
Open lesson of informatics - kvn. KVN "Merry Informatics" Greetings from the KVN team at the School of Informatics

Game "KVN in informatics"

for grades 5-6.

This game can be held as a consolidation of the material covered, as well as a repetition of the previously studied. During the game, students develop creative thinking, imagination, and communicative competence is formed. Students learn how to work as a team, choose a captain and organize teamwork!

Event progress

Fun computer science

    Introduction and greeting of the teams.

    Competition for mindfulness

    Contest "Linguists".

    Contest of facial expressions and gestures: Transfer of information.

    Competition for spectators and fans. Proverbs.

    Guess the puzzle.

    Competition "Pump information": Data storage.

    Solve the crossword.

    Competition for spectators and fans. Puzzles.

    Captains competition.

Dear viewers and fans, dear jury!

We are starting our KVN. The theme of our KVN is "Merry Informatics". Today, ___ teams meet within the walls of the school:

    KVN team

    KVN team

    KVN team

Introducing our jury members...

    The first competition "Greetings".

    First, a draw will determine which team will be the first to greet us.
    So, our KVN team will be the first to open....

    The jury evaluates this competition on a 5-point system.
    Thanks teams. The jury will be asked to announce their scores.

    The first assessments of the team....
    Team ratings...
    Team ratings...

II. Attention Contest »

The teams will be asked questions - in turn. You need to answer them with the word “Yes” or the word “No”. Before you give an answer, you need to think, not all answers will rhyme.

(1 point for each correct score).

    Tell me when the lights are off everywhere
    Will a laptop computer work? (Yes)

    And turn off the computer without difficulty
    Just by pulling the plug from the outlet? (No)

    And you can specify an object on the screen,
    With just a click of the mouse? (Yes)

    Answer, maybe
    The computer is on, but the screen is black? (Yes)

    And in Paint'e draw a bouquet
    Can I use white lilies? (Yes)

    Is the computer capable, give an answer,
    Three days to work without fail? (Yes)

    And those who are not even a year old,
    Are they sitting at the computer? (No)

III. Competition "Linguists".

Leading. Teams in 1 minute need to make words from the letters that make up the word "COMPUTERIZATION". The team with the most words wins. Competition is evaluated: 1 word - 1 point

Time has gone.

Please call the teams.

Leading . We ask the jury to announce the results of the competition "Linguists".

IV. Let's proceed to the next competition "Transfer of information"

Leading . Remember the joke: "Two deaf people met. One holds a fishing rod in his hand. The other asks:
"Are you going fishing?"
"No, I'm fishing"
"I thought you were fishing..."
The information was transmitted, but did not reach the addressee. In any exchange of information, there must be a receiver and a source, otherwise this exchange will not make any sense.

Now 3 teams will take turns acting as a receiver and source of information. And they will convey information with the help of facial expressions and gestures. One of the team representatives must depict the subject that is written on his sheet. The other teams must guess what it represents. The jury evaluates the competition on a 5-point system.

I ask the captains to receive tasks from me. Teams are given 3 minutes to prepare.

Tasks: Depict with facial expressions and gestures:
I team:
1. Printer
2. Computer freezes
II team:
1. Mouse.
2. A boy playing a computer game
III team:
1. Monitor
2. Faulty drive

While the teams are preparing, I have a task for the audience. Today we have an unusual KVN - you can also take part in the competition - whoever guesses the fastest will receive a token. Whoever has the most tokens at the end of the KVN will receive a prize. Raise your hand before giving an answer.

V Contest for Spectators and Fans "Recognize the proverb"

Here are programmer versions of famous Russian proverbs and sayings. Try to remember how they sound in the original.

The computer is your best friend. (The book is your best friend.)

Tell me what computer you have and I'll tell you who you are. (Tell me what kind of friend you have and I'll tell you who you are.)

Live without a computer, just smoke the sky. (To live without labor, only to smoke the sky.)

There is nothing to blame on the display, if the video card is crooked. (There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked.)

A computer without a program is like a lantern without a candle. (A head without a mind is like a lantern without a candle.)

You can't ruin a computer with memory. (You can't spoil porridge with butter.)

The computer on the table is not for games alone. (The head on the shoulders is not for the hat alone.)

They meet on the laptop, see off according to the mind. (They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind.)

Small microprocessor (or laptop), but expensive. (Small spool but precious.)

Every cable loves its nest. (Every bird loves its nest.)

Jury scores.
Total score for three contests...

VI. Guess the rebus

Each team gets a puzzle card. Which team completes the task faster, that team gets 3 points, the next 2 points, etc.


(Computer science)


VII. Data storage.

To store information in a computer, there are several devices that are combined common name"memory". So the computer has RAM and external memory.

Tasks for commands: a disk is a plate of water, water is information, a glass is RAM. From the team, select one person - a processor who will use a spoon to transfer information from a floppy disk to RAM. The jury evaluates the characteristics of the processor - speed and which processor will transfer more information.

The first team will receive 5 points, the second - 4, the third - 3.
Teams get grades. Total score...

VIII. The next contest "R do the crossword.

Give teams crossword puzzles to complete.

    A universal device for storing, processing and transmitting information.

    A device for displaying text and graphic information.

    A device for storing information.

    A number that cannot be divided by.

    Lots of symbols used in languages.

    A device for processing information in a PC.

    A sign representing a number.


    Printing device.

Do not write in the cells with a number.

5 points. Time: 3 minutes.

IX. Competition for spectators “Guess the riddle”

    “Who is absolutely indifferent to robots?” (cannibal)

    What is the "brain" of a computer? (CPU)

    A device that is needed to transmit information over telephone wires? (Modem)

x. It's time to show yourself to the captains.

Leading. Thanks to the distinguished jury, and now we have a competition "Captains"

We invite the team captains to take the stage. You need to name as many devices in the computer as possible. Name the devices one by one. The captain who names the most wins.

His victory will bring the team 5 points.

End of KVN. While the jury is summing up the results, and our counting committee is calculating the total score that the teams received in 9 competitions, there is a competition for you: You have the opportunity to help the teams you support, you need to name films that have a number in the title and speak for which team you vote for, and 1 point is added to the team's total score.

