Other dances

Event for March 8 in kindergarten

Scenario "We dedicate lines to mothers and grandmothers ..." for children of the preparatory group

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Target: creating a festive atmosphere

- develop interest in holding collective holidays; stimulate the activity of preschoolers, develop versatile personality traits, develop independence;
- to cultivate friendly relations, collectivism, responsibility, duty, culture of behavior and conflict-free communication;
- develop creative abilities;
- to cultivate a sense of respect and love for grandmothers and mothers.
Material Description: This development takes into account the cognitive interests of preschoolers of a certain age. For teachers, educators, methodologists of institutions of additional education and teachers, this work will help to make the festive event interesting and memorable.
Preliminary preparation:
- Learning poems, songs and dances.
- Making gifts-souvenirs for mothers and grandmothers.

Music sounds. Children enter the hall and stand in a checkerboard pattern.
Presenter: Dear, lovely women - mothers and grandmothers! Congratulations on the first spring holiday - March 8! Your children were very prepared for today's event in order to please you with their creativity, songs, dances, jokes, to give their skills and warmth of loving hearts.
Child: I will gently hug my mother, kiss her tightly,
Child: Because I love my mother!
Child: Let songs, music and laughter sound today in the hall,
Child: We invited moms to the party!
All children: Our moms are the best!

Child: Spring, gentle stream,
March the prankster is knocking.
Spring - brought beauty,
And good mother's day.
Child: Let him bring to every home,
Happy smiles.
And a big bouquet of lilies of the valley
On a holiday card.
Child: How beautiful mothers are
On this festive day.
Let them be proud of us:
Mom, here, I'm your son.
Child: Here I am, your daughter,
Look how you've grown.
More recently,
She was a tiny little one.
Child: Here, I am a grandmother,
Love me!
You love me, I know
My precious!
Child: We are for you, relatives, loved ones,
Let's sing the best song.
We wish you happy days...
All children: Happy Women's Day!
Children sing a song: "Mom's Smile"
Child: I'm very happy today
Congratulations to all mothers in a row.
But more tender than all simple words,
Words about grandmothers!
Child: If grandma said
Don't touch, don't you dare.
You have to listen because
Our house rests on it.
Child: Dedicated to education
Dad his free day.
On this day, just in case,

Grandma hides the belt.
Child: Goes to kindergarten for meetings
Grandma cooks broth.
She for it every month,
The postman carries money.
Child: Our lovely grandmothers
Our dads and moms moms.
We want to congratulate you
We will dedicate a song to you.
Song - dance "Grandma".
Children sit on chairs.
Presenter: Have you noticed our girls? How beautiful they are. And this is not surprising. Today is a holiday not only for mothers and grandmothers, but also for girls too. They want to be as beautiful as their mothers.

Girl: All the little girls
They want to be big.
Put on mom's shoes,
Let the boys watch.
Girl: We are all big fashionistas
Why should we hide.
It's no secret that mothers
They wanted to be.
Girl: And if that happens
That mom is not at home -
So I want to paint
But this is our secret!
Dance "Mods".

Presenter: Let's hear the congratulations of our boys.
Boy: Dear girls, grandmothers, mothers!
Let us boys be stubborn.
We sometimes upset women of our relatives,
But anyway, we love you very much.
Boy: We congratulate you on Women's Day,
A sunny, warm, wonderful holiday.
It smells of mimosa and pies,
Smells like mom's favorite perfume.
Boy: On this solemn, March evening,
All for you today: flowers and gifts.
We will not get tired of congratulating you all day,
And upset, we promise, we will not!
Presenter: And now we invite you to listen to our "Orchestral jokes".

A noise is heard, a stepmother appears with two daughters.

Presenter: What's with the noise and chatter?
Is someone coming to visit us?
So let's sit quietly
Who will see it!
Stepmother: Yes, let us in, we are in a hurry, we have been looking for a way for a long time. The daughters didn’t stray in vain. Still got here! Is this place for kids?
Presenter: Yes! But you make such a fuss! Stop it! Not only are you late for the holiday, you also swear.
Stepmother: What a holiday! It's full of guys! Is this kindergarten? Here you go! Let us go immediately! My daughters just lack this very upbringing, education, attention and everything else. I want them to become as charming and attractive women as I am!
Presenter: Yes, women like you are rare!
Stepmother: Is there something I don't understand? Didn't you like it? Oh you! I did not see the beauty in me! Well, maybe I'm a little overweight, but it's all the candy's fault! And so! I am very pretty, but my soul is completely unusual!
Presenter: You are acting very strange! After all, today in our kindergarten we celebrate Women's Day. And you are such a respectable woman and behave like that! I ask you to calm down and if you want your daughters to learn something, then of course, stay, plant your daughters with our children and do not interfere with us to celebrate the holiday, sing songs and dance.
Stepmother: Dance! I really love to dance! Daughters! To me!
Presenter: You can Dance?
Stepmother: We can prove it! Crumbs! Line up! Yes, not so! Not in a circle, but in a row! Daughter, announce the number!
1 daughter: Now we will dance the Little Ducks dance.
2 Daughter: Yes, not ducks, but swans!
1 daughter: Composer Chukovsky! Music please!
Dancing funny "Dance of the Little Swans"

