
A cool script for a corporate party for a year. New Year's scenarios for corporate parties are cool. Fun corporate party - without much hassle

I want to spend any holiday fun and sincerely, but especially New Year's! The very name and essence of this holiday contains novelty, therefore, from the entertainment program that is organized on its occasion, guests are waiting for something new, original and unusual. At adult parties, guests are waiting not so much for the arrival of Santa Claus with gifts, but for bright colors, impressions, music and fun. To help the organizers, we offer one of the options - C Scenario of the New Year's corporate party-2017 "Roasted Rooster for Special Purpose", where the symbol of the coming year is simply a connecting storyline, and the main focus is on new music, dance and table entertainment for guests. suitable for a company of any composition: colleagues, friends, relatives or guests gathered for an evening of relaxation in a cafe or restaurant. The necessary musical arrangement is attached.

Scenario New Year's corporate party - 2017

While the guests are seated - sounds 0. Cool instrumental

Leading out - Sounds 1. Fanfare

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests! How nice to see you, so beautiful and festive, ready to have fun and be surprised, relax and have fun! Yes, even those gathered on such a wonderful occasion: the meeting of the beloved New Year holiday, from which we all expect so much! Someone meets him with the mood: “Oh, New Year, get rid of the accumulated worries!” Someone with hope: “Ah, New Year, let a miracle come into my life!”. And someone, like you and me, is in a hurry to fill the glasses, because they came to this holiday with the mood: “Wow, New Year, have fun, people!”

First toast(pronounced as guests fill their glasses)

Everyone, everyone who today gathered a cozy hall,

Fill up your glass of champagne!

And the first toast for the meeting! For the drive! For the positive!

For friendly company! For the best team! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Sounds 3. Excerpt. Serduchka. Christmas trees

(short banquet break)

Presenter: Yes, the New Year in our country is loved not only for a great weekend and gifts, but, above all, for vivid impressions. And our interest in Eastern symbols: horoscopes, symbols of the year, and so on - only added color to an already beautiful holiday. Agree, most of us do not delve into philosophical and scientific research on this subject, but we are happy to perceive costume and musical forecasts and entertainment associated with the signs of the zodiac and animals, personifying the symbol of the outgoing and coming year. Our program “Roasted Rooster of Special Purpose” is no exception, in which it is the musical astrological forecast for 2017 help us get to know each other! (or greet each other once again - if the company is well acquainted with each other)

Musical introduction of guests "Comic astrological forecast"

(The hosts can use this game moment for a real acquaintance, for this, after each greeting, you can approach the representatives of each sign and get to know each other. But if there are a lot of guests, then either this should be done selectively or excluded so as not to delay the game and not bring down program dynamics.

Presenter: Dear guests, now your attention will be offered an astrological forecast for 2017, the symbol of which according to the eastern calendar will be the Fire Rooster. For each sign, this proud handsome man found a kind word, but in order for his positive predictions to come true, when listening, you and I need to charge them with our energy, making appropriate internal and external messages. So, for whom the forecast sounds, we get up, listen and make “magic” movements after me to the music.

And I would like to see everyone first, who was born in the year of the rooster, are there such in the hall? Rise up, let everyone admire and remember you, because today you are the lucky ones and the guests, for sure, will want to touch you today as often as possible. And this prediction is for you. (or the last phrase may sound like this: "Greetings to the minions of fate of the coming year!")

Raise your wings, you are our happy ones,

Under the victory cry: "Ha-ha!" Let's dance and flap our wings together!

Sounds 4. excerpt from Pugachev. Arlekino.

(The presenter shows the movement: waving her hands to the beat of the music and shouting: ha ha, all guests born in the year of the Rooster do it with her)

Now don't be humble, get up from your seat Aries! (rising)

Aries is waiting for success in love,

If right now they have enough air kisses for everyone!

Sounds 5. Excerpt Tarkan

(The presenter sends air kisses to the hall, making welcome movements to the beat of the music, all guests born under the sign of Aries do it with her)

And where are our beauties and well done, born under the sign Taurus?! (rising)

And Taurus is waiting for a good year,

Future success in business and career - clap your hands!

