
For a fun company, holding a 55th anniversary for a woman. Contests, games for the anniversary. The dissenting opinion game

And now he has arrived! Who is he? Yes, your anniversary, and with it the long-awaited pension! And this event should be noted. Don't want a noisy party? Then spend everything at home. Moreover, we just have an interesting and cool script for a woman's 55th birthday to celebrate at home.

Anniversary meeting.
Although you are celebrating the anniversary at home, you still need to meet the hero of the day brightly and beautifully.
On our website, we have posted ideas more than once or twice on how to meet the hero of the day. So you can search. And we will offer another, newer option that you may also like.
And so, when all the guests are in place, they form a semicircle. In front of the semicircle is a leader who will sing. Well, the hero of the day herself should face all the guests. And so, we will sing a song alteration to the motive of the song - “Songs about a good mood”
The host sings the song, and the guests sing the last word in chorus in chorus:

This is how beautiful and unusual we met the hero of the day. Guests can sit at tables.

The main holiday begins.

First, let's congratulate the hero of the day together with all the guests. In this small mini-sketch, all the words belong to the host. And guests should do what the host says. So, let's get started:
- Dear friends! Let's look at each other, no, not in the eyes, on the hair! Yes, look at all the amazing hairstyles! But this is not the main thing, the main thing is that you all have different hair colors. Stand up those with blond hair. You are blondes, and when I mention you in my congratulations, you should stand up and draw a heart for the hero of the day in the air with two pens.
Do we have brunette guests? Your task, when you hear your hair color, stand up and just rub your palm against your palm.
And now everyone else is red and brown. Your task is to blow a kiss to the hero of the day when I mention your hair color.
Well, are you ready? Then let's get started.
Today, for the anniversary of our wonderful friend, all her friends gathered. They are all different, versatile and with different hair colors. There are blondes, and brunettes, and even redheads.
And you know, the hair color is not chosen by you and me, it is given to us from above. Why? Because blondes are always beautiful. Brunettes are always irresistible charm. And redheads and brown-haired women are sexy!
And so today all blondes will paint the world around the hero of the day in rainbow colors.
Brown-haired and redheads will charge with their positive energy for many years.
And brunettes with only one movement of their hair will be able to attract love, happiness and good luck!
Brown-haired, blondes and brunettes are a fusion of kindness and good mood. So let's have fun all tonight, and have fun again! Indeed, in our company of blondes, redheads and brunettes, it is simply impossible to do otherwise!

The first competition for attentiveness and ingenuity. The host asks one guest questions, and this guest must answer them. But his answers should not contain such words as: YES or NO. You can answer as you like, but you can’t say: YES and NO. You have three seconds to answer.
Think it's easy? And you try to answer something else, and not yes or no.
For example, here are the questions:
- today is Friday?
- Maybe.
Is Friday the fifth day of the week?
- Seems.
Do you like to go to the cinema on Fridays?
- not always.
What do you like to do more on Fridays?
- rest!
- I correctly understood that on Fridays you just relax?
- Yes! (as a rule, this is where the guests make mistakes, because they are drawn into the conversation and forget the rules of the game. But if the guest is not mistaken, then questions are asked further. And so there are 10 questions for each guest. Whoever could pass the exam wins)

Game moment with the participation of the hero of the day.
In this game moment, we will accept the hero of the day in the so-called club - who is over 50!
The leader with his assistants reads the verses, and then he does everything according to the verses.
And here are the verses themselves:

And here is the certificate:

You can download it.

Game for guests - gifts for guests
For this game, you need to prepare different gifts that you can give to the hero of the day. Only these gifts need to be drawn on cardboard and cut out. It can be: a car, a house, a trip abroad, a necklace, and so on. Then the participants of the game are taken to another room. Meanwhile, they pull the rope and hang all the gifts cut out of cardboard on it.
The first participant in the game is blindfolded and given scissors in his hands. He enters the guests, approaches the rope and cuts off one gift. Then his task is to determine by touch what he cut off. If you guessed right, you get it as a gift.
For example, guessing the car, gets a mini copy of the car, that is, a toy.
Guessed the house, then receives a keychain. And so on.

Gifts for the hero of the day.
And in this game block, we invite you to give comic gifts to the hero of the day.
The situation is this: people from distant Siberia come to visit the hero of the day. And they, of course, brought their gifts with them.
For this moment, two or three guests are needed. One reads verses, others give gifts according to verses.

Birthday for every girl, girl, woman is of great importance. Despite the fact that it is considered indecent to ask the age of the birthday girl, this holiday always remains very exciting for each of them. Anniversaries are especially important. When a woman turns 50-55 years old, there comes a period when rethinking comes. On this day, any beauty wants to spend the holiday fun and in the circle of relatives and friends. In order to make your birthday unforgettable, you can invite a toastmaster to the celebration or arrange fun yourself, the main thing is to find an active guest who loves to “talk”. Table competitions and games are perfect for this.

The game "Who is thinking about what?"

This game is held during the feast in a cheerful company of relatives and friends.

  • The host takes out a small bag to the guests, where there are small pieces of paper with letters. For example, "M", "K", "A" and so on.
  • The task is for the player to draw a card from the bag and name the first word that comes to mind with the letter that comes across.

Usually, the player gets lost and says the most ridiculous things. The point is to just have fun listening to all kinds of guest options. By playing this game, you are guaranteed laughter and fun.

Game "Kiss of the hero of the day"

In this table game there is not only enthusiasm and joy, but also a certain team spirit.