The team captain gets...
General ratings for the teams...
The winner of today's competition is the team

Document's name scenes

Scenario KVN in computer science for grades 10-11
"Direct access"

Lesson summary:

1st host:

2nd leader:
1st host: We start KVN!
2nd leader:
1st host:
2nd leader: Attention! We are starting the first contest-welcome teams.

Greetings contest is held

The maximum score is 6 points.

Warm up

1st host:
2nd leader:
1st host: The computer made eyes for me,
"Windus" winked ...
2nd leader: Gives computer crashes.
I'm terribly bored...

Ransomware Contest

1st host:
2nd leader:
ringing of songs
The maximum score is 2 points.

Artist Competition

1st host: 2nd leader:

Captains competition

1st host:
2nd leader:

Musical competition

1st host:
2nd leader:
1st host:
2nd leader: Just imagine that you are an overheated computer, which is “sausaged” by Britia Spears or Seryoga, for example. You have 5 minutes to prepare.

Game with spectators

1st host:


1st host:
2nd leader:
1st host:
2nd leader:
Teams show their skills. If for some reason it is difficult for teams to compose their own fairy tale, ready-made options can be offered for staging.

1 scene.

- What do you need, student?

- What's the problem, student?

The fish is offended:

Student and states:

The fish did not answer anything, only waved its tail by pressing the “Delete” key and dived into the deep sea, and the sea began to seethe and ... flashed. And the student has become smarter. personal life with electronic means did not arrange communication. The Internet was used strictly for scientific and educational purposes, and the fish willingly helped him.

1 scene.

Believe or don't believe
and lived in the white world
The Internet is a young daring
good luck catcher.

The king looks like a morel,
chump with cam,

There was a girl at court -
name - Memory, rank - queen.
Mil was her Internet,
and there is no sweetness with the king.
King from his equality
became angrier and angrier,
strove to offend everyone,
scolded everyone with a bad word.
"Mother's Chamber" -
he called Nurse Plata.

Come on, baby, come here.
Get to work:
Tear the wires that are white
Which ones are not white.
Scatter those in ranks.
Yes, take it easy with a comb:
I don't have gardens there!

Well scratch something, old devil,
When bakes a bald head?
You have every wire here
Must be registered.
And why do you need taba
At this age, Zhana.
After all, the Processor, already taba,
Sorry, worthless!

Well, you say, too, nanny.
I am a Processor anywhere!
They say that they are eager for power
Everything is literally age.

Already insanity in your words,
And sand on the wires!
Better move your crown to the side
To not hang on the ears.

Maybe you are in Comp and power,
Well, you can rule to your heart's content,
Don't meddle in my fate
And don't get into my love.
All I need is the Internet
Without him I have no life
Let me go to him
I will die with you with longing.

Shut up, you fool.
Testu Place by the oven!

Yes, teach programs there!
And that young man
I will erase faces from the earth.
So that he doesn't flinch
Near the royal porch.

The king has a mug
Looks like a beetroot
And when it's red
He's dangerous at hand.
The king conceived the Internet
Survive from the white light.
Thought! he long.
Yes, all to no avail.
In the head of thought
Were sour from the stress.
The king sits on the throne
Angry at the whole world"
He calls to himself the Controller

Oh, how much the minister is afraid
When bowing to the king, stumble,

Bend your back.
You are much meaner.
Serve this time.
There is one daring one here,
Goes often to the palace
Call it the Internet.
The young man needs to be removed.
Can't blame
I will execute you.
State business.
Are you picking up the thread?

I will say without modesty.
That I value my head.
That's why I'm ready for anything.
To not quarrel with the king.
The virus will instantly erase from the world
And the hard drive, and a floppy disk.
You won't be able to say a word
And he is no longer in the world.

You are weak in our head
On Monday, or how?
I owe something to the minister
Explain here what and how?
Virus is a vicious creature
That will do the job.
What is not only the Internet,
And I will be killed from the light
So that more under the king
Don't talk nonsense!
You shut up for a minute.
Yes, tell me.

I know, your honor,
How to beat the Internet!
We'll send it there
Where there is no trace back.
Already check his agility:
May you be able to get
Actually, it can't be!

Internet, now hold on!
It's the right thing to say.
That's the entogo task
You will not fulfill in life!

The king orders to call Interista,
To live his light
And I haven't given the assignment yet.
And already angry in advance;
Knocks with hands.
Knocking feet.
Turns the eyes
In general, it's intimidating.

Hello king,
Compa sovereign.
Why did you call me
Has my process been interrupted?

Try to get me
That faq cannot be.
Write down your name.
In order not to forget in a hurry,
And you won’t do it by morning -
I'll grind you to powder.
Because your character
I haven't been good for a long time.
So don't blow your lips
And let's get on the road;
state business
Are you getting the point?

Internet came home
Worse than death itself:
White as chalk.
Face numb.
You will be sad
When death is behind you.
Would destroy the Internet
If not for this coincidence:
At the hour when the villains
Obsessed with an idea
They made their own plans.
Ears have grown in the door!
The queen remembered everything
And I decided from the light
Escape secretly at night.
Tell all about lies.

Don't waste your strength.
To get what you can't.
Fatal order -
The intrigues of the old king.
He wants to destroy you
He won't eat or drink
As long as you're alive around the world
You will weight. walk.

Yes really? Ah, villain!
Now believe in kings!
So stand for the honor of the uniform,
Here's to the service and glad!

We need this villain
Punish to the fullest
Gotta kick him out
At least this week.

Well, okay, I told him
I'll explain what's what
I am him to the very heels
I'll sign for Khokhloma!

When the Internet is angry.
He does not sit in one place
He went to collect a horde,

And solved all the parts of the computer

Internet grabbed a gun
The monitor grabbed the axe.
Floppy disks took brass knuckles,
And the scanner, good for business,
I took an arsenal similar.

We must overthrow the villain-king!
And put another one in its place.
Promising and young.

There came all the parts of the block,
Entot - how is it? - people.
In general, the case takes
Bad turnover.
The internet is to blame
He brought them along.
He incites the people
Make a coup.

Well, what are you doing to us,
With a smart head like that?
We keep you on that.
To keep the kings calm!

Keep you safe from harm
I have no reason now.
You are for your own meanness
He must answer himself.

Wherever you spit, wherever you poke.
From minister to relatives -
All solid freethinkers,
All traitors are one.
Have you come here?
Ali are you crazy?
Get out hello
My nerves are not steel.
Who wants to go to the repair -
Take one step forward.
The rest - march to the landfill;
I've had enough without you!
What is predetermined.
Agree, villain, it is -
A true date with death.

