A computer

High awards. The book that waited a hundred years to be drawn

Kolomna is a wonderful city. He is both ancient and new. We arrived here well in advance, and before the opening of the exhibition of Zhenya Lotsmanova, we wandered around a bit and took some pictures as a souvenir.
Still, it is not clear why there is not a single bench in the boulevard in front of Ozerov's house ((There is absolutely nothing to sit on with taste. But otherwise - the ratings from the impressions are solid fives.
And the exhibition itself even exceeded our expectations. It seems that they saw for the most part well-known, long-loved, but all the same feelings at the sight of this wealth are fresh and strong. Just like the first time.
For some reason, I have a feeling in the depths of my soul that I remember Zhenya from her very young years. This is, of course, a "false memory". I met her while defending her diploma at the University of Printing Arts, or a little earlier, in the workshop of Boris Arkadievich Diodorov.
I repeat, he has many talented students. And the diplomas that time were defended, too, entirely worthy guys. But no offense to them all be told, Zhenya outshined everyone.
I guess I'm biased. Of course, he is biased - because he is not indifferent. To the art of illustrating children's books, for example. Because this is a very important matter. Dima Shevarov said correctly - the one who is now saving children's illustrations is saving Russia. That's right, and one shouldn't think that this is pathos, big words, exaggeration. After all, today children - and tomorrow people. This is also not my idea, Sergei Mikhalkov said this long ago. It is the children's book, children's and family reading that create that connection between times and generations, which is vital for the development of national self-awareness. This connection has been virtually lost over the past twenty years.
But I will no longer retell other people's clever thoughts, it is better to listen to Shevarov himself.
Zhenya's pictures are very kind, interesting, a little mysterious. They want to look at them, and they will tell a lot to an inquisitive child's gaze, and leave a lot for imagination and reflection.
Said "pictures" - and I want to stop myself. Not pictures, but pood typographic stones, too heavy for fragile girls' hands - this is what Zhenya had to work with. Autolithography is a very laborious and difficult business, requiring a faithful eye, a firm hand and, of course, inspiration. Unlike a drawing or painting, the final result of your hand movements is not immediately visible, but after the appearance of the print (and even engravings are mirror images of the original, where "right-left" is the opposite).

() What else to add? The book of mermaids and magpies is ready for printing. We will wait for its release!
Thanks to Zhenya Lotsmanova, good luck to her!

Director of the Kolomna art school Vasily Berg, director of the cultural center "House of Ozerov" Galina Drozdova, artists Alexandra Pavlova, Alexandra Ponomareva, Nadezhda Chekhonina, Tatyana Karp, Anastasia Shevarova, writer and journalist Dmitry Shevarov speak at the opening of the exhibition "A Little Fairytale Journey" in Kolomna:

22.6.20012, shooting - Alexandra Kirillina

Friends-artists Alexandra Pavlova, Tatyana Karp, Anastasia Shevarova, writer and journalist Dmitry Shevarov talk about Zhenya Lotsmanova:

Interviewed by Yuri Kurneshov, shooting - Alexandra Kirillina

Kolomna hosts the first personal exhibition of Evgenia Lotsmanova, a talented illustrator who has not yet published a single book.

Quiet and modest, in the cultural center "House of Ozerov" the first personal exhibition of a 27-year-old illustrator, a graduate of the Faculty of Graphic Arts of the Moscow University of Printing Arts.

Adults and children, people who are finely versed in art, and those who do not understand at all - everyone walked around the exhibition of Evgenia Lotsmanova, somehow illuminated. Looking at her illustrations for H.K. Andersen, A.N. Tolstoy, S. Pisakhov and K. Lewis, you forget the sad forecasts of experts about the dying of the domestic art of book illustration. After the opening of the exhibition, the artist answered the questions of the "RG" correspondent.

How did it happen that you devoted yourself to such a heavy masculine technique as lithography?

Evgeniya Lotsmanova: Lithography allows you to experiment with the same sketch by varying colors and refining it to find the best solution. And there is a charm in the miraculousness of the printed picture, which usually turns out a little bit different from what you expect.

