
Interesting giveaways on April 1 for friends. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and practical jokes. You are a young couple

Magic button.

A group of people enter one subway car. Everyone walks in so that no one suspects that they are together. After some time, as the train leaves the station, one of those who entered comes up to the button for communicating with the driver, pretends to press it and speaks so that as many people as possible can hear: "Hamburger and big Coca-Cola in carriage number ____" (the carriage number is written next to the button). Having said that, he simply stands and waits for the next station. At the next station, another person (preferably wearing a T-shirt or a Coca-Cola cap) enters this carriage and asks loudly: "Who ordered the hamburger and Coca-Cola." The person who ordered comes up, picks up the "order", quickly calculates and drives on. The one who brought the order must have time to get off at this station. The train starts to move. The man again approaches the button and says: "To the final without stopping." The reaction from the passengers is simply indescribable.

Labilization of employees

On the information stand in the office, hang up a notice: “Everyone who has not gone through labilization, urgently go to office number ... and contact (name, patronymic of someone from the staff, preferably with the talent of an actor). For reference: labilization is the pronunciation of speech sounds with rounded lips extended forward. All those who have visited the office No. ... ask them to put their lips together as a duck and say: "April 1, not trusting anyone!"

Well, and a few more ideas collected in the net and for their own life.

I want to note that my friends on April 1 no longer pick up the phone when I call - oh, and I love to play pranks!)))

i practice calling friends and relatives urging them to do something - to go outside, because I’m standing there all in anticipation, to start preparing a festive dinner, because, they say, distant relatives are coming, etc. But here, too, I wouldn't go too far - once I played a prank on a colleague, saying that there was a large batch of cheap champignons and when I called back an hour later to congratulate him on April 1, it turned out that he had already agreed to sell these mushrooms, and to another city, and the car has already left for them ... I got it in full)))

1.home slippers, money, important things on tape and to the floor, wall, etc.

2. I really like the idea, but I have not tried it yet - pour talcum powder into the hair dryer - they say, effectively :)

3. a little more about toilet paper - you can roll out a roll and write all sorts of nonsense, jokes, draw faces, etc.

4.Change the contents of the detergents - for example, replace the shampoo with dishwashing detergent, but don't mess with solvent bleaches)

5. While the pets are sleeping, you can carefully sew their pajamas to bed linen, paint their nails with varnish, do makeup)))

6. Well, do not forget, of course, about all kinds of cockroach flies and other abominations, inscriptions on the back, etc.

7. and for the lazy, you can pretend in advance that you are looking for ideas for pranks, wink, tell everyone - get ready, and ... with pleasure all day long to watch how everyone shies away from you, expecting some nasty things!

In 1998, the American giant Burger King chain ran a promotional message announcing a new type of "Left-Handed Whopper" hamburger intended for 32 million left-handed Americans. In fact, the novelty was no different from the Whopper hamburger existing at that time, the only thing was that all the ingredients were specially rotated 180 degrees for this category of customers. As you may have guessed, the joke was timed to coincide with the April 1st celebration. Literally, the very next day, the company issued a refutation, admitting that it wanted to make a joke in honor of the holiday. The irony of life is that, firstly, the joke turned out to be long-lasting, and, secondly, it caused a funny inconvenience to the staff of fast food restaurants. The fact is that thousands of customers began to demand a sandwich for left-handed people, but even more people asked for a sandwich for right-handed people when ordering.

Agree, an interesting and revealing story that once again reminds us how carefully you need to joke. At least it is recommended. On April 1, for sure, everyone around will try to "pin up" and play you, however, you must reciprocate. True, there are some precautionary rules. Do not organize jokes that make people believe in the loss of parents, children, friends. You also need to be clearly aware of who is allowed to joke over, and for whom a harmless prank will become a trauma. And don't bother with jokes for someone who has no sense of humor at all. Good, high-quality, but kind jokes, in the center of which will not be stress and fear, but real subtle humor, will become aerobatics!

Prank a colleague

Due to the fact that many of us will have the first day of April at work, it is imperative to come up with ways to "congratulate" your colleagues! And given the fact that the vast majority of office employees are in front of personal computer monitors, it is worth starting from here.

Where will the Internet go?

In almost every team, there is a person who always has problems with a computer. We can say that these are the "favorites" of system administrators who ask the latter for help literally every day. What do you need to do? Come to work in advance, turn on her computer and set a new home page in the browser When your "victim" decides to take advantage of the Internet, she will face the problem of what is already on the last page of the Internet. In a word, there is nowhere to look further.

Want more computer jokes?