  • The facilitator should divide those present into two teams. It is best to divide the guests into the right and left halves of the table. The hero of the day is not included in any of the teams. It should be in the center of the feast.
  • The guests who sit farthest from the birthday person begin the competition. At the command of the toastmaster, the latter drink a glass of wine and kiss the person sitting next to them.
  • The kissed player, like the previous one, must drink a glass of drink and pass the kiss to the next neighbor.
  • This procedure is repeated until the head of the evening is kissed by the players of both teams.
  • The winner is the team whose kiss came first.

As a gift to the winning part of the table, you can give a dance with the hero of the day, or give comic prizes as a reward.

Game "Question and Answer"

The game will be very interesting and unusual, if you exclude decent questions and answers from the rule. It is better that there are no children in the room.

  • The main instigator of the event divides all the guests into two camps. You can divide them in the same way as in the previous contest, or divide the guests according to their wishes to write questions or answers. The main thing is that the number of players should be equal.
  • Each person participating in the game is given a pencil or pen and a small piece of paper.
  • One side writes the questions on the sheet, the other side writes the answers. At the same time, none of those present should say what he writes aloud.
  • Further, everything written is surrendered to the toastmaster.
  • The host, in turn, lays out the sheets in piles: one will be with questions, the other with answers.
  • Then comes the most fun part of the game. The first guest takes a sheet with a question, and the second with an answer. Each of them read their part in turn.

Game "Cooking"

This competition is more suitable for those who love to cook, well, or really like to eat. You can play as a team or one by one. For greater interest, you can divide those present into men and women.

  • The toastmaster chooses one person from the crowd and gives him one letter.
  • The participant, in turn, must name the dish beginning with this letter or its components. But the whole point is that he takes only those ingredients that are in the plate of the neighbor on the right.
  • To make it even more interesting, you can use a stopwatch. The host gives the contestant 30 seconds, during which he must name all the products that begin with a given letter.

Game "Three words"

According to this idea, those invited to the holiday need to be smart and show how extensive their vocabulary is.

  • Each of those present takes out pre-prepared cards from the bag with three letters unrelated to each other into words.
  • A person must come up with one compliment for each of the letters addressed to the host of the evening. Naturally, if the letters are repeated, the following participants should not repeat the previously spoken words.

For example, if you come across the word TAL, you can come up with the following - "Patient, athletic, loving." It is advisable to select those letters that are poor in terms of compliments. Thus, it is possible to make this game very funny.

Game "Crocodile"

One of the most exciting and fun games, which is popular not only among young people, but also among quite adult people, is the Crocodile game. The essence of the fun is that the central player shows with gestures and facial expressions what they have asked him. He must not use words or objects at hand.

There are several options for this exciting game.

First option

  • The guests sitting at the table must be divided into several teams. Can be divided into two, three or four teams. It all depends on your desire and the number of guests.
  • Each team writes on several pieces of paper what the next one should show. Cards are stacked in different containers, mixed and given to the other team. You can use a specific topic or think of words and phrases on an arbitrary topic. Movie titles or phrases are popular. For example, you can make competitors the phrase “I’ll sing right now”, “Life is good, but living well is even better!” or the movie "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath", "Terminator", "Well, you wait!".
  • After shuffling the notes, the first player pulls the sheet and goes to the middle of the room. His task is to convey to his team what is written on the sheet.
  • To prevent the game from dragging on, it is best to set a certain time, after which the participant either drops out or continues to participate. It all depends on the decision of the toastmaster.
  • An unsolved word can be guessed by the players of the other team, naturally, if a player recognizes his word, he is silent.
  • The group that guessed the most words or phrases wins.

In order for the game to be understandable to everyone, it is best to choose a specific topic. It is easier for the player to navigate when he knows where to look.

Second option

  • Players play each for themselves.
  • Anyone can start. The leader or birthday person can guess the word, saying it to the participant in his ear.
  • The first person to guess the phrase takes the place of the player.
  • For the second participant, the phrase is guessed by the previous player. This is how the game is played until you decide to end it.

Choose difficult topics. For example, "cooking". Imagine how the player must dodge to show potato soup or cottage cheese casserole?!

Game "Portrait of the hero of the day"

This competition will reveal real artists and comedians or their absence.

  • Each contestant is given markers and balloons of different colors.
  • On the ball they received, they must draw a portrait of the head of the evening. Among the guests there are sure to be those who approach the competition creatively and with a sense of humor.
  • The winner can be determined by general voting or by applause. It is best to give the choice to the hostess of the evening.

Competition "Verbal portrait"

Any girl, regardless of age, loves to be admired. This contest will help the heroine of the evening feel special.

  • Collect in advance children's photos of the birthday girl, her relatives, loved ones and friends.
  • The task of the participant is to guess which photos our birthday girl is in, while he must describe this photo as interestingly as possible.
  • Whoever guesses the most pictures wins.

Competition "Battle of the Sexes"

The eternal struggle of the sexes will manifest itself in the game "Battle of the Sexes". The idea will stir up the guests a little.

Tamada asks questions first to women and then to men.

Questions for the weaker sex should be on purely male topics, and men will have to answer women's questions.

Questions for ladies:

Questions for the stronger sex:

  • What is the name of a small bag that fits into a large one, where women put cosmetics and other ladies' things? (Cosmetic bag);
  • What is the ingredient for shortcrust pastry: yeast or sand? (None of the above);
  • What is used to remove varnish from female nails? (Acetone);
  • How do women dry fresh nail polish? (Blow on nails);
  • How to make sure that the arrow on nylon tights does not go further? (Paint the arrow on both sides with clear varnish).

Competition for men "All in compliments"

Only representatives of the stronger sex participate in this competition. All women love with their ears and the birthday girl will really like this game.

