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Just the Russian you will find Tatarin that it means. What does the expression "Dream Russian will find Tatarina"? So they only have a common name

Before exposing this fake, who had seen in the rapid minds of Russians, not without the help of our tolerant "friends", let's see how ethnic Russian people really look like:

One of the most ancient and well-known Russophobic myths, firmly fallen into people's consciousness. Most often, this myth is associated with the invasion of "Tatar-Mongolian Iga" and mass rape of the invaders of Russian women. Supporters of this myth silent about the fact that these women usually died from an overdose of iron in the body. Also, these arguments with interest refute genetics, as Russian Asian genes at the level of European statistical error. So let's consider the possible sources of this historiographic stamp in the Russian people.

Genetics.Homogeneity of European ethno-speaking communities (Germanic, Slavic, Celtic and Romance) on MTDNA:

The analysis of the variability of MTDNA in Europe also made it possible to make a number of conclusions about the formation of a gene pool of European peoples: when analyzing the multidimensional scale (Fig. 3a), four clusters were clearly distinguished. The first cluster turned on only the Saami, which is not surprising, given their genetic originality (Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994; Tambets et al., 2004). The second cluster included those populations of the eastern frontiers of Europe, which have increased the frequency of East Eurasian haplogroups. The third cluster included the population of the anterior Asia and the Caucasus. All other populations from the main territory of Europe (from the Volga to the Pyrenean Peninsula) entered the fourth "Paneuropean" cluster, the small dimensions of which on the chart indicate low interpopulation variability. These results are confirmed by the homogeneity of the Europe of Europe (Simoni et al., 2000), but indicate the originality of the gene pool of the Sunday and Front Asia.

In addition, it was concluded about the comparative homogeneity of the gene pool of European ethno-speaking communities (German, Slavic, Celtic and Romanesque) on MTDNA. The greatest heterogeneity is the gene effect of Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples: photo 2

Also, the results of studies do not confirm the assumptions about the presence of a mongoloid component in Russian populations: an analysis of the interaction of the European-water and mongoloid population in the extensive zone of the steppe band of Eurasia, carried out by the help of cartographic analysis, revealed only a minor influence of the Central Asian gene pool, limited to the southeastern steppe areas of Europe. In Russian populations, the components is noticeable (above 1-2%), the component is not detected by either the Y-chromosome, nor MTDNA, and is a typical indicator for the northern peoples of Europe.

O.P. Balanovsky

Famous saying "Dream Russian - you can find Tatar"
This phrase itself is attributed ... really to everyone. And Pushkin, and Karamzin, and Turgenev, and then on the list.

Recently amounted to a complete selection of this fake:

"Dream Russian - find Tatarin" (Karamzin)

"The Great Russian writer N.S.Leskkov said not in vain, that if Russian, you will find Tatarin."

"And when Dostoevsky wrote:" Dream of any Russian - you will see Tatar "

"A.S. Pushkin himself said:" Just Russian - you will find Tatarin "

"As the Klyuchevsky used to say, the Russian dock - you will see Tatar"

"Dressely Russian, and you will find Tatar" (so at Sixov).

"Ivan Bunin's remark - if you raure any Russian, you will find Tatarin"

"Dream of any Russian - scatter Tatar, said Gogol yet"

"This is, as Kubrin said, dying any Russian, it will turn out to be Tatar"

"Rephrasing the saying of V. V. Rozanova" Dressely any Russian, and you will find Tatar ", ..."

"Dream of any Russian, you will find Tatarin," said Vladimir Putin's president said not so long ago.

"Over the Derzhavinsky gentlement" Dream of any Russian - you will find Tatarina ", I guess at least once thought everyone"

This is a sandy. Full and comprehensive. Soon there will be no one Russian classic, which will not glue the authorship of this shit and bad frozic)))

In fact, the phrase is French. Grattez Le Russe Et Vous Verrez Le Tartare. She, too, many fathers were attributed to her and Napoleon, and Prince de Linu, and Marquis de Custine, and Joseph de Mestra. You can understand the French - it hurts them offended. It remained only to hiss through the teeth. And replenish the gnut quotes of RusNews.

Russian and Tatars.

By the way, the Kazakhs have a saying: "Tatarin, you will find Russian." And, oddly enough, in contrast to the crafts "Prytroy Russian, you will find Tatarina," it is consistent with reality, because Y-chromosomal haploofond Tatar is very specific. It has rare lines for the region, such as J-L283, Q-L245. In addition, ordinary for Tatars are such lines as R1A-Z93, N-P43. Where are all these lines of Russians? They are simply not. For Russians and Tatars are typical for the Slavs R1A-Z280, R1A-M458, I-M423. Their presence in the Tatar Haplofand reflects the influence of the Slavs on the Tatars, but not the opposite. In other words, the Russians and Tatars are sitting on the same, Slavic substrate, which suggests that the Tatars were assimilated by the Russians, but the Russians were never assimilated by Tatars.

The Tatars themselves have a significant and balto-Slavic, and German, Finno-Ugric, and East Asian, and the overseas components. Genetically - this is a wild solarium. Initially, their ancestors may have been subject to the population of the Huns of the Empire, which subsequently turned into Turkic.

Anthropological diversity of Tatars is also very high. Here you and North-Generaloids are the descendants of the Germans, the Balts and Slavs, and the front-of-compartios - people from the Caucasus and Central Asia, and quite the Mongoloid types (with the exception of the Volga-Kazan Tatars).