Sounds 6. Clap clap

(The presenter claps to the beat of the music, then at the left shoulder, then at the right, then over her head, all guests born under the sign of Taurus do it with her)

Next forecast for Gemini...........................................................................................................................


(musical and dance forecast for all signs of the zodiac is carried out)

Presenter: After such a playful acquaintance and several toasts, the atmosphere in the hall became somehow more sincere, and you also became closer and more understandable to each other, do you agree? Yes, it’s such a holiday, a crafty magician, from whom we all expect miracles, but for now we are waiting, without noticing it ourselves, we are creating them slowly ourselves: we decorate the house and the Christmas tree, prepare a festive table, buy gifts for relatives and prepare surprises for friends. And the last hours before the onset of the New Year in a family or company, as a rule, pass in pleasant, but rather ordinary, chores: food is purchased, salads are cut, a festive dress is ironed, etc. But, for sure, there are those who rush to the bathhouse, sit in front of the TV or ride down the hill, are there any in the hall? (guests answer) And, let's now with the help of imagine how the day and evening of December 31 goes in an average Russian family. After all, for us, the New Year is, first of all, a family holiday, so we will imagine that we are a big friendly family. And every time you hear the word in the text of a fairy tale "Family"- quickly hug the nearest neighbors and shout: "Happy together!". It's clear? Let's try! "Family!" - guests hug and shout. Great, now just select the main characters and start.

- (referring to one of the guests - a man). Here you are, man, what is your name? (answers). Do you have a family? ……................................

- Table role-playing tale "Happy Together"

Actors and lines:

Christmas tree: "I'm on fire!"

Fridge: "Sho, again!"

Dad: "I'm only 5 drops!"

Mother: "Begins!"

Youngest daughter: "I love the New Year!"

Elder brother (son): "I'll quit on FIG!"

Family (all guests): "Happy together!" (hugs)

presenter - reads text


...... And at this time Dad... rushed to Refrigerator... quickly grabbed vodka and snacks. Mother...., noticing this, she also rushed to Refrigerator..., in a hurry almost dropped Christmas tree... and not knocked down youngest daughter…But Dad... has already firmly mastered his prey ..............................


Presenter: And, really, it's time to drink for the love and family well-being of each of us!

Sounds like 19. Serduchka. New Year's

- Dance competition "New Year's melodramas"

Presenter: Tell me, has anyone noticed that in our history one very important character of a family holiday was missing, without which, even in our technological age, not a single December 31, in any family can do? What is this? (guests answer, someone will definitely call the TV). Of course, this is a TV, it is on it, while preparing for the new year, we watch our favorite cartoons and melodramas, and under it, with the chimes and the president's speech, we meet his offensive. So, do you mind if we give him a well-deserved place in our program? I ask those who wish to find or keep love in the coming 2017 to come to me.

(Participants leave, the host invites everyone to bring a partner of the opposite sex from the hall, ready-made musical accompaniment is offered for eight couples, but the organizers, depending on the available props: hats, shawls, etc. elements of national clothing or the number of guests, can add or choose just a few of them.After the pairs are formed, each of them is given the appropriate props, as representatives of one of the countries or nationalities: Americans, Africans, Egyptians, Spaniards, Gypsies, Indians, Turks and Russians. The host explains the essence of the competition)


Music tracks for each couple - folder NEW YEAR MELODRAMA

(Couples take turns dancing to their music tracks, then the audience can determine the best couple or everyone gets small prizes)

Presenter: Thanks to the participants! Talented, funny, sincere! And now we are also talentedly forming a dance engine and going to the hall, joining all the guests! Everybody dance!

Sounds like 20. Tishman. Drunk happy - all guests go to the dance floor

- Dance animation for the year of the Rooster "Raised their tails"

(when all the guests went to the dance floor, the host can organize a general dance - an animation, the movements are clear from the text of the song: hips, eyes, hands)

Sounds 21. Animashka

dance break


Sound 1. Fanfare

Presenter: Dear guests, we will definitely return to dancing, and now I ask you to return to your tables!

