
What's Happening in Myanmar: Muslim Genocide, Latest News. Exposing Islamic Social Media About Muslim Genocide in Myanmar Buddhists Murdered Muslims

Before Kadyrov, Erdogan stood up for the Rohingya people

Kadyrov's speeches on the Internet, Sunday's standing at the embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Moscow and a mass rally in Grozny in defense of Muslims persecuted in a distant country unexpectedly forced Russians to pay attention to a problem little known to the general public.

In fact, the history of the standoff in predominantly Buddhist Myanmar with a persecuted Muslim minority has long been a concern in the world - both at the government level and in the human rights environment.

What is Myanmar? At one time, this country in Southeast Asia was known as Burma. But the locals do not like this name, considering it foreign. Therefore, after 1989, the country was renamed Myanmar (translated as "fast", "strong").

Since the country gained independence in 1948, a civil war has been waged in Burma, in which the Burmese authorities, communist guerrillas, and separatist rebels participated. And if we add to this explosive “cocktail” the drug dealers of the “Golden Triangle”, which, in addition to Myanmar, also included Thailand and Laos, it becomes obvious that the situation on Burmese soil did not symbolize peace and quiet.

From 1962 until 2011, the country was ruled by the military, and the head of the opposition Democratic League that won in 1989, the future Nobel Peace Prize winner, Do Aung San Suu Kyi, was placed under house arrest for a long time. The country found itself in a rather noticeable isolation from the outside world - including in connection with Western sanctions. But in recent years, noticeable changes have taken place in Myanmar, elections have been held. And last year, Aung San Suu Kyi became foreign minister and state adviser (de facto prime minister).

In a country with a population of 60 million people, there are more than a hundred nationalities: Burmese, Shan, Karen, Arakanese, Chinese, Indians, Mons, Kachins, etc. The vast majority of believers are Buddhists, there are Christians, Muslims, animists.

“Myanmar, as a multinational country, is experiencing a load of problems of this kind,” comments Viktor Sumsky, director of the ASEAN Center at MGIMO. - The new government of the country is making attempts to resolve conflict situations, but in fact it turns out that it was the problem of the Rohingya that came to the fore ...

So who are the Rohingyas? This is an ethnic group living compactly in the Myanmar state of Rakhine (Arakan). The Rohingya practice Islam. According to estimates, their number in Myanmar ranges from 800 thousand to 1.1 million people. It is believed that most of them moved to the territory of Burma during the British colonial rule.

The Myanmar authorities refer to the Rohingya as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh - and on this basis deny them citizenship. The law forbade them to have more than two children. The authorities tried to resettle them in Bangladesh, but no one expected them there either. It is no coincidence that the UN calls them one of the most persecuted minorities in the world. Many Rohingyas flee to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand. But a number of countries in Southeast Asia - including Muslim ones - refuse to accept these refugees, and ships with migrants are deployed at sea.

During the Second World War, when Burma was occupied by Japan, in 1942 there was a so-called. "Arakan massacre" between Rohingya Muslims who received weapons from the British and local Buddhists who supported the Japanese. Tens of thousands of people died, many people became refugees. Of course, these events did not add trust to relations between the communities.

From time to time, serious tensions flared up in the places of compact residence of the Rohingya, often reaching bloodshed. While Buddhist Burmese are staging Muslim pogroms in Rakhine, the Tibetan Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama, has urged Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to support the Rohingya. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also spoke out in defense of the Burmese Muslims. The West, both in the European Union and the United States, were not silent on this issue (although, of course, it was not the problem of the Muslim minority that played the first role in the sanctions imposed against Myanmar at the time). On the other hand, the problem of Muslims in Burma in the past decades was actively used by various theorists of "global jihad" - from Abdullah Azzam to his student Osama bin Laden. So it cannot be ruled out that this region may become a new point of conflict, where supporters of the most radical jihadist groups will reach out - as happened, say, in the Philippines.

The situation became especially aggravated after dozens of people attacked three Myanmar border posts in October last year, as a result, nine border guards were killed. After that, troops were brought into Rakhine State. Over 20,000 people fled to Bangladesh. In February 2017, a UN report was published, created on the basis of surveys of refugees: it provides shocking facts of extrajudicial killings of the Rohingya by local nationalists, as well as security forces, gang rapes, etc.

