
Wow 3.3 5 auction houses. Selling pets in WoW. Why is it profitable to trade between factions

Many newbie gamers do not know how to use the auction features in WOW. An auction is, in fact, a trading platform where you can buy or sell one or another product. There are three auctions in the game world - Alliance, Horde, neutral, or inter-faction.

How to play the wow auction | Buying a lot

To buy any item, you should use the "Search" tab (the first one). You need to enter the name of the product in the search engine and set up filtering. There are a lot of filters, so the setting depends on what exactly you need, for example, it can be regents or weapons, other goods. Using the filtering system, you can also set the desired item and the level at which it should be. So to answer the question how to play the wow auction read on.

When the search is complete, you can immediately buy the lot. But here you may have questions, since you, as a beginner, do not yet know how to use the auction itself. For example, you may be confused by the presence of two lines with the cost of the same product. Here the point is as follows: the bottom line is the ransom amount (that is, the seller sets the price he wants to receive for the product), and the top line is the rate offered by the gamer who wants to purchase this product.

If the price does not suit you, you can bargain, otherwise, immediately redeem the goods. After that, go to the post office to pick up the purchased loot. But if you decide to bargain, place your bid, after which you will have to wait for the end of the auction. In the event that no one interrupts your bid during the entire auction, the goods will be sent to the post office within two days at the latest.

How to sell a lot at the World of Warcraft auction

If you want to sell any product, use the "Lots" tab (the third in a row). After that, select the item you want to sell and place it there. You should decide on the price of the item being sold, and then click the "Announce auction" button. After that, you will be charged a deposit, the amount of which depends on the price of the goods being sold. The item will be returned to the post office if no one buys it within two days, but the deposit is non-refundable.

Features of using the auction

In addition to all of the above, you should also be aware of other features of the auction game in World of Warcraft. First of all, do not forget that both when selling and buying goods at any auction, a commission is necessarily charged - 5% of the value of the goods (which you assigned when selling or for which you are going to buy). Do not forget to take this into account so that you can get the amount you expect.

In the event that for one reason or another you do not want to sell the product, for example, you changed your mind), you have the opportunity to cancel the auction for it by removing the item from sale. To do this, go to the "Lots" tab and check the box on the desired lot. The item will be withdrawn from the auction.

Thus, as you could already understand, using the auction in the game is not difficult. Typically, you can use any of the three auctions available in WOW.

Perhaps you will be interested in another article on our site - how to make money at the auction? We hope we answered your question. where to find the auction and how to play the auction in wow.

The developers of WOW did their best to cut off any contact between the Alliance and the Horde. The orc cannot convey something to the elf through the trade window. The gnome will not be served in the Undercity auction. Why is there trade! We can't really say two words to each other. But there is one small loophole. Tiny. Almost invisible. Usually ignored by most players. Of course, we will talk about neutral auctions.

Our task is to use them for personal enrichment. Let's get started. The money is already tired of waiting.

First, as usual, a little theory. So ... There is a neutral auction in the game, where both Horde and Alliance representatives can trade. Access to this auction is open in three cities - Booty Bay (Stranglethorn Vale), Everlook (Winterspring) and Gadgetzan (Tanaris). Usually this auction is very poor and they sell all sorts of nonsense like cockroaches from Undercity or carefully try to foist shamanic armor on the Horde at crazy prices.

We will analyze several other ways of using it.

Transfer of money

This is done simply. Your friend from the Alliance (Horde) is putting up a piece of leather, one linen cloth or whatever your heart desires for 100 gold. You buy this priceless product, your partner receives the specified amount, and then sends it to your character on the other side by regular mail. As a result, you gave your character, playing for another faction, some amount. An assistant is needed because the game does not allow you to place bets on your own goods, regardless of faction. If you have access to two WOW accounts, then you can do this alone. The disadvantage is 15% income tax. As a result, from 100 gold will remain 85.

Transfer of goods

It is produced in a similar way. But there is a nuance: if you put a high price, we will again lose 15% of the amount, if it is low, the product can be bought before you.

Well, now that we have familiarized ourselves with the “pitfalls” of such transactions, we will study trading schemes, learn how to do without losing money and minimize the risk of transferring goods.

Why is it profitable to trade between factions?

As we mentioned above, the population of the server is unevenly distributed between the Horde and the Alliance. There are many theories that try to explain this: an irresistible craving for long elven ears, horror at the sight of rotting undead skulls, a morbid addiction to the gnomish subway, zeppelinophobia, and many, many other options. But we skeptics and pragmatists don't care. The main question is how to profit from this?