Russian and Germans.

Identification of Mitodnk among the Russians, European is either Asian.

Women's haplog groups among Russians are also completely Slavic, as evidenced by their comparison with the same haplogroups of Poles. (Cm. Http://aquilaaquilonis.livejournal.com/18058.html)

The same uniformity demonstrates the comparison of Mitodnk from Russian and German peoples. The data is taken from the European. Obviously genetics at the German Slavic, which allows you to make some conclusions ...

The frequency of occurrences of the haplogroup R1a (Aryan) in men of various peoples, in descending order (according to one of foreign studies):

Poles ........... 50%

Russians ........ 50%

Slovaks ......... 47%


Czechs .......... 38%

Slovenians ...... 37%

Latvians ........ 41%

Lithuanians .....4%

Norwegians ...... 31%

Ukrainians ...... 30%

Mari ............ 29%

Estonians ....... 27%

Germans ......... 23% Hitler in the coffin turns over !!

Hungarians ...... 22%

Lappps ........... 21%

Icelanders ...... 21%

Romanians ....... 20%

Swedes .......... 18%

Chuvash ......... 18%

Yugoslavs ....... 16%

Dutchmen ........ 13%

Bulgarians ...... 12%

FINNS ........... 10%

East Aglians .... 9%

Greeks ........... 8%

Scots ............ 7%

Danes ............ 7%

Georgians ........ 6%

Armenians ........ 6%

TURKS ............ 5%

FRENCHMEN ........ 5%

Belgians ......... 4%

Ossetians ........ 2%

Cypriots ......... 2%

Spaniards ........ 2%

ITALIANS ......... 1%

PORTUGUESE ....... 1%

Irishmen ......... 1%

Cornish .......... 0%

Basques .......... 0%

Algerians ........ 0%


The numbers are shown within a reasonable error of 5%

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ___

Actively spread the myth about the Ugro-Finnish, Mongolian or Tatar impurity in Russians, our Ukro-Svidomye "Brothers". But, according to the famous saying, the louder shouts "hold the thief" just thieves.

On the difference between Western Ukrainians and the Eastern Ukrainians (Russian Malorus)

Currently anthropology, paleoanthropology, genetics (data on blood groups, classical markers, autosomal DNA, Y-chromosome, MTDNA, etc.), as well as historical science and archaeology, other branches of science, has been accumulated enough data to make a reasonable conclusion about The fact that (Western) Ukrainians genetically belong to the circle of "Balkan" populations, and the ancestors (Western) Ukrainians migrated to the territory of modern Ukraine, probably from the territory of modern Romania, and originally belonged to the Thracian (Heto-Daci) ethno-linguistic group.

According to anthropology, Western Ukrainians belong to the Alpine race dominant in the circle of "Balkan" populations (South Slavs), and not to the Baltic and Nordic races, dominant in the Northern Slavs (Great Mostsha, Belarusians, Malorus, Poles).

Ukrainians are included in the Dnieper-Carpathian group of populations. This also includes ... Slovaks and partially Czechs, Serbs and Croats, South, Central and Eastern Hungarians.
This is a rather tall, dark-stock exchanged, the brachiekthic population is a population characterized by a relatively wide face.

It is on the line XIX - XX century. Complex Meet, the Givius of the Ludnostec Central Sciences (Seredniy Tom Visik, BrahіKefalіya, to reach the D. Kolіr Ochoma Ta Hair, Zerty-Lyuboye Nose Form, Serious Distille Tree Hair Crew IT. race". Zayovayuchi promіzhna becoming Mіzh Pіvnіchnimi, the pivdennes of єvropoeoeemi, the nose of the complex is characterized by an appearance of numerical Risnovidіv. So, V. Bunak, Klima Vlasna Alpіyski, visiting the Schiydalpіyski, Abo Karpatski, Rasa, Means of Jaco, on Yoj Dumuka, digest Sermo Ukraine.

"Pole, Bіlusurus that Rosіyanin anthropologicine standing in a blizzard one to one;
ukrainian, in his fiction, spirit of Vіdrіznznznayv, Vіd Sivіh V. Sousіdiv і, from anthropologic
saying, loan by Tsіlkom Samostiine Misce "(in the village. Rudnitsky, Art. 182).

"Ukrainian, - Nib_lshu Sports Sports
pivdenni, the words "Yamans" (parakіv) of the words "Yamah" (paragraph. F. Vovka, Art.
http://www.ukrcenter.com/%D0%9B%D1%96%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0. /% D0% 92% D1% 96% D0% BA% D1% 82% D0% BE% D1% 80-% D0% 9F% D0% B5% D1% 82% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B2 / 19903 /% D0% 90% D0% BD% D1% 82% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% BF% D0% BE% D0% BB% D0% BE% D0% B3% D1% 96% D1% 87% D0% BD% D1% 96-% D1% 80% D0% B0% D1% 81% D0% BE% D0% B2% D1% 96-% D0% BE% D1% 81% D0% BE% D0% B1% D0% BB% D0% B8% D0% B2% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 82% D1% 96-% D1% 83% D0% BA% D1% 80% D0% B0 # Text_Top

Also, see the average Russian anthropological type in comparison with the Middle Ukrainian: http://aquilaaquilonis.livejournal.com/18058.html

The presence of a significant Turkic (mongoloid) impurity in Ukrainians is an indisputable fact based on these industries of science ( ntretology, linguistics, genetics). Discussion:http://slavanthro.mybb3.ru/viewtopic.php?t\u003d798.

