasant things are on Earth. And when you pass to Us, the most unpleasant comes only from bad memories of your past life.

- Before death, usually many people suffer for a long time, experience serious illnesses. Is it related to human sins?

– The type of death does not depend on sins, because the working off of real sins is transferred to the next life. The type of death is programmed even before the birth of a person and is determined by some features of his past life. A person can lie down and not wake up, so torment is not necessary.

- Many alcoholics die suddenly, without pain, and good, in our opinion, people lie paralyzed for a long time. We think it should be the other way around.

“There are several reasons why alcoholics die easily and quickly. First, alcoholics are also completely different. There are worthless, empty, and there are smart and good people who have become alcoholics due to difficult circumstances. Empty souls who aspired to nothing in this life, except for wine, go to destruction, so there is no point in making them suffer.

Additional suffering will not give them anything. Therefore, they are quickly and without any complications removed from your world. People who had some aspirations in life, but then went astray and suffer greatly, seeing their worthlessness, can also die suddenly, since previous sufferings have already given enough energy of this quality.

What happens to the human mind after death

If we talk about good people who suffer before death, then they suffer in order to give a cleaner look to some kind of energy that they have not processed in life in small quantities. The type of missing energy corresponds to a specific disease, on the basis of which the body will additionally produce as much energy as required by the program.

In addition, many patients suffer for a long time to test their relatives in order to reveal the true attitude towards the patient, since as long as a person is healthy, there is one attitude towards him; when you get sick, it's different. Moreover, even the same person can change his attitude towards the patient if the illness is prolonged in time: at first he takes care of him with sincere sympathy, then he either gets tired, or it bothers him, and he secretly begins to wish him a speedy death.

So diseases are often given to test the attitude towards a person among his environment, and therefore, this helps to reveal the low qualities of people's character.

– Is it possible that not an alcoholic, but just a sinner dies easily?

- Yes, for example, if his wife is a very decent woman and her husband's illness can bring her unnecessary hardships, then he is removed quickly. That is, if the wife or relatives do not need additional suffering, then the sinner is removed through some kind of instant death that is not associated with illness.

– Is the exit of the soul from the physical body very painful?

– No, death itself is absolutely not terrible and painless. People confuse the suffering associated with a disease with death itself. Illness brings pain and suffering, and death is a brief moment of transition, which, on the contrary, stops the suffering of being. Instantaneous death in accidents is generally not fixed by consciousness for a person, although for those who observe the picture of an accident from the side, the spectacle looks terrible.

What happens immediately after the death of the human body

- If before death one of the family members has dreams that he is taken away by a deceased family member, who gives him such information?

- Identifier of the second person. Such an individual undergoes reprogramming and in a dream the information of the future is processed, and the person sees that he has a new program with a focus on death.

– Can dreams like this always be believed?

- No. Sometimes this can be some kind of warning or test of a person's reaction to his own death.

- Can a clairvoyant by the aura of a person determine that he will die soon?

– Yes, maybe, since the death of a person only on the physical plane is a moment, and in the “subtle” world, preliminary preparations are underway. Only catastrophes happen instantly, but they are also planned in advance and always accurately calculated. Therefore, a person is prepared for death in advance and its signs hang over him a few minutes before death should occur.

– Why do those who are close to death lose their aura or have a dark channel appear above their heads?

– The determinant prepares the “thin” structures of a person for the moment of death and frees the exit channel for the soul. The clairvoyant perceives the absence of some "subtle" structures as the disappearance of the aura or a dark pillar above the head.

– How does the Qualifier carry out this preparation?

- All data about a person, including his physical shell and "thin", are in the computer of the Determinant, so the preparation is carried out through the computer. First, everything is reproduced on the screen, that is, in its database, and then these changes are transferred to living nature.

- After death, the soul perceives reality as implicitly as in a dream?

– No, after death the soul becomes aware of itself and the surrounding world clearly, the only thing is that, due to its unpreparedness, not every soul is able to understand what happened to it.

- But some people who have been in a state of clinical death claim that they did not see or hear anything.