Each server may have its own characteristics. But even without knowing them, I can state in advance that the prices for some items of goods will differ between the Horde and the Alliance. Accordingly, if even within the same auction we can play on the difference in prices wholesale and retail, then trading on two at once - even more so.

Sometimes it may turn out that we do not have to wait for the next decline or fall at all - for example, Greater Eternal Essence in the Alliance will consistently cost 4 gold per piece, and in Horde 5-5.50. That is, we will be able to massively buy goods, transport them to the other side and sell them. Prices are usually lower on the more populated side, but this is not always the case. For your server, you will need to do your research and figure out the situation yourself.

Sometimes the cheapness of a commodity in the Horde compared to the Alliance is not explained by the classical laws of the market. For example, it may happen that the Horde "botanders" will focus on Dark Iron Scraps. The supply will rise, the price will fall - you can very profitably resell this product on the other side. And so on - there are a lot of examples.

However, there is one important principle - the more assortment at the auction, the easier it will be to find cheap goods there. And, accordingly, it will be easier to sell them later on the less populated side, as there will be less competition at its auctions. At the same time, money will tend to accumulate on the side of the faction for which fewer people play. We will need to transfer money from there to a more populated side.

How to transfer money without loss?

As we have already said, direct transfer of money using the “false trade” method is a loss of 15% of the amount.

    When is it acceptable?

    Here it is, the point of transfer of the smuggled goods ...

    The need for a one-time transfer of funds to create start-up capital.Suppose you lose 15 gold out of 100, but taking into account the subsequent earnings of thousands on unsoldering, this can be neglected.

    When is it not acceptable?

    Regular money transfers for the purchase of goods with the aim of subsequent resale.If you make a 30% profit, but 15% is eaten by greedy auction workers, is it worth it? Definitely not. Hence the conclusion - we need to come up with a way to transfer money from the Alliance to the Horde (or vice versa), in which we will not suffer losses.

Method one. You to me, I to you

You find a player with the opposite problem. He wants to transfer money to the Horde, and you - to the Alliance. You send him this amount on your side, he to you - the same on his side. No taxes, everyone is happy. Alternatively, he just has this money, and he will do you a favor by transferring a part to you and taking this part by his character from another faction.

How to find such people? Ask around in your guild, ask friends on both sides of the barricades. Usually finding several of these people is not a problem. The disadvantages of this method - even if you transfer one or two thousand gold pieces, they will very soon move back to the side where you will sell the goods. Yes, you will make a profit, but the money on the buying side will run out and trading will stop. You will need to search for people again to transfer funds, but you cannot always find them. You will look sadly at the cheap essences at Ironforge, but there is simply nothing to buy them for. In other words, the “You to me, I to you” method is very good, but it will not be possible to use it regularly.

Method two. Money disguised as a product

For example, the prices of product X do not differ on either side of the ocean. Moreover, this product is popular and does not require a deposit. In such a situation, we can transfer it from one side to the other through the same auction, redeeming it for one copper coin, and thus avoid costs. Then we sell it at an auction and get the money. Moreover, having found a product that will cost more on the more populated side, we can not only transfer money, but also earn at the same time! That is, to conduct profitable trade in both directions.

How to transfer goods with minimal risk?

To avoid losses on taxes, the transferred goods must be redeemed at meager prices - for example, 1 Copper. Quite a reasonable price. “But how, how! - a careful reader will exclaim. - What if someone sees this product and buys it for one copper ?! "

The risk does exist. Recently, however, I have transferred a couple of thousand gold worth of goods, while losing only two Large Brilliant Shard. And even then the loss was due to my oversight. Our task is to minimize the risk, and I will now tell you how to do this.

Seat selection

The best place to transfer goods- Booty Bay auction... The one next to the bank. Why exactly he? The answer is simple. It is this access point to the neutral auction that is visited most often. Everlook is usually empty. There are more people in Gadgetzan, but the auction is in some kind of basement and does not attract much attention. And in Booty Bay, there are griffin-masters, a bank, and the city itself is crowded. As a result, if there is no one near this point, then at the moment the neutral auction is viewed by the minimum number of people.If people (elves, dwarves, taurens) are standing next to the auction, just wait - do not conduct any trade until they leave.


If you are playing on a European server, the best time to transfer goods is overnight... If for some reason you prefer to sleep at night, hand over the goods when you can - this is not so important.