The essence of the competition is to shower the birthday girl with compliments. The main thing is that the beauty should have a sense of humor and not be offended by funny compliments if something happens.

  • To make the task more difficult, each of the participants must name one flattering review starting with the letter “F” (woman), or with the initial letter of the name of the hostess of the evening. You can't repeat.
  • If a man does not say a word in fifteen seconds, he is out.
  • The last one remaining wins.

Game "Guess the answer"

During this competition, a person must guess a riddle, but not an ordinary one, but a fun one. The question can be asked all at once or each individually. The winner is determined by the most original or funny answer.

He left his grandmother and left his grandfather?
Answer: sex.
Prize: condom.

What do the parameters mean: 90*60* 90?
Answer: vehicle speed before the traffic police post, before and after the traffic police post.
Reward: whistle.

And hangs and stands. Is it cold, is it hot?
Answer: shower.
Reward: shower gel.

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Answer: Breakfast lunch and dinner.
Reward: napkins

According to statistical analysis, more than forty million people do it every night.
Answer:"sit" on the World Wide Web.
Reward: computer mouse.

Game "Guess the movie"

This fun is associated with alcohol and cinema.

Tamada tells the situation from the film or describes the film itself, where there is a drinking scene. Participants, in turn, must recognize this film by a brief description.

The one with the most correct answers wins.

  • Several friends are sitting in a cheerful, slightly tipsy company on the night before the New Year in a bathhouse. (The Irony of Fate);
  • Three recidivist friends have a drink with the head of the outlet and decide to go down the wrong path again. (Operation Y");
  • A man drinks his acquaintance in the Weeping Willow restaurant to a state of complete emancipation. (The Diamond Arm);
  • A journalist, exploring the folklore of the Caucasian people and delving into the local culture, drinks a lot, and becomes extremely sensitive. (Caucasian captive).

The game "Princess Nesmeyana"

  • The facilitator should divide the invitees into two teams. You can divide people into the right and left halves of the table, at the request of the participants themselves, or by gender.
  • The first team becomes the “princess Nesmeyans” and their task is to sit with a stern look and not express emotions in response to the attempts of the second team to make them laugh. In this case, you can not touch the opponents. Use jokes, jokes, funny faces.
  • Anyone who starts laughing or even smiles a little is out of the competition.
  • All this is given a certain period of time. If it is not possible to make the opponents laugh, then the players of the first team become the winners. If, nevertheless, humorists manage to catch notes of fun on the faces of all members of the first team, then they win.

Game "YES-NO"

To play this game, you need to prepare cards with the words "YES and NO" in advance.

  • Is it true that at the age of three, the birthday girl kissed ducks?
  • Did they sing serenades to our beloved (name of the hostess of the evening)?

Do not forget that all questions must be agreed with the main character of the holiday. They can be funny and ridiculous, the main thing is that she likes it.

Prepare the masks for the game

The host must first prepare masks of approximately the following nature:

  • Distribute masks to guests so that they don't see which mask it is.
  • Each guest wears a mask.
  • Now, those present need to guess who they are. To do this, you need to ask questions to which you can only get one-word answers, that is, only “YES” or “NO”.

For example:

  • I am human?
  • Am I an animal?
  • I am small?
  • Do I have peel?
  • Am I sweet?
  • I'm big?
  • Am I an orange?

The winner is the one who first guessed who he is, but the fun continues until all participants guess their characters. In addition, at the end of the competition, you can have a small photo shoot with these funny masks.

Game "Who am I?"

This game is similar to the previous one. The exception is masks.

  • To have fun, it is enough to have a few sheets of clean paper, pens and good eyesight.
  • Each person present is given a small piece of paper and a pencil. The host can set a specific theme or leave it to the discretion of the players.
  • Participants write any word or character on their sheet, while no one should see the entry.
  • We turn over the record and pass it to the neighbor on the right.
  • We apply the note received from the neighbor to the forehead so that the note is highlighted by everyone except the new owner of the piece of paper.
  • Now, following the principle of the previous game, we ask questions, the answers to which can only be “YES” or “NO”.

Game "Who am I"

  • Am I a living being?
  • I live in Russia?
  • Am I a famous person?
  • I am a singer?

Choose one topic. For example: movie stars, famous people or animals.

The Modern Hands Up Game Even Stars Play

This game was invented by one very famous American TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres and her team. More precisely, they came up with not a game, but an application on the phone, which ranked first in the world in terms of its popularity for quite a long time. It allows you to get close even to unfamiliar people.

Download the application to your phone (there are both Russian and English versions);

Select the desired topic. It can be "travel", "cinema", "miscellaneous" and much more.

Follow the instructions:

  • Set the number of players;
  • The first player must put the phone to his forehead;
  • The rest of the players try to explain what word he got.

You can give hints with similar word roots.

For example, the word "chicken" can be described as - it lays eggs, or so - it is a bird whose name begins as the word SMOKE.

If the player answered correctly, the phone flips screens down, then the green light turns on and the inscription "Correct" appears. If the answer is incorrect or the participant does not know it, the phone is turned face up. Lights red, which means that the answer is not read.

Please note that this is a game not only for your general knowledge, but also for speed. A total of 30 seconds per player is given. During this time, he must give as many correct answers as possible. At the end of the game, the application gives the results of the game.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests! According to the good old tradition, we have gathered here today to celebrate the anniversary of ______ in a solemn, festive atmosphere!

Everyone greets the hero of the occasion, who sits at the head of the table.


Anniversary - what a word!

It's a holiday, it's a celebration!