An equally harmless and no less effective joke is played out on the desktop of a personal computer. You also come to the workplace in advance and turn on the colleague's car. Your next action is to print screen of the screen. In other words, you are taking a photo of your desktop with all the folders and settings present. You may have already guessed what you need to do next. You set this picture as the desktop background, and in the settings turn off the visibility of the folders and hide the taskbar. A very funny thing happens, your colleague observes a familiar situation in front of him, but, in fact, he cannot perform a single action, because all folders are not clickable. They are just pictures.

Mouse not working?

Swapping the mice of neighboring computers in places seems to have become a classic. If your team hasn't joked like that yet, it will be funny. Although in any case, a couple of minutes of sincere concern of your partner, and then 10 minutes of laughter and discussion about this, is what you need on April 1.

Called to the boss

Agree, you can't help but go to your boss, appealing that today is April 1, and you, perhaps, are being played. Most of us first of all think about the reasons for the future meeting, about current projects and affairs, in general, about anything, but not about the source of the message and its relevance. Consider yourself lucky if your team is currently in the midst of a process or project. You can think of some of the circumstances of an official meeting with your boss yourself, the main thing is not to betray yourself ahead of time. This is how the whole team observes a nervously gathering employee who is trying to concentrate and prepare answers to future questions. Then he goes out and goes to the boss's door, where he can already be met by someone who will tell about the rally. It's great if your leader is not without a sense of humor and is ready to play along with you. In this case, the development of the script will already depend on your unique office situation.

Intimate situation

As a rule, at work it is not customary to "turn" your personal life inside out. And we are talking not only about relationships with the opposite sex, but also about their own interests, pastime. The next prank will work great on a person who has a passion for photography, or rather who often acts as a model. Do you also have colleagues with 15 albums on social networks? So, it is logical to assume that not all photographs have become public domain, nevertheless, some are too frank, and some are not very successful. You and your group of like-minded people need to come to terms and concentrate at one desktop. What to do? As soon as the alleged "victim" enters the room, everyone starts to look at the monitor and say: "Lenka, it turns out, you have such an amazing figure!" And continue in this spirit, you will notice all the shades of emotion on the face of the "poor" girl, and possibly a scarlet blush. The main thing is not to delay the game, all the salt is in the first reaction.

How to prank your pets?

Not that this is a very creative idea, but fast, kind and efficient. We all start the morning with bathroom treatments. I would like to believe that everyone carefully takes care of oral hygiene and brushes their teeth at least twice a day, but not about that now. You need toothpaste. From it you completely squeeze out the contents. Using a medical syringe without a needle, put the sour cream inside. The dairy product must be fatty, otherwise the liquid sour cream will prematurely give itself out. Can you imagine what your dad will think when he brushes his teeth with sour cream? And what will your significant other decide to tell you? We hope for a good mood and discounts on April Fools' Day! By the way, a similar method is used in the already traditional joke - replacing sugar with salt. You will have to donate a cup of tea or morning coffee to someone, but this is a chance to be remembered for a long time.

Are you a young couple?

You have been dating for some time, and all the talk around is only about the wedding. Grandparents, mothers and fathers, friends and girlfriends are interested - in a word, everyone crawls into their personal lives, and you don't have any thoughts on this yet, or at least real plans ... Well, a great opportunity for a great joke! By the way, you can play a joke all day with loved ones. To do this, you need to buy a beautiful wedding invitation card. Come up with a date and some gentle words, wrap everything in an envelope, enter the image and go! And let everyone be shocked! I dare to assume that questions about marriage will cease to interest your environment for a long time.

The first day of the second month of spring can simply be spent in a good mood, joking and spreading cool jokes among your friends. And also remember to be on the lookout. What if someone decides to make fun of you? Believe me, everyone will demonstrate their sense of humor, including television and university teachers.

Do not forget yourself on this day to make a top list of everything that made you laugh!

April Fool's Day, it is customary to play each other. On this day, smiling and joking is considered a good omen. Have you already prepared pranks for your friends, relatives and colleagues? If not, then we are happy to offer you a selection of the most fun jokes for April 1.

How to play on April 1st

Draw at home... Give your family a real April Fools' morning! Let your family's day begin with an innocent joke addressed to them!

  • While everyone is asleep, squeeze out the contents from a tube of toothpaste and pour sour cream into it with a syringe.
  • Choose an item of clothing in which the person will go outside and put a spool of thread in his pocket. Thread the end of the thread outward. The thread, of course, will not go unnoticed, but those who want to remove it will have to pull the thread for a long time until the spool runs out, or when he himself does not guess that this is an April Fool's joke.
  • Place a box on a tall cabinet, the bottom of which is easy to open. Pour confetti into the box and ask your family to help you get it. Confetti spills over his head.
  • You can sew pieces of fur in the armpit area to a person's jacket. It will be funny when the person raises his hands.