In recent days alone, about 90,000 Rohingyas have fled to Bangladesh. This came after rebels from the Arakanese Rohingya Solidarity Army attacked dozens of police posts and an army base in Rakhine on August 25. The ensuing skirmishes and military counteroffensive claimed at least 400 lives. The authorities accuse the militants of burning houses and killing civilians, while human rights activists blame the army for the same. And even before Ramzan Kadyrov, Turkish President Erdogan spoke last week in defense of Burmese Muslims, calling what is happening a genocide about which "everyone is silent"...

After a spontaneous Muslim rally at the Myanmar embassy in Moscow in defense of fellow believers, a rally was also held in Grozny - about a million people took part in it.

Myanmar was again in the spotlight of the world press: on July 1, a mob of Buddhists burned down a mosque in the village of Hpakant, Kachin State. The attackers were irritated by the fact that a Muslim prayer building was built too close to a Buddhist temple. A week earlier, a similar incident occurred in the province of Pegu (Bago). A mosque was also destroyed there, and a local resident, a Muslim, was also beaten.

  • Reuters

Such incidents are not uncommon in modern Myanmar. This state of Southeast Asia borders on China, Laos, Thailand, India and Bangladesh. From Bangladesh, with a population of 170 million, Muslims are illegally resettled in predominantly Buddhist Myanmar, with a population of 55 million. Those who call themselves Rohingya have traveled this path many years ago. They settled in the state of Rakhine (Arakan), a historical land for the Myanmar people, the cradle of the Burmese nation. Settled but not assimilated.

Migrants with roots

“Traditional Muslims of Myanmar, such as Malabar Indians, Bengalis, Chinese Muslims, Burmese Muslims, live throughout Myanmar,” explains orientalist Pyotr Kozma, who lives in Myanmar and maintains a popular blog about the country, in an interview with RT. “With this traditional Muslim ummah, the Buddhists have had experience of coexistence for many decades, therefore, despite the excesses, it rarely came to large-scale conflicts.”

With the Rohingya Bengalis, it is a completely different story. Officially, it is believed that several generations ago they illegally entered the territory of Myanmar. “After the National League for Democracy, led by Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, came to power, the official wording was adjusted. They stopped saying “Bengalis”, they began to say “Muslims living in the Arakan region,” Ksenia Efremova, an associate professor at MGIMO and a specialist in Myanmar, tells RT. “But the problem is that these Muslims themselves consider themselves the people of Myanmar and claim citizenship, which they are not granted.”

  • Reuters

According to Piotr Kozma, for many years the Myanmar government did not know what to do with the Rohingya. They were not recognized as citizens, but it is incorrect to say that they did this because of religious or ethnic prejudice. “Among the Rohingya, there are many who defected from Bangladesh, including due to problems with the law,” says Piotr Kozma. “Just imagine the enclaves where radicals and criminals who escaped from a neighboring state rule the show.”

The expert notes that the Rohingya traditionally have a high birth rate - each family has 5-10 children. This led to the fact that in one generation the number of immigrants increased several times. “One day this lid was torn off. And here it doesn’t even matter who started it first, ”concludes the orientalist.

Escalation of the conflict

The process got out of hand in 2012. Then in June and October, more than a hundred people died in armed clashes in Rakhine between Buddhists and Muslims. According to the UN, approximately 5,300 houses and places of worship were destroyed.

A state of emergency was declared in the state, but the tumor of the conflict had already spread throughout Myanmar. By the spring of 2013, the pogroms had moved from the western part of the country to the center. At the end of March, riots began in the city of Meithila. On June 23, 2016, the conflict broke out in the province of Pegu, on July 1 - in Hpakant. What the traditional Myanmar ummah feared most seemed to have happened: Rohingya discontent was being extrapolated to Muslims in general.

  • Reuters

Intercommunal controversy

Muslims are one of the parties to the conflict, but it is incorrect to consider the unrest in Myanmar as inter-religious, says Dmitry Mosyakov, head of the department of regional studies at Moscow State University: “There is a significant increase in the number of refugees from Bangladesh who cross the sea and settle in the historical region of Arakan. The appearance of these people does not please the local population. And it doesn’t matter if they are Muslims or representatives of another religion.” According to Mosyakov, Myanmar is a complex conglomeration of nationalities, but all of them are united by a common Burmese history and statehood. Rohingya fall out of this system of communities, and this is the core of the conflict, as a result of which both Muslims and Buddhists die.