This is joy and warmth in your house!

Friends and employees, not sparing words,

They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!

You are full of light and joy, happiness,

Your advice is important and necessary to us.

Your family loves and appreciates you

Colleagues and true friends of yours.

We all wish you health and strength,

So that youth, happiness, luck, success

Fate has always given you without interference!

The girlfriends of the hero of the day come up to her, sing a congratulation to the motive of the song "Snowfall".

You haven't had time to drink your autumn yet,

And already your anniversary has crept up and is waiting.

He threw gray hair and wrinkles a little,

It will bring you more surprises!


Anniversary, anniversary, this is not old age at all,

This mature beauty is a grateful dawn!

So let's pour glasses and drink for joy,

And hours of fun will fly by like a moment!

Wishes today let them flow like a river.

Be a beloved wife and loved by children.

For friends and acquaintances, prepare a feast.

Everyone will come to the holiday, do not forget - invite!


And we also wish you, dear,

Many years and good luck big-very big.

So that there is joy and happiness in your house,

And the trouble would have bypassed him!


Leading. The word is given to the employees of the hero of the day.

Employee. It was a long time ago: ... years ago. No, no, I'm not starting to tell you a fairy tale. I want to tell you about our hero of the day! So, ... years ago, a young, very modest, very pretty girl, a graduate of ... an institute, crossed the threshold of our institution. This was our dear hero of the day. True, her name was then simply ... They hired her for a position ... And since then she has grown heart and soul to her beloved work. How much love you need to have for your profession, what kind of heart is it to carry this very difficult, difficult burden for so many years, never betraying yourself.

Leading. Dear...!

Accept in the color of years

Our warm, cordial greetings,

And without hiding our feelings,

We will raise our bowls for you!

Leading. Expensive...! Cheburashka came to our light and, having learned that it was an anniversary, he wanted to congratulate you.

A young man with cardboard ears, like Cheburashka's, sings a song to the tune of Gena's Crocodile Songs ("Let them run clumsily ...").

We didn't come in vain

It's clear to everyone

And sit down at this table.

Congratulate the hero of the day

And leave a memory

This song that we will sing!


Let the years not age you

In life, be in front of everyone

Sorry, birthday

Only once a year!

Anniversary, friend,

Come out to our circle

And pour us stronger wine!

It's not often that we're here

Let's get together

For your solemn anniversary!


We all congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Stay the same:

Modest, kind and sweet,

patient, beautiful...

We cannot count all your virtues.


Leading. There are so many guests here today! Everyone came to congratulate the hero of the day. And first we will give the floor to the director, our esteemed...

The Director reads out and presents a welcome address and a gift.



On your anniversary, we wish you prosperity.

And health for many years.

We wish you good luck on your anniversary

And great happiness to boot.

So that the sun always shines on you

So that the heart of the worthy loves,

So that grief, adversity and trouble

Turned into a coveted victory.

Leading. The staff of the institution where you have worked for so many years has always been distinguished by stability in personnel matters, it has always been and remains always a single, welded organism, friendly and efficient. And today he congratulates you!

The team sings a congratulation to the motive of the song "I'm standing at a half-station."

Friends and relatives sit

Sparkling wine flows

And there is a long way behind.

Greetings are spoken.

Where, are you cherished years?

What has passed cannot be returned.

As a token of our attention

Accept wishes,

To the joy of all live for many years.

Let the years, like a blizzard,

All gray hairs creep

And the light warms youth!

Inconspicuous happiness to you,

Unchanging success,

We wish you lots of luck.

Good health to you

Hope and personal happiness,

Let youth not leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten

And all wishes will come true

And may there never be grief!

Love if you love

Live the way you want

And always be cheerful!

Employees give the hero of the day a gift.

Leading. I give the floor to the rest of the guests for congratulations and presenting gifts. (After congratulations.) In honor of our celebration, a large gold medal was cast, let me present it to the hero of the occasion.

Gives a comic (chocolate or painted) medal.

Leading. Dear guests of our holiday! Today we learned a lot about the hero of the day, there were a lot of congratulations and wishes addressed to her. But not everyone present congratulated her. The floor is given to the husband.

The congratulations of the spouse sound. Then the host invites the guests to play, conducts a block of games (optional, see the appendix).



You can't get away from anniversaries in life,

They will overtake everyone like birds,

But the main thing is to carry through the years

The warmth of the soul, a particle of warmth.

You have an anniversary today.

We sincerely congratulate you!

And in life we ​​wish the main thing:

Health, happiness, joy

And up to a hundred years without old age!

All guests sing the song "Great".


We had a nice walk at your holiday.

Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday.

So be healthy, live richly,

And we are leaving home, to the hut!



Guests are reminded of the plots of famous Russian fairy tales and are invited to compose and tell new versions - in the genre of detective story, love story, tragedy, thriller, etc.

The winner is determined by the guests with the help of applause.

Who is this?

Take each piece of paper and draw a head on top - a person, an animal, a bird. Bend the sheet so that the drawing is not visible - only the tip of the neck. And pass the drawing to a neighbor. Each participant in the game had a new sheet with an image that he had not seen. Everyone draws the upper part of the torso, again “hides” the drawing and passes it on to the neighbor in order to draw the limbs on the new sheet received. Now expand all the drawings and see what creatures are depicted on them.

Telephonist competition

Two groups of 10-12 people playing are seated in two parallel rows. The host selects an unpronounceable tongue twister and tells it (in secret) to the first in each team. At the signal of the leader, the first in the row begin to pass it to the ear of the second, the second to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received a “telephone message”, must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that will quickly pass the tongue twister along the chain and whose representative will pronounce it more accurately and better.