Ukrainian-Arіitsі і Slodaani, on Vіdmіn Vіd Moskalіv.

Svidomye often say that the Moskali is "descendants of Tatars, Udmords, threes," and they themselves are purebred Slavs. However, judge for yourself

Ukrainians: up to 20% of MTDNA mongoloid impurities

There is no such nation as "Ukrainians" (as there is no nation "Russians"). Alas, it did not work out. The plantation is a separate interesting topic, I will only say that Ukrainians had neither time or possibility due to the difference of mentality, history, culture, language, religion, etc. Lower a single nation even at the political level. Like other sectarians, Ukrainian Svidimites are divided into three categories:

1) Honest, but do not know. These are those who are deceived (ordinary people, mostly vestigurs)
2) knowledgeable, but dishonest; Calling it to deceive the "younger brother".
3) knowledgeable and honest. These are deceiving themselves.

By the way, how Svidomye rewrite the story: now you can find the Essay of Kostomarov in the Public Library, where the hand of an unknown Ukrainian falsifier did "corrections". Tom wears number 31, 117/2: X.
On page 292, 293 printed: "Velikago principality of Russkago". Crossed "Russian", tops writing "Ukrainian".
Printed: "Great Principality of Russian." Crushed "Russian", tops writing "Ukrainian".
Printed: "With office proceedings in Russian." Crushed "Russian", written by hand "Ukrainian".
In such a form, the prepared history is presented to a simple man, which will never check the accuracy of other people or textbooks on history rewritten by svidomites.

Dream of any Russian and find Tatarin ...

There is a well-known saying: "Dream of any Russian and find Tatarin" ... In the direct, "biological" sense, it can be recognized as reasonable enough: there is a significant adherence to Tatar in Russian blood. And it did not go to the detriment.
Not engaged in specially genealogy, but comprehensively studying the era of Tatar rule and wondering all the aggregate Russian-Tatar tartaries in the past, I met and wrote out of various historical sources and documents 92 princes, 50 boyars, 13 count and more than three hundred ancient nobility gods leading from Tatar ancestors ...

There is no doubt that from the provincial pedigrees it would be easy to remove a few hundred noble names of Tatar origin. Not noble, unfortunately, accounting was not conducted and it is impossible to determine them, but they are undoubtedly calculated by many thousands.
All these numerous descendants of Tatar generics already in the second-third generation appealed to people of pure Russians in spirit and upbringing. They honestly and rightly served the Fatherland, not only fighting for him in countless wars, but also in all fields of peaceful life gave him a lot of outstanding and even ingenious people who glorified Russian culture. I will give only the most famous examples.

In the field of science, the descendants of Tatars were brilliant Russian scientists of Mendeleev, swords, Pavlov and Timiryazev, historians Chanatemir and Karamzin, researchers of the North Chelyuskin and Chirikov. In the literature - Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Derzhavin, Languages, Denis Davydov, Zagoskin, K. Neontyev, Ogarev, Kubrin, Arzybashev, Zamyatin, Bulgakov and a number of other talented writers and poets. In the field of art, only among the brightest, it can be called Ballerin Anna Pavlov, Ulanov and Spesivtsev artists of Kratygin and Yermolov, composers Scriabin and Taneev, artist Shishkin and DR ...

Tatars gave Russia two kings - Boris and Fedor Godunov (and before them was still Semen Bekbulatovich - Note. E.K.), and five tsaritsa: Sabroma Saburov - the first wife of Vasily W, Elena Glinsky - his second wife, Irina Godunov - Wife Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich "Blessed", Natalia Naryshkin - the mother of Peter the Great and the second wife Alexei Mikhailovich and Marfa Apraksin - Wife of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich Romanova. Evdokia Saburova was still the wife of Tsarevich Ivan, killed (in the seizure of anger) with his father - Ivan Grozny.

It is not interesting to note that several Tatars were ranked Russian Church to the face of Orthodox saints. The most famous from them is St. Peter Ordinsky is the nephew of Khan Batya, who accepted Orthodoxy, and later monasticism. Another tatar - sv. Peter Martyr Kazan.

It is worth mentioning that Batya allowed his older son and heir to Hanu Sartak and his wife to accept Orthodoxy. This case is well illustrated by Tatar versoity and once again refutes, then completely erroneous, but firmly rooted the view that the Tatars were religious fanatics and persecutors of Christianity. If not the early death of Sartak, poisoned by his rival, Batya's brother, an Orthodox man would affirm on the throne of great khans. "

In this long quotation of the largest researcher, the Golden Horde MD Karateva, we involuntarily trace the process of formation of the Russian nation. You can add only one generalizing phrase here, that the formation of the Great Russian nation proceeded by combining feudally isolated Russian principalities, initiated by the idea of \u200b\u200bconsolidating the Orthodox community of the Goldenopa province, which ceumated by a powerful human influx from the Golden Horde, that is, the Tatars.

As for the Crimean Nation, the consolidation was concluded on the same laws - the association of fragmented ethnic groups or feudal formations under a single state-forming and a common rational idea. For the Crimean Tatars, this idea was to get rid of claims to power in the Crimea rulers of the shed, that is, the liberation movement.