After the dance, they freeze in a spectacular pose, waiting for applause, but no one claps.
Stepmother: Daughters! Is there anyone in the hall?
1 daughter:(raising his head) People, darkness!
Stepmother: Why isn't anyone clapping for us?
2 Daughter: Dark people! Classical rhythms are not understood.
1 daughter: They didn't even thank you for the dance!
Presenter: Thank you, of course, for the dance, but I think that it’s really better for your daughters to stay for education and training in our kindergarten, because our children can dance much better! But they are much smaller than your crumbs! Guys come to the dance!
Dance: "Watch"

1 daughter: Mommy, we want to dance like that too.
Stepmother: That's how you learn. Otherwise, why did I bring you here! Oh, and these short-haired ones - who are you? Princes!?
Daughters: It can't be, it can't be!
1 daughter: Did you hear what mommy said? In my opinion, I am very suitable for these princes!
2 Daughter: I also found a princess! Are you looking at yourself in the mirror?
1 daughter: But this morning I looked, but what?
2 Daughter: Have you seen your face?
1 daughter: Well, I saw it, but what of it?
2 Daughter: And the fact that with such a face you are not like a prince, and the janitor will not look. That's a completely different thing for me!
1 daughter: Yes you! Yes, you have crooked legs! Here!
2 Daughter: And these princes will call you names!
1 daughter: Yes, I do not need them at all! In! Look! This one is too skinny!
2 Daughter: Well - ka, but for me! Oh! Oh! This growth is small!
Stepmother:(approaches the men at the holiday) Nothing daughter! I'll look for you myself! (examines). This one is very young. This one is sitting here with his wife! And whose dad is this? (child answers) Does your mom help?
Presenter: Tell me dear, do your daughters help you around the house?
Presenter: Oh, they don't help at all. Please teach them something.
Presenter: Well guys, let's teach our daughters how to help mom? It's time to start cleaning.
The game "Faulty vacuum cleaner."
Stepmother: Well done! But you are still far from your mothers ... Moms sometimes have to do several things at once - cook, clean, and do laundry. Can your dads do this? Now let's check.
Dad game.(sweep, cook, swing)

Presenter: Well, they put things in order, cooked dinner, you can play with your mothers.
Playing with moms "Braid your hair."
Daughters: Oh mama, it's fun here.
Presenter: Leave your daughters in our kindergarten. Here they will be taught everything, educated, made good and kind. They will understand that mom is the main person in everyone's life. They will learn many poems about mother, grandmother, kindness, nature. Will take part in the celebration, do you agree?
Stepmother: Yes! Yes! Let them stay! I agree!
Daughters:(they approach the stepmother and whisper something in her ear)
Stepmother:(surprised) That's it! (looks at the host in surprise) And what is it about you that the process of upbringing has already begun? My girls decided to make a surprise for everyone. I'll go help them! (leave)
Presenter: In the meantime, we are waiting for a surprise, invite moms to dance.
Dance with moms.
Children escort their mothers to the place, the stepmother enters. Bringing a pie.
Stepmother: And here is our surprise. It's a holiday cake! My daughters are cleaning the kitchen, I'll go help them. Moms, grannies, girls, happy holiday to you!!! (leaves)
Presenter: Dear mothers and grandmothers!
We sang and danced
How could you have been entertained.
Join our group -
We invite you for tea!
Goodbye, goodbye,
Looking forward to your holiday!
To the music, the children go to the group.
The group gives gifts to mothers and grandmothers.

Goal: Creating a positive emotional mood on the eve of the celebration of International Women's Day; strengthening child-parent relationships.

Tasks: To improve the skills of public speaking in children; to cultivate a sense of love and respect for close and dear people - mothers, grandmothers.



Scenario matinee for March 8
"Little Red Riding Hood"

Presenter: One of the most touching holidays that is celebrated in kindergarten, without a doubt, is International Women's Day on March 8. The most precious thing for a child is a mother, a grandmother, the closest and dearest people. Our dear mothers and grandmothers! Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming holiday! Nature endowed the Woman with inner sensitivity, subtle tenderness, unearthly kindness, unquenchable love and vital patience. May the beginning of spring bring joy and mutual understanding, bright hope, may the feminine charm never leave you. And today our children have prepared for you a lot of warm words, beautiful songs.

Children read poetry

1. 8 March - women's day.

I congratulate you, mother!

May never sadness shadow

Will not touch your eyes, dear.

2. To you today and always,

I honestly promise

What will I always keep

You, dear mother

3. This holiday is the best,

After all, you can congratulate your mother,

I'll have fun with my mom

Jump, run and spin.

4. Let there be a lot of joy,

Will not forget the impressions

Congratulations on the eighth of March,

I wish my mother happiness.

5. On a spring sunny day

Congratulations mom

Long, joyful life

We sincerely wish

6. Mom dear,
I love you!
All flowers are spring
I give you.
The sun is smiling,
Looking from above.
How cool is that
I have you! .

7. Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers

We are for everything, for everything, relatives, We speak.

All. Thank you!