Tongue Twisters

Tell me about the purchase. About what about the purchase? About the purchase, about the purchase, about your purchase.

Forty-forty ate cheese with a beautiful red crust, forty-forty flew together in a short time and sat down under a hill.

She traded Praskovya carp for three pairs of purebred piglets, the piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

He reported, but did not report, but began to report - he reported.

Our chebotar is a chebotar for all chebotar, no one can change our chebotar.

Broken phone

Everyone sits in a row. The left extreme whispers something to his neighbor's ear, he goes further. The right extreme says aloud what has reached him. The one who started, reports what exactly he wanted to convey. Sometimes distortions are very funny. After each “call”, you need to change seats so that everyone can visit the ends of the “wire”.


Participants are invited to compose a story from the titles of newspaper articles, cut out and fixed on cards.


Each of the players chooses a name for themselves by the name of one of the kitchen items, for example, a plate, fork, knife, poker, etc. One of the players begins to ask about a variety of objects from their environment, about himself, about the interlocutor (his external appearance, habits, affections, etc.). For example: “What do you have instead of eyes?” Or: “Who do you kiss most often?” or: “What do you like to treat guests to?” or "What stimulates your appetite the most?" The main task of the driver is to put such a question, the answer to which involuntarily causes laughter both from a particular interlocutor and from all the players. The person answering the questions should resort, when answering, to only one word - to the name by which he introduced himself - fork, knife, etc. Additionally, only prepositions are allowed. The one who laughs is out of the game.

To hold this competition, it is necessary to record the soundtrack of the introductions to TV commercials in advance and invite the participants to continue the text, which, in their opinion, sounds after the musical intro. The most knowledgeable receive prizes - those things, objects, the advertisements of which they know by heart. For this competition, it is better to have soundtracks of those TV commercials that have already been forgotten a little.


Players are given tickets - cards with the names of cities - this is the destination. The “conductor” (leader) asks: “Do you know what country this city is in?” If the owner of the "ticket" with the named city answers correctly, his "ticket" is "composted". The winner is the one with the most "composted tickets".

Literary critics

Participants of the competition are read episodes or quotes, or individual phrases from some literary work. Participants must choose from a variety of books the one about which, in their opinion, is being discussed. The first one to give the correct answer wins the title.


This game will help to get to know all your guests. Guests sitting at the table pass a roll of toilet paper in a circle. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.


All participants sit around the table, on sofas and armchairs. Each participant chooses a name for himself from two syllables, with an emphasis on the first (for example, Ka-tya, Sa-nya, Bird-ka, Ryb-ka). The leader (a person with a good sense of rhythm) sets the pace, everyone supports him by clapping his palms on the table, knees, etc. The initial pace is one clapping per second. The host says his name twice, then twice the name of any other person (“Katya, Katya - Petya, Petya”) - one name for one clap. After that, the person whose name is called must also say his name twice, someone else's name twice. The pace gradually increases. There should be no pauses; a name should be pronounced for each clap. If someone goes astray, then some cool nickname is assigned to him - "Brake", "Chukcha", "Woodpecker" - and after that he can no longer be called Petya, Katya, but only a new name. For the third time, the wrong one is out of the game. It becomes more fun when the pace increases to just crazy, and all the participants have new interesting names.


The host distributes to everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pen (pencil, felt-tip pen, etc.). After that, writing begins. The facilitator asks the first question: “Who?”. The players write the answer to it in their sheets (the options may be different, to whom it comes into their heads). Then they fold the sheet so that the inscription is not visible and pass the sheet to their neighbor on the right. The facilitator asks a second question, for example: "Where?". The players again write an answer to it and again fold the sheet in the above way, and again pass the sheet. This is repeated as many times as desired, until the host runs out of imagination for questions. The meaning of the game is that each player, answering the last question, does not see the results of previous answers. After the end of the questions, the sheets are collected by the leader, unfolded, and the resulting essays are read out. It turns out very funny stories, with the most unexpected characters (from all kinds of animals to close friends) and plot twists. The main thing for the facilitator is to successfully choose the sequence of questions so that the resulting story is coherent.

for birthdays, anniversaries and just for the holidays

The best impromptu requires careful preparation - the organizers of the celebration of birthdays, anniversaries, know this better than anyone else. The main task of the festive scenario is to unobtrusively captivate guests, endow them with a good mood. For this, you can use fun games that look impromptu, or a serious scenario with a flexible approach.

It is important to understand that a holiday is an unpredictable phenomenon, in which there is always a place for retreats or a change of mood. Therefore, the organizer of the holiday is like a good conductor, who is also a psychologist. To notice in time that the mood of the guests has gone in the wrong direction, to stop the acute situation, to divert attention from an accidental problem - this is what a real organizer is.

The scenario for a birthday or any other holiday has a modular structure that allows you to change the program in places, closing accidentally interruptions. Even if at first glance everything in the script is subject to linear logic, there is always the opportunity to rebuild it on the go, literally between toasts. Guests will not notice anything, and the holiday will only gain momentum!

Scenarios for an anniversary birthday for women and men

Festive anniversary in nature

If the weather permits, you can spend it in a very original and undoubtedly fun way. Nature sets up a benevolent attitude towards everything around, so games and pranks with pouring water, sprinkling flour and the like are held with a bang.

Anniversary celebrations can begin with a comic congratulations.

I want to test the mental abilities of the hero of the day. To do this, take an ordinary matchbox. We stick one match in the box, we give the other to the hero of the occasion. I will ask questions. If the birthday boy finds it difficult to answer, he must light a match on the box with his match.