For Moscow Rus, the idea of \u200b\u200bconsolidation was Orthodoxy in counterweights of Muslim, approved in the metropolis during the reign of Uzbek (1312 - 1341). In Russia, it was the clergy that was the initiator of separation from the metropolis and the formation of a nation. The secular princely power only went on the clergy. And if in the Gold Horde, the dominant religion became Orthodoxy, it is not known how the fate of the Golden Horde and its Northern Province would have arisen. In any case, Moscow would not become a consolidation center.

But as for the Crimea, he would still achieve independence, despite the religious preferences of his population. Moreover, the preferences of the spiritual plan in the Crimea just did not exist: the Crimea was polyconfessional. During the arrival in the Crimea, the Hadji-Hires had the same distribution of four religions, not counting the pagans. These are Jews, rooted in the Crimea during the period of domination here, Khazar Kaganat, Karaites, whom religion was allocated to a special ethnos, Muslims and Christians.

Moreover, Christians were of a very different sense: both Nestorian, and the Orthodox orthodox directions, and the iconoborets, and Catholics are also of various currents, that is, here they found the most controversial marginal flows of Christianity, walking in the most close neighborhood, because in Crimea never even The period of the domination of Islam, there was no religious intolerance. This Crimea has always been distinguished. To present an irreconcilable war between Orthodox and Catholics in Crimea was simply impossible, although in other regions of Europe, for example, in France, where the Warfolomeev night was drowned in the blood of a thousand Huguenov, this was considered as a completely ordinary and normal phenomenon. Yes, and Russia from the very beginning was intolerant both to Catholics and Muslims, although the last and less. This was especially distinguished by the Moscow Diocese. So it was before, it remained so far.

Muslims among the indigenous population of the Crimea, that is, among the highlanders and the population of coastal cities and territories, before the arrival of the Gireev was relatively small. But among the Tatars who captured the steppe part of the Crimea (the Tatars called the Ordans), except for Muslims, there were no other inners. Tatar and Muslim, starting with Khan Uzbek, have become inseparable concepts.

The appearance of Devlet-Hadzhi-Gurya in Crimea made cardinal transformations not only to the state structure of the Crimea, but, which is especially noteworthy to note, in the mindset of people. The struggle for independence of the province shook not only the top of society. She did not leave indifferent even the most ordinary resident. The authority of the new ruler of the Crimea became such a high that he was considered an honor for every Vassal in his religion.

Very many of the feudals of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe indigenous population did this. Their example followed the subordinate feudal. So very quickly, Islam won the Crimea. And since Muslim and Tatarin were synonymous, then all sorts of Islam adopted automatically began to call Tatarin, which was quite satisfied with the converts. Therefore, all the Cimmerians, brands, Scythians, Alans, Goths, Greeks, Armenians, Italians, Circassians, and others, who passed from Christianity or paganism in Islam, began to be called Tatars.

And since in the Crimea, they all have long been told on different dialects of the Turkic language (since the 6th century - Razgrin, 1992), then people differed only by religion. For example, in Christian temples, the service was carried out on Turkic language, which was noted by many witnesses of that era. By the way, a single language is one of the reasons for such a quick unification of the Crimea into a single state. Therefore, after declaring an independent state, the process of formation of the nation has become irreversible.

Thus, by the end of Hu century, new nations began to be formed on the territory of the collapsed Gold Horde in new emerging state formations. This is Crimean Tatar and Great Russian. Moreover, the distinctive feature of both young emerging nations was not a language, but religion. In the north-west of the Goldenopa Empire, this was Orthodoxy, and in the south-western province - Islam, which began to move the population of a multiconde-confessional Crimea with a mass order.

However, it has existed the nominally, the Golden Empire, the fate of the newly proclaimed states remained uncertain, because the ruler of the barn could be an end to this process at any moment. It all depended on its military economic potential. And he all the time hesitated, threatening the sovereignty of both states. That is why Moscow and Crimea in that period invariably supported each other in the face of the general enemy. The personal relationship between the rulers of the Crimea and Moscow was then the most benevolent. In a lively correspondence, they invariably called each other "My beloved brother".

As for the Sarajevsky Khanov, they could not really calmly look at the strengthening of their formal vassals. The historian of Veljamin-grains leads the texts of two letters written in 1487 by the last king of the Golden Horde of Murtaz Ivan Sh and Nur-Dellet, who reigned in the Kasimovsky kingdom, where Murthase's desire to restore their domination over the provinces of the empire extensive from under his power. In particular, the Grand Duke, he asks to let go of the Nur-Golden Horde to build that Crimean's throne, and Nur-Dellet writes: "We are one of the family with you, our fathers fought, but then came up. Mengyli-Garya, your brother By changing the oath, the war was again ".

It is interesting to compare both Murthase letters. Ivan W He writes a shortcut, decree, very briefly and compressed. With Nur-Dellet, he also drawn as a king equal to himself, sends him a long diploma, composed in respectful and flattened expressions. And the goal is alone - to push the foreheads of two brothers to weaken the Crimea, and then to restore the domination of the metropolis.

