
Vitaly lozovoy all about life in prison. Vitaly Lozovsky and his seminar “Practical Religion - the inner mechanics of gaining integrity. Vitaly Lozovsky - all about life in prison

The history of the book

The history of writing is associated with both the form and the style of presentation, somewhat unusual for books - the narrative is interspersed with questions, comments, responses (not always positive) from readers, my answers to them. What can you do - the Internet is being woven into our lives more and more ...

I tried, it was, to present this book without letters ... But it did not work ... Here is how one of the readers wrote:

Hello dear Vitaly!

Of course, letters are needed. When you read the published letters, everything seems to me so real that at some moments "the hair stands on end!"

I am a simple engineer. And about prisons, the prisoners knew only from films and books. And I always thought that everything that happens in prisons is all within the law, well, somewhere there is a small overkill, but not on such a scale !!! And what is described in the letters is just a NIGHTMAR !!! I'd like to know the TRUTH, and it is "firsthand!"

You probably think that I am one of those to whom only "bread and circuses", but this is not so. What you write about is the TRUTH OF LIFE! And for that, thanks to you and your letter writers!

Best regards, Oleg I.

But there was a clear advantage in such writing - each subsequent chapter was written under the influence of feedback from readers, they expressed their wishes and gave assessments, thus suggesting the right direction and style to me. The statistics of the number of subscribers, which, sometimes to my surprise, constantly grew, gave me more and more confidence that I was doing the right thing. For which many thanks to all.

A word from Alexey Pavlov

Vitaly Lozovsky's work is an unparalleled attempt to systematize knowledge about prison, and I must say right away - a successful attempt, with outstanding results. The complexity, closeness and inaccessibility for studying prison life, like the planet Mars, left it in frightening obscurity for a long time, while, according to various estimates, from every fourth to every tenth inhabitant of the CIS were or are in prisons. The experience of a person who had gone through the repressive system of post-Soviet prisons and zones, combined with the author's analytical and generalizing talent, was needed in order to truthfully show the terrible parallel world in which, unfortunately, everyone can have a place. The photographic nature and veracity of the material are confirmed by numerous participants in the discussion organized by the author on the Internet. Vitaly's work has no shortcomings, due to the fact that the author, having passed through prisons and zones, being a direct participant in the events, remained an attentive observer, and everything he writes about is true. Lozovsky's book opens the way for scientific, social and philosophical studies of the life of the prison and its inhabitants, while the human rights aspect inevitably manifests itself in itself and becomes one of the main aspects of this multifaceted, complex as a prisoner's life, work, which cannot be overestimated, as it is impossible not to foresee burning interest of the reading public in the work - a work unique in content and form, the first of its kind. This book will be a reliable assistant on the path to life and freedom for every prisoner and free person, whether he goes to prison himself or due to the lack of a legal framework in the post-Soviet space, or not at all. V good hour, Vitaly.

"It should have been wrong"

Prague, 2004


A prison is a place where space is scarce

compensated by excess free time

Folk wisdom

And on my own behalf, I will add - if you get stuck on the first and cannot use the second, this will be a period of time erased from your life.

The second thing I would like to say is that everything, including your position in prison, is determined by your personal strength, your worldview. And the only thing that can (and should) be done is to increase the level of this very force, getting rid of bugs in your mind. Everything else is fairy tales. This theme will run, as it is customary to write, as a red thread through my entire narrative, leading both readers and me to freedom. Freedom of spirit. Therefore, as a subtitle for the Internet project, I have chosen the following phrase: "Intensive preparation for freedom."

For those who do not quite share (do not share at all) such a point of view, there will also be a lot of practical information, which will form the bulk of this guide entitled "How to survive and usefully spend time in prison."

For the savvy, I immediately explain that by the term "prison" I mean the entire period of imprisonment - the bullpen, the prison itself (SIZO), stages, camps.