Song. "Mother"

1. Children in aprons come out. (mini scene) - 3 CHILDREN AND MOTHER
You guys, don't mess with us.
I do laundry with my mom.
To make the dress cleaner
And the scarf was whiter,
Tpy I, not sparing soap,
Try me, sparing no effort.
Panama became clean.
"Hey, mom, look!"
Mom smiles at me
"Strongly, daughter, not three.
- I'm afraid that after washing
I'll have to darn the holes."

2. I tried and blinded
Like mom's pie.
For some reason it turned out
He has an uneven side.
Mom told me:
"He's ugly because
That there is very little toppings
You put in it

3. I help my mother,
I take away the toys.
Things are in place too.
I can decompose myself.
To surprise my mother
I can cook compote.

Little Red Riding Hood appears to the song from the movie

Cr. Beanie : Hello guys! Hello mothers and grandmothers! I congratulate you on the first spring holiday.

Presenter: Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?

Cakes in my basket.

Hot blush.

This is a gift for grandma.

From me and mom.

Presenter: Did you help your mom? Did you bake pies? What a nice girl you are!

Our mothers and grandmothers are wonderful hostesses. They can easily guess any recipe.


You have to draw two recipes at random. Each lists the main ingredients of well-known dishes and pastries. You need to guess correctly and quickly!

1st recipe:

5 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon layers, 1 teaspoon baking soda

(biscuit dough).

2nd recipe:

3 cups of milk, 2 cups of flour, 2 eggs, 25 g of butter, 0.5 teaspoons of sugar, 0.5 teaspoons of salt.

(pancake dough).

3rd recipe:

50 gr. yeast, tsp salt, 1 cup milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 200 gr. Soft margarine, 3.5 cups flour, apple jam.

(yeast dough for pie).

4th recipe:

Sauerkraut, pickles, onions, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, green peas, sunflower oil.

(the vinaigrette) .

5th recipe:

Boiled egg, onion, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, ivasi herring, mayonnaise.

(Herring under a Fur Coat).

6th recipe:

Mayonnaise, onions, boiled carrots, boiled eggs, boiled potatoes, green peas, sausage or meat.

(salad "Olivier")

Presenter: Take our recipes and take them to grandma.

Cr. Hat: Thank you!

Song for mothers and grandmothers

Dancing, he walks along the path, suddenly meets the Wolf.

Wolf : Hello cr. Beanie!

Cr. Beanie : Hello Mr Wolf!

Wolf : Where are you going, Cr. Beanie?

Cr. Beanie : In March there is such a day with a number like a pretzel.

How many of you guys know what the number stands for?

Tell us all in unison.

All children : This is our moms day.

Cr. Beanie : On this day, everyone congratulates their mothers, grandmothers on the holiday and gives them gifts, so we have a dance gift for our mothers and grandmothers.

Dance: "Stomp my foot".

Cr. Beanie : Dear Wolf, you live in your fairy tale and know nothing! On this day, all the guys not only congratulate their mothers, grandmothers and girls, give them their gifts and help them in everything. And they try to do this not only on a holiday, but always.

Presenter: Listen, Wolf, to our guys.

Poems: children come out.

1. The day before we learned
About World Women's Day
Because beloved mother
We are not too lazy to help.

2 . And today we won't
Run, jump and roar -
Ready for everything for her
Even eat all the porridge!

3. Today we are our mother
We prepared a surprise:
Swept, watered the flowers,
The tea service was washed.

4. I save my mother's work, I help in any way I can.
Today my mother cooked meatballs for dinner.
And she said, listen, help me out, eat!
I ate a little, isn't there help?

5. I love my mom
I will give her a present.
I made a gift myself
From paper with paints.
I will give it to my mother
Hugging affectionately.

6. Here comes the eighth of March
Happiness bursts the chest,
I need to give my mom
Something for this holiday.

I will wash her as a gift,
I'll comb her hair as a gift,
I'll fit into a pair of the best sneakers
And I will perfume.

7. I love work guys
Before all, a hunter.
And it's not for nothing that they call me
Mom's helper.

Song "Flowers for Moms"

Cr. Beanie : You see, Wolf, how the guys are trying on this day. To help mothers and not upset them?

Wolf : Thank you, otherwise I didn’t know at all that there is such a wonderful holiday. I'll go visit my grandmother and congratulate her, and you, Cr. Beanie, follow this long path to your grandmother.

(Kr. Riding Hood leaves.)

Wolf : Ha ha ha! I directed her down the long path. So I will have time not only to run to my grandmother, but also to do something else. We'll meet Again!(runs away)

(Little Red Riding Hood appears).

Cr. Beanie : I’ll go to my grandmother in a forest, there I’ll pick flowers for her.

Presenter: Today we performed to please our mothers. But your mothers and fathers also have their own mothers - these are your grandmothers. And now the guys will congratulate their grandmothers.

1. dear grandmother,
My darling.
More than anything in the world
I love you.

2. Very my grandmother -
I love my mother!
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead a gray strand
So I want to touch
And then kiss.

3. Dear grandma,
Kind and gentle
I will give you
Fresh snowdrops.
your hands are warm
I remember.
How cool is that
I have you!