The intrigue of Murthase was so transparent that the reaction to it did not follow. The only thing that Prince Ivan did, said Mengyli-Gire in detail about the source of the Sarajevsky ruler. "The proposal of Murthase did not correspond to the types of Ivan," Weljamin-Zernov writes. "The Union with Mengly-Gyrey was much more profitable for him: Mengli-Garya, fighting with the children of Akhmatov, served as an assistant to Ivan, who was the direct calculation of which Mengli-Gurya was held in Tom to lose weight Golden Horde. This horde for both sovereign was equally hated ... "

But "to kill a hateful" Horde neither the other ruler alone was solved: the forces of all were equal. Mengly-Girey offered Ivan the option of unification of the military forces of Moscow and the Crimea, but for some reason this alliance did not happen. In the end, Mengly-Gired came up with a brilliant plan. And only waiting for the case for its implementation.

This case was turned out in 1502, it is quite possible to be provoked by the Mengli-Gyrey himself.

Hate to Mengli-Gury, Murtaza in this fatal year has collected a huge army for him, deciding once and forever to end even with the rejoicing about the hires in the Crimea. Mengley Garya came to meet, but did not accept the battle, but began to retreat, imitating confusion and unpreparedness of troops to the decisive battle. A rampored Murtaza rushed to pursue a hated enemy, not guessing that he was lured into a trap. So maneuvering the opposing troops crossed the whole Crimea from the north to south and went to the seashore. Here, unexpectedly, Mengly Gurya troops crumbled in the mountains and Murtza decided to become a camp on the banks of the Cote d'Azur. This Mengly-Girey just sought.

Suddenly, the Turkish fleet appeared because of the cape, the existence of which the Ordans did not even guess. The fleet, meanwhile, in front of the eyes of amazedly disconnecting spectators, built in a combat order and no longer thinking discovered a squall fire in the Ordane camp.

The effect turned out to be superior all the expectations of Mengyli-Hire. The shipping batteries were separated in the fluff and dust the entire Ordinsky camp, forcing people in a panic to run beyond its limits. But they were met by anyone from where the Crimean Connence appeared and arranged the shaped beating of the ordinance of the ordinance of the Ordans. Only a limited part of the once Grozny troops was able to escape from the environment. However, Mengly Gires provided this option. In pursuit, he sent a pre-prepared cavalry, designed for prolonged persecution, which was on the tail of the retreating remnants of troops up to the shed itself. And this was also planned.

On the Kulikov field, Mamayevtsy, broken up with the Russian-Tatar Connection from the ambush, was pursued by it about twenty miles. To complete the defeat, it turned out to be sufficient. But Mengly-Giren set the goal not just to defeat the Golden Horde, but to destroy it forever. Therefore, he applied another tactics: chased the retreating enemy without a respite until the heart of the empire, bursting into the barn literally on the shoulders in a panic of the running troops. His in Saraj no one was waiting. Using the sudden factor, he mastered the city without resistance and set up a real pogrom there, destroying everything and everyone.
So the end of the empire was put. "The Horde has no longer rebelled by Mengli-Gyreus, and its very name disappeared," writes the author of the brief history of Russia V.Veljamin Zernov (1883).

"The Frenchman, the Italian, you will find Jews." No such sayings?

"Just Russian - find Tatarin" ...

And I started to dig. I found many of all curious. Quote is more than popular, as authors are called, as usual, all known personals ranging from Gomer to Panikovsky. But most often quoting, without being causing slyly, they simply declare it with the saying. For example, Putin, almost our all, and put it: "We know, they say:" Each Russian if you lose it, there is a Tatar, "there will appear." In general, the ends seemed to not find - a quotation was sick and land. But there is no barrier to an inquisitive mind, especially if this mind does not want to shake a rattle before the heirs, justifying the preparation for the speech on the radio.

Immediately I go to the main thing - I still went to the original source.

Great Russian writer N.S. Leskov did not say in vain that if the rustle of Russian, you will find Tatarin.
http://www.musakov.ru/cgi-bin/ubb/ultim ... 2; t \u003d 000007

And when Dostoevsky wrote: "Dream of any Russian - you will see Tatar"

a.S. himself Pushkin said - Dream Russian - you will find Tatar
http://forum.intrance.ru/index.php?s\u003da7 ... 10276 & st \u003d 0

As the Klyuchevsky used to say, the village of Russian - you will see Tatar
http://info.rambler.ru:8101/db/news/msg ... \u003d 260004288

Dressely Russian, and you will find Tatarin (so at Sixov).
http://www.medbrat.ru/cgi-bin/ikonboard ... postno \u003d 183

Ivan Bunin's remark - if rustle of any Russian, you will find Tatar

Dream of any Russian - scatter Tatarin, said Gogol yet

This, as Kuprin said, Dream any Russian, it will turn out to be Tatar

praphrazing the statement of V. V. Rozanova ("Dreasured any Russian, and you will find Tatar"),
http://www.postindustrial.net/content1/ ... Sian & id \u003d 58

"Dream of any Russian, you will find Tatarin," said Vladimir Putin's president said not so long ago.
http://www.materik.ru/print.php?section ... 047F3A6F6A.

This is a sandy. Full and comprehensive. Soon there will be no single Russian classic, which will not flip the authorship of this shit and bad frozica. For - Hryun Morzha himself, not Figli Migley!

Here is an enlightened European opinion about the Tatars:

"Tatars exceed us not only to abstinence and prudence, but also with love for neighbor. For among themselves, they retain friendly and good relations. With slaves, which they have only from other countries, they cost fairly. And although they are or mined in battle, or [purchased] for money, but more than seven years they do not keep them [in captivity]. So it is possible in the Holy Scripture, the outcome, 21. And we keep in eternal slavery not mined in battle or for money, not alien, but our kind and faith , orphans, poor people married with slave.