Internet, you drop it!
Or with your head you will be apart.
I see your hints
Exceptional through and through.

Frightened, the king-father.
Do you understand that the end has come?
Pack up your belongings -
You are leaving the palace.

And by the way, a fairy tale
Came to a crossroads.

1st host:
2nd leader:

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  • Computer science


Lesson summary:

1st host: Good evening! We're celebrating! Teams of cheerful and resourceful people compete today! And the full hall of spectators - fans says that there is a general epidemic at the school. Everyone will get sick! While we do not see the teams that are preparing to enter the stage, I suggest that all the fans of all teams look at each other and the weight. congratulations on this happy holiday!
Fans greet each other.
2nd leader: I hope that it will be the same during the game: supporting your team, everyone will carefully watch the performances of the opponents and support them if they like them! After all, today is not only the day of the weighty KVN, but also the day of friendship! Moreover, KVN is a game, not a war! And everyone should enjoy the game: both winners and losers.
1st host: We start KVN!
2nd leader: Today they play: the team ... and the team ...,
1st host: The game will be judged by a jury consisting of ... (represents the members of the jury).
2nd leader: Attention! We are starting the first contest-welcome teams.

Greetings contest is held

The maximum score is 6 points.

Warm up

1st host: Well, the teams look good. Let's see how they perform in action. Let's start with a little warm-up.
2nd leader: I will speak the beginning of the phrase, and the teams will have to come up with its ending in 1 minute.
1st host: The computer made eyes for me,
"Windus" winked ...
2nd leader: Gives computer crashes.
I'm terribly bored...
The maximum score is 4 points.

Ransomware Contest

1st host: Our third contest will show how the opposing teams master the art of deciphering.
2nd leader: And the task will be this: in 5 minutes to decipher the wish, encoded in the binary number system.
The maximum score is 3 points.
There are three people in the competition. The facilitators give the team captains cards with encrypted wishes. While the teams are preparing, the hosts are playing with the fans - ringing of songs, in the texts of which there are words-numbers.
The maximum score is 2 points.

Artist Competition

1st host: We invite two people from each team to the stage for the art competition! 2nd leader: One of you will be an artist, but an unusual one, but a mapping robot. And the other will have to "steer" - he will be the operator. The operator receives a picture of an animal. Its task is to reproduce the image on an impromptu monitor screen (a sheet of A3 paper attached to a wall or stand) by means of 10 commands to the robot. Explicit commands such as "Draw a tail" or "Draw ears" are not allowed. Allowed commands: "Put a dot in the upper left corner", "Draw a circle", "Connect the points with a line segment", etc.
The maximum score is 5 points.

Captains competition

1st host: Attention, competition of captains! The task will be quite difficult, so we will be able to make sure that the team captains are really the most cheerful and resourceful.
2nd leader: We invite the captains to prepare... the processor's monologue!
Captains are given time - 3 minutes. After that, they demonstrate their capabilities. Then the captains ask each other one question on the content of the monologues.
The maximum score is 4 points.

Musical competition

1st host: Modern computers can do everything. For example, to compose music and then play it, imitating a whole Symphony Orchestra.
2nd leader: In our music competition, the task will be simpler - the teams will have to perform any popular song, but accompany on the material at hand found in the room: on a mop, bottles, combs, pots...
1st host: In general, use whatever you find suitable here. Your task is to perform one verse so that this noise performance is original and recognizable.
2nd leader: Just imagine that you are an overheated computer, which is “sausaged” by Britia Spears or Seryoga, for example. You have 5 minutes to prepare.

Game with spectators

1st host: While the teams are preparing to become “human orchestras”, I suggest that the audience also try themselves as a computer. The task is very simple; you need to say in a "computer" voice the phrase: "There is nothing sadder in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet."
2nd presenter: Well, remember how robots speak in cartoons. Does anybody want? All you need to do is say a few words. But the best "robot" will bring the team he supports an extra point. And this is serious!
A game is held with the audience, after which the jury adds 1 point to one of the teams, at the request of the winning robot fan. The total score is announced. There is a music competition.
The maximum score is 5 points.


1st host: So, the time has come for the last contest of our today's meeting. Who will be the winner?
2nd leader: The teams received homework in advance - to compose and stage a small but funny play.
1st host: The name is: "The Tale of How ... The Internet." And now we will see how the guys coped with this homework.
2nd leader: Attention of the jury, the maximum score for this difficult event is 6 points!
Teams show their skills. If for some reason it is difficult for teams to compose their own fairy tale, ready-made options can be offered for staging. 1 scene. A tale of how... one student caught a fish on the Internet, and this is what came of it...

In a certain kingdom, in the thirteenth state, there lived an informatician near the blue sea... One day a student went to the sea of ​​information and began to catch an Internet fish. The first time he threw networks on the Internet and caught a dummy toy. The second time he threw it on the Internet and caught a wet movie. I threw it for the third time - and caught an Internet fish. And the fish said in a human voice:
- What do you need, student?
Tired, tired of everything! I don't want to study, but I want to get married!
- Well, - the Internet fish answers, - but wives are different. What kind of wife do you need?
The student thought, scratched his head and said:
- Tall, blonde, legs - so that from the ears, according to the horoscope, so that she was also a fish, but a dragon, and so that there were no poor, so that I would not deny myself anything.
- Do not be sad, go with God, - the Internet fish answers, - you will have the wife you want.
The student returned home, and a tall, gray-haired old woman was sitting there sawing her nails.
- Who are you? the student asks in surprise.
- I am your dragon fish, your little wife, which one I ordered: blonde, legs from ear to ear, born, I don’t remember what year, but it was definitely a dragon.
The student trembled, sobbed and rushed to the blue sea. Began to click the Internet fish. An Internet fish swam up to him and asked:
- What's the problem, student?
- Well, you made me feel better, dried roach! Did I ask you about such a wife?
The fish is offended:
- What search criteria you set, then you were found! From now on, be more precise, otherwise you will inadvertently drown in the blue sea of ​​​​information.
Student and states:
- Here's my second wish for you: I want a Doberman to protect him from his wife, otherwise the damned one sticks.
- Do not be sad, go with God.
The student came home, and the joy in his heart went out. He sees a big uncle sitting on the doorstep with an old woman and eating up his, students, dinner, bought with the last crumbs of a scholarship.
- Who are you? the student screamed in horror.
- I'm a good man! - the healthy uncle answers.
- When you made the request, you made a typo, the electronic superbrain decrypted and optimized and decided that it was a good man, that is, about me. I'm good, I just like to eat and sleep.
The student rushed headlong to the blue sea and prayed:
- Have mercy, Empress Internet fish! Give at least some kind of gun to protect against hated neighbors.
- Do not be sad, go with God, you will have a gun.
The student returns home, and his wife is sitting at the house with a gun, and a good man is standing nearby. The student rushed to the fish and shouted:
- Take it all, I don't need anything!
The fish did not answer anything, only waved its tail by pressing the “Delete” key and dived into the deep sea, and the sea began to seethe and ... flashed. And the student has become smarter. Personal life with the help of electronic means of communication did not suit. The Internet was used strictly for scientific and educational purposes, and the fish willingly helped him.