Black and white

“At this time, the world media hears the theme of exclusively affected Muslims and says nothing about Buddhists,” adds Piotr Kozma. “Such one-sided coverage of the conflict has given Myanmar Buddhists a sense of a besieged fortress, and this is a direct path to radicalism.”

  • Reuters

According to the blogger, the coverage of the unrest in Myanmar in the world's leading media can hardly be called objective, it is obvious that the publications are aimed at a large Islamic audience. “In the state of Rakhine, Muslims were not killed much more than Buddhists, and in terms of the number of destroyed and burned houses, the sides are approximately equal. That is, there was no massacre of "peaceful and defenseless Muslims", there was a conflict in which both sides distinguished themselves almost equally. But, unfortunately, the Buddhists do not have their own Al Jazeera and similar world-class rating television stations to report this,” says Piotr Kozma.

Experts say that the Myanmar authorities are interested in smoothing out the conflict, or at least maintaining the status quo. They are ready to make concessions - peace agreements have recently been reached with other national minorities. But in the case of the Rohingya, this will not work. “These people get into junks and sail along the Bay of Bengal to the Burmese coast. A new wave of refugees provokes new massacres of the local population. The situation can be compared to the migration crisis in Europe – no one really knows what to do with the flow of these foreigners,” concludes Dmitry Mosyakov, head of the department of regional studies at Moscow State University.


In Myanmar, unfortunately, inter-communal clashes between Muslims and Buddhists do take place. The perpetrators of these clashes are often the Muslims themselves. As a result of these clashes, both Muslims and Buddhists suffer.

Unfortunately, Buddhists do not have their own Al Jazeera or Al Arabiya, as one Yangon resident rightly noted, and the world often perceives what is happening in Myanmar one-sidedly. In fact, the Buddhist population suffers no less, but few talk about it.

Against the backdrop of these sad events in Myanmar, online mujahideen are fueling anti-Buddhist hysteria with the help of banal lies. Why be surprised here? After all, after all

Allah is the best of tricksters (Quran, 3:51-54)

And here are some warriors of Allah, leading such propaganda jihad, far from being the best of tricksters. Their primitive methods only affect the orthodox gopota, who loves to shout “Allahu Akbar!” for any reason and for no reason. coupled with threats against infidels.

Consider a few "masterpieces of Islamic propaganda" about the mass genocide of Muslims in Burma.

Bodies of murdered Muslims in Burma. But what do the Tibetan monks have to do with it!

It turns out that Tibetan monks help the victims of the earthquake in China.

We read: " Over a thousand Muslims killed in Burma yesterday”.

This is actually Thailand, 2004.

Pictured are protesters dispersed by police with tear gas outside the Tai Bai police station in Bangkok.

In fact, the photo shows the detention of illegal Rohingya immigrants by the Thai police. The photo is taken from the site about the protection of the rights of the Rohingya people.

Attached is a screenshot just in case:

Another photo of the suffering of Muslims in Burma. The photo shows the suppression of the rebellion in Thailand in 2003.

Let the network Mujahideen first figure out for themselves in which country their co-religionists were allowed to sunbathe.

It's good that there is such a country as, which is so rich in photographs of this subject. The uniform of the policeman is not at all the same as that of the Myanmar police.

Another masterpiece of Islamic propaganda. Under the photo there is an inscription that this poor Muslim was burned in Burma.

But in fact, a Tibetan monk set himself on fire in protest at the arrival of ex-Chinese President Hu Jin Tao in Delhi.

On Russian-language sites, somehow:

  • http:// mirislama. com/news/1642-genocid-musulman-birmy-foto-18. html

  • http://ru. Turkiston. net/? p=349

  • http: // osmiev. livejournal. com/230595. html

and many others, whose name is legion, we can also get acquainted with amazing photo galleries about the “Muslim genocide in Burma”. The same photos are published on many sites, and judging by the comments islamic people hawaet all this information with pleasure.

Let's take a look at these masterpieces.

Any attentive person who has been to Myanmar will understand that this is not Myanmar. The people standing near the unfortunates are not Burmese. These are black Africans. In the picture, according to some sites, the consequences of a blatant genocide, organized by the Islamist group Boko Haram against Christians in Nigeria. Although there is another version of “230 deaths due to a truck explosion in the Congo”, see here: http://news. tochka. net / 47990 - 230 - pogibshikh - iz - za - vzryva - fury - v - kongo - obnovleno - foto / . In any case, this picture has nothing to do with Burma.