Practical jokes at work. How to amuse your work colleagues and make fun of your boss?

  • If there is someone in your office who is poorly versed in computers, then tell him about email. Start a conversation casually so that he doesn't suspect anything. Suddenly remember that a hundred rubles should be sent to you by e-mail. You open the computer's floppy drive and as if nothing had happened, you get money, which, of course, you put there in advance.
  • Double-sided tape to the table, glue everything that is on the desk of your boss or colleague.
  • Move the clock around the office one hour ahead. Let your boss or coworker think you're late. Time confusion will haunt the whole day!

Draws for the second half. Laughter prolongs not only life, but also the relationship!

  • Invite a girl to a restaurant. The moment she goes to the toilet, pay the bill. At the end of the dinner, fearfully tell her that you forgot your wallet and inform her that you will have to escape from the restaurant.
  • Send your beloved a bouquet of flowers home with a signature from some Vasya or Petit. Arriving home, be surprised and ask who the bouquet is from. Become jealous and suspicious of her. Let it be justified. At the end of the drawing, do not forget to admit to her that you sent the bouquet.
  • Hide all of your man's socks, leaving one in each pair. Let him go to work in multi-colored socks, after all, April 1!

Remember that jokes and pranks on April 1 should not be angry and sharp. Be sure to think about whether the person will be offended by your joke. Well, and of course, after the drawing, wait for the alaverdi addressed to you! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

31.03.2015 09:15

How do the Zodiac Signs behave while intoxicated? It turns out that completely different essences and traits are revealed in them ...

There are many funny horoscopes in which the signs of the zodiac are compared, for example, with household appliances or with cartoon characters. Amazing ...

April 1 is a holiday of humor and laughter, so you need to try to make a funny joke, play some of your loved ones, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and classmates. After all, it is on this day that it is allowed to arrange petty dirty tricks, to scoff at others on completely "legal" grounds.
Moreover, this can be done with practically impunity, because such a holiday is Fool's Day - why be offended!

The main rule is that all the jokes and jokes that you manage to pull off must be harmless, so that afterwards you and the “victim” would have fun laughing at what happened.

So, what is so funny you can think of for a good April Fools' rally, a funny joke?

Home jokes

The first targets for "divorce" are usually family members or close friends with whom you share a common living space.
Therefore, there will be no difficulty in obtaining their personal item or shared items.
So we offer the best ideas!

Put a crumpled newspaper in your shoes

From this, its real size will decrease and it will be extremely difficult to put on shoes. Thus, you can play a trick on relatives who are going to work in the morning or on friends who dropped by to visit you.

By the way, instead of paper, you can put in a slightly inflated balloon. And then enjoy the expression on the face of your "victim" when she feels her leg sink into something soft and shapeless.

Sew up sleeves

For such a joke, you can use a shirt, sweater, jacket, or even a jacket.
It is better to do this in large stitches so that after such a joke the thing does not turn out to be spoiled.
It will also be funny if you sew up trousers or pockets on clothes.
You can develop the idea even more and sew the duvet cover to the sheet. It is better to do this, stepping back about 10–20 cm from the edge of the bed.

Paint your nails

Of course, you can't surprise a girl in this way, so the man should be the object of the joke. Early in the morning, while he is still sleeping, give him a bright manicure. Don't forget to buy nail polish remover in advance!

Seal the doorway

For this, it is recommended to use cling film. When stretched, it is almost completely transparent. The main thing is to straighten it so that there are not a single fold. It will be very funny when someone from all over the run stumbles upon an invisible obstacle.

Jelly with a straw

The essence of the divorce is that you offer to drink juice through a straw, and instead make jelly in a glass.

Freeze draw

The best way to make this joke is to use your car or office keys. They should be put into a cup the night before, filled with water and placed in the freezer.
In the morning, when it's time to rush to work, a surprise awaits your "victim". She will have to quickly warm up the cup or drag it with her to work so that the ice melts along the way.

Head in the bank

Of course, this is not a real head! Any person from the Internet should be printed on A4 photographic paper. Then roll up the photo with a "tube", insert it into a three-liter jar and pour water there. You get the effect of a voluminous head.
It remains to put the jar in the refrigerator and enjoy the wild screams of the one who opens it.

Tasty breakfast

Option number 1

Prepare the trick eggs. Pour white thick yogurt instead of protein, and half a peach instead of yolk. Serve and watch your reaction.

Option number 2

Prepare milk porridge in the evening and place in the freezer. In the morning, as if nothing had happened, offer breakfast with healthy porridge. After the draw, do not forget to warm up your breakfast and feed your family without jokes.