You called your exhibition a journey. Where are we going?

Evgeniya Lotsmanova:We will go on a journey through fairy tales created by writers from different countries. They carry both a bright national flavor and the spirit of the time when they were created. Russian, European or Oriental tales require a different approach, different artistic landmarks, whether it be Russian popular print and painted spinning wheels, Iranian miniatures or European painting of the 16th-19th centuries.

Your heroes are fabulous - you will not meet such in life. Where do they come from? From dreams, from childhood? ..

Evgeniya Lotsmanova:Yes, mostly from childhood experiences and some vague, but very dear associations ... I draw some of the characters from the closest people. For example, from my mother.

Evgeniya Lotsmanova:As a child, she was very fond of fairy tales and stories about animals. Later I read a lot of classics and adventure literature like The Three Musketeers. One of my favorite books now is "The Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov. I always enjoy reading memoirs, books written in exile, memoirs of people who lived through the most difficult moments of our history. One of the last read - the memoirs of the artist Ostroumova-Lebedeva.

When did you feel like an illustrator?

Evgeniya Lotsmanova: It all started with a wonderful picture painted by my mother for the "City of Masters". She was so good at it that I wanted to draw as well.

Your exhibition is a whole fabulous country. What would you call this country?

Evgeniya Lotsmanova: I remember the words of Nika Georgievna Golts, one of my favorite illustrators, said at a meeting with us students. She said: no fictional countries are needed, because all the most interesting and magical things happen nearby, you just need to see it.

They say that your ancestors were icon painters? What do you know about them and do you feel in yourself, in your art, some kind of generic continuity?

Evgeniya Lotsmanova: Unfortunately, I don't know much. My maternal great-grandfather came from the village of Yegoryevsky district, where icon painting flourished. In his youth, great-grandfather continued family traditions, but after the revolution he had to change his occupation. Probably, both icon painting and book illustration are forms of art that do not allow too much fuss, including labor that is rather painstaking, requiring "deep immersion" and intense mental work.

Who are your favorite artists?

Evgeniya Lotsmanova: I love Flemish and Dutch painting, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Rembrandt, Hals, Vermeer. I am happy to appeal to many masters of European painting up to the end of the 19th century. In Russian art I really love Korovin, Kustodiev, Vrubel, all the "world of art". I am in awe of Benois's ABC and Bilibin's books. And of course, my great and endless joy is the masters of Soviet book graphics, whose pictures have been dearly loved since childhood: Konashevich, Yuri Vasnetsov, Mavrina, Ustinov, Eliseev, Golts and many, many others. And I especially want to say about the illustrations by my dear teacher Boris Arkadyevich Diodorov, which for me already at the institute became a real inspiration.

You write poetry, you sing, you make dolls ...

Evgeniya Lotsmanova: I manage only a small part of what I want to do. But different hobbies, I feel, feed each other. Singing Russian folk songs inspires pictures for Russian fairy tales, if there is no time to draw an image that suddenly appeared, you can write a poem about it somewhere on the road, and creating dolls, working with volume, with different textures and materials helps to sculpt the shape in a drawing easier.

It is often said that children are indifferent to books, to reading, that soon the book will die. What would you say to such skeptics?

Evgeniya Lotsmanova: Information can be obtained with the help of computer technology, but most likely it will be kaleidoscopic. The book, on the other hand, is capable of carrying a holistic artistic image that will educate the child's taste, being an understandable, comfortable and tangible house for words and characters who live and act in it, like actors in a play played for one small spectator and for his closest people.

Please read one of your summer poems for children.

Evgeniya Lotsmanova: Summer? Then this: "Happy mooing, / Grasshoppers chirping, / Fragrant meeting / of a pre-gloomy dawn, / Honey-fragrant / earth fragrance, / You sleep today, sun, / and burn again tomorrow!"

The exhibition of Evgenia Lotsmanova is open until July 22, 2012 in the cultural center "House of Ozerov" (Moscow region, Kolomna, Krasnogvardeyskaya st., 2).