We remember that an assistant is required for the transfer. If you will exchange goods with dances and dances every day at the same time in the same place, and then arrange a duel next to the seller in Booty Bay, while one of you will always be of the first level, then do not be surprised that after a while, they may start tracking you.

It does not follow from this that you need to fall into paranoia, change characters all the time and transfer goods exclusively at the bottom of the sea. Simply try not to advertise your trade relations, do not attract too much attention... Or, for example, this advice - when listing items for auction in Booty Bay, one of you may be hiding behind a box behind the auctioneer. Simple but useful.

Synchronization of purchase and sale

And the most important thing. Between placing an item for sale and buying it for 1 Copper, no more than 3-4 seconds should pass... How is this achieved?

First, you must agree on a sales sequence. For example, first the Greater Eternal Essence is set, then the Essence of Air and finally a pack of Dark Iron Scraps.

Secondly, after the item is put up for auction, the seller must give a signal. Ideal is using Skype, TeamSpeak or Ventrilo. If this is not possible, signal using game emotions, for example, / ready.

As soon as the / ready signal sounded, you press the search button with the product name already entered and redeem it. Between the placement of lots of goods, pauses of 5-10 seconds should be made so that the buying side can again prepare for a quick finding and purchase.

It is important:do not be confused that this type of trading requires an assistant. We all help each other - with things, quests, money, and so on. Why not help someone in organizing the trade chain or ask for such help? This is normal.

In a nutshell: in WoD, the auction will be cross-factional. First reaction: it's high time. How will this affect the economy of the game? And here we need more details. To begin with, let me remind you that trade between factions is implemented in the form of neutral auctions in Pirate Bay and Gadgetzan. However, trading on them is one hassle. First, you can't sell anything to yourself there. That is, if I spread this product with an alliance character, then I cannot buy it with my Horde. Secondly, greedy goblins charge 15 percent of the commission. Maybe that's why neutral auctions are not popular and the cat cried out the goods there.

With all this, my trading experience is definitely positive. On Nordrassil-EU, the faction ratio is about 40/60 in favor of the Horde. Accordingly, there are more goods on the Horde auke and the prices are lower. You can do business, especially since I have a second account. On this difference, I played with profit, although I did not do it for long.

How will this innovation affect the economy of Azeroth? Depends on the server. For servers with 50/50 or slightly skewed shares, nothing special will happen. I think that many will not notice this, unless the hucksters who know competitors by sight. For servers with a slight bias, there will be a small period of chaos until prices equalize. On single-faction servers, essentially only the minority faction will win.

In general, nothing special will happen in the economy. But the very step of the bliz in bringing the factions closer is interesting. I don't know about you, but I expect other pleasant things to follow the merger of auctions.

For example, the ability to understand the language of another faction. Now the situation is close to absurd. Why can faction leaders communicate with each other and we cannot? Are mercenaries stupid enough not to learn the language in so many years? And from the point of view of roleplay it would be great. The possibility of holding joint events of the Alliance and the Horde would become real. By the way, there is no such limitation in SWTOR. Representatives of different factions can talk to each other without problems. I remember witnessing an RP conversation between a Sith and a Republican at Tomb of Freedonn Nadd.

The second trifle is the ability to send items from a character of one faction to a character of another. Now everything is limited to the transfer of inheritance. This would definitely be a plus. Again, SWTOR can send items and money between factions. At least between the characters of the same account. Very convenient in every sense.

Something like this. Who knows, maybe the unification of auctions is one of the steps towards finally putting an end to the sluggish conflict between the factions?

An integral part of the game is the auction - a place where players can buy and sell items obtained during the adventure. For beginners, however, it is sometimes difficult to understand this system. We hope our WoW auction guide will help them with this.

What is an auction?

The system of obtaining items in WoW is very wide: every day players receive a huge amount of things, mine ore, find rare plants, create equipment and weapons using professions. There are thousands of new items. Players want to easily sell unnecessary items and buy essential items. This is what the auction is for.

The system of auctions in the game is simple (although you can't tell at first glance), but at the same time, it is quite effective. This system can be roughly divided into three parts: the Alliance auction, the Horde auction and the neutral auction, which can be used by representatives of both factions. There is an auction in every major city (capital) of the Horde and Alliance. All auctioneers of one faction have friendly relations, therefore the system is the same for the whole faction: goods exhibited in one city can be purchased in another. The neutral auction was created to carry out trade between factions - the goods put up for it can be purchased not only by your friends, but also by opponents. The mediation is carried out by neutral goblins, which can be found in Pirate Cove and Gadgetzan.