After a few simple questions, the host asks: “When is the donkey’s birthday?”. The subject naturally lights a match. The moment has come to solemnly hand him this box with a burning match and sing “Happy Birthday to you” in chorus

(voice Owl from the cartoon "The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh"). Expensive …. ! Happy Birthday to You! At this joyful moment, let me present you with this wonderful lace (brings a bucket from which the lace hangs).

The culprit solemnly pulls the string and pulls out a bottle of champagne or vodka.

And now I invite everyone present to participate in the contest "Do you know the hero of the day?". The first guest to answer the question correctly gets a candy. At the end of the quiz, the owner of the largest number of sweets will receive a prize from the birthday boy - a photo with a personal autograph and the right to drink brotherhood with him.

Sample list of questions.
1. What is the day of the week when the birthday boy was born.
2. His height, birth weight.
3. Where did this event take place.
4. What was the time of day.
5. What was the name of the kindergarten teacher.
6. Favorite toy.
7. The best school friend of the birthday boy
8. What kind of education did he get.
9. Where was the first day of work.
10. When I bought the first car.
11. Where did you spend your last vacation.
12. Where did you meet your other half.
13. When was the wedding day.
14. What was the weather like that day.
15. Give the exact age of the children.
16. Favorite dish.
17. Favorite drink.
18. Favorite activity.
19. Favorite books/movies.
20. Foot size.
21. How many acres is the summer cottage.
22. Favorite alcoholic drink.
23. Brand of the car.
24. Name of the best friend (girlfriend).
25. Favorite song.

It is advisable to ask simple questions, such that you can find out the answers in advance, although it all depends on the company and it is not always necessary to know the answer to the question, in this case they are purely symbolic.

This is where the official part can end, and move on to the stormy entertainment.
For the birthday boy, you can arrange an impromptu concert and at the same time demonstrate your many talents.

Joke-draw "Merry fortune-telling"

Good people, I'll try to surprise you
And I'm surprised by
That I can predict the fate of everyone.
Which one of you will solve the riddle
He will know his fate.
So my 1st riddle:
Does he have a heel behind his nose? (boot)

We continue fortune-telling - gild the pen ...
I wish my predictions come true!

Surprises await you in life
Hundred-program TV,
600th Mercedes
The house is huge, the garden is blooming,
Husband rich and teetotal
And many more wonders!

Waking up one day, you will see in the window
Prince Charming on a white horse.
With a smile in the saddle, he will pick up, loving,
And he will take you to distant lands.

Pots of cabbage soup are waiting for you,
Vegetable vinaigrette,
Jellied offal
And dried fruit compote.
Well, it's time to reveal the secret.
So you're going to be a chef!

You will be fat and ruddy,
Raise geese and chickens.
The husband will drive up on a tractor, shout loudly:
"Smoke break, Serve dinner, wife,
And a bottle of wine!

You will be a noble knight
Beautiful, strong and simple.
Know how to intercede for the weak,
Stand firm for justice.
And for the love of a beautiful lady
fight, asking for her hand.
Know that love brings happiness
Not tight wallets.

Your house will be a full bowl,
There is always an influx of guests,
And your wife is the most beautiful
There will be seven children.
And one day you will come drunk:
The step is uneven, muddy look ...
The wife will be sad and say:
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Your life will be happy and long.
With a color TV, with a white "Volga"
With a yacht flying in azure waves.
With a bronze tan on strong shoulders.

Kohl will not come out of you
sissies and crybabies,
That will give you life
New bucks!

There are many miracles in life
The road is wide!
But just try to sit down
On your horse!

There are many ways and things in the world,
But always be yourself!
Then the wide road
Will not become a narrow path!

The husband will buy earrings, fashionable boots,
On the hands will wear
and do not ask for half a liter!

The news came to you:
There is no salt today!
And then, you look, yes you will give birth.
After all, everyone in the world knows
Children are born from salt!

You will soon be very rich.
Be known as a millionaire throughout the district!
Because uncle will be found in America
Leave you a legacy without looking!

You will definitely be lucky in the lottery!
Run, hurry up quickly!
If you buy a bag of tickets,
That's what you win from shoes lace!

You not to be bored
We must sing and dance.
Can't sleep at all at night
Entertain good people
When people are happy
You will become a pop star!

If you want to be happy
Then you have this advice:
Eat 3 kilos of salt
And a big bag of candy.
Then drink some vodka...
You will be happy, even kill!
I've been talking here, joking...
Still didn't please anyone.
I see someone's sad eyes ..
Well, there will be dancing for you ...

Scenario 55th Anniversary (for woman)

Script Host: Dear Colleagues! Dear birthday girl!

Today we are in a friendly cheerful company, in our so-called "banquet hall" we decided to congratulate the hero of the day.
May this day go down in history forever
And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
And the guests have fun, let them carelessly,
No one, I hope, will leave sad from the anniversary.
To start the celebration, as expected,
It is proposed to fill all the glasses.

Why are there many people?
All friends gathered here
For a well-deserved rest
They came to congratulate you.

Well, here's two fives for you,
How fast the years go by
But for a reason like this
Do not be upset!

Of course it's not 16
And far from 25
But, to be honest,
There is no reason to be discouraged!

After all, a string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's look honestly, from above:
What were you before?
Walked - ribs rang,
And now - what a body!
Bones covered with flesh
Rounded features:
Lush bust, hip, what you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to the bones.
And those sparkling eyes
At least someone will be driven crazy!
And therefore, without further ado, I want to raise the first glass for our hero of the occasion.