Traditionally, on the Day of the Cultural Worker, awards are given in the Kremlinpeople who have dedicated their work to the younger generations, as well as those who, despite their own young years, have already said their significant word in art.

Some of the laureates are already recognized masters, others are barely over thirty. But their accomplishments in the field of visual arts and music are undeniable. Those who receive awards on this day make a huge contribution to the formation of in a society of moral values \u200b\u200band moral guidelines.

Evgenia Nikolaevna Lotsmanova is a laureate of the President of the Russian Federation Prize for Young Cultural Workers in 2015.The prize was awarded for his contribution to the development of Russian art of illustration.

Evgenia Lotsmanova is an illustrator. Her works are remarkable for their amazing attractiveness, kind and light attitude towards the characters, attentive attitude to the text.The illustrations are made in the technique of color lithography using heavy lithographic stone, which requires a lot of patience and physical strength.

E. Lotsmanova is a worthy successor of the traditions of Russian book illustration, the heritage of T. Mavrina, Y. Vasnetsov, E. Rachev, B. Diodorov. But the young artist has a unique style of her own.

“Unfortunately, now many talented young illustrators are leaving the profession due to life and material difficulties. And this award, I am sure, will be able to show that the profession of an illustrator is honorable, significant and supported by the state at the highest level, ”the laureate emphasized.

Elena Andreevna Cheburashkina is a laureate of the President of the Russian Federation Prize for Young Cultural Workers in 2015. The prize was awarded for his contribution to the development of Russian design and art education.

For the first time among those awarded this prize, not a writer or a musician, but a representative of the applied profession - a designer. Elena Cheburashkina graduate and teacherdepartment "Artistic design of furniture" MGHPU them. S.G. Stroganov, conducts disciplines "Project" and "Ergonomics in furniture", lectures on the history of furniture design of the 20th century. Elenais engaged in the design of interiors of kindergartens, develops unique furniture for kindergartens, which is at the same time a means of development and entertainment for the child. You can draw on its tables, and the play area easily turns into a children's bedroom.

"Many thanks to my loving husband, my patient children, mom and dad. Mom, dad, thank you for bringing me up like this. Perhaps at least now you will stop calling me a little piglet," Elena Cheburashkina said in her speech.


Kolomna, Moscow region

Since January 30, within the framework of the Youth Creative Workshop project in the Ozerov House Cultural Center, the Fairy Forest exhibition dedicated to the Year of Literature in Russia has been open. The exhibition presents book illustrations to the fairy tales of H. K. Andersen, member of the Moscow Union of Artists, Evgenia Lotsmanova.

About the author: Evgenia Lotsmanova was born in 1985 in Kolomna, graduated from the Children's Art School and chose the profession of an illustrator. Drawing from early childhood was a favorite pastime - after all, Evgenia's maternal relatives were icon painters in the Yegoryevsky district of the Moscow province. In 2007, Evgeniya graduated from the Moscow State University of Printing Arts.

Now Evgenia Lotsmanova is not only an illustrator. She also writes children's poetry and dreams of publishing a book, illustrating it with her drawings. The profession of an illustrator accompanies and, to some extent, complements the artist's hobby - making designer toys: dolls and fabulous compositions from various materials (papier-mâché, paperclay, keramoplast, mohair).

Most of the works in the exhibition are illustrations for the fairy tale The Magic Hill by H.C. Andersen. For the young artist Evgenia Lotsmanova, the Magic Hill is the second published book with her illustrations, which revived this fairy tale, and cannot but cause admiration. After all, how much an artist means to a book!

The illustrations of this truly fabulous book are based on the artist's diploma work, but significantly revised for this edition. Drawings in a technique that is rare today, which is considered to be a heavy male technique - lithography. The rich artistic language and vivid expressive possibilities of the lithography technique helped to create a complex, fun and somewhat mysterious world.