To sell or buy a product, the player must contact the auctioneer. You can find it by asking for directions from the city guard.

Buying items


The first tab - "View" is used to buy items. You can enter the name (in whole or in part) of the required product ("Name" field), if you are looking for something specific, or specify the search area using filters.

There are many ways to filter results. In the left vertical column there is a filter that allows you to select the type of item you are looking for - for example, "Weapons" or "Reagents". In some points there are drop-down filters that allow you to further refine your search, for example "Weapons" - "Staves".

There are other filters at the top of the auction window. Here you can set the quality of the item (rare, epic, etc.) and the range of levels (keep in mind that item levels are different from the character level). If you check the box "Suitable", then you will see, taking into account the other set filters, only items that can be used by the character at the moment.

You can also use the "Name" field in conjunction with the above filters, for example, specify a part of the name of the item you are looking for.

The resulting search results can be sorted by all available categories: quality, price, term, seller, item level.


You can purchase the product you find immediately. Newbies are often confused by two lines with the price of one item. However, this is the most common way to sell items in WoW. The top line in this case means the size of the bet, and the bottom line is the size of the buyback. You can place a bet on this lot, or immediately redeem it - the buttons of the same name are in the lower left part of the window. If you buy a product, it will immediately come to your mail and the character will be able to use it. If you decide to place a bid, the specified amount of money will be debited from you, but you will receive the goods only when the trading period expires (12, 24 or 48 hours) and only if no one interrupts your bid or buys the goods back during this time ... In this case, the wagered money will be returned to your mail.

Selling items

The third tab is used to sell items: "Lots". Select the item in the inventory that you want to put up for sale and drag it to a special window on the "Lots" tab. There you can also set the bid and buyout price, the duration of the auction. You can choose the size of the "bundle" - the number of items in one lot and the number of "bundles" - the total number of lots. The price can also be set for a unit of goods, or for the entire bundle at once. The listing of goods is completed by clicking the "Announce auction" button.


When displaying most of the goods, auctioneers take a deposit from the seller, which depends on the value of the lot. If your product finds a buyer, the amount of the deposit will be sent to you by mail along with the money received. If there is no buyer, you will not receive the deposit back.

If someone buys your product, its appearance in the "Lots" tab will change slightly to show that this item has already been purchased. There you will also see after what time the money from the sale will come to your mail. You can receive money only an hour after someone has purchased the item.

If no one has bought your product for the entire period (which you indicated when placing - 12, 24, 48 hours), the product will be returned to your mail


A small commission is charged on goods sold, which is deducted from the money received by the seller. The commission amount is 5% for regular auctions and 10% for neutral ones. Thus, when planning the price of a product, you should remember that in the end you will earn 5% less money. For example, if your item sold for 1,000 gold, you only get 950.

Cancellation of lots

If for some reason you change your mind about selling the item at the auction, you can always cancel the lot. To do this, in the "Lots" tab, select the desired item from the listings and click the "Cancel auction" button at the bottom right. If the auction is canceled, you will not receive the deposit back.

Auction addons

To facilitate and automate the work with the auction, many different add-ons have been created. The most popular are presented below:

  • Auctioner and Auctionator: great add-ons for working with the auction. They will be useful mainly for those who plan to make good money selling and reselling things.
  • Auction Profit: a small add-on that calculates the profit from the sale of all items you exhibited and displays it at the bottom of the auction window.
  • Market Watcher: With this add-on, you can track price changes for certain products; the data is displayed in the form of graphs.

Login to the portal

We transfer things and gold through factions

Each server has 2 markets. Two economies, two types of values, and two groups of people most isolated from each other. Neutral auctions, comfortably located as far from civilization as they can be, in other words in Gadgetzan, Booty Bay and Everlook, are the only place where the Horde and Alliance can trade with each other, and this auction has steeper prices for business management.

The prices for the auction and the deposit are increased 3 times from the usual ones.

It is not necessary to say that the prices and location of auctions of neutral factions make the auctions of each faction the most convenient for doing business, based on this, the lion's share of all cases occurs precisely at auctions separate for two factions. Then why are auctions of neutral factions necessary? A smart person can use them to transfer things and money between factions for personal benefit.