And we abuse our authorities over them, for we will lean, deceit, execute them without a lawful court, according to any suspicion. On the contrary, at the Tatars and Moskvites, no official can execute a person, albeit that the long-term crime, except the capital's judges; And that - in the capital. And we have sentences for all villages and cities.

Until now, we take taxes on the protection of the state from the poor citizens and the poorest farmers alone, bypassing the land owners, while they get a lot from their latifunds, passed, meadows, pastures, gardens, vegetable garden, fruit, forests, groves, Packaging, fishing, kabaks, workshops, trading, customs, sea pars, marins, lakes, rivers, ponds, fishing, mills, herd, labor slaves and slaves. And much better walked military affairs and gather ordered for us for us, which would be charged from every person if the started measurement of all lands and passed, [belonging to] as a gentry and a common people came to the end. For the one who has more land, more and contributed. "

(c) Enlightened European

The Koran begins with the words "no God." "It would be a big mistake to think ..." V.I. Lenin

At the end of the favorite myth of Maidaunov about the "Horde". The word geneticams

Russians are one of the most purebred peoples in Eurasia.
The recent joint studies of Russian, British and Estonian genetic scientists put a large and fat cross on the Upgrant Rusophobian myth, dozens of years introduced into the consciousness of people - they say, "Predro Russian and be sure to find Tatar."

The results of a large-scale experiment published in the scientific journal "The American Journal of Human Genetics" perfectly say that "despite the situation about the strong Tatar and Mongolian impurity in the blood of the Russians who have given their ancestors during the times of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, the haplogroup of the Turkic peoples And other Asian ethnic groups practically did not leave a trace in the population of the modern North-Western, Central and South regions. "

Like this. In this long-term dispute, you can safely put the point and consider further discussions on this occasion are simply inappropriate.

We are not a Tatars. Tatars are not us. No influence on Russian genes so-called "Mongol-Tatar Igo" - which was not in reality (see Video) did not. There were no impurities of the Turkic "Ordane Blood", the Russians, no.

Moreover, genetic scientists, summarizing their studies, declare the practically complete interface of the genotypes of Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians, thereby proving that we have been and remain in one people: "Genetic variations of the Y-chromosome of residents of the central and southern regions of ancient Russia were practically Identical as such among Ukrainians and Belarusians. "

One of the project managers, the Russian geneticist Oleg Balanovsky recognized in an interview with Gazeta.ru that the Russians are almost a monolithic people from a genetic point of view, destroying another myth: "Everyone was mixed, the pure Russians are no longer." Just the opposite - the Russians were and the Russians are. One people, a single nation, monolithic nationality with a clearly pronounced special genotype.

Further, exploring the materials of the remains from the oldest burials, scientists found that "Slavic tribes have mastered these lands (Central and South Russia) long before the mass relocation on them in the VII-IX centuries of the main part of the ancient Russians." That is, the lands of central and southern Russia were populated by the Russians (Rusichi) already, at least in the first centuries on R.Kh. If not earlier.

This allows you to promote another Russophobic myth - that Moscow and the areas around it are allegedly, ancient times were populated by the Thro-Finnish tribes and Russians there - "Aliens". We, as genetics proved - not aliens, and completely autochthonous residents of Central Russia, where Rusichi lived from time immemorial. "Despite the fact that these lands were settled before the last glaciation of our planet about 20 thousand years ago, evidence directly indicating any" original "peoples who lived in this territory, no" - is indicated in the report. That is, there is no evidence that there were some other tribes on our lands, which we supposedly ousted or assimilated. If you can put it in this way - we live here from the creation of the world.

Scientists and distant borders of the habitat of our ancestors were determined: "Analysis of bone remains indicates that the main zone of contacts of European views with people of the Mongoloid type was located on the territory of Western Siberia." And if we consider that the archaeologists, who excavated the oldest burials of 1 millennium to R.Kh. On the territory of Altai, they discovered the remains of pronounced European views (not to mention the world-famous arcama) - the conclusion is obvious. Our ancestors (Ancient Rusichi, Protoslav Communion) - Iovofully lived throughout the territory of modern Russia, including Siberia, and quite possible and the Far East. So the campaign of Yermak Timofeevich with comrades for the Urals from this point of view was a completely legitimate return of previously lost territories.

So, friends. Modern science destroys Russophobic stereotypes and myths, knocking out the soil from under our "friends" -liberals. Further speculation of these topics are already finally carried out beyond common sense, presenting interest exclusively for psychiatrists, exploring the mechanisms of obsessive nonsense ...

Genetics do not confirm the presence of the mongoloid component in Russian populations, but they found the presence of European components from Asian peoples. So, the Altaians are 23.8% of them, and the Shorets have 35.3 Russian blood!
In other words, Russians and Tatars are sitting on the same, Slavic substrate, which says that it was the Tatars that were assimilated by the Russians, but the Russians were never assimilated by Tatars.