Eugenia herself writes about the chosen technique: “Lithography allows you to experiment with the same sketch, varying colors and refining it in search of the best solution. And there is a charm in the miraculousness of the printed picture, which usually turns out a little bit different from what you expect ... I draw some characters from the closest people. For example, from my mother. "

Illustrations ... They, like a light cloud, envelop and immerse in a fairy tale, create an unusually magical atmosphere. Evgenia Lotsmanova created a small world inhabited by creatures so cute that the fairy tale Magic Hill will become one of your favorites! It seems that the illustrations created with such warmth and love cannot but find a response in the hearts of the audience. The Fairytale Forest exhibition is a journey through the fairy tales of H.K. Andersen, which makes you want to read or re-read the wonderful tales of the Danish writer.

Cultural center "House of Ozerov"

Moscow region, Kolomna, st. Krasnogvardeyskaya, 2


From Moscow: from st. m. "Vykhino" by bus No. 460 to the stop. "Bank", from Kazansky railway station by train to the station "Golutvin", then by tram No. 3, buses No. 5.10 or fixed-route taxis No. 68, 20 to the stop. "Square of 2 revolutions"

On March 25, the Day of the Cultural Worker, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin presented the graduate of the Ivan Fedorov Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Yevgenia Nikolaevna Lotsmanova with the prize for her contribution to the development of the national art of illustration.

It is very difficult to describe the feeling of joy, comfort, returned childhood that arises when looking at the work of Eugene. "They smell like the wind of the field and the damp earth, the wrongs speak their own languages, everything in them is fun, absurdly powerful; like in a real animal game, everything is imbued with healthy animal humor." She did not have to invent childhood, climb after it into the abandoned attic of memory. It is near her, just reach out. (I'll tell you a secret: Zhenya still plays with dolls - in the sense that she makes toys, and you can see them at exhibitions.)

(works are clickable)

A fragile girl works with heavy lithographic plates, improving dozens of times what has become completely weightless - the true art of classical book illustration. The result is masterpieces - flickering, magical pictures that can be looked at for hours, read and re-read, like real fairy tales.

This sorceress is "a bird from Diodorov's nest." Her name is Evgenia Nikolaevna Lotsmanova. I think you will remember that name. "

Evgenia speaks very warmly about her beloved teacher Boris Arkadyevich Diodorov: "He helped me to believe in myself, helped me make a life choice in favor of sincere art, sincere creativity - the kind of creativity that my soul asks for."

Butterflies. "Magic Hill" by G.H. Andersen

Little Merman. "Magic Hill"

Evgenia Lotsmanova was born on January 14, 1985 in Kolomna, Moscow Region. She graduated from the children's art school and chose the profession of an illustrator. Drawing was a favorite pastime from early childhood, it is no coincidence that Eugenia's maternal relatives were icon painters in the Yegoryevsky district of the Moscow province. In 2007, Evgeniya graduated from the Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Recipient of a diploma from the Union of Artists of Russia (2010), winner of the competition in the category "Best Children's Edition" at the Big Book Fair (Perm, 2013). Member of the Moscow Union of Artists.

Author of illustrations for the books "Tales of 1001 Nights" (2007), "Magpie Tales" by A. Tolstoy (2013), "The Magic Hill" by G. H. Andersen (2014), "Little Forest Tale" by N. Maksimova (2015) ... She also created a series of illustrations for "Gulliver's Travels", "Chronicles of Narnia", "Tartuffe", a series of lithographs dedicated to the historical places of Russia. Participant of numerous exhibitions of illustrations, including three personal ones.

Ball. "Magic Hill" (clickable, but better viewed in parts)


Firebird. "Magic Hill"

Forest maidens. "Magic Hill"

Feast. "Magic Hill"Snow house. Magic Hill "

Mouse. "Magic Hill"

Cloud. "Magic Hill"Elves. "Magic Hill"

Harp. "Magic Hill"

Maximilian Voloshin a hundred years ago said this about The Forty Tales: “Genuine poetry, like genuine painting, like genuine feminine charm, are not accessible to words and definitions, because they themselves are already the final definitions of complex systems of feelings and states ... "