Find out your market

First, let's chat about the possibilities. Now all realms, including PvP, allow players to create characters for both factions. Go and create yourself a twink of the opposite faction, run to the nearest town and watch the auction. You have the opportunity to choose from a variety of market branches, such as:

Items obtained from farming in Northrend (ore, plants, leather, enchant ingredients, crafted and unprocessed crystals, enchant scrolls)

Items obtained from farming in the Old World

Finished Sellable Items (Raid Consumables, Perpetual Armor / Weapon Enchantments, Crafted and Raw Crystals, Enchant Scrolls)

Pets, especially those that can only be taken by playing as a certain faction

Armor (epic, for twinks and swing)

Rare ingredients

I would advise you to start with what you already understand. If you can find more inexpensive ingredients for something that you can craft and implement, then this is an easy answer. And if you try to do something that you have never done under any circumstances, then get ready that it will be a real trial, so try to find the most profitable options.

Let's say you notice that there is a huge price difference between titanium ore at the Horde and Alliance auctions and you want to buy them at the Horde auctions and sell them (or use them) on the Alliance side.

Transfer is good

Transferring things from one faction to another sounds easy enough in theory. You need a buddy or a second account. In the domestic example, you need to run to the auction of the neutral faction, put the ore up for auction and ask your friend to purchase it for you, and later transfer it to your character for the Alliance.

Difficulties arise at a time when you need to reduce the auction team. This 15% can turn into something significant and you will also need to pay 5% at the auction of your faction. The only thing you have the opportunity to do in order to avoid this is to lower the price as much as it can be, say, to 1 silver.

Under such conditions, the working group will be minimal.

The only trouble that you have the opportunity to face is contained in the following. Let's say that a troll of the 1st level with the nickname Got Noob is at the auction of the neutral faction in Pirate Bay, which always updates the auction and takes bids like the domestic one faster than your friend will do. Who knows, maybe he also uses a bot.

Or maybe it has an easy low latency. It does not matter how he does it, since it is serious that we risk losing all domestic ore!

Here's the best answer against the snipers I've encountered. Your outfit doesn't matter here:

1. Sell copper ore for 1 bronze coin. It will be a domestic bouncy auction.

2. Under no circumstances do more than 1 auction at a time at the same time.

3. When the sniper reveals himself (taking ore from you or, if he is lucky, taking from you what you really worry about), finish everything. Close all auctions if you know what to do next, in particular:

In case you have a buddy and do not want to procrastinate, put your ore up for sale at a higher price, then you have a chance that it will pass the sniper's eyes.

If you have a second account and you have no trouble postponing for a second time - make a ticket informing about the sniper and do something second within a few hours.

If you are sure that he is a bot, then buy something inexpensive and stackable from the vendor. at one time I bought 4000 arrows for 20 silver and sold them for 40, and later the bot had to rake them out of the mail for half an hour. If you lose less than 15% percent on similar snipers, you still lose less than if you did it without risk.

Money transfer is carried out in a similar way. If you need to send money to your twink for another faction, you have the opportunity with a twink to put on sale a certain item for the amount that you want to take and purchase this item for your main character. But keep in mind, you will lose 15% of that amount due to commission.

Secondly, you have the opportunity to use the method I outlined above and implement the ore to get the initial amount of money. At a time when you have a certain amount on both the twink and the main character, then you will be able to constantly transfer things through factions instead of money at auctions of a neutral faction. The only thing it costs is time and snipers.

Getting to the auction

If you started as a twink of the opposite faction, then you most likely need to find a method to transfer a 1st level character to the auction of the neutral faction. Here is the easiest method:

Horde. Bringing a Horde character to the neutral faction auction is easy. Create an orc or troll, and in the starting area, find a place where you have the opportunity to jump into the river that runs west (to the left on the map).

You will probably aggro the crab and die. Then you can resurrect in Ratchet, get on a boat to Pirate Bay and that's it!

Alliance. Unfortunately, there is no small way. But this is the smallest of those that I know. Create a human, run to the Westfall and later, dying and resurrecting, run to the Pirate Bay.

Successful transfer of a character from one realm to another

I took an entertaining email from a reader looking for a way to transfer whole gold of his own to a new realm:

Relatively not so long ago, I transferred my own character to a new, not very populated realm, in order to try success in raiding in a new guild. It turned out that this was a very successful migration and I plan to stay on this server.

i had a decent amount of gold on a dilapidated realm, but I was able to transfer only 50 thousand to a character. And also after finishing how I did it, I still have a lot of unused gold left on the character. I'm going to transfer my twink to a new realm, and would like to find a method to transfer more gold with me.