1 scene. A fairy tale about how the Internet lived in the world - a young daring man.

Believe or don't believe
and lived in the white world
The Internet is a young daring
good luck catcher.
He stood in the service - on duty,
and not out of friendship - with the king of the Processor.
The king looks like a morel,
chump with cam,
and the wickedness in it is a huge volume.
There was a girl at court -
name - Memory, rank - queen.
Mil was her Internet,
and there is no sweetness with the king.
King from his equality
became angrier and angrier,
strove to offend everyone,
scolded everyone with a bad word.
"Mother's Chamber" -
he called Nurse Plata.

Come on, baby, come here.
Get to work:
Tear the wires that are white
Which ones are not white.
Scatter those in ranks.
Yes, take it easy with a comb:
I don't have gardens there!

Well scratch something, old devil,
When bakes a bald head?
You have every wire here
Must be registered.
And why do you need taba
At this age, Zhana.
After all, the Processor, already taba,
Sorry, worthless!

Well, you say, too, nanny.
I am a Processor anywhere!
They say that they are eager for power
Everything is literally age.

Already insanity in your words,
And sand on the wires!
Better move your crown to the side
To not hang on the ears.

Maybe you are in Comp and power,
Well, you can rule to your heart's content,
Don't meddle in my fate
And don't get into my love.
All I need is the Internet
Without him I have no life
Let me go to him
I will die with you with longing.

Shut up, you fool.
Testu Place by the oven!
Come on, march to your room,
Yes, teach programs there!
And that young man
I will erase faces from the earth.
So that he doesn't flinch
Near the royal porch.

The king has a mug
Looks like a beetroot
And when it's red
He's dangerous at hand.
The king conceived the Internet
Survive from the white light.
Thought! he long.
Yes, all to no avail.
In the head of thought
Were sour from the stress.
The king sits on the throne
Angry at the whole world"
He calls to himself the Controller
He runs faster than a scooter,
Oh, how much the minister is afraid
When bowing to the king, stumble,
At the report get back a little stumble.
God forbid, when the king slip.

Hey, Controller, come here
Bend your back.
You are much meaner.
Serve this time.
There is one daring one here,
Goes often to the palace
Call it the Internet.
The young man needs to be removed.
Can't blame
I will execute you.
State business.
Are you picking up the thread?

I will say without modesty.
That I value my head.
That's why I'm ready for anything.
To not quarrel with the king.
The virus will instantly erase from the world
And the hard drive, and a floppy disk.
You won't be able to say a word
And he is no longer in the world.

You are weak in our head
On Monday, or how?
I owe something to the minister
Explain here what and how?
Virus is a vicious creature
That will do the job.
What is not only the Internet,
And I will be killed from the light
So that more under the king
Don't talk nonsense!
You shut up for a minute.
Yes, tell me.

I know, your honor,
How to beat the Internet!
We'll send it there
Where there is no trace back.
Already check his agility:
May you be able to get
Actually, it can't be!

Internet, now hold on!
It's the right thing to say.
That's the entogo task
You will not fulfill in life!

The king orders to call Interista,
To live his light
And I haven't given the assignment yet.
And already angry in advance;
Knocks with hands.
Knocking feet.
Turns the eyes
In general, it's intimidating.

Hello king,
Compa sovereign.
Why did you call me
Has my process been interrupted?

Try to get me
That faq cannot be.
Write down your name.
In order not to forget in a hurry,
And you won’t do it by morning -
I'll grind you to powder.
Because your character
I haven't been good for a long time.
So don't blow your lips
And let's get on the road;
state business
Are you getting the point?

Internet came home
Worse than death itself:
White as chalk.
Face numb.
You will be sad
When death is behind you.
Would destroy the Internet
If not for this coincidence:
At the hour when the villains
Obsessed with an idea
They made their own plans.
Ears have grown in the door!
The queen remembered everything
And I decided from the light
Escape secretly at night.
Tell all about lies.

Don't waste your strength.
To get what you can't.
Fatal order -
The intrigues of the old king.
He wants to destroy you
He won't eat or drink
As long as you're alive around the world
You will weight. walk.

Yes really? Ah, villain!
Now believe in kings!
So stand for the honor of the uniform,
Here's to the service and glad!

We need this villain
Punish to the fullest
Gotta kick him out
At least this week.

Well, okay, I told him
I'll explain what's what
I am him to the very heels
I'll sign for Khokhloma!

When the Internet is angry.
He does not sit in one place
He went to collect a horde,
To do justice to the king.
And solved all the parts of the computer
To overthrow the infamous Fuhrer from the throne:
Internet grabbed a gun
The monitor grabbed the axe.
Floppy disks took brass knuckles,
And the scanner, good for business,
I took an arsenal similar.
You can no longer live under oppression!
We must overthrow the villain-king!
And put another one in its place.
Promising and young.

There came all the parts of the block,
Entot - how is it? - people.
In general, the case takes
Bad turnover.
The internet is to blame
He brought them along.
He incites the people
Make a coup.

Well, what are you doing to us,
With a smart head like that?
We keep you on that.
To keep the kings calm!

Keep you safe from harm
I have no reason now.
You are for your own meanness
He must answer himself.