While the guests are seated - sounds 21. New Year's screensaver(quiet at the end)

presenter(begins to speak without waiting for the track to end, on the final sounds of the intro): Our program continues! And we all continue to believe that we have not gathered in vain, and we are not having fun at all in vain, and that the New Year will definitely be happy!!! And to make it so, let's fill our glasses and drink to the bottom for our hopes!

Sounds 22. Toast of happiness

Sounds 23. Fairy tale. This New Year is coming

(short banquet break)

- Board game "Roast Rooster Mission"

(The game can be played in different ways. The first option is suitable for a small company - everyone takes turns saying the first thing that comes to mind in rhyme. The second option - the guests write options to themselves in advance, then all the notes are mixed and thrown into a hat, which is passed from hand to hand, the presenter periodically says: “stop”, whoever has a hat at that moment - randomly takes out a note and reads it. The third one is given below)

Option 3. The rules of the game are similar to those in option No. 2, a hat with notes is also transmitted, but here, for the dynamics of the action, the notes are thought up and printed out in advance, and to enhance the humorous moment, a music track is also recorded in advance, which is constantly interrupted by the cries of a rooster. On whom, when handing over the hat, the rooster “screams”, he takes out a note and reads it. More than 20 ready-made answers are attached, you can add something of your own to the list or vice versa, shorten it by selecting only the ones you like the most.


1 . When it bites, I promise ...

- "Kama Sutra" read!


8 . When it bites, I promise ...

- I'm scuba diving!


Sounds 25. Village of fools + rooster cries

- Team musical game "And finally I will sing"

Presenter: This, of course, is a joke, and yet, I sincerely wish that the Rooster pecked us all today, but gently and lovingly, just to remind you that the new year is a wonderful occasion to change your life for the better! But, before this happens, you need to say goodbye to the symbol of the outgoing year, the Monkey, she herself offers to do it mysteriously and fun, with the help of a musical game with her participation “And finally I will say”


(cheerful, colorful and musical entertainment for guests, dedicated to the symbol of the outgoing year - the Monkey

(Pictures and music tracks are attached - MONKEY folder)


- Table comic-romantic interactive "Seeing off the old year"

Presenter: Yes, in what, in what, but you can’t refuse the humor of the current mistress of the year. I propose to fill the glasses and just so kindly and cheerfully symbolically say goodbye to her. At the same time, remember all the good things that each of you or your loved ones had this year and thank the oriental beauty for this and the year that goes with her! Are there people in the hall who can say publicly about the pleasant events of 2016? Maybe someone got a promotion? Or an addition to the family? (passes around guests who are talking about their achievements into the microphone). Well, great, we remember and clink glasses for the outgoing one, and for now we will sum up the results of the music competition.

Sounds 26. Dance of memories

Sounds 27. Sax - stop by situation Sounds like 28. Leps. New Year dance break


Callsigns sound again to continue the program, the presenter goes to the center

Sound 1. Fanfare

Presenter: Dear guests, time at our party is running fast! It seems that some magician specially accelerated its course ... But who could it be? Certainly someone who benefits from it. And this is only beneficial ... right, the symbol of the coming year is the Fiery or, as we jokingly called it, the Roasted Rooster! He is in a hurry, and we do not mind, especially since we have already mentally said goodbye to the Monkey, which means we are striving and tuned in to the future, new and happy! Are there those in the hall who also want to be especially noted this year? I invite five to participate in our traditional fun undertaking.

(participants come out, draw out one of the pre-prepared cards with the words and the name of their character)

- New Year's Impromptu with chairs "Rooster, we are here!"