Option number 3

Add gelatin to milk. The milk will stick tightly in the glass so that it is impossible to drink it.

Fun in the shower

There are many options for such jokes:

Lubricate the toothbrush with sharp ketchup, and then rinse it off (the point is that after that, bitterness will remain on the brush, which will immediately be felt by the one who starts brushing their teeth);

Pour mayonnaise or milk into a jar of shampoo;

Unscrew the diffuser on the shower, put a cube of chicken broth inside and screw it into place;

Pour flour into a hair dryer;

Cover the soap with clear nail polish;

Pick up a shaving cream that looks like a paste and put it in bath accessories instead of toothpaste.

The coolest prank in the shower is writing with soap on the mirror. It can be a phrase like "You are next" or "I will come for you." When the lettering is dry, it will become invisible. But as soon as the bathroom is filled with steam after taking a shower, all the letters will show through.

Various jokes for colleagues or friends

How can you ignore your friends and colleagues on April Fool's Day ?! For them, so dear and beloved, it is worth coming up with something more serious than glued pens (pencils, sheets of paper, etc.)!

Office jokes

1. Make a box without a bottom, fill it with confetti (snacks, paper clips, etc.), write on it in large letters "Gift" ("The most beautiful", "Award", etc.) and put it in a conspicuous place ... As soon as someone picks up the box, its contents will spill out, and everyone around will have fun.

2. Give your colleagues a pen with ink that disappears in half an hour.

3. Pour nail polish onto wax paper and let dry. Then carefully remove the resulting blot and transfer it to a document. Now take an open bottle of nail polish in your hand, portray horror on your face and start apologizing loudly.

4. Place counterfeit money in a prominent place in the office. On the reverse side, sign "From April 1!" Anyone who reaches out for "other people's" money will appreciate this joke.

5.Using tape, attach the balloon to the wall towards which the door opens. And on the door itself, glue the button opposite the ball. Now, as soon as someone opens the door, the button will stick into the ball and a loud bang will sound.

6. Cut a wide strip of orange peels, draw a few bold vertical lines on it with a black marker and insert it in front of your teeth. With such a charming smile, you can approach anyone and congratulate you on the holiday.

7. Cover the pencil lead with clear nail polish. Nobody can write anything to them.

8. Imperceptibly tie a plastic cup to the bag by a string, which is on the table and will fall from it when the hostess takes the bag. You can pour water into a glass, but this will not be a completely harmless joke.

Salary increase orders

On the information board in the morning, a pleasant announcement should be placed in the form of a fake order, where you can declare a day off for employees for something, or an order to raise wages, etc.

How do you feel?!

Agree in advance with colleagues that they will ask the same thing from the "object" chosen for jokes. When the object appears, you need to pretend that it looks very bad and ask leading questions.
for example:
What did you skip all night yesterday, buddy?
This is "your face is Sharapov!"
Go to the toilet, put yourself in order, otherwise the boss won't understand!

Such different desires

On the back, discreetly stick a sticker with various inscriptions.
for example:
1. I am looking for a husband. Phone (specify).
2. I'm losing weight - offer only buns with cottage cheese!
3. Invite me on a date even though you!
4. Call me today “My bunny! Angela ".

There is something wrong with you

The most common joke. On the day of April 1, when you see your friend, you need to say with confidence that something is wrong with him (her).
For example, a white back, a torn knee, a torn elbow, a dirty face, etc. It is necessary to speak with a serious face, insisting on "what has been seen" so that the addressee could not realize for a long time that they are being joked about.

April Fools' jokes for his beloved wife

And, of course, the most important rally for April 1 needs to be organized for your “second half”.

Surprise in a box

Prepare a gift for her using the famous rewrapping trick. Only this time, put a note with the text "Happy April Fool's Day" in the gift box.
Try to wrap the box with paper as many times as possible, put the bundle in other boxes and seal them with tape. The longer you have to mess around to get the gift, the cooler the prank will be.
By the way, don't forget to buy a real gift to hand over after laughing at the joke together.

Gift with delivery

Continuing the theme of gifts, we offer an even larger drawing. Buy a large stuffed toy, a box of chocolates, or something else for your sweetheart. The main thing is that the gift should be wrapped in special wrapping paper!

In this prank, you will need the help of a friend that your girlfriend does not know personally. He will have to play the role of a courier and bring these gifts to her home.
After the presentation, you need to wait about 30 minutes so that the girl has time to remove the wrappers, eat a few sweets.
Then the courier returns and says that the address was wrong and he needs to pick up the gifts. He should try to express maximum dissatisfaction with the fact that the packaging is damaged and the box of chocolates is open. It is important that he does not overdo it and bring your wife to tears.
At the most critical moment, you appear in the apartment, announce that it was a drawing, return all the gifts and, in addition, hand over a large bouquet of flowers.

