
Who periodically drinks adaptol. Adaptol: instructions for use. Drug interaction with Adaptol

✮Hello everyone!✮

Price ranges from 599.25 to 842.81 in our city. Unfortunately, in pharmacies nearby, these pills cost 800 rubles, and I had to go to another area to get them. Now there are special sites where you can see the availability and prices of drugs. The difference is 250 rubles. I think it is quite large, given the duration of the course. Therefore, I recommend checking prices in advance. If there is no website, you can call pharmacies.

Sold without a prescription.

Tablets are regular, white. The package contains instructions for use.

What is the adapter for?

I was prescribed it for the treatment of cardialgia, neurosis.

The range of application, in comparison with other similar drugs, is not so wide:

There are few contraindications.

Method of application and results:

The dose is prescribed by the doctor. I was prescribed the first time 1 tablet 2 times a day (morning and afternoon). Course 2 months. Later, 3 tablets per day were prescribed, also for 2 months.

The tablet is terribly bitter, you need to drink plenty of water. Moreover, it is advisable to first take a little water into your mouth so that the tablet gets into the water and does not come into contact with the mucous membrane. When I was drinking these pills, I seriously thought about creating gelatin pill covers. I don’t understand why the manufacturers didn’t think of making a shell with a neutral taste ... It’s not cheap aspirin, you could get confused.

Adaptol refers to drugs that need to be used in courses to achieve the effect. My body is quite susceptible to drugs, so I feel the effect already on the 2nd day.

The drug is quite mild, so it will not cope with strong neuroses. It is often prescribed along with other tranquilizers to achieve the best effect, improve the tolerance of antipsychotics and tranquilizers.

My cardialgia went away almost immediately, I didn’t even complete half of the course. Adaptol coped well with irritability, anxiety. I noticed that the drug removes only irritability, and does not introduce into an indifferent state, and does not deprive of feelings.

Side effects:

There are also few side effects compared to other drugs. I had no side effects, the drug came up 100%.

The only downside to this product is its price. Let's count. The minimum price is 600 rubles. The minimum dose is 2 tablets per day. The course of treatment is usually 2 months. There are 20 tablets in a pack.

For two months we need 120 tablets, which is 6 packs of tablets. 3600 r. for one course. Not cheap at all. And someone is prescribed 3 months, 3 tablets a day. Such a course of treatment will cost 5400r.

If adaptol is prescribed as an aid, it is not at all happy to take it for such a price.

I take off one star for the price and for the terrible bitterness. I repeat, for such a cost they could make a normal shell.

As promised, I will advise drugs with a similar effect. But before using it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  • Prosulpin. Price - 100 rubles. for 30 tablets. It copes well with anxiety, irritability, suspiciousness. This is a serious drug Necessarily check the dosage with your doctor!
  • Grandaxin. Price 700r. for 60 tablets. Compared to prosulpin, the price is high, but three times cheaper than that of adaptol. The action is the same as that of Adaptol with prosulpin. Tablets are much smaller in size, easier to swallow.

Another effective drugs are phenibut and phenotropil. Unfortunately, I forgot the effect of them, because. took 4 years ago. But they also helped me. Phenibut price 188 rub. for 20 tablets.

Adaptol refers to such drugs, after the abolition of which the effect does not disappear. And this effect is enhanced by repeating the course after a while.

I am satisfied with this product and will return to it if needed.

✮Thank you for your attention!✮

More of my reviews on sedatives.

Adaptol is an anxiolytic agent. It is a daytime tranquilizer that has a sedative effect and reduces anxiety.

It does not cause drowsiness or any other sedative effects, so it can be taken during the working day. The drug also has a nootropic effect. This is manifested in the improvement of brain activity and the coherence of thinking.

On this page you will find all the information about Adaptol: full instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Adaptol. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Tranquilizer (anxiolytic).

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed by prescription.


How much does Adaptol cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of 700 rubles.

Release form, composition and packaging

Adaptol is available in the form of white round flat-cylindrical tablets with a score and a chamfer.

Adaptol contains:

  • Tetra(500 mg);
  • Methylcellulose (3.3 mg);
  • Calcium stearate (1.7 mg).

pharmachologic effect

Adaptol is an anxiolytic that belongs to the group of tranquilizers that help eliminate anxiety, anxiety, irritability, emotional stress or fear.

The active active ingredient is tetra(mebicar). This substance in chemical structure is similar to a natural metabolite of the human body. The active component of Adaptol activates those areas of the brain that are involved in the emergence of emotions. Performing a calming function, the drug does not cause drowsiness, euphoria, muscle relaxation and impaired coordination of movements.