The essence of entertainment: there are six chairs on the “stage”, on which the participants sit in random order. The facilitator reads the text, every time one of the participants hears a mention of his character (in any case and number), he jumps up and, shouting his line loudly, runs around the chairs, then sits down on his chair again until he again hears about to your character. When the participants hear the word “Guests”, they jump up and run all together, shouting together the word “Pour!”. If during the game, someone makes a mistake, they don’t delete him and the game doesn’t stop - there are no losers in this venture, it is conceived simply for the entertainment of guests and participants (although encouraging participants with small prizes will not hurt)

Actors and lines:

Monkey: "And who is without a flaw ?!"

New Year: "Rooster, we are here!"

Holiday: "I'm such a prankster!"

Gifts: "Come on!"

Santa Claus: "Brought gifts"

Guests: "Pour it up!" (for all participants)

Impromptu text

How much our people love HOLIDAYS, so that GUESTS come, bring GIFTS, congratulate them on their birthday or Happy NEW YEAR!.................


- Table chant "Rooster of special purpose"

Presenter: I'm sure that the symbol of 2017 definitely noticed those who participated in this fun runner, it's good, only ... "only this is not enough"! We need him to remember, and then not deprive of his grace, all those present in this hall, right!? This was his "special purpose" specifically for us. And therefore loudly, amicably and resolutely shout to him about this, right? So, I read the first four lines, and you all together shout the phrase: special purpose ”after the word Rooster, in each quatrain, of course. Then let's go!


....... Presenter: And let your fire shine a little on us,

So that love reigns and children laugh,

Changes in finances and career were for the better,

You can do anything, Rooster ...

All guests (in chorus):…special purpose!......

- Video clip "New Year's anthem"

(guests sing against the background of the karaoke video clip the reworked comic text of the anthem, make wishes under the chimes and clink glasses cheerfully with each other)


- General dance entertainment "Snow-Fire Dances"

Lead to dance fun:

Presenter: Dear, most wonderful guests in the world, this is how our program imperceptibly approached the finale and in order to put in it not just a beautiful point, but an exclamation mark, I ask you together, otherwise it cannot be, after everything that happened between us , go to the dance. a field where we will arrange our dance battle, which has already become traditional, this time it will be dedicated to the future kingdom of the Fire Rooster in our snowy and harsh country. So wall to wall! Our "Snow-fire dances" begin!

While they are coming out - sounds O. Wall to wall from the folder SHAPING


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Entertainment and feasts for the New Year, like money, do not happen much. A holiday with family, gatherings with friends, field trips and, of course, a New Year's corporate party 2017. It is advisable to choose a cool scenario, with comic numbers, jokes, funny contests and funny prizes, so that the team celebrates the New Year in a warm friendly atmosphere. For everyone to have fun, from the boss to the ordinary employee. By the way, it is quite possible to do without professional showmen and artists, to organize a New Year's corporate party on your own, the traditional idea is the eastern horoscope. We advise you to beat her in a humorous way, for example, like this ...

Cool scenario "Corporate casting"

Presenter:“Good evening, dear colleagues! Get comfortable, we're starting…”
At this time, an elegant man enters the door, in a suit, in a bright shirt, with a red bow tie or in a multi-colored neckerchief. And with a quick step goes to the leader.

Guest:"Wait a minute, gentlemen! I beg your pardon, a little late, traffic jams.

presenter(looks at him in bewilderment): “Who are you, actually?”

Guest(in a loud whisper): “The eastern symbol was ordered for the New Year, to congratulate the team? Get it and sign it." He takes out a bill of lading from his pocket and hands it to the girl.

presenter(looking the stranger up and down): "Yes, but we thought that..."

Guest: “A real bird will fly in, with luxurious plumage, a scarlet crest, a magnificent tail, and will read a solemn speech to you, I beg your pardon, crow. Roosters, you know, are not parrots, they don't know how to talk. Well, just like children, honestly! Addressing those present: “Let me introduce myself, Fire Rooster of the highest category, Pinyin, if in Chinese. Please love and respect".

(host): “Let's continue the New Year's corporate party 2017, the scenario is cool, my performance, when does it provide? Let me work it out right now, congratulations to the audience!”

presenter: “Well, we just got together, we didn’t raise our glasses even once, we didn’t have time to try salads. We have a long New Year's corporate party, the program is extensive. Wait, I'll see when you leave.