The original is taken by W. andy_sinclair. inFamous saying "Dream Russian - you can find Tatar"

One of the most ancient and well-known RusOfobic myths, firmly seated in the consciousness of people.
Most often, this myth is associated with the invasion of "Tatar-Mongolian Iga" and mass rape of the invaders of Russian women.
Supporters of this myth silent about the fact that these women usually died from an overdose of iron in the body.
Also, these arguments with interest refute genetics, as Russian Asian genes at the level of European statistical error.
So let's consider the possible sources of this historiographic stamp in the Russian people.

Genetics. Homogeneity of European ethno-speaking communities (Germanic, Slavic, Celtic and Romance) on MTDNA:

The analysis of the variability of MTDNA in Europe also made it possible to make a number of conclusions about the formation of a gene pool of European peoples: when analyzing the multidimensional scale (Fig. 3a), four clusters were clearly distinguished.

The first cluster turned on only the Saami, which is not surprising, given their genetic originality (Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994; Tambets et al., 2004).
The second cluster included those populations of the eastern frontiers of Europe, which have increased the frequency of East Eurasian haplogroups. The third cluster included the population of the anterior Asia and the Caucasus.
All other populations from the main territory of Europe (from the Volga to the Pyrenean Peninsula) entered the fourth "Paneuropean" cluster, the small dimensions of which on the chart indicate low interpopulation variability.
These results are confirmed by the homogeneity of the Europe of Europe (Simoni et al., 2000), but indicate the originality of the gene pool of the Sunday and Front Asia.

In addition, it was concluded about the comparative homogeneity of the gene pool of European ethno-speaking communities (German, Slavic, Celtic and Romanesque) on MTDNA. The greatest heterogeneity is the gene effect of Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples: photo

Also, the results of studies do not confirm the assumptions about the presence of a mongoloid component in Russian populations: an analysis of the interaction of the European-water and mongoloid population in the extensive zone of the steppe band of Eurasia, carried out by the help of cartographic analysis, revealed only a minor influence of the Central Asian gene pool, limited to the southeastern steppe areas of Europe. In Russian populations, the components is noticeable (above 1-2%), the component is not detected by either the Y-chromosome, nor MTDNA, and is a typical indicator for the northern peoples of Europe.
O.P. Balanovsky
Taken from Cancellarius (http://ukraine-russia.livejournal.com/53672.html?thread\u003d1371048#t1371048):

Famous saying "Dream Russian - you can find Tatar"
This phrase itself is attributed to everyone: and Pushkin, and Karamzin, and Turgenev, and then on the list.
Recently amounted to a complete selection of this fake:

"Dream Russian - find Tatarin" (Karamzin)
"The Great Russian writer N.S.Leskkov said not in vain, that if Russian, you will find Tatarin."
"And when Dostoevsky wrote:" Dream of any Russian - you will see Tatar "
"A.S. Pushkin himself said:" Just Russian - you will find Tatarin "
"As the Klyuchevsky used to say, the Russian dock - you will see Tatar"
"Dressely Russian, and you will find Tatar" (so at Sixov).
"Ivan Bunin's remark - if you raure any Russian, you will find Tatarin"
"Dream of any Russian - scatter Tatar, said Gogol yet"
"This is, as Kubrin said, dying any Russian, it will turn out to be Tatar"
"Rephrasing the saying of V. V. Rozanova" Dressely any Russian, and you will find Tatar ", ..."
"Dream of any Russian, you will find Tatarin," said Vladimir Putin's president said not so long ago.
"Over the Derzhavinsky gentlement" Dream of any Russian - you will find Tatarina ", I guess at least once thought everyone"

In fact, our classics did not say anything like that.
In fact, the phrase is French:
Grattez Le Russe Et Vous Verrez Le Tartare (they also have a lot of fathers!)
This phrase was attributed to Napoleon and Prince de Linu, and Marquis de Kyustin, and Joseph de Mestra.
You can understand the French - it hurts them offended.
It remained only to hiss through the teeth.
And replenish the gnut quotes of RusNews.

Russian and Tatars.
By the way, the Kazakhs have a saying: "Tatarin, you will find Russian."
And, oddly enough, in contrast to the crafts "Prytroy Russian, you will find Tatarina," it is consistent with reality, because Y-chromosomal haploofond Tatar is very specific. It has rare lines for the region, such as J-L283, Q-L245.
In addition, ordinary for Tatars are such lines as R1A-Z93, N-P43.
Where are all these lines of Russians? They are simply not. For Russians and Tatars are typical for the Slavs R1A-Z280, R1A-M458, I-M423.
Their presence in the Tatar Haplofand reflects the influence of the Slavs on the Tatars, but not the opposite.
In other words, the Russians and Tatars are sitting on the same, Slavic substrate, which suggests that the Tatars were assimilated by the Russians, but the Russians were never assimilated by Tatars.

The Tatars themselves have a significant and balto-Slavic, and German, Finno-Ugric, and East Asian, and the overseas components. Genetically - this is a wild solarium. Initially, their ancestors may have been subject to the population of the Huns of the Empire, which subsequently turned into Turkic.

Anthropological diversity of Tatars is also very high. Here you and North-Generaloids are the descendants of the Germans, the Balts and Slavs, and the front-of-compartios - people from the Caucasus and Central Asia, and quite the Mongoloid types (with the exception of the Volga-Kazan Tatars).

Russian and Germans.
Identification of Mitodnk among the Russians, European is either Asian.
Women's haplog groups among Russians are also completely Slavic, as evidenced by their comparison with the same haplogroups of Poles. (Cm. Http://aquilaaquilonis.livejournal.com/18058.html)

The same uniformity demonstrates the comparison of Mitodnk from Russian and German peoples. The data is taken from the European. Obviously genetics at the German Slavic, which allows you to make some conclusions ...