Cm. . On the thief and the hat is on fire!

Does this black guy look a lot like a Burmese Buddhist?

And this is not Burma. The police uniform in Myanmar is not like that at all.

And here where does the information come from that this is Myanmar, and that this unfortunate woman is a Muslim? Is a yellow baseball cap a Myanmar citizen?

And these are the real events in Myanmar:

However, where does the information come from that the photo shows the beating of Muslims? There were many anti-government demonstrations in Burma, which were dispersed by the police. Moreover, several women in the dispersed crowd are not dressed in Islamic style at all.

Are they lying Allah's slaves consciously, or out of stupidity, in the context of this topic, it does not matter. The main thing is that they lie. What conclusion suggests itself, let everyone decide for himself.


http :// farazahmed. com/muslims-killing-in-burma-and-our-social-media-islamic-parties-1010. aspx

What is Myanmar? At one time, this country in Southeast Asia was known as Burma. But the locals do not like this name, considering it foreign. Therefore, after 1989, the country was renamed Myanmar (translated as "fast", "strong"). Since the country gained independence in 1948, a civil war has been waged in Burma, in which the Burmese authorities, communist guerrillas, and separatist rebels participated. And if we add to this explosive “cocktail” the drug dealers of the “Golden Triangle”, which, in addition to Myanmar, also included Thailand and Laos, it becomes obvious that the situation on Burmese soil did not symbolize peace and quiet. From 1962 until 2011, the country was ruled by the military, and the head of the opposition Democratic League that won in 1989, the future Nobel Peace Prize winner, Do Aung San Suu Kyi, was placed under house arrest for a long time. The country found itself in a rather noticeable isolation from the outside world - including in connection with Western sanctions. But in recent years, noticeable changes have taken place in Myanmar, elections have been held. And last year, Aung San Suu Kyi became foreign minister and state adviser (de facto prime minister). In a country with a population of 60 million people, there are more than a hundred nationalities: Burmese, Shan, Karen, Arakanese, Chinese, Indians, Mons, Kachins, etc. The vast majority of believers are Buddhists, there are Christians, Muslims, animists. “Myanmar, as a multinational country, is experiencing a load of problems of this kind,” comments Viktor Sumsky, director of the ASEAN Center at MGIMO. – The new government of the country is making attempts to resolve conflict situations, but in fact it turns out that it was the problem of the Rohingya that came to the fore... So, who are the Rohingyas? This is an ethnic group living compactly in the Myanmar state of Rakhine (Arakan). The Rohingya practice Islam. According to estimates, their number in Myanmar ranges from 800 thousand to 1.1 million people. It is believed that most of them moved to the territory of Burma during the British colonial rule. The Myanmar authorities refer to the Rohingya as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh - and on this basis deny them citizenship. The law forbade them to have more than two children. The authorities tried to resettle them in Bangladesh, but no one expected them there either. It is no coincidence that the UN calls them one of the most persecuted minorities in the world. Many Rohingyas flee to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand. But a number of countries in Southeast Asia - including Muslim ones - refuse to accept these refugees, and ships with migrants are deployed at sea. During the Second World War, when Burma was occupied by Japan, in 1942 there was a so-called. "Arakan massacre" between Rohingya Muslims who received weapons from the British and local Buddhists who supported the Japanese. Tens of thousands of people died, many people became refugees. Of course, these events did not add trust to relations between the communities. From time to time, serious tensions flared up in the places of compact residence of the Rohingya, often reaching bloodshed. While Buddhist Burmese are staging Muslim pogroms in Rakhine, the Tibetan Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama, has urged Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to support the Rohingya. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also spoke out in defense of the Burmese Muslims. The West, both in the European Union and the United States, were not silent on this issue (although, of course, it was not the problem of the Muslim minority that played the first role in the sanctions imposed against Myanmar at the time). On the other hand, the problem of Muslims in Burma in the past decades was actively used by various theorists of "global jihad" - from Abdullah Azzam to his student Osama bin Laden. So it cannot be ruled out that this region may become a new point of conflict, where supporters of the most radical jihadist groups will reach out - as happened, say, in the Philippines. The situation escalated after...