Am I obliged to purchase all those expensive things that I can implement on the new realm? Should I be directed to create a guild in order to transfer it, tk. there is no limit of transferred money on it? Since the transfer of two characters is too expensive for me.

What is needed for this is Faction Arbitration. Also, arbitration through factions allows you to get money - in addition, if your goal is to transfer more money that you are allowed to transfer.

Limits for weaklings

You do not have the opportunity to transfer the amount of gold you need while you are transferring a character. I will not explain why, but the limits are set by Blizzard depending on the level. If you are above level 80, you can transfer more than 50 thousand gold. It seems to me that for most of the people this is completely normal, but it does not take quite a lot of work in order to get even more coins.

As indicated in the letter, one solution to the problem has already been discovered - the transfer of the guild, the gold limit of which is equal to the maximum probable amount of gold in the guild - 1 million gold.

Another plus: if your character has been a guild master for the required seven days, the transfer of the guild includes the transfer of the guild master. It costs another $ 10 to carry the guild with you, allowing you to carry as much gold as most players would never be able to take. In addition, it gives you enough storage space for various things that you can implement.

If you have the opportunity for this on your main realm, it will cost your nerves and your money.

Risks in arbitration

Take things cheaper on the main realm and sell them more expensively on the second one. It seems to be easy, and in general it is really easy. But you have the opportunity to face one of several troubles, depending on the resources that you have with you.

And based on this, you will need to find the best products for resale.

Finding the amount of gold in the inventory slot

The more compact you collect your equipment before transferring the character, the more you have the opportunity to get yourself money. The less money you wish to transfer, the less you have to worry about it, but if you pay an additional $ 10 to the guild, then you will seem to have significantly more space.

Any character has a bank with 26 slots in it and space for 7 additional bags of any size and type. In addition, we have a portfolio for 16 slots and 4 slots for bags on a domestic character. The more money you put in your bags (the more expensive and more bags you buy), the more space you will have. Be that as it may, the profit from each slot in particular is obliged to justify the price of each slot. This also applies to slots in the guild cell. They are inexpensive only at first glance.

At the end of a certain point, they become expensive so that the profit from the slots does not justify the cell price. But do not pay attention to this if you have the opportunity to spend a certain amount on it.

Divide the amount of gold that you get from the sale of things in slots by the number of slots and this will be the number of gold that falls on any slot of the inventory, i.e. bank, guild cells and your bags and your own inventory.

What is your profitability?

Once you have figured out how you should assemble your goods, you have the opportunity to start figuring out which specific goods to pick up in order to get the maximum amount of gold out of the second realm. If you only plan to trade chopper parts and vials of sand, then your options for steam are limited unless you have the ability to expand the number of free slots.

Profitability is a value that shows how huge income you have the opportunity to take by reselling things from one realm to the second. It is not simply a value that indicates the lowest price at the auction of the second realm minus the lowest price at the auction of the main realm. In addition, you need to take into account that you will need to pay 5% for the sale of the goods, and given that you may need to resell a couple of times, the percentage increases accordingly.

Also, if you bring with you a large enough amount of a product, then you are more likely to need to sell the last part of it much cheaper than the first. Of course, you have the opportunity to try to fix the situation by selling parts of the product with a long time wait, but then you will still need to change prices. Also, the most compact and profitable product - things that become personal when dressing, in most cases always get cheaper.

You will need to find a balance between the required costs, your resources on the main realm and the final profit for this to work.

Combination of payment capacity

Items that you may soon be able to implement include: armor, essentials, pets and the like. Most of the items you will need to wait to sell are mounts and pets. Try to find a balance in combining soon-to-be-realized things with things that take some time to sell, so that you are always with the money and have a certain amount for the future, just in case.

In general, you need to find things that will not become obsolete or unnecessary, or expand the ability to supply these things over time. Two good examples of these are items from the Blackmourne quest and rare mounts that won't kill a lot of monsters to get these mounts in the next update.

Do not skip studying under any circumstances

I don't know what I would do without Undermine Journal. In addition, there is no need to say that if you understand the historical price change for both realms for both factions, then you can save a lot of time. In addition, you will be able to find the most prosperous players, who may want to purchase the necessary goods from you in bulk directly, which will also save you a lot of time, and you will not have to pay the auction working group in the form of 5% of the item price.

In order to make such searches even more commonplace, you have the opportunity to visit different categories on Undermine Journal, of course, visit the pages of the second realms in order to compare prices with auctions on the second realms. Categories can be found by hovering over enhancements or consumables on the website in the Menu block, after selecting the required realm.