If I had read such a book before my imprisonment, I probably would have perceived many things differently. (although I would hardly have read it then and it would hardly have changed the essence of the lessons that had to be passed ...), so we will take as an epigraph for our opus:

"Forewarned is forearmed"

"Knowledge is power,

and consciousness is freedom"

Dedicated to my family -

wife Larisa, our parents, sons Victor and Dmitry,

for whom this period was probably

much more test than it was for me.

So, in this Course I will:

Describe all the stages and situations typical for any prison and anyone who gets there

Tell all sorts interesting stories from the life of convicts

Dispel (dispel) myths about prison

Give specific practical advice such as "how to light a cigarette from the socket", "how to boil a mug of water with the help of one newspaper", how to arrange your personal diet and exercise regime, how not to get sick and how to be treated, where to spread straws, how to resolve issues with the administration etc.

And also, by the way, I will touch on the topic "how to spend time with benefit" - which, in my opinion, is translated only as "learn the right lessons", "become stronger" - things that are necessary not only in prison

Most of this narration will be devoted to the prison - the pre-trial detention center (SIZO), since this is the most extreme - the maximum deprivation and suffering, from which, with the right direction of efforts, you can extract the maximum benefit.

For reference - in Russia there are about 1 million people in places of imprisonment, in Ukraine - 250 thousand, in other fraternal countries, too. In percentage terms, this is about 0.6% in Russia and Kazakhstan, 0.5% in Belarus, 0.4% in Ukraine. Depending on the region, this figure can go up to 1-1.5%. In general, this leads to the fact that life path about 10% of the population passes through prison corridors, lokalki, punishment cells - and this is not a lot, not a little, but more than 20 million people who understand Russian. And if the presidential candidate of Ukraine had 2 trips behind him, then what can I say ...

A little bit about yourself

A little about yourself and your competence in this issue... Now I am 38, family, children, served 3 years (sentenced to five, released under an amnesty). When he was accepted, he was 32, he left, respectively, at 35. Another 2 years before that he was on the wanted list.

Of these three years, he spent 2 in prisons (4 in Russia and 7 in Ukraine), a year in a high-security camp in Ukraine. Convicted of embezzlement on an especially large scale and illegal currency transactions (by the way, I did not admit myself guilty and do not admit it, but that is another story. Although, to be honest, now it bothers me very little). Most known under the name Doctor - by education I am a doctor.

Issue No. 7 of 10/19/2006 13:51:16 PM

Vitaly Lozovsky and his seminar "Practical Religion - the inner mechanics of gaining integrity"

After getting to know me, with the main focus of the seminars and their venue, I will introduce you to the presenters and their seminars. The nearest seminar - Vitaly Lozovsky.

Vitaly Lozovsky

Entrepreneur, founder of the Fight Club (BC), the Intensive Preparation for Freedom (ICPS) Internet school, the main goal of which was to share the experience of gaining integrity, getting rid of fear and life and in love. Vitaly conducts seminars according to his own method in Kiev, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Almaty. Created and conducts the IKPS correspondence course with the same goals.

My acquaintance with him and with Fight Club began with a review published in the mailing list of the School of my Cause. Feedback on the training where people get rid of fear and so on. I got interested, went to the site. Yes, I need it. But something else caught on.

I was scared because there you will have to fight. Wow - go somewhere, where for your own money you will be instructed to bruise :). It's hard to imagine more idiocy, right? Of course, there is some kind of philosophical and psychological background, but the main thing is sparring.

I'm scared. But on my own skin, I realized: what you are afraid should be done without delay... When I was setting up my first business, I was scared to hell with negotiating. Then I set aside a week - and I did nothing but that. The fear quickly passed and already on the 2nd day I got great results. Grew up over himself, like horseradish over the grass :).

And here - a real fight. Sparring. Stra-a-ashno! My wife and I had only 1,700 rubles to live on, and the training cost 1,500. Nevertheless, I made a decision: I'm going! I told my wife about it, she looked at me like that ...