4. I will never make you sad

Just be healthy, my grandmother.

5. I will sing a song to my grandmother
Ringing, beautiful.
I congratulate you

Beloved grandmother.

Presenter: And now the guys will sing a song for grandmothers.

"Song of Grandma"

Presenter: Grandmothers beloved


For them a fun dance

Now we are starting.

Cr. Beanie :: Well, I have to go.

Presenter: Are you afraid of the wolf? You better not trust the wolf! This is a very smart animal!

(A wolf appears.)

Cr. Hat: Oh wolf!

Wolf : I've been looking for you for a long time and I picked flowers for you!

Cr. Beanie Q: Why do I need flowers?

Wolf : How did you forget? After all, today is a holiday!(gives flowers)

Cr. Beanie : On a holiday, a miracle happened here, the whole fairy tale was transformed.

Wolf: Cr. beanie, Let's go together and congratulate grandmother on Women's Day.

Cr. Beanie : Won't you eat my grandmother?

Wolf : What you! I don't eat anyone! I eat cottage cheese jam and jam!

Cr. Beanie : Ah, the Wolf is with you along the way! Goodbye!

Presenter: We dance and sing and read poetry, and to make it more fun now we will play.


Everyone knows that every woman is a mystery.

1) Every woman has her. In the summer it is filled with the sun, dried in the fall, and eaten in the winter. What is this?(Highlight).

2) One carrot is cooked for 15 minutes. How long does it take to cook 2 carrots?(15 minutes) .

3) To whom the rain will not spoil the hairstyle?(Bald).

4) What does half a stick of sausage look like?(To the other half).

5) How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

(One thing - the rest will no longer be on an empty stomach.)

2nd competition

"Intelligent Questions"

On the next task mothers you need to show your knowledge about fairy tales, fairy tale heroes and heroes cartoons :

Sighing heavily

Following the goat

Walking and crying

Sister (Alyonushka)

Talking tasty ball

Jumping briskly along the path


All the children smile at him when they meet

He is a cute wooden man


A villain sits on an oak tree,

He kills people with his whistle


They are friends with him

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina,

And Papa Carlo

Calls (Pinocchio)

3rd competition

"Become a Child"

And now let's see how well they know their children, their habits, gait, whether they can imitate them.

Please act like your child

Wakes up

Brushing teeth, washing

Looking in the mirror

getting dressed

Sits on a chair

Eating your favorite food

Goes to kindergarten

Plays with his toy

4th competition

"Playing a fairy tale"

Leaves are laid out on the table. inscriptions : Spring, Wind, Leaflets, Wolf, Dog, Princess, Prince on horseback. AND items : a wreath for spring, a handkerchief for a princess, wooden spoons and a wooden horse.

The mothers take turns drawing lots, figuring out what role each of them will play.

Leading : Now mothers know who they have to portray in our fairy tale. Now I will ask them to take the items they will need from the table, and then I will read the story. Each participant competition at the right time will depict the action of his character.

Fairy tale

Spring came, a breeze blew timidly, the first spring rain fell, the leaves rustled the trees. Far away in the forest, a hungry wolf howled. The dog barked furiously in response. And in a beautiful castle wept bitterly princess : she was not allowed to the ball. Suddenly, the clatter of hooves was heard from afar, it was the prince who arrived, he put the princess on a horse, and together they rode to the ball.

5th competition

Most women use it and eat it. Real men do not use it, but they also eat it - up to 15 kg in a lifetime. What are we talking about?(Pomade)

What is the female name of a planet in the solar system?(Venus.)

Name the most female Russian river.(Lena.)

The most famous flight attendant name, thanks to a famous song? (Jeanne."A Stewardess named Jeanne".)

What is the name of the fabulous girl who has a dog wearing a watch on its paw?(Malvina.)

What novel did Leo Tolstoy name after a woman? ( Anna Karenina.)

Leading:. It's time to end our wonderful holiday

Dance with mommy, kids!

Children dance with their parents dance :

Dance with moms


Our holiday is already over, what else can we say,

Let me wish you goodbye.

Do not get sick, do not grow old, do not get angry ever!

So stay young forever!

Accept gifts from your children

Lead squirrel 1:
In the clearing in the forest
Under a tall pine
Early in the morning there was a roar,
All the people of the forest have fled!

Animals run in

What's happened? What's the matter?
We don't understand anything!

Soon the holiday, mother's day,
I was too lazy to wake up
I slept soundly all winter
And I didn't get a gift

Here comes the frost
And Mishka has only tears ...
How is mom without a gift,
Mom is very, very sorry!

Lead squirrel 2:
Bunnies approached Mishka,
Very friendly guys

They say:

Hare 1:
Stop crying
You are not a hare, but a bear!
We will all help
Happy spring mom!
We write online
Concert announcement.

Hare 2:
"Open wide the doors,
All animals are welcome
Who can dance
Read poems by heart

Come show me
And help the bear.
Today is mother's day
Speak to whom not laziness!

More hares come out on the march

Hare 3:
The bear is very confused
Thunder was very scared
This is the Bunny Squad
Happy to congratulate moms

No. 1 Performance of hares (with drums or tambourines, march and rebuilding).