Fake offer

If your loved one has a good sense of humor, then here's another prank for her. Buy a small cup with a rounded gilded handle and a box similar to those used to pack jewelry. Place the cup in it so that the handle sticks up, cover it with tinsel. Lay a cardboard partition with a slot on top, into which the rounded part of the handle will look out, and also sprinkle with a thin layer of tinsel. Everything should look like there is a ring in the box.
On April 1, organize an appropriate romantic setting and hand the girl a box. And then watch her reaction and be ready to dodge the cup flying at you.
It should be noted that this is a very tough prank for a girl who really dreams of getting a marriage proposal from you! Therefore, you can arrange such a "surprise" only if you are sure that she will understand everything correctly and appreciate your sense of humor.

Fake lover

Girls can also decently "tickle the nerves" of their boyfriend on the occasion of the holiday of laughter. Ask familiar friends for men's clothing and shoes. Then, while he is at work, make a "path" of scattered things in the apartment from the front door to your bedroom (your clothes and underwear mixed with men's). Make a mess on the bed and make a semblance of a human figure under the covers so that from the side it seems that someone is lying there.
For greater effect, arrange with one of your boyfriend's friends to tell him how he saw you with a stranger entering the house. You can expect your boyfriend in bed, or pretend you just got out of the shower. Just try to predict his reaction in advance in order to avoid a serious quarrel and bring the rally to a conclusion.

To beloved husband

What's with your car ?!

Option number 1
Tie ropes with metal cans at the other ends to the bumper of the car. Hide the entire structure under the car and wait for its movement.

Option number 2
Put dry peas in a plastic or plastic box. Tape on the bottom of the machine. Noise while driving and panic too!

Option number 3
Stick the message on the windshield: “Today I hit (touched, scratched) your car. I apologize, call me, we will agree! " Write a phone number. If the call goes through - congratulate on April Fool's Day. Another version of the letter: “You hit my car. Video recording is available. Call - we will agree! ".

Option number 4
A small amount of powdered sulfur can be injected into the muffler of a car. When the car is started and the muffler starts to warm up, blue smoke with an unpleasant odor will come down, which will confuse anyone, do not forget to immediately congratulate the holiday and calm your husband.


Option number 1
If the shoes are very dirty, one should be put in order, and the other should be left in its original form. Put a sticker or a postcard with the inscription - "From April 1, dear!" Into the dirty boot.

Option number 2
Tie the laces of the boots tightly together. Congratulations from April 1 can be signed "Together and forever!"

Practical jokes for any occasion

With food

1. Pour crackers or snacks into the cat food packaging, and then sit down in front of your colleagues and absorb the contents with appetite. Similarly, you can pour milk powder into a box from a washing powder or insert Mamba gummies into a glue stick case.

2. Treat a friend to a sandwich with a rubber cockroach placed under a piece of sausage.

3. Order a cocktail for a friend and, as soon as your companion turns away for a minute, make a hole in the tube with a needle. Then have fun watching his futile attempts to finish his cocktail.

4. Give a friend a cola on ice. The essence of the rally is that the ice must be unusual - inside it you must first freeze the menthos candy. When the ice around the candy melts, there will be a violent reaction from the interaction of cola and menthos - a fountain will begin to beat from the glass!

5. Lubricate the neck of a soda bottle with a head of garlic and treat to a friend.

Jokes using your phone

1. Download the "Scare a friend" application or animated horror pictures to your phone and send such a surprise to your friend in a message.

2. Change the signatures in the contacts on your friend's phone and call him on behalf of the boss, his girlfriend, parents, etc.

3. Install the "Add a ghost to photo" application on your phone. Then take a photo of your friend, quickly edit the photo and show it to him right away. He has to believe that this is the real photo that was just taken.

4. Download the Dude Your Car program. Then take a photo of your friend's car and edit the picture so that it looks like the car has been in an accident. It remains to wait until a friend leaves the car in the parking lot and you can send him a message.

5. One of the most fun pranks you can play with your phone is to download the Smart TV Remote app. After that you can control any TV: switch channels, adjust the volume. Put on this show at home, when someone is watching TV, in the office, or go with a friend to an electrical store and have plenty of fun.

6. There is another similar program that allows you to control a computer mouse through your phone or connect to a keyboard. Play this to a colleague or friend, starting to type various nonsense on his computer and open all the folders in a row.

Computer gags

1. Set an alarm clock on your computer with a cool sound and turn the volume up. Let it work at the most inopportune moment: during a meeting, in a computer science lesson, when mom is watching her favorite TV series, etc.