Leading: And now I want to give the floor for congratulations to the director of our team.

Director: Dear _______________!

From the bottom of my heart with great respect
Receive our congratulations today
We are happy to congratulate you and wish you
All also to work, all also to dare.
Do not grow old in soul and outwardly
To be blooming as before.
Keep the spark of the soul and still love.
Be beautiful as always to you for many years.

(Gift given)

The team sings congratulations to the motive of the song "I'm standing at a half-station", gives gifts.

Friends and relatives sit
Sparkling wine flows
And there is a long way behind.
Greetings are spoken.
Where, are you cherished years?
What has passed cannot be returned.

As a token of our attention
Accept wishes,
To the joy of all live for many years.
Let the years, like a blizzard,
Everything is gray,
And the light warms youth!

Inconspicuous happiness to you,
Unchanging success,
We wish you lots of luck.
I wish you excellent health, hopes and personal happiness,
Let youth not leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten
And all wishes will come true.
And may there never be grief.
Love if you love.
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful!

Leading: This holiday is a birthday.
Just a great anniversary.
To keep the fun going
I’ll say to everyone: “Pour it!”

I propose to drink for these wonderful wishes!

Leading: You cried into the world when you were born,
And everyone was laughing...
But indeed, we had a little pensioner.

Leading: The word for congratulations is presented to our pensioners.

1. That's the hour for retirement!
Once in a lifetime, he happens to us!

2.We came here today
Wish you many years
You accept from us Lyubasha
Our pension greetings.

3. Worked a lot,
You didn't work in vain
That's for it dear
You have been given a pension.

4. You will sit at home,
Will you miss, grow old,
If you sing in the choir,
You will instantly look younger.

5. There is no reason for sadness and tears -
The autumn of life is like frost in winter;
Let's tell everyone, without hiding anything:
Every age has its own beauty!

6. Age is our only experience brings
He doesn't age you at all.
After all, 55 is not autumn for us yet,
But only the velvet season.

7. Do not be sad and do not be sad,
There is no return to those past days,
Smile always and everywhere
And don't go to the doctors.

8. On this anniversary day, beautiful,
We want to sincerely wish:
Only joy, long life,
Sorrow and grief do not know.

9. And we wish you to continue
Don't get old, get younger.
Multiply a number of fives
Yes, live well
Without sadness and problems
Need to be always and everything.

Leading: And now comes the solemn moment. From all of the above, the council of pensioners allows you, Lyubov Vladimirovna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this, you must take an oath.

Oath I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, colleagues and husband, solemnly swear: fervently with the heat of my heart to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the obligations of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in spite of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with duties and rights.
Responsibilities: (on the screen)

Get up, wash up. Sit down, eat.
receive guests,
Don't forget friends.
Put the brazhonka for distillation.
Do sports this year.
Be ready for love and work.

Do not get sick, do not lose heart
Eat in moderation and sleep soundly
Never grow old
All men like it.

Rights of a young pensioner: (read by the hero of the day herself)

When I want, then I get up.
As long as I want, I lie down.
And if I want, I will drink.
I will go where I want.
When I want, then I sleep.
Whoever I want, I love.

Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot to do!

Presenter: Today, each of the guests, as a sign of respect for you, would like to say special words and make a special gift.
- We would give you a miracle,
Magic beautiful moment
Only a miracle has been done before,
The people who gave you life, birth!

Please raise your glasses and drink for the parents of the hero of the day __________________!

Be healthy, beloved wife,
Wallet to always be tight
Optimism and creativity!
Every day to give joy.
Since we are talking about men,
I want to remind you of a man
who many years ago fell in love with our (name)
and is still a support and a shoulder
in family life for her. AND
so, the word to the wife of the hero of the day.

How much beauty in the world:
The sun, the sky is blue,
And spring flowers
They can't compare to you.
For many years we walked side by side,
It was all: sadness and joy
Now the grandchildren have grown up,
We are already getting old.
We won't let her into the house
Let him take a walk
When it comes again,
Let us not be found at home.
You are my good
I always feel at ease with you
I give you flowers
And a surprise with lots of love.

I give you this song. "I love you to tears" or others.

Thank you for finding words that please and comfort at the right moment.

I want to drink for what you are!

Leading: Today the address of the hero of the day received telegrams. Allow me to read them.

Grandma, hello, don't be sad,
We're out of candy, mind you.
Your grandson _______-.

Well, now, friends, the time has come
Fill a glass for parents.
For those who gave the joy of life,
And he opened the doors to the beautiful world.
For those who taught him kindness,
He gave me a lot of mind.
For those thanks to whom now
Vanya is sitting among us as a birthday boy.

So, let's fill our glasses and drink for the parents of our hero of the day, let them be fun and pleasant today.
Dear guests! Today we learned a lot about the hero of the day, there were many congratulations and wishes addressed to him. But not everyone present congratulated him. The word is given to the sister and brother of the hero of the day.

Dear friends, we continue our evening dedicated to the 30th anniversary of

Happy thirtieth anniversary
All friends rush to congratulate
And wherever fate would wear them -
Everyone is here today.
We wish you good health
And a long life without worries
Good luck, happiness and luck!
It's time for big victories!

Let's all fill our glasses, and drink for the happiness and health of our birthday boy!

Wow, I see you are moving something? Wait, I will introduce you to the Rules of our evening. Our charter says:
1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
2. It is announced that 20__. Ivan's anniversary is not canceled
3. Remember: for starters, it didn’t hurt everyone to drink a glass.
4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not cancelled.
5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month after this evening and are non-refundable.

And now the floor is given to the beloved wife of the hero of the day.