Lead squirrel 1:
The fox came first
Forests of local beauty,
I recited poems by heart,
Congratulations to mom from the bottom of my heart!

I love my mother very much,
I will give her the first snowdrops!
Be always happy, my mommy,
Smile more, I love you!

I'm in the workshop in the spring
Gathered the people of the forest,
We prepared flowers
Unparalleled beauty!

Children in costumes of animals run out, line up with flowers.

We didn't pick flowers.
We cut them ourselves
Glued, bent
Painted with paint!

We all tried very hard
And worked hard
We were not too lazy to do
Flowers for mom, on mother's day!

Children give flowers to mothers and are built by a rainbow

Mom, we love you very much,
We will always help you
We'll sing a song now
To congratulate you on Women's Day!

№2 Song about mother.

Lead squirrel 2:
The birds have flown
Forest small
They are famous for their sonorous singing
And beauties!

Birdies appear


Open your eyes wider
The birds learned the dance
We want to congratulate mom
Let's all take off in a light dance!

No. 3 Dance of the birds.

I'm tired of crying
I'm not a crybaby, but a bear!
Put your ears on top
I'll sing ditties now!

Come on, bears, run out
And help my brother!

2 more bears run out

№4 Chastushki

About girls, about girlfriends,
We will sing little ditties
And from the stage together, together
Let's congratulate them on Women's Day!

I am my friend Klava
I won't let you offend!
Only I have the right
Carry her by the braid!

And my friend Luda
Will come to play
Let him wash all the dishes
And pick up toys!

I put candy in my pocket
Dasha wanted to treat
Dasha lingered somewhere
Well, I ate candy!

All girls in our group
smart beauties,
We love them very, very much.
We like them a lot!

Bear 2:
Hey boys run out
And congratulations to your friends
Happy holiday,
Fun, interesting!

The boys run out and give the girls gifts.

The ubiquitous internet
Revealed a big secret to everyone
What in the spring, March 8
Giving gifts to women!
From the shores where there are bananas

Hot dance "Chunga-changa"

No. 5 Dance "Chunga-changa".

Lead squirrel 1:
For beloved mothers
Native, irreplaceable,
The girls learned the song
And not a word was forgotten!
performance now,
Dear moms, for you!

No. 6 Song about mom (performed by girls)

Lead squirrel 2:
We sang and danced here
Mom, girlfriends congratulated,
Now, I'm not kidding
I want to congratulate my grandmother!

№7 Poem about grandmother

No. 8 Song-dance "Our grandmother"

Lead squirrel 1:
Here comes the end of the concert
Nobody leaves the room
Together with mom, in a round dance,
Get up, forest people!

№8 General dance with mothers.

Lead adults group educators.
Children leading- a girl and a boy.

The course of the holiday.

1 Lead:
Good afternoon, dear ladies!
We are glad to welcome grandmothers and mothers in our hall!

2 Lead:
Today all the best words are just for you!
And we read congratulations now!

Music sounds, the children enter the hall. They perform the dance "We are the best!"

1 Lead:
So let's continue -
Praise our leaders!
Before you is the magnificent Max and the incomparable Emilia.

It sounds like a musical beat. Leading children come to the middle of the hall.

We open our concert
We want to emphasize here:
We dedicate it to all women:
Today we invite you to relax!

After all, it's no secret that our mothers
Sometimes they don't even rest.
So we start the holiday
And we dedicate this song to mom!

Song about mother. Children sit on chairs. The holiday is continued by the leading children

We thought for a long time,
And even in a quiet hour did not sleep,
Everything could not be decided
What is the best gift for mom?

I think that every mother
I wanted to get a picture in a frame,
Or a bottle of French perfume,
A trip to a boutique ... What could be better for mom?

A gift can be great
Well, where is your personal contribution visible?
Buy a painting or perfume ...
After all, they are expensive.

Yes, I think that we need to compose a verse,
Or a melodic song, ... or maybe a dance to give?
We will not delay, friends,
It's time to reveal the secret!

You didn't see it, you didn't know
What we will show in our hall.
We open the veil of secrecy -
Program "Love at first sight" ...
Together: Introducing!

It sounds like a musical beat. A huge fake heart is put up on the podium

2 Lead:
The birth of a child for mom reward,
And this love at first sight.
(points to heart)
Women's heart. What is it?
Full of bottomless love for a child.

1 Lead:
The heart of a child, though not large,
Fully filled with love.
Listen, mothers, here are these verses,
They are permeated with tenderness.

Children read poems about mothers

2 Lead:
Many kind words have been said
Every child is ready to confess his love.

1 Lead:
So, I summarize:
Your mother is fashionable and young,
Heels on the pavement knocks,
Fashionable dress, beads, -
Exactly what you need, perfect look!

2 Lead:
Are they not models? For them now
We organize fashion shows of the week.

1 Lead:
So, attention! Let's start the countdown!
Moms, be bolder, the podium is waiting for you!

Moms walk down the catwalk in twos. Leaders comment:

2 Lead:
I will not hide, very bold decisions!
I think these models
You just need to be armed!

1 Lead:
What ease and grace!
You deserve a standing ovation! (applause sounds)

And in gratitude to our mothers -
We will show the dance "Naughty Sailors".