- Clinical death does not always mean true death, therefore, not all people at this moment have a soul exit from the body. They just lose consciousness at that moment. If the design of a person is such that even in a dream he is able to leave the body, and with any significant damage to the body, then such a soul is able to fly out even during clinical death. This usually happens in subtle natures. And flying out, they can observe their body from the side or rise to higher spheres, realizing what is happening.

What happens to the human body after death

- Recently (spring 1998) a plane crashed in Irkutsk. Good pilots died. But it is people who regard them as excellent highly qualified specialists. And who did you take away: the best or unnecessary on Earth?

- Those who were necessary to Us died.

- I mean the pilots. And the civilian population that died - the plane fell on residential buildings - are they victims?

We need them all. Everything is planned.

- In recent years, planes have been falling very often. We came up with an assumption that someone is deliberately putting them out of action, acting from the “subtle” world. Who is directly involved in this?

– These are Our Essences, plasmoids, which acted according to the assigned task. Naturally, they are not visible to the human eye.

- Did they turn off three engines at once in the plane so that it fell on Irkutsk?

- Yes. The aircraft was in perfect condition. Absolutely. The entities simply turned off his engines during the flight. The Negative System has been shut down so that none of your over-experts will ever determine the cause of the crash.

– Were these Essences on “flying saucers”?

- What are you talking about! These were the Essences of the “subtle” plane, or our Minus. There is a Minus System that calculates all accidents. It worked as expected in this case as well. The accuracy of the actions performed in the situation is exceptional.

Calculations are carried out by some Essences, they are performed in action by other Essences. People in the physical world are not able to perceive their actions, so all accidents remain a mystery to them. And no matter how much your technical workers prepare the plane, the plasmoids from the Minus System will always put it out of action at the right time and in the right place, since We own the situations, not the person.

- Did the programs come to an end for the people who were on the plane that died over Irkutsk?

– No, in this case not towards the end, although usually We select people at the stage of completion of their programs. But now is a different time, now is the end of the second millennium, the change of eras, and this says a lot.

What happens when a person dies

- So, now the program can be half completed for people and you are taking them away?

- Yes. For most people, the programs do not reach the final stage. We are picking up many in this period ahead of schedule, because all the old programs, that is, the programs of the people of the fifth civilization, are being curtailed, and the new time is starting to unwind with the introduction of the programs of representatives of the sixth civilization.

– But what will happen to unfinished programs? These people will have to refine them in the next life, or is it something else?

- With each person the issue will be resolved separately. First, all the souls taken will be sorted according to their acquired qualities, and then We will decide what to do with them. A distinctive feature of this time is that the Earth is moving from one stage of the development of the program to another, and the transition of mankind from the fifth civilization to the sixth; therefore what was once established as laws is now being violated.

Many souls at the moment are removed forever, as those who have not justified themselves.

– Are the catastrophes in the mines that became more frequent in the 1990s a reaction of the Earth to the wrong actions of people or something else?

– No, this is also the work of the Minus System. And the Earth can manifest itself only where there are wars or where people make explosions in the Earth itself, causing harm to it. She does not like explosions, aggressive outbursts in people's moods, and she can respond to them with earthquakes and other disasters.

– When a person dies from an illness or dies instantly in an accident, is there any difference in the energy output?

- Diseases give more energy of a particular type, as they are associated with a disease of organs, and accidents contribute to the release of energy of a general type, characteristic of a given person. But if at the moment of an accident a person experiences severe stress, then he (stress) informs the soul of a greater speed for lifting up. Stress favors the instantaneous and painless departure of the soul from the body.

- Is there any sequence in the fence of people now?

- Certainly. The sequence is also determined by the Minus System. There are certain norms, rules according to which souls are taken in normal times and during the transitional period, as now. What is unacceptable in ordinary times becomes possible in the transitional phase. We now have a lot of Essences working for the fence of souls. There are separate groups that perform certain work related to the collection of souls.

Let's say some groups check the general programs of people and choose who can be removed so as not to break the following connections. Others correct new programs, linking them with old ones. Still others arrange situations and accidents leading to death. The fourth ones already directly work with the liberated souls, and so on. A lot of work. But the sequence is always observed, since it is impossible to pick up all of the intended souls at once.