Guest(hugging her partner by the shoulders): “Beautiful, sweet, good, I have no time to drink, have a snack, I have a busy schedule, until mid-January - a solid New Year's corporate party, where can I sit here. I sleep 4 hours a day and dream ... "

Presenter:"About what, if not a secret?"

Guest:“To find an assistant for yourself, a nimble or pretty, efficient assistant. Together we would have kept up everywhere, we would not have missed a single New Year's corporate party from the list. Idea! And let's arrange a casting, like in a movie or on television. I see there are many suitable candidates in the hall. Well, how? Do you agree? Don't be shy, it will be interesting."

Cool scenario: corporate party with funny tasks

Presenter:“Tempting offer. How are the tests going to be?

“In the form of simple contests. And so, the first test. The rooster is known to be a vociferous bird. Vocal abilities are not particularly important for her, the main thing is the strength of her voice, loudness. We stand up, straighten our shoulders, pick up our stomachs, stretch our necks. I pronounce the initial lines of the chant, and you in unison - the last phrase. Each participant tries to drown out opponents. Go!

Happy New Year's Eve,
The people come off.
We accompany the monkey
Meet the Fire Rooster! (together)

It's a pity to part with the Monkey,
But what can you do, it's time.
Today we are friends
Meet the Fire Rooster!

Our team, no matter where,
We are always for each other!
And together with the authorities
Meet the Fire Rooster!

Shouted from the heart
Look at your neighbor.
Smile - straight to the floor of the face!
Meet the Fire Rooster!

To that I will award victory,
Who will sing "ku-ka-re-ku"!
And a sweet prize - also to him.
Glory to the Fire Rooster!»

Presenter:“Time to wet your throats! Fill your glasses! Cavaliers, take care of the ladies. (Turning to the guest) The rooster is so gallant.

Guest(showing off): “The next competition is announced, for men. Within 3 minutes, they must collect as many kisses as possible. Counting - by lipstick prints on a napkin. Is everyone ready? Reade set Go! (The theme song of Verka Serduchka sounds).

presenter: “I decided that incentive prizes (chocolate eggs) deserve all the participants, without exception. And the main award, a souvenir symbol of the year, will go to the most charming and attractive. Accountants, announce the results!”

Guest: “And in the New Year's corporate program, I included one more competition, very revealing, for quick wits. I need a smart partner. As they say, one head is good, but two is still better. Let's see which of you can guess tricky riddles.

Herself - sonorous, waist - thin,
Wide in the chest
And below - thin. (Glass)

Hey, who knows people?
Snowman, where will it come from? (Zimbabwe).

Nearly 40 million people are employed at night. (“Sit” on the Internet).

Big, red, with mustaches and hares. What is this? (Trolleybus).

What's on the lady's body
Do cunning - on the mind?
Observed in hockey
And on the chessboard. (Combination)

Guest(with admiration): “Guys, you surprised me, you have a ward. I confess, for the first time I got to a New Year's corporate party, where, despite the drunk, people think so soberly. Okay, brains stretched, now you can show yourself. Test number 1, for balance.
Participants are asked to stand on one leg. The winner is the one who managed to hold out longer than the others.

Guest: "Well done! They coped with the task perfectly, I present the winner with a gift personally (a lollipop in the form of a cockerel or lollipop). Test number 2, for dexterity.
In plastic cups, glassware will not work, it may break, champagne or another drink is poured. You need to drink it without resorting to the help of hands, they are hidden behind your back.

presenter: "Probably, it's time to decide who is good for you as a partner."

Guest: “What a wonderful New Year's corporate party 2017 turned out, the scenario is cool,

What is New Year's holiday? This is laughter. It's fun. This is joy. And these are friends who are always there for you. And this is a party with colleagues in the work shop. And since there is a party, then we need a script for the New Year's corporate party 2017 - for the year of the rooster. A cool scenario with a lot of ideas is what will help you organize a bright party for your colleagues on your own. See ideas, choose the best and have a holiday.