Well, like a real man who Not only functions like a typical husband, some such, such ... Everyone remembers such views - these little triumphs. Just for this you can do a lot, and even more so to go to a seminar. :)

There were no doubts about the correctness of the choice.

At first there was a little theory and "fearless" practice :), and then - the long-awaited battles. Has everyone watched the movie "Fight Club"? This is how I imagined everything to myself, but reality, as always, turned out to be kinder than fantasy :). Now a little theory:

Practice before the fight: feel yourself, your body

We can observe our body, which means that we are not only our body.
We can observe our thoughts. So we are not only our thoughts.
We can observe our feelings. So we are not only our feelings.

Who, then, am I if I am not a body, not thoughts or feelings? Who is this "I" who observes as if from the outside or from within, whatever you like?

Before the fight, there was a training in self-awareness: the feeling of one's body, from arms and legs to the whole body, to sounds, a breath of the wind, to sensations on the skin. Awareness of everything.

Combat practice: feel, be aware of yourself in everything

Do not "get lost" in concentration, but be, be present in everything.

In ordinary life, consciousness simply sleeps, waking up only in critical situations. Then people say that "as if the whole life flew before their eyes," "time slowed down," etc. Fight is the training of a conscious life. A critical situation is awakening your sleeping awareness.

Of course, fighters do not watch their lives "like in a movie", but time will slow down. In a very short moment, I managed to assess the situation, make decisions, apply it, evaluate the success, feel and reflect on the consequences.

This is unprecedented speed for an ordinary, unconscious life, in which from assessing the situation to considering the consequences years may pass... For me, it often did not even come to making decisions - so rarely did I live in consciousness, taking responsibility for my decisions.

By the way, I (others too) felt during the battle that they were fighting ... with myself. Just think that I want to carry out a series of punches in order to hit the opponent's hands (he puts blocks), to break through to the body - as he does the same! My fight was the first. Review of my “opponent” (starts with “The first review from a BC participant in Moscow”). I can subscribe to almost everything that he wrote :). Read other reviews as well - you won't regret it.

After meeting Fight Club - I began to live more consciously... As it was before ... I lived in a plastic bag with bananas in my ears :).

The world surprised me with colors, sounds, smells... And in all this I am alive and feeling. After the meeting, my wife and I went for a walk in the park. She immediately noticed the changes: I am more lively, energetic. More loving.

Awareness is probably beyond words. Recently, I started to train her again. And I will teach you. :)

You will probably say: the issue is about the presenter, but he writes his experiences a year and a half ago. I will explain later why this is the case :).

I organized and conducted the second BC meeting myself... It was asked to lead by the participants of the ADJ project in Petrozavodsk, knowing that I was at a meeting of the Fight Club.

It happened 1 day before my arrival in the city. I wrote a messy letter to Vitaly asking for advice on how to do it better. I read his answer after it was over.

I told the introductory part, did the mindfulness exercise. After that, there were sparring sessions. We kicked up dust on the shores of Lake Onega, bruising each other. As it turned out, almost all of them trained with Valery Alexandrovich (their reviews -), to whom I will devote several subsequent issues. :)

The first fight gave me a lot of awareness in life. The second fight - freed from some illusions. He showed me that I am still a coward and do not finish even successful attacks. Combat is a fast projection of life. What, then, “in the world” do I bury successful and courageous projects under my fears and doubts?

The third fight I had happened because of my unrestrained word. I promised to quit smoking and did not quit. Then we went to fight. This fight prompted my sensitivity.

I suddenly began to notice that smokers do not just smell. They stink unbearably. Even from clothes. This helped me a lot. Not only did I quit smoking, I started a 20-day fast :).

In August this year, I organized a BC meeting in Karelia. This was the first and last meeting of the Fight Club. But, the Fight Club did not cease to exist - it just became one of the events of the seminar "".