What happens to the soul on the fortieth day after the death of the body

In the Bible, this sequence is displayed very clearly by the trumpet voice of the Angels: "The first angel blew - and there were hail and fire ...", "The second angel blew - and the third part of the sea became blood ...", "The third angel blew - and many of the people died from the waters …”, and so on seven Angels.

Following their trumpet voice, events follow, entailing a reduction in the population. This is nothing more than a reflection of the development program of the fifth civilization at the stage of completion, the passage of the civilization of the last checkpoints in the program.

death process

How does the process of death take place?

- When a person's program reaches its final stage, the last point of it expresses a picture of the person's death itself, which determines how he should die. If a person dies in an accident, in this situation several Determiners are involved, playing a scene at the moment of death, like in a puppet theater.

People are led into a situation that leads to death. Sometimes, in order for an accident to occur, a person needs only a few seconds, or rather, a fraction of a second to turn off consciousness or attention.

If a person must die due to illness, then the situation is played on the computer of his Determinant. Heart attacks, strokes are the business of the Determinants. With the help of a computer, they inflict an energy blow to that place or organ, the failure of which should lead to the death of a person. Sometimes a person is simply disconnected from the nourishing energy.

What happens to the human mind after death

What happens to the human mind after death

– You said that death is accompanied by a burst of energy. At the moment of death, all the energy leaves the physical body?

– No, not all vital energy is released. Zero-fifth (0.5) remains to carry out the decay, to destroy the physical shell. The body cannot remain as it was during life. It must necessarily be decomposed into its constituent elements, from which, again, other bodies will begin to be built. This is the cycle of gross physical energies.

- A powerful surge of energy from the body just contributes to the departure of the soul?

- Yes. It serves as the starting energy for departure at the moment of death.

What is the vital energy of the physical body? Is this what the cells themselves produce?

– No, all energy is given from Above and only from the Determinant. And the decay process also comes from him, because even after the death of a person, the Determinant continues to control the processes in his body through his computer. He ends managing only after the work of disintegration is completely completed.

- What happens at this time with the soul?

“After the soul sheds its rough shell, it begins its journey of ascent to Us. Ritual days after death: three, nine and forty days are the steps of ascent through the earth's layers. They correspond to the time of dropping "thin" shells close to the physical body.

After three days, the etheric is reset, after nine - the astral, after forty days - the mental. All temporary shells are shed, except for the last four, which are close to the soul. These shells, starting from the causal, are permanent and remain with the soul for the entire period of all its incarnations on Earth.

When the soul, according to the level of development, reaches the hundredth Level, that is, the last one for a person, then it drops the fourth, connecting shell, and puts on other temporary shells, depending on which world it will be sent to next.

– When the soul stays in the “subtle” world, does it need recharging with energy?

- No, the soul does not need recharging.

– Do religious rituals with prayers and commemoration feed the energy of the newly deceased?

- At the first stage of death, this affects the soul, because all its shells are with it, not a single shell has yet disintegrated, and they need additional energy to rise to the corresponding filter layer. Many people lose their energy during life and cannot rise to where it is required after death. Additional energies in the form of prayers, feeding their shells, help them ascend to the proper Level.

What happens 40 days after the death of the video

If a person is buried without prayers, then the soul is raised either by special Essences*, the same plasmoids, or special mechanisms that act on the principle of a magnet that attracts the soul to the right place. Now, for the most part, prayers no longer matter, they used to have, and recently mechanisms have been used to trap souls and direct them where they should be. Our sampling methods and “fine” technique are also constantly being improved.

- The feeding of the shells mattered until what time?

- Up to forty days. But this is required by the most earthly souls. And those who are higher in the spiritual plan themselves rise to the required Level. For example, you no longer need any replenishment (it is said for messengers) *. You won't even see your funeral. As soon as you die, you will instantly be carried away from the Earth. You will not see your body like others. High energy will not allow you to linger on Earth even for a few seconds.