Adaptol does not affect mental and motor activity, helps to improve cognitive functions and attention. The drug does not cause pathological emotional activity and psychopathic disorders. After oral administration, the drug is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, maintaining a high concentration of the active ingredient for 3-4 hours.

Adaptol, without accumulating in the body, is excreted in the urine and partly in the feces after taking it for a day. This drug does not cause discomfort or dependence (withdrawal) after you stop taking it.

What helps Adaptol?

The drug Adaptol is used as the main remedy for nervous disorders of varying severity. The drug, according to the instructions, can be prescribed in parallel with other antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers, as well as to enhance the effectiveness of hypnotics (does not have a hypnotic effect on its own, but improves sleep when taken together with sedatives).

Among the main indications for use, the manufacturer indicates the following conditions:

  • neurosis-like states - anxiety, fear, irritability;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • emotional stress;
  • cardialgia (not associated with coronary heart disease);
  • complex therapy with other tranquilizers or antipsychotics (to relieve neurological and somatovegetative side effects caused by their intake);
  • as part of complex therapy to get rid of nicotine addiction (in the fight against smoking).

You can learn more about when Adaptol tablets are prescribed, what they are for, you can ask your doctor.


The undoubted advantage of the drug is a small number of contraindications, which include:

  • intolerance to the active substance or auxiliary components, due to the individual characteristics of the body;
  • the period of bearing a child and lactation;
  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Adaptol is not used in pediatric practice due to the lack of clinical trial data on the use of the drug in children. To date, it is not known how the drug can affect the functions and development of the child's body. However, there is a practice of using the drug in adolescence.

The drug in adolescents is used only in case of urgent need and under the supervision of an experienced specialist. It is strictly forbidden to give Adaptol to children on their own!


The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) is contraindicated.

Instructions for use Adaptol

The instructions for use indicate that Adaptol should be taken orally, regardless of food intake, 500 mg 2-3 times / day. The maximum single dose is 3 g, the daily dose is 10 g. The duration of the course of treatment is from several days to 2-3 months.

In complex therapy, as a means of reducing the craving for tobacco smoking, 500-1000 mg 3 times / day are prescribed for 5-6 weeks.

Side effects

Registered very rarely. Sometimes there may be symptoms such as lowering blood pressure, allergic reactions, dizziness, bronchospasm, weakness, hypothermia.


Even when the dose was repeatedly exceeded, the drug under the conditions of clinical trials was determined to be of low toxicity, since there were no cases of severe poisoning. Sometimes there may be complaints of severe weakness, lowering blood pressure, as well as dizziness.

If an overdose is suspected, the patient is hospitalized in a medical institution where gastric lavage is performed, as well as symptomatic therapy.

Adaptol is an anxiolytic agent. It is a daytime tranquilizer that has a sedative effect and reduces anxiety. Adaptol does not cause drowsiness or any other sedative effects, so it can be taken during the working day. The drug also has a nootropic effect. This is manifested in the improvement of brain activity and the coherence of thinking.

Release form

Adaptol is available in the form of white round flat-cylindrical tablets with a score and a chamfer.

Composition of Adaptol

Adaptol contains:

  • Tetra(500 mg);
  • Methylcellulose (3.3 mg);
  • Calcium stearate (1.7 mg).


The drugs included in the same pharmacological group with Adaptol include:

  • Atarax;
  • Afobazole;
  • diazepam;
  • Zolomax;
  • Xanax;
  • Relanium.

The same active ingredient has:

  • Mebicar IC;
  • Mebicar Tathhimfarm;
  • Tranquilar IC.

In the same anatomical-therapeutic-chemical group as Adaptol are:

  • Alprazolam;
  • Amizil;
  • Gidazepam;
  • Grandaxin;
  • Sibazon;
  • Elenium.

Pharmacological action of Adaptol

Adaptol has a moderate tranquilizing (anxiolytic) effect. Reduces or completely eliminates anxiety, restlessness, irritability, psycho-emotional stress and fear. Improves cognitive function, mental performance and attention. Does not stimulate the symptoms of productive psychopathological disorders - delirium and pathological emotional activity.

The drug belongs to daytime tranquilizers due to the fact that its activity does not lead to muscle relaxation and impaired coordination of movements.

Adaptol, according to reviews, does not have a hypnotic effect, but is able to enhance the effect of other hypnotics and reduce insomnia.