We congratulate you on a significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health
And many sincere friends.
We do not give the birthday
No headsets, no rings,
Surely you will receive warmer
Greetings from friendly hearts.

I propose a word for congratulations to friends. Dear guests, dear birthday boy, the children's nursery group "Mouse" has come to your holiday!

Congratulations to Uncle Vanya
Our favorite kindergarten
Sends greetings to you dear,
Junior Nursery Squad.
We promise to listen to Vanya,
Always go to the potty
When everyone has eaten porridge,
Let's take the cups.
Be healthy uncle Vanya!
Many many more days
We promise to come
To you on the hundredth anniversary!

Dear guests! I ask you to fill your glasses with white, and drip red into your glasses.

If you want, believe
If you want, don't believe
An animal is roaming around somewhere.
He does not live in a dense forest,
Powerful in Russian.
This animal is called "moose"
- It's been that way for a long time.
May "ELSE" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
To want and be able
So that happiness does not end,
About good things to dream about, so that business succeeds
So that everything always comes true!

We want to congratulate you
With a wonderful date - thirty years.
You have already achieved a lot
But here comes the flourishing of all forces.
May hope never
Your earthly one will not leave the path.
May it be full of good luck!
We don't want to turn away from it!

In the Canary Islands, out of 365 days a year, only 350 are sunny.
So we wish you, Vanya, so that in your life there is a ratio of joyful and sad days.
But the natives of the Canary Islands are far from stupid. Here in those 15 days when there is no sun, they all gather together in their large huts and drink the fermented juice of tropical mango fruits. And again they have a good mood in their souls, again the sun shines in their souls. And you, Vanya, on gloomy and rainy days, do not forget to take mangoes. And if there is no juice at hand, use any substitute from 12 to 40 degrees

For your anniversary!
Thirty years is a special age.
Life leads us forward slowly,
We want to wish you
The soul does not age with age.
So that creativity does not leave,
To make the table wide with wine,
To make music sound in the house,
To love my wife more.
Birthday is a responsible step,
Thirty years in life means something.
Be happy and healthy, like Hercules.
Let luck not leave you!

Hey, Ivan, such a thing -
Vodka boiled in glasses
Schaub she was not out of breath,
We need to bite a little.
For such a reason
Let's say a toast is small.

Masha and Glasha meet.
- Masha, how is your husband Misha?
- As he drank - so he drinks, as he beat - so he beats.
- Well, thank God, if only I didn’t get sick!
To the health of all those present!

Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

We walked nicely at your holiday
Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday
So be healthy, live richly,
And we are leaving home to the hut!
The evening ends with songs and dances.

55 years is a wonderful date. Relatives and friends gather to congratulate the hero of the day. Such a noisy, and sometimes very different company, an entertainment program is simply necessary. Simple but fun 55th anniversary contests help create an unforgettable holiday!

So, the universal game for name days is "Anniversary Alphabet". In advance, you need to prepare cards on which the letters of the alphabet are written. They are folded into a bag or box. Then, all guests in turn are invited to choose one card at a time and in a certain time come up with as many epithets as possible that characterize the hero of the day. Ideal if someone can pick up 55!

The Silent Film contest is well received by the public. Several people are invited to participate. The facilitator distributes to each task, pre-written on the cards. These should be simple phrases “I'm going on vacation”, “Stars are lit in the sky”, etc. Players will have to depict the indicated text without words, and the audience will have to guess. The most artistic participant wins.

If couples are present at the celebration, a pair competition can be held. For example, with the following conditions. It is necessary to prepare bananas or cucumbers (based on the number of participants - one piece for two). Each couple gets a vegetable or fruit. After the command, you need to start eating the product from your side. Those who eat first win. Despite the apparent simplicity, it is quite difficult to cope with the task. After all, the audience laughs, and the participants understand how comical they look.

Contests for the anniversary of 55 years for a woman

If the hero of the day is a beautiful lady, then the preparation for the celebration should be appropriate. Moreover, many friends gather at such a holiday. Therefore, competitions should be appropriate.

"Family budget"

For such a game, you need to prepare the props in advance: inflate the balls, in each of which place a coin or banknote of any denomination. Participants are invited to collect as much money as possible for the family budget - to pop balloons and collect money in a bag. The lady with the most money wins.

"Gift for Anniversary"

To carry out this competition for the anniversary of 55 years you need to divide the guests into two teams. Each of them is given a blank paper, pre-prepared pictures from magazines, drawings, letters, numbers. The kit also includes scissors and glue. Teams receive a task - to create a bright congratulation for the hero of the day. It takes 5-10 minutes to complete the task. The team whose creation the birthday girl likes more wins.

Contests for the anniversary of 55 years for a man

The organization of a holiday for a representative of the stronger sex requires special attention. Therefore, the games must be appropriate. For example:

"Best Chauffeur"

For the competition you need toy cars with a flat roof. They should be tied with strong threads the length of the entire room. The ends of the ropes are fixed on pencils. On the roof of the machine put a plastic (to avoid trouble), a glass of water. The task of the participants is to bring the car to the finish line without spilling water. The winner receives the title of "Best Driver". You can even prepare an appropriate comic certificate or diploma.

"Pour the wine"

For fun you need 3-4 participants. Empty glasses are placed at one end of the table. On the opposite edge is a spacious container filled with wine. The task of the player is to fill the glass with a teaspoon. The one who completes the task faster gets the right to the first birthday toast.

Such 55th anniversary contests will give bright emotions to all guests and the heroes of the occasion. After all, this is only a rehearsal for the next holiday - the 60th anniversary. Have a good mood!