You already have such energy that it will carry you away with lightning speed. In terms of energy, you are no longer people, but Essence. It will push you out of the heavy earth layers like a bullet from a barrel. And other psychics and highly spiritual people do not need nourishment in the form of prayers either.

What can low-energy people give to high-energy people? Therefore, if a person has accumulated high energy as a result of some practices or spiritual work, then he is obliged to preserve it until the end of his earthly life. This will help the ascent of his soul.

- The soul flies out of the physical body due to a burst of energy. And what is the mechanism of its departure from the astral shell? Is there also some kind of starting energy?

- In the "subtle" world, another mechanism operates. Around the Earth are special layers of "thin" matter. Each layer has a certain density corresponding to the density of the astral, mental and subsequent shells, that is, it is made of energies corresponding to these ranges. Therefore, when the soul rises to the indicated layers, the shells corresponding to the density of the reached layer fall off.

For example, take the astral shell. It reaches a layer corresponding to its density, and gets stuck in it. This layer above it does not pass. Other shells are lighter than this layer, so they rise higher. The next layer corresponds to the density of the matter of the mental sheath, and therefore delays it. She, like a heavy one, cannot rise higher in any way, and everything that is lighter flies higher. And so on, so that the three temporary shells remain in these layers until their complete disintegration.

- Layers-filters clean people, determine the degree of development of the soul, and in the same layers it refines some situations?

– Layers are multifunctional.

In many ways, a person is called a rational person and differs from unreasonable beings by the ability to ask himself the question: what happens after death? He builds an answer to it according to his own thoughts and experience, the words of representatives of religions, in the works of philosophers, biologists, etc.

Unfortunately, often the death of a loved one and the desire to find out whether a person after death happens to a further life, dictated by love for him, often become an incentive for such fabrications.

We have prepared a small reference summary of everything that is important and accumulated by mankind. And it has accumulated a lot.

Taking on some business, a person sooner or later looks for meaning in its completion. And given that we are at a rather high level of progress, compared even with ancient times, the answer was found and became the foundation for the further superstructure of the building of civilization.

What happens to the human body after death?

Today, few people dare to encroach on their own, different from generally accepted statements about what happens to the human body after death. This was possible in the era of the prohibition of any research on the dead, mainly in the Middle Ages. Now science of death thanatology identifies clear periods with time boundaries of phenomena in the body after the death of a person.

In a deceased person, after biological death (irreversible cardiac arrest and cessation of brain power), autolysis or, in other words, self-destruction occurs. This mechanism is present in every living being. Indeed, if the animals did not decompose, it would be impossible to enter the forest or park because of the corpses that filled everything.

Chemically acidification of all cells occurs(remember the theories of many non-traditional methods of treatment about the need to drink only living, alkalized water with a pH greater than 7). The acidic environment attracts enzymes and bacteria that essentially eat the cells. By the way, during life, they help us digest food while in the intestines. And after it has become unnecessary, they serve their master as destroyers.

The lack of pressure in the vessels leads to their fragility. So the blood after death pours out, with the formation of cyanotic cadaveric bruises on the skin.

Muscles stop contracting and freeze in one position, usually in the one in which the person was (if he died at room temperature).

Bacteria penetrate into all organs in 58-72 hours. Thus begins the total destruction of all cells. This is accompanied by an unpleasant putrid odor, well known to pathologists, forensic experts and other people professionally dealing with death.

Any person is forced to experience all this, and it makes no difference whether a person was unbaptized or baptized; after death, one outcome awaits everyone.

However, there have been and are attempts to stop this process and save the body. First of all, this concerned mummies: from the dead Egyptian pharaoh rulers to the leaders of our time: in Moscow, the Research Institute of Embalming Methods is still preserved. For the simple, sorry for the stupid pun, mortals, they came up with drugs so-called. frosts. They prevent the destruction of organs by bacteria for several days.

It is believed that the brain is the first to die after death. It's all about the increased need for oxygen. For this reason, the largest arteries go to it.

However, facts are known about the movements of the eyes, mouth, and even the making of sounds in people executed through the guillotine. This occurs within 5 minutes of cardiac arrest and, with it, blood pumping.