The drug has antioxidant activity and works as an adaptogen, membrane stabilizer and cerebroprotector in oxidative stress of various origins.

There is a dopamine-positive component in the neurotransmitter action profile. Antagonistic activity is manifested in relation to the excitation of the glutamatergic and adrenergic systems. The drug enhances the functioning of inhibitory serotonin and GABAergic mechanisms of the brain. This is due to its normosthenic properties.

Adaptol, according to doctors, is able to alleviate nicotine withdrawal.

Bioavailability when taken orally is 80%. Up to 40% of the drug binds to erythrocytes, and 60% is contained in the plasma in a free form. Due to this, Adaptol freely penetrates through the membranes, freely spreading in the body. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma is reached after half an hour. The high level persists for 3-4 hours, and then gradually decreases. Tetrais completely excreted from the body with urine per day, is not metabolized and is not subjected to biochemical effects in the body.

Indications for use Adaptol

Indications for the appointment of Adaptol are:

  • Neuroses and neurosis-like symptoms (irritability, emotional instability, anxiety, fear);
  • Cardialgia of various origins (not associated with coronary heart disease);
  • Oxidative stress of various etiologies (as an adaptogen and cerebroprotector);
  • Nicotine withdrawal (as part of complex treatment to reduce the craving for smoking);
  • Severe vegetative manifestations in PMS and menopause in women;
  • Poisoning or adverse reactions to benzodiazepines;
  • Poisoning or adverse reactions to neuroleptic and antipsychotic drugs.


Hypersensitivity todione. Adaptol, according to the instructions, is contraindicated in children under 10 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Clinical observations on the use of Adaptol during pregnancy and lactation are not enough, therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe it to this group of patients.

How to use Adaptol

Inside, 1 tablet (500 mg) 2-3 times a day, regardless of food intake. The maximum daily dose is 10 g, a single dose is 3 g. The duration of the course of treatment is from 2-3 days to several months.

As a drug that reduces the craving for smoking (in complex therapy) - 1-2 tablets (500-1000 mg) 3 times a day for 5-6 weeks.

Side effects of Adaptol

In most cases, Adaptol is well tolerated.

Sometimes the following violations are possible:

  • Cardiovascular system - lowering blood pressure (normalizes independently);
  • Gastrointestinal tract - dyspeptic disorders (you need to reduce the dose);
  • Respiratory system - bronchospasm;
  • Skin and subcutaneous tissue - allergic reactions, itching, rash (it is necessary to cancel the drug);
  • General - weakness, hypothermia (normalizes independently).

special instructions

Adaptol, according to the instructions, should be used with caution in violations of the liver and kidneys, as well as in patients with arterial hypotension. In addition, caution should be observed when driving vehicles, since the use of Adaptol may help lower blood pressure.

Drug interaction with Adaptol

Adaptol is combined with antidepressants, tranquilizers of the benzodiazepine group, hypnotics, neuroleptics and psychostimulants.


The toxicity of Adaptol is very low. A typical clinical picture of an overdose has not been identified. Severe poisonings are not registered. Weakness, dizziness, and hypotension may occur.

If an overdose is suspected, symptomatic treatment, including gastric lavage, should be carried out.

Storage conditions for Adaptol

The medicine should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Shelf life - 4 years.

Nervousness, a sense of anxiety and restlessness, irritability and emotional overstrain cannot be called a rarity in modern society. But such states should not be considered a variant of the norm. Adaptol, a mild but very effective drug, will help restore peace of mind.

Description and mechanism of action of the drug

Adaptol belongs to the group of mild anxiolytics or tranquilizers prescribed for cardialgia and disorders of the nervous system. The main active ingredient of the drug is Mebicar - a compound similar in structure to the natural metabolite of the human body. Manufacturers use calcium stearate and methylcellulose as auxiliary components.

After ingestion, about eighty percent of Mebicar penetrates into the blood, the remaining twenty are deposited in the plasma. Its maximum concentration in the body is observed thirty minutes after ingestion and persists for four hours, after which it gradually decreases. At this time, there is an active effect on the brain's emotional centers and neurotransmitter systems. Adaptol gently restores balance and integration in these areas.

The drug is completely excreted from the body with urine and feces a day after ingestion, half-life is noted after eight hours. The drug acts gently and selectively, namely on the zones responsible for the emotional background of a person, without having a peripheral negative effect on other organs, departments and systems. Therefore, its use does not cause a feeling of drowsiness, addiction and does not dull reactions.