2. Download a picture of a cracked monitor screen on the Internet and install it on your computer as a screensaver. Remember to discreetly disconnect the mouse and keyboard cords. Your friend will be shocked to think that his PC is broken.

3. If you don't want to bother too much, you can tape the hole for the LED sensor with tape on the computer mouse. To make it more fun, place a picture with a cool inscription under the scotch tape. When your friend fiddles with a non-working mouse for five minutes, he will think of turning it over and understand the essence of the joke.

In conclusion, one more useful tip... For the draw on April 1, you don't have to think and prepare for a long time. On the eve of the holiday, you can look into a joke store. There is definitely an interesting little thing that will help make this day unforgettable: a fart pillow, sippy glass, candy with pepper, deodorant with an unpleasant smell - this is not a complete list of gizmos that can be found in such establishments.
And then - from April 1! And it all depends on your imagination!

Everyone needs positive emotions. Humor helps a person maintain health and increase vital energy. We offer fresh ideas so that you can arrange witty pranks on April 1st to cheer up your friends and family.

Giveaways for April 1 for friends

Kind wet friend

Consider a charming April Fools' prank on friends, it works flawlessly in any room. Our loved ones are always glad to come to the rescue, but at the beginning of April this desire can turn into an embarrassment for them. In order to pull off this cute prank for a helpful friend, you need the following items:

  • plastic container with water;
  • ladder, chair or stool;
  • a mop or similar long object;
  • a room where there are no objects that can be spoiled by water.

So that the joke on April 1 is not harmful, think in advance where exactly it can be done. Take a container and fill it with water - warm or cold at your discretion. Stand on a ladder or chair and press the container firmly against the ceiling. Now seriously turn to your friend and ask for urgent help, explaining to him what to do - to rest the mop next to him in the bottom of the bowl. The main thing is to do it quickly, so that the "victim" does not start asking questions and does not smell a catch.

As soon as a friend "bought" your request and reliably propped up the container, standing on the floor, quickly get off the stairs or chair, take this pedestal with you and immediately leave. So, we get the result: a friend was left holding a container of water, leaning against the ceiling. Hands gradually grow numb, no one comes to the rescue. At this moment, you can simply contemplate the situation from an inconspicuous place or create a video clip for YouTube. Do not hesitate, this clip will be watched by many, likes are guaranteed.

One fine moment, very soon, your friend will get tired of holding the mop and drop the plastic container, water will flow down. Do not forget to sincerely congratulate your wet friend on the first of April.

Smartphone broken on emotions

For this fun show, pick the friend who has the coolest phone, smartphone, or small tablet. What is required for this show:

  • find a case from a gadget on sale (it should be the same as a friend's case or very similar to it);
  • find a place where you could “smash the phone,” such as against a wall or floor.

So, politely ask a friend for his expensive gadget to call. Simulating a conversation, move a little further away and discreetly replace his device with an empty case. Alternatively, you can use a suitable old, worn out telephone. Put the real gadget in your pocket.

When speaking, pretend that you are quarreling with someone. At the right moment, when the owner of an expensive phone is alert and starts listening, give the impression that you are furious, then smash the imitation of the gadget with all your might against any object or trample it with your feet. Anyone would believe in such a realistic joke.

Eater of the inedible

Conducting a super bold experiment on especially naive friends on the street. For this event, prepare this kit:

  • squash caviar (or another substance that resembles feces, such as chocolate paste);
  • pieces of toilet paper or napkins stained with the same food;
  • the spoon.

We spread squash caviar or any other product that looks like excrement in a chosen clean place. We lay out dirty toilet paper nearby. We take a friend and go for a walk to the prepared area.

As soon as your portion of caviar or chocolate paste catches your eye, you can immediately run up, take a spoon out of your pocket and start your meal right in front of your friend. Just don't explain anything. Less words. And do not forget to say that you need to have time to try this "dish" while it is fresh. The friend will be shocked.

Draws for April 1:phone jokes are rightfully considered one of the funniest

Telephone draws

Electrician electric shock

To create funny situations, you just need a landline phone, which is gradually going out of circulation, but still occurs here and there. Call one or more people and seriously ask them not to make phone calls for 10 minutes, explaining that the repairer working on the line may suffer from this - he will be electrocuted.

Call this subscriber back in 5 minutes. As soon as he decides to pick up the phone and you connect, you need to make a terrible cry. Then we wait for a reaction or break the connection.

Call a friend on April 1st

You can record a comic message on any topic, change your voice using an audio processing program, of which there are many for Android. Calling a friend, immediately click on play, a friend listens to your recording, expect a reaction.