On the way from the airport to the place of the last BC meeting, I asked Vitaly: "What is Practical Religion?" And I got something like this answer: “This is the beginning of the path to yourself. Through understanding, through taking full responsibility for your life. This is the awareness of life - not in words, but in practice, through the achievement of results, quality improvements. "

"Damn, so - this is what I'm doing now!" - I exclaimed :).

Let's sum up

This seminar is kind of - accelerator of your life... If you could not “start your life anew” for a long time, or decide to make some changes. Does something scare you in life, in love, in business?

For many, this seminar is an irreversible way to begin to feel the colors of life, to realize themselves and take responsibility for their lives, and not just another crutch.

There are also such seminars, after which a person, like a balloon with a whistle inflated by someone - flies, whistles, but inevitably deflates. What will happen here with 6 to 8 October is different. You yourself will change for the better, not just in words :). And your loved ones will feel it.

This is possible only here - to quickly see yourself from the outside, to see how you behave in life.

There will be battles too, not without it. Come in pairs: your woman will love you. In the end (women will confirm) seeing your man during a fight is very ... very ... even sexy :)

Especially if they are used to seeing you connected to a dropper machine. I mean - in front of a TV set with beer :).

I will provide30% discountyour companion. Renewal of old feelings, a new surge in relationships - guaranteed... This will be reinforced to a large extent by the venue. The unique nature of the south of Karelia works flawlessly :).

It seems that the issue turned out to be a bit masculine. It is not: this workshop for both men and women. I described only one part of the seminar - Fight Club.


You don't have to prepare for the seminar. But those who prepare in advance will be more effective. On this page you can download the free part of the first lesson of Vitaly Lozovsky's Internet course. The first two exercises will be preparation.

PS: I described only one part of the workshop - Fight Club. What will be besides will be much more than what is described. Here's a surprise with a riddle :).

PPS: Oddity: I wrote an issue, but I could not send it. Something is wrong here, probably - I forgot something. Of course - I forgot!


The next seminar "Practical Religion - the inner mechanics of gaining integrity" will take place not with us.

September 22-24 in Kiev there will be a three-day meeting, the first in a new format. We will have a second one.

The work of Vitaly Lozovsky "How to survive and spend time with benefit in prison" has become a real guide for prisoners. In the contents, you can find the answer to any question that worries both prisoners serving long sentences and newcomers.

The inexplicable work of the writer

The writer Vitaly Lozovsky was born in 1966. Despite his medical education, he was carried away by the stories of people who passed a serious life test - imprisonment. At first, the writer led a forum for a long time, where he answered questions, supported and simply communicated with people who were in such a difficult situation. His forum was very popular among those who were in prison for a long time, and those who just entered this terrible atmosphere of the zone.

In 1998, Vitaly Lozovsky goes on a "journey" - he decides to visit several prisons. By mid-2001, he visited more than 12 Russian and Ukrainian prisons and colonies. These visits made a strong impression on him, and in 2004 the writer published his work "How to survive and spend time usefully in prison."

For many people who have ever encountered the work of the writer, it remains a mystery: what caused such an unhealthy interest in the world behind a concrete wall?

Vitaly Lozovsky - all about life in prison

The writer Lozovsky worked long and hard on his creation. Already in 2010, the book "How to survive and usefully spend time in prison" was published. It became the first part of Lozovsky's work in a series called "Instinct".

Vitaly Lozovsky's book is voluminous in its content: it consists of articles that the writer first published on his website. The work by genre is a collection of reference materials for the survival of those who have to endure such a difficult life test of endurance.

Handbook as a result of strange research

This book, unique in its genre, is the result of a study of the lives of people deprived of their freedom and the measures that the authorities are taking to preserve state order. The work very vividly describes the feelings and emotions of people who once stumbled and made a mistake that cost them their freedom.