Seeing off the old year.
First you need to spend the old year. And let's do it with games. Participants of the game 3-5 people are called to the stage. Their task is to remember in turn what good things happened in the outgoing 2016. Whoever fails to remember in turn receives a penalty point. When no one else can remember anything, then the game ends. Whoever gets the least penalty is the winner. He is handed a calendar for the outgoing 2016 in a beautiful frame. So that he always remembers the happiest year.

And now we welcome the new year 2017!

And so, 2017 will be held under the sign of the rooster. But we won't pick the rooster of the year, we'd rather pick the chick of the year! After all, it would be a chick. And there are roosters on it! And so, let's get started.

Round 1
In the first round, the selection of contenders for the title of chick of the year takes place. The host asks the girls what proverbs. Sayings, anecdotes and so on they know about roosters, chickens and birds. The first 5 girls who answered go on stage.

Round 2
Let's meet our contenders. To do this, each contestant in turn calls her name. But not real, but fictional. And it must necessarily end or begin with the word CHICK.

Round 3
Here, the contenders, accompanied by cheerful or any other music, come out and walk around the stage, as if on a catwalk. The main thing is to interest men.

Round 4
Well, how are men interested? Then each chick must bring one of her most ardent admirers onto the stage.
Now the couples face each other. Energetic music is turned on and the girls are dancing. Men at this time support their ladies with applause. As soon as the girls have finished dancing, the same music is turned on and the guys should already be dancing. But not just dance, but try to repeat all the movements that their girls performed.

Winner selection.
The rest of the audience chooses the winner. This can be done by applause, or you can vote.

And so we chose the chick of the year. You can continue the holiday.

Music competition - crow!
The host asks the audience to name New Year's songs. Who called. He enters the stage. Enough 4-6 participants.
When the participants are determined, the competition can begin. Participants must perform the songs they have named. But not just to perform, but to crow! They do it a cappella, without music.
When everyone has performed their number, they sing their favorite New Year's song in chorus - a Christmas tree was born in the forest.
After that, everyone receives a prize - a cockerel on sticks.

Game - New Year's wishes.
In this game, everyone wishes their neighbor on the right at the table something good and unusual for the new year. but not everything is so simple - the wish should begin with the first letter of the name of the person you wish to.
For example, for Andrew:
- adventures and adventures!
For Egor:
- wake up every day with a great mood!
For Svetlana:
Saturdays are the same as Fridays!

Lottery for the year of the rooster.
It's time to give gifts to all the guests. And a fun lottery for the year of the rooster will help us with this. It is simple to conduct it: make beautiful cards on which you write a poem and a gift. We put all the cards in a bag, and each guest takes out one card and reads a verse and receives his gift.
Examples for verses:

New Year's fantasies.
The next game is forfeits. Here you also need to make New Year's cards on which tasks will be written. The tasks are the simplest and not difficult, which are related to the year of the rooster.
For example:
- put on a mask of a rooster and go up to the lady, and tell her - madam, and now I will peck you!
- to crow a New Year's song.
- say a toast on behalf of the cockerel.
- say a toast in which the main character will be a cockerel.
- dance the dance of little ducklings.
- show how the cockerel cares for the hen.
- to show how the cockerel came to the supermarket and saw grilled chickens on a spit.
- tell a joke about a cockerel and chickens.
- in three minutes, suck the sweet cockerel on sticks.

And now you can move on to dancing and prepare for the chimes.

In 2017, according to the Chinese calendar, the Monkey will be replaced by the Fire Rooster - an energetic, colorful bird. He will not tolerate a dull celebration. We celebrate the New Year on a grand scale, meet the Rooster with incendiary contests and games.

1. "New Year's toast"

Number of participants: 5.

The host invites the guests to make a collective toast and dedicate it to the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster.