Individual dance "Naughty sailors".

2 Lead:
The love for our mothers is boundless,
This flower is presented to you personally.
May it always warm your heart
May it never be discouraged.

The hosts attach the first flower to the heart.

We want to give our hearts
Not only for our mothers
And to their grandmothers.
After all, our parents
Their children are forever.
Do you agree with me, Max?

Well, of course, Mila, yes!
Silence please! A moment of attention:
We begin confessions to grandmothers in love!

Children read poems about grandmothers.

Boy: I don't know which grandmother is the best?
Girl: They need to be invited here.

Grandmothers come out on the podium, pass to applause

1 Lead:
Our grandmothers' outfits are simply adorable!
And they, in my opinion, are in no way inferior to my mother's!

2 Lead:
Yes, can you call them grannies?
Just look at what figures they have?
Dressed - well, just class!
I think that Zaitsev and Yudashkin have worked hard for you! (referring to grandma)

No, not the great couturiers from the fashion houses of the model,
We knit and sew it ourselves and now we want to demonstrate it!

Yes, our grandmothers are always busy:
And I'll tell you a secret, rest only in dreams.
They knit, they cook, they clean the apartment,
They don’t forget to play with us, grandchildren,
In a word, do not get bored and never lose heart!

Today, grannies, put things aside,
Relax on our holiday!
Listen to the song, we'll sing now:
Words-compliments in it just for you!

Song about grandmother "Young grandmother" music. A. Evtodieva.

1 Lead:
So, we attach the second flower to the heart,
We leave this corner for caring grandmothers!
Grandmothers, relatives, do not get sick!
And the instruction to the grandchildren - have pity on the grandmothers!

The hosts attach another flower to the heart.

2 Lead:
Well, let's not be bored -
It's time for us to celebrate!

Our heart is very big
There is an infinite amount of love in it - that's it!

(shows by spreading his arms)

Our teachers are very charming!
They are fair and considerate to us!
We dedicate these words to you
We are very grateful and grateful to you!

Children read poems about educators

It's not a secret we're opening now
We call our teachers the second mother,
We read, sculpt, play with them,
Serious topics are discussed!

And now we invite you to relax,
Listen to a lullaby, if you want - take a nap!

Lullaby for mom.

We give this flower to educators,
We collect all the children's love in it!

We attach another flower to the heart.

1 Lead:
Well, well - a small speck remains on the heart:
This is our boys to girls recognition!

To the music of the gentlemen the boys come out

2 Lead:
Yes, before us are true gentlemen:
And a cane, and a hat, even a mustache (surprised),
Amazing changes!

1 Lead:
All this is fine, but I am tormented by the question -
Who are you dressed like that for? And why is there such a demand for mustaches?

We will not make you guess for a long time,
Let's give the floor to the gentlemen.

Compliments game.

(boys give compliments to girls / mothers)

We will not say words in vain -
And you, beauties, we will never forget!
And in continuation of congratulations this very hour
Let me invite you girls to waltz!

Children dance the waltz.

2 Lead:
Yes, our boys deserve the title of "Real Men",
They will reach the highest peaks in life!

1 presenter:
I want to attach this flower from the boys to my heart,
Dedicate it to our girls!

It sounds like a rip off. The hosts attach another flower to the heart.

1 Lead:
Adults have been going to work for many years now.
And everyone has their own worries, and there are no free minutes!

Children are growing up nearby: they are taking them to kindergarten,
They matured - they need to go to school, and then they rush to the university.

Oh, how hard it is for us to notice the rhythm of today's children:
Either they play “to school”, or they don’t have time for anything at all!

Discuss what? How much? Where is the best place to build a house?
Here today and now...
We will play one of the everyday scenes for you ...

Comic scene "Grandmother-Old Woman".

1 Lead:
It's a joke. Seriously, I have one question:
Despite the hair color, my mother's look and my father's height ...
Who do your kids want to be like?

2 Lead:
We won't make you wait long
Let's sing a song!

The song "I would like to be like ..."

After the song, the presenters attach the last flower to the heart.

1 Lead:
Our hearts are on fire,
Look how much love is in him now!
Think this love
Over the years, it will only get stronger and will delight again!

2 Lead:
The holiday has come to an end
And as it should be according to the model -
I would like to wish you all: (referring to mothers and grandmothers)
Let there be time to rest

Wear clothes, sing songs ...
You only get younger with age!
And never lose heart
And keep up with the kids!

Less hassle for everyone
Let the holiday last a whole year!

Children dance with scarves.

Leaders invite parents and children to the group.

Scenario "Mom, I love you."

Cheerful music sounds, the children enter the hall.

Target: creating a positive emotional mood on the eve of the celebration of International Women's Day; strengthening child-parent relationships.
Tasks: continue acquaintance with the tradition of celebrating International Women's Day in Russia; improve children's public speaking skills; to cultivate a sense of love and respect for female representatives, close and dear people - mothers, grandmothers.


A day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.


On this March day, we called the guests.

Their mothers and grandmothers were seated in the hall.