Wherever you spit, wherever you poke.
From minister to relatives -
All solid freethinkers,
All traitors are one.
Have you come here?
Ali are you crazy?
Get out hello
My nerves are not steel.
Who wants to go to the repair -
Take one step forward.
The rest - march to the landfill;
I've had enough without you!
Internet: You gave me a task yesterday.
What is predetermined.
Agree, villain, it is -
A true date with death.

Internet, you drop it!
Or with your head you will be apart.
I see your hints
Exceptional through and through.

Frightened, the king-father.
Do you understand that the end has come?
Pack up your belongings -
You are leaving the palace.

And by the way, a fairy tale
Came to a crossroads.
The main characters live without grief,
Do they have a king - Pentium, or what?
If the tale is bad, then the narrator of wine
To catch a fool, but to weigh cuffs,
But it is impossible in any way - after all, the narrator is a fool!
And we have no court for fools since time immemorial!

1st host: Thanks teams! You have shown a worthy game! The applause of the fans is the best confirmation of this!
2nd leader: We invite the teams to the stage to sum up the results of today's meeting!
The floor is given to the jury, which names the winner of the last competition and sums up the overall results of KVN.

Sections: Extracurricular work

Goals and objectives:

  • development of sustainable interest in computer science, creative activity;
  • development of algorithmic thinking, memory, attentiveness;
  • fostering respect for an opponent, the ability to argue, stamina, the will to win, resourcefulness;
  • repetition and consolidation of the main material presented in extraordinary situations;
  • formation of a system-information approach to the analysis of the surrounding world;
  • the formation of skills and abilities that in modern conditions are of a general scientific, general intellectual nature.
  • expanding connections with other subjects.


computers, projector, screen, posters, puzzles

Preparatory stage

2 teams are selected (team of 10th and team of 11th) of 9 people, team captains are chosen. The rest of the students will be fans, who are also divided into two groups.

Team homework:

1. Each team must come up with a name, prepare emblems for each participant; come up with a motto and greeting.
2. Design business cards in PowerPoint (team name, motto, tell about each team member, etc.)
3. Homework (present a computer science lesson in a comic form, a scene or a fairy tale related to computer science).
4. For the fans of each team, prepare two musical breaks related to computer science.

Organizing time

Good evening, dear friends!
We conduct KVN
Once again!
Performances on stage
There will be just class!

All members are awesome
It’s not the first time they perform
And the guys are remote -
So they are rushing straight into battle! -
So, we start KVN!

Leading. Dear viewers and fans, dear jury! We start KVN. The theme of our KVN is "FUN INFORMATION". Today, Friday, December 7, two teams meet in this hall within the walls of school No. 11: the KVN team, the 10th grade team "INTEL team" and the KVN team 11th grade team "UNIQUE"

Both teams sing a song dedicated to computer science.

Informatics is the basis of life,
She never gets bored
Informatics in nurseries and schools -
We will be faithful to her forever!

He will never disappear anywhere.

We check life with computer science,
We breathe it, we burn and we live,
We study computer science
And for her as one we will die, die, die.

She helps us explain the world,
She, like a friend, calls and leads,
Who walks with computer science in his heart,
He never disappears anywhere

Leading. Today's match is judged by a very competent jury consisting of:

Chairman: a person who has nothing to do with computer science, and therefore will be very objective towards the participants, and also has a very subtle humor and is very popular with high school students - director of school No. 11 Arshevatskaya Irina Petrovna

Leading: Jury members: cool ladies, major authorities in the field of educating the younger generation; people who are indirectly related to computer science, but directly to the participants of KVN:


Leading. We invite team captains. A draw will determine which team will play first today.

Leading. We are starting our first competition. "Team Greetings" ". The maximum score for this competition is 20 points. Evaluated:
- team emblem - 5 points,
- motto - 5 points,
- business card (presentation) - 10 points
According to the results of the draw, the first team to show their greeting is _________________________

Leading. Thanks to the _________ team. Show your greetings we invite the team ____________________.

Leading. Contest " LINGUISTS". Teams in 1 minute need to make words from the letters that make up the word "COMPUTERIZATION". The team with the most words wins. Competition is evaluated: 1 word - 1 point

(the word “COMPUTERIZATION” is displayed on the projector screen, one minute is marked with a stopwatch)
Teams, the time is up, the first team calls the word _______, and then the team _______.

Leading. While the esteemed jury deliberates, the fans of the _______________ team show their musical pause.

Leading. Thanks to the fans of the _______________ team. We ask the jury to announce the results of the "GREETINGS" contest and the "LINGUISTS" contest.


Task for team captains.

“Everything is a number,” said the Pythagoreans, emphasizing the extraordinarily important role of numbers in practical activity. And how can KVN participants work with numbers? Now we have to find out. Captains are invited to the stage. In five minutes you need to solve the following problem (the text is distributed to both teams)

In the papers of an eccentric mathematician, his autobiography was found. It began with the following amazing words: “I graduated from the university at the age of 44. A year later, as a 100 year old young man, I married a 34 year old girl. A slight difference in age - only 11 years - contributed to the fact that we lived by common interests and dreams. A few years later, I already had a small family of 10 children. How to explain the strange contradictions in the numbers in this passage? Restore their true meaning. The correct answer will bring the team 10 points.

Answer. The non-decimal number system is the only reason for the apparent inconsistency of the given numbers. The basis of this system is defined by the phrase: " A year later (after 44 years), a 100-year-old young man ... " If the addition of one unit converts the number 44 into 100, then the number 4 is the largest in this number system, and, therefore, the base of the system is 5. That is, all the numbers in the autobiography are written in the quinary number system:
44 5 =24 10 , 100 5 =25 10 , 34 5 =19 10 , 11 5 =6 10 , 10 5 =5 10

While the captains are working on the task, the teams will be asked "frivolous" questions in turn. Each correct answer to a question earns the team 1 point. If the team does not give the correct answer, the turn passes to the opposing team.

  1. When 2x2 = 100? (in binary s/s)
  2. When 2x2 = 11? (in ternary s/s)
  3. When is 10 an odd number? (in number systems with an odd base - 3,5,7, etc.)
  4. What is the minimum base that a number system should have if numbers can be written in it:
    a) 341 (5.)
    b) 123 (4.)
    c) 222 (3.)
    d) 111 (2.)
  5. When 2x3 = 11? (in quinary s/s)
  6. When 3x3 = 13? (in hexadecimal s/s)

Answers to the following questions, you must give in binary number system.