For example, you can use an official voice to inform that within an hour or several minutes your friend will be transferred to the Dual tariff, where the cost of all services doubles. Also, the operator can inform in a calm official tone that all funds to help planet Earth have been debited from the account.

Also, calls from the police in a male voice, which narrate about an offense, work well. It consists in the fact that too little attention is paid to a certain loved one, catastrophically few gifts are given, and the like.

For people with a stable psyche, reports that his car is scratched or his phone is stolen are suitable. The choice of topics is limitless, depending on the person you need to play a trick on. Think about how he will perceive this or that message. Record the voice prank yourself, applying the necessary effects and noises, or download such a track on the Internet. Of course, some expect such pranks and immediately expose them, but many come across.

Comic SMS

To arrange an SMS joke, you need an unfamiliar number. Here are some examples of April Fools' messages:

  • Attention, subscriber! You are in a network idle zone. Please cross the road. Otherwise, 100 (or another amount, depending on the state of the account) rubles will be immediately debited from your account.
  • Dear (name), you are on the criminal investigation department! At the moment, the special services have determined your location via satellite. Order to stay put until operatives arrive.
  • Amendments have been made to the system of payment for utility services by the population. Dear subscriber, put the money in your mailbox. Our employees will do the rest of the work for you. Thank you for your understanding, Bank of Russia.
  • Hello, today until 23.00 the sofa and wardrobe ordered by you will be delivered to the address: (the exact address of the person being played). Prepare the full amount to pay for your furniture. We also inform you that the cost of delivery is 3 thousand rubles, each floor of the work of loaders is 1 thousand rubles.
  • Dear (name), immediately come to the clinic (indicate the office number). Free vaccination of the population against feline flu is carried out by the end of the week (or day).
  • Attention! Your body weight is over 50 kilograms. Send an urgent SMS message with text 50+ to number 03, and you will receive a guarantee of completely free delivery of weight loss products. City ambulance service.
  • Now (or immediately) raise your head. You are poorly visible in the crowd, I can accidentally catch others. Sniper.

Or come up with something of your own, unique, in the same spirit. The main thing is for the person to believe, make a bewildered face, and maybe make some actions or call back. Then he will be fully congratulated on April Fool's Day.

Draws for April 1 at school

Tea with washing powder

Immediately, we note that school rallies should be the most harmless, not bring disastrous consequences, not violate safety, not spoil the aesthetic education of children and adolescents. Have a cool idea for a cafeteria or holiday tea at school. What you need:

  • an empty box of a known laundry detergent;
  • new plastic bag;
  • granulated sugar or dry baby food.

Let's describe the first option. First, we prepare the props. To do this, in a box where there is not a single gram of washing powder, we discreetly place a plastic bag, fill it with sugar. The ends of the bag must be secured somehow so that they are not visible, and at the same time, the powder particles do not accidentally come into contact with the sand and do not get into food or drink.

We take the school cook as our accomplices, who will defiantly pour the contents of the box into the common kettle, from which delicious tea will be poured for everyone. This can be done for a tea party with the whole class or during your regular lunch break. The main thing is that all the conspirators have serious faces and they do not show the appearance that they know something.

Option two is to replace the powder not with sugar, but with baby food. Any dry infant formula is perfect for this purpose. At the right time, we take out the box from our backpack and enjoy the contents with pleasure. Such an eater is guaranteed to attract the attention of classmates and teachers.

Believe in telepathy

We make a joke at break. What you need:

  • paper;
  • a pen.

What you need to do is to seriously assert to your classmate that you have opened up telepathic possibilities for guessing numbers. For example, he needs to say any number in the range 1-9. Next, ask him to look at a certain place where a piece of paper with the corresponding number will be located. And you, in addition, say that you knew that he would guess.

To carry out this drawing, you need to make several cards with numbers and hide them in different places, be sure to remember their location. For example, put pieces of paper in your pockets or in books under your desk.

Children's drawing in the classroom

Try to ensure that funny pranks do not violate general school discipline. Write a note with the text “look, socks on the ceiling, pass it to another.” It will be funny for the whole class, as well as for the teacher who takes this note and also looks at the ceiling.

Draws for April 1:will cheer you up in any team

Big-eyed products greet mom

What you need:

  • refrigerator filled with food;
  • many funny pairs of eyes;
  • glue.

All draws for April 1 for mom should relate to her usual activities - housework and cooking. Imagine how surprised a housewife will be when a huge number of eyes look at her when opening the refrigerator door. Prepare the eyes in advance, cut them out of cartoons, magazines or draw on paper yourself. You can also take voluminous eyes from old toys, they look even better.

We glue our organ of vision to every product, every jar, to everything in the refrigerator. The main thing is that all eyes are clearly visible and stand out, numerous glances are directed at the person who opens the refrigerator. This harmless prank is perfect for women and always works with a bang.