Dear grandmothers and mothers, women of all in the world

Children congratulate us on this holiday.


Who loves you children?

Who loves you so tenderly.

Reads books to you

Does he sing songs?

Who hugs you

Praise and caress?

Say it out loud, say it straight.

Everyone knows this...

Children. Mother!


Snow melts in the sun

It blew in the spring.

Big holiday today

Mom dear!


Let our mothers hear

How do we sing a song.

You, our dear mothers,

Happy Women's Day

The song "Dawn" is performed


I have green eyes

And mom too.

On top of each other with mom

We are very similar.

On the cheeks along the dimple,

Black lashes...

Only mommy doesn't

Thin pigtail.


I'll sleep next to my mother

I will cling to her with cilia.

You, cilia, do not blink,

Don't wake up mommy!


Mom, very very

I love you.

So love that at night

I don't sleep in the dark.

I peer into the darkness

I'm in a hurry.

I love you all the time mommy.

Here the dawn shines

It's already dawn.

There is no one better than a mother in the world!


To our mothers on spring day

Hello spring itself.

Sound of streams and birdsong

She gives for the holiday.

The sun shines brighter for us

On the glorious holiday of our mothers!

Today, not only mothers, but also grandmothers came to our holiday. And for them we have prepared a surprise.

"Chasushki-veselushki", words and music by E. Gomonova are performed.


We are on our holiday

We will sing ditties to you,

As we are with our grandmother

We have a lot of fun.


Grandma says to me:

"I'm in pain all around."

I sat with her for three days -

I got sick.


I began to treat my grandmother

Your unhealthy

And put it on her back

A three-liter jar!


Grandma began to dance

And tap dance.

So cheered up

The chandelier has collapsed!


We sang about grandmothers

All ditties are great.

Be our grandmothers

Cheerful and young!


We love our grandmother.

We are very friendly with her.

With a good, kind grandmother

The kids are more fun.


There are many different songs

In the world about everything.

And now we have a song for you

Let's sing about grandma!

Song "Aladushki" (all sing)


Dad brought a cake to mom

Grandma - sweets

And a whole load of toys

For sister Sveta.

And I felt embarrassed

little brother,

Why on the calendar

no boy day

Song "About a daughter and a father." Vika Matveeva


I am my beloved mother

I will give a gift

I will embroider a handkerchief for her

Like a living flower.

I will clean the apartment

And there will be no dust anywhere

Delicious bake a pie

With apple jam

Only mom on the threshold

Here are congratulations

You, my mother

I congratulate you

Happy this holiday

Happy spring

With the first flower

And a good daughter!


We wish our mothers

Never lose heart

Every year to be more beautiful

And scold us less


March 8! Women's Day!

The brook murmurs, the drops ring.

And the sun is shining, the snow is melting,

And the best in the world is mother's laughter.


Why do we have fuss, noise and din today?

Because we are today

Congratulations to our moms!


Congratulations on the bright sun

With the song of a bird and with a stream.

Congratulations on the best

The most feminine day in the world!


We wish you dear

Always be healthy

So that you live long, long,

Never getting old!


May adversity and sorrow

Will bypass you

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.


We want no reason

They would give you flowers

Men would smile

Everything from your beauty.


Let the sun shine for you

Only for you the lilac blossoms!

And let it last for a long time

The most feminine day in the world!

Invited to visit today

We are our grandmothers and mothers.

We decided to please them

And everyone did something himself!

Waltz music sounds, children give gifts made by themselves to mothers and grandmothers.

Leader (V.).

There is a day like this in March

With a number like a pretzel

How many of you guys know

What does the number mean?

It's our mother's day!

1st child.

Beautiful mommy, I love you!

I will give you this flower.

2nd child.

The sun throws rays on the ground,

Sunny bunnies congratulate mom.

3rd child.

Dear Mom, smile soon

And warm me with your smile!

Dance "Matryoshka"

1st child.

Mom's worries can not be counted:

Wash everything, cook food,

Clean, wash, fold everything,

Darn, iron, sew,

And heal, and regret

And warm everyone with love.

IN. You see, guys, how many things your mothers have to do and worries! How do you help your moms?


I took a broom in my hands,

Cleanly swept

Floor in kitchen and hallway

He became clean and handsome.

Come see

At least find a bitch!

Mom and dad say:

“Oh yes daughter! Well done!"

(A boy comes out in an apron, in his hands is a large box with "washing powder".)


I am my mother's only son

I'm washing, look!

(A girl comes out, holding a doll in one hand, and a large cardboard needle in the other, into which a bright thread is threaded.)


Me for Katya doll

Made this dress

bright, elegant,

Very neat.

Mom will look - she will be surprised:

“Oh yes daughter! Craftswoman!

(Two boys come out in chef's hats and aprons, in the hands of a ladle or pan.)

IN. What wonderful helpers you have for moms! Now let's play and see how quickly you can help moms.

We danced for our mothers

Played with them.

And to make it more interesting

We will sing a song for them!

The song "Day of the Eighth of March".

IN. And now my boys

Guess the riddle:

Someone in the morning slowly

Blows up a red balloon

And how to get out of hand -

It will suddenly become light around. (Sun.)