  1. How many noses do two dogs have? (10)
  2. How many tails do seven cats have? (111)
  3. How many ears do three old ladies have? (110)
  4. How many ears do five babies have? (1010)

Leading. Thanks to the fans of the _______________ team. We ask the jury to announce the results of the NUMBER SYSTEMS contest.

Leading. Competition "TRANSFER OF INFORMATION"

Remember the joke: “Two deaf people met. One holds a fishing rod in his hand. Another asks: “Are you going fishing?” - “No, I'm going fishing” - “I thought you were going fishing ...”

The information was transmitted, but did not reach the addressee. In any exchange of information, its receiver and source must exist, otherwise this exchange will not make any sense.

Now two teams will take turns acting as a receiver and source of information. And they will transmit information in a non-verbal way, i.e. through facial expressions and gestures.

The jury will evaluate the competition on a five-point system.

I ask the captains to receive tasks from me. Teams are given 3 minutes to prepare.

Depict with facial expressions and gestures:

for command 1: monitor; scanner

for command 2:mouse; Printer

Leading. Contest "IN ONE LINK" Consists of 2 parts.

First part. Two columns of phrases related to computer science, or to the device and operation of a computer are given. It is necessary to cut the word from the second column and paste it into the first column to get the correct phrase. In turn, each team member processes 2 phrases. Speed ​​and correctness are evaluated. 1 point for each correct answer.

1. Administrator 1. network
2. Base 2. array
3. Global 3. catalog
4. Hard 4. data
5. Two-dimensional 5. networks
6. Math 6. disk
7. Virtual 7. technology
8. Graphic 8. diskette
9. Binary 9. information
10. Algorithm 10. file
11. Boot 11. algorithm
12. Informational 12. program
13. Sound 13. editor
14. Artificial 14. Euclid
15. Encoding 15. model
16. Linear 16. intelligence
17. Root 17. memory
18. Licensed 18. column

Second part. Create a drawing in the Paint editor. One representative from the team is invited, it is necessary to draw a picture on the New Year theme. The task is given 5 minutes, the maximum score is 10 points.

Leading. While the esteemed jury deliberates, the fans of the _______________ team show their musical pause.

We ask the distinguished jury to announce the results of the competitions

Leading. Thanks to the distinguished jury, and now we have competition "CAPTAIN"

We invite the team captains to take the stage. You need to name as many software products designed to work with a computer as possible. Name software products one by one. The captain who names more software products wins. His victory will bring the team 5 points.

Leading. Competition "ERUDITES" Consists of 3 stages. In the first 2 stages, the teams give answers in turn. The team that gave the last correct answer wins. The first and second stages are evaluated by 5 points.

1st stage. Now we will find out which team knows more programming languages. You need to take turns naming programming languages (language modifications count: BASIC, Pascal, Turbo Pascal, Ada, SI, SI++, Fortran, QBasic, Visual Basic, Assembler, Algol, Cobol)

2nd stage. Who knows more about counting tools? (e.g. fingers, abacus, sticks, slide rule, adding machine, etc.)

3rd stage. "Joking and Seriously". All team members participate. For each convincingly formulated answer - 2 points. Teams answer in turn. In case of an incorrect answer, the turn is transferred to the opponent's team.

  1. The programmer was in the army. What question will he ask the officer for the command "Pay in numerical order." (In what number system?).
  2. About what computer the program is speech in song:
    He has been dear to me for a long time,
    And there is no cuter
    These windows inextinguishable light.
    (Windows operating system).
  3. What is the connection between a city in England, a 30x30 caliber rifle and one of the computer elements? (They are all associated with the word "hard drive").
  4. Why is a processor called a stone in computer jargon? (The processor chip is based on a high-purity silicon crystal).
  5. What do papyrus, birch bark, book and diskette have in common? (Data storage).
  6. But still: in what number system is it better to receive a scholarship?
    (At any).
  7. What brand of computers is semi-precious? (Agate)
  8. When the “mouse” type manipulator appeared, for some time in Russian the name was used for it after the name of the character of the famous Russian fairy tale. Name this character. (“Kolobok” source - Mathematical Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1988)
  9. Which computer device can have a harmful effect on human health? (Display).
  10. In which computer device is information processed? (CPU).
  11. What is the sequence of signals called? (Message).
  12. The "face" of the computer. (Monitor)

Leading. Contest "HOMEWORK". The maximum score is 10 points.

We invite the team_______________

Thanks to the _________________ team for showing homework. And now the team ____________ is invited to the stage.

Leading. While the esteemed jury is deliberating, the fans of the _______________ team show their musical break.

Leading. We ask the distinguished jury to announce the results of the competitions "Captains", "Erudites" and "Homework", and sum up the results of our KVN.

Public lesson informatics - KVN.

P. I. Hares teacher

Today we are holding an open KVN lesson on informatics.

It will show how deeply and confidently students have mastered theoretical knowledge and practical skills in computer science. Students who actively participate in competitions and answer questions will receive an increasing coefficient to their grades, those who do not participate will receive a decreasing coefficient

Gold hands will not warm

Can't reach the enemy with a sword

He will overcome the darkness

Who will know much

Go bolder on the road

Hurry to find the doors

He will overcome the darkness

Who will know much

And so, we start KVN: the Cybernetics team and the WWW ***** team are participating.

The host is your obedient servant - a teacher of computer science

Each class is represented by a team of 5 people and a group of referents.

Each team has its own computer.

Team members have access to information stored only in their memory. Referents have access to information not only in their memory, but also in their notes and books. There will be work for them too - each correct answer will bring their team 1 point.

In a difficult situation, the team has the right to seek help from their referents, but at the same time they receive 1 minus point. For the help of the opponent's referents, as well as for the help of the presenter, you will have to pay 2 points.

The rest of the participants of our event are onlookers. They can take part in contests for referents, while earning sweet prizes. Having an irresistible desire to answer, referents and onlookers raise their hands, but do not shout answers. Whoever is ahead - he is responsible - according to my highest permission. The first answer and the last addition are counted.

KVN will be held in stages, and since this is a competition, we need a jury that will evaluate the success of the teams.