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ___

Actively spread the myth about the Ugro-Finnish, Mongolian or Tatar impurity in Russians, our Ukro-Svidomye "Brothers". But, according to the famous saying, the louder shouts "hold the thief" just thieves.

On the difference between Western Ukrainians and the Eastern Ukrainians (Russian Malorus)

Currently anthropology, paleoanthropology, genetics (data on blood groups, classical markers, autosomal DNA, Y-chromosome, MTDNA, etc.), as well as historical science and archaeology, other branches of science, has been accumulated enough data to make a reasonable conclusion about The fact that (Western) Ukrainians genetically belong to the circle of "Balkan" populations, and the ancestors (Western) Ukrainians migrated to the territory of modern Ukraine, probably from the territory of modern Romania, and originally belonged to the Thracian (Heto-Daci) ethno-linguistic group.

According to anthropology, Western Ukrainians belong to the Alpine race dominant in the circle of "Balkan" populations (South Slavs), and not to the Baltic and Nordic races, dominant in the Northern Slavs (Great Mostsha, Belarusians, Malorus, Poles).

Ukrainians are included in the Dnieper-Carpathian group of populations. This also includes ... Slovaks and partially Czechs, Serbs and Croats, South, Central and Eastern Hungarians.
This is a rather tall, dark-stock exchanged, the brachiekthic population is a population characterized by a relatively wide face.

It is on the line XIX - XX century. Complex Meet, the Givius of the Ludnostec Central Sciences (Seredniy Tom Visik, BrahіKefalіya, to reach the D. Kolіr Ochoma Ta Hair, Zerty-Lyuboye Nose Form, Serious Distille Tree Hair Crew IT. race". Zayovayuchi promіzhna becoming Mіzh Pіvnіchnimi, the pivdennes of єvropoeoeemi, the nose of the complex is characterized by an appearance of numerical Risnovidіv. So, V. Bunak, Klima Vlasna Alpіyski, visiting the Schiydalpіyski, Abo Karpatski, Rasa, Means of Jaco, on Yoj Dumuka, digest Sermo Ukraine.

"Pole, Bіlusurus that Rosіyanin anthropologicine standing in a blizzard one to one;
ukrainian, in his fiction, spirit of Vіdrіznznznayv, Vіd Sivіh V. Sousіdiv і, from anthropologic
saying, loan by Tsіlkom Samostiine Misce "(in the village. Rudnitsky, Art. 182).

"Ukrainian, - Nib_lshu Sports Sports
pivdenni, the words "Yamans" (parakіv) of the words "Yamah" (paragraph. F. Vovka, Art.
http://www.ukrcenter.com/%D0%9B%D1%96%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0. /% D0% 92% D1% 96% D0% BA% D1% 82% D0% BE% D1% 80-% D0% 9F% D0% B5% D1% 82% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B2 / 19903 /% D0% 90% D0% BD% D1% 82% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% BF% D0% BE% D0% BB% D0% BE% D0% B3% D1% 96% D1% 87% D0% BD% D1% 96-% D1% 80% D0% B0% D1% 81% D0% BE% D0% B2% D1% 96-% D0% BE% D1% 81% D0% BE% D0% B1% D0% BB% D0% B8% D0% B2% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 82% D1% 96-% D1% 83% D0% BA% D1% 80% D0% B0 # Text_Top

Also, see the average Russian anthropological type in comparison with the Middle Ukrainian: http://aquilaaquilonis.livejournal.com/18058.html

The presence of a significant Turkic (mongoloid) impurity in Ukrainians is an indisputable fact based on these industries of science ( ntretology, linguistics, genetics). Discussion:http://slavanthro.mybb3.ru/viewtopic.php?t\u003d798.

Ukrainian-Arіitsі і Slodaani, on Vіdmіn Vіd Moskalіv.

Svidomye often say that the Moskali is "descendants of Tatars, Udmords, threes," and they themselves are purebred Slavs. However, judge for yourself

Ukrainians: up to 20% of MTDNA mongoloid impurities

There is no such nation as "Ukrainians" (as there is no nation "Russians"). Alas, it did not work out. The plantation is a separate interesting topic, I will only say that Ukrainians had neither time or possibility due to the difference of mentality, history, culture, language, religion, etc. Lower a single nation even at the political level. Like other sectarians, Ukrainian Svidimites are divided into three categories:

1) Honest, but do not know. These are those who are deceived (ordinary people, mostly vestigurs)
2) knowledgeable, but dishonest; Calling it to deceive the "younger brother".
3) knowledgeable and honest. These are deceiving themselves.

By the way, how Svidomye rewrite the story: now you can find the Essay of Kostomarov in the Public Library, where the hand of an unknown Ukrainian falsifier did "corrections". Tom wears number 31, 117/2: X.
On page 292, 293 printed: "Velikago principality of Russkago". Crossed "Russian", tops writing "Ukrainian".
Printed: "Great Principality of Russian." Crushed "Russian", tops writing "Ukrainian".
Printed: "With office proceedings in Russian." Crushed "Russian", written by hand "Ukrainian".
In such a form, the prepared history is presented to a simple man, which will never check the accuracy of other people or textbooks on history rewritten by svidomites.