Lozovsky tells the stories of prisons, describes the interpretation of all prison "suits", gives advice on how to behave in various situations, such as beatings, torture and the like, accurately explains all the everyday rules of the prison world, explains the important components of life behind bars.

Vitaly Lozovsky. Continuation books

Since the book How to Survive and Spend Time Usefully in Prison became the first component of the publication that gained popularity, Lozovsky continued his work. The second part of this handbook was the "Intensive Preparation for Freedom" for those who had very little time before release. This course contains the rules of conduct for those who have recently "left" the zone. The writer Vitaly Lozovsky described in detail all the subtleties of the outside world, clearly explained social norms and the unwritten laws of morality.

The next step of the writer Vitaly Lozovsky in helping prisoners was the creation of the "Fight Club" trainings, the purpose of which was to defeat the fear of outside world with the help of a specially selected program of physical training and psychological impact on a person. The passage of just one course of such trainings assumes that a person will be able to continue living the same life, despite the fact that the past years cannot be erased from memory.

Vitaly Lozovsky, born in 1966 .. I live in Kiev.

For a long time, I did not consider myself to be any different from the majority. It seems that this was facilitated by the fact that from the 8th grade I went to a special boarding school for especially smart ones and there was a mass of peers around me who significantly surpassed me in analytical abilities.

Every year at least a dozen of them won all-Union and international Olympiads in physics, mathematics, chemistry. I realized that something was wrong here already at the institute, where they were admitted, as it turned out, not always because of their abilities and knowledge, but also because of pull and money (which was also a revelation for me :). By the way, I would simply be afraid to seek help from at least half of my fellow students, who have now become doctors.

The delusion lasted even longer that everyone knows what understanding is. I took it for granted that everyone in one form or another had the experience of gaining understanding, illumination, insight - an abrupt expansion of consciousness, getting rid of fear, delusion, when a thought pierces your whole being and you no longer need words - you just know ...

This came at the age of already over 30, in prison (the site All about life in prison about that period), where there was a lot of time for communication, observation, where suffering goes off scale to the extreme and which turned out to be incredibly rich in terms of the gained understandings. Then for the first time I began to more or less systematically try to share my understanding. And as it turned out, the overwhelming majority do not understand at all what they are talking about.

Among the majority of the rest who had something like this, it was usually perceived as a gift from above, a divine revelation, or just a rare piece of luck. On the basis of one such revelation, they built their whole life, taught others, wrote books, considered themselves God's chosen ones. And only a few people have had this repeatedly, and some of them have come to the conclusion that understanding is the result of a certain effort. This means that it can be achieved quite deliberately over and over again.

In other words, enlightenment, insight, understanding, awareness, like everything else in the world, is a material process, a consequence of well-defined reasons. In other words, it is a process of transition from quantity to quality. When certain efforts, energy, upon reaching a critical mass, passes into a new quality that changes the quality of our being - behavior, reactions, values, postures, voice, gait, gaze, attitude of others towards us.

This is confirmed by one of the signs of true understanding - having understood something once, it is no longer possible to understand. How does it differ from borrowed, learned knowledge that can be forgotten.

So - the most important question turns out to be WHAT SHOULD BE DONE in order to gain understanding, i.e. his own, not someone else's knowledge.

Having discovered this, having found this very philosopher's stone, I began to share this. And I think the main thing in the meetings of the Fight Club is not getting rid of any particular fear - physical collision, conflict, but the acquisition of technology, how to do it later. How generally to gain an understanding of what and how to do this.

Without such knowledge, any conscious development is impossible and the results obtained from long and strenuous efforts can be easily lost and will still be lost. They will be killed by our own fear of losing their achievements.

By analogy with entrepreneurship, only those who are not afraid of losing their business will achieve results in business without turning their lives into a hell of fears, doubts, and vanity. And the one who knows how to start a business from scratch is not afraid, did it and is sure that he can do it again at any time.