Jury members:

From time immemorial

Tech city has risen

There, knowing no adversity

Very glorious people lived

Electronic, not vicious

Friendly and hardworking

Two teams are sent to the computer city BYTE to help its inhabitants get rid of an insidious and evil virus. But the winners of this glorious campaign will be only the members of the team who will more successfully go through all the trials. The other team will take second place.

Greeting teams: (maximum score - 5 points)

The first word is for the Cybernetics team

WWW Team Greetings *****

I ask the jury to evaluate the greeting of the teams.

And now - the first test - this is a magical bridge across the Informatics River. In order to pass through the bridge, you need to solve a crossword puzzle in which the concepts of computer science are encrypted.

(maximum score - 10 points - 1 word - 1 point)

Time is five minutes. Take crosswords.

In the meantime, the teams are thinking, a question for referents and onlookers:

Define "File"

"Directory (folder)"

The time is up, the teams to hand over the crossword puzzles to the jury.

It also takes time to evaluate the correctness of crossword puzzles, so the referents have the following question:

Byte is...

I ask the jury to evaluate the work of teams in solving crossword puzzles.

After passing through the bridge, the teams find themselves in front of the gates to the city. Locked gate. The lock is not simple, electronic. The lock code is hidden in the description of the girl:

She was a thousand hundred years old

She went to one hundred and first grade

I carried a hundred books in my portfolio

All this is true and not nonsense!

The castle will be opened by the one who recites the poem in decimal notation

(maximum score - 6 points, 1 digit - 2 points) This is the second test.

Take the description of the girl.

How good binary system

And how simple is the computational scheme in it

Funny writing canvas

One with zero is not ten here, but two

While the teams are doing the calculations, we offer referents the opportunity to earn by showing off their knowledge.

1. The DOS disk operating system is...

2. Microsoft is………

Teams read the poem in decimal notation.

Jury scores...

Let's ask the jury to sum up the preliminary results ....

Having opened the gates of the city, the teams were horrified to find that they were not all right with their equipment. The computers that they took with them were worn out on the road and out of order. The cybernetics' hard drive burned out, and's RAM burned out. But in the city of Byte there is no company store where experienced salespeople - consultants would help our heroes. Therefore, it is urgent to go to a flea market and find the necessary spare parts there yourself.

Task three: Find the part you need and tell us what it is for.

The maximum score is 6 points: 1 for search, 5 for explanation.

Music sounds

Estimates of the jury of the third test and the sum of points for the teams ....

After repairing their computers, the teams need to check the hard drives for viruses using the NOD32 program

The maximum score is 1 point: fulfilled, not fulfilled.

Music sounds.

Referents and onlookers have the following question: how many bytes of memory will a well-known expression written in text format take:

"Learning is light and ignorance is darkness"

I ask the jury to set marks for the fourth task and announce the amount of points.

The teams put their computers in order, but the trouble is, they were given a flash drive at a flea market ... Or maybe they are also infected with a virus! It's best to format them right away.

This is the next task for the teams - to format Flash cards

Maximum score - 2 points (Done, not done - 1 point, who is faster + 1 point)

Music sounds.

I ask the jury to evaluate the fifth task and announce the amount of points for each team.

The teams have been on the march for quite some time, the anti-virus center is urgently requesting a status report.

This is the sixth task: type a report on the Word text editor, save the file under the name of the team on the C: / My Documents drive, then print it on a printer and transfer it to the jury for subsequent sending to the center. To save time, I prepared the text of the report. Therefore, the competition is reduced to checking the speed and correctness of typing. Who is ahead. The first team stops the competition. Each full line of text + 2 points, each grammatical error - 1 point.

The time for printing text on a printer is not taken into account in the competition, since there is only one printer.

Let's start at my command:

Time has gone!

Music sounds.

Referents and onlookers the following questions:

1. What is the maximum number of files that can be placed in 1 directory (folder)?

2. The scanner is ....

We print reports and submit them to the jury.

For referents and onlookers, the next question is: what value in the characteristics of a computer reflects its speed?

I ask the jury to evaluate the sixth competition and announce the amount of points.

The Center was unlucky: that the virus penetrated the Teacher's computer and corrupted the list file. doc. Therefore, the center is unable to keep track of the number of wounded and dead in each team.

Next task: find from your computers at

D: /network/kvn file list. doc, correct it properly, save it on disk C: /My documents/KVN, print it on a printer and transfer it to the chairman of the jury. Who is ahead.

The first team receives 5 points and a minus point for each grammatical error.

Second team 4 points and minus a point for each mistake.

Print time on the printer is not taken into account.

We start at my command: attention, get ready - we started.

Music sounds.

For referents and onlookers, the following question:

Formatting disks: tell us everything you know about this process.

Is it possible to format a hard drive?

Music sounds.

I ask the jury to announce the scores for the competition and the amount of points.

And finally, the last task and the virus will be defeated!

It is necessary to connect the reports files created by the commands and the list. doc into one file Victory. doc by saving it on the C: / My Documents / KVN drive

Maximum score 2 points (1 point done, 1 point - who is ahead)

Attention, get ready, let's get started!

Music sounds.

I ask the jury to evaluate the work of the teams, to announce occupied places and give out prizes.


Vertical questions:

1 - science dealing with the collection, storage and processing of information

2 - "brain" of the computer

4 - device for outputting information to paper

6 - device for reading information into computer memory

Horizontal questions:

3 information storage

5 - a mark on the screen indicating the place where the next character will be displayed

7 - information input device

8 - hard drive

9 - external memory

10 - "face" of the computer

This presentation serves as an accompaniment to the informatics lesson, which I conduct in the form of KVN.

This diversifies the control of assimilation of the material and improves the consolidation of knowledge.

And children are also interested in the spirit of competition and pleasant memories of such a lesson remain for a long time.

Along with the presentation, I post material for the teacher with answers and a font file so that the presentation is displayed correctly.




in computer science for grade 8

Equipment: 2 computers, laptop, projector, screen;

warm-up cards, a task for the captains, questions for the contest "Who wins", a drawing for a creative contest, questions for fans.


1 greeting 2 teams (5 people each) present the team name, motto and emblem. (4 points)

2 Warm up You probably know that in electronic correspondence (and now sometimes in paper publications) funny faces are often used - the so-called emoticons . I invite you to think and name the designations of some of them. 30 seconds are given for discussion. The originality and proximity of the value are evaluated. (6 points).