However, for all its merits, Adaptol is still a psychotropic drug, which should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Indications for appointment and rules of admission

The drug is effective against oxidative phenomena, pronounced in neurosis and stress of various origins. It is prescribed for people with:

  • Cardialgia (if it is not associated with IHD).
  • Emotional instability.
  • neurotic states.
  • An unreasonable and constant feeling of fear and anxiety.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Withdrawal syndrome (when getting rid of nicotine addiction).

Often, Adaptol is used by women during menopause and PMS, smokers who decide to give up their addiction, as well as people with poor tolerance to antipsychotics. In addition, this remedy is effective against muscle cramps. Calming, but not depressing the nervous system, it will help to cope with nervous tics and involuntary muscle contractions.

Adaptol is available in the form of tablets (500 mg each) or capsules (300 mg each). The course of treatment and the daily dose are determined by the doctor on an individual basis. As a rule, the drug is taken one tablet twice or thrice a day, regardless of the meal. The maximum allowable single dosage is limited to three grams, the daily dose can be no more than 10g.

Do not independently increase or decrease the daily dosage. If for some reason one of the appointments was missed, the next should take place as scheduled. You should not take the pill ahead of time or additionally.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug is well tolerated by most patients, without compromising their well-being. However, in rare cases, side effects may occur, in the form of:

  • Dizziness and general weakness.
  • arterial hypertension.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Dyspeptic disorders: belching, heartburn, increased gas formation, diarrhea.

At the very beginning of treatment, such phenomena as a decrease in blood pressure (blood pressure) and body temperature by 1-1.5o can be observed, disappearing on their own with time. This is not a reason to stop treatment, they are usually absent after a couple of days. If the state of health at the same time worsens significantly, then one should refrain from driving vehicles and performing dangerous work during this period. In this case, an additional consultation with the attending physician will not be superfluous.

The following contraindications are listed in the official instructions for the drug:

  • Individual intolerance to its components.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Age up to eighteen years.

The product is slightly bitter and not very pleasant in taste, sometimes the feeling of bitterness remains in the oral cavity for a long time. This phenomenon is quite common, but by no means dangerous. To reduce such sensations, experts recommend drinking plenty of liquid with each pill.

Adaptol refers to drugs with very low toxicity. Therefore, with proper use and compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor, nothing threatens the health and condition of the patient taking this remedy.

Adaptol for children and pregnant women

According to the attached instructions, Adaptol is contraindicated in patients who are under eighteen years of age. However, many neuropathologists, if necessary, successfully use this remedy in the treatment of adolescents (over ten years of age). In medical practice, there are also cases of treatment

Adaptol hyperactivity in children older than seven years. Thus, given the minimal toxicity of Adaptol in comparison with similar drugs, the appropriateness of prescribing it to adolescents is determined by the doctor.

In adolescence, the drug is used in the treatment of nervous disorders, during the recovery period after acute stress and to improve the tolerance of other psychotropic drugs prescribed for autism, psychosis and schizophrenia. In any case, therapy is carried out under strict medical supervision.

Adaptol is not prescribed to women during the period of expectation and feeding the baby. Given the ability of the drug to penetrate well through the intercellular membranes and into the tissues of the body, its effect on the development of the fetus and the health of the child is difficult to predict. Clinical studies on the use of Adaptol among this category of patients have not been conducted.

It is important to understand that unauthorized treatment with tranquilizers is unacceptable at any age, position and condition. Therefore, Adaptol should be used only after consulting a specialist.

Interaction with other means

It is allowed to combine the reception of Adaptol with other psychoactive drugs: tranquilizers, antidepressants, antipsychotics, hypnotics and sedatives. This drug not only goes well with them, but also reduces the risk of side effects of these drugs. However, Adaptol may increase the effect of sleeping pills.

During treatment, it is necessary to give up alcohol, these substances are absolutely incompatible. Alcohol-containing drinks can not only neutralize the effect of the drug, with this combination they are more intensively absorbed by the digestive tract. The reaction of the body to such a combination is not predictable, such negative consequences as disorientation in space, memory disorders, panic attacks, etc. are quite possible.

Adaptol should be combined with caution with drugs that reduce blood pressure. Such a combination can lead to a critical drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

In most cases, the course of treatment with Adaptol lasts from five to ten weeks, all this time it is recommended for hypotensive patients to constantly monitor the performance of their tonometer.