Breakfast substitution for parents or children

  • canned peach;
  • yogurt or mayonnaise;
  • ginger or apple.

Home pranks for parents on April 1 work best when it comes to food. You can make good scrambled eggs if you buy yogurt of a suitable color and put canned peach instead of the yolk (half a peach is enough). The similarity is amazing. Also don't forget to add the apple wedges to replace the fries. And also the role of potatoes can be played by ginger, the role of protein mayonnaise, and the yolk is a piece of gelatin.

Colored tap water

What do we need:

  • water supply and faucet;
  • coloring tablet or dye in liquid form.

The plumbing prank for mom and sister (or other family members) has been known for a long time, but all the same, everyone comes across it and comes out very funny. You can apply liquid colorant to the splitter of your home faucet, or make it even smarter by unscrewing the splitter and placing food coloring in the form of a tablet on it.

When your relative turns on the tap, they will be shocked by the colored water. It's better to use red for maximum effect. In addition to other dyes, blue, iodinol and the like are suitable.

Miracles with socks

Item set:

  • all the socks of the family member being played;
  • sewing machine or needle and thread.

What you need to do: Sew each sock in the middle across. Thus, a person will insert a leg and not understand why it does not go further as usual. Then he will take another pair, and there is a similar problem - the line in the center. Try to make a light stitch so that the socks can then be restored without disastrous consequences.

Giveaway for April 1 at work

Cat treat for colleagues

Required items:

  • cat food in the form of pads;
  • dry breakfast in the form of pillows.

Positive communication between colleagues and a cheerful corporate spirit are indispensable things for a company in any field of activity, but humor should not interfere with work. For this giveaway, purchase a box of cereal in the shape of chocolate pads and another box of cat food, also in the form of mouth-watering pads.

Change the contents of the box mercilessly and enjoy the effect of a delicious snack from your colleagues.

Computer problems

When your colleague leaves the workplace, we start working with his computer. Make sure your friend is away for the right time, ask him for a favor, or send him to lunch. Open any program, minimize it into a small window and place it in the center of the desktop or anywhere else so that it does not overlap the icons.

Now you need to take a screenshot - that is, a screenshot. To do this, press alt and PrintScreen, then paste the image into a graphics editor, save it and set it instead of your desktop wallpaper.

Your colleague comes and tries in vain to close the program. Then he begins to worry and think that the operating system is frozen. After a reboot, nothing will change. During this time, you will have time to make fun of your colleague.

Congratulations-drawing at the workplace

What you need for a joke:

  • plastic cups;
  • foil, wrapping paper (toilet paper, colored stickers, or the like).

You just have to come up with jokes for your colleagues so that they will remember your antics for a long time. Option one: purchase a large number of plastic cups, completely cover the entire workplace with them and properly block the entire surrounding area. To do this, carefully place the cups on the floor, table, chairs, windowsill, office equipment and other items. They must certainly stand close to each other. You can put glasses on the bottom or on the neck, this is irrelevant.

Your colleague will not be able to get to his territory until he has removed the entire arsenal of cups. He is provided with a lot of physical work, and you have a lot of laughter.

Also, a good fun prank can be done at work using foil. Your task is to wrap literally everything in foil. All furniture, computer, all items on the table, work accessories. We also lay a shiny carpet on the floor.

You can also paste over absolutely the entire car body with colored stickers. It looks amazing.

Universal April Fools' rally in the subway

Thinking about what pranks you can think of for April 1, do not limit yourself to home and work. Go outside to congratulate people on the holiday of laughter. Next, we will describe a wonderful joke in the subway, which can be realized by a couple.

This joke needs a person with a serious face and a solid look. If you are, then confidently enter the carriage at any stop. As soon as the train started, go demonstratively to the place where the driver's call button is located. Simulate the push of a button and say impressively: “Please, a hamburger and 2 Colas in the carriage (state the number of the carriage)” After giving the speech publicly, wait for the next stop, where your accomplice enters and loudly asks people: "Whose order is 2 Cola and a hamburger?"

As soon as you settle with the “delivery man”, take the food, he comes out. The train starts to move again. At this moment, jokingly use the button again, only this time say loudly and distinctly: "We will continue to the final destination without stops!", Or suggest some other route option that is definitely unacceptable for all passengers. Do not forget to arrange video filming - the third accomplice can unnoticeably shoot everything on the phone. Such a creative approach will be well received by any audience.

Do not forget to give your loved ones comic gifts for April 1. Create an uplifting mood for yourself and others. Happy holiday to you, and, by the way, urgently look back, your whole back is white.