The host distributes to the participants sheets of paper with letters (P, E, T, Y, X) and informs the conditions: they must come up with a New Year's wish, and it will begin with the letter that they got. For example, the letter "P": "The weather is good today, and we have gathered in this hall to wish everyone happiness in the New Year." The next participant continues the thought of the previous one to make a meaningful toast.

2. "Surprise bag"

Number of participants: 2.

The host prepares the props in advance. On thick sheets, he prints two pictures with the image of a rooster and cuts each into 5-7 elements, mixes them and puts them in a bag.

Santa Claus presents a bag with a surprise to the contestants.

At the command of the leader, the participants scatter the contents of the bag and try to collect their rooster.

The one who did it faster wins.

3. "Dress up the cockerel"

Number of participants: 4.

Two men and two women are invited to the stage, they are divided into pairs.

Female "chickens" should dress up their male "cockerel" with everything that fantasy tells them: tinsel, sweets, Christmas decorations. The time to complete the task is 1 minute.

Guests with applause determine the "rooster" - the winner.

4. "Whose rooster is more beautiful"

Number of participants: not limited.

The host calls everyone to the stage, distributes A4 sheets and felt-tip pens, and offers to draw a Fire Rooster ... without hands.

Participants are given exactly 1 minute.

Usually felt-tip pens end up in the teeth of "artists".

5. "Attention, news!"

Number of participants: not limited.

The host distributes pre-prepared cards with several words that are not related in meaning. For example: rooster, milk, space, billiards (one of the words should be the word "rooster").

Each participant has half a minute to come up with an informational message, using all the words, and pronounce it with the intonation of the announcer.

The awkward "news" makes the guests laugh heartily.

6. "Cockfight"

Number of participants: 2.

Two "roosters" are invited to the "ring", the host gives them boxing gloves.

The host heats up the situation, and just before the start of the fight ... distributes candy in wrappers to the participants and announces the rules: unwrap the largest number of candies in 1 minute with boxing gloves.

7. "Talisman"

Number of participants: 4.

Two couples are invited to the stage: a man and a woman. The host gives each pair of scissors, a piece of paper with the image of a rooster and offers to cut out their talisman.

The couples hold hands and with their free hands try to cut the rooster.

The one who does it faster and better, he won.

8. "The brightest cockerel"

Number of participants: not limited.

Clothes are folded into the bag in advance: hats, underwear, swimwear, stockings, socks, skirts. The funnier the clothes, the better.

Music sounds, the participants form a circle and pass the bag from hand to hand.

When the music is interrupted, the participant, in whose hands the bag is, randomly takes out a thing from it and puts it on.

9. "Follow the rooster"

Number of participants: not limited.

Chairs are arranged in a chaotic manner in the hall, participants - “chickens” sit on them. The guests of the evening choose a "cock".

To the music, he walks between the chairs and clap his hands and collects the "chickens" behind him. Forming a "train", the participants with the leader at the head pass between the chairs.

When the “cockerel” clap his hands twice, the “chickens” should sit on the chairs. The difficulty is that the "rooster" must also sit on a free chair, and one participant will remain standing. He will become the new "cockerel".

10. "Chicken race"

Number of participants: 2.

A computer mouse (“chicken”) is tied to the belt of the participants so that it does not reach 10-15 cm from the floor.

On command, the participants lead their "chicken" through the obstacles prepared by the host. The difficulty is that the participants must constantly crouch and look back.

The first one to reach the finish line, bypassing the obstacles, is considered the winner.

11. The game "Guess the beast"

Number of participants: the entire audience.

The presenter takes one person out of the hall and asks him to portray a rooster so that the audience in the hall guesses it.

While the participant is preparing, the facilitator incites the audience to deliberately name the wrong options.

It's funny to watch how an angry "rooster" tries to give himself away with all his behavior!

12. "Whose scallop is better"

Number of participants: 4.

For the competition, men and women are invited, who are divided into pairs.

The host gives women hair accessories (hairpins, elastic bands, combs). On command, for a given time, they begin to build a “comb” on the heads of their partners.

Download competitions for corporate parties for the holiday New 2017 Year of the Rooster