Many medicines, when combined, can increase or decrease the effectiveness of each other. Therefore, when receiving an appointment from a doctor, you should tell him about all the drugs taken on an ongoing basis.

Helpful information

According to experts, Adaptol is very effective in the treatment of neurotic conditions. He systematically restores the emotional stability of the patient, relieves fear, anxiety and heart pain of a neurotic nature. In addition, this tool is successfully used in combination therapy with other psychotropics. With such combinations, the side effects of neuroleptics are reduced, and the tolerability of antidepressants is increased. With correctly selected dosages, Adaptol is well tolerated by patients, even with long therapeutic courses.

Adaptol has a lot of advantages:

  • Does not cause a state of euphoria and dependence.
  • Gently affects brain activity, without inhibition of the nervous system.
  • It has a minimum of side effects and contraindications.

Does not suppress intellectual and physical activity.

Nevertheless, doctors advise completing the course of treatment with a gradual decrease in dosage without a sharp refusal.

While watching the video, you will learn about the instructions for taking Adaptol.

The main disadvantage of Adaptol patients consider its cost. A package of twenty tablets on average in Russia costs about 800 rubles, this is the price of peace of mind and good mood for nervous disorders today.

Produced in tablets, it belongs to tranquilizers, its action is aimed at relieving pain symptoms and anxiety, relief, mental stress, unreasonable fears, pathological irritability.

At the heart of the drug tetra(in other words, mebicar), a chemical compound acts similarly to a natural metabolite in the human body.

The active component dulls the intensity of the activity of the part of the brain responsible for the emotional background.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Adaptol affects the human brain activity quite gently, does not cause side effects common among other analogues, such as impaired coordination, weakening of muscle tone, dulling of the reaction or euphoria.

The drug is well suited for patients with cravings for smoking, used during menopause or oxidative stress. Medicine fast spreads throughout the body (the primary effect can be observed after 15-20 minutes), the duration of the achieved effect lasts up to 3-4 hours - the patient feels peace and tranquility. Stress will no longer bother the patient. The drug does not have a toxic effect on the liver and is excreted by the kidneys from the body.

Adaptol is not addictive, patients do not have a withdrawal syndrome. When taking the drug, there are no contraindications for driving vehicles and mechanisms, performing work that requires increased attention.

A slight tranquilizing effect, prevents the occurrence of convulsions, prevents impaired motor functions and loss of orientation in space. In general, the effect of taking the drug is the correction and stabilization of mood, the clarification of thinking, and the increase in productivity.

The disadvantages of Adaptol include its price (the average cost in Russia fluctuates around 750 rubles), for many analogues it is cheaper. Taking the medicine cannot be combined with alcoholic beverages, so you will have to be away from entertainment during the treatment.

Drug analogues

Like any other drugs, Adaptol has a number of analogues worthy of attention, this is the name of medicines that, according to their pharmacological indications for use, are similar to the required drug.

Among analog products, you can always choose a less advertised, but effective medicine, with a lower cost and good reviews. The price, as a rule, includes the budget for advertising, organized work to promote the brand on the market. Is it worth paying for it?

So, first of all, it is worth considering the structural analogues of Adaptol, determined by the content of the main active substance, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Mebikar (Ukraine);
  • Mebikar-Tatchimpharm (Russia);
  • Mebiks (Russia);
  • Tranquilar (Ukraine).

There are other substitutes for Adaptol, each of which has its own characteristics, we will briefly consider the most popular:

Cheap domestic analogues

Price matters in modern life, everyone wants to cut costs, especially when it comes to treatment. Sometimes, the cost of the prescribed course goes beyond the financial capabilities of the patient.

In such cases, it is worth taking a closer look at more affordable domestic drugs (mainly Russian and Ukrainian) of a similar effect, since cheap Adaptol analogues are present on the market in large quantities:

OTC Options

Adaptol belongs to antidepressants, and it is quite natural that it is sold exclusively by prescription, however, you can also find over-the-counter drugs similar in effect in a pharmacy:

  • Mebicar IC;
  • Selank;
  • Tranquilar IC.

However, you should not self-medicate, or independently replace the drug prescribed by the doctor, even if it is found on the free market - only the doctor professionally compares the patient's problem and contraindications to taking the remedy.

Comparative characteristics

We tried to impartially compare Adaptol and its popular counterparts in order to find out which is better in each case.

The advantage of Adaptol is its good compatibility with other medications (tranquilizers, neuroleptics, psychostimulants, antidepressants). The only strict contraindication when taking the medication is that it is strictly forbidden to use it together with alcohol.