(If the children do not guess, adults help.)

IN. Well done! That's right, it's the sun. Mother's Day is the first spring holiday. With the advent of spring, the sun warms every day more and more so that the snow melts, snowdrops bloom and it is more pleasant for you to walk. And the Sun came to us for the holiday. (The girl-Sun comes out, followed by children-rays.)


I am the radiant sun

I light up the earth.

I am everything from morning to evening

Warm rays.

Everyone rejoices in the sun

And everyone is friends with me.

And I came to congratulate

Happy new spring everyone!

I took the rays with me

To give you light and warmth.

1st ray(stands next to the sun).

We rise with the sun

Good morning! Happy clear day!

2nd ray(gets next to the Sun on the other side).

Together with brother-beam

We hasten to warm you up!

3rd ray(becomes next to the first ray).

We send good light to the earth:

Light and joyful all around!

4th ray(becomes next to the second ray).

We love to dance, frolic,

Have fun in the clear sky!


We are close friends with spring,

Let's have fun dancing!

Give us a little smile

Let's clap your hands!

Dance of the sun and rays(at the choice of the music director).


Go around the whole world -

There is no better mother in the world!

Look at our story

See for yourself.

(A mother goat and seven kids sit on chairs around the table. They stand in turn and speak.)


I am a mother goat, but my kids are

friendly, funny,

noisy kids.

1th goat. I am a goat, an older brother, I am glad to help everyone in the family.

2nd goat. I am a white goat, strong, dexterous, courageous.

3rd goat. I am a goat hostess, helping my mother.

4th goat. I am a goat-musician, I have a great talent.

5th goat. I am a young goat, I am the best singer in the world.

6th kid. I am a goat fluffy, cheerful and fast.

7th goat. I am a baby goat, the sharpest horn.


I'm goats, I'm leaving

And I'll tell you exactly this:

"Have fun and play

Just don't open the door!

And then the gray wolf will come

And it will take you to the thicket!

Open the door only to mom,

How can I say this to you:

"Kids, kids, open up, open up,

Your mother came, she brought milk.

5th goat. Hey, kids, do not be bored, sing a song together!

The song "Radiant Sun"

(They sing a song about mom, then sit down on the chairs again. Music sounds, Hedgehog comes to the door, knocks on the door.)


I am a prickly hedgehog, sharp needles.

I'll curl up in a ball, sway in the woods.

I'll pick mushrooms, treat all the kids.

Eat, guys, funny kids,

Open the doors.

Here are the mushrooms, take it!

1st kid(rises).

Me-me-me, me-me-me

We won't believe you.

You don't look like a hedgehog!

You are a gray wolf, not a hedgehog!

goats(together). Leave!

(The hedgehog puts down the basket, leaves. Music sounds, Squirrel jumps, goes to the door, knocks.)


I am a jumping squirrel

Cheerful animal.

I'm on the branches - jump-jump.

A nut here, a fungus there.

Gathered everything in a basket

And brought the goats.

Hey kids, open up

Invite a squirrel to visit.

2nd kid(rises).

Me-me-me, me-me-me

We won't believe you.

We know a lot about conversations!

You are not a squirrel, but an evil wolf.

goats(together). Leave!

(The squirrel puts down the basket, leaves. Music sounds, Bunny jumps, goes to the door, knocks.)


Jump jump, jump jump!

The hare jumps on the threshold -

He put everything in the basket deftly:

Here is a cabbage, here is a carrot,

Here is a leaf, here is a bark,

Eat up, kids!

You have a whole bunch of guests

The bunny brought from the forest.

Feel free to open doors

Yes, take the hotels.

3rd kid(rises).

Me-me-me, me-me-me

We won't believe you.

You are not a bunny oblique,

And the wolf is evil, wicked!

(The hare puts down the basket, leaves. Music sounds, the Wolf comes to the door.)


I am a she-wolf, a sharp tooth,

Long tail, cunning mind.

I will deceive the goats, they will be in my captivity.

I will sing to them at the gate

What mommy sings.

They will open only a crack in the door -

Fall into the clutches of a wolf!

Goats, kids, open up, open up,

Your mother came, she brought milk.

6th kid.

Our mommy came, she brought milk!

Come into the house soon, the goats are waiting for you in it!

(Opens the door, the Wolf runs into the house.)


Here I am, toothy wolf, get into the bag!

(He ties the kids with a rope, takes him away. One kid hides. Goat comes.)


What happened, who was there?

Who killed the goats?

(A little goat gets out.)

7th goat.

Mother! Angry robber gray wolf

Dragged goats into the forest!


I'll go to the forest soon

Rescue your children!

(He takes the kid by the hand and goes to the Wolf's house to the music.)


Hey robber, hey villain!

Give away the goats!

Come out for a fair fight

With a brave mother goat.

(The wolf comes out, growls. The goat butts him with horns, the Wolf gets scared and runs away. All the kids come out, hug their mother with the words: “Mommy!” They join hands together, line up in one line. All the participants in the fairy tale come out.)


A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

And a lesson for all the kids.

Go around the whole world -

There is no better mother in the world!