Scientists connected electrodes recording electrical rhythms to the heads of dying patients. It turned out that after the statement of death, the brain still works, which is confirmed by the recording of the curve. What exactly happens at these moments, no one knows, because there is no one to tell.

Memory and knowledge after death should theoretically be preserved: they are recorded inside the structures of the brain: the hippocampus, the amygdala and others. However, sooner or later they die off with subsequent destruction.

Consciousness is awareness of oneself at a certain point in time. It is logical that this is possible only at the moment when the human brain is functioning.

Consciousness after death ceases to exist in our material world. However, judging by the experiments with recording the electroencephalogram described above, there is reason to believe that the brain will continue to function to some extent. It is possible that consciousness changes into a structure that is impossible to record with modern equipment.

Here it is appropriate to draw an analogy with the perception of sounds by the human ear: immunity to high ranges does not mean the absence of such a range.

What happens to a person's soul after death?

Since ancient times, different concepts of people's faith have offered their thoughts about. However, in all there is one common foundation: a person is waiting for a court that determines the quality of a person’s life. For example, let's take the worldview of the inhabitants of ancient Egypt.

After death, a person goes to a certain labyrinth, where he is tested.

With a successful passage with the soul of a person after death, the following happens: his heart is torn out of the body left in the ground and placed on the scales. If it is equal in weight to a feather, then he was sinless and goes to paradise: a place with fertile land, personal slaves and other benefits. If the heart outweighs, then it is full of sins. And such an Egyptian is instantly devoured by a crocodile monster.

Hindus have a special opinion about what happens to the soul of a person after death. They believe in reincarnation, that is, the transmigration of the soul. Again, according to her righteousness. You can become a rich merchant in your next life, or you can become a stray dog.

Buddhists have a similar opinion, but they do not have the idea of ​​an endless rebirth of the soul. In the end, she must achieve nirvana - renunciation of everything and everyone.

In Islamic tradition the soul in its body, which was on earth, but at the age of 33 must cross the Sirat Bridge. The sinner will fall down into hell and be tormented by various creatures. The righteous will be in the garden of paradise.

According to Christian beliefs, there is no death. Their earthly life is just a stage. And it ends with the coming to the Father-God. Paradise is a place of constant communication, connection with it, happy for every person.

The funeral takes place on the third day, and this is not casual. On the third day, according to the Bible, Jesus was resurrected. The deceased also, as it were, resurrects, but does not come to his temporary body, but to his parent god.

What does the soul do 9 days after death

When the holy Christian fathers were asked what the soul does for 9 days, they cited 9 angelic ranks as an example.

Only by the 9th day do the dead realize that they have died, and before that they walk the earth as if in hops (Paisius the Holy Mountaineer).

9 days after death in the Christian tradition is the moment of understanding that soon there will be a judgment of God's soul of a person.

What does the soul do 40 days after death

What does the soul do 40 days after death? The answer is complex and simple: recognizes all his sins and fearfully awaits the evaluation of his whole life before God.

40 days after death, God sends the soul to heaven or hell. Here again there are scales, on one bowl of which the devil puts the evil deeds of man, and the angels are good. Jesus is watching from above. What will outweigh it will be clear and obvious to everyone present.

The body, according to church tradition, the soul will be returned, but this will happen after the Last Judgment, or, in other words, the end of the world. When the old world perishes and the new one is populated by the righteous.

What happens to the soul a year after the death of a person

Unequivocally, Christian saints were in no hurry to give advice to relatives and interpretations of what was happening with the soul a year after death.

The anniversary after death is a day of special remembrance, a day created for earnest prayer to God for your deceased relative.

The soul is in eternity- this is the exhaustive answer of the prophets and saints. And everyone should understand it in their own way.


All religions and just philosophical systems assumed continuation after the death of a person. The concepts of soul, heaven, hell were introduced during the long years that humanity existed. However, the definitions of righteousness and sinfulness, good and evil remained eternal. A kind person who does no harm to anyone has nothing to fear - that's the main thing.