What do these emoticons mean:

8-) man with glasses

:-r show tongue

3:-) deer

*:O) clown


:)))) laughter

]:-> sly smile

:-? man smoking a pipe

[:|||:] button accordion

O:-) angel

Express emotions with emoticons:

Kiss :-*

Strong surprise=-

(dropped jaw)

Dissatisfaction, confusion:-\

or resentment :-/

Neutrality :-|

Strong surprise (open mouth, 8-o dilated eyes)=-O

Cry :'-(

Sad, sad :-(

surprise (open mouth):O

Strong laughter, laughter to tears:’-)


Wink ;-)

3. "Who wins." Answer the questions, 1 minute for discussion.

The correct answer is 2 points.

  1. What types of computer mice are there?(ball, optical and laser)
  2. A state in which the computer is turned on and does not respond to user input.(hover)
  3. What is the name of the program for facilitating communication between the user and the computer?(operating shell)
  4. The smallest unit of information?(bit)
  5. Name the type of applied computer programs popular among schoolchildren.(a game)
  6. What is the name of the wire harness?(plume)
  7. What number system is understood by a computer and is called "machine code"? ( binary)
  8. Name the main characteristic of the processor and in what units it is measured.(clock frequency .... in Hertz, gigahertz)
  9. What is the name of the largest board in a computer?(maternal)
  10. What is a laptop?(laptop)
  11. What are data compression programs called and what are they for?(archivers…. to reduce the volume of files)
  12. How is data stored on a computer?(in files)
  13. How many bits are in one byte?(eight)
  14. What is the wrong entry in the program called?(error)
  15. What do you think the word "screw" means in computer jargon?(HDD)
  16. Why is the operating shell called Windows?(Windows - English window ... ... because all folders and files open in windows)
  17. What is the connection between a city in England, a gun and one of the elements of a computer?(name - Winchester)
  18. When the “mouse” manipulator appeared, for some time in Russian the name was used for it by the name of the character of the famous Russian fairy tale. Name this character.(Kolobok).
  19. What is the name of the computer program that steals passwords?(Trojan horse)
  20. List the output devices.(monitor, printer, plotter, speakers, headphones, projector)

4. Competition of captains.Captains, listen carefully to the poem and correct the mistakes in it. (5 points)

She was 1100 years old

She went to class 101,

In a portfolio of 100 books she carried -

All this is true, not nonsense.

When the dust is a dozen feet,

She walked along the road

She was always followed by a puppy

With one tail, but 100-legged.

She caught every sound

With my 10 ears,

And 10 tanned hands

They held a briefcase and a leash.

And 10 dark blue eyes

Considered the world habitually ...

But everything will become normal

When you understand our story.

5. Creative competition . Draw a picture in a graphic editor. (6 points)


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Slides captions:

KVN in informatics State educational institution secondary school No. 201 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg 2011 REPRESENTS

PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: 1. Greeting 2. Warm-up 3. "Who wins" 4. Captains competition 5. Creative competition

Composition of the JURY: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

First Competition Welcome Both teams present the name, motto and emblem. Maximum score - 4

The second competition Warm-up In electronic correspondence funny faces are often used - SMILYS. Name the designations for each of the proposed. You will have 15 seconds to discuss. Maximum score - 6

What do these emoticons mean: 8-) 1.

What do these emoticons mean: З:-) 2 .

What do these emoticons mean:

What do these emoticons mean: ]: - > 4 .

What do these emoticons mean: [:|||:] 5 .

What do these emoticons mean: :-P 6 .

What do these emoticons mean: *:O) 7 .

What do these emoticons mean: :))) 8 .

What do these emoticons mean: :-? 9 .

What do these emoticons mean: O: -) 1 0 .

Express emotions with emoticons: Kiss 1.

Express emotions with emoticons: Dissatisfaction, puzzlement or resentment 2 .

Express emotions with emoticons: Strong surprise (open mouth, wide eyes) 3 .

Express emotions with emoticons: Sadness, sadness 4 .

Express emotions with emoticons: Strong laughter, laughter to tears 5 .

Express emotions with emoticons: Strong surprise (dropped jaw) 6 .

Express emotions with emoticons: Neutrality 7 .

Express emotions with emoticons: Tears 8 .

Express emotions with emoticons: Surprise (open mouth) 9 .

Express emotions with emoticons: Wink 10 .

The third competition "Who wins" Both teams take turns answering questions. The time for discussion is 30 seconds. For each correct answer - 2 points

What types of computer mice are there? 1 .

A state in which the computer is turned on and does not respond to user input. 2.

What is the name of the program for facilitating communication between the user and the computer? 3 .

The minimum unit of information is called ... 4 .

Name the type of applied computer programs popular among schoolchildren. 5 .

What is the name of the wire harness? 6.

What number system is understood by a computer and is called "machine code"? 7.

Name the main characteristic of the processor. In what units is it measured? 8 .

What is the name of the largest board in a computer? 9 .

What is a laptop? 10 .

What are data compression programs called and what are they for? eleven .

How is data stored on a computer? 12 .

How many bits are in one byte? 13 .

What is the wrong entry in the program called? 14 .

What does the word "screw" mean in computer jargon? 15 .

Why is the operating shell called Windows? 16 .

What is the name of a computer program that steals passwords? 17 .

List the output devices. 18 .

When the “mouse” manipulator appeared, for some time in Russian the name was used for it by the name of the character of the famous Russian fairy tale. Name this character. 19 .

What is the connection between a city in England, a gun and one of the elements of a computer? 20 .

The fourth competition Captains competition Captains, please get a poem, listen and correct the mistakes in it. Competition time - 7 minutes. The maximum score is 5.

She was 1100 years old, She went to class 101, In a portfolio of 100 books she wore - All this is true, not nonsense. When dusting with a dozen legs, She walked along the road, A puppy always ran after her With one tail, but 100-legged. She caught every sound With her 10 ears, And 10 tanned hands Holding a briefcase and a leash. And 10 dark blue eyes Examined the world habitually ... But everything will become quite ordinary When you understand our story.

Fifth competition Creative Draw the proposed drawing in a graphic editor using graphic primitives, fill, inscription. The maximum score is 6.

Summing up Final Word to the jury members

Congratulations to the winners!!!

GOU SOSH 201 KVN in informatics was developed by a teacher of computer science and ICT Popova Elena Petrovna St. Petersburg 2011